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Photo stream

Artwork of A Andrew Gonzalez

What is this map trying to say about the Middle East?!

People who backpack through Europe often stick to the Western, and more expensive part, but miss out on so much by skipping Eastern Europe, which is also ridiculously less expensive.


buddy icon Posted by TheOneDave from Flickr.

He's just so an evil mass murdering kind of way

Small towns and leaving your door open aren't too common in America, but they're beautiful if you can find them.


buddy icon Posted by Yogi  from Flickr.

Can't stop the Pope; he's just the man


Self Pictures

Me about to bust some heads with my swords in the The Other - Othello

This is me before all the hair...

And here's a picture of me after - taken from The Rover

Me and lovely Juliet following Romeo & Juliet

A picture of me and friends at my junior ring ceremony

A picture of me enjoying a drink at the junior/senior powderpuff game