The boys downstairs were surprised to see the girls come down after listening to Spot and Jack’s stories.  They couldn’t fixate on it long because they noticed Racetrack.

"What da hell did ya do ta Race?" Blink asked, not even attempting to hold back his boisterous laughter.

"Shut up or I’ll soak ya," Racetrack threatened.  But, alas his threats were in vain because he couldn’t soak all six of them.

Marissa immediately headed over to Davie who was still in the corner still.  Davie was eyeing Molly with distaste and fear.  Molly was completely aware of this and silently laughed to herself.

She had to keep the laughter inside because Katie and her still had to keep their angry faces up.

"So, Katie, I’se glad ya came down," Spot said, trying to figure out how mad she was.

Katie glared at him coldly.  "So that you can use me more until you get back to your girlfriend?"

"Look, it ain’t like dat, all right?  Dat wasn’t evah how things were.  I jest didn’t see da point in bringin’ Tinkah up if all it would do is upset ya.  I don’t see what it mattahs if I had a goilfriend a hundred yeahs ago," Spot explained.

"That isn’t the point, Spot.  The point is that you lied to me."

"Yeah!  You tell him Jibajabba!" Marissa yelled, from the corner.

"Hey, stay outta dis," Spot ordered.

Marissa, immediately stopped talking.  Then, realizing that she didn’t have to listen to him she said, "No, I wont stay out of this.  You are such a jerk.  You haven’t even apologized!"

Spot turned to Marissa, irately.  "What da hell do you have ta do wid dis?" he asked.

"I have everything to do with this.  Katie is MY friend and you hurt her and won’t even apologize!" she told him.  Really Marissa just wished he would apologize so that Molly and Katie wouldn’t drag her back upstairs.

Marissa and Spot continued their angry banter, without anyone really paying attention.  Katie sat down, bored, and waited until they were finished.

Jack, learning from Spot’s mistake, walked up and said, "Look, Molly, I’se sorry ‘bout hurtin’ yer feelin’s.  I didn’t think dat would hurt ya," he told her.

"Umm…which part of your comment did you think wouldn’t hurt me?  The part where you couldn’t wait to go home or the part where things are different here and not in a good way?" she asked, harshly.  Might as well go the whole nine yards with this typical girl thing…

"Look, I didn’t mean you.  It’s jest really different heah an’ I miss home.  I don’t even see why yer takin’ dis so personally.  Molly?  I’m jest not used ta havin’ it matterin’ wheddah I stay or wheddah I go mattah ta anybody. Now I’m not sayin’ dat it should mattah ta ya…I’m jest sayin’ umm… does it…mattah?" he asked.

"OH MY GAWD! That is SO it!" Molly said.  She looked at Katie and said, "I’m going upstairs.  You can stay down here if you want I don’t care."  She glared at Jack before turning to go back upstairs.

Katie ran up to her.  "What’s goin’ on?" she asked.

"SOMEONE decided to start using movie lines on me!" she said, her eyes narrowing at Jack again.  "Gawd, like I wouldn’t know!  I’ve only seen the movie a billion times!"

Jack looked helpless.  He hadn’t even noticed that he had used the line before and didn’t know what to say.

"Well, I’m coming with you.  It isn’t like SOMEONE ELSE is even sorry about what they did.  Marissa, come on," Katie said.

Marissa stopped yelling at Spot for a moment.  "What’s going on?"

"We are going back upstairs until people down here stop acting like complete jerks," Molly told her.

The four musketeers, who had been sitting on the couch and watching the spectacle, all protested.  "Hey!  All of us ain’t actin’ like joiks," Mush pointed out.

"Good point.  There are only two of you acting like complete jack asses," Molly said, glaring at the perpetrators to make it obvious who she meant.

"C’mon, lets go," Katie said, grabbing Marissa and pulling her towards the stairs, despite her protests.

Molly, started to follow.  Then, she turned around and grabbed Racetrack’s had.  "You are coming with us," she said, dragging him off.

"What?  But…hey…why am I arguing?  Shoah I’se goin’ wid you goils," he said, giving the rest of the boys a wink.

"Wait…Molly…" Jack started. 

Molly whipped around.  "Okay…do you see me NOT being in the mood for this?"

Jack backed off without another word.  Molly stomped up the stairs, a bright shade of red.

