---Molly & Racetrack---- "Hey, wheah is everyone?" Molly asked when they reached the World Distribution Center. "I dunno…dis is sorta weird. I mean I ain’t nevah seen Jack jest skip sellin’," Racetrack told her, getting in line to buy papers. "Do ya think he really is angry?" Molly asked. "Does it really mattah ta you?" Racetrack questioned. "A course not…I mean…umm…" Molly said, not knowing how to answer the question. "Aww ain’t dat cute! Molly doesn’t want Jacky-Boy ta be angry wid her," Racetrack patronized. "Next thing ya know ya’ll be takin’ up crocheting an’ wantin’ him ta sing ta ya!" "Hey! I am NOT Sarah!" Molly protested, disgusted at the thought. "An’ I will nevah be dat…I dunno…dopey!" "Shoah…" Racetrack said. Their conversation was cut short when they reached the selling window. "How many?" Mr. Weisel asked. "Actually…I got a hot tip an’ so I was hopin’ dat ya could spot me…" Racetrack started. "Don’t even think ‘bout it," he answered. "Ya already owe me a fortune." Racetrack rose his hand in fake surprise. "Deah me! I’m beginnin’ ta think dat ya don’t trust dat I’ll pay ya back!" "Wondah why. Now how many do ya want?" Weisel said, impatiently. "I’ll take seventy-five," Racetrack said, handing him the money. "Ya think dat ya can sell all dat?" Weisel asked, taking the money. "I got me a sellin’ partnah," he said, indicating Molly who was looking around the DO interested. "Does she know dat yer a lousy newsie an’ gamblah?" Morris asked, handing Racetrack the papers. "She’s wid me fer oddah things," Racetrack told him, winking. "Hey!" Molly protested. "I ain’t wid ya fer anythin’…I’m not even wid ya!" "C’mon honey, now ain’t da time ta fool ‘round. We gotta job ta do," Racetrack said, with fake sentimentality. Molly glared but followed him out to the streets of Manhattan. Racetrack began his lesson, immediatley. "Now, da foist thing ya gotta learn is , "Headlines…" "Don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes," Molly finished, looking proud of herself. "Uhh…dat ain’t what I was gunna say…but shoah. What I was gunna say is dat headlines…da real headlines…don’t got anyplace in sellin’ papes. Dey’s der ta be lied ‘bout. A good newsie don’t even need headlines. Watch dis," he said. Racetrack then walked into a large group of old ladies and gave them a winning smile. "Hello ladies. An’ how are you doin’ dis fine mornin’?" he asked. "Well aren’t you just the cutest!" one of the ladies said. "Oh he is! Quick, Ruth buy a newspaper from the boy," another lady said. "I think we should all buy papers from him. He just so cute I could eat him up!" Racetrack stood there smiling widely at them and attempting to maintain an innocent look. Molly stood a safe distance away trying not to laugh hysterically. Once Racetrack had spent a little more time smiling and complimenting the ladies he returned to Molly 15 papers lighter. "DAT is how ya do it," he told her. " A couple more groups like dat an’ we’ll be done wid in an hour!" "Dis isn’t how yer supposed ta do it! I saw da movie! Yer jest supposed ta lie ‘bout it!" Molly protested. "Yer soundin’ like Davie . If it works den ya do it," Racetrack told her. "Fine, fine. No need ta insult me or anythin’. I’ll show you," Molly told him.. She then looked aroun da the street for her unsuspecting victim. "Here goes’," she said spotting a man who looked to be upper-class and rushing. "Wish me luck," she said grabbing the stack of papers out of his hand and running off. Molly ran in the direction of the man and "accidentally" ran into him, making the papers fly around the street. "NOOO" she yelled watching them all spread across the street. The man, still in a rush, paused. "Uhh…look…I can…" he started. "MY PAPERS…" she said, starting to cry. "Now how will I pay fer da medicine fer my little sistah!" She pretended to try to pick up the papers. "No….look, Miss, please just tell me how many there were there and I’ll be glad to replace them," the man told her. "But…but…I haven’t sold any. There were my full hundred there," Molly told him, tyring not to laugh. "An’…you can’t replace all of those!" "I sure can, young lady. Here, is a dollar and a little change for the trouble. I’m very sorry," he said, shoving money in to her hand. "I really have to go now. Very sorry," he said, running off. "DAT is how yer supposed ta do it. How ‘bout