Part Four
Bitter looked at the rundown building.  She could barely make out  "Brooklyn Newsboys Lodging House", from the weathered sign.  Spot took her hand and pulled her inside the building. 
"Heya Kloppy!  I’se brought us a new newsie from Manhattan.  I’se gunna take her upstahs and show her ‘round.  Ise’ll settle’er financial situation when I’se is done," he said to the man behind the counter.  Bitter noticed he looked astonishingly like the Kloppmann at the Manhattan House. 
"Hey…that guy…he kinda looks familiar…" Bitter commented, looking back at him. 
Spot smirked. "So you’se noticed. Yeah dey’se is broddahs.  I’se don’t know hows they both started runnin’ houses aldough dere’s rumors dat dey both used ta be really great newsies back in deir day."
Bitter laughed trying to imagine either men being young at some point.  She didn’t have much time to think about it though because Spot finally brought her to the Brooklyn bunkroom where most of the newsies had been gathering, since it was almost dark.  She stood in the doorway, completely frozen.  The Brooklyn boys didn’t seem shocked at all to see Spot with a girl in his room, in fact it seemed to happen all the time.
"Heya Spot welcome back!  It’s ‘bout time you’se showed up ‘roun heah!  I’se didn’ know how long I’se could take dat uptight Jack bossin’ us ‘roun."  He paused in his speaking to look Bitter up and down.  "I’se guess I can see what kept ya ‘n Manhattan dough.  Dis one’s prettier dan da rest, Spot.  I’se hopes you’se keeps dis one ‘roun fer awhile; I’se wouldn’t mind seein’ her poirty face heah ev’ry moinin’."  He smiled at Bitter and stuck out his spit-on hand.  "Hey.  I’se Cards. It’s a pleasure to meet any frienda Spot’s, ‘specially since deys da prettiest goils I’se evah gets ta meet.
She attempted to smile and tentatively moved to shake his hand.  Spot stopped her though saying, "Look boys dis goil ain’t like none a da oddahs and you’se bettah get used ta treatin’ her wid all da respect you’se gives me or else you’se gunna have a deal wid me." He paused and made eye contact with a couple of the boys that had the nerve to smile at his threat.  "An’ you’se definatley don’t wanna deal wid me.  We’se gots a understandin’?" The boys that had been smiling stopped and took a quick breath, then nodded with the rest of the boys.
"Wese’ll be poifect gentlemen’s Spot. Youse’ll see.  I think dat Fox wanted ta see you’se soon as you’se got heah.  Ya want me ta go get him?" Cards told Spot.
"Nah, dats okay.  Ise’ll go see him.  Hows ‘bout you’se settle Bittah inta da top bed a me bunk fer me?" Spot asked.  He didn’t wait for a reply, but walked out of the room to a smaller room and shut the door.
Bitter didn’t realize how comforting it was to have Spot in the room.  She suddenly felt very scared sitting in a room of over twenty very strong and intimidating boys.  She looked around and noticed that everyone was still staring at her not talking anymore.  Bitter was just beginning to think that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea leaving Manhattan and subconsciously edged closer to the door.
Cards finally said, "Bittah, right?  You’se can come ovah heah wid me.  Ise’ll show you’se yer bed and give you a tour if ya’s likes?"
Bitter smiled and nodded, picking up her small bag and gripping it tightly.  She followed Cards to the bunk closest to the window. 
"You’se is supposed ta take da top bunk, but you’se can jest throw yer stuff undah da bed." He waited until she had done so. "All right good, now would ya like to meet some a da boys?  I don’t ‘spect youse’ll remembah mosta dem but I would hate ta be rude and not have propah introductions." He smiled and continued to walk around the room pointing out everybody and relating his title to her. 
Cards noticed she was kind of shy and asked her if she would like to go outside on the fire escape and get some air.  Bitter readily agreed and almost ran to the window.
"So can you’se tell me how a nice goil like you’se got mixed up with a boy like Spot?" Cards asked once they were situated on the fire escape.
Bitter smiled.  "Well one minute we were fightin’ an’ da next we were a couple…literally.   Da boys thought it would be a good idea ta lock us in da bathroom together.  Luckily, fer dem, it worked."
Cards laughed heartily at hearing this. "You’se the goil dey locked in wid him.  I’se been hearin’ all sorts a stories ‘bout you.  You’se got quite a reputation ‘roun heah. You’se just bettah be able to live up to it."
