~~~~~~*******~~~~~~ ------Tinker------ Tinker ran into Mush as he was leaving the Lodging House. "Hey Mush. I sweah if ya make any sorta joke right now I’ll soak ya," she told him quickly. Mush took in her beaten appearance and quickly lost his jocular attitude. "Don’t worry, Tinkah. C’mon lets get ya upstaihs, all right? Jack’s still up der," he told her. "All right, thanks Mush." Tinker used Mush as support and the two made their way upstairs, just as Jack was coming down. "What da hell?" Jack asked, seeing Tinker. Tinker gave an explaination similar to Wish’s as Jack and Mush helped her into her bed. "It’s all right Tinkah. Don’t worry ‘bout nothin’. I’se not gunna let anyone hurt ya no moah," Jack promised her. "I’se gunna go see Spot ‘bout dis rigth away," he told her. "Don’t bothah," came a voice from the doorway. "I’se right heah." "Good I’se glad yer heah. Hey Cards. Did ya both heah what she jest said?" Jack asked her. "Yeah, an’ we got da story from Wish an’ Bittah, too. So what are we gunna do ‘bout ti?" Spot asked. "Well, its obvious. We got ta soak dem," Jack said. "I guess dat’s true. I got word dat Queens, Harlem an’ da Broncs leadahs are all meetin’ taday at da Broncs. So, what are we gunna do? Jest name a time an’ place an’ have da biggest newsie war dis town has evah seen?" Cards asked. "I’se all fer it. It ain’t like we’se da ones dat are startin’ dis fight. Dey’re da ones dat are stupid enough ta think dat dey can beat Brooklyn an’ Manhattan. Dey’se da ones dat are antaganzin’ us," Spot pointed out. "Yeah, Spot’s right. We’ll send one a me boys ovah der right now ta give dem da time an’ place. What time an’ place should it be?" Jack asked. "Well…what if we say tomorrah at 3 so we can sell papes. An’ remembah dat secluded part a Central Park? Der wont be any bulls der, den," Spot suggested. "Good idea. I’ll go get someone ta take da message. Dey’s gunna be sorry dey evah laid a hand on Tinkah, Wish or Bittah," Jack said. ~~~~~~~~~***********~~~~~~~~ ------At the Broncs Lodging House---- "It’s nice a ya all ta come," Gloves said. "So, I guess dat you’se all heard da story from yer goils?" "I got it already," Marker said. Patrick nodded to show that he had also heard it. "So what are we gunna do ‘bout it?" Gloves asked. "We cant jest let Spot get away wid dis. He cant jest go ‘round beatin’ goils up fer bein’ friends wid his ex goilfriend." "I say we all take dem on. C’mon da Broncs, Queens, an’ Harlem can take on Brooklyn an’ prolly Manhattan," Patrick said. "If we work tageddah we can teach Spot a lesson ‘bout how ya treat people." "I think dat he’s right," Marker decided. "I can’t jest let dis go. Tunes was supposed ta be undah me protection an’ he jest ignored dat." "All right. So, what do we do?" Gloves asked. "Are we gunna have all our boys in da fight?" "I don’t think I could leave me boys out," Marker said. "Dey all are as willin’ ta fight fer her as I am." Just then a new boy walked in and whispered something to Gloves. Gloves nodded and said, "Bring him in heah." A few minute later he brought in another boy. "Dis is da guy from Manhattan," he told Gloves. Gloves nodded an the boy disapeared leaving the Manhattanian alone with the three boys. "So, what’s yer message?" Gloves asked. "I’se supposed ta tell da leadahs a da Broncs, Queens an’ Harlem dat Spot an’ Jack say deys angry an’ are ready fer a fight. Dey say at 3 in Central Park an’ ta bring yer boys or yer gunna be grossly outnumbahed." "All right, tell him dat we’ll be der," Gloves said. The boy nodded and walked out of the room and towards Manhattan. "If dey want a fight den dey’ll get one," Gloves said, looking very determined. ~~~~~~~~~***********~~~~~~~ -----Girls in the Broncs Lodging House----- "Can anyone in hear us in heah?" Tunes asked. "Nah, no one is around," Stress told her. "So, how did things go wid you goils, den?" Tunes questioned. "Not so good fer me. I came in an’ Gloves was in heah wid his old goil friend. I shoah hope I ain’t losin’ it," Stress joked. "Bettah den how it went fer Bittah," Black Rose joked. "It’s kinda harsh findin’ out dat he cheated on her wid Quipstah." "It’s kinda harsh findin’ out Quipstah has been lyin’ ta us all dis time," Stress pointed out. "Yeah…ya start ta wondah who else she’s