
Wish sat down on Card’s bed.  "So, how’d yer day go?" she asked, casually.

"It was all right.  Woulda been bettah if ya had come wid me," he told her.

‘ "I don’t think so.  I’se still pissed at ya fer da fight," she said.  Well, I can’t make it too obvious what I’m doing.  An’ if I didn’t have a plan den I prolly wouldn’t even be talkin’ ta him right now.

"Can’t ya jest ferget ‘bout it?  Look, I’se sorry but Spot’s me best friend.  It ain’t like ya didn’t stand wid yer best friend or nothin’," he told her.

"Yeah, but only aftah ya attacked one a dem!" Wish pointed out.

"What da hell did ya expect me ta do?  Tell Spot ta fuck off? I doubt dat woulda gone ovah too well wid him," he said, rolling his eyes.  He sat down beside her and moved closer.  "Say ya fergive me?" he asked, leaning even closer so he was inches away from her neck.

Wish was immediatley turned on by the breath on her neck. 
It ain’t like I’se not allowed ta have a little fun wid da plan, she decided.

"Well, I guess dat ya could make it up ta me…" she hinted.

Cards kissed her on the neck.  "What exactly did ya have in mind?"

"I think ya know what I like…" she said.

"I shoah do," he said, turning her mouth to kiss her.  (hehe once again with the kissing…)



Tunes woke up to see a very surprised Marker laying behind her.  She had to hide her smirk when she noticed him watching her.  "Oh my God!  What da hell happened?" she asked.

Marker winced at her voice.  "Hey, ya don’t have ta yell!  I think dat it’s pretty obvious what happened, aldoh I’m not shoah how," he told her, collapsing into a laying position again.

"Well, if ya don’t know how things like dat worked den yer even slowah den me," Tunes told him, giggling.

"I meant how we got ta doin’ dose things," he told her.

"Well, see we prolly got in heah an’ took our clothes off…" Tunes said, laughing.

Marker raised an eyebrow at her.  "Yer awfully calm ‘bout dis," he noticed.

"And you aren’t?" Tunes countered.

"Well, it’s jest…ya don’t meet many goils dat are fine wid one night stands," he explained.

"Um…I’m sorry…did you jest say one night stand?" she questioned.

"Uhh…no…" he pretended.

"Yes ya did!  I can’t believe dat!  Jest ‘cause we slept tageddah da foist night yer jest gunna ferget ‘bout me?" she asked, getting up angrily.  She started yanking on her clothes.

"Look, I didn’t mean it like dat.  I sweah.  Der ain’t anythin’ dat could jest make me ferget ya.  Don’t jest run outta heah," he said, sitting up and going over to her.

"Why da hell not?  I’m makin’ it easy fer ya.  Ya can go find yer next one night stand," she said, glaring at him. 

He put his hand on her arm, making her look at him. "I don’t want a one night stand.  Not wid anyone.  I want you," he told her.

"You don’t even know what ya want.  Ya’ve only known me fer a day an’ half da time ya were drunk.  Ya can’t even remembah last night I’ll bet," she said.

"Okay…ya got a point der I guess.  But, fer da part dat I can remembah I really loved spendin’ time wid ya an’ I’se hopin’ dat ya’ll stick ‘round so dat we can get ta know each oddah," he said.

"Ya mean it?  Ya ain’t jest doin’ dis ‘cause ya know dat I’ll sleep with ya?" she made sure.

"Definatley not," he told her, giving her a winning smile.

"All right, den I’m glad ‘cause I really want ta get ta know you too…I jest didn’t want it ta be kinda one sided," she confided.

"Well, it ain’t dat.  Now, I’se goin’ back ta bed ‘cause I’se cold as hell an’ got a killah headache," he told her jumping into his bed.  He held a corner open for her, "Comin’?"

She looked at him skeptically.  "Didn’t get enough last night?" she commented, wryly.

"Hey, I jest thought dat ya might want ta lay down. I wasn’t thinkin’ anythin’ like dat, dat’s all you," he said, trying to put an innocent smile on his face.

"Shoah it is," she said, climbing into bed and laying beside him. 

Marker smiled and put his arms around her, pulling her closer.  (hehe no kissing…see a little variety!)


-----Black Rose----

"So, yer dat goil dat ran out on Pat, huh?" asked a boy, walking up to Black Rose.

"Uhh…somethin’ like dat," she said, looking at him oddly.  "Can I ask…umm…who are ya?"

"Dat ain’t important. Da important thing is dat..well I’se hoid ‘bout yer reputation an’ well I wanted ya ta know dat me bunk’s always got a spot fer ya when yer lonely," he said, looking her up and down.

"Gee…wondah why ya nevah have a goil in der wid pick up lines like dat," she said, rolling her eyes and starting to walk away.

