"Hey, wake up!" Tunes said, sleepily shoving Molly. "Too early," Molly mumbled into her pillow. "Don’t wanna." "If youh sellin’ den you have ta," Tunes told her. "Youh wastin’ youh time," Tinker told her, getting dressed. "Don’t you remembah? Even Spot couldn’t wake her up." "He jest wasn’t doin’ it right. Watch an’ learn," Tunes boasted. Then, directing her attention to Molly said, "Look! Giant bunny! Behind you! AAAAAAAAAH!" Molly jumped out of bed, tripping over her sheets. "Bunny? Where? What? NO BUNNY!" she yelled, looking around frantically. Tunes smiled smugly. At Tinker before saying, "Hurry up an’ get ready. I’ll bet JB’s already ready ta go." "How did you know I was sellin’ wid JB?" Molly asked, pulling her clothes on. "Hun, it ain’t like dis is a big buildin’. Everyone knows everythin’ dat goes on in heah. Speakin’ a which, aftah youh done wid sellin’ you bettah high-tail it back heah ta tell us what happened in dat sick room," Tinker told her. Molly rolled her eyes. "Nothin’ happened!" she told her. "We’se jest friends!" "Glad ta heah it," Cards joked from the hall. "JB would be heartbroken ta find out you liked Tinkah moah den him." "Dat ain’t what I meant," Molly told him. "What are you doin’ listenin’ from doorways, anyway?" "Jest somethin’ I picked up from Spot. Anyway, you ‘bout ready? JB’s been waitin’ foh 15 minutes." "Yeah, I’m comin’," Molly said, pinning her hair up as she walked. "Youh wearin’ dat?" Cards asked. "Yeah, what’s wrong? Molly asked, looking down at her dress. "Are you plannin’ on openin’ a news stand or somethin’? Don’t you got any boys clothes dat you can wear? "Boy’s clothes? No…" Molly said, looking at him oddly. "C’mon, we’ll find you somethin’ else," Cards told her. "You ain’t gunna sell near as much unless you look real poor." "Fine, boys clothes it is," Molly agreed. Cards searched his things coming up with a pair of grey pants and green suspenders. "Heah, take dese," he said, handing them to her. "JB, you got a shirt she can wheah?" JB looked slightly flustered but nodded. He looked around his bunk and came up with a blue shirt for her to wear. He handed it to her saying, "Heah you go." Molly smiled at him. "Thanks. I’ll be changed in a jiffy," she promised. "Wait, you’ll want an’ undah shirt," Cards said. "Hey Martini, you got a undah shirt she can wear?" he asked. "Yeah, shoah. Heah you go," Martini said, taking the undershirt out of her pile of extra clothes. "Thanks," Molly said. "Not a problem. Hey…umm…I know dat some a da goils ain’t been real nice ta you but if you need anythin’ else jest let me know," Martini said. Molly looked surprised. "Thanks…thanks a lot." Martini nodded. Molly quickly changed into her new clothes and found them surprisingly comfortable. Too bad I can’t wheah dese clothes all da time, she thought, rolling up the sleeves. "How do I look?" Molly asked JB and Cards. "Much bettah," Cards approved. "Great," JB told her. Molly smiled. "Thanks. So ‘bout time ta go sellin?" she asked JB. He nodded. "Good, I can’t wait," she told him, following him out of the room. "See you latah, Cards," she told him. "No you won’t," Wish said, under her breath. Cards looked at her surprised. "What is youh problem?" he asked. "I’m not da one wid da problem. Dat goil flirts wid everyone!" Wish told him. Cards burst out laughing. "I can not believe goils! It ain’t like you’se nevah done anythin’ bad… a course not…" Cards sait, starting toward the door. Wish grabbed her grey newsie hat and shoved her hair into it, following Cards. "What are you talkin’ ‘bout?" she asked. "What ‘bout makin’ out wid Spot da foist day you got ta Brooklyn? An’ I seem ta remembah a certain pokah game…" Wish averted her eyes to the ground. "Yeah, dat’s right. An’ all dis goil has done is talked ta Spot privately…which he does wid guys sometimes… an’ become a newsie," Cards said. "How ‘bout at least givin’ her a chance. She’s a nice goil an’ I can promise she ain’t goin’ aftah Spot." "Fine, I guess it won’t hurt ta give her a chance," wish grudgingly agreed. Cards kissed her on the cheek. "Youh da best," he told her. ~~~~********~~~ "So, how’d sellin’ go?" Wish asked, once Molly and JB had joined the table. "I think I’m hopeless," Molly admitted. "Youh bein’ hard on youhself," JB told her. "She sold twenty." "Dat’s good!" Wish told her encouragingly. "Yeah…too bad dat it’s a lie. JB sold fifteen a dose twenty," Molly confessed. ""Dat ain’t true," JB protested. "You came up wid da headline AN’ yelled it out," Molly pointed out. "Well…you took da money an’ gave dem chance," JB told her. Molly twirled her finger around. "Yay, look at me, I am so skilled. I can count!" she said, sarcastically. "Cards couldn’t do dat much when he started," JB offered. Molly laughed. "Nu uh! He could too." "Yeah…hey! I could count bettah den you!" Cards said. "It’s a sad day in Brooklyn when we fight ovah who can count da best," Spot said, joining them. Everyone greeted Spot and Bitter when they entered the restaurant and they all began conversation about their day. "Well, I hate ta say dis but I gotta get goin’," Molly said, looking at the clock. It was almost six thirty. "I gotta showah an’ get ta work." "All right, I guess you should go. Bye," Spot said. "Dat almost sounded like you were givin’ me permission ta leave," Molly said. "Wouldn’t dream a it," Spot said, smirking. "Good. Hey you all should stop by da bar tanight or somethin’," Molly said. Spot nodded. "Shoah we’ll be der," Spot told her just as Bitter said "Actually we got things ta do." They both gave each other quizzical looks. "Umm…all right," Molly said. "Well if you can stop by." She stood up and began walking to the door. JB jumped up after receiving a swift kick from Cards. "Hey, I’ll walk you ta da Lodgin’ House," he said. "All right," Molly agreed, smiling. "Dat’d be nice." Once they were outside Molly asked, "What is wid dose goils anyway? All I’m doin’ is tryin’ ta be nice!" JB looked uncomfortable. "Dey don’t do good wid new people I guess…" "Maybe, but dat don’t make it any bettah," Molly told him. Then, noticing his uncomfortableness she quickly apologized. "Look, I’m sorry. I don’t mean ta insult youh freinds or anythin’ I’se jest frusturated." JB gave her a half smile. "Jest give it time. Dey’ll get ovah it aftah awhile an’ go back ta fightin’ wid each oddah." "What? Doesn’t anyone jest get along heah?" "What would be da fun in dat?" JB joked. "Der’s a lot a fun when people ain’t fightin’," Molly told him, smiling suggestively. JB blushed slightly. "I guess youh right." "I know I am," Molly told him. After a few moments of silence Molly said, "So, youh gunna be der tanight, right?" She gave him a hopeful look. "I wouldn’t be a good sellin’ partnah if I weren’t," he joked. "You know, youh a lot moah fun when you talk," Molly observed. JB smirked a little. "Den I guess I’ll have ta make shoah I do it ‘round you moah." "I guess so," Molly agreed. ~~~~~********~~~~~~ "Do we have ta go?’ Bitter whined to Wish. "I am. I promised Cards dat I would give her a chance…’side if youh worried ‘bout Spot an’ Molly wouldn’t you rathah be ‘round dem?" Wish asked. Bitter sighed. "I guess youh right…Still I sweah I’ll throw up if I have ta watch dem bein’ all friendly!" Martini laughed at the two girls. "I shoah am glad dat I ain’t as unconfident wid me relationship as you too." They both glared at her. "Jest you wait ‘til you got a problem an’ we laugh at you!" Wish told her. ~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~ "Hey you guys!" Molly greeted, walking over to the group. "What can I get you?" "Jest beers foh everyone," Spot told her. "Okay so dat’s," she paused and looked around the group, "nine beehs? Wait a minute…nine?" She looked confused. "Oh, dis is Oscah. You haven’t met him yet," Martini explained. "Nice ta meet you," Molly said, shifting the trey to her other hand and shaking his hand. "I’se acutally hoid a lot ‘bout you." Oscar rose his eyebrow. "Nice ta meet you, too," he told her . "I ain’t had da pleashoah a hearin’ anythin’ ‘bout you." "Somehow dat doesn’t surprise me. I’m Molly. I’m new ta da Lodgin’ House," she informed him. "Figauhs you’d be a newsie," Oscar muttered. Then, glancing quickly at Martini added, "not dat der’s anythin’ wrong wid newsies…" "Uh…shouldn’t you be gettin’ our drinks?" Bitter asked, a little coldly. Molly lost her smiled and nodded, walking off. "Bittah…" Spot warned. "Don’t Spot," Bitter told him, glaring. "Shoah, whatevah. You don't wanna talk ‘bout it. Dat’s fine ‘cause dis ain’t up foh discussion. Youh gunna start bein’ decent ta her," he told her. "Or what?" Bitter challenged. Spot sighed, exasperated. "Let’s not do dis, now. Jest stop bein’ a bitch." Bitter’s eyes got wider. "I’m sorry, what did you jest call me?" "Well, dat’s da way youh actin!" "Fine, den I’ll go be a bitch away from you!" Bitter said, getting up and walking out of the bar. Spot rolled his eyes and ran after her. "I can not believe he said dat ta her!" Wish said, astounded. "Well, she wasn’t exactly bein’ nice or anythin’," Cards pointed out. "I can not believe dat you agree wid him!" Wish exclaimed. "All right, beer foh all," Molly declared walking up. "Bettah take covah, JB," Snake joked. JB laughed and covered his head with his hands. "Very funny," Molly said. "You bettah watch out Snake or youh gunna be da one ta get it dis time." "I am so very sorry," Snake joked. "You bettah be. Hey, wheah did Spot an’ Bittah go?" Molly asked. "Dey…had ta go back ta da Lodgin’ House," Cards told her. "Oh, all right. I’ll jest leave dese two drinks heah den," Molly said, looking confused. Wish, unable to contain herself, said, "Don’t you even feel da least big guilty foh makin’ dem fight?" "Wish!" Cards exclaimed. "What?! It’s da truth! Evah since she showed up deys been fightin’ twice as much as normal1" "At least she ain’t made out wid Spot. Dat already makes her bettah den you," Cards told her. Wish looked like she had been slapped in the face. "I can not believe dat you jest said dat!" "Dat’s it! Stop fightin!" Molly yelled. "Oh, der fightin’?" JB asked. "You hardly even notice it anymoah." "Jest…ugh…fohget it! I do not want ta be da cause a dis many problems. I’ll find some place else ta stay," she decided. "No, Molly. Dis ain’t youh fault," Cards told her. "Yeah, youh right, it’s not. I’st da fault a certain insecure goils dat don’t have nothin’ bettah ta do den start problems…but I do got bettah things ta do so if you’ll excuse me I’m gunna get back ta work," Molly said walking off. "Nice job," JB said, glaring and walking after Molly. "Molly, look," JB started. "Jest don’t. It ain’t a big deal, JB," Molly told him , picking up drinks to take to another table. JB followed foh to the table. "Yeah, it is. You can’t quit an’ leave! Who will I sell wid?" he asked. "Whoevah you sold wid befoah taday," Molly told him. "But…it wouldn’t be as fun as wid you!" he told her. "JB, it’s bettah dis way. I can not take all da fightin!" "But…you were gunna be da one I could make fun a dem wid," JB said, trying to cheer her up. Molly gave him a small smile. "As fun as dat sounds, it ain’t a real reason ta stay in da House, sorry." "Well, den stay foh me. I’d miss you," he told her, looking a little awkward. Molly, missing the sincerity of his confession, rolled her eyes. "It ain’t like I’se movin’ ta California or anythin’. You can visit me heah," she told him. "Besides, it’s not like you think a me as youh best friend. We’se hardly even talked…youh jest tryin’ ta me nice." "Nah, dat ain’t it," JB told her. "Den what is it?" she asked him. "Da reason I nevah talk ta you is ‘cause I’se shy ‘round goils dat I like," he told her. "Really? You ain’t shy ‘round Bittah an’ Wish an’ da rest a dem an’ you like dem," Molly pointed out. JB looked confused. "Dat ain’t what I meant. I mean dat I really like you…" "Oh…OHHH," Molly said, finally catching on. "Really?" "Yeah, really." "You bettah not be doin’ dis jest ‘cause Spot’ll be angry when he heahs dat I’se leavin," Molly told him, looking suspicious. "Why would I do dat? It’d be fun ta see Wish get what was comin’ ta her!" JB said. Molly gave him a small smile. "I guess youh right." "I know I am," JB told her. "So are you comin’ back?" "Umm…no…but I’ll make shoah ta visit you…when da