"When do we get to go have fun?" Tunes asked, finishing off her drink. Quipster rolled her eyes. "When I get off work, fer da last time!" I only have ta stay until Rachel gets here to take my place," she said refilling Tunes glass. "I don’t even get why yer complainin’. It’s not like you have ta work. All yer doin’ is sittin’ ‘round drinkin’ free beer," she replied aggitated. It had been a long day full of drunk men and they whiny girl friends. Not to mention, her shift was supposed to have ended over half an hour ago and she was anxious to go out and have fun with her friends. Tunes and the other girls grumbled a little but didn’t refuse the beer they were being offered. Quipster hurried around behind the bar., filling drinks and flirting with the male customers. After about ten minutes Rachel sauntered in. "It’s about fucking time, Rachel," Quipster growled. She then slid over the bar and exclaimed, "Freedom finally!" "I don’t even understand why ya keep dis job. Jest be a newsie like da rest a us!" Black Rose suggested. "No way! I am not goin’ ta get up early every mornin’ just ta work all day. I make more in an hour than you guys make in a day," Quipster explained. "At least ya’d have a little respect," Bitter reproved. Quipster rolled her eyes. "Respect is highly overrated." Now it was Bitter’s turn to roll her eyes. "Are we gunna go? I told a couple a da guys we would meet dem ovah at Jimmy’s." "Good, I need ta unwind a little," Quipster decided. "Jest stay way from Cards. He’s mine," Wish reminded her quickly. "Hmm…dat ain’t what he was sayin’ last night…oh, damn it! I wasn’t suppose ta tell ya…" Quipster joked. Wish hit her playfully, but hard, letting her know that she meant business. "Jesus, Wish! Yer really gettin’ serious ‘bout dat boy!" Stress observed. "Nevah did I think I’d see da day. Wish actually is happy wid one guy!" "Hey, ya don’t undahstand. So don’t give me dat. If ya evah got him inta bed den ya would undahstand," Wish defender herself. "What makes ya think I haven’t?" Stress asked mischievously. "Oh shut up. C’mon lets go." Wish said, tired of the conversation. The rest of the girls agreed and started walking out. Quipster stopped when she noticed JB walk in. "Hey, can you guys hang on fer a minute?" she asked, walking towards him. "Wheah are ya goin’?" Tunes asked. "I wanna get ovah ta Jimmy’s. It’s bettah den dis place…an’ Carrots is waitin’ fer me!" "Wheah do ya think I’m goin? I talked ya dat I wanted ta unwind a little. Jest give me a couple minutes," she said smiling evily. The other girls rolled their eyes and sat back down. "Quipstah, ya got five minutes an’ den we’re draggin’ ya outta heah," Bitter warned. "Dat will be plenty a time," Quipster assured her. She then walked up to JB with a half smile. "Hey JB. How’s it goin’?" "Hey, Molly. It’s goin’ all right. I didn’t know ya were workin’ heah ta night," JB said. "Actually, I jest got off. Why? Are ya tryin’ ta avoid me?" she asked. "Nah, it’s jest a nice surprise." "Good," Quipster said. Then she leaned forward, exposing more cleavage than before in her low-cut dark red dress, and whispered, "’Cause I would hate it if ya were avoidin’ me." JB smiled nervously. "Ya don’t have ta worry ‘bout dat. So, what are ya doin’ tanight?" "I’m goin’ out wid da goils. But, I got an exta five minutes…an’ I’se had a hard day," Quipster told him. "Well, is der any way I can make it bettah fer ya?" "I’m glad ya asked," she said. Quipster swung her leg over him and straddled him while facing him. "Ready ta unwind?" she asked, smiling seductively. "Uh…yeah…shoah.." he stammered a little shocked. He wasn’t shocked so much at her behavior, but because she wasn’t usually this blunt. She usually was one to play all sorts of mind games until she had him so confused that he couldn’t remember what he wanted from her anymore. "Good," she stated before kissing him on the lips. When he tried to deepened the kiss she pulled away playfully. Then she slipped her hands into his shirt and let them roam over his chest and stomach while she leaned back in to kiss him. She let him deepen the kiss this time and moaned happily when she felt him run his hands up her legs, under her skirt. Just as he was reaching her upper thighs Quipster was jerked backwards. "C’mon," Bitter said, yanking her by the arm. Quipster looked disappointed but got off. "Fine. A deal is a deal," she agreed. "Wait. But…what?" JB asked, shocked. "Sorry, JB. Thanks fer helpin’ me out, though!" Quipster said walking away with a wave. "You should stop by heah more often.." "But…but…" JB protested but his attempts were futile since she was already out the door. Outside the girls were laughing. "Did ya see his face? It was priceless," Tunes commended. "Ya know, Quipster, some time this is all going to come back an’ bite ya in da ass. Da guys are prolly gettin’ tried a ya playin’ wid dem all da time," Bitter pointed out. "Like you can lecture me on that? Look what you did ta Spot. At least I don’t play ‘round wid people dat actually care," Quipster pointed out. Earlier that week Bitter had been caught fooling around with her "friend", Soul. Spot, her boyfriend of one year, was hurt and furious. Bitter smirked. "Guess not…" The girls made there way to Jimmy’s bar laughing and joking around. They entered and surveyed the room, noting the regulars and who they knew there. "Hey girls. I