So, I decided I have many really funny conversations about Newsies and that I'd put them up there...sure, no one else might think they are funny except me but no one is making you read this...

With Tinker

AlL pLayNO Work7: doest seem the snuggly type to me...annnd since Gabe should be Spot he therefore is not snuggly either

SpotsTinker1899: lol gabe is not spot

AlL pLayNO Work7: he should be though!

AlL pLayNO Work7: spot has an awesome attitude!

SpotsTinker1899: you've made newsies take over your brain

AlL pLayNO Work7: and he should talk like spot too...

AlL pLayNO Work7: always

AlL pLayNO Work7: i think if i ever met an actor in newsies i would like go through shock at finding out they aren't actually like their characeters...i would like cry or something

AlL pLayNO Work7: hehe i have an evil plan

SpotsTinker1899: *shakes quipster* Gabe is not spot! David is not Davie! Micheal is not Skittery! Aaron is not Mush! Max is not Racetrack! Trey is not Blink! Arvie is not Boots! Do you get my drift?

AlL pLayNO Work7: STOP IT

AlL pLayNO Work7: **cries**

SpotsTinker1899: lol

AlL pLayNO Work7: **goes into shock**

SpotsTinker1899: *slaps quipster on the head* snap out of it! it's just a freakin movie!!

AlL pLayNO Work7: NO

AlL pLayNO Work7: STOP IT

AlL pLayNO Work7: **freaks out**

AlL pLayNO Work7: they ARE real!!

SpotsTinker1899: They are just actors!!!

SpotsTinker1899: ACTORS!

SpotsTinker1899: ACTORS!

AlL pLayNO Work7: **crawls back into her little newsie world**


SpotsTinker1899: GUYS PLAYING PPL!!

AlL pLayNO Work7: NO NO NO NO!!!

SpotsTinker1899: ACTORS!

AlL pLayNO Work7: **sobs hysterically**

SpotsTinker1899: THEY PRETEND!!

SpotsTinker1899: IT'S ALL AN ACT!


AlL pLayNO Work7: IT IS NOT


AlL pLayNO Work7: illll make you stop

AlL pLayNO Work7: WAHAHA

SpotsTinker1899: OKAY... so then.... why was shy lil Mush in the full monty taking off all his clothes

AlL pLayNO Work7: Mush isn't shy!

AlL pLayNO Work7: he meet's gilrs at nights and has wet dreams about them

SpotsTinker1899: and how come.......omg lol

AlL pLayNO Work7: or fucks them...i dunno...

SpotsTinker1899: lmao

AlL pLayNO Work7: its true!

SpotsTinker1899: okay... then how come skittery is a punker and dies in SLC Punk huh?

AlL pLayNO Work7: in the beginning in CTB he's all wrapped up in his sheets and smiling

SpotsTinker1899: lol

AlL pLayNO Work7: ...he got all doped up on his medication to stop him from being depressed!

SpotsTinker1899: lol

SpotsTinker1899: okay, why is davie a drug dealer?

AlL pLayNO Work7: you LAUGHEd at JJ? you arent supposed to laugh you are supposed to agree

AlL pLayNO Work7: that's just obvoious!

SpotsTinker1899: lmao

AlL pLayNO Work7: he got a taste of street life and wanted MORE

AlL pLayNO Work7: and since he didn't go back to school he needed a job after he was too old to be a newsie!

SpotsTinker1899: how come...... how come...... spot is a dinosaur!!!

SpotsTinker1899: lmao..... you have problems quip

AlL pLayNO Work7: ...well...he has a younger sister

AlL pLayNO Work7: and it started off as a book he made for her

AlL pLayNO Work7: and evolved into a cartoon

SpotsTinker1899: lmao

AlL pLayNO Work7: because his sister likes dinosaurs

SpotsTinker1899: they didnt have cartoons in 1899!

SpotsTinker1899: they didnt even have tv

AlL pLayNO Work7: yes huh!

AlL pLayNO Work7: they had...flip books

SpotsTinker1899: lol

AlL pLayNO Work7: and thats just like a cartoon!

AlL pLayNO Work7: and spots an excellent artist

SpotsTinker1899: how come..... Itey was a half nakie angle?

AlL pLayNO Work7: what? umm...because...

SpotsTinker1899: didn't you see will and grace?

AlL pLayNO Work7: because he wanted to prove that he has more purpose in live than a common newsie

AlL pLayNO Work7: and so he half nakie angle...

AlL pLayNO Work7: lol no

SpotsTinker1899: okay then....... why come.... Racetrack was a uhh whatever timon was.

