Molly emerged from her room clothed in her newsie outfit.  "C’mon if we gotta do dis den lets go," Molly told Spot, not looking at all like she wanted to go and sell.

"All right," Spot agreed, walking out the door after nodding at everyone else in the main room.

Molly, afraid to even look at them, followed Spot closely. 

Once out on the street Molly said, "Spot can’t we jest skip taday?  Der prolly aren’t any newspapers anyway an’ we could jest take a break…"

"I’se Spot Conlon.  I can always get newspapers.  An’ I’m not gunna letcha sit ‘round an’ feel sorry foh youhself."

"I wasn’t plannin’ on it.  I was gunna go talk ta JB an’ convince him not ta tell Bittah an’ den I was gunna visit Jimmy," Molly informed him.  "I’m not really da sittin’ round an’ feelin’ sorry foh meself kinda goil…"

"How wouldja get JB not ta tell Bittah?  Did you completely miss him bein’ angry wid you?"

"Psh..he wasn’t angry, jest hurt.  But if you don’t want me to try den I won't…no skin off my back.  I was jest doin’ it ta be nice ta you," Molly pointed out.

"If you think you can den by all means try," Spot allowed, pointing down the street where JB and Cards were already selling newspapers.

"All right I will.  I’ll see you latah, I guess."

Spot nodded and continued on his way to get his newspapers.


Molly took a deep breath before walking closer to JB and Cards and saying, "Hey guys."

Cards looked at her in astonishment.  "So he’s hoid," Molly thought. 

"Uhh…hey Molly.  Look…you might not want ta…" Cards started.

"I know he’s mad.  Can you give us a minute?" she requested.

Cards glanced at JB and back to Molly before agreeing.  "Yeah, I’ll be ovah der."

"No, Cards you might as well stay.  I’m not gunna talk ta da cheap whore," JB told him.

Molly glared at JB.  "You know what, I just came over to explain things a little since I thought you at least deserved that but I guess this just proves once again that we nevah woulda worked out."

"What?  Because I don’t like da fact dat you jump in bed wid lots a guys?" JB questioned.

"No.  You’he jest too damn normal an’ always lookin’ ta be a good guy an’ you jest expect da everyone you meet is gunna be like dat," Molly replied.  "I know dat I have problems an’ don’t act like normal goils an’ I accept dat an’ am happy wid dat.  You jest couldn’t deal wid it ‘cause all you’ve met are normal people."

"So dat is what all dis is about.  You think I should be fine wid you jumpin’ in bed wid Spot an’ actin’ like a complete whore.  I’m sorry but I’m nevah gunna be fine wid dat," JB told her, angrily. 

"Dat’s fine.  I don’t expect you ta be.  We’re jest too diffohent foh anythin’ ta have happened between us.  You need a nice goil who you can spoil an’ who will hang on youh every word an’ dat you can…I dunno…take moonlit walks on da peer wid or somethin’.  I am definitely not dat goil…"

"Den why did you evah say you’d be me goil?" JB questioned.  "I haven’t changed since I asked you at all."

"Yeah, but I have.  I thought dat I could be dis othah person cause I was tryin’ ta get away from my past but I guess I can’t.  It’s jest too hard an’ why bothah…"

"I could help you…" JB offered quietly, thinking he was seeing a glimmer of softness behind her hard facade.

Molly sighed.  "JB I’m not lookin’ foh help.  Dat’s anothah thing.  You need a goil who’s dependent on you an’ I’m not dependent on anyone anymoah an’ I don’t evah plan to become dependent on anyone anytime soon."

"So, what? Basically youh tellin’ me you want ta get tageddah wid Spot, right?  Are you lookin’ foh me blessin’ or somethin?  Cause let me tell you…"

"Argh!! I’m not gunna get tageddah wid Spot an’ if I was I wouldn’t give a fuck about youh blessin’.  I jest wanted to explain a little why things didn’t work out foh me an’ thought I’d give a little variety ta da whole ‘It’s not you it’s me speech".  Lemme get down ta it, doh.  Foist, I am definitely not da person you think I am.  Second, things nevah woulda worked out between us.  Thoid, I’m hopin’ we can still be friends."