Once up the stairs she sprinted to her room, pulling Racetrack along with her.  As soon as she had reached the safety of her room she burst out laughing again.  "That was classic," she said, laying out on her floor.  "Ya start ta feel bad for the poor boys."

"I don’t," Katie grumbled.  "Stupid Spot…didn’t even apologize.  If he would stop being an ass we could just get over this."

"You could go down there and tell them it was a joke," Marissa suggested hopefully.

"Oh no…no fucking way I am giving in.  He is going to apologize," Katie stated firmly.

Molly didn’t agree right away, though.  "Wait…that would be great!"

"What would?" Katie asked.

"If we let them sit down there for like the entire night and then tomorrow we are like, ‘Oh, by they way, it was just a huge joke.’  They would be pissed as hell," Molly pointed out.

Katie’s face lit up.  "Oh my god that WOULD be great!  We should so do that!  Okay…that’s it," she said sitting down.  "That is our plan."

"But…stay up here?  The ENTIRE night?" Marissa asked, looking downcast.

"Sorry, Marissa.  It isn’t like they are going anywhere and you’re spending the entire weekend here!" Molly said.

"Hmm…whole night with a room of girls…sounds good ta me!" Racetrack said.  The girls were a little surprised since they had forgotten he was there.

"Yeah, Race, because you are so going to get some," Molly said rolling her eyes.

"Excellent," he joked.

"Because if you touched Katie, Spot wouldn’t kick your ass.  And if you even looked at Marissa, Davie wouldn’t whine at all…" Molly said, sarcastically.

"So dat leaves you an’ me," Racetrack said.

"Umm…okay look at me or touch me and I’ll whine and kick your ass myself.  How’s that?" Molly offered.

"I’ll pass.  ‘Sides I don’t need Jacky-boy on me back eiddah," he decided.

Molly blushed and didn’t comment.  She didn’t think Jack would really do anything if her and Racetrack hooked up, but it was a nice thought…Jack being protective.

"You know what would be funny as hell though?" Molly said randomly.

"What, Quip?" Marissa asked.

"If we all pretended when we went down in the morning that we had hooked up with Race.  I would pay money to see the look on Spot and Davie’s faces!  We would all go down being like, "Thanks to RACE we didn’t get any sleep last night…not that I’m complaining."

Katie laughed.  "That would be funny."

Racetrack’s eyes got big.  "As fun as that sounds, as Molly so correctly pointed out Spot would prolly kick me ass if Jack didn’t already get a chance.  Der ain’t now way I’se goin’ along wid dis," he declared.

"Okay that settles it.  I’m doing it," Molly decided.  "After all, who are they going to believe?  You or me?  Who would have more reason to lie in their mind?"

"Do you jest live ta fuck oddah peoples lives up?" he asked.

"Only when I get bored," she said, shrugging.

"Well, goil, ya need ta get a fuckin’ hobby.  Take up coin collectin’ or make a stamp collection," he told her.

"But, Race, this is ever so much more fun," Molly said, smiling evily.

"Yer horrible.  I feel bad fer Jacky-boy.  He don’t know what he’s gettin’ inta," Race decided.

"You know its comments like that, that get you into the mess you are in now," Molly told him.

Race started to comment but then shut his mouth.

"Looks like he learned his lesson," Marissa observed.

"Hey, you guys, I’m kinda tired now…can we get some sleep if we aren’t going down there again?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, lets. I’ll go get blankets," Molly said leaving the room.

After Molly returned they all laid down.  It was several hours before they were actually asleep because it took that long for the girls to stop talking. The next morning was going to be interesting…


Molly woke up the next morning to Racetrack shaking her.  "Wake up Molly!  Da sun’s out!" he said pushing her.

"If you touch me again I swear to God I’m going to rip out your fingers," she grumbled, not exactly a morning person.

"But it’s late an’ I’se hungry.  I’m goin’ downstaihs now, no mattah what," he told her starting for the door.

"Don’t move another step," she said, raising her head off the pillow.  She checked the clock and collapsed back into it.  "It’s only fucking seven in the morning.  You are so lucky you have all your appendages!"

"Fine, I’ll see ya latah," he said, opening the door.

"GAWD IM GETTING UP!" she said.  "But if I have to get up then so do Katie and Marissa," she bargained.