was thinkin’ ya’d show up tanight," the man behind the bar greeted. "Hey, Jimmy. How’s yer night goin’?" Black Rose asked. All the girls had become good friends with the owner of their patronized bar. "I’ve had worse." "Hey, ya seen da boys?" Wish asked, looking around. "Der’s some in da back, playin’ cards. I think dat Soul, Cards, an’ Snake are back der wid a few oddah boys," Jimmy answered. "Go on back. I’ll send some beers in fer you goils." "Great! Thanks Jimmy," Tunes said walking with the rest of the girls towards the back. In the back Cards, Soul, Snake, Carrots, Sly and Thunder were playing poker. When the girls entered they all grinned and put down their hands. "’Bout time you goils showed up," Soul commented. Bitter smirked. "Quipstah was late gettin’ off an’ den she had ta ‘unwind’ wid JB. But, I’m willin’ ta make up fer lost time." "Well, den get ovah heah," he said. She walked over willingly and gave him a kiss. Pulling away she whispered, "How am I doin’?" "I dunno why don’t ya keep goin’?" he said. Which she did. Soon, the entire group was split into pairs. Wish and Cards were in the corner making out, their favorite passtime. Snake and Stress were talking quietly in the corner, sitting so close together that you wouldn’t be able to push a sheet of paper between them. Carrots and Tunes were smiling and flirting in the middle of the room. Black Rose and Thunder were laughing hysterically about something and sitting at the poker table. And, lastly, Quipster was sitting on Sly teasing him with small kisses. The entire group was happy with their situation and couldn’t think of a better way to spend the night. Finally the door opened. Assuming it was Jimmy, Quipster said, "Hey, Jimmy, thanks fer da beer," without looking up from what she was doing. Then, she realized that Sly wasn’t responding anymore and the rest of the room was silent. She looked up to see an angry Spot and a few of his larger boys behind him. "Soul, you’se gone too far," Spot informed him, seething. Bitter had taken up residence on Soul’s lap, not long after entering and that is how Spot found her. "Spot, jest st…" Bitter started. Spot fixed her with an icy glare. "Don’t even start ya whore. Yer lucky dat I don’t soak you, too." Spot’s goons had walked over to Soul and grabbed his arms, forcing him to his feet. Soul was struggling against their grip, violently. Quipster stood up quickly, trying to think of some way to stop the inevitable. Damnit I knew dat Spot wouldn’t jest leave it alone. Well, I can’t jest let him beat Soul up…aftah all he didn’t really have a choice aftah Bittah decided ta go aftah him. "Look, Spot—" she started. "Quipstah, you stay outta dis too. It ain’t got nothin’ ta do wid ya," he said, not even turning to look at her. "I was jest sayin’ dat ya can’t do anythin’ heah. Jimmy’ll throw us out or call da bulls," Quipster said, stalling for time. "Ya know, yer right. Boys drag him outside." The three large boys pulled Soul out of the room and towards the exit. Soul, although still fighting, couldn’t take on all three of them and Spot. He also knew that the other boys wouldn’t help him out, since they were all Brooklyn newsies and didn’t like to meddle in Spot’s affairs. The girls all walked out together, interested to see how this would turn out. Bitter turned to Quipster and said, "We gotta do somethin’ ta stop dis. Soul can’t take all dose boys on by himself!" "What do ya expect us ta do ‘bout it? We can’t jest attack dem!" Tunes said from behind them. "Right Quipstah?" Quipster had a worried look on her face. She looked at Tunes, then Bitter, but chose not to respond. "Am I right Quipstah?" Tunes repeated, looking less sure of herself. Quipster paused before speaking. Then she assured Bitter, "We won't let dem hoit him. If we gotta fight den we will." Her formerly easy-going attitude had disappeared and the girls remembered why she was the "unoffical leader" of their group. "We can’t fight dem! Even if we could get da three boys off a him, der’d still be Spot an’ da oddah boys are Brooklyn newsies too if ya didn’t remembah. Cards is almost his best friend!" "I remembah," Quipster said, looking very serious. "No one is forcin’ ya ta stay," she told Tunes, glaring at her. Tunes shut her mouth and nodded, showing her support. Black Rose and Stress followed Bitter and Quipster out silently, looking bewildered. "So much fer our perfect night out," Quipster mumbled. They all reached the street that the boys had gotten to only moments earlier. "Now, yer gunna see why people don’t mess wid Spot Conlan," Spot told Soul, pulling out his cane. Soul winced as Spot brought it back, but stood to take it like a man. He didn’t have anywhere to run or anyone to help him so he put on a courageous face and stood firmly. Involuntarily, Soul closed his eyes, waiting for the blow to strike him. Surprisingly, after a few moments, it didn’t come. He opened his eyes, and found Spot looking just as surprised. Quipster had grabbed the cane from behind Spot and held it firmly. (eww…that sounds all gross…gawd…STOP THINKING LIKE THAT) Spot whipped around to face her. "What da hell do ya think yer doin’?" Spot asked, livid. "What da hell does it look like I’se doin’? I’se sorry Spot but dis ain’t Soul’s fault an’ I’m gunna have ta step in." "Quipster, I’m giving you one more chance. Let…go…walk…away," he commanded