
She held onto the pole and tried to catch her breath, watching the scenery pass by her quickly.  She doubled over weak and out of breath trying to hold the tears in.  Well, ya made it Melody.  Yer on da way ta Manhattan an’ finally goin’ ta be safe.  Well, safer dan ya were wid dose pick pockets, at least. 
Once she had caught her breath a little more she slipped into one of the train cars and curled up between a few boxes, praying she wouldn’t be found.  She let the tears of releif and greif fall down her face and thought for the millionth time, How did I evah get meself inta dis mess?  I jest wish I’d stayed in dat damn church.  It woulda been bettah dan dis, by far.  At least I’se got away an’ I’ll get ta start ovah in Manhattan, it may not be dat far but it’ll do da trick.

Part One

Five Years Later

After half a decade on the streets, Melody was nothing like the person she had been before.  Once a warm, sensitive girl, she had become a cold and unfeeling child of the streets.  Begging, stealing, and starving had become part of her life.  She learned how to defend herself and how to take care of herself. Years ago, she had left her home too absorbed in her own misery to live, and found a life elsewhere. Today, she found herself still wondering where she went wrong.
Realizing she hadn’t had anything to eat in about a day and a half she  set out in search of some nourishment.  Eyeing a cart of bread, she slowly grabbed a sample and began to slip away, but she didn’t count on the owner being wary of such tricks.  Just as she thought she had gotten away, she heard him call out to the police.  That was her cue to disappear.  Melody took off down an alley, but didn’t know this part of the city and had no idea where to go.  Taking her chances, she slipped around the corner and weaved through a maze of carts and people, intent on finding someplace safe, but the police were hot after her.
Just when she was going to give up, she felt an arm go around her waist and pull her into an alley.  When she was going to scream, she felt a hand go over her mouth.  Not new to situations like this, she bit the hand that held her and elbowed her attacker in the stomach.  After Melody had finally struggled away, she got a look at her attacker.  He was laughing. 
"You’se a feisty one, ain’t ya?"  Her attacker said between laughs, his eye glinting in amusement, but a patch covered his other eye.
"What da hell do you want?"  Melody  was definitely not in the mood to be laughed at.
"I’se gonna see if you’se needed help gettin’ ‘way from them bulls, but –"
Melody cut him off,  "I could.  Let’s go."  She didn’t normally let her guard down this easily, but she needed his help and knew it.
Her attacker, grabbing her hand, led her into a building not far from the street.  Guiding her inside, he and the man behind the front desk exchanged a meaningful glance and the man mumbled, "Never saw ya, don’t know about ya, couldn’t stop ya."
Curiously glancing at the man talking to himself, Jami felt herself being led up steps, into a room.  After closing the door the boy with the patch turned to her,  "I’se guessin' you’se got sum questions."
"Who are ya?  Where am I?  Why did ya save – " Melody began to rant.
"Whoa!  One at a time!"  the boy exclaimed.
Blushing a little, she asked, "Who are ya?"
"Me name’s Blink.  Well dat’s what I’se called.  Whats yer name?"
"Oh, me name is Melody."  She said holding out her hand.  He spit in his and shook hers.
"Eew!  Why’d ya do dat?"  Melody asked, a little disgusted.
"Sorry, dat’s jest what we’se does ‘round here," Blink said.
"Where is here?" 
"Dis is the Newsboy’s Lodging House," Blink proudly stated, looking lovingly around the shabby room.
"Yer a Newsie?"
"Why did ya help me?  Even aftah I bit ya?"
"You’se looked kinda desperate ta git ‘way from them bulls, an’ I’se knows how dat feels." 
"Oh well, sorry ‘bout bitin’ ya an’ everythin’."
"I’se woulda done da same thing, ‘cept not," Blink said and chuckled. "I’se know I’se wouldn’t a trusted someone who grabbed me from behind."
"Well, thanks.  I bettah be goin’. I don’t want ta get ya in trouble."  Melody  said, walking towards the door.
But Blink got there first, "Nu uh, I’se ain’t lettin’ you’se out der just yet.  ‘Sides, I’se wants ya ta meet me friends.  They’se should be comin’ back any minute."  At his last statement he indicated to the setting sun outside.
"Are ys shoah dat it will be all right?"  Melody asked tentatively.
"A ‘course, but what should I’se introduce ya as.  Everyone heah has a nickname ‘cause it ain’t safe ta go around usin’ real names."
"Umm, I dunno know.  What kinda nicknames are der?"
"Well, like I’se said I’se Blink an' den der’s Cowboy, da leadah a da Manhattan newsies, Mush, Racetrack, Skittery, Sniper, Fish, Spot – "
Melody cut him off laughing, "Spot!"  She gasped.
"I’se wouldn’t laugh if I’se were you’se."  Blink said.
"C’mon, Spot?  What is he, a little puppy dog?"
"Not quite."  A voice came from the door.
Melody turned around to find a very handsome, but deadly looking boy in the doorway.  His eyes, beautiful though they were, were cold, and his face had no expression.  An air of authority hung around him as thick as fog.
Blink stuttered a bit, "Hey…she’s new…she didn’t know…uh…"
Melody looked at Blink, "What’s wrong wid ya?" she mouthed.
He mouthed back,  "Dat woulda be yer little puppy dog."
Her eyes widened a little, then she giggled and turned back to the figure in the doorway.
"Wow," she said, "Yer name doesn’t fit ya at all."
She studied him looking for a reaction, the only thing she found was a smirk. 
Boy is he intimidating.  Ya wanna take it down a notch.  But he is hot!  Not da time ta  think about dat.  But look at dat face, and da outfit, those pink suspenders are so workin’, Melody thought.
At the same time Blink was thinking, ‘Please don’t kill ‘er or anythin’.  Thank you God fer his rule ‘gainst hittin’ goils!’
Blink stammered, "Harmony, Ise’d like ya ta meet Spot, da leadah a Brooklyn."
Goodbye life as Melody, hello life as Harmony,  Harmony thought.
"It’s nice ta meet ya Spot."  Harmony said, holding out her hand.
Surprisingly enough, Spot didn’t shake it, he just stood there with a calculating look on his face.  When she was about to pull her hand back, he spit in his and shook it.
Why do they keep spittin’? It’s so gross!  Harmony internally shuttered.
Behind her, she could hear Blink exhale.
"What brings you’se ta dese parts, Spot?" Blink asked.
"Business,"  Spot simply stated.
"Well it’s good ta see ya."
"Jack heah?" Spot asked.
Before Blink had a chance to answer there was a banging of the front door and the sound of a stampede heading upstairs.  Believing it to be the police, Harmony  squeaked and jumped on one of the dozens of the bunk beds in the room, covering herself before the door opened.
Spot and Blink, both unperturbed by the noises downstairs looked at her oddly.  Well really, Blink looked at her oddly and Spot stared with his unchanged expression.
"Is dere somethin’ wrong wid dat goil?"  He asked Blink who just shrugged. 
The door swung open revealing a herd of tired, sweaty, but good-looking boys led by a boy with a bandanna around his throat.  When he glanced around the room his eyes settled on Spot.  He walked towards him with a blank expression, which suddenly erupted into a smile.  He spit in his hand and held it out to Spot who did the same. 
Harmony, who had been watching from under the cover, grimaced.  What is wid da exchange a saliva?!?
"How’s it goin’ wid you, Spot?"  the bandanna boy asked.
"Fine, Cowboy.  But before we’se talk business, you’se should knows dat Cyclops ovah der,"  Spot said indicating Blink who was now glaring at Spot, "brought sum goil ‘n heah and she is ‘n your bed.  Plus, she’se outta her mind."
Harmondy, realizing her cover was blown, squeaked in protest causing nearly everyone in the room to jump. 
Cowboy walked over to the bed in which she was hiding and lifted the cover. "Blink, it ain’t me birthday fer at least anuddah month." 
Everyone, except Spot and Blink, stared at her.  Noticing all the looks, she gave up any hope of escaping introductions and sat up. 
"Hey everyone,"  she  said weakly.
"Uh, hey, I’se Jack, Jack Kelly,"  stammered the boy who had uncovered her and been referred to as ‘Cowboy’.
All the other guys in the room seemed star-struck and had not yet recovered from their shock that there was a girl in their room.
Spot, looking disgusted, well not really, he still hadn’t really changed his expression, but you could tell he was disgusted.  "Ain’t none of you’se seen a goil befoah?"
"Course we has.  It’s jest, never ‘n me bed."
"Sure you’se hasn’t, Cowboy."  Said one of the boys nudging him in the side.
"Off me back Mush.  You knose I’se didn’ mean it dat way."
Blink offered Harmony his hand, "Why don’t you’se git out of dat bed an’ meet everybody."
"Fine, as long as nobody tries ta do dat spit thing ta me, again,"  Harmony commented, drawing a laugh from everyone, except Spot. 
Does dat guy evah change his expression?!?  she wondered.
Blink took over introductions. "Dat der is Mush, Race, Skittery, Sniper, Crutchy, Boots…" 
After a few names, Harmony’s eyes glossed over, she could never remember all the names.
"…and you’se already knows me, Jack, and – " Blink was cut off.
"- Spot, da little puppy dog."  Spot interrupted.
If there had been any sound in the room before, there was nothing now.  Everyone with half a brain could guess what had happened before they’d entered the room.  Spot, intimidating as ever, circled the new girl with the same expression he’d had since she’d first seen him.
"Spot – "  Jack started, but stopped when Spot turned a glare his way.  This boy was not one to be toyed with, obviously.
"You’se got somethin’ ta say, Cowboy?"
"Yeah, you’se scarin’ her, quit it."
"Spot, da little puppy dog – "
Blink burst in, "She didn’t knowse who’se you’se was!  It wasn’ her fault!"
