Here goes nothin’, Molly thought, walking toward the stage. She received encouraging smiles from fellow employees as she walked. She tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat and calm the butterflies in her stomach at the same time. Looking at her shaking hands she had to laugh at herself. I’ve been singin’ in dis bar foh ovah two months now an’ I’se still get stage fright. Dat’s pathetic. Well if I give him his way I won't be doin’ it much longah. But I love it heah, an’ don’t want ta quit…we’ll see what happens I guess. She pushed all thoughts aside and began singing, focusing all attention on the task at hand and one of the familiar faces in the crowd. ~~~~~********~~~~~ ----Two Months Earlier---- "All right," Jimmy said, leading her around the bar. "Dis is petty much it. Back room, ovah der, foh special guests an’ everythin’. Kitchen ovah der…well it ain’t really a kitchen anymoah. I jest let all da workahs dat ain’t workin’ go back der an’ take a load off. Heah’s da bar an’ dat’s da stage," he told her, pointing at things as he talked. "When can you start?" "Would tanight be allright?" she asked. "Shoah. Dat’ll be fine. Whadja say youh name was, again?" he asked. "Molly, me name’s Molly," she said. "All right den, Molly. I’ll have da goils get you started. Hey! Marissa, Katie?" Two girls walked over from behind the bar. "Dis is Marissa," Jimmy said, indicating the shorter of the two that had bright red hair. "An’ dis," he continued, pointing at the other who had curly brown hair and blue eyes, "is Katie. Dey’s been workin’ heah foh ‘bout a yeah now. You got any questions den you can ask dem. Katie, Marissa, dis is Molly. She’s da new singah an’ she’s gunna help out servin’ drinks. Show her da ropes, all right?" "Shoah, Jimmy," Marissa said. "No problem," Katie agreed. "Thanks goils," Jimmy said. "Let me know if you got any problems. I’ll come an’ let you know when youh gunna sing." Molly smiled weakly and nodded. She didn’t want anyone to know but she was scared being in this new place with no one she knew. "So, you can follow us," Marissa told Molly. "Der ain’t much ta tell, heah. Da only tips I can give you is be friendly wid da customahs but watch der hands, specially if youh singin’ an’ gunna soive drinks." Yeah, da male customahs don’t got da best a mannahs towards da female employees heah," Katie put in. "A course dat’s cause half a dem are hookahs," Marissa added. "Dey could at least take da time ta figuah out which is which befoah dey put der hands all ovah ya!" Katie argued. "Dat is true," Marissa agreed. "Wait, so are you two…um…" Molly started to ask awkwardly. "Prositutes?" Marissa asked, bluntly. "Not us. We jest soive da drinks. How ‘bout you?" "No! Definitely not," Molly said quickly. "I was worried foh a minute ‘bout what I was expected ta do heah." "Nope, dat ain’t a necessity," Katie assured her. "Shoah, ya gotta flirt an’ all but I suggest keepin’ youh distance from guys ya meet heah. No goil, specially a goil dat works at a bar, needs a drunk foh a boyfriend," Katie advised. Molly gave a half smile at this comment, that hit a little too close and said, "Ain’t dat da truth." Katie and Marissa raised their eyebrows at each other but didn’t comment. They knew that girls on the street usually had stories, and not very pleasnt ones at that. They also knew that if Molly needed to talk then she would. "Hey, are you gettin’ paid ta stand ovah der an’ look pretty or ta work?" a handsome male that looked to be in his early twenties asked, from his position behind the bar. Katie and Marissa rolled their eyes. "Dat’s Mike back der. He’s da main bartendah an’ Jimmy’s son. Da othah two boys, Nathan, da one wid dark hair dat is built, an’ Alexandah, da othah one, are bar tendahs too. Da guys make da drinks an’ we soive dem," Marissa explained. "C’mon we’ll intraduce you ‘round," Katie said, taking Molly’s hand and pulling her towards the bar. "Nathan, Mike, Alex, I’d like you ta meet Molly. She’s da new singah an’ servah," Katie announced. "Why, hello der," Nathan said, shaking her hand. "If you need any help wid anythin’ jest let me know." Molly smiled and nodded until Nathan got hit by a girl standing near by. "Sorry, Jenny! Habit!" Nathan told her, looking sheepish. "Yeah, yeah, shoah it is," Jenny said, glaring and hitting him again. "Jenny is Nathan’s goil, but it’s kinda hush-hush since we ain’t allowed ta date each othah," Marissa filled in. "Dat won’t stop us doh, right Katie?" Mike asked. "Uhh…a course not…" Katie said, edging away from Mike. "Umm…aren’t we supposed to be workin’?" Molly asked. The other members of the group groaned. "Uh oh…anothah one," Jenny said. "Anothah what?" Molly asked, confused. "Every once in awhile we get a ovah-acheivin’ goil in heah. But, den, a course we gotta get her fired so dat da rest a us don’t look bad," Jenny explained. "Save us all da trouble an’ jest relax!" Molly burst out laughing. "Me? Ovah-achievin’? You gotta be jokin’! I promise dat I ain’t like dat at all. I jest figuahed I would try foh a good foist impression so dat I could slack aftah dat," Molly informed them. "Oh…I take back what I said den. I think dat youh gunna fit in heah quite nicely," Jenny corrected herself. Molly smiled. "Thanks…nice ta know dat me slackin’ off is good foh somethin." The group did eventually get to work when angry