Spot walked back into the Lodging House quietly, not wanting to wake the sleeping inhabitants. He wasn’t surprised at all to find Bitter awake and waiting for him on his bunk. Bitter opened her mouth to protest the late hour of Spot’s return but Spot put a hang over her mouth, pointing at the door to the hall. Bitter nodded and left the bunk room with him. Once out in the hall Bitter whispered, "Wheah have you been?" Spot ignored the question to ask one of his own. "You wanna go foh a walk?" Bitter looked confused. "No, I don’t wanna go foh a walk. I want to know wheah you’ve been!" she persisted. "C’mon," Spot commanded softly, taking her hand and leading her outside. Bitter allowed herself to be pulled outside though still angry and befuddled. "What da hell is wrong wid you taday?" she questioned. "Nothin’. An’ ta answer youh question I was at Molly’s an’ den left an’ jest walked ‘round foh awile." "What were you doin’ walkin’?" Bitter asked. "Thinkin’ ‘bout stuff." "What kinda stuff?" "Hey, Bittah?" Spot asked, ignoring her question. "Huh?" "You know dat I really like you, right?" "Shoah, Spot…I uh…really like you too. Wheah da hell is dis comin’ from?" "I jest wanted you ta know…do I need a reason?" "Now, it’s jest odd. Is dat why you wanted ta take a walk?" "No, it isn’t," Spot admitted. "I was listenin’ ta Molly tellin’ her story an’ I realized dat I don’t really know dat much ‘bout you…" Bitter glared at him immediately. "Don’t ask, Spot. It’ll jest start a fight." "Why can’t you jest trust me enough ta tell me? You think I’m gunna be shocked or somethin’? ‘Cuase I can promise you whatevah you’se got ta say it can’t be worse den anythin’ dat I’se heard befoah." "I’m goin’ back ta da Lodgin’ House," Bitter informed him, turning around. "Damnit, Bittah! Why do you gotta run from everythin’! You ran from youh past an’ now from me. I ain’t gunna have dis turn out like wid Molly!" Bitter whipped around at the mention of Molly’s name. "Youh always tellin’ me ta talk ‘bout my past. How come you nevah do, den?" "Whadja wanna know?" "Foh stahtahs, ‘bout Molly. What exactly happened dat has you all worked up right now ‘bout dis?" "You wanna know da truth?" "A course I wanna know da truth. Why else would I ask you?" "C’mere den, I’ll tell you," Spot promised, sitting down on the pier and letting his legs dangle off the side. Bitter complied and sat beside him, waiting to hear the story. "Well, when I met Molly it shoah as hell wasn’t like meetin’ you," Spot started. "She didn’t insult you den kick youh ass multiple times, you mean?" Bitter asked wryly. "Well, othah den dat. She jest made me feel real important ‘cause she acted like she needed me. You’ve nevah done dat…needed me I mean. Well, I took her home an’ I guess I sorta made a pet outta her. She’d always be at me side an’ everythin’." "Dat don’t seem like dat Molly dat I’ve come ta know an’…er...uh…know." "Well, when she wants somethin’ she can be real convincin’. Aftah a couple weeks I woke up in da middle a da night an’ saw her cryin’. Not cryin’ really…jest teahs on her face. She insisted it was nothin’ but I wasn’t dat stupid. I watched her foh a couple a days an’ realized how unhappy she was. Whenevah she thought no one was watchin’ she’d let down her guard." "Ouch. Dat’s gotta take down youh ego…a goil cryin’ cause she was wid you," Bitter joked. Spot didn’t seem to take it as a joke. "Yeah, it hurt all right. So, of course I asked her ‘bout what was wrong an’ she just told me der was a lot I didn’t undahstand ‘bout her past an stuff. So, I made her tell me her past." "Ya should nevah do dat…" Bitter commented, smiling a little when she remembered how she had reacted when Spot had forced her to reveal parts of her own past. "No kiddin’. Well, she told me, but wasn’t happy ‘bout it. She was even less happy ‘bout it when I broke up wid her." Bitter looked horrified. "You broke up wid her ovah her past?!" she asked angrily. "Sorta, I guess. Wait…it ain’t like dat or anythin’," Spot claimed, noticing Bitter’s expression. "See, I found out dat she was really jest usin’ me foh protection from somethin’. So, I told her dat she could stay at da House an’ everythin’ jest not ‘wid’ me." "If she was jest lookin’ foh protection why didn’t she get wid Ace? Wasn’t he da leadah back a couple yeahs ago?" "Yeah, but she was thirteen or fouhteen an’ he was almost twenty by den," Spot pointed out. "Sides I like ta think she liked me a little." Bitter gave him a pat on the head. "I guess I’ll leave you ta youh delusions." "Thanks, youh so sweet," Spot joked back, but with an edge of hurt in his voice. Bitter observed Spot for a moment. "You really liked her, huh?" Spot directed his gaze at the water and thought about the question for a moment. "I loved her," he answered quietly. Bitter looked at him, shocked and angry. "Den why don’t you ask her to be youh goil?" she asked, getting up and running toward the Lodging House. Spot, confused by her reaction, sighed and ran after her. "Bittah!! BITTAH! WAIT UP!!" he yelled. "Got ta hell, Spot!" she yelled, running all the harder. Spot caught up with her just as she was opening the door to the Lodging House and slammed it shut before she could enter. "What da hell is wrong wid you?" he asked. "Nothin’ is wrong wid me except foh da fact dat I got a heartless idiot foh a boyfriend, but dat is easily cured," she told him before pushing him away from the door as hard as she could. "I don’t evah want ta talk ta ya again." Spot fell back onto