Spot was a short boy, but obviously that didn’t make him a weak boy, when he slammed Blink into the wall with his hand to his throat.
"What has you’se been told ‘bout talkin’ when I’se is?  Huh?"  Spot said, dropping his hand from Blink’s throat leaving him to rub his neck while he turned back to Harmony.
"As I’se was sayin’.  Spot, da little puppy dog." A deep intake of breath was heard in the room from several boys. "I’se likes it."
Harmony, who had been expecting, well, anything but that, gasped.  When she looked up, she saw that he was smiling.  Smilin’?  He had actually changed expression? 
"What, you’se thinkin’ I couldn’ change expression?"  Spot asked, the amusement very obvious in his voice.
"Well, yeah," Harmony responded, knowing that was exactly what she had been thinking.
"Spot heah is a real great guy so long as ya don’t cross him.  Which I’se strongly suggests you’se don’t do,"  Blink warned, rubbing his throat.
"So, Harmony, tell us ‘bout yerself."  Spot said in a rather commanding tone.  "We’se likes ta know ‘a little ‘bouts people befoah trustin’ em."
"Well, I nevah asked ya ta trust me, did I?" she shot back, not ready to talk about her past.  "I nevah asked fer any of dis.  Thanks fer da help but I should go, now."  With a quick hug to Blink, Harmony  ran down the stairs and out the front, only vaguely aware of the shouts from upstairs.
After her mad dash, she left the guys befuddled.  Everyone except Blink (who had a dreamy look on his face ever since she hugged him) and Spot (who had instinctively reverted to his cold, expressionless form) had their jaws hanging.  After Jack had regained his senses he turned to the group.
"Boys, we’se all knows dat Manhattan ain’t safe, ‘specially aftah dark.  We’se gotta find ‘er, befoah she’se gets ‘n trouble."  After Jack spoke everyone but he and Spot scurried out of the room.
Turning to his long time friend, he commented, "Spot, der’s somethin’ seriously wrong wit’ dat goil."
"I’se told ya she’se crazy."  Spot replied.
"But der’s somethin’ else ‘bout ‘er.  She’s…different…"  Jack drifted off. 
"Yeah, I guess she is,"  Spot went along.
Jack finally snapped out of it, "So, Spot, whys was ya heah?"
"Well, Jacky-boy, I’se ‘n need of a little help,."  Spot said as if nearly choking the words.
Jack, understanding it was hard for Spot to ask for help, even from his best friend, just shook his head.  "What can I’se do fer ya?"
"Well, sees, things are getting’ rough ‘n Brooklyn an’ I’se needs ta git a few a me boys out.  Ya understand?" Spot asked.
"No problem, we’se got a couple a exter beds heah, but I’se don’t want any trouble from em."  It was a commonly known fact that Brooklyn Newsies were the roughest of them all and didn’t tolerate much before a fight would start.  It was also known that Spot was the only one any of them would listen to.  He may look like a little boy, but he was a skillful leader, fighter, and just about everything else.  He was a guy that everyone could look up to and fear. 
"Der won’t be.  If any of um tries anythin’ jest send em back, Ise’ll deal wid em,"  Spot said with a menacing look in his eyes, making Jack afraid to hand any one over to him, for any reason.
"Ok, whens dey comin’?"  Jack asked.
"Well, I’se was gonna stay heah da nite, an’ send em ovah da next day.  Ise’ll collect em when everythin’ is safe if dats alright wid you’se."  Spot said.
"No problem heah.  Hey, I’se think I’se jist heard da boys come ‘n,"  Jack stated referring to banging coming from downstairs. 
The boys burst into the room carrying an unconscious and beaten Harmony. 
Jack was furious, "What da hell did you’se do ta ‘er?"
"We’se didn’ ‘ave anythin’ ta do wit’ dis.  Honest!"  Blink said.
"What happened?"  Spot asked them as they laid her back on Jack’s bed where she had been hiding a little over an hour ago.
"Well….we’se don’ really know…"  Mush said, his voice getting quieter as he spoke.
"Hows can none of you’se guys know what happened?"  Jack let out an exasperated sigh.  "Who’se the one who’se found her?"
"That’d be me,"  Blink said.
"Alright, Cyclops," Spot said, "where’d ya find her?"
"Stop callin’ me dat!" Blink exclaimed.
"You’se wanna try ta tell me what ta do again?" Spot threatened.
Avoiding the subject, Blink reverted to the former question, "I’se found her in an alley, again.  ‘Cept dis time she wasn’t bitin’ me."
"I wanna heah dat story latah!"  someone called out.
"Which alley?"  Spot asked, ignoring the outburst.
"Da one by da City Hall."  Blink responded.
"Ain’t dat Queens territrey?"  Spot asked Jack.
"I’se gonna soak dem."  Jack yelled and ran towards the door.  Spot motioned to two of the boys by the door to block his way and they obliged.
"Jack, calm yerself.  Foist we’se gotta help her, den wese’ll deal out da revenge.  ‘Sides, we don’t even knows her.  It was her fault she ran outta heah."
"Yer right Spot,"  Jack said calming down. "I’se gonna go outside an’ have a cigarette an’ Ise’ll cum back when I’se feelin’ bettah." 
Jack went for the window but was tugged back inside by Spot. "I’se not dat easy ta fool.  Git back inside."
"Spot, they’se deserve everythin’ they’se gonna git,"  Jack, more or less, whined.
Spot slapped Jack, "Pull yerself togethah man.  Dese guys are countin’ on you’se ta be der leadah, so act like it!" Spot scolded.
"But Spot, no body, specially no goil, deserves ta be beat up like dat!  I’se gotta do somethin’!"
"Den git her some help.  She’s gonna make it an’ all dat, but she’s gonna be ‘n a lotta pain."  Spot said.
Jack resigned, "Ise’ll go an’ get Kloppmann, he’ll know what ta do."
"No, you aren’t goin’ anywheres till I’se sure you’se ain’t plannin’ anythin’ stupid!  One of you’se guys, go and git him fer Jack."
"No need,"  Harmony said, awakening from unconsciousness. "I’ll be on me way."
Once again she caused everyone, except Spot, to jump.
"You’se been ‘n enough trouble as it is, der ain’t no way I’se lettin’ you out a heah."  Spot said.
"We’ll it’s a good thing that no one has ta let me do anythin’. I – " 
Just as she was about to dig her grave deeper, a boy dripping from perspiration and huffing from running made his way towards Spot.  Between deep inhalations, the boy managed to whisper something in his ear that caused Spot to turn to Jack.
"I’se don’t want her or you’se ta leave dis room an’ I’se means it.  I’se gotta git back ta Brooklyn.  Ise’ll send dose boys ovah tomarah,"  Spot said, then left the room at a slow pace followed by a frantic looking messenger.  His calm exit was purposely misleading on the urgency of the matter.
"There is no way I’se gunna let him tell me what to do.  I said I was goin’, and I am.  Thanks fer yer help, but leave me alone!"  Harmony exclaimed, trying to get to her feet.  That turned out to be a little more difficult than she had predicted.  On her first attempt she fell right back.  The second time she stood for a few seconds, before she collapsed into the arms of a waiting Blink.
"I’se don’t think you’se ‘n quite da shape ta be travelin’.  Why don’t you’se stay ‘til you’se feelin’ bettah?  Den, no one will try ta stop ya and youse’ll be bettah off,"  Blink reasoned.
"All right, but I’m not happy ‘bout it."  Harmony  said while being laid back into bed by Blink.
"You’se don’t have ta be happy ‘bout it, you’se jest gotta do it.  I’se haven’t known you’se very long, but I’se takin a likin’ ta ya an’ I’se don’t wanna see anythin’ bad happen to you’se…again,"  Blink stated.
"You’se okay Harmony?  I’se don’t know if you’se remembers me, but I’se undah house arrest wid you’se now.  Undah the command a Mr. High-n’-Mighty Puppy Dog, I’se not ta leave dis place until he says I’se can.  Same fer you’se I’se believes."
"So I’ve heard.  Are ya actually goin’ ta listen ta him?"  Harmony asked him.
"Yeah, but not fer the reasons yer thinkin’.  I’se listenin’ cause Spot is one of me closest friends an’ he knows when I’se upset, I’se does stupid, foolish things.  In dis case, I’se was ‘bout ta take on da whole a Queens, you’se seems ta be a weak spot.  When I’se seen you’se all beaten up, I was real upset.  Spot puttin’ me undah house arrest was prolly da best thing.  Der are ways oddah den soaking guys and breaking alliances ta git revenge…"  Jack finished.
"I don’t understand.  I haven’t known ya fer more den a day, and while yer ‘round, I’m not nice ta ya at all, yet ya still seem ta want ta help me out.  I really don’t understand,"  Harmony  said, a little confused.  She had done her best to keep people away from her ever since, a long time, and up until now, she had been successful.
She also had other reasons for not wanting him in particular to get close to her.  Earlier in her life she had known Jack and they had been the best of friends. It was strange seeing him again and she was happy about it but she knew that she had hurt him when she left the first time, and couldn’t imagine doing it again.  It was best if he never remembered her, and this house arrest wasn't going to help hide her secret.
"It’s simple.  I’se likes ya.  You’se reminds me of a real special goil I’se use ta know,"  Jack said.  "Besides, youse’ll learn dat in Manhattan, newsies are too nice fer der own good.  We’se da friendly, trustin’ type.  If you’se wants secrecy an’ all dat, Brooklyn’d suit ya much bettah.  Dem newsies, like Spot, deys keep ta themselves.  But deys tough.  Can’t remembah a fight deys didn’t win…"
"Jack, I’se a little worn out, would ya mind if I took a little nap?"  Harmony abruptly asked, none too subtly hinting that she wanted him to leave.
"Nope, course not."  Jack replied, innocently ignorant that she didn’t want him around.
"Goodnight Jack.  Goodnight Blink."  she called to them as she settled into her temporary bed.
I couldn’t help myself.  They were so sweet I had ta at least wish dem good night.  But maybe I shouldn’t a done dat.  It opens me up, makes me vulnerable.  Harmony thought, drifting off to sleep.

