.Soon everyone was exhausted and sweaty from dancing. They all moved to lounge on the couch and floor. Marissa took a seat next to Davie of course and had to restrain a squeal when he put his arm around her. Katie and Spot remained where they had been sitting, their blue eyes never leaving each other. Kerry, of course, had taken residence on one of the boy’s laps. Itey (HAHA forgot he was there again, didn’t ya?) was the unlucky fellow this time. As much as he squirmed and hinted Kerry would not release him. He even resorted to begging at one point, but resistance was futile. Molly had plopped down in the slightly broken (hehe okay a lot broken…it all leans to one side..which isnt necessarily bad for this story…) two-seating couch. She was happily surprised when Jack immediately sat down next to her. He, was truly shocked when the couch gave a bang and tipped towards his side. Molly had to laugh at the bewildered face he gave. (Okay I’m nooot saying he’s fat…my couch really does this even to small little people because its all broke!) "Don’t worry, Jack. It does that all the time," she assured him. Jack smiled at her, but slid onto the floor The group sat and talked about anything that popped into their minds. They listened to music and most of the time was very enjoyable. But, awkward silences sometimes intruded into their conversations, causing everyone to be uncomfortable. Soon, however, they were broken by a smart-ass remark from one of the members of the "party" and the lively banter continued. Everyone was surprised when the phone ran at 10 PM. "Who is calling me now?" Molly asked. "Just let it ring," Marissa suggested. "What if it’s one of your guys’ parents? They probably wouldn’t be too happy if we did that, and I doubt they would assume that we were in bed by 10," Molly pointed out. "Good point," Marissa said jumping up and running to get the phone before Molly could. "Molly’s secretary here. May I ask who’s calling?" (Squibble you would soo do something like that!!) There was a short pause before she said, "Yeah, hang on, I’ll get her." Then, "Katie, it’s your mom." Katie groaned and slowly got up from her comfortable place that was considerably closer to Spot than it had been earlier in the evening. "Yeah, mom?…I know I shoulda called…Yeah…uh huh…Hey mom would it be okay if I stayed at Molly’s tonight?….No, you can’t….they are on vacation…It’s just Molly, Marissa, Kerry and I….But, Marissa gets to spend the whole weekend…yeah…of course not….okay…okay…Thanks mom you’re the best! Bye!" (the …’s are when Katie’s mom is talking if ya didn’t get that…SLOW) "Okay, I get to stay," Katie informed everyone. "Aww…ain’t dat cute. She’s got parents dat care," Racetrack quipped. (hehe yay quipped…quipster…yeah okay im going to stop…) "Race…shut up," Spot commanded. Race grumbled under his breath but made no more patronizing comments. Katie smiled at Spot and quickly went to go sit by him. "Ya know…I’se gettin’ a little tired," Spot said, with a fake yawn. Molly started to say, "Well, if ya wanna go ta sleep…" But then, noticing Spot put his head on Katie’s lap she realized she was being a slow as Davie. Katie looked a little embarrassed, but happy. She winked at Marissa while she thought Spot wasn’t looking. Unfortunately, she was wrong. "I saw dat," Spot said, smirking. "I don’t know what you’re talking about," Katie said, looking at him innocently. "Yeah, ya do," Spot insisted. Katie just smiled, refusing to admit he was right. Itey was still struggling under Kerry and looking to his friends for help. Sadly, none of the guys were willing to divert Kerry since it would mean having to sacrifice their own laps. Jack finally took pity on the poor boy. He whispered, "Hey, can I talk ta ya ovah der?" to Molly before leading her into the other room. "Yeah, I guess…" Molly said already being led away. "What’s up?" "I was jest wonderin’…well…don’t take dis da wrong way…but I got me boys ta protect..an’" Jack explained, poorly. "Umm…spit it out Jack. What’s wrong?" Molly prodded. "Is der any way ya can get rid a dat Kerry goil? I know she’s yer friend…but…I think she’s kinda scarin’ me boys, not ta mention me." Molly burst out laughing. "Come upstairs with me, okay?" "Uhh…shoah," Jack said following her towards the stairs. "Hey, where are you guys goin’?" Blink asked, noticing their departure. "Umm…I’m going to show Jack something upstairs. I’ll be right back," Molly said, not wanting to divulge her secret plan. "Oh…I get it…show him somethin’…WAY TA GO JACK!" Blink yelled out. It was shortly followed by Mush and Racetrack joining