------Stress------- Stress walked into the Broncs Lodging House completely confident. She nodded in acknowledgement to some of the newsies in their but headed for the leader’s room. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Soon a muffled, "Go away," came from the other side. "Oh, does poor liddle Glovsey want ta be left alone?" she asked through the door, condesendinly. "Dat’s it. Whoevah is out der bettah be gone by da time I’se get ta da door," he called out. "I’m out here shaking, I sweah," she said. The door swung open revealing a tall dark haired boy without a shirt and buttoning his pants. His blue eyes were flashing. "What da…" he stopped short when he saw Stress. "Stress! It’s so good ta see ya!" he said throwing his arms around her. "Now I can undahstand why ya warned me ta get away. Gawd who would want a hug from a half naked guy," she joked. Gloves looked back into his room and turned red. "Look, uh…I’se sorta uhh…busy," he said, looking very embarassed. "What? Don’t tell me yer havin’ a meetin’ in der, now!…wait..wid out yer shoit on? Jest what kinda meetins are ya havin’?" she said, confused. She pushed him aside and looked in his room. There was a girl on his bed, covered only by the light cover. "Stress, I’d like ya ta meet me goil, Bridgette," Gloves said, uncomfortably. "I..uhh…would come meet ya but ya caught me at a bad time," Bridgett said, pulling the blanket closer to her chin. "Oh..wow…I’m sorry. I didn’t know…" Stress said, turning red. "I guess I’ll talk ta ya latah." She walked downstairs as fast as she could. Damnit! DAMNIT! He already has a goil. I can probably get around her doh…I’ll find out. Downstairs she seached out Rum. Finding him she put on a grin and hurried over to him. "Rum! Hey! I can’t believe how long it’s been since we’se seen each oddah!" "Stress! Hey goil! Jesus it has been ferevah!" he said standing up and enclosing her in his arms. "It must be a couple yeahs now. Damnit I’se mad at ya. What are ya doin’ not visitin’?" he asked, pretending to be angry. "Well, things in Brooklyn kept me busy. An’ den some stuff happened an’ I decided it was time fer a trip ta da Broncs," she explained. "What kinda things? Not dat I’se complainin’ I jest didn’t think dat anythin’ could pull ya away from yer beloved Brooklyn," he teased. "Things jest got too complicated fer me. It wasn’t fun no moah," she told him. "Well, whatevah it was I’se glad dat yer heah. So how long are ya stayin’? Have ya talked ta Gloves yet?" he asked. "I dunno how long I’se stayin’. Prolly as long as Gloves will put up wid me. Yeah I uhh went an’ talked ta him already…but it was pretty bad," she said. "How was it bad?" Rum asked confused. If he knew Gloves, which he should since he was his best friend, then Gloves would have been ecstatic to see her. "Well, uhh…he was up der wid his goil. An’ I didn’t know…" she started. She told him the entire story. He burst out laughing at his friends awkwardnes. "Ya shoulda talked ta me foist so I coulda seen it!" he exclaimed. "Thanks fer yer sympathy…" Stress said sarcastically. "Any time, Stress. Any time…" he assured her. "So, him an’ his new goil…what’s goin’ on wid dat?" she asked, trying to be casually. "Oh dey’s got somethin’ real special. Dey’s only been goin’ out fer a couple weeks or so but dey is so in love. We’se already got polls on how long it’ll take him ta ask her ta marry him," Rum informed her. "I called three months from taday." "Marryin’? Gloves? Nu uh dis can’t be da same Gloves dat I knew. Da Gloves I knew wouldn’t a even gone on a second date wid da same goil let alone think ‘bout marryin’ some goil. What did ya do wid da real Gloves?" she asked. Gloves came up behind her and put his arms around her from behind. "Did I heah me name?" he asked. "Yeah, I was jest tellin’ Rum dat I wanted ta know what happened ta da boy dat I used ta know," she said, leaning back against him. "I’se right behind ya," he told her. "Nah, yer an impostah. Da Gloves I know wouldn’t have a steady goil or be thinkin’ serious ‘bout her eiddah. Hell, when I knew ya, I couldn’t a counted da goils ya dated in two weeks on me hands!" she joked. "Well, things change," he told her, releasing her. "’Sides der was a good reason dat I couldn’t keep one goil," he defended himself. "Ya had some sorta mental disease dat wouldn’t let ya?" Stress guessed. "Nah, I was already in love wid someone," he said. "Hey, can we go talk?" he asked. "Shoah, dat would be nice. We got a lot a