Part Two

The next morning, Harmony woke up to find a small breakfast in front of her.  Looking for the culprit who was trying to soften her up, she found that all the beds occupants were unmoving.  After taking one more glance, she nibbled on the bread, surprised to find it was fresh.  Reaching for the glass of water she drew back gasping in pain.  Some a dese injuries must be pretty bad, maybe I should take it easy.  Harmony thought.  For a few minutes she sat there staring at the water, very thirsty from the bread. 
So close.  Yet, so very far away!  Eerrr! Da sun’s not even up an’ I’se already frustrated.  Evil watah!  Evil, evil watah!  I’ll just sleep an’ deal wid dat watah latah.  Hey, where’s Jack?  She wondered, just realizing that she was in his bed.  Where would he sleep? He musta taken one a da other beds, and he’s probably covered up so I can’t see him. 
Contenting herself that he was one of the immobile forms, she lay back and thought, It’s not like he can go anywhere.

Shortly after the sun had risen, Jack was already out of bed.  Pacing the floor of the Lodging House.  He felt like a trapped rat.  Spot had said he wasn’t to leave the house, and he knew that that included leaving to sell papers.  Jack could afford to miss selling for a few days, but he still wanted to get out there.  No matter what reasoning Spot had, maybe he could get around it.  He needed to sell papers to make a living.  Yeah, dat’ll be me excuse.  Jack thought.  But der’s somethin’ ‘bout dat goil.  I’se didn’ know what ta tell Spot, but…oh…dis is so frustratin’.  Ise’ll have plenty a time ta figure it out doh.
Jack, happy with his conclusion, started getting ready for a hard days work when he heard Kloppman’s footsteps coming up the stairs.  Oddly enough, his were not the only feet on the steps, he was accompanied by three or four others.   His first instinct was to run, thinking it was the bulls, but Jack knew Kloppmann wouldn’t lead them up there without giving some kind of warning.  The door opened revealing Kloppmann surrounded by three hostile boys who appeared to be brooding.  Brooklyn.
"Cowboy, you know these boys?"  Kloppmann asked.  "They’se been waiting to see you for hours, but I didn’t want them to disturb your sleep."
"You’se must be Spot’s boys.  Whats ya doin’ heah dis oily?  Ya must’ve left Brooklyn before you’se had time ta properly sleep," Jack reasoned.
"Spot wanted us ta git heah befores you’se had a chance ta slip out, an’ we’se wasn’t gonna take any chances disappointin’ him."  Said the tallest of the three, his eyes nervously flickering from side to side at the prospect.
"Well’se you’se got heah, what’s he want?"  Jack asked.
"He wants ta make shoah you’se don’t leave da Lodging House, even ta sell papes," the same boy replied.
Stupid Spot, you’se always covers all da bases.
"He knows Ise’d nevah do anythin’ like dat!"  Jack shouted, trying to sound shocked.
"He knows exactly whats you’se was thinkin’ so don’t act shocked.  Ta git introductions ovah wid I’se Caps.  Dat der," referring to da shortest of the group,  "is Smiste’, an’ he’se is Smokes, fer obvious reasons."  Caps indicated the kid who was coughing with a cigarette in his mouth.  "An’ by da looks of it, you’se must be Jack.  Spot told us ta listen ta you’se, but we’se makin’ it clear, we’se don’ like bein’ pushed ‘round, git it?"
It’s going to be a long stay, Jack thought.
"Well’se whatevah you’se wants ta make clear, make clear ta someone who cares.  I’se lettin’ you’se stay heah as a favah ta Spot.  I’se don’t care nothin’ fer any of you’se.  Leave me boys ‘lone, an’ I’se pretty shoah I’se won’t be havin’ no problems wid ya.  Dat clear ta ya?"  Jack said, making sure they got his drift.
Caps, realizing that he had to be submissive to the leader while he was here, merely grumbled in assent.  He wouldn’t start anything, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to be nice to a bunch of sissies.
"Where’s will we be sleepin’?"  asked Smister.
"You’se boys will be sleepin’ ‘n da beds ‘n dat corner ovah der.  An’ I’se warnin’ you’se right now, we’se got a goil stayin’ wid us ‘til she's healed up a bit, an’ she’s off limits ta everyone.  Don’ touch her or so much as even talk ta her unless you’se asks.  She’s a good friend, an’ I’se ain’t lettin’ nothin’ happen ta her."
"Whatevah," Smokes said between puffs.  While he had been there, he had already gone through three cigarettes and was on his fourth.
"What are ya, some kinda chain-smokah?  I’se don’ wanna see you’se go through so many dose while you’se heah.  Cut back ‘r git out," Jack said.
"You’se some kinda control-freak?!  Spot –" Smokes started.
Jack cut him off, "I’se don’ care how Conlon runs his town.  You’se ‘n mine, an’ I’se keeps me boys ‘n line well enough my way."
By now, all three boys were glaring daggers at him.  Kloppmann, who had been there the whole time, observing the conversation, realized it was past time to wake everyone up.
"Git up everyone, you’se late."  Kloppmann yelled, shaking the boys then standing back.  In two minutes he watched most of the boys rise from their beds like the living dead…but with tempers and bad breath…and those who didn’t got rolled onto the awaiting floor.
Scattering to fulfill their morning preparations, hardly any of them noticed, or gave an indication that they noticed, the three brooding Brooklyn newsies in the center of the room. 
Blink, after getting ready in record time, tentatively shook Harmony awake, carefully avoiding bruised areas.  Seeing it wasn’t working, Blink leaned down and gave her a kiss on the mouth.  That got her up and got him a smack on the cheek.  Before she could figure out it was Blink, he ducked away and ran into the washroom, returning only seconds later calling out to her, "Hey Harmony, nice ta see you’se ‘wake.  Hope we’se didn’ make too much noise er nothin’."
"No," Harmony replied, "I woke up aftah da weirdest dream.  I thought dat  someone had…an’ den I…it felt real…cinnamon…" 
"Would you’se like ta tell me ‘bout it?"  Blink asked.
"Uh, no, can’t remembah it anymore, dat was sweet a ya ta offer,"  Harmony broke off.  She wasn’t about to tell a guy about that dream. 
"Dat’s me alrigh’t.  Da sweet one," Blink said, a little disappointed.
"It wasn’t meant ta be an insult,"  Harmony apologized.
"I’se jist playin’ wit’cha," joked Blink, trying to hide his hurt feelings behind his big, goofy grin.
"Oh, good.  I really didn’t want ya ta be mad at me!"  Harmony said, but thought, Yes I do!!  What am I doing?   Whenevah dese boys come ‘round, I let me guard down.  As soon as I can walk, I’m outta  here.  Really.  I can leave dem. It won’t be a problem. An’ if it is, I’ll make dem hate me and it won’t be so hard to leave.
"I’se could nevah be mad at ya!"  Blink said, meaning every word he spoke a little deeper than she’d ever know.
Want to bet on dat?  she thought wryly. 
"Yer so sweet!"  Harmony exclaimed, hugging Blink, not realizing that she had used the same word that had started the ‘fight’.
Der’s dat woid ‘gain.  Blink thought, but said, "Not as sweet as you’se."  Then he jumped up and headed to work.