othahs are out," she told him. "What? Why not?" he asked. "’Cause…I dunno…I jest don’t need da stress in me life," she tried to explain. "So it don’t mattah at all dat I said dat I like you?" "Of course it mattahs! We don’t gotta live in da same place ta date…infact most people don't …" JB thought about it. "Yeah, all right…so does dat mean dat you might wanna got out wid me sometime?" "Definitely," Molly told him, smiling. "Uh oh…heah comes Spot…" ~~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~ ----During that conversation---- "Wish, damn it! Why couldn’t you jest a left her alone?" Cards asked. "At least things’ll be a lot calmah at da house," Wish said, looking a little guilty. "Now ain’t da time foh jokes. An’ heah comes Spot an’ Bittah…dis ain’t good," Cards said. "Uhh…I’m gettin’ outta heah," Martini said. "I’m right behind you," Oscar agreed. "I think dat I’ll join you," Jess decided, getting up and following. "Yeah, ditto," Snake said. "Cowards!" Cards called after them. "Suicidal," Snake responded. "Some one’s gotta stay heah an’ make shoah he don’t kill Wish," Cards said. Wish looked distinctly nervous and worried. Spot and Bitter walked back to the table looking much happier and pacified. "Wheah are dey goin?" Bitter asked, watching the four leave. "Uhh…interestin’ story…" Cards said. But, before he could finish Bitter started laughing. "Looks like JB’s finally makin’ his move," she said, pointing out JB and Molly. "Don’t look ta be havin’ so much luck eithah," Spot pointed out, observing Molly’s angered look. "Wondah what he’s sayin’ ta her. She looks really upset." "I don’t think JB is da one makin’ her angry," Cards told him. "An’ I think dat Wish’s got somethin’ ta tell you." Spot rose his eyebrows. "Yeah?" "Well…she mighta gotten angry an’ said dat she won’t nevah come back ta da Lodgin’ house," Wish said quickly. "What? Why?" Spot asked. "Well…I mighta said some things ta make her angry," Wish admitted. Spot glared and through clenched teeth asked, "What things?" Wish took a deep breath and explained everything that had happened since his departure. "Dis is unbelievable! Can’t anyone not be a bitch ta dis goil?" Spot asked. "Hey…Spot…" Cards started to intervene. "Cards don’t try ta defend her. It’s useless anyways," Spot told him. Then, looking at both Bitter and wish he said, "Youh both gunna apologize. Der’s a lot dat neithah a you undahstand," and walked toward Molly. ~~~~~~********~~~~~ "Spot, I ain’t goin’ back so save youh breath," Molly told him as he approached. "JB jest tried ta convince me an’ if he can’t den you can’t." "JB go back ta da table," Spot told him. JB looked uncertainly for a few moments. "It’s fine, JB. We’ll talk latah," Molly told him, smiling. JB smiled back and returned to the table. "Wheah are you plannin’ ta stay if not at da Lodgin’ House?" Spot asked. "I’ll find someplace. I got some money. Stop worryin’," Molly told him. "I don’t undahstand why youh lettin’ dose goils get da best a you anyway," Spot said. "Da Molly I knew wouldn’t a." "Yeah? Well, I’se changed in da past two yeahs an’ it jest ain’t worth it anymoah ta fight." "What happened dat makes you think you’ve changed so much?" he asked. "Othah den you bein’ moah of a wuss nothin’ has changed." Molly laughed. "You got no idea, Spot. None. An’ I am not a wuss." "Oh yeah? You let everyone walk all ovah you," he pointed out. "Hell, you even came back ta da Lodgin’ House jest cause I told you ta. Befoah I woulda had ta take you kickin’ an’ screamin’." "Is der a point ta all dis?" she asked him. "Yeah, I wanna know what happened!" Spot told her. "Dat’s too bad. I gotta get back ta work," she told him. "You know dat I’se gunna figuah it out soonah or loatah," Spot told her. "Yeah? I really don’t think so. I’ll see you latah, Spot." "No, you’ll see me now. Wheah are you gunna stay?" Spot insisted. "I’ll find someplace," Molly repeated. "Now back off! You ain’t me faddah." "No kiddin’. If I were youh faddah I woulda left a long time ago," he told her. Molly glared at him coldly. "An’ you wondah why I don’t wanna talk ta you," she said, walking off into the kitchen. Spot stomped back to the table and glared at everyone there, making it clear that he didn’t want to talk about what had happened with Molly. Cards shrugged and continued his previous discussion, knowing it was better to ignore Spot when he got like this. "So, you really said dat ta her, JB?" he asked. JB, looking very cocky, nodded. "Yeah, a course. She said she wouldn’t come back ‘cause some people were bitchy ta her," he said, glancing at Bitter and Wish to make sure they realized that he was talking about them. "But, hey, at least we’se gettin’ tageddah an’ widout all da drama," he told them, looking very proud. "Tageddah?" Spot asked. "Yeah, tageddah…you know wid Molly. Why? You got a problem wid dat?" "What? Me? Nah…I’se prolly should warn you what youh gettin’ youself inta…but what’d be da fun in dat?" "Thanks, but I don’t think I need youh warnins. I spent da entire day wid her aftah all," JB pointed out. "Oh yeah? An’ you think you know her? Did you say a whole three sentenced dis time?" Spot asked. JB glared at him. "You know, you sound jealous," he told him. "I ain’t jealous. I jest think dat she desoives bettah den you," Spot told him. "You do sound jealous, Spot," Cards said. "What’s wid you an’ dis goil anyway?" "Yeah, Spot," Bitter said, looking more hurt than angry. "What’s wid you two?" "Der’s a lotta shit dat you all don’t know," Spot told them. "Look, jest fohget ‘bout it." "Gladly," JB agreed. ~~~~******~~~~~ ---Next night---- "Molly! Wheah da hell have you been?" Tunes asked walking up to her at the bar, followed by some of the other girls. "What? When?" Molly asked. "Last night! You move in an’ den don’t come back da second night? You had us worried!" Tinker told her. "Oh…yeah…well aftah a fight wid some people last night I decided dat stayin’ der wouldn’t be such a good idea," Molly explained. "A fight, huh? So dat’s why everyone was fightin’ moah den usual last night," Black Rose realized. "Again wid da fightin’? Why are dey all even tageddah if dey’re always