in. "Gawd, nothing like that!" Molly said. "Get that out of your minds, dirty boys!" "Shoah, Molly. Shoah dat ain’t what yer gunna do," Racetrack joked. Molly rolled her eyes. "Do I seem like the shy type to you? Umm…no didn’t think so. If I was going to jump Jack don’t you think I would tell everyone? Yeah…that’s what I thought…DIRTY BOYS!" "Good point," Racetrack said, still not convinced. Molly just rolled her eyes again and continued her journey upstairs with a confused Jack following her. Racetrack, Mush, and Blink, looking for someone new to make fun of, focused in on Davie’s conversation with Marissa. "So, you just randomly go into a New York accent?" Davie was asking her confused. "Well, I watched da movie a lot, an’ all. It sorta comes an’ goes. Hey! Don’t look at me like dat, Quipstah does it too!" she claimed. Davie still looked at her oddly. "But, you aren’t from New York?" "No. I’m from Ohio. It’s jest somethin’ I picked up…I don’t decide when I use it an’ when I don’t. I ain’t…isn’t me fault!" The three stooges had busted out laughing by then. Davie turned and glared at them. "Can I ask what is so funny?" "Yeah, we was waitin’ fer ya too," Mush told him. "Well, then what is so funny?" Davie reiterated. "We jest fine it amusin’ as hell dat yer goil has an accent an’ you don’t. You’se been livin’ in New Yawk all yer life an’ still don’t talk normal an’ Marissa who ain’t nevah lived der has picked it up from jest a movie. Dat jest proves once again how slow you are," Racetrack pointed out. Blink just grinned and nodded. ~*~*~*~*~*~Upstairs*~*~*~*~*~*~~ "So, is der a reason dat ya brought me up heah? How is dis gunna get rid a Kerry?" Jack asked, still befuddled. Molly handed him one of her phones. "Here, dial (wait…maybe I shouldn’t put my real phone number here…being that the story is online…) 213-4829," she told him. Jack did as he was asked and then put the phone to his ear. Molly waited, but nothing happened. "Here, let me see that phone," she said, taking it from Jack. Then, after observing it for a few seconds she noticed something and burst out laughing. "Jack, ya have ta press on foist!" "Well, how da hell was I supposed ta know dat. It ain’t like I’se evah had a phone dat ya needed ta press on fer," he reminded her. "Yeah, your right. I’m sorry…it’s just you made a really funny face," Molly told him. Jack took the phone, pretending to be upset, and punched in the numbers. Only seconds later her other phone line rang. Molly picked it up and said, "Hello?" before giggling. (like you’ve never called yourself before…stop judging) Jack was surprised to hear her voice on the line. "Why am I callin’ you?" he asked. Molly laughed and said, "There’s a point to all of this, I swear." "Shoah der is. I think dat ya jest wanted me up heah alone," Jack teased. "Yeah, ‘Am I that transparent? I love you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby’" she said sarcastically quoting "Ten Things I Hate About You". Jack laughed, not really getting the fullness of the joke but finding it amusing none the less. "All right Mrs. Carpetamer, I’ll have her come home right away. Yes, thank you for calling. Nice talking to you, too," Molly said, louder. Jack looked at her oddly, still not getting it. Molly rolled her eyes before explaining. "I’m pretending to call Kerry’s parents….so she’ll have to go home…" Jack finally caught on with an, "Ohhhh…I get it." Molly laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the basement. The moment they walked off the steps all sorts of loud comments were made. "Dat wasn’t very long, Jack. Dat’s pretty disappointin’…prolly even moah so fer Molly," Mush said. Him, being the ladies man he is, meeting girls every night then going to the lodging house and having wet dreams about them. (Hey that’s what it looks like in the first scene…) "Maybe dey jest needed a quickie," Blink reasoned. "Or maybe…" Racetrack tried to put in. "EWW! You guys!! Stop it!" Molly said, putting a stop to all the comments. "But..I wanted ta say my maybe!" Racetrack complained. "Too bad," Molly told him. "Oh, hey, Kerry. That was your mom on the phone. She wants you to go home right now." "What? But why didn’t you…" Kerry started to complain. "No…she sounded kinda upset. You better hurry," Molly interrupted. "Fine, all right," Kerry gave in, pouting. "Well, boys do I get a hug goodbye? C’mon! Kerry Sandwich!" she said enthusiastically, holding her arms out in anticipation. All the boys looked around, pretending to be oblivious to what she wanted. "Well…I guess I’ll just have to stand here until I get my Kerry Sandwich.." she