customers appeared to complain. Molly was kept busy running around, fetching orders and trying to look happy about doing it to both her new-found friends and customers. Jimmy came back out a couple hours later to find her smiling with a customer and receiving a large tip. He watched her for a moment trying to puzzle her out. What is she even doin’ heah? She ain’t like da normal goils dat come in heah lookin’ foh a job. She don’t fit inta eithah a da profiles. She ain’t just some goil lookin’ ta be independent a her ovah bearin’ family an’ she don’t really seem like some goil dat’s runnin’ away from somethin’. Well, no mattah, odd or not da customahs like her an’ she’s got a good voice. He mentally shrugged and walked over to Molly. "Hey," he said. "How’s it been goin’?" Molly smiled and pushed a stray piece of hair away from her face. "Well, I’se had easiah jobs, but it’s been pretty good," she confided. "Glad ta heah it. So, you think youh ready ta sing? We got a pretty good crowd heah," he told her. Molly looked worried for a moment before masking it with feigned self-confidence. "I think I’m ready. I guess we’ll find out," she said grinning. Jimmy had to respect her attitude toward her job. "Good ta heah! I’ll give you a few minutes ta change an’ clean up," he told her. "Um…change?" she asked, looking down at the dress that she was wearing and noticed it was stained and dirty now. "Oh no! I didn’t bring anythin’ ta chance inta!" she told him. Jimmy gave an easy laugh. "Don’t worry ‘bout it! I didn’t expect dat you had! Der’s a buncha old dresses back der. I’m shoah dat you’ll find a suitable one." "Oh, okay. Well, den, I’ll be right back," she said. Jimmy nodded and walked off. Molly walked to the back room and found a rack of dresses on one side of the room along with accessories to go along with them. She slipped into a dark red dress and checked her appearance in the mirror. Satisfied with how the dress fir she added a gold necklace and re-pinned her hair on the top of her head. Applying a little make-up she left the room, giving a quick glance to the mirror on her way out. Jimmy saw her emerge and took note of the male customers that had noticed her entrance, too. He smirked to himself. Yep, she’s gunna work out jest fine, he thought, walking over to her. "I’m gunna intraduce you den you’ll go on, all right?" he asked. Molly smiled weakly and nodded. "Not nervous are you?" he teased "Me? Nervous? A course not," she claimed, putting her shaking hands behind her back. "I dunno what I coulda been thinkin’," Jimmy joked. "Heah we go," he said climbing onto the stage. "Ladies an’ gentlemen," he began. "I got a real special treat foh you. Let me intraduce our newest employee who’s gunna be favorin’ you all wid her singin’.. Let’s heah it foh Molly." The audience began to clap and Molly thought she was going to throw up her stomach was fluttering so much. Molly took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. Marissa, Jenny and Katie were standing near the bar and cheering for Molly, trying to encourage her. The music started and Molly could feel her heart start to race. She started the song with a trembling, quiet voice. Jimmy looked worried. C’mon, kid. You gotta do bettah den dat. You can do it, I hoid you do it! Jimmy thought to himself. Molly looked around the room, almost in a panic. That’s when she saw him. (Yes, cheesy I know! Come one it’s cute! Okay…maybe just for me…**shrugs**) She had never seen him before but some how seeing this complete stranger smiling at her encouragingly made her want to impress him. She stood up taller, obtained a confident smile and began singing louder. Jimmy noticed the chance and grinned happily. "Dat a goil," he said quietly. Then, realizing where she was focusing her attention, he chuckled. Kids will be kids, he thought, walking over to Molly’s inspiration. "Hey, boys. Enjoyin’ you selves?" Jimmy asked the group. "Yeah, thanks Jimmy," one of the boys answered. "Anythin’ foh da best newsies in Brooklyn," Jimmy told him. "Aftah all havin’ you boys come heah is me claim ta fame. I can tell everyone how Spot Conlan an’ his friends drink heah," Jimmy said, unable to resist teasing the cocky leader. "If I were you, I wouldn’t go ‘round tellin’ people dat if you want dem ta come heah," another boy joked. "Thanks foh da tip, Cards. I’ll keep dat in mind. So did you boys bring da goils?" he asked "Nah, we told Jess, Bittah an’ Wish dat we’se takin’ da night off," yet another boy answered. "I’m shocked, Snake. I didn’t think dat anythin’ could drag you away from youh goils. Did you tease dem ‘bout bein’ whipped ‘gain, JB?" Jimmy asked. JB didn’t show any sign of even acknowledging Jimmy’s question but kept his attention fixed on the new singer. "Hey! JB?" Cards said hitting him. "What’s wrong wid you? Jimmy jest gave you a chance ta make fun a us." "Huh?