bickahin’?" Molly asked. Tinker shrugged. "Who knows? So what are you gunna do now?" "I’m stayin’ wid da oddah goils dat woik heah. Dey got an’ apartment a couple blocks from heah. Dey’se real nice goils." "Nice? Since when do you get along wid ‘nice goils’?" Tunes asked. Molly laughed. "Well…not too ‘nice’. Dey’re all right, an’ at least dey don’t fight all da time. I don’t know how you all can stand it!" "We don’t," Black Rose told her. "Dey usually stay in da oddah room an’ we stay in ours. It works out nicely." "So, if youh livin’ wid a buncha goils wheah are you an’ JB gunna go when you want ta be alone?" Tunes asked. "I haven’t really thought ‘bout…Hey! Wait a mite! How did you know ‘bout dat?" Molly asked, surprised. Tunes shrugged. "Small house, remembah? So, it’s true, huh?" Molly smirked. "It could be…" "Dat’s a yes," tinker said. "You didn’t even tell us dat you liked him!" "Well, a goils gotta have some secrets!" "Spot didn’t seem too happy ‘bout all dis," Tinker told her, trying to get a reaction. "Bitter didn’t seem too happy ‘bout Spot bein’ upnhappy ‘bout it," Black Rose added. "Yeah, well, not me problem…eithah a dem…" Molly siad, flippantly. "Hey, do you guys know if JB is comin’ heah tanight?" "Der’s a good possibility dat he is," JB’s voice came from behind her. The other girls laughed at Molly’s shocked expression. "How long has he been der?’ she asked the three girls. "Evah since we started talkin’ ‘bout him," Tunes said, laughing even harder. "Oh, thanks guys," Molly said sarcastically. "What’s wrong? Don’t want me heah?" he asked, faking pain from his ‘rejection’/ "Dat ain’t it, I jest kinda liked ta know who’s listenin’," Molly told him. "Shoah, shoah. Don’t look now but Jimmy’s comin," JB told her. "If he’s comin’ ovah anyway why would it mattah if I look?" Molly asked. JB thought about it for a moment. "You know…youh right. I dunno if I can handle goin’ out wid a goil smartah den me," he joked. "But den you’d nevah get ta date!" Molly joked back. "Dat’s so sweet a you ta say," JB commented. "I come all da way ovah heah ta see you sing an’ be a nice guy an’ you jest make fun a me!" "I’ll make it up ta you," Molly promised, smiling. "Hey JB, ladies," Jimmy said, addressing the entire group. "I gotta steal Molly away so why don’t you take a seat an’ I’ll send someone ovah wid drinks." JB and the others nodded and went to sit down. "Molly, we gotta have a serious talk," Jimmy started. "I know dat I’se been pretty lenient befoah but I don’t see dis job workin’ out if youh always talkin’ wid youh friends. You ain’t gettin’ neah enough work done or payin’ enough attention ta da rest a da customahs." "I am so sorry!" Molly told him. "Jest give me anuddah chance? Please? See…it’’s jest da foist night I met all dese guys an’ den der was da fight an’ den JB askin’ me ta go wid him…but really it’s all ovah now an’ I’ll work hard, I sweah!" Jimmy observed her closely and discovering she would being honest, nodded. "Good, ‘cuase I would have ta have ta fiah you. Dose newsies might get mad an’ go on strike or something’!" Molly smiled. "I really am sorry." "It’s fine. So, JB finally got up da noive ta talk ta you, huh?" he asked. "Yeah, he did. Wait a second…nevah mind…I ain’t gunna even ask ‘bout how you knew he wouldn’t talk ta me. An’ people say New Yawk is a ibig city," she joked, sarcasm dripping off her voice. "I bettah get back ta work." "Dat’s what I like ta heah," Jimmy said, smiling. "Oh, an youh goin’ on in ‘bout twenty ta thoity minutes." "All right, thanks," Molly said, walking toward the bar. ~~~~*****~~~~~ "Jest a minute!" Molly called in response to the banging at the door. It was about eleven in the morning but she had still been asleep due to a late night at the bar. After another impatient knock she yelled, "I’m comin’!" pulling on a robe over her nightgown. "Yeah?" she asked, opening the door. "Are you jest gettin’ up?" asked a surprised visitor. "One a da perks a not bein’ a newsie anymoah," she said smiling. "C’mon in, JB." "Thanks," he said, walking in. "Go on an’ sit down. I’m gunna make meself a little moah presentable." JB laughed. "All right. Hurry up, doh." "Why hurry?" Molly asked. "Can’t stand ta be away from me foh moah den 5 minutes?" "Dat an’ I wanna have lunch wid you befoah I go sell da noon edition," he told her. "I see…an’ were you jest gunna evah ask me ta go or jest leave an’ assume I’d follow you?" she asked. "Jest leave," he said, smirking. "Now c’mon! Move it! Move it!" he told her. Molly laughed and started walking toward her room. "Youh jest lucky dat I like you," she told him. He grinned. "An’ who could help but like me?" Molly rolled her eyes and closed the door. She changed quickly and went back out. "You look nice," JB commented. "Thanks. So wheah are we goin’?" "Um…I dunno," JB told her, looking a little awkward. "You came ta take me out an’ don’t know wheah we’re goin’?" Molly asked. "Well, it’s a surprise foh you," he told her. Molly rose her eyebrows. "I ain’t too fond a surprises." "Yeah, you might now like dis one eithah," JB muttered. "What?" "Nothin’. C’mon we gotta go if youh gunna help me sell papes." "So dat’s why youh askin’ me out. So dat I’ll help you wid youh job," Molly joked. "If I was gunna do dat don’t you think I would find someone wid a little talent at bein’ a newsie?" "Hey! I thought you said I was good at it!" JB shrugged. "I lied. Now c’mon," he said, dragging her toward the door. Molly laughed and allowed herself to be dragged away. ~~~~~*****~~~~ "Now, when she gets heah I’se expectin’ you ta apologize fast. I don’t think she’ll be stayin’ foh long," Spot told Bitter and Wish. ~~~~~~*****~~~ "So, you promise dat you’ll sell papes wid me taday, right?" JB asked her. "Shoah, I promise," Molly said, rolling her eyes. "I guess we gotta find some time dat we can spend tageddah." "Good, heah it is," JB said, opening the door for her. Molly walked into the small diner and it only took her a few seconds to realize that Spot, Cards, bitter and Wish were sitting at one of the tables. "I wanna go someplace else," she said immediately, trying to walk back out the door. "At least