decided. Itey, Blink, Mush and Racetrack all jumped up and hugged her hurriedly. "Bye Kerry!" they all said, pushing her towards the door. Taking this as the guys not being able to keep their hands off her, she started to wiggle. It was a mesmerizing wiggle, that most guys couldn’t fight. (Wiggling 101: 1st she starts rocking back and forth from her toes to her heals. Then, she bends one leg at the knee, raising the foot and wiggling that around, then the last stage is the full body wiggle when she giggles. (hehe wiggle when she giggles) Sorry, that friend that fucks people after getting hit with pillows and then complains about lack of after play does this too…that friend gets made fun of a lot…) Molly, seeing her beginning, ran over and said, "Bye Kerry. Call me…sometime. Not tonight, I’ll be otherwise occupied, obviously." Kerry, disappointed she hadn’t gotten to use her wiggle, pouted and stomped up the stairs to her car. As soon as Molly heard the door slam she said, "Okay, it’s all clear." The boys, particularly Itey and Racetrack, yelled in happiness. They said things such as "Thank god! I didn’t know how much me lap could take!" and "It’s ‘bout time. I thought dat I would have ta chew off me own legs ta escape!" Everyone was laughing by this time. "I jest don’t get how yer friends wid her," Racetrack said, seriously. "I don’t know…when she isn’t around anything with a penis she’s actually pretty cool. Well…unless she’s talking about things "she’s done". Because that is all lies…but yeah other than that!" "Dat goil is like a cat in heat. She should be locked up," Mush decided. Molly rolled her eyes. "She ain’t DAT bad!" "Hey, you have someone sit on yer lap fer 20 minutes wid out you wantin’ dem to!" Itey decided. Racetrack grinned as if getting an idea. He ran and jumped on Molly’s lap and made himself comfortable. "What are you doing?" Molly asked puzzled. "I’se gunna show ya how bad it is," he decided. "Well, you guys could have always done this," she said pushing Racetrack off. He fell to the ground with a thud. "Except we ain’t dat mean," Racetrack said glaring. "Gawd, I bet if I were Jack ya wouldn’t have thrown me off." Molly blushed but didn’t answer. Racetrack looked victorious. " I knew it!" "What? Nu uh! I would throw anyone off me dat jest randomly jumped on me! I don't like touching!" she claimed. Jack, not knowing what he was expecting, looked a little disappointed. "Shoah, Molly. Whatevah," Racetrack said, getting up and going to sit by Blink, Mush and Itey again. Everyone sat quiet for a few minutes, except for Katie and Spot who were still talking back and forth about Spot’s life as a newsie. They were getting awfully close. Molly was wondering if Spot had told her about his girl friend. I’ll bet not if she’s looking at him like that. That is really mean. Maybe, I should tell Katie or something. She shouldn’t get all attacked if he has a girl friend…Maybe I’ll ask Jack about that…he would know what to do I’ll bet. Marissa and Davie were over to the side of the room, giggling and flirting. Sadly, both of them were giggling…not just Marissa. (I can’t stand it when guys giggle…so girly…that’s why it fits Davie…) It was doubtful that a crow bar could have parted those two. Molly walked over to Jack after another glance at Katie and Spot and said, "Hey can I talk to you? Alone…" The four stooges leaned closer, interested. "Whatevah ya have ta say ta Jacky boy ya can say infronta us too," Blink told her. Molly rose an eyebrow at them before turning back to Jack. Jack nodded and followed her upstairs…yet again. (Okay…my basement…it’s like one big room…so we would have to go upstairs to talk…unless we wanted to talk in like the bathroom or closet which might raise suspicion a little more…) "So, what did ya want?" Jack asked, when they were in her family room. "You said that Spot had a girlfriend, right?" Molly asked him. "Umm..yeah. Dey’s been goin’ out fer ‘bout three months now," Jack told her, confused to where the conversation was leading. "If he has a girl friend then why is he flirting with Katie?" Molly asked. "I dunno…dat’s jest how Spot is. He’s always goin’ aftah goils an’ stuff. It don’t really mean nothin’," Jack told her. "But…that’s horrible! That little player!" Molly exclaimed, upset. "What’s so wrong wid it. It ain’t like der doin’ anythin’ but talkin’!" Jack defended his friend. "So you agree with what he’s doing?!" Molly accused. "I jest don’t see anythin’ wrong wid it. I mean if he kissed her or somethin’ der might be somethin’ ta be upset ‘bout. ‘Sides its der business," Jack told her. "Ugh