"How da hell am I supposed to know who you are when you’ve obviously been lyin’ ta me since I metcha!  An’ FRIENDS?  I’m tryin’ ta restrain meself from soakin’ you!"

Molly gave him an amused look.  "JB, you couldn’t soak me even if you wanted to."

JB clenched his fits, looking like he had to fight even harder to restrain from hitting her. 

"Sorry, not da point I know, jest statin’ a fact.  Anyway, I haven’t been lyin’ ta you from da beginnin’.  In fact I’ve been amazingly truthful.  You prolly know moah about me den anyone else…except foh maybe Spot.  Well, you know as much as Spot just don’t undahstand as well."

"You know what?  You yelled at me foh makin’ dis a contest between Spot an’ me but den you are always comparin’ us.  I’m not Conlon an’ I nevah will be," JB told her, angrily.

"I know dat…you whine way too much ta be Spot," Molly informed him.

JB was looking angrier by the moment.  "WHINE?"

Molly shrugged.  "Yeah, whine…nag…whatevah.  Oh no you caught me in bed wid anothah guy…big fuckin’ deal. We were broken up, we’d haven’t even been tageddah a week, an’ Spot an’ I were a one night thing."

"Is dis what you came ta talk ta me about?  Ta tell me I’m too normal an’ dat I whine an’ will nevah be as good as Spot?  ‘Cause I really don’t need ta heah it."

"Actually, no, I came ovah ta ask you a favah…things jest didn’t go exactly as planned."

"A FAVAH?!  Youh gunna ask ME a favah?!" JB inquired, incredulous."

"Yeah.  Can you not go spreadin’ ‘round dat Spot an’ I slept tageddah?  We nevah planned on anyone findin’ out."

JB looked at her, as if surprised at her gall.  Then, relenting, he assured her, "No one will heah ‘bout it except Bittah."

"Bittah? You especially can’t tell her!"

"She desoives ta know what kinda boyfriend she’s got an’ I’m goin’ ta Manhattan, anyway."

"Why’re you goin’ ta Manhattan, anyway?"

"It’s none a youh business but I’m gunna stay der.  It’s easiah ta stay at a Lodgin’ House wheah you already know people."

"Well, you know people heah…"

JB laughed at her.  "Spot isn’t gunna let me stay aftah dis mornin’."

"Yeah he is."

"You obviously don’t know him as well as you think you do if you think dat."

"Actually, I do…he told me dis mornin’ you could still stay der."

JB looked surprised at her.  "Did you talk him inta dat?"

"Well, I didn’t think it was right dat you would have ta get kicked outta youh house foh reactin’ how any normal person would when dey walked in ta dat situation."

"You nevah fail ta amaze me," JB informed her.

"Anyway, not da point.  You can’t tell Bittah."

"Yes, I can.  She’s got a right ta know all dis.  Why wouldn’t I tell her?"

"Der’s no point in tellin’ her.  It’ll only hurt her.  Nothin’ would change between her an’ Spot if you didn’t tell her.  She’d get ovah her little fight an’ dey’ll go back ta bein’ da somewhat dysfunctional couple an’ everythin’ will be great again."

"Why do you care so much?  Did Spot tell you to do dis?"

"Do I really seem like da person dat would be takin’ ordah from Spot?"

"Well, you didn’t really seem like a person dat would jump in bed wid him eithah…"

"If you won’t do it foh dat reason do it foh me."

"Yeah, dat’s a great argument.  Why would I do it foh you?"

"Foist a all cause when Bittah finds out about it she’ll try ta fight me an’ we both know dat I’ll prolly hurt her really bad an’ den feel bad ‘bout it latah…"

"What makes you think you could do dat?  Bittah’s a pretty good fightah."

"Well, if she’s dat good den I’ll end up hurt an’ still feel bad."

"You’d get what you desiove."

"JB da probability of me bein’ da worse of in da fight is slim ta none.  I’ve seen her fight befoah."

"Dat one time at da bar?  Dat was nothin’."

"Jest, trust me.."