sleeped wid an’ what else she lies ‘bout," Tunes said. "Oh, c’mon, it ain’t like she’s dis really horrible, secrative person. So she had a secret we all got our own skeletons in out closets," Stress pointed out. "Yeah, dat’s true…" Black Rose agreed. "Well, no mattah what, she was good fer somethin’. Her plan is workin’ out perfect," Tunes decided. "Tamarrah da boys are gunna get da surprise a der lives." The girls laughed and looked anxoius for the following day to come. ~~~~~~***********~~~~~~ -----Quipster---- "Hey boys," Quipster greeted Cards, Spot, and Jack. "What can I get ya?" "Jest three beers," Jack told her. "We ain’t heah fer drinks we’se here fer infermation." "Information? On what?" Quipster asked, busying herself with getting the beers. "We know dat yer prolly jest as informed on newsie activities as we are…even more so prolly…so we want ta know what’s goin’ on wid da Broncs, Harlem, an’ Queens." Quipster handed them the beer. "I’m sorry I don’t know what yer talkin’ bout," she told them. "Don’t give us dat crap. Ya know what’s happenin’. Jest tell us so we can get da fuck outta heah," Spot said, glaring. He was still upset for what she had done earlier, and hadn’t even wanted to come. "Well, I would tell ya anythin’ I knew but I don’t. You boys should talk ta Stress an’ Black Rose an’ Tunes. Dey live der now," she told them. "Yeah, no kiddin’," Cards said. "Dey’r helpin make da trouble." "Trouble? What trouble?" Quipster asked, looking very interested. "Why don’t you go ask Stress an’ Black Rose an’ Tunes?" Spot asked. "Well, I would but dey wont talk to me aftah someone had dem beat up in a jealous rage," she informed him. "I haven’t talked ta dem fer a few days now." "C’mon, lets go. I don’t think she knows anythin’," Spot said. "All right. Hey, Quip if yer lookin’ fer a fight tomorrah stop by. We could use ya," Jack told her. "I’ll keep that in mind," Quipster said. "Maybe I’ll stop by an’ nurse ya all back ta health," she joked. "Da only people dat will need nursin’ is dose joikes dat hurt Wish an’ Bittah," Cards stated. Quipster rolled her eyes. She patted Cards on the head, "You keep sayin’ dat," she teased. "Jest don’t drink befoah da fight." "Ya bettah not be alludin’ ta what I think yer alludin’ ta ‘cause dat don’t count. I was holdin’ back ‘cause ya were a goil," he told her. "Shoah ya were, Cards. No, really I believe you!" she joked. Cards glared at her for a few minutes before laughing. "Fine, I’ll jest let ya think yer a good fightah. Maybe den I’ll get some a what Spot an’ JB get." Spot glared even more right then. "All right, dat’s it I’se leavin’ now. I’m gunna get back ta Bittah," he said, looking straight at Quipster. "See ya Spot!" Quipster called out cheerfully and waved. Spot looked ready enough to shoot fire out his mouth but just turned and left. Cards and Jack said their goodbyes and left quickly. Quipster contained her laughter until they were down the street then busted out laughing, starteling some of the customers. Tomorrow is gunna be one a da funniest days a me life. ~~~~~~~************~~~~~~~~ ------Central Park at 3:00 P.M.------ The groups all assembled in Central Park at exactly 3. The Broncs, Queens and Harlem stood intermixed, with the leaders and Stress, Tunes, and Black Rose in the front. Brooklyn and Manhattan stood together with Spot,Jack, Cards, Wish, Bitter andTinker in the lead. For a few minutes there was an uneasy silence where there was no fighting, no one wanting to be the initaitor. Suddenly, without warning, there was a stone flung from a slingshot from the Brooklyn/Manhattan side. No one knew who was responsible for the shot and no one really wondered. The shot was enough to commence the fight The two groups ran at each other full force, everyone searching for someone to fight with. As soon as the real fighting began Tinker, Stress, Black Rose, Tunes, Wish, and Bitter all left inconspiciously from the fight and headed to a hidded place in the trees where they could watch. They had to laugh when they saw Hades, the quick tempered girl that they suspected had given the first sling shot shot, jump on top of Mush. Mush looked frightened as hell when he was landed on, knowing Hades reputation. But soon relaxed when she smirked mischeiviously