----- Bitter----

Spot walked into the bunkroom, pondering what Quipster had told him only half an hour earlier.  Bitter was sitting on his bunk, waiting for him.

Spot rose an eyebrow when he reached her, asking, "Can I help you?"

"I think dat ya can…" she said, smiling seductively at him.

"I dunno.  Maybe you should go ask Soul ta help ya," Spot threw in her face.

"Spot," she said taking his hand and pulling him to sit next to her.  "C’mon, don’t be like dat.  We both know dat Soul was only ta add a little excitement ta everyone’s life."

"So dat makes it all okay?  Since you were bored I’se supposed ta look ovah da fact dat I walked in on ya havin’ sex wid one a me boys?"  he asked, skeptically.

"I didn’t say dat.  I know it was wrong.  I’se willin’ ta make up fer it doh," she said, crawling behind Spot, on the bed and rubbing his back.  "We can start wid dis an’ move on ta whatevah ya think would help ya get ovah dis," she whispered in his ear.

Spot tensed immediatley. "What makes ya think dat I want ta get ovah it?  Da only think I’se gettin’ ovah is you," he told her coldly.

"If dat’s an invitation den I’se definatley in," she told him, purposely misunderstanding.

"Don’t ya get it? I don’t want you anymoah.  Now dat I know yer jest a cheap whore day any guy could det wid ya ain’t any fun."

"Spot, don't  be mad," she said running her hands down his chest.  "I said dat I was sorry."

Spot shivered involuntarily before getting off his bed.  "I thought I told ya ta stay away from me if you an’ Wish wanna stay.  I bettah not hear ya or see ya at all an’ I mean it," he told her, turning towards the door.

Bitter, realizing her tactics weren’t working said, "Fine, whatevah.  I can’t believe I’se even tryin’ ta apolagize.  I shoulda known bettah den ta think dat ya evah cared ‘bout me."

Spot whipped around.  "Don’t ya dare try ta blame me fer dis.  Yer da one dat cheated an’ yer da one dat didn’t care.  As far as I’se concerned, yer gettin’ what ya desoive," he said, getting in her face.

"Like ya nevah cheated?  Don’t give med dat.  I’se hoid all da stories," she challenged, having no idea if it was true or not.

Spot smirked.  "Jest what stories have ya hoid?" he asked, not taking the bait.

"’Bout you an’ jest ‘bout every goil in Brooklyn.  If I jest picked a random goil off da street I would bet money dat you’se fooled ‘round wid her."

Spot rolled his eyes.  "Fine, you keep thinkin’ dat.  Yer stupider den I thought."

Bitter glared at him.  "Jest go away an’ leave me alone!" she ordered.

"Foist a all, yer in my bed, YOU go away.  An’ second, don’t evah tell me what ta do.  Ya mighta gotten away wid both a dose things while ya were me goil, but not anymoah," he told her, pulling her by the arm off of his bed roughly.  "I know dis might come as a surpries, but ya do have a bunk a yer own heah.  An’ contrary ta yer belief, goils can sleep alone."

Bitter slapped him across the face.  "Don't  talk ta me evah again," she yelled before running out of the room crying.

Once she was safely out of the Lodging House and hidden in an alley she burst out laughing.  "
Okay, well dat ain’t how I saw things happenin’.  I need a new plan or somethin’.  I’ll talk ta Quipstah, she might know what ta do.  Her an’ Spot are pretty good friends," she thought heading towards the bar Quipster worked at.


Quipster pushed a stray lock of dark brown hair out of her face, tiredly.  She’d been at work for three hours and didn’t know how much more she could take.

Seeing Bitter walk in, she was confused.  "I woulda thought dat her an’ Spot woulda been catchin’ up fer lost time by now.  I think dat I’se been undahestimatin’ dat boy," she thought.

Bitter plopped down on the barstool.  ‘Give me da strongest ya got an’ make it a double," she demanded.

"Aww..hard time at da job?" Quipster patronized, handing her, her drink.

"Ya could say dat," Bitter said, taking a long drink.

"So, I take it ya don’t have Spot eatin’ outta yer hand yet," Quipster decided.

"Hell, at dis point I would settle fer civil," Bitter said, wryly.

"So, ya know how yer gunna get him dat way?" Quipster asked, filling up another customer’s drink and winking at them.

"If I did, do ya think I’d be heah?" Bitter pointed out.

"Jest checkin’.  Why don’t ya tell me what happened an’ we’ll figuah somethin’ out," Quipster suggested.

Bitter complied and related the entire story to her.