catchin’ up ta do. Rum, we’ll talk latah, all right?" Stress said. "Yeah, dat’s fine, jest leave me out," Rum joked. "I’ll see ya both latah." Gloves laughed as he took Stress’s hand and led her out of the Lodging House. "Let’s take a walk, all right?" "Dat would be great," Stress agreed. Maybe dis goilfriend wont be so hard ta get around…I’ll find a way. ~~~~~~~~~******~~~~~~~~~ -------Quipster------ "Soul, I’se gotta be goin’ ta work. Ya gunna be all right?" she asked, entering the room, buttoning the top buttons of her tight fitting blue dress. "Yeah, I’ll be fine. Don’tworry ‘bout me. I’ll probably jest sleep it off moah," he told her. It was aroudn 8 and Quipster was running fifteen mintues late. "Great, hey can ya fasten dis," she asked, walking over and handing Soul a necklace. "Yeah, shoah," he said brushing the hair away from her neck and fastening the necklace. "Thanks, yer a life savah. It takes me so long ta fasten dem meself," she said, not noticing he extra physcial contact. "I might as well be good fer somethin’," he said a little down. "Hey, don’t talk like dat. Yer gunna be up an around in no time," she assure him, fastening her shoes. "Yeah, den what? I ain’t gunna be able ta sell papes anywheah aftah Spot threw me out like dat," he said. Quipster could tell that he had been thinking about this for a long time. She rubbed his arm soothingly. "Don’t worry ‘but it, hun, it’s gunna be okay. If ya can’t sell papes den we’ll find ya anuddah job. Don’t worry I wont jest throw ya out on da street. I think Bittah would kill me," she assured him. "Ya might as well jest throw me out. I can’t do nothin’ but sell papes. I really am useless," he said. "C’mon Soul. Dis is jest from sittin’ round all day widout bein’ allowed ta move. Yer not useless. I know one goil in particular dat thinks yer very useful…" she said, trying to cheer him up. "Yeah..shoah. But how long will she think dat? I ain’t stupid ‘nough ta think dat we’se in love. We jest like ta have fun. An’ we both know how fast she gets tired a her toys, an’ I ain’t much bettah," Soul told her. "I dunno…look I really feel bad but I gotta get goin’. I’se late as it is. I’m gunna lock da door but if Tinkah comes by do ya think dat ya could let her in or should I leave a note on da door?" Quipster asked. "Nah, I can walk," Soul assured her. ‘So, I’ll see ya latah?" "Yeah, I’ll prolly be back ‘round midnight. Don’t wait up or anythin’. Ya should get yer sleep. I’m leavin’ ya a pitcher a watah an’ a snack heah jest in case. Anythin’ else?" she asked. "Nah, go have fun," he said, smiling at her. Her maternal insticts were starting to show and he had never marked her as a motherly person. "Yeah, great fun. Havin’ drunk men grab at ya an’ havin’ a smile at dem while ya do it. I’ll be you wish dat would happen ta you," she joked. "Oh, yeah. Have dreams ‘bout it every night," he joked. Quipster laughed and walked out the door saying, "See ya latah." "Bye," Soul called after her. Quipster had only walked a few yards out the door before she heard someone behind her. "Spot, I saw ya when I came out da door. What do ya want now?" she asked. Spot fell into step with her smirking. "I had ta ask ya somethin’." "Well, ask it den," she said, not breaking her quick pace. "I wanted ta know what Bittah an’ Wish are up ta. I know ya know," he said. "Actually I don’t know what yer talkin’ ‘bout. Why are dey causin’ trouble at da Lodgin’ House?" Quipster asked. "No, dat ain’t what I’m talkin’ bout. I want ta know why Bittah and Wish came back," Spot informed her. "Prolly ‘cause dey had no place else ta do. I couldn’t support all dose goils so da oddah goils went back ta wheah dey knew people. Bittah an’ Wish only know people in Manhattan an’ dey figuahed dey would raddah put up wid yer controllin’ attitude den be in Manhattan. Ya know dat dey wouldn’t last two days in Manhattan wid out soakin’ da entire Lodgin’ House," she told him. "So, dey are jest fergettin’ ‘bout da fight an’ things go back ta normal?" Spot asked, unbelieving. "I wouldn’t say der fergot ‘bout it, but der ovah lookin’ it." "So, den what’s gunna happen wid Soul if Bittah is livin’ in da Lodgin’ House?" Spot asked. "Aftah dey had der fight he got dumped on me. So I’se takin’ care a him ‘til he gets bettah," Quipster said, trying to sound annoyed. "Fight? What did dey fight ovah?" Spot asked, intrigued. "You know how Bittah is when it comes ta most boys. She told Soul it wasn’t workin’ out etc. etc. An’ dat