After selling his papes, Blink headed to Tibbys to have a quick meal.  When he saw his reflection in the window, he was surprised to see a bruise on his cheek where Harmony had slapped him.
Blink wondered, Think she’ll notice?  Bettah not take any chances.  Then he left the restaurant at a run.
Outside, Race was just entering when he noticed his friend leaving in a hurry.  He called out to him, "Wheres ya goin’ Blink?"
"Brooklyn!"  Blink yelled and took off, leaving behind a very confused Race.
Upon arriving at the pier where Spot was known to hang out, Blink had only minimal difficulty passing Spot’s little cronies before coming in front of an expressionless Spot.
"Whats kin I’se do fer ya, Blink?"  Spot asked.
"Hit me,"  Blink responded as calmly as if he were asking for a napkin or some other object.
"Are you’se drunk ‘gain?"  Spot demanded.  "If you’se is, I’se gonna tell Jacky-boy to lay off da parties."
"No, I’se jist needs ya ta hit me," Blink continued. "Stop making things difficult jist ‘cause you’se a coward."
"Jist hit him Spot!" yelled a Brooklyn newsies who was toying with a snake emblem on a necklace.
"Snake, mind you’se own business.  Ise’ll deal wid dis meself."  Spot said annoyed with his followers.  Turning back to Blink he said, "Even if you’se is drunk, nobody gits ‘way wid insultin’ me – ‘specially on me own territrey."
Blink braced himself as Spot swung his cane.  The cane first struck Blink’s nose, breaking it and causing blood to erupt. Then instantly swung to his stomach, causing him to double over. And lastly striking him on the backside of his knees, which made him fall backward to the ground, covering him with scratches and causing him to lose consciousness.
After Blink recovered from the beating, he admired Spot’s handiwork.  He looked up to see that Spot and his boys had gone, and the sun was sinking into the horizon.  This alerted Blink that he should have been headed home long ago and that he had been unconscious for a few hours.  Limping as he went, Blink walked the way to Manhattan smiling.
It takes a lot more than a beating to wipe away this smile.  Besides, now there is no way to distinguish one bruise from another.  Blink thought in amusement.

When Blink walked into the Lodging House bunk room, he saw Harmony sitting up in bed.  Her mouth was hanging open, obviously she had seen him.
"Oh my gawd, what happened ta ya?"  Harmony cried in distress.
"Oh, don’ worry yerself ‘bout it.  Was jis a misunderstandin’ between friends."  Blink said truthfully.
Well, Spot didn’ understand, so it was a misunderstandin’.  Blink justified to himself.
"C’mere, I’ll try an’ fix up dat nose fer ya.  It looks like it’s broken,"  Harmony said in a motherly tone.
"Yeah, Ise’d have ta say dat it is.  Der’s prolly nothin’ ta be done.  It’ll heal, it has befoah."
"How many times has it been broken?"  she asked.
"I’se couldn’ tell ya.  I’se can’t really count dat high."  Blink said, ashamed of his meager education.
"Well, ya couldn’t tell from looking at ya, except right now.  At least let me clean up da blood,"  Harmony firmly requested.
"You’se don’ have ta."
"Well, I am.  I don’t want ta hear anythin’ more.  I would get da towel and bowl of water, but I’m goin’ ta have ta ask you ta.  Me legs don’t seem ta remember what der purpose is," joked Harmony.
"Notta problem, Harmony.  Ise’ll git it, you’se jest wait right heah."  Blink said and went off to get the supplies she had requested.
After some scrubbing, Blink looked pretty good, besides the bruises and scratches for which there was nothing to be done.
The next morning, when everyone else was still getting ready, Blink tried to wake Harmony up, but once again, found it harder than normal.  So he leaned down and kissed her, but ducked out of the room before she could smack him or see him.  Over the days, it became a daily ritual, and she believed it to be a recurring dream and came to think of it as her internal wake up call.  Blink, unsure of how she would react to the truth, let her believe whatever she wanted to.
Their days had become routine.  Blink would kiss her when it was time to wake up and disappear into the washroom.  Harmony would sit up and think about her recurring dream, trying to figure out the deeper meaning, and Blink would come in and wish her a good morning, then leave.  Once he left, Harmony would have only Jack for company.

Since both Jack and Harmony had no place to go, they came to a mutual agreement that it would be pointless to argue with the only company they had.  Slowly, Harmony started getting better with Jack’s help.  Jack would let her lean on him while she tried to get her legs back in shape and be her punching dummy to regain arm strength.  Finally, one day, she could limp across the room without Jack’s help, and the next day she could walk.  Finally, after four more days, she could run her best.  Her strength had completely returned after two and a half weeks of training. 
Harmony knew that her recovery was in a big part thanks to Jack, but every time she tried to thank him, he would blush and start joking about something else.  They had become great friends, so she knew that it was best to drop it.  He knew how she felt.
Every night, ever since she’d been beaten, she’d dreamed of revenge, and now it was time.  With her wounds fully healed and everyone, even Blink, ignorant of her fitness, it was time to strike.  The next morning, after the newsies had left, Harmony jumped out of bed and scribbled a quick note to Jack telling him where she’d went, and not to worry.  Then she climbed out the window, sure that if she talked to Kloppmann, the owner of the Lodging House and honorary father to all its occupants, he would tell the boys before she could take a step from the building.
She ran down the fire escape and took the vaguely familiar path she had treaded a few weeks before, but this time she was ready.  She heard footsteps behind her and spun around to meet her opponent with a swift punch to the gut.  The punch found its way, shortly before she realized it was Jack.  Keeling over, clutching his stomach, Jack had a shocked look on his face.  As soon as he could talk again he gasped, "Geez, you’se strongah den you’se looks."
She asked him sternly, "What are ya doin’ here, Jack?  Spot told ya not ta leave da Lodgin’ House."
"I’se seems ta recall dat hese’d said da same thing ta you’se."
"Well…dat’s different…"  Harmony said, loosing all the conviction in her voice.
"’Sides, did ya think I’se was goin’ ta let you’se take dem all on by yerself?"
"He’s not goin’ ta be happy, an’ I bet he’ll blame me," she said. "But I’m glad fer da company."
"I’se knew you’se would.  So, come on, we’se ‘bout ta soak us sum bummahs," Jack said enthusiastically.
One by one, Queens’s newsies challenged them, and one by one they were left in the dirt.  Each newsie thinking he would be the one to beat them, foolishly attacking them without others, as to save the glory for himself.  Finally, there were no more newsies to beat.  All were strewn in the streets, even the leader.  Harmony and Jack returned to the Lodging House, kicking a few on their way.  They didn’t come off completely clean, but they were a lot better off than the enemy.  Both had a few punches landed on them, but nothing serious.