listen ta dem," JB said, grabbing her arm gently. "You planned dis didn’t you?" Molly asked angrily. "It was all Spot’s idea. He jest thought dat me bringin’ you heah would be bettah," JB told her. "Youh gunna pay foh dis," she muttered before saying, "Hey everyone!" "Hey Molly. Nice ta see you again," Cards said, smiling a little nervously. "Yeah…nice…so umm…why am I heah?" Molly asked. "Bittah an’ Wish got soemthin’ ta tell you," Spot told her. "Oh yeah? What makes you think I’d care?" "Look, dis ain’t easy ta say as it is," Bitter started. "We wanted…Wish an’ I…we wanted ta tell you dat we’se sorry foh how we treated you." Molly thought about it for a second and then smiled at them. "Don’t worry ‘bout it! I mean aftah all if I were you’se guys I prolly woulda done da same thing." Everyone looked at her shocked. "Really?" Bitter asked. "Yeah, really?" Spot echoed. Molly nodded. "Definitely. I mean you goils didn’t know anythin’ bout me. All you knew was dat I was some singah from a bar. I woulda been a little suspicious. Bitter smiled, relieved. "Thanks. Youh really…" she started. "Not ta mention," Molly continued. "Der was dat time Spot an’ I came outta da sick room an’ you prolly figuahed out foh youhself what happened in der when ‘ say da lipstick on Spot’s callah an’ all." "…Youh really a complete whoah!" Bitter completed. Molly flashed her a phony smile and walked over to Spot. She pulled him into a hug and whispered, "Dat should keep you busy. Spot meddlin’ in me life!" Molly waved at everyone and walked away. "Told you it was a bad idea," JB said, laughing and following Molly out. "Well, dat didn’t go so well," Cards said. "C’mon Wish. We’se gunna go befoah dey fight." "But, Bittah might need me help!" Wish protested. "Hurry…" Spot urged. "Save youhself!" Cards laughed and pulled a still protesting Wish away. ~~~~~****~~~~ "Molly! MOLLY! Wait up!" JB called after her. Molly kept her pace and rolled her eyes. "JB, run a little…I ain’t dat far away an’ I’se walkin’." JB jogged up to Molly and matched her stride. "Sorry, I was jest checkin’ if you were still talkin’ ta me." Molly stopped abruptly and slapped him across the face. "Der…now I’ll talk ta you." JB rubbed his face. "I guess I desoived dat…" "Damn right you did! Actually, you descoive a lot worse den dat. But, lucky foh you I ain’t feelin’ like soakin’ anyone taday. I’m goin’ home," she told him. "You can’t. You promised dat you would sell wid me taday!" JB protested. "Dat was befoah you helped Spot wid his stupid plans." "A promise is a promise," JB said, smirking. Molly glared at him. "You planned dis ‘cause you know I wouldn’t stay ‘round didn’t you?" JB laughed. "Maybe…do I get points foh knowin’ you well ‘enough ta predict what you were gunna do?" Molly laughed. "I don’t think so. You got some major suckin’ up ta do ta day. It bettah involve lots a beggin’ an many compliments." "I think dat I can handle dat," JB said, offering his arm. ~~~~~******~~~~~~ ---A couple nights later---- "Hey, what can I get you?" Molly asked the newest customer. "Whatevah…jest bring a lotta it," he told her. Molly laughed. "All right…I’ll be right back." She held true to her word and returned only moments later with a couple shots of whisky. "Der you go. Dis stuff \works miracles when you wanna drown youh miseries. Let me know if you need moah." "I will," he told her, downing both shots while she was still standing there. "I need moah." Molly looked at him closer. "Wait, don’t I know you?" she asked, her brow furrowing in thought. "Yeah…youh Martini’s friend, right? Oscah." "Yeah…oh…right. Youh dat goil dat has everyone angry," he said in recognition. "I prefer ta be called Molly. So dey’re all still mad, huh?" Molly asked. "I dunno…don’t really pay attention," he told her scowling. "I see…wanna tell me what’s wrong?" she asked. "Nah, don’t wanna bothah you an’ youh workin’." Molly looked around the empty bar. "I got plenty a time," she said, laughing. "Well, it’s a long story…" he told her. "I already know some a it. Da othah boys filled me in on it," she told him. "I can imagine…" Oscar said. "C’mon, jest tell me!" Molly encouraged, sitting down. "All right. Well, aftah Martini an’ I got tageddah when she got outta jail…dey told you ‘bout dat right?" After Molly nodded he continued. "So, I was willin’ ta stop soakin’ her freinds an’ family ta get wid her." "Dat’s always nice…" Molly said, fighting to keep a serious face. "Yeah! Dat’s what I thought! Den she wants me ta start goin’ out wid her friends! So, I was fine wid goin’ wid Jess an’ Snake. Dey’s okay an everythin’…suddenly, doh, she decided dat she’s movin’ ta Brooklyn ta be wid her friends’ an’ sistah! I mean, da Manhattan Lodgin’ House was bad ‘nough, but Brooklyn? She don’t even seem ta notice dat none a us can stand each othah!" "Did somethin’ happen tanight or are you jest feelin’ down tanight?" Molly asked. "We had a fight ovah it tanight. She wants me ta go out wid her freinds all da time but I didn’t want ta tanight." Molly burst out laughing. Oscar sent her a cold glare. "I don’t see anythin’ funny ‘bout dis." "I do! You an’ me, we’se in da same boat. JB don’t seem ta undahstand dat I really don’t like his friends an’ dat I ain’t gunna become friends wid dem jest ‘cuase he is." "Oh, so den you know wheah I’m comin’ from!" "Um…yeah…But der’s one difference. JB don’t get as jealous as Martini," Molly told him. "Jealous? She don’t get jealous." "Well, by da angry look on her face, she jest started ta," Molly told him, pointing over to where Martini was standing. ----During this conversation---- "C’mon Martini…Don’t worry ‘bout it. We’ll all jest get a drink an’ not worry ‘bout da boys foh awhile," Jess said, leaning her into the bar. "I really don’t think I should," Martini resisted. "Why not?" Bitter asked. "’Cause….Oscah is prolly sittin’ at home, feelin’ bad an’ I wouldn’t feel good ;bout bein’ out an’ havin’ fun." "I don’t think dat he’s all dat miserable," Wish told her. "How would you know?" Martini questioned. "It ain’t dat hard ta figuah out," Wish told her, pointin through the window at Oscar and Molly sitting together. Bitter