…oh yeah…" JB said, still not paying attention. Everyone looked at him oddly. "Looks like someone’s got a crush," Cards said, noticing where JB’s eyes were fixed. The others all laughed. "So what’s da story wid dat goil?" Spot asked Jimmy. "I dunno, actually. She didn’t tell me anythin’ cept her name is Molly an’ she’s 16. All I know is dat she’s got a nice voice, is a good workah an’ da customahs like her," Jimmy told them. "Know wheah she’s from?" Spot asked. "She jest said New Yawk City. She knows Brooklyn pretty well, doh. She’s also got da accent , so, I’d say she’s lived heah foh a while," Jimmy revealed. "Interestin’," Spot commented. "What’s wid you, Spot? How come youh so ‘interested’ in dis goil?" Snake asked. "Please don’t do anythin’ dat will result in us havin’ ta lock you in da washroom wid Bittah," Cards pleaded. "Nothin’ like dat," Spot assured them. "She jest looks familiah from someplace. Dat’s all." "I gotta get back ta work," Jimmy told them. "Tell you what. I’ll send her ovah heah when she’s done singin’ ta fill youh drinks, all right? What happens aftah dat is up ta you.." "Thanks Jimmy," Spot said. "You might wanna snap JB outta it when she comes ovah heah," Jimmy said, pointing at JB who was still focused on Molly. "Nice suggestion," Cards said, laughing. "Anytime," Jimmy said, walking off to check on a few of his patrons. Molly sang for about twenty minutes before Jimmy motioned for her to stop. As she stepped of the stage there were protests heard from a few members of her audience. Molly glanced at Jimmy and he motioned her over to where he was standing. "Nice job up der," Jimmy commended, handing her a glass of water. "Thanks," Molly said, sipping at the water. "So now what? Back ta work?" "Yeah, foh a little while, since I think people will pay foh drinks ta get ta talk ta da new star singah. An’ you’ll prolly get some good tips. Den you can take a break if you want," he answered. "All right, sounds good ta me," Molly said, moving toward Mike to see who to serve. "Wait, Molly. I gotta special job foh you, foist," Jimmy interceded. "See dat table a boys ovah der?" Molly nodded. "Do me a favah an’ fill up der drinks. Dey’re good friends a minue an’ were askin’ bout you. Real nice boys." Molly looked over at the table again and was surprised to see her mystery boy sitting there. "Shoah, I can do dat," Molly said. "Four beers?" "Why don’t you go ovah an’ ask dem?" Jimmy encouraged. "Why do I get da feelin’ I’se bein’ set up?" Molly asked, walking over to the boy’s table. Jimmy laughed as she walked away and then turned away, busying himself with work. Molly flashed a bright smile at the boys. "I hoid you boys need some drinks," she said. "Yeah, dat an’ we wanted ta meet you." Sticking out his hand he said, "I’se Cards. We’re all Brooklyn newsies." "Molly," she said, shaking his hand. "Brooklyn newsies, huh? I used ta know a few Brooklyn newsies a couple yeahs ago." "Yeah? Remembah der names?" Cards asked. "Hmm…I knew Tunes, an’ Black Rose…an’ Tinkah pretty well…An’ Quirky. An’ gawd…what was his name?" she asked, still thinking. "Hey, dose goils are still der,’; Cards told her. "Wow, it’s been ages since I talked ta dem," Molly said. "So, den you were a newsie befoah?’ Cards continued his questioning, noticing that none of the other boys were talking. "Now, I dated one a da boys foh awhile. I think his name was Spotty or…Checkah…somethin’ like dat," she said. All the boys burst out laughing. Molly looked at them all oddly. "What?" she asked. "Was his name Spot? Spot Conlon?" Cards suggested. "Dat sounds ‘bout right," Molly said, still confused. "Did he look somethin’ like dat?" Cards asked, pointing at Spot. Molly looked closer at Spot looked very surprised. "Uhh…wow…dis is a little awkward…embarassin’..soo umm…yeah…" Molly babbled, unsure what to say. "Dat’s wheah I remembered you from!" Spot exclaimed, proud of himself. "Guess so…" Molly said. "So, yeah, I think dat I’ll jest go get youh drinks now. Four beers?" The boys all nodded, still lauging. Molly smiled and returned to the bar to get the drinks. She noticed that Jimmy had been watching carefully and walked over to him. "I was right. I was bein’ set up," Molly said. "I dunno what youh talkin’ ‘bout," Jimmy claimed. "Oh yeah? You coulda at least told me dat dey knew me!" Molly exclaimed. "So you did know Spot?" Jimmy asked. "You could say dat," Molly said, smirking. Jimmy was about to ask what she meant but stopped himself since he didn’t want to butt into her personal life. "You bettah get dem der drinks. If you wanna catch up wid dem den feel free ta take a break," he told her. "Yeah, aftah dat I think I’ll have ta say no ta da break," she told him. Jimmy shrugged. "Whatevah you want." Molly smiled and walked to the bar to turn in her order. ~~~~********~~~~ "So, Spot, you dated her huh?" Cards asked. "You hoid her," Spot said. "Jest what happened wid you two?" JB asked, speaking for the first time since Molly had started singing. "Bout two yeahs ago or so I met her on da street. Don’t really remembah why…she was…well very nice an’ friendly so we went back ta da Lodgin’ House. She stayed foh a couple weeks den we both got bored an’ she left since she didn’t want ta stay as a newsie. I think she stayed friends wid some a da goils at da House foh a while, doh," Spot explained. "Hey! How come we don’t remembah her? We’se were all der two yeahs ago," Cards pointed out. "Do you remembah every goil dat I bring back ta da Lodgin’ House?" Spot asked. "Guess not…" Cards admitted. "So, can you tell us anythin’ bout her?" JB asked, glancing over at her. Spot shrugged. "Not really. She didn’t really talk ‘bout herself dat much as far as I can remembah. She was always jokin’ ‘round. She can be pretty damn moody too…" Spot told him. "Been livin’ on da streets foh a while befoah I met her, I’d