Racetrack shrugged and ran over to push Marissa.  Molly rolled out of bed and gathered her clothes before shuffling towards her bathroom.

An hour later all the girls were somewhat awake…well they were walking…and dressed. "So, time for the plan?" Marissa asked, eager to go downstairs.

"I have to cook breakfast first," Molly told her.  Katie and Marissa offered to help.  Racetrack was kept captive in the kitchen, so he had no chance to ruin their plan.

Molly deliberately took a long time preparing a relatively easy breakfast of sausage and pancakes, just so she could laugh at Marissa’s strained expressions and longing looks towards the stairs.  Once she was done she said, "Okay, Marissa, just go.  We’re following you."

Marissa sprinted down the stairs happily.  Katie, Race and Molly followed slower, with the food. 

Once the three were halfway down the stairs the doorbell rang.  "Damnit," Molly said.  She handed her plates to Racetrack.  "I’ll go get that."

"Make shoah it ain’t Kerry befoah ya open da door," Racetrack warned.

"I will.  I promise," she said walking back up the stairs. 

She swung open the door to find Joe, Katie’s older brother there.  "Hey Joe.  What are ya doin’ heah?" she asked.

"My mom wanted me to pick Katie up early.  So, here I am.  Is Katie even up?" he asked.

"Yeah, she is. C’mon in. She’s downstairs," Molly said opening the door more.

"…that’s okay," Joe said, glancing back at his car.

"I insist.  If I were you I would listen…" Molly said, trying to hide an evil smile. "Marissa is downstairs."

"But..but…" Joe said.

Molly rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm and pulled him in, closing the door behind him.  (yes…I know I would never do that…that would be odd…Joe would probably be very frightened…)  Joe looked shocked, but didn’t flee in fear.  "I guess I could go downstairs…" he said.

"Good, I’m glad you changed your mind," Molly said.  She started walking downstairs and Joe followed her.

Molly reached the bottom of the stairs and burst out laughing when she saw what was going on.  Spot was trying to look pitiful and win Katie back while she was struggling to remain glaring.

Marissa and Davie were fervently making up for lost time.  They were back in their old corner kissing each other passionately.  (EWW SQUIBBLE I WANT YOU TO KNOW IM SHUDDERING))

Joe walked down looking a little awkward.  He stopped mid step when he saw Marissa.

"What the fuck?!" he asked.

Marissa jumped away from Davie.  "Look, Joe.  This isn’t how it looks!  Let me explain!" she exclaimed.

"Fine.  Explain. Explain what the fuck my girlfriend is doing in a fucking corner all over my cousin."

"What?  Your cousin?" Davie asked, confused.

"Nick, I’m not in the mood for your bullshit!" Joe yelled

"Umm…that isn’t Nick," Molly told him.

"Yeah…he just looks and acts like him," Joe said sarcastically. 

"No…newsies…computer…not my fault!  Marissa explained incoherently.

"This is such fucking bull shit!  I don’t need this!" Joe said vaulting up the stairs.

No one moved for a few minutes, not really knowing what to do.

"Umm…shouldn’t’ someone go after him or something?" Molly asked, looking up the stairs.

"Hmm…newsies…or Joe?  Hard choice!" Katie said, rolling her eyes.

" I don’t think he’ll be wanting to see me," Marissa said, looking ready to burst into tears.

"Well, I still want ta see you," Davie said, in attempts to cheer her up.

Marissa smiled slightly.  "Thanks Davie."

"Now what I’se tryin’ ta figuah out is how I was gettin’ yelled at fer not tellin’ ‘bout me goil from a hundred yeahs ago when Marissa’s got a guy now…well…did," Spot said, smirking cockily.

Molly, Marissa, and Katie all looked guilty for a few moments before they burst out laughing hysterically.

"How is dis funny?  I think dat all da guys should bitch at Marissa fer Davie," Spot decided.

"The funny part," Molly told him, "is that we wer never really angry."

"Hey! I was angry!" Katie protested.

"Only for about three minutes…but she was angry…" Marissa added.

"So, ya made me go through al dat an’ ya weren’t even mad?" Spot asked.  "Why da hell would ya do dat?"

"Well…it was fun," Molly said, smiling.

Spot glared at her.  "Ya jest have ta keep pushin’," he said.  "Yer gunna push too far one a dese times," he told her.