a late breakfast?" she suggested. "Sounds good ta me. Molly, I think dis is da beginnin’ of a beautiful partnahship," he told her putting an arm around her. "Yer jest aftah me money," Molly teased. "Yer money? Who paid fer da papers?" he asked. "Who got an extra 40 papers worth a money?" she asked. "Fine, fine, we’ll share," Racetrack proposed. The two went for breakfast at Tibby’s. ~~~~*****~~~~ "So we got da plan?" Jack asked. "Ya bettah have it by now, we’se been goin’ ovah it a couple hours now," Slapdash told him. "I think we all got it," Katie said. "Excellent, ‘cause deys comin’," Spot said, pointing out the window to show Racetrack and Molly. "What da hell are dey doin’ back so soon?" Jack asked. "Dey couldn’t a sold der papers already!" "Maybe Racetrack got sick of her bitchiness, too," Davie suggested. "Hey, don’t be so mean!" Marissa reproved. "But…" Davie started but Molly and Racetrack came in so he stopped immediately. "Hey everyone," Molly said. "What’s goin’ on?" she asked, noticing that all conversation had ended at Racetrack and her entrance. "Why are ya back so early?" Jack asked her. "Well...we finished selling, ate, and came back," Molly told him, feeling a little hurt at the comment. "Why would ya prefer if we left again?" "No...I was jest wonderin’. Race ya did good if ya sold an’ ate already," Jack commended. "Yeah well ya should be tellin’ dis ta Molly...she sold a hundred papes an’ we only bought 75," Racetrack told Jack. Jack looked confused. "Uhh...gunna explain dat a little?" "Nah...so what are you guys doin’ heah? Did ya already sell yer papes?" Racetrack asked. "Nah...we got caught up wid othah things," Jack told him. "Speakin’ a which...I think dat I want ta get back ta dose othah things...Davie can I see ya on da roof?" he asked, giving Davie a meaningful look. Davie stood there looking confused for a minute then finally caught on an said, "OHH...yeah...the roof..." giggling. "Sure...lets go!" "Umm...that was weird..." Molly commented, watching Jack drag Davie up the fire escape. "Yeah...no kiddin’..." Racetrack said, laughing. "Wondah what dey could be doin’ up der..." "EWWW! RACE!" Molly said, hitting him. "DON’T DO THAT!" "Hey! I didn’t say anything..." Racetrack claimed. "You implied it!!" Molly said, hitting him again. "Umm...hate to break this up but I gotta go," Marissa said. "I have ta go find someone..." "Davie’s on the roof..." Molly pointed out. "He isn’t da one I gotta find," Marissa told her. "Well, who else do ya know othah den da people in heah?" she asked Marissa. "Certain othah people...anyways I’ll see ya all latah," Marissa said, with a mischievous smile. "All right..." Molly said, looking at her oddly. "Hey, I’ll walk wid ya," Spot offered, uncharacteristically. "Wait, Spot where are you going?" Katie asked, clinging to Spot’s hand. "What’s it ta ya? Didn’t I tell ya ta stay outta me business?" he said harshly. "But...But Spot..." Katie started, sadly. "But nothin’. Ya comin’ Marissa?" Spot asked, abruptly. "Yeah...I’m comin’," Marissa said, following Spot towards the door. Molly was looking at Katie, who seemed close to tears, questionably. Spot paused at the door, and noting that Molly and Racetrack’s attentions were focused on Katie he winked at her and waved before disappearing down the hall. Katie fought not to smile and kept her pathetic look. "What was that all about?" Molly asked. "That was really weird." "He....well..." Katie started, sniffling. "He’s going back to Tinkah!!" she finally spit out, bursting into tears. "What? Nu uh!" Molly said, unbelieving. "Yeah...he told me that he really was in love with her and after she had come up to talk to him he realized that anyone willin’ to fight for him like she was, was the girl for him. An’...an’...he jest said dat he loved her more...an’..." she paused in her babbling when it became impossible to understand her through her crying. (fake crying...like in Romeo and Juliet (the old one)...stupid Juliet...bad crying...) "Oh my gosh! Katie I’m so sorry that’s horrible!" Molly said, shocked. "I nevah saw Spot doin’ somethin’ like dat!" "Well he did! I jest wish dat Tinkah had nevah come ovah der...Why did she anyways? I mean...I jest...I gotta be alone!" she shouted, running out of crying. "Katie..." Molly started, but Katie had already gone. "Well, dat was interestin’," Racetrack