over enunciating the last part. "Spot, go…away…stop…actin’…like…a…jerk…" Quipster mocked. Spot glared and pulled on the cane, jerking it out of her grip. "Oh, c’mon Spot. Ya gunna hit me wid it now?" she taunted. Spot raised his eyebrows. "I don’t have da energy fer dis. (gawd people could soo be taking this the wrong way…but STOP THINKING LIKE THAT I MEAN IT…im talking about Spot’s cane..you know the one he attacks people with…in the movie!! SHUT UP!!) Cards grab her ‘til dis is done, an’ keep her quiet," he demanded. Cards nodded and walked over. "Sorry ‘bout dis Quipstah," he said. Quipster rolled her eyes. "You must be jokin’. Don’t do dis Cards, I don’t want ta have ta fight ya an’ I know dat ya don’t want ta have ta fight me." "I ain’t got a choice," he said coming closer. "Yeah, ya do," Wish said from where she was standing with the rest of the girls. "Don’t touch her Cards an’ I mean it." Cards looked torn but finally said, "Look, I’se sorry. But I’se a Brooklyn newsie an’ Brooklyn newsies do what dey’s told. Why don’t you guys jest let it go?" Spot, looking amused, said, "Well, looks like me boys prefer der leadah ovah a buncha cheap whores." Cards moved to grab Quipster’s arm but she darted out of his reach before punching him across the face as hard as she could. "Sorry, but I warned ya," she said, not looking apologetic at all. Everyone looked surprised that she had actually hit him. Quipster was rumored to be quick tempered and a good fighter but had never exhibited these characteristics in front of any of the newsies present. Cards stood up glaring. Seeing Quipster actually hurt Cards made the rest of the girls more alert. Things had just become more serious. Cards, now angered, was determined not to be caught off guard again. "Damnit, dat actually hurt!" he exclaimed, rubbing his face. Tasting blood on his lip he said, "Ya got yerself a fight, now," and walked forward threateningly. Quipster smirked, not backing down The rest of the assembly was now staring at them, wondering if Quipster’s reputation was well deserved. By the confident look in her eyes they assumed that it was. Cards swung at her sloppily, being that he was drunk. Quipster dodged him easily, and Cards took a little longer than usual to recover. Quipster, having the advantage of sobriety, found it easy to evade his fists, but didn’t return the assailment. "Cards," she said, sounding bored. "Give it up, hun. Yer drunk an’ dis won’t end up well…fer you. Der ain’t no way yer gunna win." Cards glared at her. "Shoah, I can win," he told her pulling out a knife from his pocket and opening it. He held it up challenging her. Some of the girls gasped and moved forward to help her. "Dat ain’t faih," Stress protested. Quipster quieted them all with a quick look. "I’se handled worse den dis," she said qith a confident look. Cards motioned her forward with his hand. "Well c’mon. Lets find out how ell ya can handle dis." Quipster moved forward carefully, looking fully alert. Cards swung at her with the knife. She narrowly escaped the blade, jumping back only seconds before it was too late. Quipster gave him a cocky grin, infuriating him all the more. "Cards, yer embarassin’ yerself. Even worse yer embarassin’ Brooklyn. Jest do it already," Spot commanded. Cards looked up when Spot spoke. Quipser took this moment to dart forward and grab Card’s hand that held the knife. She tried to twist it out of his grup. But, when it came down to a fight of pure strength, Cards was better off and ripped his hand out of her reach, slicing her upper arm before she could retreat. Stress and Bitter started forward to assist Quipster, now that she was injured. Spot motioned for the remaining Brooklyn boys (that weren’t holding Soul, or bing hled, or fighting with Quipster) to keep them back, interestied to see the outcome of the fight. The girls started to object but Quipster intervened, saying "Stop. Dis is my fight. Yer bein’ distractin’." The girls stopped struggling and watched the fight attentively. Quipster looked at Cards and nodded, signaling she was ready for more. He smirked and returned the nod with one of his own, not one to deny a lady. He lunged forward, slashing at her with his knife. She was prepared this time. She pushed the offening arm to the side and kciked him between the legs as hard as she could. He doubled over in pain, immediatley. Quipster brought her knee up to meet with his head as it came down, causing him to yell in suprise. She received a long rip down the skirt of her dress from his knife as he brought his hand down to his crotch. Quipster finally wrenched the knife away from his crumpled figure and stood victoriously. Quipster turned and leveled Spot with a glare. "Like I said, I ain’t gunna let ya do it. I may not agree wid what Bittah did but I’m gunna stand by her," she said pointedly. Spot looked unfazed. "Fine, have it yer way. Boys get her," he said casually. The boys hesitated for a moment before reluctantly heading towards her. Quipster remained calm, although inside she was teriffied. Der ain’t now way dat I can take on all dese boys she thought. She didn’t have to worry long, though. Her girls sprung into action. Soon, the entire group was included in the fight. Spot and Quipster, out of mutual respect for each other stayed away from each other, directing their violent actions on other members of the