"And you’ll do what?" Molly challenged.

"Keep pushin’ an’ you’ll find out," he threatened.

Molly rose an eyebrow and was about to do just that when Katie said, "Oh stop it.  You deserved a little revenge.  Just because I wasn’t angry doesn’t make it right."

Spot looked hopeful.  "So, does dis mean ya fergive me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Katie told him.

"Good, so we can pick up wheah we left off?"

"Umm…the mood is kind of ruined now," Katie said.  "Not to mention SOMEONE woke me up early," she said glaring at Racetrack.  "So, I’m to tired to do anything."

"Yeah, and after all out fun-filled activities last night…we all kinda needed our sleep," Molly added, unable to resist.

"Fun-filled activities?  What da hell are ya talkin’ bout?" Spot asked, narrowing his eyes at Racetrack and balling his fists.

"Hey!  I didn’t do nothin’," Racetrack claimed.

"Oh…were we supposed ta keep it quiet?" Molly asked, feigning short-term memory loss.

"Yer evil," he said looking at all the girls.

Katie smirked.  "Maybe we woulda remembered not to tell if we had gotten all of our sleep."

Jack, who had been surprisingly quiet said, "So, none of ya were mad?"  Still attempting to comprehend what was going on.

"Nope…not really," Marissa said.

"Den why da hell did I get slapped?" he asked, looking at Molly.

Molly began laughing.  "I’m sorry…it’s just…well you DID call me a typical girl…"

"An’ dat’s what you’ve been mad about all dis time?" he asked, exasperated.

"No…I just thought that I’d show you what a typical girl would do.  Then maybe you would appreciate my un-drama-queenishness," she told him.

"Don’t ya think dat ya coulda jest told me all dis?" he questioned.

"What would be the fun in that?" she asked, giving him an innocent smile.

Jack still looked confused.  Finally he gave up trying to understand her and grumbled, "Goils, I’se nevah gunna undahstand dem."

Molly laughed.  "I would suggest not even attempting to."

Soon, everything was back to normal.  Katie and Spot had started from square one and were sitting at the side of the group talking to each other, quietly. 

Marissa had felt guilty for about two more minutes before she and Davie were back at it in their corner, ignoring everyone else’s disgusted looks.

"Don’t ya got a dog house ya could put him in?" Blink asked, pointing at Davie looked like an excited dog, and was even drooling a little out of the sides of his mouth.  (EWW PEARL HARBOR!!!)

"Well, I promise I’ll lock him up if he starts to chew on the furniture," Molly quipped.  (hehe thus quipster!)

"So…what were you guys wanting to do today?" Molly asked, looking at the five boys she was sitting by.

"I dunno…we could go walk around an’ see da sights," Mush suggested.

Molly laughed.  "I’m sorry, did I not mention that this is Monclova?  There are no sights…there are hardly any people here!  Plus, I don’t have a car so I can’t drive us anyplace…and even if I could it wouldn’t matter because I can’t drive…"

"Okay, den what do ya do ‘round heah fer fun?" Racetrack asked.

"I watch Newsies of course!"  Molly told them, completely serious.

"Jest how many times have you watched out movie?" Itey asked.

"Umm…I dunno…waaay too many to count…once a day…sometimes twice…when I’m bored three times a day," she told them.

"Jesus ya really are obsessed," Blink realized.

"Hey, I’ve heard of MUCH worse obsessions than mine," Molly defended herself.

"So, what do ya think dat we should do taday?" Mush asked.

"I dunno…I could call Kerry and invite her back here…" Molly suggested with an evil smile.

"NOOOO!! DON’T DO IT!" Blink yelled.

Everyone in the room turned to look at him.  He turned red immediately.  "She was talkin’ ‘bout invitin’ Kerry back!"

There was a collective "Ohhh" and then everyone went back to their previous activities. 

"Well, we can always go outside and play around or whatever.  Can you boys swim?" Molly asked.

"Yeah, shoah.  What kinda crazy person can’t swim?" Racetrack assured her.

Davie suddenly looked sad.  Marissa, concerned, asked, "What’s wrong, sweetie?"

"Umm…nothing…" he said, looking very embarrassed.

"C’mon ya can tell me…" she prodded.

"No…just…just forget it…It’s nothing…" he insisted, trying to kiss her again.

Marissa leaned back.  "You have to tell me," she persisted.

