Spot stopped Molly, grabbing her arm.  "I didn’t mean it ta happen like dis.  Ya gotta believe me," he explained.  Evidently most boys felt that they had to explain things to Molly after they did something wrong.

Molly gave him a half smile.  "Don’t worry everythin’ will be all right," she said, in a moment of compassion for the sad leader that was standing in front of her. 

"I jest don’t undahstand…I’se surprised dat Tinkah even saw us.  Usually she don’t leave her little group a friends fer nothin’," Spot said, looking bewildered.

"Well…I dunno…" Molly said, averting her eyes to the floor.  "Hey…Look Spot I want ya ta tell me da real truth.  Do ya really love Katie?"

"Yeah…I guess I do.  I mean I’se only known her fer a couple days an all but I like her moah den any oddah goil dat I’se evah met," he told her.

Molly looked at him appraisingly.  "Ya sweah ya ain’t lyin’ ta me?"

"Why would I bothah?  I think we both jest saw dat I ain’t one fer sparin’ goils feelin’s," Spot pointed out.

"All right…say I do help ya out…what would ya do den?" she asked.

"Well..I would worship ya like a goddess," Spot said, sucking up like Davie.

Molly looked at him oddly.  "Uhh…I was talkin’ bout Katie…"

"Ohh…’bout dat.  Well, I guess I would jest want things ta go back ta how der were befoah Tinkah came an’ talked ta her.  We jest have so much fun talkin’ an’ jokin’ ‘round an’ all.  When I’se wid her I ain’t even worryin’ ‘bout me next move ‘cause I can be comfertable wid Katie an’ content wid what we’re doin’," Spot confided.

Molly rose her eyebrows and tried not to laugh.  "Puh-lease do not get all mushy on me, Conlon or I will be forced to throw up.  So pretty much ya jest want ta hook up wid her an’ all an’ have her be yer new goil?"

"Yeah, pretty much,’ Spot said, blushing at his random outburst.

"Dat’s all I needed ta know," Molly said, walking off to find Katie and explain everything…well…somethings to her.

Molly actually did intend to talk to Katie, but stopped mid journey, seeing something more interesting.  Sitting at one of the tables was the infamous T.A.R.K.  Molly smiled evilly and hurried over to him.  Dis should be fun…she thought.

"Hey Ta…I mean uh…hey!" Molly said, sitting in a chair next to him.

"Uhh…hey," he said, looking at her oddly.  "Uh..did ya want somethin’?"

"No…Why do I look like I want somethin?" Molly asked.

"Umm…well yer sittin’ by me," he said.

"Oh…an’ dat automatically means dat I want somethin’?" she asked.

"Pretty much…can’t think a any oddah reason anyone would want ta sit by me," the kid admitted.

"I can think of a goil dat would want ta sit by ya," Molly said.

"Really, ya actually want ta sit by me?" the kid asked.

"Uhh…did I say me? No didn’t think so," Molly told him.  "I said I knew a goil.  Soo…I thought dat I would come ovah an’ help ya out."

"All right…well den I’se up fer dat," the kid told her.

"So what’s yer name, kid?" Molly asked.

"Bob.  Me name’s bob," he said, sticking out his hand.

Molly stared at his hand in disgust and  chose to ignore it.  "Well, Bob, I know fer a fact dat me friend has a huge crush on ya."

"Really? Wheah is she? Huh Huh? GET DA LEAD OUTTA YER PANTS AN’ TELL ME!" he said.

"Hey, calm down der Bob," Molly said, looking at him oddly.  "See, me friend, Squibble, she likes her men ta take obvious actions.  An’ also she don’t want ta admit dat she likes ya…so we’se gunna come up wid a plan."

"If she already likes me den why do we gotta come up wid a plan?" Bob asked, looking at her suspiciously.

""Cause…well…damnit shut up an’ don’t ask questions!" Molly said.  "If ya want her yer gunna listen ta me an’ do what I say."

Bob nodded eagerly and leaned in to hear her plan.

------Katie and Marissa-----

"Just so I know are you really mad this time?" Marissa asked.

"I dunno…I mean yeah I am…I mean..wait," Katie said, indecisively.

"Make up yer mind! I want ta get back ta Davie!" Marissa said, impatiently and tired of all the drama.

"Oh thanks for caring, Marissa.  Really, it’s nice to know your priorities," Katie said, giving her a cold glare.

"Nooo Katie I care.  Who is the one that ran out here after you?" Marissa pointed out.

"Yeah…your right…hey where is Molly?" Katie asked.

"I dunno…I think she was talking to Spot," Marissa said.  "Maybe she can’t find us."

"Oh…maybe…so what do you think about what Tinker said?"

"I dunno…maybe we should ask Molly.  She is the one who talked to him after all…" Marissa said, hoping that Katie would agree so she could get back to Davie.

"Yeah…I guess your right…c’mon let’s get back," Katie agreed, wanting to find Molly and ask her what Spot said.

The two girls walked back in.


Davie saw Marissa and immediately ran over to her.  Molly noticed this and pointed it out to Bob. 

Bob nodded, knowing what he had to do.  He ran up to Marissa and threw his arms around her, yelling, "Hey Squibble!!"