the ground, scraping his hands when he landed. "At least I didn’t get a shinah ovah it," he thought getting up and walking into the bunk room. He noticed that for the first time since Bitter had come to Brooklyn she had climbed into her own bed and not his. ~~~~******~~~~~ After a few minutes Molly pulled away from JB and wiped her tears hurriedly. "I’m not usually liked dis," she assured him, giving a weak smile. "It’s all right," JB answered, wiping a stray tear off of her face with his thumb. "Yeah…well…uhh…thanks foh listenin," she said awkwardly. "Any time," JB promised her. Molly stood there, wishing with all her might that JB would look away from her. She was unaccustomed to being this vulnerable and his staring at her wasn’t helping the situation at all. "So...uh…" Molly started, trying to come up with something to say to break the awkward pause. She looked around the room for something to comment on. "Hey, when did Spot leave?" JB shrugged, not looking away from her. "Couldn’t tell you." Molly, getting tired of it finally just came out and said, "JB why do you keep starin’ at me like dat?" "I figuah it ain’t every day dat I’se gunna get you to open up like dat, might as well remembah dat vulnerable look da best dat I can." "Well, youh right ‘bout dat. I don’t like da whole openin’ up thing…jest leads ta trouble," she told him. "Don’t you feel bettah ‘bout talkin’ ‘bout it?" JB asked. "Not really…I feel like more of a losah foh cryin’ doh," Molly admitted. JB rubbed her arm, comfortingly. "Trust me, youh anythin’ but a losah," he told her softly. Molly smiled at him and made the mistake of making eye contact with him at that moment. He stared back at her with his chocolate brown eyes and she found she couldn’t look away. JB, taking this as a good sign, moved closer to her and started to lower his lips to hers. Molly started to lean forward and was only centimeters away before realizing that this felt wrong. Molly abruptly pulled away and stepped a couple feet back. JB looked at her, confused and hurt. "What’s wrong?" "Nothin’…I jest…I dunno somethin’ jest doesn’t feel right. Dis is too fast foh me or somethin’," she answered, hoping he would understand even though she hadn’t. "How is dis too fast foh you? You were willin’ to jump in bed wid Conlon da foist day you met him an’ you didn’t even like him," JB pointed out, looking more hurt by the second. "Dat doesn’t have anythin’ ta do wid us, doh. Is dat what dis is supposed to be? Some kind of contest between you an’ Spot?" Molly asked upset. JB immediately regretted saying anything. "No…dat ain’t what I meant at all…look, I’m…" he started to apologize. Molly held up a hand to stop the coming apology. "Look, it doesn’t mattah. I can undahstand why you might be a little upset. It’s just…well every othah guy I have been wid I felt dat I had ta kiss an’...stuff…jest cause dat’s what was expected from me. But, I don’t want dat kinda relationship wid you. I want moah. I want you to actually care ‘bout me," she explained. Only afterwards realizing what a sap she sounded like and wishing that she had just stopped after saying that it didn’t matter. JB felt even more guilty after that. "Dat’s what I want, too. I don’t want to rush you into anythin’," he assured her. "I think…maybe…dat it’s time foh me to leave." "Dat might be a good idea," Molly said, walking over to the door and opening the door. "So, I’ll see ya tomorrah, right?" JB asked, looking a little unsure. "Yup, I’ll be der. Bright an’ early…a little moah bright an’ early than I like…but I’ll still be der," Molly assured him, smiling at his uncertain expression. This had been the first time a guy had actually worried about her and actually cared about what she wanted. JB flashed her a bright smile. "Great, see ya den," he said, looking like he was going to give her a hug but then thought better of it and just smiled again and walked out. Molly sighed and shut the door. That night she went to bed relieved and for the first time in her life had the feeling that her life was on-track. ~~~~~********~~~~~ Molly groaned and pulled herself out of bed. She sleepily pulled on the boy’s clothing that Cards and JB had allowed her to keep. "I don’t undahstand why anyone would want ta make a livin’ like dis," she thought practically stumbling down the street toward the Lodging House. "I shoulda told JB ta meet me at da Distrabution Centah," she thought as she walked up, hoping to avoid any confrontation. "You look…uhh…well horrible," Tunes commented when she saw her in the hall. "Thanks, youh so sweet," Molly said, glaring. "Definitely goin’ foh dat newsie look, huh?" "Yeah, somethin’ like dat. Have you seen JB? He’s supposed ta take me sellin’ dis mornin’," Molly asked, looking around to see if she could find him and get out of there as fast as possible. "Yeah, he’s in der talkin’ wid Cards," Tunes said pointing down the hall to one of the many doors. "Uhh…wheah?" Molly asked. Tunes rolled her eyes. "C’mon," she said, pulling Molly down the hall and toward a room. "So what happened last night, JB? She wouldn’t let ya kiss her," Card’s voice, carried out into the hall. Tunes looked at Molly oddly, not ever considering her the prude type. Molly’s brow furrowed and she brought a finger to her lips to signal Tunes she wanted to listen. Tunes nodded and backed against a wall so that it would be impossible to see her from the room Cards and JB were in. Molly followed her lead, wondering what JB said about her when she wasn’t