said sitting down on the bunk, smirking. "Interestin’? Dat’s all ya can say? Don’t ya feel da least bit guilty?" Molly asked him. "Nah...not really..." Racetrack said, after about two seconds of thought. "Why do you?" "A little, I guess..." Molly said. "Really?" Molly burst out laughing. "Nah...aftah all dey haven’t even known each othah fer a week...she’ll get ovah it." Racetrack laughed. "I didn’t think so. Soo...what should we do fer tanight?" ~~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~~ "Did ya heah dat? Dey don’t even feel bad ‘bout it!" Marissa said, from the spot where the Marissa and Spot had been listening. They had been joined by Katie when she ran out of the room. "Nice ta know who yer friends are," Katie said sarcastically. Spot smirked and put his arm around Katie. "Ya don’t need friends when ya got me." Marissa pushed Spot off of Katie. "No, da point is she don’t need Molly when she’s got ME." Katie looked at them both oddly. "Umm...yeah...okay..." she said . Spot laughed but Marissa looked hurt. "What is DAT supposed ta mean. Ya are MINE aftah all." "Squibble...ya really gotta let dat joke go," Katie said, after getting a weird look from Spot. "Let’s jest go meet Davie an’ Jack an’ tell them what’s goin’ on." The others agreed and walked off to their designated meeting place. ~~~~~********~~~~~~ -----A couple hours later---- "Oh my gawd!!!" Molly said, her mouth dropping open. "Racetrack get yer ass out heah!" "What?" Racetrack asked, coming out of the washroom. "Ya bettah have a reason fer callin’ me out heah...Oh my gawd!" "What?" Marissa asked, just entering the room. "You do know who that is...right?" Molly said, indicating who Marissa had walked into the bunk room with. "Of course I do!" Marissa said, giving her companion a hug. "But...eww...you...AAAH YOU LIKE BOB!" Molly said, shocked. "Of couse I do...we’re togethah now!" Marissa said, smiling. "Wow...that’s really...umm...odd..." Racetrack said, trying to contain his laughter. "Umm...what ‘bout da bunny...ya know...Davie?" Molly asked. "Well, aftah Bob didn’t give up on me an’ everythin’ I realized dat we were perfect fer each othah. Ya know dat I realized his obvious actions were actually a huge turn on..." Marissa said, looking at Bob lovingly. "Uhh...okay dis is officially grossah den likin’ Davie," Molly said, looking especially revolted at Marissa’s look. "What? Nu uh...umm...well we’re gunna go up on da roof fer some uhh....privacy...yeah...bye!" Marissa said. "What is wid da roof?" Molly asked Race when the other two had left. "Dat’s generally wheah people go ta make out an’ stuff durin’ da summah so dat way not everyone has gotta watch it down heah," he told her. "Oh...WAIT GROSS! Eww why did Davie an’ Jack go up der, den?!" she asked him. Racetrack shrugged. "Maybe dat’s why Marissa is wid Bob, ‘cause Davie is wid Jack." "Eww...Jack is not like dat!" Molly protested. "Maybe not befoah he met ya...but now...well it’s possible..." Racetrack said, laughing. "You are horrible!" Molly said hitting him. "I’m serious! Jack isn’t like dat...remembah how mad he was aftah yer little joke?" "Hey...yer right actually. Dat IS kinda weird. It’s also weird how our plans all actually are workin’ out even aftah dey caught on. How stupid are dey?" Racetrack asked, still laughing. "That IS pretty damn stupid an’...holy shit...nah dey wouldn’t be smart ‘nough fer day..." Molly said, more talking to herself than Racetrack. "What’s wrong wid you?" Race asked. "I’m prolly jest bein’ paranoid again..." Molly told him. "Jest tell me!" "I was jest thinkin’ dat it IS really weird dat all our plans are workin’ out an’ everythin’ an’ how dey were all jest sittin’ up heah all mornin’. Jest randomly dey all change der feelin’s ovah night..." Molly said. "Ya know...yer actually right...ya don’t think dat dey actually had brains ‘nough ta figuah it out demselves do ya?" Racetrack asked. "Well...dey aren’t exactly stupid! I mean think ‘bout it...Jack figuahed out what we were doin’...an’ Katie an’ Spot an’ Marissa aren’t exactly slow...an’ well obviously it wasn’t Davie who figuahed it out..." Molly said. "Jesus Christ yer right..." Racetrack said. "All right dat’s it...dey wanna play games I’ll give dem a game!" "I think its funny how dey prolly did dis ta make us feel bad an’ we nevah felt guilty at all...jest