you are such a typical guy. Well, I care about Katie and I’m not letting Spot hurt her. She actually likes him. Spot…well lets just say if he wasn’t made out to be such a scary guy in the movie I would seriously be wanting to kick his ass right about now," Molly decided. Jack, slightly hurt over the typical guy comment, said, "Well, yer such a typical goil. Meddlin’ in oddah peoples business when it don’t concern you." Molly glared at him. "I resent that. I am NOT a typical girl and Katie deserves to know what is going on." Then she turned around and stomped down the stairs upset. I am NOT a typical girl…am I? Eww I really hope not. OMG am I over reacting like a girl? NOO I DON’T WANT TO BE A DRAMA QUEEN! I’ll just wait a while to tell Katie…maybe they are just talking and there is nothing big about it. Hell, maybe he already told her and she didn’t care. I would be able to look over a girlfriend for those eyes if I were her. It wont hurt to wait a little. If things start getting more serious then I’ll tell her. Molly walked downstairs only to see Spot and Katie going upstairs. "Where are you guys going?" Molly questioned, confused. Katie giggled. "I’m going to umm… go show Spot the bathroom upstairs," she told her. "Oh, okay," Molly said letting them pass. Then realizing what Katie had said she said, "Wait a minute, he already knows where the bathrooms are…" but they were too far down the hall to hear her or had chosen to ignore her. Now Molly really didn’t know what to do. Jack came down the stairs moments later, looking confused. Molly glared at him before turning around and joining the rest of the group. "By dat look on Molly’s face I’m thinkin’ Jacky-boy struck out again," Mush commented. "Give it a rest," Jack said, walking up. "Well, at least one of us is gunna get laid," Blink said, pointing at Davie and Marissa who were kissing now. "Hey, he ain’t da only one. Spot’s da one dat got dragged up da staihs," Racetrack pointed out. "Hey, yeah where were they going?" Molly asked. They all looked at her like she was stupid. "Ta find da neahest bedroom," Racetrack said, laughing. "Are you serious?" Molly asked, startled. She knew Katie wouldn’t usually do something like that…but of course it wasn’t usual for newsies to jump out of her computer either. "I shoah hope so or Katie’s as big a tease as you are," Mush told her. "Hey! I am not a tease," Molly protested. "Shoah ya ain’t. Dat’s why ya dragged Jack upstaihs three times an’ come back only minutes latah," Blink put in. Molly rolled her eyes. "Did anyone evah think dat I had ta talk ta him?" she asked. "Yeah, a course. Talkin’…I’m shoah dat’s what Jacky-boy had in mind," Itey joked. Jack, getting sick of this, said, "Hey, I said give it a rest. Now drop it." The boys stopped, but they were still laughing. Molly, still worried about Katie, said, "Hey do you guys know if Spot told Katie ‘bout his girl friend?" They shook their heads. "I didn’t really listen much but I’se bettin’ not if dey’s runnin’ off tageddah." Marissa, broke off her make-out session when she heard this. "Quip, Spot has a girl?" "Yeah, I guess so…which makes him a complete jerk," Molly told her. Marissa got up quickly. "Well, we have ta tell her! We cant just let her go up there…and…c’mon!" "All right," Molly agreed standing up. The boys around them all looked shocked. "Yer jest gunna go in der an’ interrupt dem? Yer gunna go meddle in Spot Conlan’s business? You goils must be suicidal," Blink told them, stunned. "Just because we care about our friend? And how are we being suicidal? He isn’t going to do anything to girls, not to mention if he hurt me you all would be kicked out sooo fast," Molly told them. "Beside, Davie will protect me," Marissa stated. Everyone burst out laughing, including Davie. He knew he was no match for Spot. "C’mon, lets get this over with befoah dey actually do anything," Molly decided. The girls ran upstairs and down the hall. All of the bedroom doors were open, except for one. "EWW THAT’S MY ROOM!" Molly said, disgusted. "I am SO burning those sheets!" She shuddered involuntarily. They knocked on the door and tried the door knob. It was locked. "They locked me out of MY room?" Molly asked upset. They knocked again. Soon a muffled, "Go away if ya know what’s good fer ya," came from the other side. "I am NOT going away," Molly said, sounding braver than she actually was. "That is MY room you are in and EWWW GET OUT!" She heard Katie and Spot moving around and soon the door was open. "Fine, whatevah. C’mon Katie," he said, moving down the hall. Katie glared at Molly as she passed