around. "Yeah, said she wasn’t ready," JB answered Cards. "Dat’s crazy. Dat don’t seem like da same goil dat Spot talks ‘bout wid her not sellin’ papes while she was heah an’ everythin’." "Yeah, dat’s what I thought. Except, I made da mistake ‘bout askin’ ‘bout it an’ boy do I feel guilty. It ain’t her fault dat she’s nevah had a normal relationship. You should have her tell ya her past sometime," JB told him then whistled. "It’s a doozy." "It can’t be dat bad…look how collected she is an’ everythin’. Nevah really does anythin’ wid out thinkin," Cards pointed out. "You’d nevah believe it! Den she asked if our entire relationship was jest a competition wid Spot an’ I felt even worse ‘cause dat is what it seems like. Everythin’ I do wid her I can’t help but compare it ta what Spot woulda done and everything’." "You need ta let dat go, JB. Youh wid her now, not Spot. Obviously he did somethin’ wrong dat you do right…" I also feel bad, cause she asked me if I could handle it an’ I jest don’t know if I can," JB admitted. ] Molly drew in a sharp breath, unhappy that she had ever started listening. "Didja tell her dat?" Cards questioned. "Nah, I woulda felt bad jest thrownin’ anothah thing on her pile, ya know what I mean? When I started ta go aftah her I didn’t think it would come wid all dis. She jest seemed so tageddah, ya know. Ya would nevah guess da shit she’s done," JB answered. Molly felt like she was going to be sick. "I can’t listen to this anymore," she whispered to Tunes, running down the hall away from them, trying not to cry. Cards and JB’s conversation continued. "So, what’re you gunna do ‘bout it?" Cards questioned. "What can I do? I’se head ovah heels foh da goil. I jest don’t think dat I’se gunna be ‘nough foh her." "I’m shoah you’ll do okay," Cards assured him, exiting the room. "Is she comin’ today ta sell?" "Yup. We’se gunna spend da entire day tageddah," JB said, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice or off his face. Tunes, who had started to go down the hall but decided against it, stalked up to JB and punched him as hard as she could across the face. "You bum! You desoive ta…I dunno!" Tunes said getting ready to jump on him. Cards grabbed her from behind, looking completely bewildered. "What’s goin’ on?" he asked her. Tunes just glared at JB. "You are da most horrible person in da world. I’se jest happy Molly found out now befoah anythin’ moah happened." JB looked worried. "Whadja mean found out? Found out what?" "Everythin’ ya told Cards. What da fuck is wrong wid you?!" she asked, struggling to escape Card’s grasp. "Wheah is she?" JB asked. "Who cares as long as she’s away from you?" Tunes asked. "Damnit," JB swore, hurrying down the hall. ~~~~~******~~~~~ Molly ran down the hall for the door but someone grabbed her arm before she could escape the entire scene. She jumped back, scared, before noticing it was Spot. "What’re you doin’ heah?" Spot asked. "Well, I was gunna sell papes aftah youh goil got me fired foh a week but I…had some problems wid me sellin’ partnah," Molly explained. "Hey, what’s wrong wid you?" "Nothin’…what’s goin’ on wid you an’ JB?" Spot asked. "I jest hoid some stuff I wish I hadn’t…look I gotta get outta heah. I don’t really feel like talkin’ ta him so much," Molly informed him, starting to walk off again. "Well, do you got a partnah foh da day?" Spot inquired. "Nah, maybe I’ll jest skip," Molly answered. "Well, I don’t got a partnah eithah if youh lookin’ foh one," Spot offered. "Really? What ‘bout Bittah?" "Well…it’s kinda a long story…" "Den save it an’ lets get outta heah. It’ll be nice ta be able ta be meself foh a day anyway," Molly said, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the lodging house just as JB rounded the corner. ~~~~~~******~~~~ Once Molly and Spot had gotten their papers they went about selling them. It was nice for them both to have something to think about other than their personal lives. Around noon they had sold all their papers and sat on the docks talking. "Well, dat was fun…" Molly said sarcastically, collapsing onto the dock, once again reminded why she never wanted to be a newsie. "Shoah, fun foh you. You weren’t da one dat sold all da papes," Spot pointed out, taking a seat next to her. "I coulda…I jest thought dat you needed a ego boost an’ dat sellin’ a hundred an’ thoity papes would help ya wid dat," Molly joked. "Yeah, I’m shoah dat’s it." "So, Spot…’bout dat long story you were goin’ ta tell me…" "Oh, yeah, dat…" "Yes, dat. I wanna know why you couldn’t sell wid Bittah taday." "If I tell you why me an’ Bittah are fightin’ den you gotta tell me why you an’ JB are," Spot bargained. "Deal." "All right. Well, last night aftah I left youh place an’ was thinkin’ dat I don’t know anythin’ ‘bout Bittah…" "So you, bein’ da nosey boy dat you are, prolly ran up ta her an’ demanded ta heah her past, huh?" "Not demanded…asked!" Spot claimed. "Same thing…well, musta gone bettah den when you asked me cause I don’t see a shinah." "Well, she wanted ta know somethings ‘bout my past befoah she would tell me." "What kinda things?" "’Bout you an’ me mostly." "Whadja say?" "Why would you care? You were der when it was happenin’," Spot pointed out. "I know dat…I jest was wonderin’ if you tell things different den I do.." "I dunno I jest told her how you stayed foh a couple a weeks den got mad an’ left." "An’ she got mad ovah dat? She should be ecstatic dat I left…" Spot smirked. "I don’t think dat’s why she was mad." "Well den why?" Molly