she could nevah go out wid someone dat wasn’t as good a fightah as she was. I dunno jest basically she was bored," Quipster told him. "So, she made him go through all dat an’ made dat huge scene an’ an hour latah she was bored?" Spot asked skeptically. "I think she was gettin’ bored befoah dat but da fight jest took all da excitement outta der relationship. Him bein’ hoit an’ all an’ she ain’t nevah been da repsonsible type," she toldhim. "I hope yer happy wid yer self, Conlan. I think ya managed ta ruin dat boys life." "Hey, dis ain’t my fault. Blame it on Bittah. She’s trouble fer any guy," Spot siad, holdhing his hands up to show his innocence. "All I did was show him da consequences." Quipster smirked. "Yeah, trouble. Some trouble dat you would like ta get in to," she told him. Spot looked at her and laughed. "Trouble dat I already got inta an’ I’se learned me lesson da hard way." "Yer such a liar! If she gave ya anoddah chance ya’d be wrapped ‘round her little fingah," Quipster said hitting his arm playfully. "Nah. Now if you gave me anuddah chance I’d enjoy bein’ wrapped ‘round yer fingah," he corrected. "I thought dat we agreed nevah ta mention dat again! Why cant ya jest ferget dat?" Quipster asked, groaning. "Like you can?" Spot accused. "It was jest a mistake. We’re much bettah as friends," Quipster decided. "I don’t know how ya can say dat. Dat night was one a da best a me life," Spot told her. "Spot jest ‘cause we have good sex don’t mean dat we should do anythin’ ‘bout it," Quipster told him. "Shoah it does. It means dat we should have moah of it. It's not like I wanna make a big thing of it or anythin'" Spot decided. "Yeah, an’ have Bittah wantin’ ta kill me? No thanks. ‘Sides I ain’t really inta hookin’ up wid boys dat are in love wid me best friends," she told him. "It didn’t stop ya da foist time," he reminded her. "’Sides who says I ain’t ovah Bittah?" "It was ovah a month ago! An’ a lapse a good judgement. An’ give me a break. Ya jest beat up da boy dat was datin’ her an’ yer tellin’ me yer ovah her. I don’t even know what yer doin’ heah. Ya know dat she’s only at da Lodgin’ House ta be wid you now. Why don’t ya scampah off an’ sweep her off her feet?" "’Cause I don’t scampah an’ ain’t in da sweepin’ mood," Spot told her. "Well, I don’t care what ya do den. I’ll see ya latah, prolly," she said walking up the steps to her work. "Dat mean ya reconsidahed me offer?" he asked. "It means dat I’ll prolly see ya sometime in da neah future…hopefully not ta night…an' it will prolly be against me will," she told him. She turned around and entered the building. Spot smirked as she went in. Dat goil is shoah somethin’ all right. He thought. I wondah if she was right ‘bout Bittah. Well, if Bittah is lookin’ ta get back wid me she’s gunna have ta be da one ta make da foist move ‘cause I’se gone through ‘nough embarassment ovah her. ~~~~~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~~~~~ -------Tunes----- Night came around and the newsies straggled in looking tired. Tunes got a few questioning looks but no one commented, assuming she was Page’s girl. A tall, dark and handsome boy (lol sorry like everyone has either brown or red hair because I don’t like guys with blonde hair usually…well I like them but I don’t think they are as handsome as guys with darker hair and GAWD SUE ME! Its MY fucking story!) He noticed the new girl immediatley and walked over. "Hey, Page. How’s it goin’?" he greeted. "Hey, Markah. Things are goin’ okay," Page responded. "An’ who is dis?" he asked, looking Tunes over. "Dis is one a me best friends, Tunes. She grew up heah," Page told him. "Nice ta meet ya, Tunes," Marker said extending his hand. Tunes smiled brightly at him and shook his hand. "Nice ta meet you, too." "So, ya gunna be stickin’ round fer a while?" Marker asked. "Well, I was hopin’ to. If it’s okay wid you, a course," she said giving him a hopeful smile. "I think dat would be fine," he responded. "But foist we’se gunna have ta have a talk. I like ta get ta know people befoah I let dem live heah. It’s best ta know what’s goin’ on in yer own lodgin’ house." "I can undahstand dat," Tunes said. "Well, Page, do ya mind if I steal her away fer a minute?" Marker asked. "Nah, not at all. Jest be careful ‘round dat one, she’s a heart breakah," Page joked. Tunes rolled her eyes at him and followed Marker into another room. "So, ya wanna tell me why yer heah?" he asked. "Well, I used ta live heah, a few yeahs back I left