"Hmm…interesin’ comment ‘bout cheatin’," Quipster observed.  "So, do ya actually know if Spot cheated on ya?"

Bitter snorted.  "Yeah, right.  Spot, cheat?  Doubtful.  I made it up."

"Yeah…doubtful…but possible," Quipster hinted.

"Do ya know anyone dat Spot cheated wid?" Bitter asked.  "I’d have ta soak dat person, but it’d be good ta use ‘gainst him."

"Soak ‘em, huh?  What if ya couldn’t?" Quipster asked.

"Da only way I wouldn’t be able ta soak dem is if dey were dead," Bitter stated confidently.

"Jesus Christ, Bittah, I’se talkin’ bout me!" Quipster exclaimed.

Bitter’s mouth fell open.  ‘What, yer jokin’ right?" she asked.

"No…Look befoah ya get all upset…" Quipster started.

"WHAT DA FUCK IS YER PROBLEM?!" Bitter yelled.

"…Or you could do dat, too…" Quipster said.  "I don’t even undahstand why er angry.  It happened ovah a month ago.  Plus ya ain’t even wid him anymoah."

"I am so gunna soak ya," Bitter siad, glaring coldly.

"An’ ya think dat ya have a right ta do dat?" Quipster asked, with an amused expression.

"A course I do.  Spot was my guy an’ yer one a me best friends!  I jest can’t believe dat ya did dis!" Bitter yelled.

"So, den, ya thought dat Spot was right ta beat up Soul?" Quipster logically connected.

"No! Dat is completley…"

"Da exact same thing.  Now get a hold a yerself!  I didn’t tell ya jest fer ya ta get angry.  Go back ta Spot an’ tell him dat ya hoid it from a "liddle boidee", not me.  Dat way you an’ Spot will be equal."

"No we won't," Bitter objected.  "He saw Soul an’ I wid his own eyes an’ all I got is a story from a ‘boidee’." Bitter looked at Quipster mischeviously.

"Why are you lookin…NO! No, no, no, don’t even think ‘bout dat!  I ain’t gunna go seduce Spot jest so ya can walk in on us!" Quipster protested.

"Why not?  It’s not like ya got da best a morals an’ its also not like ya ain’t done it befoah!  Don’t ya want out plan ta work?"

"I cant!"  Quispter said.  "Foist a all I jest told Spot tanight dat it was nevah gunna happen an’ second a all dat would jest ruin everythin’ ‘cause Spot an’ I are friends now an’ all an’ dat might be bettah fer our plan an’ thoid I ain’t like a hooker or anythin’.  I have sex when I’se in da mood not when someone else wants me too!"

"Quipster ya don’t even have ta have sex.  Jest make out a little an’ get his shoit off or somethin’ an’ den I’ll run in an’ catch ya an’ den you make it cleah dat ya don’t like him an’ I’ll move in or whatevah.  It’ll work!"

Quipster thought about it a few seconds and finally nodded.  "All right, I’ll do it…let’s plan it fer tomarrah all right?"

"Sounds like a plan," Bitter said, smiling evily.


Tunes and Marker arrived at the bar, very happy.  Tunes had flirted with him the entire way there, and Marker was eating it up. 

"C’mon, lets go get dat table in da cornah," she said, taking his hand and leading him there.

"All right," Marker agreed.  At this point he would have agreed to go just about anywhere with her.

Marker was pleasantly surprised when Tunes took a seat next to him.  Dis goil shoah is different den any oddah goils I’se met.  Der’s somethin’ interestin’ bout her.  She definatley ain’t da prudest goil I’se evah met, but…still she don’t exactly give off dat slut vibe eithah.  I hope I can get ta know her…a lot bettah, Marker was thinking.

Tunes slid out of her seat.  "I’ll be right back.  I’se gunna go get da drinks," she told Marker.

Marker nodded and watched her walk off.

"Hey Tunes, how you doin’?" the bartender asked.

"Oh…hey der Matt.  How are you doin’?" she greated.

"I’se doin’ okay.  It’s been awhile since I’se seen ya in dese parts," he commented.  "Didn’t ferget yer favorite bartendah did ya?"

Tunes giggled.  "How could I ferget you?  Hey..I got a favah…do you got somethin’ really strong?" she asked glancing at Marker.

"Yeah…hey what are ya up ta?" he questioned, looking at her suspiciously.

"Jest teachin’ a friend a mine a lesson.  C’mon Matt do ya think I’se gunna take advantage a him or somethin’?" she said laughing.

"Yer right, stupid ta ask.  Heah, take dis.  It would knock an’ elephant out," he said filling up a glass. 