group. Soul was still being held by one of the goons, with a knife at his throat. He wasn’t to be hurt until Spot could deal with him, personally. The girls were outnumbered, slightly, but they held up their own. Most of them we above average fighters, and some even enjoyed fighting. Quipster was worried though. I bettah stop dis fight befoah someone gets seriuosly hoit. Some a da boys might be holdin’ back now but dey ain’t gunna keep doin’ it fer long. Quipster, who was fighting with Thunder, shouted over, "Spot we might at well call a truce. Ya know da only way dat yer gunna get ta lay a hand on Soul is if ya kill me or make it so I can’t walk an’ we both know ya ain’t gunna do dat." Spot grunted, punching Tunes across the face. "I ain’t givin’ up. I came heah ta do somethin’ an’ we both know dat I’se gunna get it done. If we gotta tie ya up den we will," he warned her. "Yer jest bein’ stupid!" Quipster yelled, kicking Thunder’s knee. "Da only reason yer doin’ dis is ‘cause yer jealous!" "Dat…ain’t…true…" Spot yelled back, ducking Tunes fist and catching her arm. He twisted her arm behind her back and held still, catching his breath. "I’se doin’ dis ‘cause no one can cross Spot Conlon. I got a reputation ta keep." "Well," Quipster said, starting to breath hard herself. "If ya got a rep ta keep up," pausing to kick Thunder’s knee again, making it give out. "Den why don’t ya do it yerself, faih, insteada gettin’ yer boys ta do it?" she pointed out. Spot pushed Tunes to the ground. "What makes ya think I wasn’t goin’ ta? I jest brought me boys so dat he couldn’t run," he said walking over to Quipster, talking. "So ya were gunna fight completely faih? No sling shot, no cane?" she checked. "I don’t need nothin’ ta fight him but me hands. Dat doity, rotten bummah is gunna wish he’d nevah come ta Brooklyn, wheddah you like it or not." Quipster looked over at the rest of the group still fighting. "I’ll stop, if ya promise it will be faih. An’ no hurtin’ him too bad eiddah. Once he’s down ya stop," she bargained. Spot rolled his eyes. "Shoah, whatevah. I jest want ta get dis ovah wid. I wasn’t plannin’ ta make a night a dis," he said. Quipster rolled her eyes back, mockingly, before putting her fingers to her mouth and giving a high shrill whistle. All of the combatants looked up, wondering what could make that god-awful sound. "Goils, back off. NOW!" she said. The girls gave her weird looks, but stopped whatever they were doing and walked over to her. Some of them were in pretty bad shape, but they were too proud to show their pain. The boys looked at Spot for direction. Spot said, "Dat’s it. All of ya leave da goils alone." "What’s goin’ on?" Black Rose asked Quipster. "It’s ovah," she responded, simply. "So, he’s gunna leave Spot alone?" Bitter asked, hopeful. "No. Dey’s gunna have a faih fight. Don’t get dat look on yer face Bittah. Soul is his newsie an’ didn’t listen ta him. He’s gettin’ everythin’ he desoives," Quipster told her. "What?" Bitter asked, unbelieving. "I can’t believe dis. Yer on his side! I thought dat ya were gunna help us!" "Bittah, jest stop it. I mean it. Stop it now. Soul knew dat he would prolly get da beatin’ a his life if he layed a hand on ya an’ now hes gotta deal wid da consequences," Quipster said, annoyed with the emotionality of the situation. I jest don’t get dis. It ain’t dat big a deal. He gets beat up, Spot feels bettah, Soul heals., everythin’ is okay. "Well, I ain’t standin’ fer it. What makes ya think dat ya can boss us ‘round? Ya ain’t da leadah. Ya ain’t even a fuckin’ newsie!" Bitter said, walking towards the boys. Black Rose, Bitter’s best friend in the group, said "I’se wid you, Bittah, if ya need me help." Bitter nodded, thankful for an ally. She marched up to Spot and yelled, "Jest stop yer fuckin’ games. Let Soul go. It ain’t like dis is any a yer business, anymoah! Yer jest jealous dat he’s got somethin’ ya don’t." Spot appeared indifferent to her. "Da only think he’s got is you, an’ dat ain’t really somethin’ I want." Bitter, angered even more, swung at his face. He caught her arm and pushed her to the ground. Bitter was shocked. This was the first time Spot had ever phsyically hurt her, and she didn’t like it. Bitter jumped up and lunged at Spot. Her intentions were very obvious but Spot sidestepped her attack sending her to the ground again. Some of the boys laughed a little, making her even more angry. She charged him again. He waited until just the right moment and grabbed her, twisting her around and held her against him. He held her there, despite her struggling. "Give it up, Bittah. Ya ain’t a match fer me," he told her, almost whispering in her ear. Bitter fought harder, but was no match for Spot’s vice-like grip. Most of the boys were laughing by now, or grinning. Bitter looked helpless. She couldn’t free herself, she didn’t have anyone standing up for her, and her boyfriend was being held at knife-point. Not the most pleasant situation to be in. Black Rose, not knowing what to do, ran up and tried to help Bitter obtain freedom. She pushed at Spot and kicked his shins, not knowing what else to do. Finally, rolling his eyes at his boys, he freed one hand and backhanded her, sending her to the ground. Quipster, who had stood solemnly not commenting, finally decided enough was enough. "Spot, ya had yer fun and proved yer point. Let her go," she