say." "Do you think dat…" JB started. "Shh…she’s comin’ back," Cards whispered, kicking JB under the table. "All right, heah we go," Molly said, smiling. "Four beers." She started setting down the beer on the table. Molly had gotten through the first two without incident but when she picked up the third glass the trey lost it’s balance in her hand and the forth beer glass spilled onto JB. "Damn it!" Molly swore. "I am so sorry!" She quickly placed the third beer on the table. "I’ll go get some napkins," she said, hurrying over to the bar for a stack of napkins. Molly handed JB the extra napkins, when she returned. "I really am sorry," she said, looking worried. The three other boys tried to assure Molly that he was fine, since JB seemed to have become momentarily mute. Jimmy, seeing the commotion, walked over. "Is der a problem ovah heah?" he asked. "Only my clumsiness," Molly said, indicating the drenched JB. "You okay, JB?" Jimmy asked, laughing. JB nodded. "Yeah, I’se fine. Ain’t dat big a deal." "At least you know dat you got her attention now," Cards commented, laughing. Molly looked confused but figured it was some joke between the boys and decided to ignore it. "I’ll go get da othah drink," Molly said. "Shoah you can handle it?" Cards joked. "I’ll concentrate real hard on not spillin’ it," she promised, rolling her eyes and leaving. "Way ta go JB! You managed ta say a whole two sentences in fronta her," Spot commented "Shut up! What da hell was I supposed ta say? ‘Thanks foh spillin’ beer on me’?’" "Well, I don’t think dat she’s gunna catch on ta you likin’ her if you jest sit ‘round not talkin’ an’ glare when she makes mistakes," Cards pointed out. "I wasn’t glarin’," JB claimed. "Look, I know what I’se doin’ an’ I don’t think dat any of you’se guys got room ta give me datin’ advice." Cards and Spot looked at each other and started laughing. "I think dat he’s got a point, Spot," Cards admitted. "At least we talked ‘round Wish an’ Bittah. JB ain’t even done dat," Spot pointed out. JB glared at Spot. "At least I ain’t tryin’ ta fight her or kissin’ some othah goil infronta her," he said, pointedly. "JB, you should be nice ta Spot. Maybe he’ll give you some pointahs ‘bout Molly," Snake told him. Jimmy who had been standing there listening and started laughing. "Boys, dis ain’t brain surgery. She already likes him," Jimmy told them. "What? How do you know?" JB asked. Jimmy shook his head, disappointedly, " I refuse ta do everythin’ foh you. Like I said, I’ll get her ovah heah an’ what happens aftah dat is up ta you." ~~~~****~~~~ "So, Molly, noticed you talkin’ ta dose boys," Marissa said walking up and standing by Molly. "Yeah," Molly said. "What ‘bout it?" "Well, remembah what Katie an’ I said ‘bout stayin’ away from da customahs?" "Yeah…we weren’t doin’ anythin’," Molly said, wondering where this was leading. "Well, dat don’t apply ta dose boys. If you got a chance go foh it," Katie said, jumping into the conversation. "Well, except foh wid Spot, ‘cause da moment he breaks up wid his goil he’s mine." "She’s got a slight crush on Spot if you couldn’t tell," Marissa put in. "Um…you don’t gotta worry ‘bout me gettin’ tageddah wid Spot again," Molly told her. Just then Alex put the beer on the bar. Molly picked it up and started to walk toward the table of boys again. Marissa and Katie both grabbed onto one of her arms and pulled her backwards. "What do you mean ‘again’?" Katie asked. Molly shrugged. "Jest dat we were tageddah foh awhile a couple yeahs ago an’ I ain’t one foh repeatin’ me mistakes," she explained. "You must be jokin’! Now you can tell me all ‘bout him!" Katie said. "Umm…it was a long time ago. Look, I gotta give dem der drink. Jimmy’s ovah der," Molly said starting toward the table again. "All right, but you bettah believe dat we’se gunna talk ‘bout dis latah!" Katie said. Molly responded, "Okay, see you latah, den." ~~~~*******~~~~~ "All right, heah we go. A new beer dat isn’t spilled all ovah you," Molly said, setting the beer infront of JB. "Thanks," JB said, smiling. Molly looked surprised. "Youh welcome." Then she giggled and added, "I thought dat you jest weren’t gunna talk ta me da entire night." The other boys at the table burst out laughing and Molly noticed that even Jimmy was having a hard time keeping a straight face. "All right, den. Does anyone need anythin’ else?" Molly asked. "Why don’t you join us?" Cards asked. "Oh no, I couldn’t. I got work ta do," Molly said, glancing at Jimmy. "No, it’s all right. Sit," Jimmy insisted. "I’ll even go get you a beeh meself." "Oh…I can’t do dat…" Molly protested "You desoive a break, now sit," Jimmy told her. "All right," Molly said, taking a seet at the table. "So, Molly, why don’t you tell us what happened aftah you left da Lodgin’ House?" Cards asked. "Oh, I don’t think so. I ain’t in da habit a tellin’ me story ta strangahs an’ unless me memory is failin’ I don’t know two a youh names," she said, looking at Snake and JB. "Sorry, I’se Snake," Snake said, extending his hand across the table. "Nice ta meet you," Molly said, shaking it. The she looked at the other boy. "An’ you are?" she asked. "Me name’s JB," he told her. "Well, it’s nice ta meet you, too," she told him. "Now dat you know us all, how ‘bout tellin’ us ‘bout you," Cards prompted. "Not much ta tell. Wandered da streets foh awhile…you know