her. "Waait just a minute," Marissa said, grabbing Katie’s hand. "We have to talk to you." Marissa drug Katie the opposite way Spot had been heading. Molly glared at Spot before starting to follow. Spot stopped her, asking, "What da hell is goin’ on?" Molly couldn’t contain herself. "You are the most evil, Nathanish person in the entire world!" she told him. "What? Nathanish? What da hell did I do?" he asked, bewildered. "Oh, I think you know what you did. SATAN! You don’t just all make out with people when you have a girlfriend at home! And you don’t just play with girls feelings like that! And you don’t just…ERGH!" "What da hell makes ya think ya can tell me what ta do?" Spot asked, walking forward threateningly. "What the hell makes you think you can be such a jerk?" Molly retorted. "Ain’t no one evah told ya dat it ain’t safe ta mess wid me?" he asked, his eyes turning grayish with anger. "Hasn’t anyone ever told you that you cant treat people like dirt?" she said, standing her ground although extremely frightened. "I’ll.." Spot started. "Do nothin’," Jack finished for him, walking up the stairs. "Jacky-boy dis don’t concern ya. ‘Sides ya would be on my side if ya knew what was goin’ on," Spot said. "I know what’s goin’ on an’ she’s right. Ya shouldn’t treat Katie like dat. An’ ya definitely shouldn’t be threatenin’ Molly," Jack said walking up beside her. Molly looked just as shocked as Spot was, but she wasn’t complaining. She had no idea what Spot was going to do, although she doubted that he would actually hurt her, it was nice to know that he wasn’t going to. " Dis is fuckin’ ridiculous. Since when did me poisonal life become public?" he asked, astounded that this was happening. "Spot, it ain’t right ta do dat ta Katie. If ya really liked her ya woulda told her da truth," he told her. "What da hell does it mattah if I have a goil back a hundred yeahs ago? It doesn’t even count. She’s dead here so am I supposed ta go through life heah wid out evah havin’ a goil friend?" he asked. "Don’t talk like dat. We’se gunna get back der," Jack told him. "Der ain’t no way dat I would spend da rest a me life heah, if someone paid me. Everythin’s way too different an’ not in da good way." Molly glared at him before slapping him. "Yer such a joik. You two desoive ta be friends!" she yelled before running into her room and locking the door. "Nice job, Cowboy," Spot commended sarcastically. "What da hell!" Jack exclaimed, rubbing his face. "I didn’t mean her! She’s da only thing dat’s good ‘bout bein’ heah!" "Don’t tell me dat…it ain’t like I care," Spot said. "Wheah did dat red haired goil take Katie?" he asked realizing they hadn’t returned. "Prolly as far away from you as she could get. Ya know dey think dat yer da devil incarnate now," he told him, smiling at his friends pain. "Jest wait ‘til dey heah what ya did ta Molly. Den we’ll be in da same boat," Spot promised. "It’s so odd how dey always stick tageddah like dat. Ya don’t even do anythin’ ta dem an’ der mad ‘cause ya hoit some oddah goil’s feelin’s," Jack said. "Dat’s goils fer ya. I think dey thrive on drama," Spot hypothesized. Katie and Marissa returned. Katie was close to crying and wouldn’t even look at Spot. Marissa glared at both boys before knocking on Molly’s bedroom’s door. "Hey let us in. It’s Marissa an Katie," Marissa said. Molly quickly unlocked the door and allowed them to enter. "Spot, there are blankets and everything downstairs in a closet. You all can just look around for everything and sleep where ever you want, I don’t care," she told him before closing the door, not even looking at Jack. ~~~~~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~~~~ --------Inside Molly’s room------ Molly listened at the door until she heard Jack and Spot going down the stairs. She suddenly burst into laughter, collapsing in the bed. Marissa and Katie looked completely bewildered. "Uhh…hysterical much?" Katie asked, forgetting her own pain for a moment because of her friend’s new found insanity. Molly sat up trying to control herself. "No…hey I’m not hysterical! That was just one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time…" "Which part was funny? The part where Spot lied to me or the part where Spot was about to kick your ass?" Katie asked a little annoyed. "What? No, not that…although Spot about to kick my ass was kind of amusing…not while it was happening though," Molly said, thinking about it. "Well, do you mind enlightening us on what is funny?" Katie asked. "Not at all. Before when Jack and I were talking he called me a "typical girl"…so I figured hey why