The boy grabbed her arm.  "Don’t think dat ya can talk ta me like dat, ya slut," he spat at her.

"I would advise lettin’ me go," she told him, narrowing her eyes.

"Or what?  Yer gunna go tell yer boy friend.  What are ya gunna say, ‘If ya beat up da kid dat was mean ta me I’ll blow ya.  An’ den, if ya throw him out I’ll have sex wid ya’.  Dat’s pretty much how things go in yer relationship, right?" he taunted.

"Wrong," came a voice, from behind the boy.  "Da way things go is you let fuckin’ go a her an’ I wont soak ya so bad dat ya can’t walk," it threatened.

"Patrick…didn’t see ya der," the boys said, releasing Black Rose immediatley.

"Evidently. Now get da hell away from us befoah I change me mind ‘bout soakin’ ya.  An’ I bettah not see ya ‘round me fer a LONG time,"

The boy slunk off muttering about what bad effects whores can have on leaders.

"Hey…umm…sorry ‘bout dat," Black Rose said, looking embarassed.

"Ohh…you don’t have ta me sorry!  Ya go nothin’ ta apolagize fer.  I’se jest sorry dat I got dat jack ass livin’ heah," he told her giving her a hug.

"I jest…I didn’t know dat I had dat reputation ‘round heah," she said, sadly.

"Well, da important thing is it ain’t true. An’ it don’t really mattah what dat guy thinks anyways," he said trying to console her.

Black Rose concealed her laughter.
If only he knew da truth…wow is he in fer a rude awakenin’.

"Yep…complete lie," she falsely confirmed.



"Bridgette, wait!  Don’t be mad!" Gloves called after her.

Bridgette whirled around.  "What da hell is der ta not be mad ‘bout.  We’se been completely happy an’ der’s been no reason fer dis an’ ya jest break it off ‘cause we’se goin’ too fast.  Gawd at least ya could tell me da fuckin’ truth!" she accused.

"I did tell ya da truth.  Can’t we jest be friends?" he asked, a pleading look in his eyes.

"Der is no way I’d be friends wid scum like you.  Ya can go ta hell as far as I’se concerned!" she yelled before running out of the house crying.

Stress had been listening from the lobby.  Wow, I almost feel bad ‘bout dis.  I mean it ain’t like Gloves has evah done anythin’ ta me befoah ‘cept be me friend an’ look how I’m repayin’ him.  She then shrugged that thought away.  Da ends justifies da means aftah all…

She headed into Gloves room.  He wiped his eyes quickly when she entered.

"Umm…I was jest gunna…well…I’se gunna leave ya alone," she said, not knowing what to do.

"No, dat’s okay.  C’mon in," he told her.  "I’se nevah been a fan a break ups.  Usually I jest ignore da goil ‘til she gets da message."

"Dat’s horrible!" Stress exclaimed.  "Look, I jest wanted ta say…well I mean if ya really do love Bridgette…I wouldn’t stand in dat way," she said, looking at her hands.  "I mean…if ya ain’t shoah.  I’d be pissed as hell but I mean…I’d get ovah it an’ go back ta bein’ yer friend or somethin’.  I jest want ya ta be happy."

Gloves smiled. 
She really is da sweetest goil I know.  Now I remembah why I fell in love wid her, he thought.

"Der ain’t no way dat I could be happy wid out you," he told her.  He got up and walked over to her, enfolding her in his arms.  "Dis is one a da happiest days in me life."

Stress snuggled against his chest, leaning her head against it.  "Me too," she agreed.


Tinker and Jack walked into Tibby’s for their first "real" date. Everyone greeted them loudly and invited them to sit at their table.

Jack shook his head.  "Nah, we’se kinda wants ta be alone," he told everyone.

"Yeah, I’se surprised dat ya even came outta da bunk room.  Did things get too hot in der even fer you guys?" one of the boys asked.

Jack leveled him with a glare.  "Last time I checked me life wasn’t up fer public discussion an’ I’d like ta keep it dat way."

The new boy nodded meekly and dropped the subject. 

"Dat’s bettah," Jack commended before taking Tinker’s hand and walking to the corner table where they could have more privacy. 

"So…how’s dis fer normal couply things?" Jack asked, pulling out the chair for her.

Tinker giggled.  "It’s nice. Very nice," she told him. 

They spent a couple hours talking and joking.  The first few minutes were very awkward since they had never really talked to each otherm in their history together.  After they had overcome that they discovered that they had a lot in common and even started to become friends.

It was getting to be around 11 when Jack noticed that they were alone in the resteraunt.  "Jesus, where da hell did all da time go?" he asked.

"Gawd, I bettah get goin’ ta Brooklyn," she said, getting up.

"How bout ya stay heah tanight?" Jack asked.

"Jack…da whole nights been really great but…I dunno things are finally gettin’ ta be like a normal couple.  I don’t want ta fuck it up wid us…well fuckin’," she told him.