"I’ve already forgot," Davie claimed, thinking he was being clever.

"Don’t lie to me!  You have not!  Now you tell me right now David Elizabeth Jacobs," she demanded.

"Elizabeth?" he asked, befuddled.

"Oh…yeah…sorry I just assume that everyone has the same middle name as me…I do that ta Quip all the time," she said, giggling.  "Anyways, what were you going to tell me?"

"I was just going to say how I…wait a minute I was never going to tell you," Davie said, catching on.

"Davie, tell her and I’ll give you a carrot," Molly said, from the other side of the room.

Davie jumped up.  "Really?" he asked.  His nose started to twitch.  "Mmmm…carrots…" he said, letting his mind wander to his favorite vegetable.

"Hurry up and tell her," Molly ordered.

"I was just going to say that I can’t swim, but then I didn’t want to get made fun of more," Davie said.  Then he turned back to Molly.  He jumped up and down, using his trademark Seize the Day dance,  "CARROT CARROT CARROT!" he demanded.

Molly burst out laughing.   She pointed at Davie and told Katie, "Look Jibajabba!! Coneja muy loca!! (see…now there is spanish incorporated so we can read it and talk about it in espanol!)

"Okay, okay…there are some in the fridge," she said, pointing toward the refrigerator in the other room.

Davie hopped…literally…off to find the carrots, his moth watering.  Molly shook her head in amusement and returned to the conversation she was taking part in earlier. 

Davie came back a few minutes later and yelled "YOU LIED! GIVE ME THE FUCKING CARROTS!"

Molly looked at him as if he was crazy.  "What carrots?"

"The carrots you said you would give me!!" Davie reminded her, angrily.

"Umm…I don’t remember any carrots.  I doubt we even have any," Molly claimed.

"NO CARROTS AND LOTS OF BLUE MAKES DAVIE GO CRAZY!!" he said, pushing a plastic cup off of the table. Then, stopping to catch his breath, he reverted back to his earlier calm state.

"Okay, sorry I had to be so destructive and harsh.  I just get like that sometimes when I go through carrot withdrawal."

"That’…okay…yeah go back to making out with Marissa.  As gross as it is at least it means you can’t talk," Molly said.

Davie glared and looked about ready to comment but then shrugged and plopped down next to Marissa, ready to follow Molly’s directives.

After a few minutes of Molly, Race, Blink, Mush and Itey discussing what they should do that day the phone rang. 

"Damnit!" Katie swore.  "I’ll bet you anything that is my mom.  Joe probably ran home and whined about what happened," she said, standing up.

Molly ran over and picked up the phone.  "Hello?  Oh, hey Mrs. Wachtel.  Yeah, she’s here.  Hang on, she’s in the bathroom," Molly said.  She put her hand over the phone.

"Katie, yeah it’s your mom.  She wants to know where you and Joe are."

"Joe?  Isn’t he at home?"

"Obviously not…look Katie, seriously, just lie to your mom.  Tell her…umm…" Molly said thinking of a plausible excuse for Katie to use.

"But as soon as Joe gets home he’s going to tell her everything," Katie pointed out.

"In which case you will already be in trouble.  Jest tell her that…umm…Marissa and I got freaked out by staying here alone…and need to help us.  Oh, wait! Yeah, tell her that and then tell her that you and Marissa are ‘sorting issues out’ in my magical house!" Molly said.

"I guess you are right…no matter what I’m going to get in trouble…" Katie said thinking it over.

"C’mon, Katie.  Stay," Spot said, giving her a smile.

That was enough to send her over the edge.  "Okay.  Hang on," she said walking over to the phone.  "Hey Mom…yeah I dunno where Joe is he never got here.  Look, is it okay if I stay longer?  I know…but it doesn’t really matter if I’m home for that.  Yeah…but Mom, Marissa and I are actually talking about yeah…past issues.  Uh huh.  No, I’m fine.  I dunno…Molly said I could stay as long as I want.  Her parents wont be back until next week.  I didn’t ask to stay until next week end even though Marissa gets to.  What?  Grandma and Grandpa? Are you serious?  Thank you sooo much Mom!  Yeah, I’ll tell Joe to hurry home if I see him…Okay, Thanks!! Bye!  Love you, too."