"Does it taste any different?" she asked.

"Nah…not really…but trust me its different.  Do ya want anythin’ else?"

"Yeah, jest give me a beer," she said, pulling out some money.

"Hey, dat money is no good heah.  It’s on da house," he told her handing her a beer.

"Thanks Matt.  It’s good seein’ ya," she said, taking the drinks back to the table.

She handed the more potent drink to Marker.  "Heah, dis is some a his best," she said giving him a bright smile.

"Thanks," he siad, putting his arm around her and taking a drink.  "So, how ‘bout tellin’ me all ‘bout yerself?" he asked.

Tunes smiled and launched into her life story.  Her mind wasn’t really on the story, though.  She was thinking, Dis is gunna be too easy.  Get him too drunk ta think, get back ta da lodgin’ house an’ inta his room, lose da clothes, go ta sleep an’ tada! An instantly whipped leadah wid no sex involved.  It’s kinda pathetic how easy dis has all been..but I ain’t complainin’.

-----Black Rose----

Patrick led Black Rose to the Lodging House, not letting go of her hand the entire time.  He brought her up to his room and finally let go.

Seeing a look on her face he laughed and said, "Don’t worry I ain’t expectin’ ya ta stay in heah or nothin’.  I jest wanted ta talk…"

Black Rose had to fight not to laugh.  Her face was never one of worry, just amusement.

"Don’t worry ‘bout me.  I learned a lot when I was gone, an’ one a da things I learned ta do is tell guys when I’se uncomfortable.  An’ trust me, its very hard ta make me uncomfortable dese days," she said, walking towards him.

Patrick was completley surprised by her new attitude.  This definatley was not the shy Rose that had come to Queens before. 

"So," he said, backing up a little and feeling awkward.  "How long do ya think yer gunna stay?" he asked.

"Are ya already tryin’ ta get rid a me?" she questioned, pouting a little.

"No, no nothin’ like dat.  I was jest wonderin’," he said and then gave a half laugh.  "Yer still as good at eludin’ me questions as evah."

Black Rose giggled.  "What can I say I got a skill," she joked.

"Ya shoah do," he agreed.  There was a small silence.  Patrick broke it saying, "Well, how ‘bout I take ya out an’ show ya yer bunk an’ reintroduce ya ta people?"

Black Rose immediatley put on a disapointed face.  "Whats wrong?" Patrick asked, confused.

"Well…I was hopin’ ya were serious ‘bout me stayin’ in heah," she told him.

"What?" he asked, shocked.

Seeing his reaction she added, "Nothin’ like dat!  It’s jest…well der are two bunks in heah…an’ I jest feel bettah when yer ‘round, dat’s all.  But its fine.  I know dat ya need yer space."

"No…no R…Black Rose.  If ya wanna stay in heah ya can.  I jest didn’t know if ya would be okay wid it an’ I didn’t want ta make ya uncomfertable."

"I don’t think der is anythin’ dat ya could do right now dat would make me uncomfertable," she assured him.

"Really?" he asked.

"A course," she answered.

"Good," he said walking up and grabbing her around the waist, looking into her eyes.  "’Cause I’se been wantin’ ta do dis since I saw ya in da resteraunt," he told her pushing his lips against hers.



"Okay…uhh…I guess we could do dat," Gloves said looking stunned.  "I…uhh…don’t really know what ta do wid dat," he confessed.

"Well, ya could say dat der would be moah of it," Stress suggested, looking very confident that she had won him over.

"Why exactly did ya come back heah, Stress?" he asked, looking her in the eye.

Stress sighed exasperatedly.  "Ya think I know?  Ya think I was expectin’ any a dis?  I thought dis would be a nice, borin’ place ta stay ‘til things cool off in Brookyn.  Boy was I wrong.."

"Stress, sersiously, ya aren’t jest playin’ wid me are ya?  ‘Cause I don’t know if I could take it an’ if I’se gunna give up Bridgette fer ya I want ta have a good reason," he said, looking completely vulnerable.

Stress almost gave up right then, but remembered her mission.  "I would nevah do dat ta ya," she promised him.  "We’se been friends since we were babies!  I could nevah lie ta ya. I’se sorry dat I’se causin’ so much trouble in yer life, but I jest…once you told me I jest couldn’t keep it in anymoah," she told him.

Gloves looked doubtful for a moment before grinning largely.  "Dis really is a dream come true," he told her pulling her into a hug. 

"So…does dat me…I dunno dat we’se tageddah or whatevah?" Stress asked.

