Race: Human
Sex: Female
Place of Origin: A village in feudal Japan that Kouga's wolves demolished.
Age: Between 7 and 10, by my guess.
Occupation: Following Sesshoumaru around.
Weapons: None.
Attacks: None.
Strenghts: Her loyalty to Sesshoumaru. She does learn to talk, as well. That's a strength.
Weaknesses: She's a little girl traveling around with a demon. She's not strong bodily at all.
Raiments: A cute little orange kimono with a black pattern.
Transportation: Walking or riding Ah-Un with Sesshoumaru..
General Physical Description: Young, short, shoulder-length black hair that she wears a little of in a high ponytail on the right side of her head, brown eyes. She's a cute little girl.
Personality: Happy, once she's with Sesshoumaru and speaking again. It's amazing, considering that her parents were killed by bandits and her foster village was killed by wolves...as was she, once.
Hobbies: Following...Sesshoumaru...around...playing with Jaken, walking Ah-Un around to eat grass.
Friends: Sesshoumaru and Jaken, I guess. Also Ah-Un.
Crushes: If she was older, maybe Sesshoumaru. But she's not.
Quote: Okay I'm putting in a funny circumstance: When Sesshoumaru tells her not to move in one episode, she's in the middle of a run towards him, and she literally stops in her tracks and doesn't move a muscle until he tells her that she can.