Katie turned around looking completely happy.  "You guys are NEVER going to believe this!  My mom said I could stay here the entire week!!!"

"Oh my gawd are you serious?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah…My grandparents called and needed them for something and my mom thought it would be better for me to stay with Molly so we could ‘study for exams’…of course that will change whenever Joe gets home..but that doesn’t matter…This is SO great!"

"Yes!!  All week Newsie party!" Molly said, laughing.

"Hey…where is Joe then?" Marissa asked.

"You know what’s weird…I never heard the door close," Molly said, thinking about what had happened.  "Oh my God how sad would it be if he was upstairs sitting down?"

Molly bolted up the stairs laughing to herself.  Surely enough, there was Joe sitting in his car in her driveway.  He had left her door wide open. 

Molly rolled her eyes and walked out, not knowing exactly what to do. 

"Umm…Joe…are you okay?" Molly asked, when she had gone around to his side of the car.  (…the window is rolled down…)

"I’m fucking great.  Just leave me alone," he told her, glaring.

"Oh…okay…but if you are great then why are you sitting in my driveway?" she asked.

"Well…I thought Marissa would run after me…" he explained.

"Umm…doubtful…sorry.  Davie and her were back at it the second you hit the door ," Molly filled him in, looking sadistically happy about getting to tell him.

"Now, I remember why I fucking hate you," he said, abruptly, turning on the car.

"Okaaay then…nice seeing you too," Molly said, watching Joe drive off. 

Molly watched the car for a few seconds then shrugged.  "Oh, well…" she thought walking back inside.

She walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.  "I wonder if it would work if we said Katie had already started walking home and we hadn’t seen her," she thought.  "Probably not…DAMN JOE!"

She heard someone walk into the kitchen and turned around to see who it was.  She was surprised to find Jack standing there.

"Um…hey.  Did you need something?" she asked, a little confused.

"Uh…yeah.  I need ta talk ta ya," Jack told her. 

"What about?" Molly asked.

"Well, look you’se successfully confused an’ all so I was jest wonderin’ if ya could tell me if yer really mad an’ why," he asked.  "I don’t really like da idea a ya bein’ mad at me an’ I nevah meant ta upset ya."

"Oh…I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to confuse you that much or anything.  I was just kind of upset with Spot and then kinda took it out on you a little I guess…and then yeah I just like fucking with peoples minds," she told him.

"So…den ya slapped me fer no reason?" he asked.

"Well…I had to make it convincing," she told him, smiling.

"Ya made it convincin’ all right," he said, rubbing the side of his face.

"Oh come on your face does not still hurt," Molly said.

"Hey, how do you know?  Ya hit pretty damn hard," he told her.

"Look, I’m sorry.  I’ll make it up to you.  Your wish is my command," she joked.

"Really?  Now things are finally gettin’ interestin’," he joked back.

Molly rolled her eyes and started rinsing out her glass.

"Hey, I had anuddah question," he told her.

"All right," Molly said.  "What is it?"

"Umm…since I don’t know how long I got heah I’se jest gunna say it.  Look, I’se liked ya fer…well I dunno a day now.  An’ sometimes it seems like ya like me back an’ oddah times ya seem like ya’d raddah be wid anyone oddah den me," Jack confided, looking awkward.

Molly looked up shocked.  "Umm…yeah that wasn’t a question…"

Jack looked a little exasperated.  "Da question was do ya like me or not."

"Are you serious?" Molly asked.

Jack nodded in affirmation.

"Wow…well I thought that you had figured out that I liked you after I was asking about Sarah…and that you just didn’t like me that way or whatever," she told him, blushing slightly.

"I thought dat maybe…but den I dunno…yer jest da most confusin’ goil I’se evah met," he told her.

"Oh…well I try," Molly joked, eager to break the awkwardness.

"So…umm…now what?" Jack asked.

"Sooo…now we go back downstairs," Molly said, starting to walk off.

"What?  Dat’s it?" Jack asked.

"Well what did you expect me to do?  Go leap into bed because I found out you like me?" she asked sarcastically.

"I was thinkin’ somethin’ more along dese lines," he said, walking up and kissing her.  (WAHAHA hey jibajabba and Squibble got to hook up!!…Sorry kim!!)

"Wow…okay…" Molly said, once they had pulled away.  "Not so eager to go downstairs anymore…"

Jack laughed.  "Yeah, well I’se got dat effect on goils," he teased.