JB snorted.  "Yeah, cause dat has worked out so well in da past."

Molly glared at him.  "Fine, get Bittah killed.  You’ll feel guility aftahwards doh."

JB rolled his eyes.  "You’he not as tough as you pretend to be."

"How da hell would you know?  Because you heard a small part a my past?" Molly asked angrily, tempted to tell him what she had revealed to Spot earlier but realized that it probably wouldn’t be the best idea.

"You mean der’s more bad stuff?" JB asked stunned.

"You have no idea.  Anyway, da second reason is ‘cause you still care about me an’ don’t wanna hurt me," Molly told him.

"What?  How do you figuah dat?  Revenge is seemin’ like a really great idea right now."

Molly scoffed.  "Now who is tryin’ ta act tough?  If you didn’t care ‘bout me den you wouldn’t a offohed ta help me, or be dis upset ovah me an’ Spot, or still be talkin’ ta me foh dat mattah."

"You don’t know dat.  I jest wanted a little closure."

"Is dat so?" Molly asked, walking closer.  "You don’t care about me at all an’ wouldn’t do me dis one little favor?"

"No.  I don’t owe you any favors aftah how you have been actin’," JB told her, looking worried at why she was coming closer.

"An’ you really don’t care about me at all?" Molly asked, standing even closer to him.

JB, a little flustered at her being this close, stammered, "M..Maybe a little…"

"Enough ta do me dis one favah?" Molly inquired.

JB could feel her breath on his neck and tried to remain strong.  "No…Bittah needs to know an’ I hope you do get beat up."

"You don’t mean dat," Molly assured him, pressing her lips against his softly.

JB, shocked at first, stood there without doing anything.  Then, after a few moments he began kissing her back.

After a short amount of time Molly pulled away, trying not to smirk.  "Are you shoah you cant do me dis one favah?"

JB still looked a little shocked.  "I uh…guess I could not tell her…at least foh awhile."

"JB youh da greatest!" Molly exclaimed, hugging him.

"Uh…thanks…" JB said, now confused how things had come from him being furious at her to doing favors for her.

"Well, now dat, dat is settled I gotta go.  I’m gunna visit Jimmy.  I’ll see you latah," Molly told him, walking off before he could say anything else.

Cards walked over from where he had been selling papers across the street. 

"What jest happened?" JB asked Cards.

Cards shrugged.  "Couldn’t tell you.  Dat goil is somethin’ else, doh."

"Dat she is…"


Molly strolled into the bar casually, planning on on a quick visit with Jimmy.  Her plan was foiled immediately when she noticed Katie, Jenny and Marissa glaring at her coldly from behind the bar.

"Bettah deal wid dis now," Molly thought walking over to them.  "Hey, you guys!" How’s youh day goin’?"

"You bitch!" Katie exclaimed.

Molly was slightly taken aback, not expecting Katie to be so blink.  "Excuse me?" she questioned.

"You hoid me!  You knew dat I liked Spot an’ you jumped inta bed wid him anyway.  Friends don’t do dat ta friends."

"Well, I’m sorry but one, Spot Conlon doesn’t even know youh alive.  Two, we nevah thought anyone would even find out ‘bout it an’ three we’se only known each othah foh a week.  It’s not like we’re best friends!" Molly explained.  She wondered if all people got hurt so easily or if it was just over dramatic people in Brooklyn.

"Dat’s it," Marissa decided.  "Pack youh stuff an’ get out a da apartment.  If we aren’t youh friends den we don’t gotta keep you der."

"You guys…" Jenny started, thinking that was kind of harsh.

"No, you know what?  Dat’s fine wid me.  At least I know of a certain Brooklyn leadah’s bed dat is always open ta me," Molly agreed, looking straight at Katie as she talked.

"Whore," Katie stated coldy.

Molly rolled her eyes at the comment.  "I’ve been hearin dat a lot lately," she thought.

"Do you know wheah Jimmy is?" Molly asked Jenny.

"In his office," Jenny responded neither rudely nor warmly.

"Thanks," Molly resonded before walking off, fully aware that Katie and Marissa were still glaring.

Molly knocked on the door post of Jimmy’s open office.