revolted." Racetrack smirked. "Yer right...dat is pretty damn great. So...what are we gunna do ta dem?" he asked. Molly thought about it for a second before getting a mischievous glint in her eye. "I’m wondahin’ jest how far dey will go until we get da point...I say we find out!" "But den dey might not believe dat we figuahed it out dis early," Racetrack said. "I want dem ta know dat dey can’t beat us." "Well, I want dem ta realize dey shouldn’t have plans dat dey can’t deal wid. I wondah who even came up wid dis plan. It don’t really seem like any of dem..." Molly said. "Dat’s ‘cause it was me!" Slapdash said, crawling out from under a bed. "ALL ME!" "Wow...dat is kinda scary..." Molly said, looking at Slapdash. "Shoulda figuahed," Racetrack said. "So ya gave dem da plan, huh?" "Isn’t dat what I jest said?" Slapdash asked. "So...who is up fer tea an’ crumpets?" "Uhh...dat was random....:" Molly said. "Exactly! Thus, Slap," she said slapping herself, "Dash," she finished running as fast as she could into a wall. "Oh...okay..." Molly said. Then, choosing to ignore that, she said, "So why are ya tellin’ us ‘bout helpin’ wid da plan now?" "Jest ‘cause I was proud a makin’ dem do all dat stuff dat dey didn’t want ta do. Ya make ‘em think it’s fer revenge an’ dey’ll do anythin’. Hell, I’ll bet I could turn Jack gay an’ get Spot ta marry Tinkah if dey thought dat it was fer revenge. Da powah a da Slapdash...tis amazin’," she said, looking very proud of herself. Molly and Racetrack looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Dis," Molly gasped. "Is great. I can’t believe dat everyone is jest all makin’ evil plans. I wondah how many othah people do dis. I don’t think der is such a thing as bein’ paranoid heah..." she said. "I nevah woulda suspected Slapdash..." Racetrack said, shaking his head. "So, yer gunna join us right Slappy?" "Join you guys? What are ya talkin’ bout?" Slapdash asked. "Like a club? Like...like our own secret club where we can sit around on the floor in a triangle an’ tell secrets an’ get back at people we don’t like an’ always wheah black an’ initiate people wid weird ceremonies dat we can blame on tradition, but really we jest want ta make fun a dem aftahwards an’..." Racetrack cut her off saying, "Shoah...whatevah. Pretty much all we are doin’ is fuckin’ wid peoples minds but I guess dat ya could do all dat othah stuff ya jest said if ya wanted." Slapdash looked slightly disappointed. "All right...fine...I guess if ya want ta be borin’ ya could do dat too..." "So...now dat we have dat...settled...are we jest gunna let dem go or what?" Molly asked. "I vote dat we do," Racetrack said. "I second dat," Slapdash said. "Fine...fine...but if dis does turn Jack gay den I’m comin’ aftah both a ya!" Molly agreed. ~~~~~~~~********~~~~~~~ "So...exactly how far do we have ta go wid dis?" Jack asked, glancing at Davie with a look of disgust. "I dunno...Maybe dey jest aren’t gettin’ it dat dey were da ones dat started dis. I say dat we jest keep goin’," Katie said. "Shoah you would say dat. You don’t gotta do nothin’ but pretend ta be sad," Marissa pointed out. "I have ta pretend ta like Bob!" "Well, I gotta put up wid Tinkah’s clingyness," Spot reminded everyone. "Uhh...I don’t think any of you have any room to complain! Hello...wid Davie ovah heah," Jack said. "Yeah...I guess yer right. Ya have it da worst Cowboy," Spot agreed. "I think dat we jest gotta make it moah obvious," Katie said. "Let’s see...like havin’ Bob an’ Tinkah go an’ thank dem fer der help. An’ dey prolly haven’t even caught on ta da whole Davie an’ Jack thing." "Wait....jest how far do ya think dat I’se gunna go fer dis whole revenge thing?" Jack asked, looking worried. "As far as it takes ta make Molly an’ Race feel guilty," Katie said, smirking. "Umm...not that I’m complaining about this...but could we maybe be overlooking the fact that Molly is a souless bitch and quite possibly has no conscience, therefore making it impossible for her to feel guilty," Davie suggested. "Nah...dat can’t be it. We woulda noticed dat," Marissa decided. "Yeah, she isn’t dat bad," Katie added. "Maybe yer all jest bad actors." "All right, all right we’ll all take it up a notch," Spot told Katie. "Wait...no no...Spot you were doin’ fine. You don’t have ta take it any further..." Katie told him. Spot laughed at