When they got back to the bunkroom, they were glad to see none of the newsies had come back yet.  They walked into the room and headed to wash up when they heard the door close behind them.  It was none other than Spot, standing behind the door, waiting for them.
"Heya, Spot,"  Jack started nervously.  "We’se was jest out – "
"Jacky-boy, I’se already upset ‘bout you’se goin’ ‘gainst me fer da foist time.  Don’ make it woise by lyin’ ‘bout it.  It insults my intelligence,"  Spot said, a little melancholy.  He was very obviously upset about his friend betrayed his trust, but oddly enough he had a neutral, yet cold, expression.
"Shoah, Spot.  I’se sorry ‘bout not listenin’ ta ya, but I’se ain’ sorry fer what I’se did.  They’se desoived every bit of what dey got," Jack said angrily.
"Whats done is done, I’se sent me boys ovah ta help da injured, and I’se sent yers too.  I’se would imagine you’se did a lot a damage, so be content wit’ dat.  Don’ try anythin’ else, you’se got yer revenge,"  Spot said.
"Fine,"  Jack obediently consented.
"I’se needs ta talk ta da goil fer a second.  Go talk ta Kloppmann,"  Spot ordered.
Jack left with a glance from Spot to Harmony.
"You’se are nothin’ but trouble, goil.  Was ya sent ta torture me ‘r somethin’?"  Spot asked.
"I am not sent anywhere.  No one tells me where ta go or what ta do.  And besides dat, its not like anyone cares ‘nough ‘bout ya ta send someone to annoy ya.  Sooner or later, yer goin’ ta learn dat da world doesn’t revolve ‘round ya."  Harmony defied him.
"Shoah it doesn’t.  Nows dat yer healed you’se kin go.  Tomorah,"  Spot commanded.
"Ya know, I don’t think I will,"  Harmony said, almost pleasantly.  I’ll stay just in spite a ya!  Ha! She continued, "I’se started ta like it heah.  Kloppmann said I could stay here once I’se got healed as a newsie.  Jack said he’d teach me ta sell papes, an’ Blink already said he’d watch out fer me ‘cause he really didn’t want me ta leave.  So it’s all settled.  If ya don’t like me den maybe you should stop comin’ ‘round here."
"No body tells me what ta do.  ‘Specially not you’se," Spot said venomously, slightly glaring.
A little frightened by the murderous look in his eye, Harmony thought, Maybe I shouldn’t a gotten him angry.  Wow, he looks really angry.  I’m a little scared.  But, at da same time, I couldn’t be more attracted ta him.  I always have ta fall fer da dangerous type, don’t I?  How frustratin’!  It’s really time ta calm him down.
"Look, Spot, maybe we didn’t get off on da right foot.  I’m sorry dat I went against yer little – " Spot’s glare deepened, "I mean, yer  very important rules.  But it isn’t in my nature ta follow da rules."
"I ain’t mad ‘cause you’se left da Lodging House, you’se was free ta once you’se was healed.  I’se furious ‘cause ya took Jack wid ya.  Jack being ‘n dat fight threatened a whole lot a treaties which put Brooklyn ‘n a uncomfortable position.  We’se almost had ta choose between Manhattan and Queens.  Luckily, da damage was repairable, but it was a close call."
"Jack can do whatevah he wants.  I didn’t make him do nothin’."
"We’se nevah had trouble befoah you’se came,"  Spot said.  "Jest stay outta me way, ors youse’ll be askin’ fer trouble dat you’se ain’t ready fer."
"I can handle myself.  I think I proved dat tanight," Harmony asserted, slightly puffing her self up.
Any ego she had blown was popped when Spot laughed at her.  "Ya think dat ‘cause you’se beat Queens you’se any match fer Brooklyn.  Foist of all, you’se had Jack fightin’ wit’ you’se.  Jack, or at least da Jack I’se knows, would nevah go up ‘gainst Brooklyn.  Second of all, Brooklyn has more fightin’ capability in its littlest member, den Queens has in der leadah.  I’se ain’ sayin’ dis ta impress ya.  If you’se don’ believe me, ask Jack.  Hese’ll set ya straight."
"Yer so arrogant.  I don’t care how many boys ya have undah yer command or how well dey fight, yer a coward dat hides behind his lackeys," Harmony said.
"If I’se didn’ have rules ‘gainst hittin’ goils, youse’d be sportin’ a pretty shinah ta go wit’ dat outfit."   Spot threatened, completely calm which infuriated her even more.
"Wow, big bad Spot threatenin’ goils.  How brave."  Harmony said, getting up in his face.
"I’se don’ need ta take dis from a slut.  You’se shouldn’ be tellin’ oddahs how ta live der lives.  I’se seen what you’se been doin’ ta dat poor guy, Blink.  He’s me friend, an’ its me responsibility ta stan’ up fer him.  You’se needs ta eithah cut him loose or reel him ‘n cause oddahwise he's gonna snap.  I’se don’ know or care how many guys you’se are leadin’ on, but dat boy is lovesick.  If you’se don’ do somethin’ - I’se will." Spot promised.
Harmony slapped him, "I don’t have any idea what yer talkin’ ‘bout, but I really don’t appreciate bein’ called a slut.  Whatevah Blink an’ I do, is our business.  Do we have an understandin’?"
Spot smirked, "Shoah we’se do.  Youse’ll leave me boys ‘lone, an’ Ise’ll limit me visits so I’se don’ have ta see you’se so much."