and Wish both began to laugh at Martini’s surprised and then angry face. "What’s so funny?" Jess asked. "It’s funny ‘cause Martini was always laughing at us when we were mad ‘bout Molly an’ now look at her," Wish said. Martini glared and walked in the bar and up to Oscar and Molly. Jess, Wish and Bitter followed quickly. "What’s goin’ on heah?" Martin I asked. "Heah we go again. I’m gunna get back ta work. Nice talkin’ ta you Oscah," Molly said, getting up. "Yeah, you too," Oscar told her. Molly smiled and started to walk off. "You know, Spot told me da truth ‘bout what happened in da sick room," Bitter told her. "Did he now?" Molly asked. "Yeah, he did. Why would you make up a story like dat?" Molly shrugged. "Why not? So what did Spot tell you?" "He told me da truth ‘bout how you hit on him an’ he turned you down," Bitter responded. "Is dat what he said?" Molly asked, laughing. "Dat’s interestin’. Now I gotta get back ta work." Bitter, frustrated and in a quarrelsome mood, called out, "I know. I know ‘bout you an’ youh family." Molly hesitated but then kept walking toward the employee from, intent on finding a place that she could be alone and cool off. "Youh mom was a whore in some bar…jest like you…an’ youh dad didn’t even stick ‘round long ‘nough ta even know he had a daughtah," Bitter continued, hoping for a reaction. Molly took a deep breath. "Go away, Bittah," she said through clenched teeth. "So, it’s true? Youh mom was some trash…an’ now you are," Bitter continued, not relenting. Molly turned around glaring. "You bitch! Damnit! What da hell is youh fuckin’ problem?" "I ain’t da one wid da problem. Youh da one dat is comin’ heah thinkin’ she’s so great an’ hittin’ on othah goil’s guys! Maybe jest tryin’ ta be like youh muddah?" Molly stood there for a second before running at Bitter, fists prepared. Bitter, happy at getting what she wanted, was ready for the assailant. She dodged Molly’s first attempt but wasn’t as lucky the second time when Molly’s fist connected hard with her cheek. Bitter stumbled backward, surprised by the force of the blow. Molly started forward to hit her again but was pulled back by a pair of strong arms encircling her waist. "Let GO!" she commanded. "I don’t think so," a masculine voice came from behind her. "I ain’t gunna be da one ta tell Conlon dat his goil was killed an’ I coulda prevented it." "JB let go! I ain’t gunna kill her," Molly told him. JB released her slowly. "You okay?’ he asked her. "Yeah, fine…a course I ain’t da one dat got hit," Molly pointed out. "’You will be soon," Bitter said threateningly. "No fighting!" a strict voice came from the bar. Jimmy stormed up and stood between the two quarreling girls. "I will not permit fightin’ in me bar!" "Look…Jimmy…it ain’t Molly’s fault," JB started. "Dat is enough, young man. You may go stand ovah der while I talk ta Molly. You goils all better go home. I ain’t gunna have dis shit in me bar," he told them. The girls all mumbled apologies and left, with Oscar following them. "Jimmy, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean foh dat ta happen…" Molly started. Jimmy held up his hand. "I saw what happened. I know it wasn’t youh fault. If I were you I woulda hit her too. But, dat don’t mean fightin’ is permitted heah. Look, I ain’t firein’ you…but how ‘bout you come back in a few days, all right? Jest get youh life in ordah an’ den der will be a job waitin’ foh you heah..in a week lets say," he told her. "But…no I can handle…" Molly started, but seeing she wasn’t going to get anywhere by arguing said, "All right. If you think dat is best." "I do. Stop by durin’ da week an’ all. I worry ‘bout you," he told her. Molly laughed. "Youh amazin’…you run dis bar an’ everythin’ an’ still have time ta be a faddah ta all a us," she told him. "Well, Mike…he don’t let me be his faddah so much anymoah. He’s gettin’ too old…but you…you are definitely in need a some parental influences in youh life. Jest know dat if you evah need someone ta talk ‘bout anythin’ wid I’se heah," he told her. Molly smiled. "Thanks…dat means a lot," she told him. "Shoah…now you bettah hurry up. JB looks awfully lonely ovah der," Jimmy said. "Have fun wid dis week." "All right…bye Jimmy," Molly said, walking over to JB. "What’s goin’ on?" JB asked. "Well…I jest lost me job foh a week," Molly told him as they walked out the door. "Are you serious?" JB asked. "It’s fair…I mean I did jest punch a customah," Molly told him. "So, would you mind tryin’ ta teach me ta be a newsie again? I gotta have some sort a job if I’se gunna be stayin’ in me apartment." "Shoah…I’ll do dat…but you gotta tell me some stuff," JB told her. "What kinda stuff?" Molly asked. "’Bout befoah you came heah. Everyone seems ta know moah ‘bout you den I do," he told her. "It ain’t a contest ta see who can know da most ‘bout me," Molly told him. "I know dat. It’s jest…I can see how much it hoits you an’ I want ta be able ta help you wid dat. I don’t like seein’ you hurtin’ anytime someone brings up da past," he told her. "Well…I guess it would be nice ta be able ta tell someone ‘bout it…I’se jest worried," Molly admitted. "Worried? ‘Bout what?" JB questioned. "Dat you won’t like me anymoah…" Molly confessed. "Der’s some pretty bad stuff in me past." "Der can’t be nothin’ so bad ta make me not like you anymoah," JB assured her. Molly looked into his brown eyes and found he was completely sincere. "All right…c’mon," she said. "Wheah are we goin’?" he asked. "We’ll go back ta me apartment…da oddah goils won't be der foh a couple moah hours since dey’s at work an’ it’ll be moah private den anyplace else. I don’t want a lotta people knowin’ dis," she told him. "All right, sounds good ta me," JB said, walking with her to her apartment. ~~~~~~**********~~~~~~~ "Make youhself comfohtable," Molly told JB once they were in the apartment. "Can I get you anythin’?" "Nah, I’m good," JB assured her, sitting down. "Dat’s good." "So…are you gunna tell me?" "Yeah, jest tryin’ ta figuah out wheah ta start," Molly answered. JB gave her a warm smile. "At da very beginnin’ a course. I got all night." "Okay…well you asked foh it. See…da reason dat what Bittah said hurt so much is ‘cause it’s true. Everythin’ dat she said was true." JB nodded, waiting for her to elaborate more. "It wasn’t as bad as she made it sound…well not at foist. See, me muddah fell in love wid dis guy an’ dey were happy tageddah. But, den, aftah she told him dat dey were gunna have me he said he couldn’t take da responsibility an’ jest left. He even left da city he wanted ta be away from us so much," she told him, remaining unemotional. "So, aftah dat me muddah had no wheah ta turn. Her parents disowned her an’ der wasn’t anyone else ta go ta. Foh awhile she woiked as a mid an’ did whatevah odd job she could. When I started ta get oldah, doh, she couldn’t make ‘nough money like dat so she did what Bittah said, became a whore at a bar. (Has anyone ever seen Les Miserables? I just noted that it seems a little similar to that…but it didn’t start out like that…oh well..