how it is…" Molly told them. Not wanting to go into further detain on her life she looked around the bar to find something else to discuss. She had to stifle laughter when she noticed Marissa and Katie fighting over a glass of beer. Katie finally glared at Marissa and said, "Marissa, back off I’m serious." Marissa looked about ready to fight but relented and stepped away, allowing Katie to take the beer. Katie smiled triumphantly and walked toward the newsie-filled table. Molly smirked. "Heah you go, Molly," Katie said, handing her the beer. "Thanks," Molly said, taking the beer. Katie stood there and glanced from the boys to Molly. "Oh.." Molly said, catching on. "Katie I’d like you ta meet Cards, JB, Spot an’ Snake. Guys dis is Katie." Katie smiled brightly at them. "Yeah, I think I mighta seen you ‘round heah or somethin’." Molly rolled her eyes at Katie’s lie. Seen dem ‘round…stared at dem da entire time dey are heah…same thing, Molly thought. "Yeah, prolly. We come heah a lot," Snake told her. "Usually wid our goils," Cards added, noticing how Katie was looking at Spot. "Goils, huh? Who would evah wanna be ‘round you guys?" Molly joked. "Nice comment comin’ from one a Spot’s exes," Cards joked back. "Yeah, see! I know from experience!" Molly claimed. Spot gave her a look and Molly quickly said "I’m jest jokin’ Spot…it ain’t like I remembah anythin’ anyway." "Yeah…thanks," Spot said sarcastically. "No…I didn’t mean dat…no…but…" Molly tried to explain. Spot rolled his eyes. "Fohget it," he told her. "All right," Molly agreed. The group remained in awkward silence for a few moments. Everyone exchanged glances but no one really knew what to say. Katie finally excused herself after Mike’s hand motions became to obvious for her to pretend to ignore. "So…uhh…Molly. Is dis youh foist day workin’ in a bar?" Cards asked. "Yeah, was it dat obvious?" Molly questioned. "Oddah den spillin’ dat drink on JB, not at all," Cards joked. Molly leaned towards Cards, who was sitting next to her. "Can I ask you somethin?" she asked. "Yeah, shoah," Cards agreed. "Is der a reason dat on one else is talkin’ ta me?" she asked, making sure to say it loud enough for the entire table to hear. "I think dey’s jest shy," Cards told her. "Meetin’ a big, famous singah like you an’ all." "Yeah…famous…"Molly said, rolling her eyes. "Not in dis life." "You nevah know. Dis could jest be da beginnin’," Cards insisted. "She’s got stage fright," Spot said, abruptly. "I remembah dat. Nevah liked a lot a attention." Molly looked at him surprised. "Nice job, Conlon. I’se very impressed." Spot smirked. "I like ta keep people guessin’." "Well, nice job," Molly commended. "If you evah did decided ta be a singah I know one person dat would always be in da audience," Cards told her. "Yeah? Who’s dat?" Molly asked. Cards gave an obvious look towards JB. "I dunno…possibly someone at dis table dat is very wet right now." Molly laughed. "So, JB, you liked da performance?" she asked. "Yeah, it was all right," JB told her, looking a little embarrassed. Cards mouthed, "Pay back," at JB while Molly wasn’t looking. "I’m glad," Molly said smiling at him. "I aim ta please." "Yeah, she ain’t kiddin’ bout dat," Spot put in, smirking. Molly glared at Spot. "Not dat you’d evah know." Spot looked very smug but didn’t respond.. Molly, eager to drop the subject, said, "So what’s been happenin’ at da Lodgin’ House since I’se been gone?" The boys all shrugged. "Nothin’ new, really. Der’s been a little drama but nothin’ dat big," Spot told her. "Nothin’ dat big? What ‘bout…" Cards started, launching into their recent adventures courtesy of the Delancys and Queens. By the time the story was over it was considerably later and the bar was close to closing time. "Wow…dat’s a good story. I’se glad dat I wasn’t der…but it sounds exciting’," Molly said "It’s so cute how you three all got togethah. Youh gunna have ta bring dese goils by sometime," Molly told them. "We’ll do dat," Cards promised. "If you didn’t have someplace ta go tanight I’d invite you back ta da House tonight ta meet dem." Molly looked a little awkward. "Nah, I got a place. An’ actually I should be gettin’ back ta work. I don’t think dis is what Jimmy mean by a break…" "He won’t be angry," Cards told her. "You shoah you won’t come visit?" "It’s late. Some othah time. I gotta get home," she told him, standing up and picking up glasses. "You always were a bad liah," Spot commented. "Hey! I’m a good liah!" Molly protested. "Not dat I was jest lyin’…jest in general…" "You don’t got a place ta stay, do you?" Spot asked. "Yeah I do!" Molly told him, trying to sound believable. "C’mon. Get youh stuff," Spot told her. "Why?" Molly asked. "Youh not stayin’ on da streets, now. It ain’t safe…’specially not wid all dose drunks knowin’ who you are. You’ll come ta da Lodgin’ House an’ sell papes ‘til you get someplace ta stay." "Umm…no…really. Dat is all right. ‘Sides I don’t need anothah job." "If youh stayin’ at da House den youh sellin’ papes. Dat’s all der is ta it. Hurry up," he told her. "Dis is crazy! I’ll be fine!" Molly insisted. "I said get youh stuff. Hurry up," Spot told her in a voice that challenged her to object again. "Ugh…fine," Molly conceded, knowing there was no way she would win. "Dis is da reason we broke up," she told Spot before walking off. "Funny, I always thought it was ‘cause I got bored," Spot told her. Molly glared at him, then continued walking to get her stuff. "Spot, ain’t der any goils dat you can jest get along wid?’ Cards asked. Spot thought about it for a minute. "Well, I get along wid you okay," he responded. "I said a goil an’…hey!" Cards said, catching onto the insult. "You know, sometime all da goils dat you fight wid are gunna come aftah you (hehe…kinda referring to "Sounds like a plan" there…)an’ I’ll be der ta laugh at you." Spot smirked. "Keep dreamin’." Cards got distracted from their fight with another thought. "Hmm…Molly at da Lodgin’ House…interestin’ time foh JB ahead," Cards joked. "You know, Cards. You can pull dis stuff now but jest wait ‘til Wish finds out dat you spent youh night talkin’ wid some singah in a bar. I’d say things are gunna be interestin’ wid you," JB responded, grinning. ~~~~~~~********~~~~~ "Tomorrow will be me foist day a sellin’," Molly told Cards on the way to the Lodging House. "I thought dat you stayed in da house a couple a weeks," Cards said, confused. "Yeah, well, I didn’t sell papes evah," Molly said, looking a little embarrassed. Cards noticed Spot’s ever growing smirk and laughed. "I see," Cards said. JB glared at Spot unnoticed. "Well, you’ll cach on in no time. I’se shoah," Cards said, encouragingly. "Yeah? Dat’s good. I mean how hard can it possibly be ta sell a couple a papers?" The four boys laughed at her and shook their heads. "What?" Molly asked, worried. "Is it really dat hard?" "Nah…you’ll need someone ta teach you doh," Cards told her. "Oh…well da goils’ll prolly teach me. Tunes an’ Tinkah an’ da othahs." "You should go wid a boy," Spot told her. "It’s safah dat way." "Did you have someone in mind?" Molly asked. "I’m pretty shoah dat all youh goils wouldn’t be too happy wid some goil from a bar bein’ ‘round you all," she reasoned. "You could go wid JB. No one would be angry, den," Cards suggested. JB glared at Cards. "Would dat be all right wid you JB?" Molly asked, noticing the glare. "Yeah, shoah," JB said, a little flustered. "I’ll take you ‘round tomorrah." "Good, den it’s settled," Cards said, looking victorious. "Yeah, it’ll be fun," Molly said, enthusiastically. "Jest make shoah she don’t get inta trouble, JB. She’s good at dat," Spot told JB, reaching the Lodging house. "It isn’t me fault! Trouble finds me!" "Whatevah. Jest don’t cause any heah," he told her. Molly rolled her eyes. "I’m startin’ ta remembah him moah an’ moah an’ I ain’t likin’ it," Molly told Cards. "I hoid dat," Spot told her. "Well…I said it loud," Molly told him Cards and Molly entered the bunk room laughing after Spot glared at Molly. "Well, well, well, who is dis?" Wish asked, walking up and looking at Cards for an explanation. "Some goil he met at a bar," JB said, walking by. "Thanks," Cards said, glaring. Molly started giggling at Card’s expression. "Well, gunna explain?" Wish asked, not looking very happy. "Nah, I’ll let Spot explain. He’s da one dat brought her," Cards said and looked over at Spot. "What were you thinkin’ bringin’ da singah from da bar heah when you got Bittah? You should be ashamed a youhself!" "Thanks Cards," Spot said, before cautiously looking at Bitter. "Befoah you jump ta conclusions let me explain." "Fine, lets heah it," Bitter said. "Well," Spot started. Before he could explain though Tunes walked in and, seeing Molly, screamed, "Oh my gawd! Youh back!" and hugged her. Molly hugged her back. ‘It has been so long!" "I didn’t think dat you’d evah be back heah aftah Spot an’ you broke up!" Tinker said, coming in behind Tunes. "Yeah…well funny story.." Molly said, glancing over to see Bitter’s reaction to hearing she was one of Spot’s old girl friends. Bitter looked less than pleased. "Let me get dis straight, Spot," Bitter said, angrily. "You brought a singah from a bar back heah aftah insistin’ dat you boys spend da night alone an’ it turns out day she’s youh old goil? What are you gunna say next? Dat shes’s gunna be stayin’ heah?" Spot gave her a half smile. "Actually…" "Don’t say it!" Bitter warned. "Don’t you dare say shes’s stayin’ heah!" "Fine, I won’t say it," Spot said. Then, glancing at the other three boys he said, "Find her a bunk an’ everythin’ all right?" "We will take care a dat," Tunes said, dragging Molly into the other room where most of the girls stayed. Tinker followed closely behind. "Spot Conlon, you have some serious explainin’ ta do," Bitter said. "You too," Wish told Cards. Jess, who had just been watching the entire time, shrugged and decided to go alone with the crowd. "Yeah, you too!" she told Snake. "Me? I didn’t even talk ta her!" Snake claimed. "Well…too bad," Jess decided, going to stand by Wish and Bitter. "You…coulda stopped dem or somethin’!" Snake looked at her oddly and shrugged. "All right den…" Martini burst out laughing. "I’se shoah glad dat I don’t live wid Oscah if it means dat we’d always be fightin’ like dis," she decided. "An’ anothah good thing ‘bout livin’ heah is I nevah get bored…" Everyone that was fighting turned to glare at her. "I don’t think dat you got any room ta make fun a people foh fightin’," Snake pointed out. "Fine, fine. If it would make you all feel bettah den I could yell at JB," she offered, laughing. The group continued to glare at her and she backed away. "Or..not…I’ll jest uhh…be ovah der," she said walking