"Yeah ya do!" Molly said, over the shock and back to her normal self.

"C’mon," he said taking her hand and leading her downstairs.  "Jest a question…you an’ Race didn’t really do anythin’ last night did ya?"

"That, Mr. Kelly, is for me to know and you to wonder about," she declared.

"Well, even if ya aren’t gunna tell me ya might want ta tell Spot.  He ain’t known fer his kindness ta people dat screw ‘round wid goils dat he considahs ‘his’ an’ might not be so happy if Race was screwin’ round wid Katie."

Molly burst out laughing.  "You really think that we all hooked up with Racetrack last night?  Gawd…okay sorry not really into sharing guys…" she said, rolling her eyes at him as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"So, did you see Joe?" Katie asked, looking away from Spot for a moment.

"Yeah, he was up there in my driveway," Molly said.  She waited for the laughter to die down before she said, "He left though. He was waiting for Marissa to follow him up there."  There was soon much more laughter.

"What did you tell him?" Marissa asked, feeling sorry for Joe.

"Well, I told him the truth of course.  I told him that you and Davie were back on top of each other the second he left," Molly said, laughing at her angry face.

"MOLLY!  He’s never going to talk to me anymore!!!" Marissa exclaimed, jumping up angrily.

"Yeah…because that matters to me…he’s mean to me.  He hates me," Molly said, rationalizing her actions.  "Besides…you have Nick now…I mean Davie."

Marissa looked about ready to bitch Molly out when Davie stood up angry.  "YOUR SO MEAN!" he shouted running off into the bathroom and locking the door.

Everyone gave each other weird looks.  "Umm…is it just me…or did Davie jest steal Molly’s move?" Jack asked.

"That bitch!  I’ll soak him!" Molly exclaimed, laughing.

Marissa burst into tears.   "Why do you all have to be so mean to everyone I like?!" she asked, upset.

"Well…maybe because you like people that are easy to be mean to?" Katie suggested.

"No I don’t!" Marissa said.  "You guys go out of your way to be mean to them!"

"Okay, sorry one word.  Nathan." Molly put in.

Marissa looked ready to say something but then shut her mouth abruptly, knowing she had lost the fight.

Molly and Katie smirked happily, to each other.

"So…is anyone going to go talk to him?"  Mush asked.

Most of the boys immediately said, "Not me!"

Molly smiled evilly.  "Well… I can go talk to him!"

"Hell no!" Marissa protested.  "All you would do is make things worse!"

"What? Nu uh!  I can be nice!  Who is the only one here that ISN’T a bitch by Nathanish standards?" Molly pointed out.  "I’ll show you," she decided, getting up and walking off to the bathroom.

Molly knocked on the door.  "Hey…Davie…it’s Molly.  Do you maybe want to open the door?" she called in, nicely.

"No way in hell," Davie responded, coldly.

"Gawd come on Davie!  Just let me in…I’ll bet that I can make you feel better!" Molly claimed.

"Yeah right.  All you have done since I got here was make fun of me," Davie said, sniffling.

"Well….uhh…that’s only because I noticed how self confident you were and figured you could take it," Molly lied.

"Really?  Do you mean that or are you lying?" Davie asked, suspicious of her sudden mood swing.

"I mean it.  Now come on and open the door, I just want to talk," Molly said.

Surprisingly, seconds later there was a click from the door being unlocked and it swung open slowly.  "All right, come on it," Davie said, allowing her to enter.

"Thanks," Molly said walking into the bathroom.  "Soo…wanna tell me what that was all about?"

"Not really…" Davie said.

"I’ll bet I can guess…I’m psychic after all.  You are angry…because….umm…you are angry that Marissa likes Joe and didn’t tell you about him and now that she’s worried about him not talking to her," Molly hypothesized.

"Actually…yes…" Davie said looking at her oddly.  "How did you know that?"

"Like I said, I’m psychic.  Okay time for a counseling session.  Sit," she said, pushing Davie over to the counter, where he sat down.

"Okay, sooo this is sorta kinda like the Katie and Spot thing.  Annd so you have to realize that you don’t even know how long you are going to be here…not to mention how long have you known Marissa?  Like…24 hours if that?  So, yeah she’s known Joe for like 2 years…she’s not going to be like ‘Eh, screw Joe, I have this guy from the past!’," Molly told him, pacing the room.