**shrugs**) But, da thing dat makes me feel da worst, is dat she did it foh me. An’ even doh she cried herself ta sleep every night she nevah once complained bout it." Molly paused, unsure if she wanted to continue. JB, taking that as the end of her story, pulled her into a hug. "An you though dat I wouldn’t like you jest ‘cause a dat? It ain’t youh fault." "Now…da part you might not like me so much aftah is still comin’ up." "Oh," JB said, settling back into the couch. "Den continue." "All right. Well, when I got ta be twelve I decided ta leave ‘cause I figuahed she had done so much foh me dat it was time I gave her somethin’ back. So, I stayed on da streets foh awhile, maybe a couple a months, befoah I met dis guy." "Spot?" JB asked. "Nah, Spot didn't come ‘round foh a couple a yeahs. So, dis othah guy, he noticed dat I wasn’t goin’ so good an’ offahed ta help me out a little. So, a course, I started hangin’ round wid him an’ his two friends. Dey taught me a little ‘bout stealin’ but mosta all dey taught me ta defend meself. Things were pretty great foh awhile. I had a guy an’ a family. We took care a each othah, you know?" JB nodded, wondering where this was leading. "Well, good things don’t last fohevah ‘cause aftah ‘bout a yeah a bein’ wid dem I started hearin’ whispahin’ ‘round Brooklyn ‘bout dem bein’ real bad news. I figuahed dat dey jest meant ‘cause dey live on da street an’ everythin, you know? Like, pick pocketin’ an’ fightin’ an’ stuff. Well, suddenly da guys started goin’ out an’ insistin’ I don’t go along an’ I think it’s a little fishy, so I follow dem one night an’ I see dem beat up dis guy, prolly in his late twenties I’d say, an’ dey keep tellin’ him ta give Charlie his money an’ I didn’t know who Charlie was soo…" "Charlie? Da bookie from Sheeps Head Bay?" JB interrupted. "Dey got involved wid him?" Molly nodded. "Dat night when dey got back I asked dem who Charlie was an’ told dem dat I followed dem. Dey weren’t very happy ‘bout it an’ told me ta stay outta der business. Dey said dat I shouldn’t bothah meself ‘bout it an’ dat dey had ta do it. I didn’t say anythin’ ‘bout it foh awhile aftah dat…mostly ‘cause I liked bein’ wid dem an’ was scared dey would jest tell me ta get lost if I kept naggin’ dem. Den, aftah a couple more months, a guy was moidered. Da guys have me an alibi ta tell da bulls an’ I did but I realized things had jest gone too far. So, I told dem I was leavin’, packed up me stuff an’ went ta leave. Dey didn’t want me ta leave, doh, an’ said dat I shouldn’t nevah try it again. Den, I was actually scared foh meself an’ knew dat I had ta get outta der so when dey went out da next night I took a small bag an’ left an’ dat night I amazingly ran inta Spot Conlon. An’ a course I had heard a him, everyone had. So, I figuahed I’d be safe wid him an’ flirted a little. He took me back ta da Lodgin’ House an’… ~~~~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~~ -----During this Time----- "What happened ta you?" Spot asked Bitter when she entered the bunk room. "Youh liddle goil friend hit her," Wish informed him. "What? Molly hit you?" Spot asked, confused. "Yeah, she did," Bitter answered. "What happened?" Spot questioned, still trying to get things straight. "We walked inta Jimmy’s an’ saw her flirtin’ wid Oscah an’ asked her why. Den, Bittah was talking’ ta her, an’ she hauled off an’ hit her," Wish told him. "Dat ain’t how it happened," Oscar said. "Foist, Molly an’ I were jest talkin’. An’ second Molly only hit Bittah aftah Bittah kept callin’ her muddah a whore." Spot glared at Bitter. "Is dat true?" "Yeah, it is…Who cares? I was tellin’ da truth," Bitter defended. "I can’t believe dis! How did you even know ‘bout dat?" Spot asked. "I heard da othah goils talkin’ ‘bout it," Bitter confessed. "An’ she hit you? Maybe she hasn’t changed dat much aftah all," he commented. "Well, I’ll be back latah." "Wheah are you goin’?" Bitter asked. "Ta talk ta her a course," Spot said, putting his slingshot and cane into place. "Figuahs. I’se da one dat’s hoit an’ youh gunna talk ta her." Spot abruptly pulled Bitter into a kiss, which she instinctively returned. "See, youh fine," Spot said, smirking. "Dat wasn’t fair!" Bitter protested. "I promise dat we’ll talk when I get back," Spot told her. "All right," Bitter reluctantly agreed. "Jest don’t be theah long. At least I know dat you got JB as a chaperone." "I’ll see you latah," Spot said, leaving. ~~~~~********~~~~~~ ----Back to JB and Molly---- ….an’…well…dat ain’t important. Aftah dat Spot kept me around foh awhile as his goil an’ I finally was almost completely happy." "Almost?" JB asked. "Well…I sorta knew dat…" Molly started. She was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Wondah who dat is," she said, getting up and opening the door. "Oh…it’s you." "Yeah, can I come in?" the visitor asked. "No. What da hell are you doin’ heah? An’ what da hell are you doin’ tellin’ Bittah ‘bout me life?" Molly asked, blocking his entrance. "I didn’t tell her," Spot informed her. "She ovah heard da goils at da House talkin’ ‘bout it." Molly thought about it for a moment. "Well…okay…but…What ‘bout tellin’ her dat I made a pass at you?" "You desoived dat one. Youh da one dat told her we