and started kissing him. They, too, had soon disapeared from the fight soon. "Wow, we shoulda enlisted her in our little plan," Quipster commented, walking up. "Dis is workin’ out pretty well. Think Conlan is learnin’ his lesson?" Everyone sayed greeted Quipster. "I think dat Conlan is learnin’ his lesson quite well," Black Rose commented, pointing out Spot trying to fight off Marker, Patrick and Gloves at the same time. It wasn’t an easy task since all three were excellent fighters, being that they were all leaders. "Jesus Christ der gunna kill him!" Quipster exclaimed, seeing what was happening. "He might be a goof fightah but he wont be able ta deal wid all three a dem!" "What da hell do you care? What does it even mattah?" Bitter asked. "I thought da point a dis was ta teach him a lesson not ta kill him. ‘Sides how is he gunna learn da lesson if he’s fuckin’ dead?" Quipster asked, upset. "Hey, it ain’t our problem if he can’t handle his lesson," Black Rose told her. "I’se gunna help him. I ain’t gunna be responsible fer one a me friends death," Quipster said starting to walk forward. "No, yer not," Bitter said, standing in front of her. "An’ yer gunna stop me?" Quipster asked, laughing. "I doubt it." "Ya’ve had a soakin’ comin’ ta ya since ya slept wid him," Bitter responded. All the other girls were shocked to hear that Spot had cheated on Bitter with Quipster. They all stepped back a couple feet to let the girls take care of this themselves. "Bittah, jest back off. Der ain’t now way dat I’se gunna fight ya," Quipster said, trying to continue to walk over to Spot. Bitter swung her arm back to hit her. Quipster ducked and punched her across the face. "Jest back fa fuck off!" she yelled. Bitter took the hit and responded with on of her own. Quipster took the blow before hitting her again across the face and then in the stomach. Bitter’s hands immediatley went to her stomach. "I’m want ta go ovah der, now," Quipster said, putting her hand to her face and running her hand over the sore part where Bitter had hurt her. "An’ no one is gunna is guna stop me from doin’ what I want," she stated. She then did hurry over to Spot who was almost to the point of falling over, due to the three boy’s constant blows. He tried to shield himself and return the assailment but was getting tired and couldn’t continue much longer. Just as Spot started to drop to his knees in surrender he felt a pair of hands grab his arms and pull him up straight. "C’mon Spot, yer not gunna give up yet are ya? I happen ta know dat stamina is one a yer strong points," came a joking voice. "Quipstah? What are you doin’ heah?" he asked, confused. "Well, I heard der was gunna be a good fight an’ thougth I’d stop be. Ya know…bein’ dat I know ya cant take care a yerself an’ all," she said. "I noticed some boys were givin’ ya some trouble an’ thought I’d make me rude behavior from befoah up ta ya." "Trouble? I don’t know what yer talkin’ bout," he said, regaining his cofidence and cocky attitude. "Oh…well den even if ya aren’t in trouble ya wouldn’t mind me kickin’ dese boys asses would ya? I really want to…" she said, knowing that she had to word her response carefully so his pride didn’t get in the way. "Well, when ya put it like dat shoah ya can have a turn," he told her. The other boys, who were just looking confused up to this point, started laughing. "Yer gunna kick our asses?" they asked. "Ya don’t think dat I can?" Quipster asked, looking hurt. "Quipstah, we’se been ta yer bar. If ya could kick peoples asses we woulda seen it by now wid all da guys in der dat ya look like ya wanna kill," Gloves commented. "’’Cause I wouldn’t get fired if I did dat…" Quipster said, rolling her eyes. "’Sides I don’t have ta kick yer asses." "Yeah? An’ why is dat?" Marker asked. "’Cause yer gunna stop dis fight right now," she decided. "Da fight ain’t gunna stop ‘til Spot Conlan pays fer what he did," Gloves told her. "Look, I promise ya all, stop dis fight an’ ya’ll be glad dat ya did," Quipster told them all. "’Sides why da hell are all yer boys an’ goils fightin’ jest cause yer goilfriends got hoit? Yer goilfriends of a week!" "How do ya know we’ll be glad?" Patrick asked, interested. "’Cause once I tell ya what I know yer gunna wish dat ya nevah had dis