Jimmy looked up from his work.  "Molly!  Good ta see you!  C’mon in," he greeted, standin up as she entered.

"Thanks," Molly said, entereing the room.  "Good ta see you too"

"Take a seet," Jimmy offered, pointing out a chair.

"All right," Molly agreed.  "I jest stopped by so dat ya wouldn’t worry or whatevah."

"I appreciate it.  I was worried aftah JB came in heah lookin’ miserable last night.  Are you okay?"

"Oh…dat…well JB an’ I got inta a small fight…well a big one actually.  An’ we broke up."

"I see…so how’re you den?" Jimmy queried, not looking at all surprised.

"I’m doin’ pretty good actually.  Been havin’ moah fights dis week den I’se had in me entire life but I’m gettin’ through dem," Molly informed him, playing with a pen she had picked up off his desk.

"Why is dat do you think?" Jimmy prodded, very curious at how such a nice girl could manage to anger so many people.

"Prolly, cause I’m not tryin’ ta get dem ta like me.  I quit dat awhile ago," Molly revealed.  She felt she could be completely honest with him and likes that he was trying to be paternal.

"Whydja stop?" Jimmy interrogated.

"Der was no point in it.  I didn’t hafta get people ta like me ‘cuase dey had had all already heard a me an’ most a dem were scared so dey acted nice or liked what dey’d heard an’ wanted ta be me friend already.  All I had ta do was keep me rep."

"An no one’s hoid a ya here?"

"Well, dey’s hoid ‘bout me…jest dey hoid ‘bout da me from two yeahs ago not da currect me.  An’ da two are a lot diffohent but it’s good cause I’m tryin’ ta get rid a me old reputation ‘cuase I was tired a goin’ through me life fightin’."

"So, why dontcha staht tryin’ ta get people ta like you ‘gain?"

"I dunno…I jest feel so fake doin’ it.  I don’t wanna be ‘round peple dat don’t jest like me foh me."

"What ‘bout JB?  He liked you goh you," Jimmy pointed out.

Molly hadn’t explected this.  She thought about it for a moment.  "Yeah, youh right, he did."

"But still you aren’t tageddah," Jimmy stated.  "Do you know why?"

"’Cause I like him too," Molly admitted without hesitation.  Seeing Jimmy’s perplezed face she continued.   "I’d really be no good foh JB.  He was already fightin’ wid his friends ovah me an’ I jest got ta thinkin’ dat der was no way JB an’ I would last as a couple jest ‘cuase we’re really diffoahent an’ so I broke it off befoah I ruined his life moah."

"Isn’t it JB’s choice whethah you were ruinin’ his life or not?"

"No it isn’t.  I care enough ‘bout him ta know dat I had ta back off.  Even if I was ruinin’ his life he wouldn’t a admitted it ta me."

"You don’t seem ta care ‘bout gettin’ Spot inta fights wid his goil," Jimmy pointed out

"Well, if I was makin’ Spots life too hard you could bet dat he’d tell me.  ‘Sides Spot knows me too well foh me ta push him away again."

Jimmy poindered all the information he had just received before asking, "Why didja come back ta Brooklyn?"

"All me friends are heah an’ dis is home ta me.  Also…dis is wheah me life stahted ta get off track so I figuahed it’d be da place ta get back on track too."

"I see," Jimmy replied looking to be in deep thought.

"Dat’s it?  I tell ya all dis stuff an’ ya jest see? Shouldn’t ya give me some advice or somethin’?"

‘You don’t seem ta need a lot a advice.  You know why you do stuff an’ have youh reasons.  Whdja want me ta say?  Play nice wid da othah children?"

"Somethin’ along dose lines.  Or lecture me dat I need ta let moah people in me life ‘cuase I jest push people away ‘cause I’m scared dey won't like da real me."

Jimmy laughed.  "But why would I tell you all dis when you already know?"

Molly shrugged.  "I dunno."

Jimmy laughed again.  "You are a lot smahtah den you give youhself credit foh."

"Thanks," Molly replied.  "Dis isn’t how I saw dis visit goin’ at all.  I figuahed I’d say hi an’ show ya dat I’se alive an’ den split."