Marissa screamed.  She had never liked random people running up to her screaming and throwing their arms around her.  Then, realizing who it was, she screamed again.  "Get off! GET OFF!" she yelled.

"C’mon baby dat’s not what ya were sayin’ last time we met.  C’mon lets get back ta what we were doin’.  C’mon move it move it get da…well jest get outta yer pants!"

Marissa looked horrified.  "We…but I’ve never met you before in my life!!"

"Hey, Bob, back off all right.  Ya must be thinkin’ a someone else.  Marissa is new ‘round here," Davie interceded.

"I know dat.  She’s from da future right?  Yeah..we had some good times in Molly’s house…an’ what we did in dat cornah…well…I guess it ain’t polite ta make out an’ tell," Bob said, smiling at Marissa and winking.

Davie turned red, in fury.  "The corner? OUR corner?!" he asked, her.

"No…it’s not true…I…no…but..NOOO!" Marissa tried to explain, but couldn’t.

"I can’t believe ya lied ta me!  Did ya lie ‘bout anythin’ else?  Jest how many boy friends do ya have?" he asked, looking ready to cry.

"But…no…I jest…It’s not true!" Marissa said.

"Sure, then why does he know all about you and Molly and Molly’s house?" Davie pointed out.

"I don’t know!" Marissa claimed.

Racetrack chose that moment to walk up.  Seeing Bob and Marissa standing together he grinned.  "Nice ta see you two love boids tageddah again," he commented.

"WHAT?!" Marissa asked.

Bob put his arm around her and smiled.  "Yeah, things are gunna be jest like old times," he said.

Davie’s eyes narrowed more, if possible.  "I…ugh…just stay away from me!" Davie said, starting to stomp away.

Molly, feeling a twinge of guilt, rolled her eyes and walked up.  Damn me new found conscience.  It bettah go away soon or I ain’t gunna have any fun!

Molly grabbed Davie by the arm, laughing hysterically.  "Davie, come on don’t leave."

"What the hell do you want?  I’m not in the mood for your bitchiness," Davie said, yanking his arm out of her reach.

Wow…not feeling so guilty anymore…Molly thought.  Then, looking at Marissa, who was crying and attempting to push Bob away, she relented.

"Now, now Davie no need to be rude," Molly scolded.  "At least not yet."

"I think I have every right to be rude.  You could have told me about her and Bob," Davie told her.

"Because I so go out of my way to help your relationship with Marissa," Molly said, rolling her eyes. 

"Well, I thought we were friends after the bathroom," Davie told her.

Racetrack rose his eyebrows.  "Jest what happened in da bathroom, Molly?"

"Well…I wasn’t supposed to say anything…but I did the only thing I knew would make Davie quit whining…if you know what I mean," Molly said, smiling mischievously. 

Racetrack looked shocked.  "I wish ya’d do those things ta me…" he said.

"Umm…I don’t know what you are thinking about but I told him to shut up," Molly said, laughing.

"I’m out of here," Davie said, starting to walk off again.

"Gawd you are soo irritating," Molly said, grabbing his arm again.  "Look, Marissa and Bob didn’t do anything, okay?"

"Why the hell would I believe you?" Davie asked.

"Would I go out of my way to make things better between you and Marissa?" she asked.

"No…but still how would he know about your house then?" the crazy bunny pointed out.

"Hmm…well…maybe Racetrack told him about it," she said, winking at Race.

Race laughed and nodded.  "I coulda done dat," he said.

"Or…maybe Itey…it’s always da quiet ones," Molly said.

"I’ll kill him!" Davie said.  "So all of this was a huge lie?"

"Yes…it was a lie…but Davie if I were you I wouldn’t go around starting fights.  It’s not like you are the strongest of the group…" Molly said.

"Okay…good point….so Marissa has never gotten togethah with Bob?" Davie checked.

"Nope," Molly assured him.

"Good, den," he said, walking up to Marissa, pushing Bob off of her and dragging her back to where they had been sitting earlier.


Race looked at Molly oddly.  "Why did ya tell dem dat Itey an’ I did it?" he asked.

"Well…I can’t have dem knowing dat it’s me…den no one would believe me an’ I couldn’t have me fun anymoah!" Molly told him.

"Nice point…let’s just keep blaming things on Itey," Racetrack agreed.

"Sounds good ta me," Molly said.  "Soo…who’s next?"

"I think Jacky-boy needs ta be taught a lesson ‘bout messin’ wid people’s plans," Racetrack decided.

"Oh…I dunno…" Molly said, uncertainly. 

"Aww…do you not want ta play jokes on yer little crush?" Racetrack said, patronizingly.

"Hey dat ain’t it!" Molly told him.  "It’s jest…I uhh…want ta spread out me little plans so dat people don’t get suspicious.  I’se only been heah fer an hour an’ am already ruinin’ me friends lives!"

"Well…if yer gunna go soft on me…"Racetrack started.

Molly glared at him.  "I am NOT goin’ soft! Ya jest don’t appreciate strategical plottin’!"

"Shoah dat’s it.  Next thing ya know ya’ll be waitin’ on Jacky-boy hand an’ foot," Racetrack goaded, enjoying himself

"Yeah, dat’s exactly how its gunna happen," Molly said, sarcastically. 

"Jest you wait," Racetrack said.

"Wait for what?" Katie asked, walking up.