requested. "Do ya promise ta be good if I let ya go, Bittah?" he asked in a patronizing voice. "I’se gunna kick yer ass," she exclaimed, struggling all the harder. "I don’t think so, Quipstah. I ain’t lettin her go ‘til she promises," Spot decided, smirking. "God damn it! Listen fucking closely EVERYONE!" Quipster finally vociferated. "I’se had a fucking bad night an’ dis ain’t makin’ it any bettah! Now DIS is what is goin’ ta happen an’ I sweah ta god da foist person dat complains is gunna get soaked so bad people won't even recognize dem!" Everyone looked astonished. Most of them were discovering a completley new side of Quipster. And it was frightening them. "Good, I’se glad I got yer attention. Now, dis is what is goin’ ta happen. Spot yer gunna let go a Bittah. Bittah ya ain’t gunna even think ‘bout attackin’ him no moah, since it ain’t doin’ ya no good anyways. Den, Spot’s gunna get his faih fight wid Soul since it’s his right as leadah. An’ aftah Spot’s beat da shit outta Soul we’se gunna take him home an’ clean him up an’ find a new job fer him. Got dat?" she said, daring anyone to ask a question. Spot, who was long time friends with Quipster and had seen her angry many times, retained his smirk. "Shoah. But if dis goil attacks me I’se warnin’ I won't be nice," he said, releasing his hold on Bitter. Bitter, not wanting to give up but not wanting to anger Quipster any further glared at him and walked away. Black Rose got up from the ground and followed her. They took their place with the rest of the girls. Bitter was still angry and glared at Quipster. Quipster sighed. "Look, Bittah. It’s bettah dat it happens heah wid us all ‘round. Trust me, even if we stopped it dis time Spot would come aftah him again. ‘Sides we don’t got any right intrudin’ heah," she said, trying to explain it to her friend. "I undahstand. I don’t think it’s right AT ALL…but I get it. Let’s jest get dis ovah wid," Bitter resigned. ~~~~~******~~~~~~ Soul was dragged over to the circle that the group had made. Spot was waiting for him inside. Soul didn’t strugged but he didn’t look all too pleased either. There were two boys on Bitter’s sides, ordered to keep her out of the fight. No one doubted that she would have jumped in the ring in a second to defend Soul. Looking around the circle, Soul noted the solemn faces around him. He prepared himself to put up a good fight, and also to get one of the worst beating of his lif. No question about it, he was a good fighter, but still not a atch for Spot Conlan. Especially an angry Spot Conlan. Quipster moved forward and relieved Spot of all weapons. She took his cane, slingshot and knife out of his boot. Then, she looked at him smirking. "Give it ta me, Spot." "I don’t know what yer tlakin’ ‘bout," he cliaimed, somewhat joking. "Da switchblade in yer pocket. Give it ta me or I’ll get it meself," she told him. "Go ahead," he welcomed. Quipster rolled her eyes and thrust her hand into his pocket. Grasping the knife she withdrew her hand. "All right, den. Let da fightin’ behin," Quipster declared returning to her place in the circle. "Ain’t someone gunna search him?" Spot asked, indicating Soul. "Fine, whatevah Spot," Quipster said walking toward Soul. "Not you," Spot decided. "One a me boys should do it. It’s only faih." Quipster pretended to be hurt. "Ya don’t trust me?" "Dat an’ he’d enjoy it too much," Spot told her. Quipster gave him an exasperated look while one of Spot’s thugs walked up and searched Soul for any concealed weapons. When none were discovered Spot walked intot he middle of the circle, satisfied. "Soul, yer gunna find out why I’se da most feahed newsie in New Yawk," he informed him, bestowing an icy glare upon him. His joking attitude that he had shared with Quipster had disappeared. Soul, determined to at least land a couple punches, attacked with his left fist. Spot blacked the punch with his arm, and with the other arm delivered a solid hit into Soul’s stomach. Soul was winded but prepared himself for his next attack. Spot and Soul circled keeping everone in suspense. Soul suddenly dove at Spot, pulling him to the ground. Spot, not expecting this, was soon underneath Soul and had obtained a punch to the face. Everyone was shocked. No one more than Spot, though. It took him a few seconds to recover. Then, sending a punch to Soul’s gut, he escaped, pushing Soul off of him while he was still suprised. Spot stood quickly and kicked Soul in the face, causing blood to errupt from his nose. Then he kicked him in the stomach. He paused, allowing Soul to get up. When Soul just laid there Spot thought, He ain’t gettin’ outta dis, dat easily! He reached forward and pulled Soul to his feet. He allowed him to stand there, getting his balance before sending him a right hook. Soul staggered back. The pain was dulling his senses and making it impossible to think. His vision was blurred from his eyes watering furiously from when his nose was broken. In a last try, he swung at Spot. Spot sidestepped the attack and gave him a strong uppercut for his efforts. Soul, unable to fight any longer, fell backwards falling down. Spot kicked him in the gut as hard as he could. He pulled back his foot to kick him again but Quipster called out, "DAT’S IT! IT’S OVAH!" running to the boys. Spot glared. "Spot stop it. Ya said dat it’d be ovah when he was on da ground an’ it don’t look