"I’m glad we had dis talk doh."

"Me too.  But, sadly, I gotta beat it.  I gotta find a place ta stay tanight."

Jimmy looked surprised.  "Already movin’ outta da apartment wid da goils?"

"Not quite.  Got thrown out," Molly corrected.

Jimmy qas quite curious to know why she had been evicted but seeing the look on Molly’s face he decided it better not to ask.   "So wheah are you gunna go?" Jimmy questioned.

Molly shrugged.  "I dunno…prolly back ta da Lodgin’ House."

"Is dat what you want?" Jimmy asked.

Molly shrugged again.  "Won’t mattah much.  I’ll have enough money soon ta get me own apartment.  A week or two can’t kill me."

Jimmy thought for a little while.  "Why don’t you come back ta work soonah.  Dat way you’ll be able ta get youh own place an’ privacy soonah."

"You mean it?" Quipster asked.

"Yep, on one condition.  You gotta work hardah ta make friends wid people.  I can’t have ya bein’ in fights all da time when ya work heah."

"All right," Molly agreed.  "You got a deal."

Jimmy extended his hand.  "Ya start work tanight den."

"I’ll be heah," Molly said, shaking his hand.  "Thanks a lot.  I won’t letcha down."

"I’ll see ya tanight den," Jimmy agreed, rising while she elft.

"See ya," Molly said before exiting.

Molly was just about to leave the bar when she noticed Bitter sitting at a table with a dark haired boy that she didn’t ecognize. 

"Hmm…interestin’," Molly thought, heading over to her.  "Heya Bittah," Molly greeted.

Bitter looked up quickly.  Then, seeing who it was, she rolled her eyes.  "Oh, it’s jest you," she stated distastefully.

"Yup, jest me.  I gotta talk ta ya," Molly told her.

"Who’s youh friend, Bittah?" the boy asked.

"She isn’t me friend.  Infact I’d go far enough ta say she’s moah me enemy," Bitter informed him.

"Tsk tsk.  Wheah are youh mannahs, Bittah?" Molly questioned.  She stuck out her hand to the boy.  "Me name’s Molly."

The boy glanced from Bitter to Molly before shaking Molly’s hand.  "Me name’s Soul."

"Good ta meetcha, Soul.  Are you a newsie too?"

"Yep, Brooklyn," Soul stated.

"Oh…dat’s interestin’."

"You know any Brooklyn newsies othah den Bittah?" Soul asked, interested.

Bitter rolled her eyes.  "Dis is da whore I’se been talkin’ ‘bout.  She’s ‘good friends’ wid Spot."

Soul’s face seemed to lose a little color when he heard this.  "Well…Bittah an’ I are jest sittin’ heah an’ talkin’.  We aren’t doin’ anythin’ else," he stammered, looking worried. 

Molly rolled her eyes.  "Like I care if youh bangin’ Conlon’s old goil."

Soul’s eyes widened at her bluntness but before he could reply Bitter broke in.  "Why did  come ovah heah if it wasn’t to gloat ovah how youh gunna tell Spot."

"I wanna call a truce," Molly told her.


"Jimmy’s gunna lemme start workin’ heah again but I gotta get a long wid everyone if I do an’ I figuahed if we called a truce da othahs would be civil too."

"Whad do I get?"

"I’ll act civil ta you, too.  Ya might find me a helpful ally.  An’ I won’t tell Spot ‘bout dis.  We both know dat Soul would get da soakin’ a his life if Spot found out."

Bitter thought it over.  "All right, tuce."

"Good, now ya gotta come find Spot wid me."

"What? Why?"

"Cause I gotta tell you somethin’ an’ I don’t want one a use ta end up dead."

Bitter looked shocked and worried.  She surprised Molly by agreeing.  "All right.  Dis bettah be good, doh."

"I doubt you’ll think it’s good but you’ll prolly wanna know."

"Fine.  He’s prolly back at da Lodgin’ House by now."

"Let’s go den.  Bye Sould."


"Bye Soul," Bitter said, kissing him quickly on the lips.

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