"Molly’s kinda bored an’ I told her dat it would turn out ta be fun heah if she jest waited," Racetrack covered, smoothly.

"Borin’?  How can ya be bored?  Der’s all sorts a fights goin’ on!" Katie protested.

"I noticed…so are you an’ Spot bettah yet?  Sorry I didn’t follow but I got caught up," Molly told her.

"Yeah, Marissa told me ya were talkin’ ta Spot.  I dunno what’s goin’ on between Spot an’ me.  What did he tell ya?" she asked.

"I don’t think ya got anythin’ ta worry ‘bout wid Spot.  He wants ta hook up an’ all…" Molly told her, distracted a little by the funny faces Racetrack was making behind Katie. 

"Really? He said dat?" Katie asked.

"Umm..actually he had dis whole thing ‘bout how he could be himself ‘round ya…but it kinda freaked me out…" Molly told her, struggling not to laugh, when Race kept at it.

"All right, cool!" Katie said.  "I’m gunna go find Spot!  Oh…Jack was lookin’ fer ya I think," Katie told her before running off in search of Spot.

"Ain’t dat cute? Jacky-boy is lookin’ fer ya!  Scampah off ta be his little goilfriend now!" Racetrack said.

Molly rose and eyebrow and smirked.  "All right!" she said, walking away.

"Hey!  I wasn’t serious!" Racetrack called after her.

Molly laughed and continued on her same trajectory.


Katie walked up to Spot, hesitantly.  

Spot jumped up from where he was sitting.  "Katie…hey…is everythin’ all right?" he asked.

"Umm…yeah…I guess.." she said, not sure what to say.

"Okay, well listen.  I sweah what Tinkah said ain’t true…well it’s true but…umm…not anymoah," he explained.

"It’s okay…I think I undahstand.  Well, it doesn’t mattah…what’s past is past," she told him.

"All right, good," Spot said, sounding relieved.  "She didn’t hurt ya none did she?  Tinkah I mean."

"Nope…not really…I’m fine," Katie assured him.  "All right…sooo what now?"

"I dunno…prolly do what we always do…sit an’ talk," Katie said.

"Oh…are ya shoah?  I could give ya a tour a da Lodgin’ House if ya want?" he suggested.

Katie looked uncertain for a moment before nodding.   "I think dat would be fun," she decided.

Spot grinned, took her hand and led her out of Irving Hall happily.


Marissa and Davie had gone back to their favorite pass time…making out in the nearest corner.  Bob was watching them closely, trying to figure out where he had gone wrong since he had followed Molly’s plan exactly as she had related it to him.  I’ll get her, he thought to himself.  I’ll get her if it’s da last thing dat I do…Squibble will be mine!!!  Bob let out a small evil laugh before realizing he was doing it out loud and stopping.


Molly literally ran into Jack accidentally.  Jack grabbed her hand to steady her.  "Hey," he said, helping her retain balance.  "Havin’ fun?"

"Thanks," Molly said, straightening up.  "I guess I am…"

"Only guess?" Jack asked.

Molly shrugged.  "Nothin’ too special," she told him.

"Really?  Dat’s surprisin’," he commented.

"Oh?  Why is dat?"  she questioned.

"Well…ya shoah seem ta be havin’ fun," he told her.

"Do I now? But how could I possibly have fun wid out havin’ you around?" she joked.

"I dunno…maybe by ruinin’ yer friend’s lives…" he suggested.

"What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Molly asked.

Jack smirked.  "Ya think I don’t know what yer doin’?  Wid Tinkah, an’ Bob.  I ain’t stupid ya know," he told her.

Molly rose an eyebrow.  "I’m sorry Jack but I don’t have any idea what yer talkin’ ‘bout," she told him.  "Now…if you’ll excuse me…I’m going…someplace that isn’t here."

"Wait jest a minute," Jack said, pulling her back wards by her arm.  "We’re not done talking."

Molly jerked her arm away from him.  "Don’t’," she told him.  "I’m not really in the mood to talk to someone that would accuse me of what you are accusing me of.!"

"An’ I wouldn’t normally accuse people a it but it’s true an’ ya know it," Jack told her.

"I really don’t know what yer talkin’ about.  I’m gunna walk away now an’ I sweah dat if ya grab my arm again den I’se gunna have ta do somethin’ dat ain’t so nice," Molly told him, walking away.

Jack, being the persistant boy that he is, grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her back again.  "I said we ain’t finished yet," he told her.

Molly stomped on his foot.  "I fuckin’ say dat we are!"

She walked off angrily. 

Marissa ran up to her.  "What’s going on?" she asked, worried about the scene she had seen from her corner.

"What?" Molly asked.  "Oh…dat…nothins goin’ on…"

"It didn’t look like nothin’," Marissa commented.

"Yeah…well it was nothin’. I’m lookin’ fer Race, have ya seen him?" she said.

"Yeah, shoah, he’s ovah der," she said, pointing to Racetrack talking to a girl on the other side of the room.

"Hey, thanks Squibby!  Now hurry back ta Davie he’s lookin’ lonely," Molly said.  "I can’t take away da only person dat is nice ta him."

"Ya should really stop bein’ so mean ta him," Marissa commented.

"Shoah, shoah, I’ll make an effort," Molly said insincerely.