AlL pLayNO Work7: that is obvious

SpotsTinker1899: no its not

AlL pLayNO Work7: yes it is

AlL pLayNO Work7: it's because...

SpotsTinker1899: then explain missy

AlL pLayNO Work7: ever since he was a young child he has had an obsession w/ rodents of all kinds...and then he found the smart ass meer cat amusing because he is a smart ass too!

SpotsTinker1899: lol

SpotsTinker1899: okay then

SpotsTinker1899: How come Jack went crazy and killed and ate ppl? huh how come?

AlL pLayNO Work7: lets face it, jack was already crazy in the movie

AlL pLayNO Work7: all moody and everything

SpotsTinker1899: no he wasnt!

SpotsTinker1899: actually

AlL pLayNO Work7: so one day he got really fed up w/ Sarah, Les and Davie and he just went on a killing spree!

SpotsTinker1899: skittery was the one in a bad mod

SpotsTinker1899: lmao

AlL pLayNO Work7: see...the actors really are newsies!

AlL pLayNO Work7: they disguise it sometimes...but its true!

SpotsTinker1899: lol

SpotsTinker1899: why does Jack hunt down dinosaur/ dragon thingies?

AlL pLayNO Work7: well...he ran outta people to kill...and never particularly liked Spot...sooo death to dinasaurs

SpotsTinker1899: lmao!!!

SpotsTinker1899: omg......

AlL pLayNO Work7: i win! they are newsies!

AlL pLayNO Work7: **dances aroundhappily**

SpotsTinker1899: no... ill think of one

AlL pLayNO Work7: suuure

AlL pLayNO Work7: **does the 'i win" dance**

SpotsTinker1899: why does denton go to search for ghost with his daughter that he all th sudden got and becomes
friends with ghost named casper, streych, fayso and stinky??/

AlL pLayNO Work7: well of course he thought they would help him find Davie

AlL pLayNO Work7: psh...his wife...whatever

SpotsTinker1899: why is davie dead?

AlL pLayNO Work7: he's not

SpotsTinker1899: oh

AlL pLayNO Work7: he just thought they coudl find him while he was riding around in cars w/ other boys

SpotsTinker1899: lmao...oh jeez

AlL pLayNO Work7: hehehe

SpotsTinker1899: okay then..... why does spot fall madly in love with me and we get married and have 5 kids?

AlL pLayNO Work7: because...wait...that never happened!

Conversation w/ Squibble about getting revenge

AlL pLayNO Work7: omg i have to tell you something!

AlL pLayNO Work7: okay soo I was after school for a little while today...aand I went in the library to talk to emily and hafsa and elise were there too doing hmwk

CEALioN86: ok

AlL pLayNO Work7: and so I left...then emily came up like 10 minutes later and was like "yeah you know those girls in the library? they were talking about how stupid newsies was and making fun of your obsession and saying all this shit about it"


AlL pLayNO Work7: i was like wtf elise is NOT making fun of other peoples obsessions!


AlL pLayNO Work7: okay elise stalks teachers


AlL pLayNO Work7: my obsession is sooo much better than hers

AlL pLayNO Work7: i was pissed beyond belief

AlL pLayNO Work7: okay i didnt care about hafsa since she doesnt seem like the obsessed type...but ELISE?!

AlL pLayNO Work7: okay...whatever...sooo shes not invited to newsie parties anymore and doesnt get to read my story...which she MADE FUN OF

AlL pLayNO Work7: i can talk about how I'm going to get my revenge on Elise!

CEALioN86: go ahead

AlL pLayNO Work7: i said no more story for her or newsie parties aaaand hehe tomorrow im going to go up to her pretending to cry and be like "WHY DID YOU DO IT ELISE!? YOU HURT THEIR FEELINGS!" and run off sobbing

AlL pLayNO Work7: lol shes going to think im sooo fucked up

AlL pLayNO Work7: hehe and then Jennys like yup ill go up and shake my head and be like "ya shouldnt a done it Elise...its just not right"

CEALioN86: nice nice

AlL pLayNO Work7: hehehe

AlL pLayNO Work7: i think that elise is going to get it when i tell katie...plsu elise was just stupid to do it in front of my sister...even if she doesnt know im her sister she STILL saw me talking to her...

CEALioN86: thast dumb

AlL pLayNO Work7: i agree...seee if she paid attention to what people said theeen she would know that emily is my sister...