"Yeah…I guess…" Davie said, watching Molly and looking at her oddly.

"Not to mention," she continued, not listening to Davie, "that things probably won't turn out very well for you guys being that you live one hundred years apart."

"Yeah…Your right…"

"Also, have you ever even given her the indication that she means more to you then making out? No, I didn’t think so!"

"I said you were right," Davie said, trying not to laugh.

"Boys…I mean geez they expect girls to just read their mind or something!" Molly rambled on.

"MOLLY! I said you were right!" Davie said, standing up.

Molly looked a little sheepish.  "Oh…yeah…good!  Damn straight I’m right!"

Davie rolled his eyes.  "Do you get like this a lot?"

"Get like what?  I don’t know what you are talking about!  Hey, why are you even in here talking to me anyways?  Shouldn’t you be off talking to Marissa by now?"

"Yeah…hey, thanks Molly.  You really aren’t a bitch I guess," Davie said, smiling at her.

"DON’T SAY THAT! Damnit I AM a bitch!  You and Nathan are friends aren’t you!?" she said, recalling the horrible time when Nathan had withdrew her beloved nick name "the girl too bitchy for a name", commonly referred to as the "Nameless Bitch".  (Okay…for all the online readers who are like, "huh?" Kerry dated this guy named Nathan who was a huge player.  And then, randomly, he started calling all of her friends (me included) a bitch because evidently we "gave him mean looks" or…sometimes told him being a player wasn’t nice.  But then, once, I was polite to him when he was at my house…and he took away my name.  I was very depressed…)

"Uhh…no…what?" Davie asked, confused.

"Nothing…just look if you want to say thanks please do not start expecting me to be nice all the time.  You could even pretend I was mean in here!" Molly suggested.

"Uhh..I could do that," Davie decided.  Then, after opening the door and getting a few steps out he yelled, "I HATE


"Wow, impressive," Molly said, following him out.

"Soo…Molly you can be nice, huh?" Racetrack asked, when they walked in.

"Hey, do you see any bruises on him? No didn’t think so…" Molly defended herself.

"Hey, Molly can be nice!" Jack told everyone.

Everyone, Molly included, burst out laughing.  "You would know, huh, Jacky boy?" Blink joked.

Jack blushed a little.  "I didn’t mean it like dat…I mean.."

"Shoah ya didn’t Kelly," Spot said, smirking.’

Jack was about to try to explain what he had meant by his comment when Katie’s face suddenly lit up and she said, "I know what we can do today!!"

"What?" Molly asked.

"Wait, come into the other room.  You too, Marissa," Katie said, smiling mischievously.

Marissa, although still angry, followed them into the other room.

"Sooo…what are we going to do?" Molly asked.

"Can we pleaaaaase make them do there dances from Newsies?" Katie asked.  "It would be so great!"

"Oh my God that is SUCH a good idea!  We are SO going to do that!!" Molly said.

Marissa forgetting she was supposed to be upset said, "Pelvic thrusts forevah!!"

"Oh my gosh!  We can make Race and Spot and Davie do them!…even though they don’t really…" Katie suggested.

"Umm…how are we going to get them to?  Remember how they were all making fun of the dancing newsies?" Molly reminded them, ever the practical one.  (hehe yup that’s me…)

"We can make them…We can be persuasive…" Marissa told them.

Katie smiled evilly.  "Or we could threaten them with Kerry…"

"PERFECT!  Oh my God this is going to be SO great!! Wait….I don’t want to be the one to tell them!  I would feel odd…" Molly said.

"Nice point.  I say Squibble does it," Katie suggested.

"But…how come I have to do it?" Marissa asked.

"Because…we voted.  You have to do it," Molly said.

"But…but…I didn’t get to vote!" Marissa protested.

"Umm…it wouldn’t matter…" Katie told her.

"Oh…but I don’t want to!"

"Think about it Marissa…Davie…pelvic thrust…Davie…pelvic thrust…you know you dream about it every night," Molly persuaded.

"But…what if they say no?" Marissa asked.

"Theeen we call Kerry and lock them all in a closet with pillows and her!" Molly decided.

"Okay..I’ll ask…let me get into my flag corps mode," Marissa said, taking a few deep breaths.

Part 4