Marissa, not catching the fakeness of Molly’s statement, smiled as if she were victorious.  "Thanks, Molly.  I knew I could count on you."

"Yeah…shoah ya can…" Molly said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.


Molly walked up to Racetrack.  "Hey…uhh…can I steal ya away?" she asked him.

"I’m sorta busy," he said, looing back at the girl he was with.  "Can dis wait?"

The girl, slightly confused, said, "Racey!  Ain’t ya gunna intraduce me ta yer friend?"

"Uhh…wasn’t plannin’ on it," he said.  Then, relenting, said, "Dis is Quipstah.  Quipstah dis is Sidetracked."

Molly nodded at the girl. "Nice meetin’ ya an’ everythin’…but hey Race I want ta talk ta ya…like…seriously," she said.

Racetrack sighed and followed Molly, assuring Sidetracked that he would be right back.

"So what was so important dat it couldn’t wait?" he asked.

"Well…remembah how ya were sayin’ dat ya wanted me ta do dose things dat ya thought I did ta Davie?" she asked, leadingly.

"Yeah," Racetrack said, smiling in surprise.

"Well dat ain’t why I came ovah," Molly said, laughing. 

"Yer a sadistic bitch, ya know dat right?" he said, disappointed.

"But dat’s da reason ya love me!" Molly said.

"True…true…so why am I ovah heah?" he asked.

"’Cause…well I got a problem.  Jack caught on ta me…" Molly told him.

"What?" Racetrack asked.  "Jacky-boy figrured it out?  I bettah go check if der are pigs flyin’ outside!"

Molly giggled.  "No, but seriously.  He came up ta me an’ told me an’ yeah…I dunno what happens now."

"Well, what did ya say ta him?" Racetrack asked.

"Well…I said he was insultin’ an’ I didn’t want ta talk ta him an’ den I stomped on his foot," Molly told him.

"Way ta be persuasive," Racetrack said, sarcastically.

"Well, I wasn’t plannin’ on involvin’ Jack.  ‘Sides he’s too nice ta want ta help us," Molly pointed out.  "’Sides it ain’t like we’re plannin’ on really ruinin’ everyone’s lives or nothin’.  We were jest havin’ a little fun…an’ now I guess I have ta quit."

"An’ I thought ya were different," Racetrack said, shaking his head disapointedly.  "Yer jest a wanna be."

"A wanna be, huh?  I’ll wanna be you…" Molly said.  "Wait…that insult doesn’t work this time…fuck it.  I’m going to go talk to Jack."

"’Cause he will want ta talk ta ya aftah ya broke his foot…" Racetrack said.

"Oh, come on!  I didn’t break his foot!  ‘Sides I’ll jest explain everythin’ ta him an’ it will he’ll undahstand…"

"Shaoh, whatevah.  If dat’s all ya got ta say den I’m gettin’ back ta Sidetracked.  She might not have da nack fer evil dat ya have but she’s a lot moah fun den you," he said.

"All right den…see ya latah, ‘Racey’," she said, smirking.

Racetrack laughed and walked back to Sidetracked.  (yeah…race and I have a weird relationship…we are fucked up people…**shrugs**)


At the Lodging House, Spot had started a fire in the fire place, since it was a little chilly.  It was very romantic with the fire flickering and a rain shower outside.  Spot and Katie got closer…and closer…and closer…and…(okay that’s enough of that.  I’ll let you use your imaginations) (Hmm Spot…Phil…**Shrugs** no difference**)


Molly walked up to Jack looking a little cautious.  "Umm…hey Jack…" she said.

"Oh…I’m sorry were your actually talking to me?" he asked faking shock.  "I didn’t think dat ya would talk ta someone dat accused ya a doin’ somethin’ dat ya actually did."

"Oh stop it," Molly said.  "Ya jest caught me off guard.  I didn’t think dat you would be da one ta catch on."

"Umm…ow…" Jack said.  "Is dat supposed ta be some form of apology?"

"Take it anyway you want. I don’t care," she told him.

"Well, if I were you I would start caring.  After all I truly doubt Marissa and Katie will be very happy when they figure out who has been causing all this trouble," he told her.

"Umm…have I told you that I like you lately?" she asked.

"No…" Jack said.

"Good," Molly said, walking off.
Jack followed her.  "Did ya not heah me?  Eithah ya agree ta stop an’ apologize or I’m tellin’ dem," he  told her.

"Fine, tell dem.  We’re friends, they’ll fergive me," Molly told him.

"I guess we will find out," Jack said.  (grr Jack is a jerk…**glares at Jack**)

"Whatevah.  I’m outta heah," Molly told him.

"Wheah da hell are ya goin’?  Ya don’t have any place dat ya can go.  In case ya fergot yer a hundred yeahs in da past in New Yawk city.  Ya can’t jest run around da streets a Mahattan at night," he told her.

"Umm…actually yeah I can.  Ya can’t tell me what ta do an’ bein’ out on da streets is bettah den bein’ heah right now," she told him.

Jack rolled his eyes.  "Jest stay, all right.  Yer ovah reactin’.  Don’t make me call ya a typical goil again."

Molly smirked.  "You of all people should know dat I’m anythin’ but typical."

"True…so yer gunna stay right?" he asked.