CEALioN86: shes really dumb cause her fuckin obsession is worse than ours

AlL pLayNO Work7: i know! I dont go around emulating teachers at least...gawd shes like "ill just stalk THIS teacher now"

AlL pLayNO Work7: at least the obsession i have is on guys my own age...not a 40 year old women

Squibble admits she isn't into Newsies (I shall hold this over her head...forever...)

AlL pLayNO Work7: well whaaat if you and me and other people go do something then?

CEALioN86: i dont wanna

AlL pLayNO Work7: FINE

AlL pLayNO Work7: **stomps off**

AlL pLayNO Work7: **takes davie with her**

CEALioN86: dont care anymore

AlL pLayNO Work7: ...about me?

AlL pLayNO Work7: or about davie

AlL pLayNO Work7: because i can understand not caring about Davie...

CEALioN86: it is a dumb obsession

AlL pLayNO Work7: ELISE!!!

CEALioN86: it is though

AlL pLayNO Work7: okay thats it im saving this IM

CEALioN86: its a dumb movie and we are like living in it


Another sidenote: Squibble does not actually hate Newsies or think it is dumb she was just frusturtated.

Squibble admits Davie is ugly! (WAAAHAHAHA lotsa Squibble...I'm doing alphabetic order on what I have saved...)

CEALioN86: *going wild and smoochin davie*

AlL pLayNO Work7: ewww

AlL pLayNO Work7: **throws Davie back into the closet**

CEALioN86: *havin wild sex with davie*

AlL pLayNO Work7: EWWWW

CEALioN86: *crying sadly*

CEALioN86: *on knees begging for forgiveness from Quipster*

AlL pLayNO Work7: NO

CEALioN86: <~will do anything for Quipster


AlL pLayNO Work7: oh...

AlL pLayNO Work7: hmm...

AlL pLayNO Work7: you must...admit that Davie is ugly...right now

CEALioN86: i cant lie

AlL pLayNO Work7: SAY IT

AlL pLayNO Work7: **moves to throw key in fire**

CEALioN86: *kissing quipsters feet for something Squibble can actually do*

AlL pLayNO Work7: NO

AlL pLayNO Work7: SAY IT

CEALioN86: i cant

CEALioN86: i cant

AlL pLayNO Work7: u have to

AlL pLayNO Work7: or else...

CEALioN86: *crying hysterically and willing to do ANYTHING else*

AlL pLayNO Work7: **pulls Brittany out of no where and pushes her in room with Davie before locking the door again**


CEALioN86: im soooo sorry

CEALioN86: please just let him out

AlL pLayNO Work7: **cackles evily**

CEALioN86: can you at least take the pillows out?

AlL pLayNO Work7: nope...

CEALioN86: what else can i do?

AlL pLayNO Work7: **hears girlish screams from Davie and a TWACK from a pillow**

AlL pLayNO Work7: iii would hurry up and say it

CEALioN86: i cant lie

AlL pLayNO Work7: **Davie is screaming NOOO PLEASE GET OFFF!!!"**

CEALioN86: *on knees willing to do anything...ANYTHING AT ALL but lie*

AlL pLayNO Work7: you have to say it

CEALioN86: i cant lie

CEALioN86: and i will not lie

AlL pLayNO Work7: **Davie is scratching at the door trying to escape**

AlL pLayNO Work7: **Brittany screams "You can't leave I just hit you with a pillow...NOW we HAVE to have sex!"

CEALioN86: im quitting

CEALioN86: i cant lie

~~~time passes and we talk about other stuff~~~

AlL pLayNO Work7: but umm...we are going to uhh...kill davie maybe...

AlL pLayNO Work7: i have to get all my bad feelings out somehow since im making a story where he's normal...

CEALioN86: can i sit at his body and let his lastwords be i love you squibble?

AlL pLayNO Work7: lol

AlL pLayNO Work7:

AlL pLayNO Work7: besides you aren't even allowed to read it

CEALioN86: damn it

CEALioN86: pleaseeeeeee

AlL pLayNO Work7: its going to be full of dirtiness and violence...

AlL pLayNO Work7: maybe ill randomly throw you in, okie dokie?


CEALioN86: if you let him say i love you squibble then die

CEALioN86: i will say what you wanted me to say before

AlL pLayNO Work7: lol okay i promise ill put that in


CEALioN86: we need a name for her

CEALioN86: i say oublier

AlL pLayNO Work7: i say juniper

CEALioN86: lol

AlL pLayNO Work7: say what you're supposed to say

CEALioN86: she doesnt want juniper

AlL pLayNO Work7: type it "Davie is ugly"

CEALioN86: i will say it in person

CEALioN86: ok?

AlL pLayNO Work7: no

AlL pLayNO Work7: i want it in typing

AlL pLayNO Work7: riight now

CEALioN86: i cant

AlL pLayNO Work7: NOW

CEALioN86: it is more effectice in person

CEALioN86: hehe oh ok


AlL pLayNO Work7: or else...davie is going to say that he loves Brittany

CEALioN86: davie is ugly