were kissin’! Do you know how long it took ta calm her down aftah dat?" Molly laughed. "I guess I did desoive it. C’mon in. Whadja want anyway?" "I came ta check on you when Bittah told me what happened," Spot told her, walking in. "Hey JB." "Hey," JB said, not looking all that pleased with the interruption. "Well, I’m fine," Molly told him. "I was jest explainin’ ta JB a little ‘bout meself. Figuahed he should know what he’s gettin’ himself inta." "Yeah…so, you want me ta leave?" Spot asked. "We can talk some othah time." Molly started laughing. "An’ you say dat I’se da one dat changed. Look at you! Bein’ all nice an’ considahate. Da Spot dat I knew woulda jest sat down an’ commanded me ta continue." "Well, I saw Bittah’s face an’ don’t want a shinah ta match hers," Spot joked. Molly winced a little at the mention of her lapse in patience. "She okay?" "Bittah? She’s had much worse den dat. Prolly more angry dat you came out widout a scratch den hurt." "Dat’s good…I guess…" JB cleared his throat. "Not ta seem impatient…but I am," he said, eager to hear the rest of Molly’s history. "So…am I stayin’?" Spot asked. "Yeah, I guess dat you desoive ta heah it too," Molly said. "So wheah was I?" "Tellin’ why you were almost perfectly happy wid Spot," JB prompted. "Wow…I got good timin’," Spot commented, taking a seat. "Oh…well I felt bad ‘cause I knew dat I was jest usin’ Spot," Molly confessed. "Glad you can admit it," Spot said. "Yeah, fine, I admit it. I wanted safety an’ you gave it ta me. So, anyway, Spot an’ I were tageddah foh ‘bout two weeks or so befoah he noticed dat I wasn’t really happy an’ insisted on hearin’ why. I fought him on it but he won an’ I told him me past. He figuahed dat I was only usin’ him foh protection an’ broke it off wid me." "You broke up wid her jest ‘cause she wanted you ta protect her?" JB asked, a little angry. "No, it wasn’t like dat," Molly assured him, quickly. "Dat’s how I took it too at foist but now I see dat it wasn’t. An’ he did offah ta stay me friend an’ said I could stay at da Lodgin’ House as a newsie. But I was angry at him an’ took it as a betrayal so I packed up me stuff an’ left. Spot tried ta stop me…but didn’t do such a good job," Molly said, smirking. "Hey, give me a break! You had da advantage. I wasn’t willing ta hit you," Spot protested. "Shoah, shoah," Molly joked. "I gave him a pretty nice shinah," she told JB, laughing. JB burst out laughing. "Dat is da greatest thing I’se evah heard!" Spot glared at both of them. "Jest keep goin’ wid youh story," he told Molly. Molly laughed. "All right, all right. So, da goils from da House an’ me stayed friends an’ dey set me up wid dis group a goils. Not really a gang…jest ‘bout ten goils dat watched out foh each othah an’ stuff…like a family. So, I stayed wid da group foh ‘bout a yeah an’ a half an’ everythin’ was great. But…den…we got a new leadah aftah da oddah one moved on…set on findin’ a bettah life. Da new leadah…she wasn’t like da rest a us…an’ she made it inta a gang I guess. We started havin’ territory fights an’ stuff. I guess I jest didn’t realize what was happenin’…she did it real subtle. Me an’ da new leadah got ta be pretty good friends ‘cause I was a pretty good fightah by dat time an’ told her ‘bout me days wid da boys an’ wid you, Spot. I didn’t so much like da violence an’ befoah every fight I would sweah it was me last but she kept talkin’ me inta anothah an’ anothah. Finally, ‘bout a month a go, she talked me tina our last…" Molly stopped abruptly, and tears began to form in her eyes. She found it harder to form words. JB and Spot both started toward her to comfort her, glaring at each other the entire way. Molly held up her hand, making it clear she didn’t want either of them to come any closer. Molly took a deep breath and wiped her eyes off. "A goil…she pulled a knife on Sam…Samantha…befoah I could do anythin’ sh..she stabbed her in da back. I jest lost it aftah dat. I ran at da goil an’ somehow got da knife away from her. I didn’t use it on her, doh. I thought dat was too good foh her. I…I…I jest can’t remembah everythin’. It was too much of a blur. I can remembah hittin’ her…ovah an’ ovah…an’ when I got off her she wasn’t movin’ anymoah an’ der was blood everywheah. She wasn’t dead doh…I sweah she was still breathin’. I took a look ‘round an’ ran. I ran as far an’ fast as I could an’ didn’t look back. A couple weeks aftah I heard dat da goil died an’ I promised meself dat I was gunna get off da streets…you know get a job an’ nevah fight anyone again…But den…when Bittah was talkin’ ‘bout me muddah…I jest couldn’t stop meself anymoah. I’m really glad dat you were der JB…real glad…" JB let out a long slow breath. "Dat is some story I gotta say," JB commented, still trying to digest it. Spot stayed silent for a moment just staring at her. Finally, he said, " I’m glad you told me. I’m sorry ‘bout what happened." "It ain’t youh fault. Ain’t anyone’s fault but mine. But, I can live wid it…da question is…can you?" she asked JB. JB stared for a couple minutes, overwhelmed. Then, he seemed to snap out of it and jumped up to hug her. "A course I can. I can handle anythin’ ta be wid you. I’se jest sorry dat you had ta go though all dat." Molly pulled away. "Youh serious? You can live wid dat? I don’t want you ta pretend dat you can now only ta realize you cant a while down da road when I’se moah attached den I already am," she warned him. JB looked her straight in the eye. "I am fine wid it. I know dat youh a good person an’ didn’t mean ta do it." "No, you don’t undahstand. I did…I’m sorry foh it now…but I did mean ta do it. I ran at her wantin’ ta hurt her as bad as she hurt me an’…an’ I did…an’ it jest didn’t make me feel any bettah. I wanted it ta take da pain away!" JB pulled her back into the hug. "Listen, it’ll be all right. I ain’t gunna let anyone hurt you anymoah…not evah." Molly burst into the tears that she had been holding in for her entire life. Spot observed this all, quietly. Dey’s really in love…JB really cares ‘bout her he thought to himself. I’se glad dey have each othah, he decided, slipping out the door silently. Part 3 Part 3 |