"Yer not gunna tell anyone ‘bout my fun?" she asked.

"Nah…It’ll be our secret…iiif," he started.

":If what?":

:"If ya tell me why every time I turn ‘round yer talkin’ ta Racetrack," he told her.

"Well…aftah dat night at my house, we became…good friends…" she told him.

"Good friends, huh?  Jest how good a friends?" he asked her.

"Aww…are ya jealous?" she taunted.

"It depends how good a friends ya are," he told her.

Molly rolled her eyes.  "We ain’t dat good a friends.  I’m jest teasin’ ya.  Da reason I’m always talkin’ ta Race is cause SOMEONE insists on ruinin’ all me fun."

"I wondah who ya could mean…" Jack joked.

"I dunno…but whoevah it is it’s a good thing he’s cute or else I might actually be angry at him," she told him.

"Aww ya thing I’m cute…I mean…ya think he’s cute?" Jack asked.

"Umm…no I jest thought dat he could use a confidence boost," she joked.

"Thanks…no really thanks…" Jack said.

"C’mon, Jacky-boy.  Let’s go party.  Ya can show me how ta dance ‘round heah," she told him.

"I like yer kinda dancin’ bettah," Jack told her.

"Because if we did dat heah people wouldn’t be shocked an’ think I’m a whore…" Molly said, sarcastically, dragging

Jack to the dance floor.


Bob grabbed the nearest newsie, which  turned out to be Racetrack.  "Hey, see dat goil ovah der?" he asked Race.

"Uhh…yeah…" Race said.

"Well, I want her," he told Racetrack.

"An’ dis is me problem…why?" Racetrack questioned.

"I want ya ta go distract Davie," Bob told him.  "Dat way I can make me move."

"All right…an’ what would I get?" Racetrack asked.

"I’d…uhh…jest owe ya a favah I guess," Bob purposed.

"Good ‘nough fer me," Racetrack said, not really needing a reason to help cause trouble.

Bob laughed evilly thinking, She WILL be miiiine!! AAAALLLLLL MIIIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEE!!


"Hey, Davie.  Jack needs ya outside," Racetrack said.

"But…he’s ovah on da dance floor," Davie said, pointing to where Jack and Molly were dancing.

Racetrack pulled Davie away from Marissa and said, "I know…he said somethin’ ‘bout takin’ ya up on yer offah…an’ walkin’ mouth…I dunno.  He said he would follow ya out in a couple minutes ‘cause he don’t want anyone ta know ‘bout it."

"Really?" Davie asked, looking excited.  "All right tell him I’ll be out in da alley," he told him, skipping out side, ecstatic.

Racetrack laughed at the stupidity he was dealing with.  He walked back across the room to Slayer but was stopped by Marissa. 

"Where is Davie going?" Marissa asked.

"Jack had an errand for him…you know Davie…always searching for acceptance by going out of his way to be nice to people," Racetrack told her.

"Oh…well when is he coming back?  I’ll give him acceptance…" Marissa asked.

"I dunno…I’m jest da messangah," Racetrack said, walking off.

Bob came up to Marissa only moments after Davie had left.  "Hey der baby," he said, smiling.  "I noticed yer all alone an’ thought I would give ya some company."

"UCK!  Not you again!" Marissa said, getting up to walk away.

"Don’t be like dat.  Ya know I would nevah run outta heah an’ leave ya fer a guy," Bob told her.

"Umm…and this has relevance…how?" Marissa asked.

"Well, jest what kinda errand do ya think Davie is doin’ out der?" Bob asked her.

"EWW! Stop it!" Marissa said, walking off completely disgusted. 


Racetrack hurried over to Jack as soon as he had stopped talking to Marissa.  "Hey, Jack, Davie is outside waitin’ fer ya."

"What? Why would he be doin’ dat?" Jack asked.

"I dunno…he jest told me ta tell ya an’ said dat ya would know what he’s talkin’ ‘bout,": Racetrack told him.

"Uhh…but I don’t…" Jack said, trying to remember any reason why Davie would be in the alley.

"Don’t ya think dat ya bettah check?" Racetrack asked.  "He could be out der fer hours.  We both know dat he waited fer Marissa in dat cornah all night."

Jack rolled his eyes.  "I guess yer right," he agreed.  "Hey, Molly, I’ll be right back aftah I figuah what dis is all ‘bout."

"Fine, hurry doh," Molly said, finding she was actually enjoying dancing and talking with Jack.

"All right," Jack said walking off.

"Soo…may I have dis dance?" Racetrack asked her.

"I guess…" Molly said, beginning to dance with Racetrack.  "So, are ya gunna tell me what all dat was about?"

"Nah…ya won’t like it," Racetrack told her.

"Why not?…Racetrack what did you do?" she asked.

"Nothin’…nothin’ at all…"Race told her.

"Umm…see how I’m not stupid enough to believe dat?  I know ya much too well, now tell me or bad things will happen," Molly promised.

"Jest how bad will ya get wid me?" he asked, smirking.

"Hey not dirty, bad!" Molly corrected hitting his arm.  "Jest tell me!"

"Fine, fine…let’s jest say Jack is gunna get more den he bargained fer out der…"Racetrack revealed.

"Why…what is Davie angry or somethin’?" Molly asked, still not understanding.