like he’s gettin’ up. Ya had yer fun," Quipster said, pulling on his arm. Spot allowed her to pull him away from Soul, content with the damage he had bestowed. He turned to Soul again saying, "If I evah see ya in Brooklyn again yer gunna get much worse den dis, an’ ya won't have goils ‘round ta save ya dat time." "Let me go! DAMNIT GET OFF!" Bitter was yelling, trying to run over to Soul. She had two large boys in her way though, who were trying to hold her until Spot gave his permission to free her. Spot noticed, but did nothing to help her. Quipster, tired of all of this, said, "Spot, why don’t ya take yer boys an’ go home? Ya got what ya came heah fer." Spot considered this. "I shoah hope dat I didn’t ruin you goi;’s night," he said sarcastically. Quipster glared at him coldly. "What da hell did I evah do ta you, anyways? God, all I want ta do is have a nice night aftah a hard day at work an’ no I have ta deal wid newsies on powah trips." "Ya know, if anyone else said dat ta me dey’d be bleedin’ by now," he reminded her. "Ah, one a da perks a bein’ me. Seriously doh, Spot, can’t ya jest take yer boys an’ go? I don’t think dat da goils are gunna wanna see dem in a long time an’ we gotta get Soul ta my place an’ clean him up," she told him. "Fine, it ain’t like I was plannin’ on hangin’ round anyways. Boys, lets go!" he commanded walking off. He gave Bitter, who was currently leaning over Soul trying to console him, a cold glare before disapearing into the night. Quipster walked over to where the other girls were. "What da hell are we gunna do?" Stress was saying. "We can’t jest go back ta da Lodgin’ House now! Spot will fer shoah kick us out." "Ya don’t know dat…he’ll kick Bittah out, dat’s fer shoah," Tunes put in. "So den wheah are we gunna go? We can’t jest leave Bittah out on da streets while we skip off ta da Lodgin’ House. ‘Sides I don’t really want ta see dose boys again," Black Rose said. "C’mon," Quipster said, joining the conversation. "You goils are all gunna stay at my place. It’s pretty damn small but it’s a roof an’ dats bettah den you all got. Bittah, ya think ya can manage Soul by yerself?" "We’se fine," Bitter said, shortly. She was still upset with Quipster and the way she had behaved, and intended on having some words with her when they got home. She had half a mind to refuse to go to Quipster’s apartment but she didn’t have any alternative since Soul was hurt. The girls all made their way to Quipster’s place. All of them were injured from the earlier fight, some were limping and others holding cuts, but none of them showed any pain they were going through. Pain was a normal thing and these girls…and boy…had learned early on in life not to show their weaknesses. Quipster knew this best of all. She knew that once someone spotted a weakness they could create entire plans, even revenge plans, based on them. She had seen Spot’s weakness, and now knew exactly what she was going to do! ~~~~~~******~~~~~ Once everyone had gotten settled at Quipster’s house they were sitting around talking. Everyone was still pretty upset over the fight. Finally Stress asked what had been on everyone’s mind. "I’se sorry ‘bout dis Quipstah but what da hell did ya think ya were doin’ back der?" she asked angily. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Quipster asked, knowing fully well what she was talking about. "Don’t give me dat. I want ta know why ya were so nice ta Spot back der. He was attackin’ us an’ ya were treatin’ him like yer best friend er somethin’," Stress said, confused by her behavior. "If ya haven’t fergot, Spot an’ I are friends. We have been fer yeahs now," Quipster reminded her. "But…it jest don’t make any sense. Why did ya make a big show ‘bout standin’ up ta him an’ havin’ a fight if ya were jest gunna give in anyways?" Tunes asked. "Look, it’s kinda hard ta explain. ‘Sides, I agreed wid Spot. Not dat he shoulda brought three guys ta beat Soul up but I know dat if I were him I woulda soaked Soul long befoah dis," Quipster explained. "Dat don’t mean we got ta be happy ‘bout it," Black Rose put in. "Dat’s true. Ise’d be surprised if ya were okay wid it," Quipster said. "Yer a bitch, ya know dat right?" Bitter declared, finally speaking. Quipster rose an eyebrow. "Why am I a bitch now?" "Ya coulda stopped Spot. We all coulda kept fightin’. We woulda won," Bitter told her. "Bittah, sorry ta tell ya but I did stop it an’ der wasn’t any way we woulda won. ‘Sides did ya really like beatin’ dose boys up? I know dat I didn’t," Quipster told her. "It was pretty odd," Wish added, thinking of Cards. She didn’t think any worse of him for standing with Spot, she knew she would be a hypocrite if she had since she had stood with Bitter. "I didn’t care. I can’t stand any a dose boy, especially Spot. He’se jest so damn cocky. He thinks dat he owns New Yawk an’ everyone in it," Bitter decided. "I really wish dat someone would teach him a lesson. An’ I shoah hope dat I’se ‘round when it happens." Quipster looked interested suddenly. "Would ya, now?" she asked, smiling evily. "Why are ya lookin’ like dat? Why? Ya know a big guy dat would be willin’ ta beat da shit outta Spot fer us?" Bitter asked. "What would be da fun in dat? I thought ya said dat ya wanted to teach Spot a lesson, not get yer pitiful little revenge," Quipster said. "Whatevah. Do ya got a plan?" Bitter asked. "She