not act like one?," she paused to giggle more. "So, when he said that he wanted to go home I slapped him and ran in here. It was great!" Katie and Marissa stared at her. "So, you aren’t really mad?" Marissa asked, trying to figure it out. Molly rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because I get angry that easily." Marissa laughed. "Nice point, Quip." "Thank you, I try." "Umm…don’t let me interrupt your little evil plans with my ACTUAL PAIN," Katie said, remembering what Spot had done. "Aww…I’m sorry Katie. Are you okay?" Molly asked, turning in her joking attitude for a sympathetic one. "Well…let’s see…I really like a guy, he lies to me and tells me he doesn’t have a girl friend, and I make out with him only to find out that everything he said was one fucking lie!" Katie said angrily. "Yeah, but other than that I’m just peachy," she continued sarcastically. Marissa put an arm around Katie. "It will be all right," she told her. "Umm…I hate to tell you this but yeah I think Spot is right…"Molly said, a little hesitant. Before anyone could yell at her she added, "Not about the lying part! But…yeah his girl friend IS one hundred years ago and either REALLY old or dead. He doesn’t know if he is ever going back to where he came from and please do NOT tell me that if you had a boyfriend right now you wouldn’t have lied just so you could hook up with Spot because you probably would have." Katie glared at her. "Don’t stand up for him, he shouldn’t have lied to me." "I didn’t say that he should. I’m just saying that we don’t know how long these boys are going to be here so if you like Spot then you might as well go for him because his girl friend from one hundred years ago shouldn’t stop you," Molly rationalized. Katie thought about it. Marissa in the mean time said, "Katie wouldn’t lie about having a boy friend!", thinking she was standing up for her. Molly burst out laughing. "Marissa, you say it like it’s a bad thing. Like YOU wouldn’t do it!" Marissa looked sheepish. "Yeah, I guess you’re right. But Davie is just so cute! I can’t resist him. We were really getting a long well." "Yeah, I noticed, sadly enough." Molly shuddered. "Gawd, enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life!" Katie gave a small laugh at this. "I guess you’re right, Molly. I mean it doesn’t really matter that much….besides we didn’t really have much potential for a long-term relationship. I’m mean talk about long distance!" Molly laughed. "So, should we go talk to them? Or let them feel bad for awhile?" "Go talk to them now! That way I can get back to Davie!" Marissa requested. Katie looked at Marissa and then told Molly, "Let’s let them feel bad for about an hour. We can sit up here and talk and everything." "I think that’s an excellent idea Katie!" Molly said, getting comfortable on the bed. "So, are you going to tell us what is going on with you and Spot, other than what we all know?" Marissa’s face fell but she sat down on the bed for the gossip session. ~~~~~~~~~~~*************~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spot and Jack walked down the stairs looking slightly confused about what had just happened. "Goils, dey shoah are moody," Spot said. The other boys, who were sitting around a table playing poker and drinking beer they had found in the refrigerator, saw them and began laughing hysterically. "Don’t look like any a us are gettin’ any. Ya start ta miss Kerry," Itey said. All the boys looked at him in shock. "DON’T SAY DAT!!!" Blink yelled. Racetrack looked at him oddly. "It ain’t like she’s jest gunna pop up if we talk ‘bout her!" he said, slapping Blink playfully on the face. Blink then turned and slapped Mush. "What da hell was dat fer?" Mush asked. Blink looked down, sheepishly. "Sorry, habbit…" Just then the doorbell rang. "NOOOOOO!" Blink said running into a closet. "Blink, stop. What are da chances dat it’s Kerry?" Racetrack asked. There were footsteps upstairs and then Kerry’s voice. "Heey guys! I forgot my purse!" she said. Then there was a door slam and footsteps again. "Wait, did dey let her in?" Mush asked. "I dunno…I ain’t goin’ up der ta figuah it out," Jack said, putting his hand to his face in remembrance. "Yer such a wimp," Racetrack said. "Fine, den, you go up der," Jack said. "I ain’t goin’ up der ta talk ta Molly! She hits hard!" Race, Mush and Itey looked at him oddly. "What exactly happened up der?" Itey asked. "Basically…Molly, Katie an’ Marissa are pissed at us an’ not comin’ back down," Jack told them. "Marissa’s not coming back down? Maybe I should go up there and talk to them…" Davie