inquired. "Don’t take dis da wrong way ‘cause dis was a long time ago but…it was cause I said dat I loved ya I think." Molly burst out laughing. "You really do beat all. You told youh goil dat you loved anothah goil? I shoah hope dat you told her you didn’t love me anymoah den ya love her now…or at least somethin’ like dat." Spot looked uncomfortable. "Well…no…infact I haven’t told her dat I loved her since da foist time." Molly’s eyes widened. "You gotta be da stupidest guy I know." Spot glared. "Thanks. Dat’s real helpful…Well, I didn’t undahstand why she was mad at me so I asked her dis mornin’ an’ she told me dat she’s goin’ back ta Manhattan an’ can’t stand me and all dis stuff." "Wow…harsh. So, what’re you goin’ ta do?" Molly questioned. "What can I do? When she makes up her mind ta be mad at me den der is nothin’ dat I can do." "How have you got ovah youh othah fights?" "Well, da big fights all resohted wid me an’ her locked up in da wash room tageddah," Spot informed her. Molly burst out laughing. " Dat is great…sooo go lock youhself in da wash room wid her!" "Are you kiddin’ me? She’d kill me…not ta mention I’m not da one dat did anythin’ wrong. She’s jest ovahreactin’." "Spot, do you love her?" Molly asked. "I dunno," Spot answered, truthfully. "Well, maybe you should figuah dat out. In da mean time…wanna go foh a drink or somethin’? It’s hot out heah," Molly suggested, standing up. Spot grabbed her hand and pulled her down next to him again. "I don’t think so…I think dat you got a story ta tell me." "Fine, fine…a deal’s a deal. JB an’ I are fightin’ ‘cause he’s a lyin’ jerk," Molly told him. "Happy? Let’s go." Spot glared. "You can do bettah den dat," he prompted. "What happened to you guys? Last night you were all in love an’ shit." "Yeah well it went down hill aftah you left I guess. He tried ta kiss me an’ I wouldn’t let him," Molly explained. "Why not?" "’Cause I didn’t want ta be kissed. I dunno why. An’ den he said everythin’ wid me past an’ everythin’ was all right but den I heard him an’ Cards talkin’ dis mornin’ an’ he told Cards dat he couldn’t handle it an’ he was jest stayin’ wid me ta be a nice guy an’ dat bein’ wid me is jest a competition wid you." "A competition wid me? How’s dat?" "Well, aftah I wouldn’t let him kiss me he got mad an’ pointed out dat you an’ me slept tageddah da first night I met ya an’ I asked him if it he was jest comepetin’ wid you an’ he said no but den admitted ta Cards dat it was," Molly explained, looking furious. "He said all a dat? ‘Bout da past an’ everythin?" Spot asked, looking angry. "Yeah, but he didn’t know dat I was listenin’," Molly admitted. "Dat lyin’ bum! I’ll take care a dis," Spot promised her, standing up. Molly rolled her eyes. "Spot, sit down. Youh not gunna go take care a anythin’. If I wanted him ta be soaked I woulda done it meself," she pointed out. "Well, what’re you gunna do ‘bout it?" "Nothin’. Well, I’m not gunna see him anymoah but what da hell am I supposed ta do?" "Der’s a lot you can do," Spot pointed out. "Look, it’s fine. I’ll get ovah it. I jest thought he was gunna be different but I guess not…" "Molly don’t…" Spot started. "Hey, can we go do somethin’ else? All dis talkin’ is jest depressin’ me," Molly told him. "Yeah, whadja wanna do?" Spot asked. "I dunno. I think dat you should go apologize to Bittah. It’d be nice ta see somethin’ work out." "You know I jest realized it’s a good thing you an’ Bittah aren’t friends," Spot said, starting to walk toward the Lodging House, although he had no plans on making up with Bitter. "Why’s dat?" Molly asked, walking beside him. "If you were den you’se guys would always be gangin’ up on me. Jest like her an’ Wish. Everyone gangs up on me!" Spot realized. Molly burst out laughing. "Poor Spot, nobody likes you." "Like you can talk? Dose goils are ‘bout ready ta hire a hit man foh you," Spot pointed out. "But da sad thing is der youh friends." "You know if you didn’t antagonize dem every chance you got you could be friends wid dem too," Spot told her. "Yeah, an’ wid friends like dem I wouldn’t have to bothah lookin’ foh enemies eithah. Kinda a two in one der." Spot laughed. "Hey, youh gunna take me advice an’ go apologize?" Molly asked, noticing the Lodging House in the distance. "Nah, jest thought we’d get outta da sun," Spot told her. "I ain’t exactly da apologizin’ type." "No kiddin’. If you’d jest apologize ta her you could avoid all da typical girlish drama." "All right, I’ll go in der an’ try if it’ll make you happy…I ain’t makin’ any promises doh," Spot told her. Molly smiled smugly. "It’s about time you started listenin’ to me." "Yeah, yeah, but if dis doesn’t work I’m blamin’ it all on you," Spot warned her. "Dat’s not fair. It isn’t MY fault dat you don’t know how to talk to goils," Molly pointed out. "All da same I’m blamin’ it on you." "Fine, shoah, if you don’t think you can do it an’ you need a scape goat dat’s jest fine!" Spot glared at her. "I can do it. C’mon let’s go inside." Molly and Spot entered the Lodging House to find a very perturbed JB and Bitter. "What’s goin’ on heah?" Bitter asked, fighting to control her temper. "Wow! Look at da time. I got dat…thing…in da place…dat isn’t heah," Molly stammered, backing out the door. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of this. JB, looking very hurt, started forward. "Look, Molly, we really gotta talk." Molly shook her head. "No, I think you’se done enough talkin’ foh taday." JB’s voice turned into a pleading one when he said, "Molly…please…" Molly was unable to control herself anymore. "Don’t. I don’t wanna heah it. I wanted da truth an’ I got it. End a story. I’ll deal wid dis an’ get ovah it. Its bettah findin’ out now den latah on. "Look, you don’t undahstand!" JB started. "Look, JB, why don’t ya leave her alone?" Spot intervened. "Well, dat didn’t take you long, Spot." Bitter observed. "Long to what?" "Get ovah me an’ pick up wid da goil you ‘love’." "You think dat is what’s happenin’?" Spot questioned. "Shoah what it looks like ta me. You couldn’t even wait ‘til I left foh Manhattan?" "Bittah, relax. Nothin’ happened. We jest sold papes," Molly interjected. Spot raised an eyebrow at her causing her to add, "Well, he sold papes an’ I sorta jest stood der." "Why don’t you sell wid youh own boyfriend an’ leave mine alone?" Bitter asked angrily. "Foist a all Spot an’ I are jest friends an’ prolly will be foh a long time an’ second I don’t have a boyfriend," Molly answered, careful not to look at JB when she said the second part since she didn’t want to see his reaction. JB had winced at her words. "What if I don’t think you should be friends?" Bitter challenged. "Tough shit. I don’t really give a fuck what you think. You know, you’re lucky I didn’t soak you last night for gettin’ me fired. Don’t push youh luck now." Bitter looked shocked. "You? Soak me? HA! Sorry, hun, but da one dat would get der ass kicked is you." "You think so?" Molly asked, taking a threatening step forward. "Cause if you wanna find out den keep talkin’." JB took a step forward, thinking he should do something. "Look, Molly, it ain’t worth it." Molly turned around and glared at him coldly. "You know, if I were you I really wouldn’t talk right now unless you want ta get in line for a soakin’. You’se had one comin’ since dis mornin’." JB thought about it and took a step back. He realized now wasn’t the best time to explain what had really happened and although he doubted she could or would beat him up he wasn’t positive that she wouldnt try. Molly sighed and turned back to Bitter. "Let’s jest fohget dis. I’m leavin’ now an’ youh goin’ back ta Manhattan. It’s pointless. "You’d like it if I went to Manhattan, wouldn’t you?" You could get wid Spot widout any interference." Bitter commented. "Yes, dat is exactly why I want you to leave. I has nothin’ ta do wid the fact da you are a complete bitch to me." Molly replied sarcastically. "Bittah, you don’t gotta take dis," Wish commented. It was from that comment that Bitter and Molly realized they had gathered quite an audience. "C’mon Bittah, you were one a da best fightahs in da Shadows." Molly stood there looking shocked. "Did you jest say da Shadows? From Chicago?" Bitter smirked. "So, you’e hoid a us. Glad ta heah it." Molly looked like she was going to throw up. "No…no! Dat can’t be!" Bitter looked confused. "Look, hun, it ain’t dat bad. I soak you and you heal." Molly looked completely panicked. She looked around at the seeming sea of faces, feeling trapped. With one more look at Bitter she turned around and ran out the door. JB and Spot both looked bewildered, knowing that Molly was not one to run from a fight. "I’ll go get her," JB assured them, starting out the door. Spot grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I think you’se done enough ta her foh one day. I’d leave her alone unless youh lookin’ ta get youh ass kicked." JB looked at Spot and noticed he was completely serious. "Fine. Someone should go aftah her, doh." "Yeah, yeah. I’m goin’," Spot assured him, taking the hint. "Figuahs you’d run aftah her," Bitter muttered. "Well, if me memory serves me right you told me dat you nevah wanted ta talk to me again," Spot pointed out. "So dat means dat you should go aftah Molly aftah a day of us breakin’ up?" "Did you jest say breakin’ up?" Spot questioned. "Uh...yeah…" Bitter told him. "All right, jest checking. I’ll see you all latah," Spot told everyone leaving. "Wait…Spot…" Bitter started but the door slammed behind him. Bitter watched the door for a few moments before running up the stairs and slamming the door to the bunk rooms. ~~~~~~*******~~~~~ "How’d you find me?" Molly asked as Spot sat next to her. "I dunno….didn’t you used ta come heah a lot befoah?" Spot asked. "Yeah, jest didn’t think you’d remembah it. So, why’re you heah?" "Well, you jest sorta uhh…looked pretty damn weird in der an’ I figuahed der had ta be a reason." "Can’t imagine Bittah was too happy dat you ran aftah me," Molly commented. "Well, it doesn’t really mattah since she broke up wid me." "Broke up? I thought you guys were jest havin’ a fight." "Me too, but den she jest told me we were broken up," Spot explained. "Ah well, I’ll get ovah it. So, wanna tell me why you ran? Don’t pretend it’s cause you were scared cause I know bettah den dat." Molly looked at him thoughtfully, then back to the water. "Remembah dat fight I told you ’bout?" she asked, softly. "Yeah," Spot replied. "It was wid da Shadows." Spot looked at her surprised. "So…den…did you know Bittah?" Molly shook her head. "As far as I know der wasn’t any goil dat went by dat name." Realization hit Spot and he said, "She wouldn’t a gone by dat name. I gave it ta her. Her real name was Melody Steffanson." Molly’s eyes widened. "Are you shoah?" "Yeah, so I take it you knew her." Molly stood up. "C’mon," she commanded. "Wheah are we goin’?" "Ta get really, REALLY drunk," she declared, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. "I’ll explain everythin’, den." Spot