"We don’t have ta do dat.  Ya know der are plenty a people dat stay in da Lodgin’ House dat aren’t all sleepin’ wid me," he told her sarcastically.

"Well, dat’s a relief. I wouldn’t want ta share ya wid all dose boys," she said smirking.  "Actually, I’d like ta stay heah, if dat’s okay wid you."

"I wouldn’t a offered if it wasn’t.  C’mon milady," Jack said holding out his arm.

Tinker took it, giggling, and they started for the Lodging House.


----Bitter & Quipster---

Quipster kissed Spot eagerly, unbuttoning his shirt.  They edged towards his bunk together, slowly.  Bittah bettah get her ass in heah soon, she thought, pulling off his shirt.

Spot’s started unbuttoning her dress.   Quipster pulled away, playfully, just to see Spot’s reaction. 

Spot rolled his eyes and smirked before walking up again and beginning where he had left off.

Okay…yeah…Bittah…NOW!  she silently hoped.

"Spot, I don’t know about this," she said, as he laid her down in the bed.

"Ain’t it a little late ta stop now?" he asked, kissing up her neck.

"But…what ‘bout Bittah?  An’…" she said, breaking off when he pressed his lips against hers.

"Bittah an’ I’se ovah.  Stop feelin’ guilty," he told her.  He almost had her entire dress off. Okay…if dat goil is doin’ dis jest fer revenge I sweah I will soak her,  Quipster thought.

"But it’s jest…last time things were so weird aftahwards," Quipster continued.

"But things were great durin’," he told her.

"OH MY GAWD!" Bitter’s voice came across the room.

About fucking time, Quipster thought, bolting into a sitting position.  "Oh my gawd, Bittah.  Dis ain’t how it looks," she said, trying to keep a shocked expression.

"It fuckin’ looks like yer ‘bout ta sleep wid me old boy friend.  Tell me, what is actually happening?" Bitter asked, walking into the room.

"At least I waitied until we broke up," Spot said coldly.

"Really?  So dis ‘last time’ ya were talkin’ ‘bout was in da last week?" she asked skeptically.

Quipster looked down quickly, trying to make it obvious that she was lying. 

"Dat’s what I thought.  I can’t believe eiddah a ya!" Bitter said running out of the room.

Quipster stood up quickly, fastening her dress.

"Wheah da hell are you goin’?" Spot asked, watching her get dressed.

"Dis was a bad idea. All of it," she told him, repinning her hair.

"What?  Yer da one dat came heah in da foist place," Spot reminded her.

"Yeah, well I was jest lonely an’ I knew dat you’d be willin’," she told him, not making eye contact.  "Look, lets jest ferget ‘bout all a dis."

"Fine, whatevah," Spot said, pulling his shirt back on.

"Good," Quipster said, turning around to leave the room.

She was only a few steps away from the door when Spot grabbed her arm and turned her around.  "I don’t want ta ferget ‘bout it," he told her kissing her hard. 


Wish woke up and smiled at Cards who was watching her. "Good morning," she mumbled, stretching out.

"Hey der sleepy head. I was gunna give ya five minutes befoah I woke ya up," he said, putting his arms around her and kissing her cheek.

"I have a right ta be sleepy I think," she said smirking.

"Ya shoah do," he said, smiling at her. "Last night was amazin’."

"Well, I aim to please," Wish said, wrapping the blanket around her and picking up her clothes. "Wheah is everyone?" she asked, gazing around the empty bunk room.

"Well, we’se a little late fer sellin’," Cards told her, pulling on his pants

"I’m glad dat we got ta sleep," she said, pulling on her shirt and buttoning it.

"I didn’t think dat ya would mind missin’ one dat a sellin’," he commented.

"So, I guess we got all day…watcha want ta do?" Wish asked.

"I dunno…we could do jest ‘bout anythin’," Cards said.

"Well, let’s see we got all day an’ da bunk room is gunna be empty fer hours…what da hell are we doin’ getting dressed?" she asked, walking up to him and pushing him back on the bed.



"So, dat was fun," Tunes said, collapsing on the bed.

"Dat don’t seem too sincere," Marker said, stepping away from the bed and looking at her shocked.

"Well, what da hell do ya expect? It ain’t like I’se evah enjoyed it. I jest know dat I got ta, so I do," Tunes told him, yawning. "It’s jest kinda borin’ I guess. Aftah ya do it so much it jest gets ta be routine."

"Nah, ya jest gotta find da right partnah dat’s all. I used ta think dat switchin’ round all da time was bettah ‘cause den ya don’t got a chance ta be bored…but now I’se very content wid da partner I got.."

"I think dat I’se jest gotta branch out. Try new things. Ya know what I mean. Da same traditional way jest ain’t cuttin’ it anymoah. Doesn’t got da same thrill dat it used ta," she told him, playing with the crumpled sheets.