away. The group returned to their previous confrontational activities. "I think dat you got some talkin’ ta do," Bitter prompted. "Ain’t much ta explain. She’s an’ old friend an’ had no place ta stay. She’s gunna work as a newsie so she’s welcome heah," Spot told her. "If it helps any, all dey do is fight," Cards put in. "But…dat’s all Spot an’ I do!" Bitter pointed out. "Way ta help," Spot told Cards sarcastically. Cards shrugged. "I tried. Bittah dis is stupid, anyways. Spot’s jest tryin’ ta be a nice guy an’ help her out. Der’s plenty a othah goils dat stay heah an’ you’ve never cared ‘bout dem," Cards told her. "Yeah, well none a dem are his old goils an’ he didn’t pick none a dem up in a bar," Wish argued. Bitter and Spot looked at each other sand started laughing. "Uhh…I think we can handle our own fights," Bitter told them. "Thanks, doh." Wish and Cards both smiled sheepishly. "I guess dat Wish an’ I get alone so well dat we gotta fight ‘bout othah people’s problems," Cards joked. "Umm…no. I’m still angry. What were you doin’ flirtin’ wid her?" Wish asked. "I let you go out alone foh one night an’ youh flirtin’ wid some floozy from a bar?" "Hey, watch it," Spot said. "Oh my gawd! Now youh standin’ up foh her!" Bitter exclaimed. "Like I said, she’s an old friend," Spot told her. Jess and Snake stood there watching. "So, dis is kinda pointless," Jess said. "Yeah, it is," Snake agreed. "Wanna get Martini an’ JB an’ play some cards or somethin’?" she suggested. "Sounds good ta me," Snake agreed, grinning. "Dis is unbelievable!" Bitter said, as the fight raged on. "Can’t leave you boys alone foh two minutes an’ you wondah why we want ta go everywheah wid you! It’s jest common knowledge dat you leave da whores at da bar!" "Dat’s it! Drop it, now," Spot told her getting a dangerous look in his eyes. "I’m gunna make shoah dat she’s settled in an’ everythin," he told her, leaving the room. Bitter hit the bed post in anger then quickly started rubbing her hand. "Damn it! Dat hoit!" Cards looked at her oddly. "Serves you right! What did da bed evah do ta you?" Bitter and Wish both glared at him. "C’mon Wish. Maybe it’s time we planned a goils night out!" Bitter said, walking toward her bunk. ----Meanwhile in the girl’s bunk room---- Tinker, Tunes and Molly walked into the bunk room. "Guess who’s heah!" Tinker yelled out. "Molly!" Black Rose yelled, running over. "I can’t believe youh back!" "Me neithah, actually," Molly told her. "Things are gunna be jest like old times!" Tunes declared. The other girls in the room looked confused. "Hey, who’s dis?" a girl asked, walking up. "Oh, Hades, dis is Molly. She used ta hang round heah when she dated Spot," Black Rose explained. "Nice ta meet you," Hades said. "Like wise," Molly told her. "Hey Molly! Nice ta see you again!" Quirky welcomed, walking up. "You too! It’s so weird seein’ you all again!" molly told them. "What’s all dat yellin’?" Black Rose questioned. "Well, I don't think dat dose goils in der were too happy dat Snake, Cards, Spot an’ JB brought a singah in a bar back heah," Molly told them. "Youh workin’ in a bar now?" Quirky asked. "Yeah, ovah at Jimmy’s. Started taday actually," Molly told them. "Dat’s it. Gossip session," Tinker decided. The girls were all situating themselves comfortably around the room for their gossip session when there was a knock on the door. "You all decent in der?" came Spot’s voice. "Yeah!" Hades yelled back. Spot walked in. "I gotta talk ta you, Molly," he told her. "C’mon." Molly nodded and followed him out of the room, ignoring the whispered comments and smirks from her old friends. "Let’s jest go in heah," Spot said opening the door. "It’s da sick room." "I remembah," Molly said. "So, what do you want?" she asked. "Jest wanted ta find out how things were goin’," he told her. ‘Well, der isn’t really any chance her things ta be horrible in ten minutes," Molly said. "What did you really want?" "You haven’t changed at all," Spot commented. "I’ve changed a lot. You jest mean dat I call you on youh bull shit," Molly pointed out. "Fine, whatevah. I jest wanted ta find out if you were all right an’ apologize foh Wish an’ Bittah. Dey don’t mean anythin’ we jest got weird relationships ‘round heah," Spot told her. "No…it’s all right. I got thickah skin den dat," molly told him. "I jest thought wid things how der were…" Spot started awkwardly. "Spot, I’se fine. Don’t worry. I jest hope you guys didn’t find too much ovah me bein’ heah, ‘cause I don’t wanna ruin anythin’," Molly told him. "Nah. Dis is a common occurrence. We prolly woudla fought no mattah if you were heah or not," he told her. "Well, in dat case I won't feel so bad," Molly told him. "You didn’t feel bad befoah an’ you know it," Spot told her smirking. Moly laughed. "It’s good ta be back ‘round people dat really know me," she told him. "Even if you do fohget dose people’s names? Strips? Spotty? What da hell is dat?" he asked, jokingly. "All right, so maybe I did remembah you. I jest didn’t want ta sound like a psycho stalkah if you didn’t remembah me," Molly admitted. "I can’t fohget you! Youh much too annoyin’," he told her. "Oh thanks, really," Molly said, glaring. "Now you have ta make dat up ta me. "Oh yeah?" spot asked her. "Uh huh, you gotta tell me ‘bout dat JB kid…but don’t tell him I asked," Molly said. Spot rose an eyebrow. "JB