said, from the corner where he was waiting for Marissa. "Yeah, Davie. ‘Cause Molly really likes havin’ you ‘round. I’m shoah you bein’ up der is exactly what a pissed off Molly needs," Spot said. "Yeah…good point. She scares me," Davie said, settling back into his corner. "Look, I’ll go up an’ talk to dem. If I don’t get back in fifteen minutes someone come up aftah me. I’se goin’ in!" Racetrack decided, throwing his cards on the table and taking a long drink of his beer. "Wish me luck," he said walking off. ~~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~~~ There was a knock on Molly’s door. Molly smirked before answering. She began sniffling and pretending to cry loud enough for the person outside the door to hear. "What do ya want?" she sniffled. "It’s Race, Molly. I jest came ta check if yer okay," he called over. Molly looked at Katie and Marissa. They shrugged so she walked over and opened the door for him. "C’mon in," she told him. Race was surprised at what he saw. First, he noticed that there was no Kerry. He sent up a silent prayer of thanks for that. Then, he saw Katie on the bed, reading a magazine and Marissa playing with her hair. He looked at Molly again and noticed that half of her head was full of curlers and she only had half of her makeup on. "Uhh…what’s goin’ on?" he asked, confused. "Nothin’ really. We’re jest up heah talkin’," Molly said. "You can sit if you wanna stay." Racetrack sat on the chair she had indicated. "Uhh…are you guys okay? Jack an’ Spot said ya were upset," he said. "They would," Molly said, laughing. "Ya don’t look so upset," Racetrack observed. "We are hiding the pain," Katie joked. "Uhh…can I ask who was at da door?" Racetrack asked. "Yeah, that was Kerry," Molly told him. "Wheah is she?" he asked, praying she was really gone. Marissa suddenly started laughing. "SOMEONE, slammed the door on her face and locked it," Molly said, looking at Marissa. Racetrack went up and threw his arms around Marissa. "You are a saint, I sweah. I’se indebted ta ya fer life," he said. Marissa giggled. "Thanks, good ta know," she said, patting his back. "So, uhh…you goils gunna come downstaihs?" he asked, sitting back down. "Nah, we still have," Molly paused to look at the clock, "at least forty-five minutes of being angry to go." "Yeah, ya lost me again. Ya time how long yer angry?" Race asked. "Only when we aren’t really angry. We just think that they deserve to feel bad," Katie explained. "I see…" Racetrack pretended, knowing he would never understand girls. "Did they look like they felt bad?" Katie asked. "Dey looked confused an’ scared. I dunno ‘bout bad doh," Racetrack informed them. "Ahh..see we have to wait until they feel really bad about what they did. Plus, it’s fun to make Marissa stay up here. Better than her being down there with Davie," Molly said, shuddering when she thought about Marissa and Davie kissing. "Dat’s great…he’s down der in da cornah still, waitin’ fer Marissa," Racetrack told her. "Okay, that’s it. I’m going down there," Marissa said, getting up. Katie and Molly jumped to their feet and stood in front of the door. "You have to wait 41 more minutes!" Katie objected. Marissa tried to push her way through. Katie put her hands on her hips and said, "Sit down NOW Marissa! I’m NOT joking!" Marissa stopped struggling and went and sat on the bed, looking sheepish. "Fine," she said. Katie laughed and told Molly and Racetrack, "I have so much power. It’s great." They all started laughing. They all sat around, talking and joking. Racetrack heard everything that had happened upstairs from the girl’s perspective. "You goils are horrible, givin’ Jack an’ Spot so much trouble. I can’t say dat I ain’t happy dat ya did it doh. Yer brave souls," he said. The three girls looked very proud of themselves. After about ten minutes, there was a knock on the door. Molly again started sniffling and asked, "What do you want?" Racetrack burst out laughing. "Don’t boddah. Jack an’ Spot aren’t comin’ up heah." Molly smiled, "It just better not be Davie or I’m kicking his ass." When she opened the door no one was there. She looked over to the stairs just in time to see a head of curly hair disappear. "Well, that takes care of that," Molly said, closing the door again. "Who was it?" Katie asked. "Well, I can’t be sure, but I’m thinking it was Davie running in fear," Molly said, laughing. "I don’t doubt it. It’s so pathetic how scared he is a ya," Racetrack said. "Are you saying that I can’t be intimidating?" she asked, glaring. Racetrack rose an eyebrow. "All right, all right fine. I guess I’m not the