shrugged and followed her toward the nearest bar. ~~~~~~*******~~~~~~ After the two were seated at a small corner table with two glasses of cold beer Molly continued to explain her earlier actions. "Melody…she was best friends’ wid da goil I killed." "What? How do you know dat?" Spot questioned, shocked. "I got me sources too, you know. It wasn’t hard to figuah out, anyway. Da goil I killed was da leadah a der little pick-pocket gang. Bittah evidently was da second in commend an’ her best friend. I hoid dat she had left Chicago aftah da fight but nevah thought she’d end up in Brooklyn." "Dat’s a doozy," Spot admitted. Then he smirked realizing, "You goils are almost da exact same an’ still you’he completely diffohent. It’s amazin’." "Wish an’ Martini, dey were in da Shadows too, weren’t dey?" "Yep, dey were. Didja know dem too?" "Nah I jest figuahed dey were." "Well it’s not wondah dat dey hate ya," Spot pointed out. "Nah, dey can’t know it was me. I didn’t use me real name when I was in da gang. Nevah too bright ta do dat," Molly explained. "What name did ya use?" "Da goils called me Quipstah, ‘cause I was always jokin’ ‘round an’ makin’ sarcastic comments an’ stuff," Molly informed him. Spot looked even more stunned. "Youh Quipstah?" Molly smirked. "So, you’se hoid a me?" "Uh…yeah…I’se hoid some stuff," Spot admitted. "Like what?" "Fightin’ an’ youh…uh…activities wid guys..." Molly burst out laughing. "Dat would be what people would talk ‘bout." "So, den it’s prolly true?" "Depends what you hoid bout me fightin’ an’ activities wid guys. It’s prolly grossly exaggahated." Spot gave a relieved smile. "Okay, good." "But remembah all exaggahations gotta have some basis in truth…" Molly continued, trying not to laugh. Spot glared. "I nevah evah wanna heah ‘bout youh past. EVAH." Molly let out the laughter, unable to control it anymore. "You got a deal," she agreed, spitting on her hand and shaking it. Spot spit on his hand and shook her hand. Then, laughed and said, "You know, da foist day Bittah got ta da Lodgin’ House, you shoulda seen her face when people did dat to her. It was priceless." "Aahh, speakin’ a Bittah, you gotta promise me not ta tell her ‘bout what I told you. I don’t need her aftah me foh a real reason." "Why? I bet you could take her." Spot encouraged, still angry that Bitter had taken the fight so far. Molly smirked. "I don’t doubt it but I don’t especially like fightin’ anymoah an’ would prefer not ta have ta beat her senseless…although I would enjoy it immensely." "All right I won’t tell her," Spot agreed. "You don’t evah tell me ‘bout youh past…unless I ask a course…an’ I nevah tell Bittah ‘bout what you said." "Good. So, speakin’ a Bittah, what’re you gunna do ‘bout her?" "Fohget ‘bout her," Spot said, coldly. "Oh, come on Spottie, ya know ya don’t wanna do dat. Youh jest havin’ a little…uh…lovahs spat. You’ll both get ovah it once you calm down." "No, you don’t undahstand. We’se had our share a fights…an’ moah…but we’se nevah actually broken up wid each othah ovah dem. ‘Sides who are you ta tell me ta calm down? You didn’t even let JB explain about what he said," Spot pointed out. "I don’t wanna heah it. He said he couldn’t handle it…dat’s all der is to it," Molly said, taking a long drink of her beer. "I’m not gunna force him ta be wid me jest cause he wants ta be a nice guy." "I don’t think dat’s it. I think he really liked you…as much as it pains me ta say dat." "It doesn’t mattah. JB’s nevah gunna undahstand me anyway. He’s too used to normal people wid der normal problems an’ jest wouldn’t be able ta handle me. Foh Christ’s sake he gives me whatevah I want!" "Oh no…not dat…" Spot said sarcastically. "Someone who actually cares ‘bout you…what will we do?" Molly hit him and laughed. "You know what I mean. Like, let’s take you. If I wanted ta do somethin’ dat you know I’ll regret den you won't let me do it…as annoyin’ as dat is. JB’ll do anythin’ foh me when I ask him to. Its jest…it’s hard to explain…" "You’re jest used ta guys tellin’ you what ta do all the time an’ get bored when you don’t have a challenge," Spot summarized. "Exactly! JB was definitely not a challenge. I woulda gotten bored wid him soon anyway. Its jest bettah dat we don’t start anythin’, you know?" "Yeah, I get it. I nevah saw you wid him anyway," Spot admitted. "Oh yeah? Who do you see me wid den?" "No one," Spot told her. "No one? I’m jest supposed ta sit ‘round bein’ lonely?" "No…it’s jest dat I can’t see ya wid anyone but me," Spot told her, truthfully. Molly’s lips twitched for a few moments before she let out the laugh she had been trying to stifle. "I’m sorry…I know it’s not funny but Christ! We’se been broken up foh 2 yeahs AN’ were only tageddah foh two weeks AN’ things ended horribly between us," Molly explained, exasperated. "Not ta mention da fact dat you have…or had…a goil." "Hey, I didn’t say I couldn’t see myself with people othah den you I jest imagine you wid anyone but me," Spot explained. "Seriously, I don't think der’s anyone out der dat knows you as well as I do." Molly looked down for a moment. "No one alive at least…" Spot immediately regretted saying that. "Look…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to…" "No it’s fine. I’m jest bein’ ovah sensative," Molly quickly admitted. The two sat in awkward silence for awhile before Spot finally got up the courage to suggest, "Look, Molly, dis might jest be da beeh talkin’ but what if we gave it anothah shot?" Molly rolled her eyes. "Youh