kid? Why would you want ta know ‘bout him?" he asked. "Umm…let’s see…how ta explain dis…pretty much ‘cause he’s handsome," she told him. "Ain’t dat a little shallow?" "How does dat surprise you? Now spill it Spot. What’s da deal wid him an’ how come he don’t talk?" Molly asked, sitting on the bed. "Fine, let’s see. He’s been a newsie foh awhile…he was heah when you were actually. He’s one a Card’s good friends…Umm…I dunno…" Spot told her. "You can do bettah den dat!" Molly prodded. "At least tell me why he’s so quiet ‘round me!" "Uhh…he’s shy…" Spot told her. "All right, now tell me da truth ‘bout why he’s so quiet ‘round me," Molly told him, rolling her eyes. "Why do you think I’m gunna tell you dis?" Spot asked. "’Cause youh a nice guy…well dat an’ you don’t want me ta have a heart ta heart wid Bittah," Spot glared. "Fine, whatevah. It’s cause he likes you. How slow are you anyways? Didn’t you notice Cards jokin’ ‘bout it all night?" "Dat’s different…when people joke ‘bout things…sooo he likes me, huh? Good ta know…" Molly said, smirking "I don’t even want ta know what youh thinkin’ right now," Spot told her. "Youh prolly right. So, on a more serious note, why am I heah?" she asked. "What do you mean? Youh heah ta sell papes," Spot told her. "Spot, please do not tell me dat you run ‘round helpin’ everyone like dis ‘cuase it’s an obvious lie," "Look, youh not everyone youh you an’ I told you dat no mattah what I would be heah foh you," Spot said, looking a little uncomfortable. "Dat was befoah you threw me out if I remembah correctly…" "I knew you were gunna bring dat up! You weren’t happy heah an’ you know it. I wasn’t stupid enough ta think what we had was real, eithah. You were jest lookin’ foh safety an’ protection." "No, I was lookin’ foh someone ta care ‘bout me an’ you threw me out!" "Don’t even try dat, all right? I’ll talk ta you when youh willin’ ta be honest, bout it," Spot told her, standing up and walking toward the door. "Fine. Look, I was honest wid you once an look wheah dat got me," Molly reminded him. "All right, let’s look at dat. Youh out on youh own, takin’ care a youhself wid out anyones help an’ now youh back wid youh friends. Life’s really horrible, huh?" Spot asked. "You don’t undahstand. You think dat everythin’ turns out right jest ‘cause you decide dat it will. Dat ain’t how it is," Molly told him. "Well, it looks like things worked out fine foh you," Spot pointed out. "Jesus Christ! It’s been two yeahs! You got no idea what’s happened since you saw me!" Molly exclaimed. "Yeah, well you could stop gettin’ so worked up an’ tell me ‘bout it," Spot told her. "Jest…ugh…fohget ‘bout it," Molly told him. "I’m goin’ ta bed." "Fine, it’s fohgot," Spot told her leaving the room. Molly followed him out of the room. Unfortunately, Bitter had been looking for Spot, to find out the truth about that night and was less than thrilled to see the two emerge from the sick room together. "This is so fuckin’ it!" Bitter yelled. "What da hell are you doin’?" she asked Spot. Wish and Cards hearing Bitter yell, walked out of the bunk room to find out what was going on. " Bittah, what’s goin on?" Wish asked. "Oh…I dunno maybe I got a little trouble wid Spot runnin’ off ta check on Molly an’ seein’ dem come outta da sick room fifteen minutes latah." Wish’s jaw dropped. Cards raised an eyebrow at Spot and smirked before receiving a glare from both Spot and Molly. "Look, I know I’m gunna get in trouble foh sayin’ anythin’ but I’m shoah dat dey were jest in der talkin’! Aftah two yeahs dey got some catchin up ta do," Cards rationalized. "Yeah, I know exactly what kinda catchin’ up dey were doin," Bitter said, glaring even more. "Da talkin’ kind? Spot was jest tellin’ me ‘bout how I shouldn’t be upset dat you think I’se a whore an’ den we sat ‘round talkin’ ‘bout da past couple a yeahs," Molly told Bitter. "You fohgot ‘bout askin’ ‘bout JB," spot reminded her. Molly glared at him. "I fohgot ‘bout you admittin’ youh attraction ta men, too," she retorted. Cards began laughing. "You two are perfect friends foh each othah," he said. Bitter and Wish looked at Cards, angrily. "Cards, go back ta bed. You ain’t helpin’," Wish told him. "But, it won’t be any fun wid out you," Cards protested before walking back into the bunk room. "Speakin’ a bed. I’se awfully tired," Molly decided. "I’ll talk ta you all tomorrah." She started walking toward the girl’s bunk room but Bitter reach the door first and stood in front of it. "Look, I want ta warn you now. I can be really nice…or not so nice, an’ right now I’m havin’ trouble bein’ nice so stay outta me way," she told Molly. "Really you mean stay away from Spot," Molly corrected. "But in case you fohgot , Spot came an’ found me not da othah way ‘round." Molly flashed a fake smile at Spot. "Have fun." "Yeah, thanks," Spot said, sarcastically. Molly walked into the bunk room ignoring all the quizzical looks she was receiving and closed her eyes. Maybe things’ll be different dis time. Spot was right ‘bout me leavin’ I guess…damn it I hate it when he’s right! It’s much bettah dis way…Spot jest bein’ me friend. I might miss some a da perks but at least I won’t feel like a slut….like me muddah… Molly thought. She sighed. Dat ain’t what I need ta be thinkin’ ‘bout anymoah. I jest…need some sleep, she decided silently and drifted off to sleep. Part 2 |