With that he left Harmony alone in the room to wait for Jack to come back up and the boys to return from Queens.
When Jack came up, Harmony recapped the entire story, sparing no details.  Jack, needless to say, was very upset.
"You’se like me sistah, but Spot’s like me broddah.  I’se kinda caught ‘n da middle heah,"  Jack said.
"I understand.  Is it true what he said ‘bout Brooklyn though?"
"Yeah, Brooklyn has unfathomable skills in fighting an’ all dat.  I’se glad dat Ise’ll nevah be ‘n a fight ‘gainst um.  Ise’d nevah be able ta go up ‘gainst Spot.  It would be real difficult, an’ I’se wouldn’ be able ta foresee da loyalty a da boys, even mine when it came down ta it."
"Yes, I suppose it would, an’ I would nevah ask ya ta.  Is it true what he said ‘bout Blink?  Am I leadin’ him on?  Is der anythin’ ta lead him on wid?"
"I’se hasn’t seen anythin’ ta prove what Spot accuses ya of, but as much as I’se hates ta say it, he’s usually pretty well informed,"  Jack said apologetically.  "But ‘course youse’d nevah do anythin’ like dat ta anyone on poipose.  It’s jest a misunderstandin’."  Then he jokingly punched her in the stomach.  It was only a small punch, and very light, but it still sent Harmony to the floor, gasping from the pain.
Jack was frantic.  "Harmony, Harmony.  Whats wrong wid you?  What did I do?"
"It’s me stomach."  Harmony forced out in pain.
Jack laid her on his bed and lifted her shirt.  There was a shallow, yet long, cut across from her bellybutton to just above her right hip.
"Dis don’ look so good, Harmony.  Seems like somebody sliced ya wit’ a knife," Jack said, concerned that it might get infected.
"Yeah, probably ‘cause dey did.  I didn’t think it was dat bad doh,"  Harmony reasoned, tears from the pain in her eyes.
"Why didn’ you’se tell me befoah?"  Jack asked.
"I was a little caught up in fightin’ wid Spot.  Sorry.  It’ll be alright."
"No, we’se bettah clean it out.  Its kinda deep an’ it might get infected."
"Don’t worry ‘bout it,"  More edge in her voice than she’d meant to have.
"Harmony, I’se don’ care what you’se has ta say, dat cut needs ta be cleaned,"  Jack insisted.
But Harmony protested, "I’se had worse!  Now leave me alone!"
Eventually she gave into him because she knew he wouldn’t leave it alone.  But, she wasn’t pleased with Jack at all, even if he had been helping her.  In no time he had her stomache cleaned and banaged, but that didn’t mean she was happy with im.  By the time the others had returned, stained with the blood of the boys they had been ‘nursing’ in the streets, she was completely ignoring him.  When she studied the people entering the room, she saw someone she hadn’t expected.  Spot.  Again.
Doesn’t he ever go away?  But deep down she knew she didn’t want him too, and she was only beginning to accept it.  In the meantime, I’ll show him me being a slut.
She called Blink over to her, and proceeded to have him sit on the bed next to her.  She told him about the day, giggling and whispering in a felicitous manner, glancing at Spot now and then to see if there was any reaction.  As she noticed that she wasn’t getting any, she started to get flaunt it a little more.  She leaned over and kissed Blink on the cheek, telling him it was because he had been such a big help.  She tried to convey to Blink that he was just a brother to her while conveying to Spot that she and Blink were on intimate relations.  It was impossible. 
After she had kissed Blink, Spot started in her direction.
"Blink, ya mind if I’se talk ta her fer a second?  Good."  Spot said and pushed Blink towards Jack.  "Look, goil, if you’se doin’ dat fer my pleasure, you’se be bettah off givin’ up.  I’se cam ovah heah ta stop dis befoah ya slept wid him ‘n spite a me."
"Spot Conlon, yer so full a yerrself.  Der’s nothin’ between us.  Der is no us.  I will do whatevah I want wid Blink.  He actually cares ‘bout me, which is more den I can say fer you.  Ya don’t pay any attention ta me."
"What is wrong wid you?  Pay attention ta you?  Its not like we’re togethah.  You’se shoah a needy goil.  An’ if dis is all ‘cause I’se don’ care ‘bout you’se, den you’se needs ta git a life.  How da hell did ya come up wid da name Harmony anyways?  I think Bittah is more like it."
"Lay off.  Ya think I need ta get a life?  Yer da one who thinks he’s all big and bad jest ‘cause he’s da leadah a da Brooklyn newsies."  Harmony threw at him.
"No Bittah, I’se already big an’ bad, dats how I’se became da leadah a da Brooklyn newsies.  Git it straight."
"Don’t ya have somewhere else ta be?  Like a street cornah?"  Harmony angrily stuttered.
"Shouldn’ you’se be gettin’ tucked ‘n by yer parents."  Spot coolly replied.
Then she slapped him, hard, and spoke in a low, tight voice.  "Don’t you evah talk ‘bout me parents."
Still Spot seemed unmoved by the slap or change in attitude. "Looks like I hit a nerve."
"I hate you!  Why can’t ya jest leave me alone?!"  Harmony screamed.
"Gladly."  Spot said and walked to a bed only a few feet away and got in.
Oh great!  She thought sarcastically, He’s stayin’ longah.  Joy!
When Harmony had a chance to look around the room, she noticed everyone watching.  As soon as they saw that she noticed, they all tried to look busy.  She lay back down in bed and closed her eyes.
Trying to sleep, Harmony thought He’s so infuriating’.  Can’t we have one conversation dat he doesn’t dominate.  And where does he get off thinkin’ dat I’se interested in him.  Probably ‘cause I am, but he has no right ta assume dat. I need ta get ovah him, now.  Soonah or latah I’ll get sick a him, an’ da soonah da bettah as far as I’m concerned.
Part Three
The next morning Harmony was woken in a way she was unaccustomed to.  One minute she was sound asleep in her nice, warm, dry bed – the next moment she was sputtering and drenched in freezing cold water.  She sat up quickly coming face to face with a smirking Spot, who was sitting on her bed with the bucket still his hand.
"Ya sleep well, Bittah?" he questioned still smirking.
"Drop dead," she replied pushing him off the bed.
Spot pretended to be hurt as he picked himself off the floor.  "Is dat anyway ta talk ta yer fearless leadah?" he asked attempting to look innocent.
"Nope, good thing yer not Jack."
"Thankfully, but I’se is yer fearless leadah, fer da time bein’ at least an’ boy are you’s gunna see sum changes ‘round heah!"
"What da hell are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" she asked looking shocked and worried.
"Jest what I’se said…I’se in charge ‘round heah an’ I’se sick of you’se sittin’ roun’ all day an’ not pullin’ yer weight," He stared straight at her before finishing his speech. "It ends now.  If you’se wants ta stay heah, dat is."  He looked down at her drenched night gown.  "Hurry up an’ get ready, Bittah.  All da rest a da boys are long gone an’ so’s you got no one heah ta babysit you’se.  It’s jest you an’ me."
He walked out of the room saying "You’se gots two minutes ta get dressed or Ill come in heah an’ do it meself".  With that he slammed the door.
Harmony was a little frightened and knowing that Spot was one to carry through with his threats she hurried to get dressed.  She had just finished when Spot swung the door open. 
"Good yer ready now hurry up, let’s go."
Harmony started to ask, "Go where?" but before she could get her first syllable out Spot leveled her with his piecing glare and said, "When I’se wants ya ta talk Ise’ll let ya know.  ’Till den be a good goil, keep yer mouth shut an’ wese’ll get ‘long jest fine."
She glared back angrily but didn’t say anything.  He took her to the front desk and yelled "Kloppy I’se brung her down!"
Kloppmann emerged from his office saying, "Good, good.  All right girl, don’t just stand around all day! There’s bunks to be made and washrooms to clean!"
Harmony couldn’t contain herself any longer. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?! I thought I was goin’ ta sell papes, ya know be a newsie!"
Spot smirked. "Yeah, well, we’se gots ‘nough newsies, but no one ta clean up aftah them.  Dat’s wheah you’se comes in.  Ya clean hard, stay nice, an’ keep ya mouth shut an’ maybe ise’ll let ya be a newsie some day!  ‘Til dat day youse’ll clean. Got dat?
Harmony looked angrier than she ever had before and started to tell Spot exactly what she thought of him but he cut her off saying, "Well Bittah, if you’se don’t like it you’se could always leave…" He smirked.
"You’d like dat wouldn’t ya?  Well ya can’t get rid a me dat easily Mr. Brooklyn!  I hate ta break yer heart but I’m stayin’!  Washin’ a couple a rooms won’t kill me!"  She looked at him straight at the eye.
Spot laughed, making her more angry, and threw a rag at her.  "Good, den der’s sum bathrooms ‘n der wid yer name on dem."
Harmony took the rag and stomped off.  Spot watched her stomp up the stairs then turned and went to sell papers, leaving an amused Kloppmann smiling to himself. 
I wonder how long they will keep this fighting up before they realize their true feelings.  They keep going like this and they are gunna kill themselves before they have time to realize it.  With that he went back to sitting behind his desk doing important business, such as playing cards.

A few days went by fairly uneventfully.  Harmony proved herself to be a skilled, hardworking cleaner, impressing Kloppmann.  She spent her nights hanging out with the boys.  She played cards, talked, and above all, avoided Blink.  She couldn’t bear to see that wounded puppy dog look in his smiling face any more, but she didn’t know what to do about it.  After the night when she had flirted with him, for Spot’s benefit, she had more or less stayed away from him since she knew it really was mean to lead him on.  Although, she had managed to convince herself that this had been her own idea and not one of Spot commands.
Spot and Harmony continued to have their fights, which were almost always the same.  Harmony would make and offhand comment about Spot, and he would figuratively jump on her.  It always ended with Spot threatening to soak her and throw her out on the streets.  She would always assert that he would never do that and eventually would stomp out to the fire escape until she had cooled off and then go straight to bed without talking to anyone.  
Jack was still absent from the Newsboy Lodging House.  Spot had told everyone that Jack had to go to Brooklyn and he would be back after the Newsie Convention coming up in a couple weeks.  Even though everyone was very confused about this no one dared to ask questions, especially since Spot seemed to be in a bad mood constantly.

"Are you’se guys as sick a dis whole thing as I’se am?"  Blink asked.  The boys all nodded to show their agreement.  A couple of the newsies were sitting in Central Park holding a secret meeting. 
"Yeah, alls dat happens anymoah is Harmony an’ Spot fightin’! I shoah miss Jack ‘roun heah," Mush complained.
"I’se certoinly has moah respect fer da Brooklyn newsies…havin’ to put up wid da high an’ mighty puppy dog’s moodiness all da time."  The newsies had pemanantly adopted Harmony’s nickname for Spot, when he wasn’t around of course.  "I’se thinkin dey’se brain dead ‘cause its easier dan listenin’ ta Spot all da time!" Racetrack put in.  The boys all laughed but didn’t eliminate the possibility.
"But what can we’se do ‘bout it?  Obviously we’se can’t jest ask Spot to be nice ta her an’ I’se doubt Harmony’s gunna wake up sum day an’ decide she’s madly ‘n love wid Spot," Skittery pointed out.
"Who says she’se gotta love Spot?" Blink said hurriedly.  "All we wants is fer dem two ta be civil."
"Kay, so what’s we gunna do ‘bout it?" Skittery asked.
"Well, I’se gots an idea but it’ll prolly end in all a us gettin’ soaked by Spot." Blink said looking around for reaction…which he got.
"What? Why’se we gotta get soaked fer it?!"
"I’se ain’t gettin’ Spot mad fer sum stupid goil!"
"Are ya crazy!?"
"What? Last boy dat crossed Spot still ain’ walkin’ an’ thinkin’ right!"
"Would you’se cowards all SHUT UP!" Blink yelled.  He wasn’t smiling now.
"Look I’se ain’t askin’ you’se all ta do da dangerous parts…Ise’ll take care of it.  I jes’ need ta make sure yas ain’t gunna interfere.  All right so I’se was thinkin’ what if we’se…I’se means what if I’se ‘accidentally’ locked ‘em in a room togethah ‘til they promised to be good?"
Everyone looked shocked at Blink.  Only a completely crazy person would try that with Spot Conlon! 
"Well, I’se fer one loves yer plan…a course dat doesn’t mean Ise’ll help you’se but ya got me word that I’se definitely wont get involved." Race commented smiling.
Blink’s smile returned to his face and he nodded to Race in thanks.  The rest of the boys made comments similar to Racetracks.
Blink gave a brave smile and commented wryly, "Now I’se jest gotta get dem ‘n a room togethah an’ not get killed ‘n da process."
The boys all gave sympathetic smiles. 
"I gotta give you’se credit Blink," Mush said nicely.   "You’se a brave boy. I mean even if ya do make dis all work out you’se ain’t gunna be ‘round long ‘nough ta get yer praise seein’ that Spot will prolly kill ya."
"Thanks Mush.  You’se a big help…" Blink said glaring at Mush.

