
Pay It Forward

`A`ohe lokomaika`i i nele i ke pânai.
No kind deed has ever lacked its reward.

What is "Pay It Forward"?

It is a star-studded movie with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment. But it is far more than that.  It is a powerful love story about people, perfect strangers, coming together in a way that empowers them all. 

"Pay it Forward" is a chain reaction of goodness.  It is Aloha in action. You do a kindness that helps someone and tell him or her not to pay it back, but to pay it forward to three other people who, in turn, each pay it forward to three more.

As the young boy in the movie describes it:

 “It's doing something for somebody that they can’t do for themselves. 

You just have to do that three times and the people you help each do it three times, then it gets bigger. It goes from three to nine to 27 and on and on and on.”

Graphic, courtesy of www.centralsingapore.org

If you wish to learn more about this movie, available as a video/DVD rental, click here:  Pay It Forward: The Movie.  I've written about my personal experience with the movie elsewhere on the 'Net and you wish to read it, that chronicle may be accessed here.

  • I'd like to "pay it forward" to you by bringing Moe Keale into your life. 

  • I'd like to "pay it forward" to you by sharing Moe's music with you. 


  • I'd like to "pay it forward" by sharing the "ALOHA Is..." lesson with you. 

  • I'd like to "pay it forward" by inspiring you to join Moe in weaving a lei of Aloha around the world. 

  • I'd like to "pay it forward" by inspiring you to "pay it forward."




© 2003