fight in da foist place," Quipster told them. "C’mon call off yer boys, call a truce," Quipster pushed. "Ya know dat if ya don’t like what I say ya can always reschedule yer little play date." The boys all looked each other over carefully, no one wanting to be the first to surrender. "Damnit, Spot jest say it so da oddahs will," Quipster said. "Fine, fine. I’ll agree ta dis," Spot agreed. The other boys nodded. They soon found Jack and stopped the fight. They all headed over to Quipster’s apartment, which was now empty since Soul had gone to the fight to fight against Brooklyn. ~~~~~********~~~~~ -----Boys and Quipster in Apartment---- "All right, Quip. What is it dat we would be so happy ta heah ‘bout?" Spot asked. The boys were all gathered around her living room, looking at each other uneasily. "Well, can I jest foist say dat you boys are prolly da stupidest boys I’se evah dealt wid evah?" Quipster started. The boys all looked angrily at her. "Dis is why we stopped da fight? Ta have a whore insult us?" Gloves asked. "Hey, be nice or I wont tell ya why yer stupid," Quipster told him. "Don’t ya have enough boys bein’ nice ta ya?" he retorted. "Funny…I have to many guys bein’ nice ta me an’ yer nice ta too many goils. Yeah, I hoid ‘bout you an’ Stress an’ what ya did ta her," Quipster said, smirking. Gloves glared at her. "All right ya got ‘bout five seconds befoah I walk outta heah," he told her. "I don’ t have ta put up wid dis." "My aren’t we touchy?" she said, smirking. "Look, I jest wanted ta tell ya dat uhh…well I don’t know exactly how ta say dis but yeah da goils tricked ya all. Da whole thing was jest a plan ta teach ole Spot heah a lesson," she told them all. "Teach me a lesson?" Spot asked, looking confused. "Dat’s right. Dey were pretty pissed off aftah dat fight an’ decided ta teach ya all a lesson. An’ so dey decided ta jest seduce all a ya guys…which dey did very skillfully might I add…an’ turn ya against each oddah," she told them. "An’ if der plan worked Spot would be pretty badly hurt...well or dead. Dey jest didn’t plan on me interruptin’ der little plans." "Wait…why didn’t ya tell me dis befoah now?" Spot asked stand up angrily. "I even asked ya! I want ta know da truth rigth now, Quipstah," he said grabbing her arm and looking straight into her eyes. "Were ya in on dis? No jokes or nothin’. Yes or no, were ya in on it?" Quipster looked uneasy. "I guess I kinda was…well I knew dey were plannin’ somethin’ but I sweah I didn’t think it would go dis far an’ den in da park I saw what was goin’ on an’ I had ta stop it." "Jesus Christ Quipstah. You’se gone way too far now," he told her clenching his hand into a fist. "I really ain’t gunna let ya get away wid dis." "Hey, Spot, back off," Jack intervened. "She’s ain’t da one dat did dis. ‘Sides if I remembah correctly she jest stopped dese boys from killin’ ya." "Look, Spot, I’m sorry. It’s jest…well at foist I thought dat ya kinda needed da lesson but den…well I jest couldn’t let it go any farther an’ I tried ta tell ya…but den I couldn’t," she told him. "Why da hell should I believe ya?" Spot asked, glaring at her. "Why da hell would I lie now?" she asked. Spot thought about it for a moment before releasing his grip on her arm. "All right. So why are ya tellin’ us all dis now," he asked. "’Cause I think what dey’s doin’ is wrong an’ I thought dat ya desoived ta know what happened," she told him. "What are ya gunna do ta da goils doh?" she asked, looking a little worried. "Dey’s shoah as hell gunna pay De’ll learn a lesson a der own," Patrick said, very hurt. "Well, ya can’t jest go beat dem up or somethin’!" Quipster told them. "An’ why is dat?" Gloves asked. "What would be da fun in dat? I thought ya said ya wanted ta teach dem a lesson, not get yer pitiful little revenge," Quipster told them, smiling evily. "Whatevah," Spot said. "So ya got a plan?" "I might have a plan…it would take a lot of work doh…an’ plannin’." "I like dis. Strategica plannin’ fer der "lesson"," Marker said, grinning evily. "All right den…let’s get started," Quipster decided, smiling evily. Dese people are jest way too easily ta play wid…Quipster thought, thinking up her newest plan. Well…a goils gotta have a hobby… The End Go back to Main Page Go back to Fan Fiction |