her worried expression. "Don’t worry, yer da only goil fer me," he said, pulling her in for a hug. "Fer at least anothah week," Jack joked. Katie glared at him. "At least Spot isn’t gay..." she told him. Jack stopped laughing. "I’M NOT GAY! I DON’T AN’ NEVAH WILL HAVE FEELINS FER MEN!" he exclaimed. Then, settling down, he added, "Sides if I were gunna have a boy friend I wouldn’t use Davie...he’s irritatin’ as jest a friend." Davie’s nose started to twitch and he looked like he was going to cry. "Well, bunny doesn’t like you eithah!" he told Jack. "Ummm....Davie jest ‘cause othah people call ya a bunny doesn’t mean dat ya have ta...an’ ya don’t have ta talk in thoid person..." Marissa told him. "Oh...yeah...So can we go get some carrots?" he asked. The others all rolled their eyes but they walked to their patronized restaurant, Tibby’s, to get some food. ~~~~~~~~********~~~~~~~~ -----Later that day---- Racetrack and Molly sat on a bunk, talking quietly and trying not to laugh at all the hilarious actions going on around them. In the corner, Davie was flirting with Jack and Jack seemed to be doing everything to restrain himself from throwing up. Marissa and Bob were across the room. Bob was trying to capture Marissa’s attention with all sorts of stories, jokes and compliments. Marissa was attempting to appear interested while still casting longing glances in Davie’s direction. Tinker was in the corner with a tight hold on Spot’s hand, talking to her friends who were gathered around them. Spot was trying to seem in love and like he was paying attention to the mindless conversations of the girls. Katie was sitting in her bunk chatting with Blink and Mush but nearly never took her eyes off of Spot. "Ya know," Racetrack whispered to Molly. "We’re gunna have ta get dem actin’ lessons when dis is all ovah." Molly giggled. "Yeah...ya know what would be scary? Is if dey were actually really good at makin’ plans and dis was jest a decoy fer da real plan an’ Slapdash ain’t really on our side but a clever piece a der plan!" "Ya know yer analyzin’ dis too much, right? C’mon Davie is in dis plan! Do ya really think dat dey could carry it off?" he asked. Molly smirked. "Nice point. ‘Sides da othahs ain’t really all dat devious or anythin’..." Tinker walked up a few minutes later. "Hey...umm...I jest wanted ta thank ya guys fer pointin’ Spot out ta me. I mean if ya hadn’t den he would prolly still be wid dat Katie goil so...jest thanks a lot," she told them. Racetrack smiled at her. "Anytime, Tinkah. I got yer back." "Yeah...glad ta help," Molly said, trying not to laugh. "Well...I’m gunna get back ta Spot den...but yeah thanks," Tinker said, walking back to Spot. "So, what did ya say ta dem?" Spot asked, putting his arm around Tinker. "Jest thankin’ dem fer pointin’ out dat ya were wid dat Katie," Tinker said. "Ya were da one dat suggested I should do dat," she pointed out. "Yeah...a course. So what did dey say?" Spot asked, attempting to look casual. "Jest said anytime an’ everythin’. Why do ya care?" Tinker asked. "Uhh...no reason..none at all..." Spot said quickly. Bob, seeing Tinker depart the company of Racetrack and Molly, approached them. "Hey...uhh...I jest wanted ta thank ya Molly fer all yer advice wid Marissa. I can’t believe she actually likes me! We’se da poifect match! I mean we both got red hair an’...we both like each othah...an’ I know dis might be hard ta believe since I’se such da ladies man an’ all but I’se only had one goilfriend in me whole life an’ she’s only had one..." "Yeah it’s hard ta believe? You had a goilfriend?" Molly asked. "Yeah, Quirky. Ya say dat like ya don’t think I could get a goilfriend evah doh," Bob said, looking hurt. "Umm...no...I jest thought it might be mean since all da goils are aftah ya an’ when ya picked one it would hurt da othah goils feelins," Molly said, quickly. "Umm...yeah...dat’s what I meant...soo yer very welcome shouldn’t ya scampah off back ta Squibby now?" "Yeah...don’t want ta leave her alone fer too long or anythin’," Bob said, running back to Marissa who visibly winced when he returned. "Dose two are really nice," Bob told Marissa. "Yeah...nice...what did dey say?" Marissa asked. "Molly jest said she I was welcome an’ I bettah hurry back ta ya," Bob said. "Which I did ‘cause I can’t stand stayin’ away from ya." Then he tried to