Gloves laughed.  "Yeah it does.  Aldoh, I don’t know how we’se gunna stay tageddah when both a us are complete idiots when it comes ta relationships.  I mean look at ya, ya can’t even say da words striaght out."

"Well, we can work on it ferevah.  But uhh…do ya think dat it would be ruinin’ da moment or movin’ too fast or whatevah if I wanted ya ta kiss me again?" she asked.

"I was hopin’ dat ya would ask," he said before pulling her into a long, passionate kiss.

(are we seeing a pattern in how these section thingys are ending? hehe just noticed…anyways on with the story…)


Tinker strolled into the Manhattan Lodging House trying not to show how out of place she felt.  Wish had told her all about the plan and she was excited to help.  Tinker had it considerably easier since Jack and her had recently gone on a few dates and had never "broken it off". 

"Tinkah!  It’s ‘bout time ya showed up heah," Skittery said, coming over and hugging her.

"Hey Skitt," she said, rolling her eyes but hugging back.  She had always hated the Manhattan boys with a passion.  The only reason she even put up with Jack was because he had a certain Brooklyn  quality to him.  He just wasn’t as whiny as the rest of the boys, and could stand up for himself.  Plus, on a more practical note,  he was amazing in bed.

"Have ya seen Jack, ‘round?" she asked, pulling away.

"Yeah, I think dat he’s up in da bunk room," he told her.  "Ya got a date?"

"Not exactly…dis is moah like a surprise visit," she revealed.

"Ahh..I see.  Booty call, huh?" he said, bluntly.

"How on earth did ya evah get so tactful?" Tinker asked sarcastically, and walked away.

She walked up to the bunkroom fully aware of the comments she was inciting.  Dis should be interestin’ ta say da least, she thought.

She opened the door, more confidantly than she actually was.  Her eyes skimmed the room, looking for Jack’s familiar face.  Sure enough, on the other side of the room he was playing poker with a few of his friends. 

She sauntered over, smiling.  When she was close enough she said, "Heya Jack. How’s it goin’?"

Jack turned around at the familiar voice and was shocked.  "Hey Tinkah.  Dis is a pleasant surprise," he said standing up.

"Well, I was in da neighborhood an’ thought dat I would stop by," she said, breezily.

"Yeah, an’ since when are Brooklyn an’ Manhattan in da same neighborhood?" Davie asked.

Gawd dat kid is annoyin’.  I sweah if dis plan works he is da foist one dat I take down, she thought.  "Well, actually, I kinda wanted ta talk ta ya Jack….alone.  If dat would be at all possible," she said, smiling at him.

"A course it is.  Davie, Blink, Mush leave…now," he ordered, looking around the table.

"Ya gotta be kiddin’ Jack!" Davie complained. 

"Do I look like I’se jokin?" he asked.

"But…but why can’t I stay?  It ain’t like you two couldn’t talk quietly ovah der," Davie pointed out.

Blink rolled his eyes and hit Davie upside the head.  "Yer prolly da slowest person in da world  I sweah if ya were goin’ any slowah ya’d be goin’ backwards," he told him.

Mush took Davie by the arm and all three left, leaving Tinker and Jack alone.  Jack locked the door.  "Der, now we’se got all da privacy in da world," he told her walking back to her.

"Good," she said, smiling.

Jack, thinking this was one of their average "dates" moved closer and started kissing her neck.

Tinker pushed him away.  "No, I was serious.  I really got ta talk ta ya ‘bout somethin’," she said.  "Look, why don’t we sit down, all right?"

Jack sat down with a puzzled look.  "What’s on yer mind?"

"Look, I know dat most a our relationship is….well…jest havin’ sex, basically," she started.

"Yeah, what’s wrong wid dat?" he asked. 

"Look, Jack…I sweah if ya tell anyone dis I’ll soak ya…but lately…well I’se been wantin’ moah den dat," she told him, letting out the breath she had been holding.

"What?  What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?  Like real datin’?" he asked.

"Well…I dunno.  I’se jest been lookin’ round lately an’ noticed dat oddah goils got somethin’ dat I don’t.  An’ dey look happiah fer it.  Not dat havin’ sex wid ya don’t make me happy but…it’s jest it makes me feel kinda empty too.  Like, I’se only gettin’ part a ya…which is prolly ‘cause I am," she told him.

"An’ what do ya want ta do ‘bout dis?" he questioned.

"I know dat we said in da beginnin’ dat we weren’t gunna have any string attached…but I dunno…maybe we could try some strings.  I’ll undahstand if ya don’t want ta doh…I wont like it…an’ prolly be furious, but I’ll undahstand.  I know dis isn’t what ya were lookin’ fer but I had ta tell ya me feelin’s," she told him, looking down at her hands.

