NEWSLETTER 2 | ||||||||||||||||
THE "PROBE" IS HERE The PROBE is universal, erotic, sexual energy used for time traveling, pulsar riding and telepathic unification.. It has a scorpion North Node. |
So, lets laugh at the monsters standing there with egg splattered all over their faces. They tried to pull off a "big lie" and got caught. When I discovered the multitudes of confermations to my earliest convictions, I wanted to tell everyone I saw , that they were being deceived by the illusions we were programed to accept as reality. You discover that the George Washingtons and the Ben Franklins of the world, were some of the worst demons imaginable. But they were Lodge Brothers, along with the other REPTILIAN LODGE BROTHERS of the WESTERN WORLD, so they were promoted as the good guys by the REPTILIAN WORLD MANAGEMENT TEAM. With continued reaearch you discover that the EGYPTIANS never enslaved the JEWS nor anyone else. But rather the Jew were the ones who enslaved the EGYPTIANS instead, for a period of two hundred years. You also find out that the PASSOVER has nothing to do with DEATH ANGLES, smearring blood upon the door fronts houses of the EGYPTIAN PEOPLE, and the Jew making their Exodus out of Egypt, but rather that; it is a celebration of the entering of SPRING TIME, passing over from the death of winter. This ceremony has been celebrated over the entire indigenous world of the planet, for countless thousands of years. The EXODUS story in the Bible is a fraud, as are most of its other stories, made up by the Levi Priesthood. Individuals and nations of people will commit the most atrocious lies, in order to further their own agendas. I am of the opinion that we call these offenders out onto the carpet, in front of an audience, whenever we discover their unadulterated lies. It is unfortunate that we have allowed these lies to go unchecked for too long. They have found their way into the accepted beilef systems, by which we construct our civilizations, laws, religions, relationships, etc., when in essence; these lies should be cursed and spat upon. "THE PROBE" It is the ANALOGICS from ARCTURUS, who have introduced the PROBE into this galaxy. It is the art of using the universe's voluminous erotic energy, for the purpose of time traveling, pulsar riding and telepathic unification. Becoming immersed into darkness, results from being blinded to the fact that, the universe is composed of highly erotic, orgasmic and melanated energy. The higher degree Masons are aware of this fact and subsequently use "perverted sex" to summon their demonic, reptilian parents from the bowels of the Earth. The early Christan Church projected anti sexual attitudes, because it was a way of disempowering the masses. Shtting the humans down and then murdering the priests who knew Christ and Mary Magdalene were husband and wife who bore children upon the planet, was the game they played. Ascribing celebasy to Jesus Christ, is what the Church did to the ficticious "god" they made up. After all, you can't have your "god" going around having filthy sex, when you are a dominating, controling beast, out to shut down this liberating force, via the farytails you have fabricated. The stiff, emotionaless, European concepts imposed upon the religions created by the Lizzies, such as, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are mere lower level human misconception about the universe and its funcitons. It is an ignorant savage who attempts to gesture at being religiously, sophisticated, in a cerbrial fashion. Being devoid of emotions and sensual erotism, detaches one from universal reality and dumps one into illusionary deceptions. The Arcturian Analogics say it like this: "A planted or rooted vegtable body means that it is embedded in its enviroment. Collectively with other vegatable bodies it forms a family system. The purpose of the family system is to cultivate evermore intricate levels of intimacy, and from this intimacy, dare to go to greater levels of erotic arousal." The Arcturians go on to say: "As a seventh sensory stellar power, we Arcturians possess unique capacities. Your star, Helios-Kinich Ahau (the Sun) is potentially a sixth stellar sense power, we are a seventh. The difference between our two levels is not of magnitude, but of function. When we talk about stellar sense powers, remember that the galaxy is "the Mother", a living organism of inconceivable power and capacity for pleasure. Stars are the fiery pinpoints in the organs of the Mother, which pulse between them, the waves of excitation and pleasure. But pleasure is not a single, monotone quality. Pleasure is multiple, and possesses many levels and forms of stimuli, more than can be imagined." Western religions denounces the pleasure principle and consequently denounces the universe itself. These religious institutions use Jehovah's Deathfear Projection, to intimidate their subjects into the fear of dying into oblivion, if they are disobedent to their institution's precepts and concepts of, "thou shalt not." The will of a slave submits to such bafoonery, regardless of how fat the slave's bank account is. Blame it on the 12:60 beam Jehovah shot into our ionisphere. From this paradigm one can understand why the Vatican and the other major religions have had to murder so many countless millions of people for thousands of years, to enforce the will of the Lizzies, these religious institutions serve. It is a travesty against the human creation. These institutions fear Light Bears will motivate the ignorant masses, to awaken and stomp these monsters into a oblivion. We have forgetten that we would forget on the third dimensional level. But that is okay. The divine plan of moving the universe and its heavenly bodies upwards, to higher frequencies at this particular time in the season, is the current agenda for graduating the LOST WORLDS of the galaxy, into conscious ones. |
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