shoah looks like she does. Look at dat mischeivious glint in her eyes. Can’t nothin’ good come outta dat…I’se in!" Stress decided. Quipster smiled. "I might have a plan…it would take a lotta work doh…an’ plannin’." "I like dis. Strategical plannin’ fer his ‘lesson’," Wish said, very interested. "Well…all we’d have ta do is…." Quipster said revealing the entire plan. (Yes that’s right. You don’t get to know the plan! Okay…so I don’t know what the plan is either…you’ll have to read and figure it out) The girls all grinned. "I like it," Tunes approved. "Ditto. I’se in," Black Rose said. "An’ we all know dat wheah der is trouble, I’ll be der," Stress said. "I’se definatley in," Wish declared. "Lets get started, now," Bitter decided. Quipster laughed at their responses. "All right den. Let’s woik out da details. Wish an’ Bittah you’se bettah go ta Brooklyn an’ deal wid dem. Black Rose, you can go ta Queens an’ talk ta der leadah. What’s his name again?" "Oh, Patrick?" she asked. "Yeah, him. Ain’t you good friends wid him?" Quipster asked. "Yeah, we’se went on a couple dates. Ain’t nothin’ dat big," Black Rose said, shrugging. "Well, ya got ‘bout a week an’ a half ta make it big," Quipster told her. "Okay, who else should we involve? How ‘bout you Tunes? Who could you go see?" "Well, I know a couple a da boys in Harlem pretty well..if ya know what I mean. I’ll bet I could get close ta der leadah. I’se met him a couple a times, nice boy an’ all. I think his name is Markah." "Okay, dat sounds good. Let’s see, Stress, you should prolly go ta da Broncs den. At least we got most a da big ones den. Dat okay wid you?" Quipster planned. "Yeah, dat actually works out poifect. I grew up wid da leadah a da Broncs. Brash an’ I will be a couple befoah two days, I can promise ya dat. So, Quip, wheah are you goin’?" she asked. "I don’t think dat I bettah go anywheah. It might raise suspicions. I’ll jest go ‘bout every day life an’ all. It looks normal fer you goils ‘cause ya don’t want ta stay in Brooklyn aftah dat an’ dis way it jest looks like yer goin’ off ta sell," Quipster explained. "What ‘bout Manhattan? While we’se at it we might as well get dose annoyin’ boys too," Bitter decided. "Yeah, yer right," Quipster agreed, thinking over the situation. "What if we got Tinkah? She an’ Jack used ta be pretty close, right?" "I think so…" Stress said, trying to remember. "Yeah, remembah, she got made fun a constantly ovah at da Lodgin’ House. I think dat Tinkah would be up fer it." "All right, Bittah an’ Wish when ya see her how ‘bout sendin’ her ovah heah tomorrah," Quipster decided. "Wait…tomarrah? But I can’t go back ta Brooklyn dat eoily. Soul is still hoit!" Bitter protested. "Goil ya’s gone soft," Tunes informed her. "Dat ain’t true. I’se jest worried ‘cause it’s my fault dat he’s like dat," Bitter defended herself. Quipster rolled her eyes at her friends new-found conscience. "Look, I’ll take care a him. I only work fer a few hours durin’ da night usually. It’ll be fine." "Okay, den, tomorrah I guess," Bitter said, looking unenthused. "Ya all bettah go get some sleep now. Yer gunna have long days a kissin’ ass in fronta ya," Quipster joked. They all glared at her but agreed. They all went to sleep, dreaming of the revenge they were about to get. ~~~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~~~~ ---------Bitter and Wish------- Bitter and Wish walked up the steps of the Brooklyn House, hesitantly. Neither of them really wanted to go in but they knew some things had to be sacraficed to teach the boys a lesson. When the opened the door the entire room stopped and all the boys looked at them. Everyone had heard about what had happened and were shocked that they would show up. The girls paused in the doorway before starting again. They pretended not to notice the gawking boys and walked up the stairs saying hello to a few of their friends as they passed. "Dose goils have more guts den anyone I know," someone whispered from behind them. Wish and Bitter looked at each other and shared amused glances before enterting the boys bunk room. As they expected Cards and Spot were in the room, talking with a few of the other boys. Spot had a "meeting" every day in the morning to make sure he knew everything that was going on in Brooklyn. The boys were, needless to say, stunned that the girls were there. Spot, ever the tactful one, asked, "What da hell are ya doin’ heah?" Bitter pretended to be hurt. "Ya sound like ya ain’t happy ta see me!" "Wonah why…" one of the boys said under their breath. "I asked ya what yer doin’ heah," Spot repeated. "Well, I thought dat it was obvoius. I’se a Brooklyn newsie an’in da Brooklyn Lodgin’ House. Unless yer throwin’ me out aftah last night?" she said, hoping he wouldn’t say yes. Spot looked at her, trying to figure out what she was up to. "I guess I ain’t really got a reaon ta throw ya out. But I’se warnin’ ya right now, ya evah go ‘gainst Brooklyn like dat or me fer dat mattah an’ I’se throwin’ ya out, no questions asked," he told her harshly. "An’ steer cleah a me fer a while ‘cause I really ain’t in da mood fer ya," he added. Bitter nodded. "So, yer stayin’ too," Spot asked Wish. "If ya say I can den I am," she told him. "Fine, stay if ya want. Same goes fer you too, doh," he told her. "Are da rest a da goils comin’ back, too?" he asked. "Nah, dey all went der separate ways. I