~~~More time Passes~~~

AlL pLayNO Work7: CEALioN86: davie is ugly

AlL pLayNO Work7: hehehe


AlL pLayNO Work7: WHAAHAHA...why did you think i wanted it on AIM? sooo i coudl torture you with it!


~~~~More time~~~

CEALioN86: (save this whole convo k?

AlL pLayNO Work7: hehe i already admitted davie was ugly

CEALioN86: the WHOLE thing though?

AlL pLayNO Work7: yes...**looks up**

Quipster note: WAHAHA see I have permission to tell everyone how Squibble said he was ugly!!

Convo w/ Marissa and partly Jersey

AlL pLayNO Work7: JerseyCB99: davey's head looks like a brillo pad

AlL pLayNO Work7: yeah its nice


AlL pLayNO Work7: loool

AlL pLayNO Work7: jersey is awesome

CEALioN86: nu uh

AlL pLayNO Work7: yeah she is

CEALioN86: CEALioN86 [11:15 PM]: NO JERSEY NO

JerseyCB99 [11:15 PM]: what?!

CEALioN86 [11:15 PM]: NO

CEALioN86 [11:15 PM]: meanie

CEALioN86 [11:15 PM]: meanie

AlL pLayNO Work7: looool

CEALioN86: JerseyCB99 [11:15 PM]: it was the brillo pad comment wasn't it?!

JerseyCB99 [11:15 PM]: lol

CEALioN86 [11:15 PM]: you know what im talking about

CEALioN86 [11:15 PM]: MEANIE

AlL pLayNO Work7: erseyCB99: didn't say that was a bad thing..

JerseyCB99: i mean..we need brillo scrub our pots and pans

CEALioN86: JerseyCB99 [11:15 PM]: *giggles madly*

JerseyCB99 [11:15 PM]: sorry!

JerseyCB99 [11:15 PM]: but it does!

Convo with Jersey

AlL pLayNO Work7: did you see the pic of Tinker and Trey?

JerseyCB99: no..

JerseyCB99: heh heh

AlL pLayNO Work7: i am jealous

AlL pLayNO Work7: when i stalk tinker im gunna jump into the pictures she takes w/ newsies

JerseyCB99: lol

JerseyCB99: :-)

JerseyCB99: and then shes gonna go "wtf are u doing here?! go away!!"

AlL pLayNO Work7: but i wont!

AlL pLayNO Work7: ill continue stalking her

AlL pLayNO Work7: and then ill jump trey and arvie

AlL pLayNO Work7: *nods* it's gunna be fun

JerseyCB99: rawr...arvie..

AlL pLayNO Work7: lol

AlL pLayNO Work7: it doesnt mattre that they are slightly older than me i would so get on them

JerseyCB99: me too!

JerseyCB99: well..

JerseyCB99: trey? thats debateable

AlL pLayNO Work7: lol

AlL pLayNO Work7: well...i would jump the trey from newsies

AlL pLayNO Work7: soooo if i ever got the chance to get on the trey now i'd just close my eyes and pretend he was the trey from newsies

AlL pLayNO Work7: *nods* that would make me happy

JerseyCB99: oh yeah baby..

JerseyCB99: kid blink presses all my buttons..

AlL pLayNO Work7: lol do you think that they would mind being called their newsie names?  whaha i would if i ever jumped in bed w/ one of the actors id call them by their character's name

JerseyCB99: LOL

JerseyCB99: that'd be great..."BLINK BLINK oh yessss blink!" "wtf did you just call me?"

AlL pLayNO Work7: lool

JerseyCB99: *cracks up*

AlL pLayNO Work7: maybe just slip in there be like "YES TREY YES blink YES TREY!" hed never notice

JerseyCB99: lol!

JerseyCB99: no way jose

JerseyCB99: wooh

AlL pLayNO Work7: and then when he went to sleep id whipser in his ear "you are not trey you are blink" over and
over and see if he believed it in the morning

JerseyCB99: LOL

JerseyCB99: "you are kid blink, you are a newsies, its 1899"

JerseyCB99: they'd send him to the nut hut

If you want a conversation up here....then talk to me and be's that easy. ;D

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