"Not exactly mad…I’d say moah…uhh…excited…"Racetrack said, searching for elusive words.

"Damnit Race cut da bull shit and fuckin’ tell me," Molly said.

"Davie thinks dat Jack is goin’ out der ‘cause he likes him," Racetrack finally explained.

"EWW! RACE!" Molly said, looking completely disgusted.

"Hey…someone had ta play a joke on him an’ since ya were too busy gettin’ turned a typical, mushy goil I took things inta me own hands," Racetrack told her, looking very smug.

"Okay…dat is…ugh you are horrible!" Molly said, not sure what to say.

She didn’t have much time to do anything because Jack walked in looking absolutley livid.  He marched over to Molly and Racetrack and pointed at them.  "Both a ya, outside NOW!" he said.

Molly looked surprised but did as she was told.  Jack turned to lead them out.  Molly hit Race when Jack turned around.  "See what ya did! Ya got us in trouble!"

"Me? It was Itey!" Racetrack joked.

In spite of their situation she laughed.  "A course… I fergot ‘bout dat."


Davie started to run after Jack (I’m just going to let you figure out what happened in the alley for yourself…use your imaginations…)  He stopped in his tracks when he saw Bob troubling Marissa again.

Davie stomped over and tapped Bob on the shoulder. 

"Get outta heah.  MOVE IT!" Bob said, not bothering to see who it was.

"YOU MOVE IT!" Davie said pushing him down.

Marissa ran into Davie’s arms.  "My hero!" she said.

Davie swept her off her feet (literally) and carried her to the Lodging House, tired of the party and wanting to pick up where they had left off.


"Soo…umm…Jack ya look kinda upset…"Molly started.

"No shit," Jack said, harshly.  "I’m fuckin’ sick a both a ya an’ yer little plans."

"Hey! This wasn’t me!" Molly stated.  "It was HIM" she said, pointing at Racetrack.

"Hey, who gave me da idea?" Racetrack asked.

"Umm…I dunno…wait hey I didn’t!" Molly said.

Jack grew even more angry, if possible.  "Ya WHAT?" he asked Molly.

"I didn’t! Seriously, I swear I had nothin’ ta do wid it dis time," she told him.

"Shoah ya didn’t Molly…" Racetrack said.

"You are seriously fuckin’ evil," she told Race.

"Ah, but not as evil as you.  Yer me inspiration an’ hero," he told her.

"But…I..hey..b..b..hey!…NO!" Molly said, starting to stutter.

Racetrack smirked evilly.

Jack watched both of them.  "I am seriously not gunna take dis anymoah," Jack to them both. "Tellin’ Davie somethin’’ like dat is not jest disgustin’ but twisted an’ evil and horrible an’…"

"Which pretty much describes Racetrack perfectly," Molly put in.

"Funny…’cause we nevah had dese problems wid Racetrack ‘til you got heah," Jack told her.

"An’ dat is my fault?" Molly asked.  "Wait…dat is exactly what yer sayin’.  But…Jack..why da hell would I want ya makin’ out wid someone else…especially Davie?" she asked, shuddering at the thought.

"Why da hell would ya want ta get Katie an’ Tinkah in a fight? An’ why da hell would ya want ta get Bob’s hopes up ‘bout Marissa?" he pointed out.

"Dat is different…This is soo fucked up.  I quit," Molly said.  "I’m not even going to bother with all of this!"

"Dat can’t be yer answer fer everythin’.  Jest runnin’ off," Jack told her.

"Shoah it can be," Molly said, starting to walk off.

"Look, I think dat we both jest gotta calm down an’ everythin’.  How ‘bout we all jest go back ta da lodgin’ house an’ get some rest an’ we’ll deal wid dis latah," Jack suggested, not wanting Molly to run through Manhattan at night.
Molly looked ready to argue but then nodded in agreement.  "Fine, whatevah," she said, still looking angry.

"Good, c’mon Race," he said, walking towards the lodging house, letting the other two follow him.

Molly glared at Racetrack, once Jack had turned away.  "I sweah you are da evilest, most horrible person dat I’se evah met in me life."

"Well, ya heard Jack.  It started when I met you," he told her, starting for the Lodging House.

"Dat ain’t true.  Dis is only da first time you’se been caught," Molly said, following him.

"An’ what makes ya think dat?" he asked.

"’Cause I ain’t stupid.  Yer much too good at dis fer it bein’ yer first time.  But…you…you really are jest twisted.  I’se only doin’ it ta liven things up a little.  But not you.  Yer doin’ it ‘cause ya jest like fuckin’ wid people," she realized.  "You are one sick, sick person."

"Ya don’t got much room ta talk, der.   No mattah how much ya want ta blame dis all on me , ya are da one dat started dis," Racetrack told her.

"Fine, den I’m da one ta finish it.  I sweah stop dis all or I’se gunna skip da plans an’ go straight ta kickin’ yer ass," she told him.

"Are ya now?  What’s wrong, run outta plans?" he asked.

"No I jest really think dat I would have moah fun, soakin’ ya," she told him.  "Why can’t ya jest let it go?  At least leave me outta it," she asked.

"Now what would be da fun in dat?" Racetrack asked her.

"Fine, if dat’s how yer gunna be den…" Molly trailed off.