All the boys went back to the Lodging House acting as if nothing had happened.  They were greeted at the door by the familiar screams of Spot and Harmony as they fought over who was the better fighter.  They had been through this fight many times, but they were starting to run out of things to fight over so they returned to old favorites frequently.
"Looks like nows as gooda time as any," Blink said, grimacing when he heard a loud thump from upstairs and hoped it wasn’t Harmony being thrown out the window.
The boys entered the bunk room finding Spot and Harmony wrestling on the floor.  Harmony, although not as skilled of a fighter as Spot, was holding up her side of the fight using various girl techniques (i.e. nails, hair pulling, biting when necessary) to her advantage.  Spot was trying to pin her to the floor when he saw the boys come in.  Harmony looked up to see them and Spot took the opportunity to finally pin her down.  She squirmed around yelling, "GET OFF A ME".
Spot smirked at her.  "Good fighta, eh?  Ya wouldn’t last two seconds ‘n Brooklyn let alone be able ta soak all me boys, Bittah.  Nice try, doh.  Maybe ya should go play wid some dolls an’ leave fightin’ ta da boys".  He got off of her still smirking and walked towards the door. 
"Heya boys. How’s it goin’?" Spot asked as he passed. 
"Hey Spot, can I talk ta ya in private for a second?" Blink asked trying to feign confidence.
Spot glanced at him oddly. "Shoah Cyclops, I’se gotta couple seconds…no longer doh I’se got things ta do.
Blink nodded and walked toward to washroom, ignoring Spot’s use of his nickname.
Wow, Spot thought, somethin’ must really be up.  He didn’t even whine about his nickname.  I wondah what's buggin’ him.
"So whaddya want?" Spot asked when they were in the bathroom.
"Well, I’se wants ya ta be nicer ta Harmony dat’s what I want.  I’se and’ da oddah boys are sick a you’se two’s constant fightin’!  How ‘bout you’se both jest grow up?" Blink said in one quick breath.
"I’se hope you got dat outta yer system Cyclops ‘cause I would hate ta hafta soak ya fer it more dan once," Spot commented raising his fists.
"Wait a minute. I’se realizes yer gunna kill me and I’se accept it but foist I wanna finish since I ain’t too keen on two beatin’s in one day," Blink said sounding more confident than he was.
"All right what else has ya gots ta say?" Spot questioned.
"Hey Harmony come’re fer a minute!" Blink yelled into the other room.
Spot looked at him oddly but made no move to stop him.  Harmony’s popped her head in saying, "Whaddya want Blink I don’t really want ta be near him anymore."
"Jest come’re for a second" Blink said trying to get her farther into the room.
Harmony walked a little closer.  "Okay, what is it dat ya couldn’t say when I was three steps away?"
"Uhh…nuttin" Blink said running out of the room.  He quickly locked the only unlocked door.  He didn’t have to worry about them trying to jump out the window since it was a fairly long fall and pavement under it.
"All right you’se guys when you’se starts bein’ civil-like Ise’ll let ya out…’til den you’se ain’t comin’ out fer nothin’." Blink yelled through the door.
All the newsies that hadn’t been at the secret meeting were in shock.  None more shocked than Spot however. 
"Let me out now! You’se a dead man! I ain’t gunna be friends wid dis slut! Let me out! I’ll soak ya!!" Spot yelled through the door, banging on it with his cane. 
"Oh yeah!  Tell him yer goin’ ta kill him.  Dat will make him want ta let ya free. ‘Cause Blink is so gunna sit an’ think, ‘I really want ta let an angry killah outta locked doors so he can come an’ get me!" Harmony commented sarcastically.
"Yeah, well, I’se don’ see you’se doin’ nothin’, Bittah.  Maybe you’se likes bein’ ‘n heah, but I certoinly don’t," Spot said glaring at her.
"Get over yourself, you jerk.  You think I want to be in the same state as you, let alone the same room?" Harmony asked.
"Well, den, hows ‘bout helpin’ me out den an’ try to find a way outta heah? Isn’t Blink supposed ta be yer boy?  Isn’t that how it woiks princess?  You’se says jump an’ he says how high?  Maybe you’se ain’t as great as you’se though ya were!" Spot commented.
"Yer makin’ fun a me?  I thought you were supposed ta be feared by everyone.  Why haven’t da rest a da newsies ran ta help der ‘fearless leadah’? Harmony asked pointedly.  
Little did Harmony know that the Brooklyn newsies were trying to help Spot.  They had ran to the washroom to release him right away.  Blink was standing watch by the door and refused to give them the key.  They were about to give him the worst beating of his life when the rest of the Manhattan newsies rushed to the aid of their fellow Manhattanian.  The three Brooklyners were sadly outnumbered and ran off to Brooklyn to get Jack or recruits. They refused to leave their beloved leader locked up in a washroom.
The fight inside raged on. They yelled until their voices were too hoarse to continue and then resorted to throwing objects and water.  After a couple of hours, they were both soaking wet, their throats hurt and they were out of breath. 
Spot finally said, "Look I’se ain’t ‘specting us ta be best friends or nuthin' but hows ‘bout we’s calls a truce.  I’se sick an’ tired a dis an’ unless we’se acts likes friends der ain’t no way dey’s gunna let us outda heah."
Harmony looked at him warily and answered, "I guess we could be friends, well ya know, pretend ta be friends.  Anythin’ ta get out a dis room an’ away from you!"
Spot walked up and shook her.  "It’s dose comments dat is keepin’ us ‘n heah!  Why caint you even try?"
Harmony brought her face up to look in Spot’s eyes.  He shoah does have pretty eyes.  I guess I could be nice ta him…It wouldn’t be dat hard…
"All right, I can be nice…dat is I can be nice if you can," She said smiling.
"I’se can be plenty nice," Spot said forcing a smile.  He let go of her and walked to the other side of the room.  He felt her curious green eyes on his back as he walked away.
"Oh yeah, jest how nice can ya be?" she joked.
"You’se wants ta see?" he asked with a smirk.  With that he walked over and gave her the best kiss of her life.  When he pulled away he saw her smiling.
"Yeah dat is pretty damn nice," she said before pulling Spot in for another kiss.
During all of this time, the Brooklyn newsies had reached Jack.  Once they explained it all to Jack he jumped up and started running towards Manhattan. Damnit! What was Blink thinkin’?  Spot’s gunna kill da poor goil an’ den when he’s finished wid her he’s gunna go aftah Blink. He quickened his pace.  I’se jest hopes I ain’t too late.
He burst into the Newsboys House and ran up the stairs ignoring Kloppmann’s unenthusiastic greeting.  He slammed Blink into the wall and said, "Give me the key, NOW."
Although the other newsies were more than happy to band with Blink against the Brooklyn boys, Jack was another story.  No one moved to do anything.  Half of them were even afraid to breath.  Although Jack looks nice and easy going he can be quite frightening when he gets in one of his "moods".
Blink, knowing it was over, gave Jack the key.  When Jack released him, he moved across the room to be the farthest away from the washroom.  He thought he would prolong his life a few more seconds. 
Jack hurried over and unlocked the washroom and flung the door open saying, "Look Spot, I’se sorry.  Dis is all jest a mis…" He stopped short when he saw something so shocking he almost fell over. 
All the other boys who were cowering in the corners began to emerge, curiosity overwhelming their fear.  They were all just as shocked as Jack was to see Spot and Harmony in the corner kissing. 
Once the lovebirds realized they had a audience they pulled away from each other immediately and stood up.  Unfortunately, they tried to stand up at the same time and bumped heads, hard.  Although the bewildered newsies didn’t know what to expect next, they certainly didn’t expect to hear the apologies that both Spot and Harmony gave to each other quickly.
"Jeeze Blink, its kinda scary how well yer plan worked.  We’se all jest better stay on Blink’s good side, he’s a master-mind disguised behind a goofy smile." Racetrack commented, always having to be the first to break uncomfortable silence.
Everyone gave a strained laugh.  Everyone except Spot that is.  "Oh yeah, I’se forgot ‘bout you’se Cyclops.  Wheah is ya? Come an’ take it likes a man"
Blink courageously stepped out the crowd of newsies. "All right lets get dis ovah wid," he said looking like he would rather do anything than ‘get it over with.’
Spot walked up to him, glaring all the way.  "You’se knows what you’se dersoives, dontcha Cyclops?  Ya locked me in a bathroom wid a goil I’se caint stand, you’se left me in dere for hours, you’se didn’t listen ta me…"
"Yeah, yeah Spot.  Are you’se gunna talk me to death or get to it?" Blink asked, feeling a little cocky since he was already going to get a beating.
"I’ll get to it alright," Spot countered.  He brought his fist up to his face, flattened it out and spit on it.  He held it out for Blink to shake.
Blink had a look of utter shock and amazement on his face.  "What are you’se up to Spot?"
"Look as mad as I’se am at ya, you’se was doin’ me a favor an I’se is happy ya did it.  Aldoh in day future I hope you’se is more careful when you’se does me favors, dat girl coulda killed me in dere."
Everyone laughed at this.  Blink, although still confused, spit on his hand and shook Spots.
Spot then walked over and put his arm around Harmony’s waist and whispered, "Can I’se talk ta ya outside fer a minute?" into her ear.  She nodded shyly and let him lead her outside. 
"So’s I’se was thinkin’, Bittah, we caint go back to how we’se used ta be…well I’se means that I don’t want to…I’se kinda likes ya kid…" Spot said, more gently than Harmony thought was possible for him.  Then he added, "But don’t expect me ta say so infronta me boys, I’se gots a reputation to protect".  He smiled so Harmony knew he was joking.
"But Spot, whatever will everyone do ‘round here if we don’t provide dem wid entertainment?" she asked pretending to be shocked.
"Dose boys needs ta get deir own lives anyways…so whaddya say?"
"What do I say ‘bout what?"
"Well does ya wanna be me goil or somethin…" he asked.
"Yeah I guessd dat would be okay wid me" she answered smiling shyly.
"Dat’s good, Bittah," Spot said, not one to celebrate, even though his blue eyes looked even brighter.  "So how ‘bout comin’ wid me ta Brooklyn fer a while?"
Harmony rolled her eyes.  "How ‘bout ya stop callin’ me Bittah? I ain’t bittah!  Me name is Harmony."
Spot smirked at her.  "Ya know as well as I do dat da name Harmony don’t suit ya at all.  Yer Bittah short fer Bittahsweet.  Ya can be real nice and friendly sometimes an’ oddah times ya can be completely…"
"Completely what?" Harmony asked narrowing her eyes. 
"Completely…wonderful…" Spot covered none to skillfully. 
"Nice try Conlon.  I know what ya mean, actually.  I nevah really liked da name Harmony fer me, but Blink came up wid it so I jest figured I’d go along wid it," Harmony admitted.
"Well, I’se jest gunna keep on callin’ ya Bittah.  It’s poifect fer  ya," Spot decided.
Harmony smiled at him.  "I don’t really mind anymore.  I kinda like it now…"