right it prolly is da beeh. Youh jest upset ‘bout Bitter." "Dat isn’t it. We already are great friends. It’s like havin’ a relationship but not gettin’ any a da perks," Spot protested. "Don’t look at me like dat ‘cause from da stories I’se heard you ain’t exactly da Virgin Mary." Molly smirked, knowing this was true. "Look, it’s not dat I don’t think youh cute an’ a great guy or whatevah cause I do…its jest…I dunno it doesn’t really seem right ta do dat wid friends, ya know?" "Why da hell not? We were tageddah…like dat…befoah we were friends," Spot reminded her. "But, Spot, we can’t be tageddah…like dat…we’d kill each othah. PLUS you still love Bittah whethah you’ll admit it or not." "Well den we won’t stay like dat. C’mon don’t you jest wanna go have fun?" Molly wavered, unsure. "But…I…it jest…" Spot rolled his eyes and leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. It took Molly a couple moments to respond but eventually she did. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to return the kiss. Spot pulled away with a cocky grin spread across his face. "See? It’s not like I’m askin’ you ta marry me or anythin’!" Molly laughed. "C’mon we’ll go back to my place an’ see what happens," Molly told him, with a mischeivous smile. Spot quickly threw some money down on the table for the drinks and followed her happily. ~~~~~~*******~~~~~~ "Hello? Is anyone heah?" Molly called out once in the apartment. Receiving no answer she assumed the girls were all at the bar. "Make yourhself at home. You want anythin’ ta drink or eat or anythin’?" "Nah I’m good," Spot assured her. "Dat’s good ‘cause we prolly don’t have anythin’ but watah in heah," Molly admitted smirking. Spot laughed. "So, should we continue from wheah we were at da bar?" Molly thought about it for a second. "Okay, I gotta make one rule, doh. We nevah tell anyone an’ dis is jest a one night thing. Den we go back ta jest bein’ friends." Spot looked at her oddly. "What?" "Dat’s two rules…" Spot pointed out. "Oh, so it is," Molly admitted, blushing. "Its YOUH fault I can’t count. Youh makin’ me nervous standin’ dat close." "Oh I’m makin’ you nervous standin’ heah? What happens if I do dis?" he questioned taking a step closer and bending down slightly so his face was right next to hers. "Umm…maybe moah nervous," Molly conceded. "I see," Spot whispered in her ear. "An’ what ‘bout dis?" he questioned again, before lowering his mouth to her neck and kissing it softly. Molly giggled. "Not so much makin’ me nervous as ticklin’ me," she told him, pushing him away. Spot laughed and grabbed her hand. "C’mon." "Wheah to?" "To youh room, a course," he informed her, walking toward a room. "Wait…which is youh room?" Molly smirked. "I was wonderin’ when you’d notice you didn’t know dat. It’s in heah," Molly revealed, walking into another room. Spot followed her in before she shut her door and locked it. ~~~~~********~~~~~ Molly woke up to a pounding on her bedroom door. "MOLLY GET YOUH ASS UP!" came a yell from the other side. She shot up to a sitting position after feeling someone’s arm around her. She looked over noticing a very amused looking Spot. "Moah drunk last night den you thought?" Spot asked her. Molly hit his arm. "You jest startled me. Shut up." "MOLLY I’M GUNNA TAKE DIS DOOH DOWN!" the voice came again. "Damn it I’m comin’!" Molly shouted, getting up and pulling a robe around her quickly. She unlocked the door and opened it slightly. "Whadja want Marissa?" she asked sleepily. "What time is it?" "It’s seven fuckin’ a clock in da mornin’ an youh boyfriend woke us up. He’s gotta talk to you," Marissa told her, glaring angrily. "What? My boyfriend? Oh my gawd JB is heah?" Molly asked, loudly, hoping Spot would hear her. "Yeah an’ he’s been knockin’ on dat damn door foh fifteen fuckin’ minutes! JB c’mon ovah!" Marissa yelled, stomping back to bed and slamming the door behind her. Molly pulled her robe closer and started to exit her room. JB walked over cautiously. "Look, befoah you say anythin’ I know you prolly don’t wanna talk ta me or anythin’ but I gotta explain some stuff. Can we please?" "KEEP IT DOWN!" yelled Alex, who had crashed on the couch. "Can we go in der?" JB whispered, pointing to her bedroom. "Uh…no. No we can’t," Molly said, sternly. I don’t wanna talk an’ if I was my bedroom would not be da place I would hold a discussion." "Molly, at least give me a chance to explain," JB said, walking into her room and pulling her with him. Spot, seeing them enter, threw the covers over his head, hoping to remain unnoticed. "Fine, talk," Molly allowed. "Look, what you heard me tellin’ Cards wasn’t really da truth. I was jest ovahwhelmed an’ needed someone ta talk to ‘bout it. You gotta admit dat some a da stuff you told me might take a little while ta digest." "JB let me explain somethin’ to you," Molly told him. "I don’t need you to stick ‘round jest ta be a nice guy or whatevah da hell youh doin’. I dunno you might really like me but da truth a da mattah is dat you’he too normal an’ I’m not normal enough." JB sighed and sat down on the bed, rubbing his eyes with his hands. "Molly, you don’t undahstand. I’m not tryin’ ta be a nice guy or anythin’ I really do like you an’ I thought dat you liked me too," he explained. He took his hands away from his eyes and placed them on the bed, leaning on them. Then, noticing that there was something other than sheets he figured it was a pillow or clothes and tried to push them away. By the time Molly noticed what he