kiss Marissa but she turned her head quickly, resulting in him kissing her cheek and not her mouth. "Bob, ya know what I said ‘bout I can’t kiss anyone ‘till I’se married," Marissa reproved. "Yeah...but I was thinkin’ ‘bout dat. You an’ Davie shoah kissed a lot," Bob told her. "What did I say ‘bout not questionin’ me if we’se gunna be in a relationship?" she asked him. "Sorry, Marissa," Bob said, hanging his head in shame. "Dat’s bettah," Marissa said, patting Bob on the head. "Ya know what I was jest thinkin’. Ya haven’t given me dat massage dat ya promised," Racetrack told Molly. "Get ta work. Move it move it! Get da lead outta yer pants!!" "Oh my gawd....don’t do dat or I sweah I will nevah talk ta ya again," Molly said. "GET DA LE..." he started but Molly hit him with a pillow. ( WAIT NOT A PILLOW...I’ll try that again.) he started but Molly pushed him off the bed. "NO MORE" she told him. "Ya got quite a tempah der," Racetrack noticed, sitting back on the bed. "So do I get me massage?" "Yeah, shoah. A deal is a deal," Molly said crawling behind him and rubbing his shoulders. Sidetracked had been watching this all from where her and her friends had been sitting and couldn’t take it anymore. She stomped over to them angrily. "What is goin’ on heah?" she asked. "Umm...I dunno...I kinda thought it looked like I was givin’ Race a backrub," Molly said. Then looking at her hands again, "Yeah...yeah I’m pretty shoah dat’s what I’m doin’." "Well, why do ya got yer hands all ovah my guy?" Sidetracked asked. "Well dat’s what ya do when ya give massages an’ pretty much ‘cause he asked me ta," Molly told her. "Well...I think dat he wants ya off now," Sidetracked responded. "Umm...how would you know what he wants?" Molly asked. She didn’t really mind stopping but she figured that a little fight wouldn’t hurt anything. "I jest do. Aren’t I right, Race?" Sidetracked asked, looking to Race for help. "Uhh..." Racetrack said, looking back and forth from Molly to Sidetracked. "Yeah...shoah....well it depends. Are you plannin’ on havin’ yer hands all ovah me?" he asked her. "Umm...I dunno..." Sidetracked said, looking embarrassed. "I’ll see ya latah, Molly," Racetrack said, maneuvering Sidetracked towards the roof, grinning. Molly rolled her eyes. "All right, see ya tomorrah...have fun!" Racetrack looked back and winked. "I will." Molly took another look around the room for her own amusement and then snuggled into bed. ~~~~~*****~~~~~~ ----After Molly had been in bed for a couple hours---- "Okay, I think she’s asleep," Marissa said. "Jest talk quietly." "Soo...dat didn’t seem ta work at all," Jack said. "Maybe she don’t have a conscience." "Told ya," Davie said looking smug. "Or maybe she’s already figuahed out da plan," Katie thought. "Dat would make sense." Then thinking again she said, "Nah, now I’se jest bein’ paranoid. If dey had figuahed it out dey woulda come runnin’ ta us all happy ‘bout it." Molly, who found it really hard to get to sleep when people were still talking, laid in her bed almost shaking she was trying not to laugh so hard. "So...what do we do now?" Spot asked. Katie smirked. "Maybe we should make it even moah obvious," she suggested. "All da couples could jest make out an’ den I could sit ‘round talkin’ ‘bout how I’se gunna have ta commit suicide now dat I don’t got Spot." "NO!!" came a loud shout from Marissa, Davie, Spot, and Jack. Davie didn’t mind the making out thing for himself but he didn’t want Marissa making out with Bob. "Well...it would get da message across loud an’ cleah," Katie said. "C’mon we can’t go dis far an’ have somethin’ stupid like dis hold us back!" "Gawd damnit dat’s enough!" Molly said, from her bed. The conniving group all jumped. "What da hell?" Spot asked, whipping around to see who had said that. "Marissa I thought dat ya said she was asleep," Katie said, glaring at her. "Well...she looked like it..an’ it ain’t my fault!" Marissa claimed. "Okay...hey...not da point. Da point is ya should stop yer little plan...now...’cause if ya haven’t noticed it hasn’t been workin’ at all an’ it ain’t evah gunna work...amateurs," Molly said. "It worked jest ‘bout as good as all a yer plans," Jack pointed out. "Hey, dat ain’t true! My plans worked out...as far as I would let dem," Molly said. "If ya hadn’t interfered den dey woulda worked a lot bettah doh..." Racetrack and Sidetracked had taken that moment to return from their "roof adventures". Racetrack looked around and burst out laughing. "Damnit Molly did ya have ta catch dem while I was gone?" he asked. "Well...eww...they were all gunna start making out an’ I don’t think me stomach could take dat!" Molly protested. "Wow...talk ‘bout takin’ a plan too far," Racetrack said, joining the group. "Like you two can talk wid all yer little plans," Jack said. "Umm...I don’t think dat ya can be mad at us fer dat anymoah...bein’ dat you guys did it too but were twice as mean ta people wid it," Molly said. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Marissa asked. "Nothin’ we did was as bad as what you two did." "Well...let’s recap...I told Bob dat Marissa liked him...an’ ya all got mad. But den ya thought it was okay ta lead Bob on? All right or Spot leadin’ on Tinkah...or Jack leadin’ on Davie...which may I add is prolly da most disgustin’ a all a dem," Molly said. "Ya seem ta ferget what ya were mad at us in da first place jest fer yer little revenge...dat didn’t work anyways! I shoah hope dat ya all feel bettah ‘bout yerselves." Racetrack looked at Molly weird. "Nice speech," he said, sarcastically. "Well, I’ve been savin’ it up since we realized what dey were doin’," Molly admitted. "Shut up, I nevah said I wanted ta be a...uhh...speech makah." "Good thing too," Racetrack told her. The others in the group looked so shocked when they realized what Molly had said was true. "How did dis evah get so outta hand?" Katie asked. As an answer there was a loud cackle from somewhere in the room. "What da hell was dat?" Spot asked. "TIS I!" Slapdash said, stepping out of the closet. "Does anyone else think it’s kinda scary how she jest pops up in da randomest places?" Molly asked. Everyone nodded. "It ain’t random...it’s slapdash!" Slapdash insisted. "An’ it was I dat got things so outta hand. Tis I dat made everythin’...heltah skeltah ya could say. ALL ME!!" she said, cackling again. "Umm...moah scary..." Molly commented. "Slapdash what are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Jack asked. "What I’m talkin’ ‘bout is dat I’m sick a everythin’ bein’ so borin’ heah an’ when dese goils slapdashily showed up I got a slapdash plan. An’ aftah Molly began makin’ all sorts a troublesome plans I decided dat I would make da rest a ya do stupid things jest ‘cause no one expected it, thus makin’ it slapdash!" she explained. "But...ya were on our side!" Marissa protested. "Slapdash ain’t on anyones side!" Slapdash protested. "Hey! What ‘bout da triangle club?" Racetrack asked. "HA! I jest made dat up so it seemed like I was on yer side. I would nevah help you two!" Slapdash claimed. "Umm...but you did help us..." Molly reminded her. "Silence you mere mortal!" Slapdash commanded. "Uhh...okay...if I’m only a "mere mortal" then what da hell are you?" Molly asked. "I am...da all powahful Slapdash. Da powah of da unexpected an’ random," Slapdash told them. "Cowah befoah me." "Why da hell would we do dat?" Spot asked, not willing to cower before anyone. "You are all so stupid!" Slapdash told them. "Who do ya think made dis all happen? Who made da porthole an’ sent ya ta da future? Who closed it? WHO?" "Jest a shot in da dark...but maybe was it you?" Racetrack asked. "YES!! TWAS ME!" Slapdash said. "Hey...who’s fer a game a monopoly?" "Uhh...maybe some othah time..." Molly said. "Dis is way too much fer me," Marissa said, looking overwhelmed. "It was too much fer Davie, too," Jack said, pointing at Davie who was on the floor since he had fainted when Slapdash had first cackled. "Yeah figuahs dat YOU would notice Davie," Molly said. "Hey! I am not gay! It was jest part a da plan!" Jack claimed. "Uh huh...shoah Cowboy," Racetrack said laughing at him. "So...umm...what happens now?" Katie asked. "Are ya tellin’ us all dis so dat we have ta go home or what?" Slapdash bursted out laughing. "Ya acutally thought dat I did dat? I’m jest a random newsie! How would I have conquered time travel?" she asked. She shook her head, still laughing, and went back to bed. "Umm...does that girl worry anyone else?" Jack asked. "Me. I’m goin’ back ta Brooklyn tomorrah. Things are too crazy heah," Spot decided. Katie looked surprised. "Well...I’ll miss ya den..." she said. "Miss me? Yer comin’ wid me!" Spot told