Inside the boys were all talking about the day’s events.  Everyone was patting Blink on the back and congratulating him on his excellent plan and avoiding being murdered.  Surprisingly, Blink wasn’t smiling.  In fact, he looked almost miserable. He looked as if his puppy had died.  Mush noticed and pulled him aside.
"Hey what’s wrong wid you’se? Yer plan worked an’ all!  Look not only did dey stop fightin’ but deys actin’ like they’s in love ‘r somethin’!" Mush exclaimed, wondering why his friend was so downcast.
"Yeah, dey’s da poifect couple all right.  Look I’se gotta go out fer awhile…ya know enjoy the life that I amazinly managed ta hold on fer, fer a’odda day.  Ise’ll see you’se later."  With that Blink walked out of the bunkroom.  Although no one stopped him, he didn’t escape unnoticed.  Soon everyone was guessing what was wrong with him and making up far fetched stories about him.
When Spot and Bitter came in everyone stopped talking and looked at them.  Soon shouts of, "Come on Spot you’se gotta tell us" and "Spill it Conlon!" were heard around the room. 
Spot rolled his eyes and said, "See, what did I’se tell ya about dese boys needin’ lives a dere own?" to Bitter.  Bitter laughed and said, "What will dey evah do widout us?"
All the boys stopped their yelling and joking when Bitter said this.  They all stared at Bitter, who began to feel very self-conscious.  Spot took a step forward and said, "You boys don’t need me ‘round heah anymoah an’ even if ya does I’se ain’t willin’ ta stay.  Bittah an’ me is gunna go visit Brooklyn fer awhile.  Ise’ll take nice care a her fer you’se boys and return her in as gooda condition as I’se borrowed her.  We’se figured she could stay in Brooklyn for da week an’ Ise’ll bring her back wid me for da counsel."
Spot then turned around and started packing up his meager belonging.  Bitter stood there a couple more seconds and started doing the same. 
Jack walked up behind Spot to figure out what was going on. "Hey Spot, you’se serious ‘bout this?"
Spot turned around. "Don’t I’se sound serious?"
"Well ya shoah did up dere but I’se  means, it ain’t been like you’se and her have been friends fer a long time.  Hell, da boys an’ me always figured dat you’se two would kill each oddah eventually or sumthin’ like that."
"Yeah Jacky-boy well we didn’ and I’se sorta likes her now.  So, since she likes me too I’se don’ see why she wouldn’ come to Brooklyn fer awhile.  It ain’t like I’se askin’ her ta marry me."
"Shoah Spot, I know, still I don’ like the idea a her down der with dose rough boys wheah I cain’t watch her."
"Yeah well Ise’ll watch her twice as much if it’ll make you’se feel bettah" Spot joked.
"You beddah take care a her Conlon or we’se are gunna have some real problems," Jack stated.
"Well you’se ain’t gotta worry ‘cause I’se ain’t plannin’ on hurtin’ her." Spot assured him while finishing up his packing.
"All right Bittah ya ready?  We’se should get goin’.  I ain’t to keen on ya walking through Brooklyn in da dark. I would hate for you to get hurt." Spot shouted across the room, emphasizing particular words for Jack’s benefit.
"Yeah, I’m all packed and everythin’ let me jest say goodbye ta everyone." Bitter replied.
She then went around the room saying goodbye to all the boys.  Afterwards she hugged Jack and started to walk out.  "Wait a minute," she said. "Where is Blink? I can’t leave widout sayin’ g’bye ta him!" 
It turned out that no one knew where Blink was.  Bitter eventually had to leave though because it was getting late.  Jack promised to tell Blink she said goodbye and to give him a hug for her.  He had no intention of following through with his latter promise but didn’t want Spot to get angry and would have promised Bitter almost anything.

Blink walked in an hour later, resolved to tell Harmony his feelings about her.  He looked all over for her and finally gave up and asked Jack where she was.
"Oh you’se finally got back!" Jack said.  "Harmony went to Brooklyn wid Spot fer a week ‘r so until the counsel.  She was all upset ‘bout not getting’ ta say ‘bye ta ya but it was getting’ late so she had to go.  I’se is supposed ta say ‘bye fer her."
"Yer supposed ta do something else fer her too Cowboy," Racetrack commented, from where he had been listening to the conversation.
"Yer funny Race.  That was almost as funny as what you’se likes ta call a poker face," Jack commented.
"Aw low blow Cowboy! Anythin’ but me gambling!" Racetrack said pretending to be hurt.
"So what was you’se supposed ta do fer her," Blink asked looking confused.
"Nothin’ jest ferget ‘bout it Blink!" Jack exclaimed, and started to walk away.
"Cowboy stop being such a wussy.  Don’ make me go tell Spot Conlon dad you’se lied ta his goilfriend!" Racetrack yelled.
"Look it ain’t dat big of a deal! All she wanted me ta do wa---" before he had finished Racetrack ‘accidentally’ bumped into him from behind sending Jack flying into Blink’s arms.
"Dat’s what he was supposed ta do.  Jacky-boy is jest a little shy dats all," Racetrack said grinning.
Blink laughed and put his arms down, sending Jack sprawling on the floor.  "Racetrack you’se bettah start runnin’ now" Jack yelled running after Racetrack.
Blink watched the too run off, then sat down looking very melancholy.  I caint believe she’s gone…gone with Spot Conlons! Dat’s even woirse!  God knows what deys already doin’!  Why was I’se so stupid!  ‘I can puts them tagether’ ‘I’se Blink an’ I’se full of good ideas’.  Damnit! If it weren’t fer me they’d still be fightin’ and I’se would still have a chance!
Part 2
Unexpected Friendship