was doing it was too late. JB jumped up and pulled the covers up. "OH MY GOD!" JB yelled, when he discovered it was a man’s leg. JB threw a glare at Molly before marching to the head of the bed and pulling the covers back. "Hey JB! How’s it rollin’?" Spot asked, attempting to look innocent. "Get outta her bed," JB commanded him. Spot gave him an odd look. "Did you jest order me ta do somethin’? We might not be in da Lodgin’ House but..." "I SAID GET DA FUCK OUTTA HER BED!" JB roared. "Now boys…play nice…" Molly interjected, not knowing what to do. JB, giving up on Spot for a moment, turned to Molly. "So Bittah was right dis entire time. You were jest some whore aftah Spot?" "Dat’s not true," Molly protested. "I stood up foh you an’ went against me friends’ foh you!" JB told her. "JB, youh takin’ dis pretty hard. We haven’t been tageddah foh dat long," Molly pointed out. JB ignored this statement. "How long has dis been goin’ on?" he asked Molly. "We’re you fuckin’ othah guys da entire time we were tageddah or jest Spot?" Molly rolled her eyes. "Its jest been dis once. An’ we aren’t tageddah anymoah. I’m fairly shoah I made it cleah dat we weren’t befoah…but if I hadn’t let me now. WE AREN’T TAGEDDAH!" "So you waited an’ entire day befoah jumpin’ inta bed wid Spot when you wouldn’t even kiss me?" JB asked. "JB get ovah it," Spot said, now fully clothed. "You’he da one dat screwed up." "You son of a bitch!" JB stated before running at him as hard as he could and forcing him to the ground. Soon JB and Spot were wrestling on the ground, throwing punches whenever they could. "STOP IT!" Molly screamed. "STOP!!!" By this time everyone in the apartment had woken up and was gathering around the doorway to Molly’s room. Molly hurried forward and tried to pull the two boys apart but was unsuccessful being weaker than both. "STOP!" Molly yelled again, looking completely helpless. Alex and Nathan ran in when they realized that Molly couldn’t stop them. They both took a boy and pulled them to opposite sides of the room. "YOU BUM!" JB yelled. "I’M GUNNA KILL YOU!" "I’d like ta see you try," Spot spat at him. "You would, would you?" JB asked before struggling harder against Alex’s grip. Molly exasperated to the point of tears stepped in between them. "JB damn it just stop! It’s not like Spot forced himself on me!" "You whore. I’d soak ya if you weren’t a girl," JB stated. "Jest go, JB. Jest leave me alone," Molly ordered, with a slight pleading note in her voice. "No! I’m not goin’ til I get some fuckin’ answers," JB told her. "What do you want to know?" "Why? Why in da hell would you do dis when you’ve been fightin’ youh reputation as a whore since you’ve been heah?" "You know what? Why the hell not? Maybe its cause da guy dat I thought would be different wasn’t. Or maybe its cause Spot has been da only guy I could depend on me entire life an’ he’s nevah let me down. Or MAYBE it was ‘cause it seemed like a good idea at da time an’ it was fun. Take youh pick." JB stopped struggling against Alex. "Is dat really what you think? Dat I was gunna be diffohent an’ wasn’t?" "I don’t know…jest get out. Please, JB, jest leave," Molly told him, rubbing her face with her hands. "Fine," JB said, pulling his arms away from Alex and stomping out of the house, slamming the door hard behind him. Molly sighed and sat on her bed, already exhausted and it wasn’t even eight yet. She looked around and noticed everyone was still staring at her. "What?" she asked everyone. Katie stood glaring coldly at her for a minute before stomping off mumbling, "You bitch." "Katie…it’s not…" Molly started but there was a loud bang that Molly assumed was the door. The other girls watched her for a moment before shrugging and walking off. The guys gave her small smiles, hoping to be encouraging, before they walked off. "Well, so much foh no one knowing," Spot said, putting his arm around her and sitting next to her. "No kiddin’. You know dat JB’s gunna tell Bittah, dontcha?" Molly pointed out. "Yeah, da bum. He ain’t gunna be at da Lodgin’ House foh long aftah dat," Spot stated. "Youh gunna throw him out?" "Well, I don’t usually allow guys dat attack me an’ call me friends’ whores to stay," Spot informed her. "Well, you sorta deserved to be attacked an’ I was actin’ like a whore. It’s kinda mean ta throw him out ovah dis," Molly told him. "But, if dat’s what you want den go ahead." "You really think I should let him stay der?" Spot questioned, confused. "Oh, c’mon Spot. If you walked inta da Manhattan Lodgin’ House right now an’ found Bittah an’ Jack in bed tageddah you would do da same exact thing dat JB did." Spot thought it over for a moment. "I guess youh right…" "’Sides wouldn’t you a gotten a little angry if he didn’t do anythin’? I woulda been furious if he hadn’t cared." Molly pointed out. "Yeah, all right. He can stay," Spot agreed. "Now hurry up. We can talk latah but we really gotta get movin’ an’ start sellin’ papes." "Can’t we skip taday?" Molly inquired. "No. I gotta sell. An’ youh gunna sell wid me like a good...uh…friend." "Fine, fine, now leave so dat I can get dressed," Molly ordered. "What? We jest slept tageddah! Why would it mattah if I were heah when you were dressing?" "Because dat was a one night thing an’ startin’ dis mornin’ we’se back ta only bein’ friends again," Molly reminded him. "Now, OUT!" "All right, all right, I’m goin’." Spot said, departing and closing the door behind him. ~~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~ Part 4 |