scariest person in the world…I’ll work on that. So far all I can scare is the freshmen at school and Davie. That’s pretty damn sad," Molly admitted. "Don’t feel bad, Molly. Marissa can’t even do that," Katie said. "That’s not true! I can be scary!" Marissa claimed, trying to glare. Molly, Racetrack and Katie almost fell to the floor laughing. Marissa attempted to look angry when they did this but eventually started laughing with them. ~~~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~~~ Davie ran downstairs and dove into his corner, wrapping himself into a small ball. Everyone watched and looked at him oddly. "What’s wrong wid him?" Mush asked. The rest of the boys shrugged. Jack finally sighed and got up and walked over to him. "Davie, what’s wrong? Ya can tell me," Jack told Davie, looking for information. Davie tried to stutter a response but nothing really came out. Jack tried again. "I can help ya Davie. C’mon, tell yer old friend Jack," he prodded. Spot, exasperated, walked up and pulled out his cane. "Davie spill it or I soak ya," he commanded. Davie’s eyes got big and he blurted, "Molly yelled and said she was gunna kick my ass and I’m scared of her." All the boys started laughing hysterically. "Yer one pathetic boy," Spot commented walking away. "Shouldn’t someone else go up an’ get Race?" Blink asked from the closet. He decided he wasn’t going to leave until he was positive that Kerry wasn’t there. " Blink ya really should come outta da closet. I mean, if Kerry is heah yer jest makin’ it easier fer her," Mush commented. Blink shot out of the closet. "Nice point, Mush. Thanks fer lookin’ out fer me," Blink said. "Yeah, anytime. So do you wanna go check on Race?" Mush asked. "No way in hell. I say we jest leave him up der. Dose goils ain’t gunna actually do anythin’ ta him, anyways," Blink suggested. "I think Blink’s got a point, as much as I hate ta say it," Spot agreed. It was soon unanimous that they would leave Racetrack up there and they began playing cards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~***********~~~~~~~~~ After about twenty minutes more minutes the girls had gotten very bored. They all wanted to get back down to the boys to see what would happen, but knew they had to stick it out. Marissa looked at Racetrack and got an evil idea. She whispered it to Katie. Katie nodded, laughing and walked over and whispered it to Molly. Molly grinned. All three started walking towards Racetrack. Racetrack looked nervous. "What’s goin’ on?" he asked. "Racetrack, you have really beautiful eyes. Have you ever thought about using eye shadow to make them really pop out?" Molly asked, innocently. "And, maybe a little blush to show your cheekbones?" Katie added. "And, of course some mascara, to show off your popping eyes," Marissa put in. "Uhh…what? What is dat?" Racetrack asked. He was scooting his chair back as the girls got closer. "C’mon, we’ll show you," Katie said. All three of the girls dragged Racetrack over to the mirror and sat him down in front of it. They began pulling out different colored bottles and tubes. "What da hell is all dat fer?" he asked, struggling to get away. "For you, silly," Molly said, continuing pulling out her makeup. "But what do ya do wid it?" Racetrack asked. "Ya put it on yer face," Katie explained, opening up different compacts. "NO! NO WAY! YA AIN’T PUTTIN’ PAINT ON ME! I AIN’T A GOIL!" he said, fighting harder. ~~~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~~` Downstairs the other boys heard muffled yelling and a struggled. "Hmm…wondah what’s goin’ on up der," Mush said. The other boys shrugged, uninterested, and continued playing cards. ~~~~~~~~~********~~~~~~~ After ten minutes of fighting Race’s face was covered in makeup. The girls stepped back to admire their work and Race immediately began rubbing it off. Marissa ran forward and held down his hands. "Hey, you owe me. I saved you from Kerry, now leave it on!" Racetrack glared but stopped trying to rub it off. "God, I try to be da nice guy an’ come up heah ta make shoah you goils are all right an’ dis is how I get repayed," Racetrack mumbled. "You know you like it," Molly said, laughing. She received a very angry glare for him comment. "Hey, it’s been an hour now," Katie said, looking at the clock. "Should we go down and see if they feel sorry?" "YES!" Marissa said running out the door. "I can’t go down der, lookin’ like dis!" Racetrack complained. "Oh yes you can," Molly said, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the stairs. Katie followed after them, laughing at Racetrack’s protests. Part 3 |