think dey went ta different parts a da city, Harlem, Queens an’ uh…da Broncs, I think. Right, Bittah?" Wish said, acting as if it was hard to remember. Bitter nodded in affirmation. She hadn’t taken her eyes off of Spot the entire time they had been there, and he was fully knowledgebale of it. He raised an eyebrow at her, and she gave him a half smile before saying, "C’mon Wish. We bettah go get our papes." Then she pulled her friend, who was already at Cards side whispering something, out of the room, attempting not to laugh. "Dis is gunna be much too easy," Wish whispered to her. "Yeah. I wondah if da oddah goils are doin’ as good," Bitter said. ~~~~~~~~******~~~~~~~~ -------Tunes----- Tunes got to Harlem later on in the day. "Wheah do you think yer goin’?" a guy asked, stepping in front of the door to the Harlem Lodging House. "I thought it was obvoius. I’se goin’ inside," she told him, glaring. "Well, I don’t think dat’s gunna happen. Unless yer willin’ ta give me a bribe a some sort," he said, smirking and looking her up and down. "Now what in da world would ya want from little ole me?" she asked, feigning innocence. "I think it’s obvious what I want from ya," he said, pulling her into a hug. Tunes burst out laughing. "Good ta see ya again, Page. How ya been doin’?" "I’se doin’ pretty good. What ‘bout you? Yer a long way from Brooklyn," he noticed. "I’se doin’ good. Yeah, I uhh…came ta visit ya," she said, lying poorly on purpose. "Tunes tell da truth. What are ya doin’ in Harlem if things are doin’ so good. I ain’t seen ya in a yeah!" he said. "Well, I had some trouble in Brooklyn an’ I’se not really likin’ it so much der, anymoah," she told him. "What kinda trouble? Did someone hoit ya?" he asked, looking concerned. "Nothin’ dat much. Der was a fight wid some a da newsies an’ I jest got outta der befoah things got too rough," she told him, "Things got too rough fer you? Da goil dat went ta Brooklyn lookin’ fer excitement? It must really be bad," he decided. "Yeah, well I got enough excitement an’ den some," she said. "Do ya think dat it would be okay if I stayed heah fer a while? I didn’t really have anyplace else ta go," she said. "A course. Tanight we’ll talk ta Markah. Rock an’ Sky are gunna be so happy ta see ya! We’se all missed ya," he said, pulling her into another hug. Tunes smirked. "Boys can be so stupid. Dey’ll believe anythin’ ya tell dem," she thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~~ Black Rose, reaching Queens around 5, decided to go straight to the resteraunt that she remembered as the newsie hang out. She walked in, receiving some weird looks, and looked around for Patrick. It was as if nothing had changed in the two months she had been gone, he was sitting at the same booth with the same group of friends. She smoothed her shirt and unbuttoned one more button for extra measure. After fixing her hair quickly she walked over to him with a half smile. Here goes nothin’ she thought before saying, "Hey Patrick." He looked up from his conversation and his jaw dropped when he saw who the voice belonged to. "R..Rose dat you?" he asked, stunned. He hadn’t seen her since the night she ran out after they had made love. "Yeah, a course it is. But, it’s Black Rose," she corrected. Patrick, getting over the initial shock, closed his mouth and tried to act casual. "Dat suits ya bettah. So wheah ya been?" "I dunno…around…" she told him mysteriously. "I see…so how long ya gunna be heah before ya run off again an’ disapeah fer two months?" he asked. He was still a little hurt by her leaving like that. Three months ago Rose had appeared in the Lodging House. She wouldn’t tell anyone where she came from or why she was there. After a couple weeks Patrick realized that he liked her and asked her out. She agreed and they went out to dinner. After that they were inseparable. Patrick sill hadn’t learned anything about her past but he believed that he was in love with her. Rose, however, didn’t have such dellusions and didn’t believe in love. She was looking for protection and figured that if she stayed with Patrick she would get it. One night things went to far after a little too much to drink. Rose woke up in the middle of the night, realized what had happened, gathered her clothes and left. She didn’t leave a note or say any goodbyes. And since that night Patrick had never heard anythign about her or from her. "C’mon Patrick. Don’t be dat way," she said, bestowing a warm smile on him. "I’se heah now. Dat’s what mattahs, right?" "Dat depends. Why are ya heah now?" he asked. "Ta see you," she said, as if it was obvious. She suddenly felt very awkward. All of his friends were still staring at her, and by the looks on their faces they knew the entire story. "Look, do ya think dat maybe we could talk in private?" she asked. Patrick shook his head. "I’m trying ta decide if I should have me boys throw ya out Queens or if I should jest leave," he told her. "Why are ya bein’ like dis. I thought dat ya would be happy ta see me!" Black Rose said. Damnit! Now what da hell am I supposed ta do if he wont even talk ta me? I guess I’ll jest keep tryin’. "Why would ya think dat? Ya only brought frustration an’ pain inta me life," he said harshly. Ouch…okay on ta plan B…guilt! "I can’t believe I evah liked ya!" she yelled before bursting into tears and running out of the resteraunt. Part 2 |