her. "I ain’t leavin’ ya heah wid dese crazy people." "Oh...but I can’t jest leave everyone heah..." Katie said. "Oh yeah?" Spot asked. Then he kissed her softly. "Are ya shoah?" "Maybe fer a while..." Katie said, smiling. "Good den tomorrah we’ll go," Spot decided. ~~~~~****~~~~~ (Now...I’m just going to break it into parts on how people deal w/ it...just so you know...) ----The Next Morning---- "Time ta go," Spot said. "Oh...okay," Katie said, looking a little worried. She turned to Marissa. "You make shoah dat ya visit me soon." "But uhh...leave Davie heah," Spot said. "I’ll visit," Marissa assured Katie, and gave her a hug. "I’ll miss ya both...well Katie moah den Spot doh..." "Uhh...thanks," Spot said. "Katie yer not mad at me are ya?" Molly asked, walking up. "Not really I guess. I’m startin’ ta realize why yer always so paranoid ‘bout stuff but nah not mad. You bettah visit me too," Katie said. "A course. Ya gotta have someone ta keep things interestin’, right?" Molly said, hugging her goodbye. "I wouldn’t suggest pullin’ somethin’ like dis in Brooklyn. Ya’d get soaked fastah den ya could say...uhh...anythin’," Spot told her, not coming up with anything clever. "Thanks fer da advice, Spot," Molly said, rolling her eyes. "I’ll see ya latah." "Yeah...okay den...bye everyone," Spot said, taking Katie’s hand and walking out. Katie looked nervous but followed him to the unknown territory of Brooklyn. ~~~~****~~~~~ "Soo...Davie...ya know dat now dat da plan is ovah things go back ta normal," Marissa said smiling. "Really?" Davie said, looking excited. "Uh huh..so what do ya say we break in a new cornah?" Marissa asked. "Well, I know dis great cornah on da roof..." Davie suggested. "Sounds good ta me," Marissa said, seizing Davie’s hand and running up to the roof with him. ~~~~~******~~~~~ "Wheah do ya think yer goin’?" Jack asked Molly. "Umm...seein’ as I’se a newsie I figuahed I’d go sell papes..." Molly told him, tying her shoe. "Well, can I talk ta ya foist?" Jack asked. "Um...yeah...shoah. Hey Racetrack ya wanna go ahead an’ buy our papes?" Molly yelled over to Racetrack. Racetrack looked at them and nodded. "Yeah, I’ll see ya der." "Yer sellin’ wid Racetrack again?" Jack asked. "Umm...yeah. It worked pretty well last time," Molly said. "Did ya wanna talk ‘bout somethin’?" "Oh...yeah...look I don’t umm...really know...well I’ll uhh jest say it. I think dat maybe da reason day ya make so many evil plans are ‘cause ya got too much time on yer hands...an’ I jest wanted ta offah me services ta keep ya busy," Jack said. "Ya aren’t mad at me anymoah?" Molly asked. "I wasn’t evah mad at ya...well except fer aftah what you an’ Race pulled wid Davie at da party...but othah den dat I jest wanted ta keep me distance ‘cause I didn’t know if yak were serious ‘bout likin’ me or anythin’," Jack told her. "Really? Well, in dat case I’ll take ya up on yer offah ta keep me busy. I think dat I’d like dat," Molly said, smiling. "Good...so how ‘bout sellin’ wid me taday, den?" Jack asked. "I get it now...yer jest usin’ me fer me superior sellin’ skills," Molly joked. "How did ya evah figuah me out? Anothah plan foiled," Jack played along. Jack put his arm around Molly and guided her out the door of the bunk room saying "Molly, I think dis is da beginnin’ of a beautiful friendship." The End After notes: Bob decided to get back together with Quirky after being dumped by Marissa. After Tinker got over the initial shock and violent urges towards both Spot and Katie she settled down with a nice Brooklyn newsie and lived happily ever after. Racetrack and Sidetracked stayed together to have a somewhat dysfunctional relationship and spent most of their time together on the roof, careful to steer clear of Davie and Marissa’s patronized corner. Katie fit in well in Brooklyn and became friends with most of the people there. Katie and Spot are still together. Jack followed through with his promise and kept Molly busy and out of trouble. Molly retired from her career in plan making. Slapdash remained as random as ever and retained her habit of appearing in the least expected places. The three girls stayed in New York in 1899 to live happily ever after and almost never thought of their old lives until it seemed that it was an old dream that they could only half remember. Back to Main Page Back to Fanfiction |