After a few more minutes Jack raised her chin to look into her eyes.  "I’m willin’ ta take anythin’ dat ya’ll give me.  An’ dat includes a real relationship.  I’ll be da best damn boyfriend dat a goil could want.  We’ll do all da couply things," he promised her.

"Da couply things?" she asked giggling.

"Yeah, ya know…go fer walks in da park an’ go out fer dinnah…things dat couples do," he explained.

"I’d like dat a lot.  But…dis don’t mean dat we don’t get ta do da fun things or anythin’.  I jest…I dunno felt cheap when dat was all we was doin’," she told him.

"Well, ya don’t have ta anymoah," he said hugging her.  This hadn’t been exactly what he was looking for in his relationship with her, but now that it had happened he found himself happy about the change, surprsingly.

"Thanks Jack," she said, pulling herself closer to him and just staying there.



"Soul, I’m goin’ out fer a little while.  Do ya need anythin’?" she asked, pulling on her shoes. 

"Nah.  Wheah are ya goin’?" he aked.

"Jest ta see an’ old friend," she told him.

"So, yer not gunna tell me?" he conjectured.

"Nope.  It’s fer me ta know…an’ well fer Bittah tell prolly tell ya," she told him, standing up.  "Now, I’se got people ta do an’ things ta see…I mean uhh things to do an’ people ta see…" she joked.

"Yeah, shoah dat’s what ya meant," he said. 

"Now you stay off yer feet.  Ya gotta be careful wid dose bones an’ everythin’," she warned.

"A course.  I’ll be a good boy, I promise," he told her.

"Good, I’ll be back in a few hours.  See ya then," she said walking out of the apartment.

She made her way down to the docks, quickly.  Quipster knew what she had to do and wanted to get it over with before she developed a conscience. 
Spot ain’t no different den all da oddah boys dat I play wid.  But, den, why do I feel so bad ‘bout doin’ dis ta him. Prolly jest cause we’se friends an’ dat ya know he actually cares ‘bout ya as a friend.  I jest gotta relax an’ have fun wid dis…aftah all last time was fun…she thought as she walked.

Soon she could hear the shouts of boys, playing around and swimming.  Wheah der are newsies der is Spot…she thought.  She walked down one of the piers to find Spot sitting on a crate of boxes looking out over the river.

"Heya Quip," a masculine voice came from behind her.

"Hey JB.  How are ya?" she asked.

"Well, I’d be bettah if we could pick up from wheah we were at da bar," he said, running his hand up and down her arm.

Quipster raised her eyebrows.  "Sorry, don’t think so.  Actually, I’m heah ta see Spot," she told him.

JB expression darkened.  "Thought you were through being one a Spot’s whores," he commented.

"JB, I sweah if ya weren’t so cute yer nose would be broken right now.  I ain’t in da mood," she told him, glaring coldly.

"Fine, fine.  Ya shoah is dat moodiest goils I’se evah met in me life," he said backing off.

"But dat’s why ya love me," she said, taking on another mood swing.

JB smirked and walked off to join his friends again.

Quipster continued her journey towards Spot.  "Well, well if it ain’t da leadah a Brooklyn," she said approaching him.

"Quip?  What are ya doin’ heah?  I thought dat ya said da only time ya’d see me is against yer will," he recalled from the night before.

"Dat was den, dis is now," she told him, shurgging.  "I got bored an’ decided ta get inta a little trouble.  I had quite awhlie befoah work an’ figuahed dat if I found Spot Conlan I would find trouble."

"Jest what kinda trouble were ya lookin’ ta get inta?" he asked, smirking.

"Da kind dat Bittah wouldn’t agree wid," she said, with a mischievous smile.  "Unless yer takin’ back yer offah."

Spot looked at her suspiciously.  "Jest what exactly made ya change yer mind all da sudden?" he asked.

"Well, ya’d be surprised what a night alone can do ta a goil….not ta mention I hoid ‘bout ya turnin’ Bittah down.  So, I figuahed what’s da harm?"

"Oh really?" he said, walking closer to her.

"Really," she said, almost whispering.  She smiled seductivly.  "So…I have a couple hours befoah I got ta get ta work.  I wondah what we could do…"

"I got plenty ideas an’ dey all involve gettin’ inta me bed as soon as possible," he told her.

"I think dat sounds jest poifect," she told him, running a finger down his chest.  "We’ll jest see wheah things go from

Part 4