"Den what?" Racetrack asked.  "Yer gunna get yer boy friend ta beat me up?’

"Ugh…I am not gettin’ ta be as typical as dat," Molly said rolling her eyes.  "Den…I ain’t evah gunna talk ta ya again."

"Wow, big threat der.  I’se gone 16 yeahs wid out talkin’ ta ya I think I can make it da rest a me life," Racetrack said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, c’mon it’s gunna drive ya crazy dat der is someone out der dat is as sadistic an’ trouble-lovin’ as you an’ yer stuck talkin’ ta all da mindless idiots," she told him, smirking.  "An’ all a dis would be ovah if ya would jest stop fer a couple days an’ let things die down.  All I’m askin’ is fer ya ta back off ‘til dis blows ovah."

Racetrack thought it over.  "What would ya do if I promised ta be good?" he asked.

"Be happy," Molly answered.

"Okay…really…what would I get?" he asked.

"Umm…I dunno…what if…I…umm…" she said, thinking of something that she could do that would be nice.

"C’mon, what would I get?" he prodded.

"Well, what do ya want?" she asked.

Racetrack smirked.  "I think dat ya should be me personal servant ‘til I get ta ‘cause trouble again."

Molly burst out laughing.  "Yeah, dat’s happenin’," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Fine, so back ta da evil plan makin’," he decided.

"Ugh! Could ya be more annoyin’?" she asked.

"I could try if ya want…" he told her.

"What if…what if I give ya back massages fer a week?  I give good massages…" she told him.

"Dat’s it?" he asked.

"Well, it’s dat…or I go ruin any chance ya had wid any goil ya talk ta…" she told him, noticing Sidetracked walking near by.

"Yeah? An’ how would ya do dat?" he asked.

"Do ya really want ta know?" she questioned.

"Yeah…I want ta know how yer plannin’ on doin’ dat," he said.

"Fine," she said, smiling mischievously.  Then louder she said, "Did ya finally get rid a dat rash?…it was so gross!"

Racetrack looked at her oddly.  "Uhh…crazy much?"

Molly laughed and pointed at Sidetracked who was looking slightly revolted.

Racetrack glared at Molly before hurrying over.  "Look, she’s jest kiddin’, Sidetracked," he told her.

"Umm…I got ta go," Sidetracked said, hurrying off.

Molly smiled triumphantly.  "So…back massages an’ bein’ good?" she asked.

"An’ ya say I’se evil.  I was dis close ta gettin’ laid," he said, bringing his thumb and second finger together closely. 

"Do I look like I care?" she asked.  "So, do we call a truce now?"

"Fine, whatevah," he said glaring.  "Spawn of Satan," he added.

Molly laughed.  "Oh, c’mon dat wasn’t any worse den what ya did infronta Jack.  Damnit he coulda thrown me out or somethin’.  Den wheah da hell would I be?  On da streets a hundred yeahs befoah I’se even born!"

"All right," he said.

"An’ befoah we start our uhh…fun…again. We gotta put restrictions on each oddah befoah things get way outta hand," she told him.

"Like what?" he asked.  "I ain’t too good wid rules, since deys only made ta be broken."

"Nothin’ dat serious…jest how ‘bout we don’t play jokes on each othah an’ if one person says no den da oddah person has ta back off, all right?" she asked.

"All right…an’ den…how bout if someone tells da othah person ta back off dey gotta give da oddah person one wish, no mattah what it is," Racetrack revised.

"Fine wid me…ders limits doh," she told him, seeing the evil smile that had crept across his face.

Racetrack rolled his eyes.  "Fine, fine, den der’s limits.  So we got a deal?" he asked.

"Yep," Molly said, spitting on her hand and sticking it out for Racetrack to shake.

Racetrack looked disgusted.  "What da hell are ya doin’?" he asked.

"Well…dis is what ya do in da movie.." Molly said.

"Well, I can ashoah ya we don’t do it in real life," he told her.

"Oh…okay den…" Molly said, quickly wiping her hand off on her pants.


----The Next Day----

"RISE AN’ SHINE! GET UP GET UP! DA PRESSES ARE ROLLIN’! UP NOW!" came Kloppman’s voice through everyones deep slumber.

The boys all rolled out of bed, knowing that they were obligated to do so, being that one of the provisions of their job was to wake up early.

The girls, unaccustomed to early mornings, groaned and pulled their pillows over their heads to block out the irritating noise.

Spot leaned over Katie’s bed, laughing.  "C’mon Katie," he said, pulling the pillow out of her reach.  "Ya gotta get up."

Katie groaned.  "I don’t wanna.  Go away," she told him turning away from him.

Spot leaned forward farther and turned her over.  "C’mon, we’se gunna be late."

"I don’t care!" Katie told him, not bothering to open her eyes.

"Don’t make me bring Bob ovah heah," Spot threatened.

Katie’s eyes immediately opened and she sat up. "I’m up…I’m up!  No need ta threaten me!" she said.

Spot smirked.  "Dat’s what I thought.  Look, we’se gotta have a talk wid some othah people but den we’se gunna go sellin’ all right?"

"Fine wid me," Katie said groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Good, now hurry up an’ get ready," he told her.

----At the same time----

"Marissa?  Marissa? Marissa?  MARISSA" Davie said, in her ear.