"Yeah, I guess I can see wheah yer comin’ from," Marker agreed.

"So, yeah I’se hungry now. Wanna go get some food?" Tunes asked.

"Yeah…I always get hungry aftah dis," he agreed, pulling on his shoes.

"Yeah me too…pape sellin’ always wears me out," Tunes said, jumping out of bed. (YOU thought I was talking about sex all this time didn’t you? HAHA you were WRONG!)


-----Black Rose----

"So, ya wanna go ta dinnah wid da boys?" Patrick asked Black Rose.

"Umm…you go ahead. I ain’t feelin’ well," Black Rose told him.

"Ya were fine a few minutes ago. What’s wrong?" Patrick asked, looking concerned.

"I jest got a headache…dat’s all," she told him.

"C’mon, why don’t ya tell me why ya really don’t wanna go. If yer wonderin’ if dat joik will be der he won't," he told her.

"It ain’t dat…it’s jest…I don't really feel comfertable ‘round none a dose boys now…" she confessed.

"Oh…I see. Ya know ya don’t gotta feel weird around dem. None a dem are as joiky as dat oddah guy, I sweah. An’ if
dey were da littlest bit rude I sweah I’d soak dem fer ya," he promised.

"Oh yeah…that would be great fer yer rep. Soakin’ all yer boys cause dey hoit some goils feelings," she sarcastically commented.

He looked at her straight in the eye. "I don’t care ‘bout me rep. I care ‘bout you."

Black Rose smiled at him. "Thanks. Ya don’t know how much dat means ta me," she said, softly.

"Sooo does dat mean you’ll come?" he asked, giving her a winning smile.

Black Rose pretended to think about it before saying "Nope!"

"Fine, den. I guess I’ll be forced ta stay heah an’ bug ya," he told, sitting down and staring at her.

Black Rose giggled. "Is dat a promise?"

"No, it’s a threat. Can’t ya tell da difference?" he asked, pretending to look hurt.

"Oh…well it’s very scary…" she joked.

"Ya bettah be scared," he told her.

"Or else what?" she challenged.

"Or else dis," he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her down onto his lap before kissing her.

Black Rose leaned against him, laying him down on the bed, still kissing. Her hands immediatley began unbuttoning his shirt. He started unbuttoning her shirt but then pulled away and sat up.

"What’s wrong?" she asked, sitting up too.

"Nothin’ is wrong…I jest…well are ya shoah dat yer ready fer dis? I mean…I don’t want it ta be like last time," he told her. "I don’t think I could take it if ya left again."

"It won't be nothin’ like last time. It will be MUCH bettah," she said, smiling suggestively and leaning in to kiss him again.
This time he didn’t stop her.



"So, dis is nice," Stress commented on their dinner date.

"Yeah, very nice," Gloves responded, uninterested.

Stress, baffled by his sudden indifference, looked over to where his eyes were focused. Damnit Bridgette! Will dat goil NEVAH go away. All right dat’s it. Time ta take things inta me own hands.

"What’s wrong?" she asked, pretending she hadn’t noticed Bridgette.

"Nothin’. What’re ya talkin’ bout?" he asked, snapping his eyes back to Stress.

"I dunno…ya jest look kinda outta it," she told him, feigning concern. "Maybe we should get outta heah."

"I think dat would be a good idea," he said, getting up.

"Good, I’d much raddah be in yer room den heah," she revealed. She then stood up and took Glove’s hand before following him out the door and pretending not to see his backward glance at Bridgette.

Arriving in Glove’s bunk room he asked, "Why were ya so hurried ta get heah?"

"What do ya mean?" she asked, smilng innocently.

‘Well, ya almost pulled me hand off on da way ovah heah," he pointed out.

"Okay…maybe I was a little hurried…its jest…well I’se been thinkin’ ‘bout dis fer yeahs an’ now dat we’se tageddah it would only make sense if we…well I dunno…I jest thought…" she broke off, not sure how to propose her idea.

Gloves looked confused. "What are ya talkin’ bout?"

"Damn it! I’se nevah been good wid words. I’se bettah wid direct action," she said, before taking his face in her hands and pressing her lips against his.

Gloves responded eagerly. It was only moments before their clothes were off.

Dis should remind him who he wants ta be wid, she thought before giving into the pasion of the moment.

Randomly…Quirky ran up to a boy and said, "Ya know, I think it’s sexy how you say, ‘get da lead outta yer pants."

The boy looked surprised.  "Really?" he asked.  Then checking her out said, "Well baby, dat ain’t da only thing dat I want outta yer pants."

Quirky smiled at him evily.  "Well, then lets go do things that would make Jake jealous!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hand and running for the bunk room. (WHAHA revenge is nice…ITEY IS COOL!)


Part 5