when I wanted moah excitement in me life. Den, things in Brooklyn got…well too excitin’ an’ so I went da only place I could think a. Heah," she explained. "So, did ya get in some kind a trouble?" he asked, needing to know what to watch for and how to protect his newsies. "Ya could say dat. Ya know Spot Conlon, right?" she asked. "Yeah, a course. Please don’t tell me he’s comin’ aftah ya," he pleaded, knowing he would have to turn her away. "Oh, no, nothin’ like dat. Jest, I was friends wid his goil, Bittah. An’ den she cheated on him. So der was a big fight, an’ I didn’t feel right goin’ back ta da Brooklyn Lodgin’ House aftah it," she told him. "All right. I can undahstand dat. So, yer wantin’ ta stay heah permently?" he asked. "Dat’s me plan," she said. "I’se gunna be really good. I hardly make any trouble or nothin’," she lied. "It don’t concern me how much trouble ya make. Jest keep outta da refuge an’ don’t get inta any fights dat ya can’t handle an’ yer welcome ta stay heah as long as ya want. It’ll be nice havin’ a new face ‘round heah," he told her. "Ya mean it?" she asked. "A course," he answered. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. He hugged her back wondering if she always got this excited about things, not that he was going to complain. Little did he know that she was just trying to establish normal physical contact. "Ya ain’t gunna regret dis," she told him, happily. "I’se shoah dat I wont. Now, I’se shoah dat ya want ta get back ta Page," he said, dismissing her. "Oh, yeah, right. Ya prolly have lots ta do, bein’ da leadah an’ all," she said walking towards the door. "Wait, I was jest wonderin’. Are you Page’s goil?" he asked, looking a little embarassed. "Page an’ me? Gawd no. We’se been friends evah since I can remembah but nothin’ like dat," she told him. "Oh…I see. So, den I don’t have ta feel guilty ‘bout askin’ ya out," he said. "Nope, not guilty at all. A course ya should feel worried since ya don’t know what I’d say," she teased. "Well, what would ya say if I asked ya out?" he asked. "I dunno, why don’t ya try," Tunes challenged. "All right I will. Tunes would ya like fer me ta take ya out ta dinnah or somethin’?" he asked, giving her the cutest smile. "I would love dat. I know dis great bar ovah a couple streets from heah," she told him. "Bar?" he asked. "Yeah, don’t ya like bars?" she asked, appalled. "Shoah, bars are fine wid me. I dunno I jest didn’t really see ya as a bar kinda goil," he told her. "Der’s a lot ‘bout me dat ya wouldn’t guess," she flirted. "I’d be willin’ ta find out," he said. "Well, I think dat, dat would be okay wid me," she said with a mischeivious smile. "Let’s get goin’," he said, taking her hand. They walked out the door, and Tunes waved at Pages as she left. "Why does dis not surprise me?" he asked no one inparticular. Page could hear her laughing out the door. Dat goil is somethin’ else, all right. ~~~~~~~~~~~**********~~~~~~~~~ ------------------Black Rose-------------- Patrick sighed and relented. He got up and ran out the door to find her. Dat really was stupid Patrick. You’se been thinkin’ ‘bout what ya were gunna say ta her fer two damn months an’ what do ya do? Make her cry. It ain’t her fault dat she ran off. She musta had a reason or somethin’. She’s too sweet ta jest run off fer no reason. I hope dat I can fix dis. Dat would kill me if I knew dat I had a chance ta get da goil a me dreams back an’ blew it jest ta look bettah infronta me friends. Patrick found her a couple blocks away, sitting on a park bench. "Hey, look, Black Rose. I’se sorry," he told her walking up. She looked at him, with tears in her eyes. "I don’t know what I expected. I jest thought…I dunno…I jest wish things coulda been different," she told him. "Me too. Me too," he told her. "So, are ya gunna tell me what happened dat night?" he asked. "I guess ya desoive ta know. It’s jest hard ta admit…" she said. She averted her eyes to her hands, as if it was too hard to explain while she was looking at him. Really, she was trying to ensure that she didn’t break into the laughter that she was trying to supress. "You can tell me. I sweah I wont be as big a joik as I was two mintues ago," he joked. "Well…all right. If ya wanna know I jest couldn’t take our relationship anymore. I wasn’t ready fer how fast we were movin’. I mean one minute we’re jest kissin’ an’ havin’ fun an’ da next we’se in bed tageddah," she explained. "I jest wasn’t ready an’ didn’t know how ta tell ya an’ so I did da only thing dat I could think a. An’ den aftah a while I wanted ta come back but I couldn’t work up da courage…till now." "Gawd, I am probably da biggest joik in New Yawk," he said sitting down beside her. "I really am sorry. ‘Bout everythin’. I wish dat I could change everythin’ fer ya," he told her. Black Rose smiled at him. "It’s enough dat ya came out heah," she told him. Patrick smiled. "So, ya fergive me?" "A course I do. Do ya fergive me fer what I did?" she asked. "Der ain’t nothin’ ta fergive. Look, I don’t know what ya had in mind but I was thinkin’…I dunno…maybe we could pick up wheah we left off. Not exactly wheah we left off…but I dunno…maybe go out or somethin’?" he asked, unsurely. "I think dat would be really nice," Black Rose told him, smiling warmly at him. She snuggled into him, giving him a hug. He buried his face in her hair and said, "Ya have no idea how much I missed ya. I ain’t lettin’ ya get away from me evah again." Black Rose rolled her eyes. Gawd I hope I’se nevah dis gullible! Oh well at least everythin’ is gunna turn out accordin’ ta da plan. ~~~~~~******~~~~~~~~~ --------Stress------------- "So, didn’t ya wanna talk?" she asked after a few moments of silence. "Yeah," Gloves answered, distractedly. "Well, den what did ya wanna talk ‘bout? If dis is ‘bout what happened befoah, it’s fine. It ain’t like I thought ya nevah had sex…a course I’se nevah seen it wid me own eyes but dat’s nothin’ a little therepy cant take care a," she joked. "Nah, dat ain’t it. It’s jest…I’se had stuff dat I’se wanted ta tell ya fer two yeahs an’ now dat I got da chance I don’t know how ta say it," Gloves said, frusturated. "C’mon Gloves! Ya can tell me! We’se been friends…since practically ferevah! We’se told each oddah everythin’!" she prodded. "Not everythin’," Gloves corrected her. "Yer kinda frightenin’ me now. Please don’t tell me ya went on a killin’ spree or somethin’ ‘casue I don’t think dat even therepy could help me if ya said dat," she joked. "It’s nothin’ like dat. Look, it’s ‘bout Bridgette kinda," he said. "Ahh ya really are getting married!! I’se soo happy fer ya! A course I nevah thought I’d see a time when some goil had Gloves so whipped dat he would considah marriage but I’se glad. I’se gunna have ta…" "Would ya shut up fer a second? I’se tryin’ ta tell ya dat I love ya!" he yelled at her. Then, realizing what he said he sighed. "Okay, dat ain’t da way I was plannin’ on tellin’ ya." Stress just looked at him with her mouth hanging open. "Yer…yer what?" she asked. "In love wid ya. I have been since we were kids but ya nevah even gave me a chance! Ya always had yer new boy a da week. Dat’s da only reason I went through so many goils, ‘cause I couldn’t have da one dat I wanted," he told her. Stress teared up on cue. "Dat’s da sweetest thing dat anyone has evah told me!" she said, throwing her arms around him and hugging him. "But, I don’t know what ta do now. I mean dis is a dream come true but now I got Bridgette," he told her truthfully. Stress pulled away quickly. "Wait, what? Yer stayin’ wid Bridgette? Ya tell me all dis, jest so what? So I can feel bad fer not noticin’ all dose yeahs?" "No, no…I jest couldn’t keep it a secret aftah I saw ya again. An’ I jest don’t know what ta do now," he said, running his hands through his hair. Stress let a few tears fall. "But…but I love you. An’ now I know dat you love me. I jest…I don’t undahstand how we could find out about dis an’ you can stay wid Bridgette," she said. "It’s complicated…It’s jest dat Bridgette an’ I…well she’s dat foist goil I’se evah loved oddah dan you," he said. "An’ what am I supposed ta tell her. ‘Sorry I was jest usin’ ya til me childhood crush returned’. I don’t think dat would be a great thing ta do." Stress stood up angrily. "Ya know what. Fine! I jest…I can’t believe yer doin’ dis. Ya can’t do dat ta her but yer willin’ ta tell me ‘Well, I sorta love ya…but I love dis oddah goil moah…so ya shoulda come a couple a weeks earliah,’. Dat’s real nice. I jest…Ugh! I gotta go," she said starting to run away. "Hey, don’t blame dis on me," Gloves said grabbing her arm. "I ain’t da one dat showed up outta no wheah an’ barged inta someone elses bedroom." "Fine, whatevah. It’s all me fault. Jest let me go," she said struggling, but not really trying to get away. "I jest, I don’t know what ta do," he said forcing her to look him in the eye. Stress stopped struggling. "I do," she said before forcefully kissing him. Part 3 |