"Davie go back ta sleep," Marissa told him.

"Nooo…Marissa we gotta go sell papers.  It takes me all day ta sell an’ we already gotta have a talk wid Jack an’ Spot an’ Katie before we can go!"

"Davie…I’m sayin’ dis nicely…LEAVE ME DA FUCK ALONE!"

"That wasn’t nicely…I’ll show ya nice," he told her.  He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek and said, "Marissa I’d really like it if you could get up so that we could spend more of the day together."

"Davie, how are ya so sweet? Even in da mornin’!" Marissa said, opening her eyes and smiling.

"It’s a gift," he said smiling.  "Now come on, Katie’s already up."

"Katie’s up befoah me?  Now dat’s a switch," Marissa said, struggling against her fatigue to sit up.

----Same time…again…----

"Molly, wake up," Jack said roughly, pulling the blanket off her. 

"Jack, go away," she told him, curling into a ball trying to find warmth.

"Get up now or…bad things will happen," Jack told her.

"Go away now or I’ll kick yer ass…how’s dat fer bad things?" she mummbled.

"Fine, you asked fer it," he said, and tipped a glass of cold water onto her head.

Molly shot up and fell out of bed.  "You…you…UGH!" she sputtered in shock.

"I told ya, ya shoulda gotten up," Jack said, happy that he had gotten a small amount of revenge on her for all the trouble she had caused.

"I’m startin’ ta wish dat I had helped Racetrack wid dat plan last night," Molly said, getting off the floor.  "Ya shoah desoived it."

"Hurry up an’ get goin’.  ‘Gainst me bettah judgment I’m lettin’ you an’ Race sell tagethah taday."

"Fine wid me. Bettah den bein’ round you," Molly said.  She was a little disappointed that she wasn’t selling with Jack but was not prepared to tell him that.  She figured she would have more fun with a evil Racetrack than an angry Jack anyways.

Molly got ready hurriedly and found Racetrack.  They both left to go sell papers. 

------Once they had left----

The bunkroom was nearly deserted now except for a couple stragglers and a small group of people.

"Kay, der gone," Jack said. 

"So…what is da point a us bein’ heah?" Spot asked.  "I gotta get back ta Brooklyn taday."

"Da point is dat I’m shoah dat ya all have noticed der have been some problems goin’ on …especially wid Tinkah an’ Bob," Jack told them.

The group, consisting of Spot, Katie, Marissa, Davie and of course Jack, all nodded. 

"Well…I want ta teach da person who is causin’ all da trouble a little lesson," Jack told them.

"Who is dis person dat we’se gunna teach a lesson ta?" Spot asked, upset to find that it all had been the work of a person and not just a coincidence that Tinker had seen Katie and him together.

"Yer all gunna be angry when ya find out," Jack told them.

"Jest tell us Jacky-boy," Spot advised.

"Fine, it’s Molly…well an’ Racetrack," Jack revealed.

Spot and Marissa looked furious.  "I’m sorry I don’t think I heard you right.  Did you say Molly?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah…I did," Jack told her.

"Dat goil is in fer da soakin’ a her life," Spot decided, looking dangerously angry.

Davie and Katie on the other hand didn’t look surprised at all. 

Katie burst out laughing.  "Oh, c’mon Marissa don’t be dat shocked.  Wid all da evil plans she comes up wid ‘gainst people an’ how paranoid she is ‘bout othah people plannin’ stuff how does dis surprise ya at all?"

"Nice point…" Marissa said, losing her shocked expression slightly.

"Not to mention she is in general a bitch," Davie pointed out, not surprised at all to find out this information.

"Oh…anothah good point," Marissa commended, losing her shocked expression completely.

"Well, da point is, what are we gunna do ‘bout it?  I say we pay her back…give her a dose a her own medicine," Jack suggested.

"Wait, wait, wait…I thought dat you two liked each othah an’ everythin’," Spot said, confused.

"I do like her…jest sometimes I can’t stand her," Jack told him, as if it made perfect sense.

"Uhh…well hate ta break it ta ya Kelly but most people don’t run ‘round makin’ plans ‘gainst people dey like," Spot said.

"Yeah, well it ain’t like she didn’t start it.  Aftah an’ uhh…embarassin’ situation….dat she helped set up last night she desoives everythin’ dat’s comin’ ta her," Jack decided.

"Soo…what’s yer plan?" Katie asked.

"TAR AN’ FEATHAH!" came an enthusiastic voice came, from the other side of the room.

"What da…" Jack said, as the entire group turned around to find who was intruding on their conversation.  "Shoulda known…hey Slapdash."

"Hey!" Slapdash said, taking that as an invitation to join there group and walking over.

"So…how long have ya been ovah der?" Jack asked her.

"Long ‘nough ta know dat ya ain’t got nothin’," Slapdash told him.

"Hey that isn’t true!  Jack’s got a plan!" Davie stuck up for him.  "Right, Jack?"

Jack looked uncomfortable.  "Well…what I mean ta say is…well uhh…"

"So, ya got nothin’," Slapdash interrupted.  "But, dat is okay.  ‘Cause boy do I got a plan fer you."

The others all leaned forward to hear Slapdash reveal her plans of revenge.


Part 6
Part 6