"I’ll try me best not ta disappoint ya all," she said giggling.  "Can I ask ya a question?" she asked.
"You’se jest did, so back to my questions." Card teased.
Bitter hit him playfully. "Oh ya know what I mean" she said. 
"All right lets heah it." Cards said while pretending to nurse his ‘mortally wounded arm’.
"Okay I was jest wonderin’ how close you an’ Spot are.  I noticed dat ya weren’t nearly as afraid a him as da other boys.  I mean da other boys nearly passed out when he glared at dem an’ you ran up ta greet him,"  Bitter pointed out.
"Oh dats easy.  Spot an’ I grew up togeddah.  We’se always been like broddahs ta each oddah.  He ain’t got much family an’ so sometimes he jest needs someone ta be dere fer him and watch his back.  Afterall he is human…regardless what da rumors are," he explained to Bitter.
"Dat was heartbreakin’ Cards.  I’se tearin’ up ovah heah," came the joking voice of Spot from the window.  Before Cards and Bitter had turned around they already knew Spot was smirking.
"Yeah yer real cute Conlon.  I tries me hardest to make ya sound good infronta yer goil and you’se gotta go an’ try ta sound cute," Cards countered, trying to appear angry.
"Yeah, shoah, whatevah.  You’se two bettah get in heah before da boys starts ta talk about you’se.  In case ya ain’t heard Cards, I’se gets real jealous when oddah people’s play wid me toys," Spot said fighting to keep a serious face.
"It ain’t me fault dat yer toys are always lookin’ fer a bettah owner," Cards teased while entering the room. 
Bitter followed close behind him.  Spot, always the gentlemen, helped her in the room.  "Hey I wants ta talk to you’se fer a minute, okay?" Spot asked pulling her into the room he had earlier disappeared to.
"Yeah, shoah," she said, although it was somewhat pointless because by the time she had been able to answer Spot had already closed the door to the room.  When she looked around she was very surprised.  The room seemed to be somewhat of a large, empty closet.  There were two wooden chairs, a small table, and a one flickering light that hung from the ceiling. 
Spot followed her eyes around the room and said, "Yeah dis is me conference room."  He looked around the shabby room. "You’se remind me ta call me decorator! Dis place is a disgrace!" he joked.
Bitter laughed.  "So, did ya have a reason fer pullin’ me inta a dark room where we are completely alone?" she asked innocently.
"Is you’se tryin’ ta hint at somethin’?" Spot said pretending he didn’t know what she was talking about.
"Well if all ya do is talk ‘bout interior decoratin’ when yer all alone wid a goil I think dat we are gunnna have some problems wid our relationship," she commented.
Spot pulled her into a long kiss.  "What kinda problems was you’se talkin’ about?" he asked after they had finished.
"Oh nevermind…" she said a little breathless.  Spot smirked at her and sat down.
"Now we’se really does have ta talk.  Look Brooklyn ain’t like Manhattan at all.  I knows me boys ain’t gunna try nothin’ but you’se gotta be more careful in da streets.  You’se better always have one of me boys around if I’se can’t be dere.  Also, I’se was thinkin’ now dat you’se are wid the leadah a da Brooklyn newsies it jest ain’t fittin’ fer you’se ta be a cleanin’ goil.  I’se knows ya don’t wanna but Ise’ll have ta insist dat you’se becomes a newsie.  Ise’ll take ya out tomorrow an’ teach you’se.  Dat is if you’se has no objections."
"It’s about time!  If I knew dat all I had ta do ta get out a cleanin’ was kiss ya I woulda done it long ago…as horrible as it is," she joked.
"Hey watch yaself goil! Ain’t nobody allowed ta talk ta da leader a Brooklyn likes dat!" Spot commanded trying to look fierce.
"Aw, look da puppy dog got his feelins hurt.  I feel sorry…really I do!" Bitter said hurriedly, faking an apologetic look.
"Yeah, you’se will be!  Anyways I’se gots stuff ta do tanight.  I’se sorry but it can’t be delayed any further since I’se already put it off a couple a weeks.  So I’se is gunna leave you’se heah.  Ise’ll be out late, so I’ll prolly jest see ya tamarrow." Spot got up to leave.
"Wait, Spot somethin’ has been botherin’ me.  Just how many goils have ya had here? Da boys all made it seem like it happened all da time…"
"Oh…I figured you’se would bring dat up soonah or latah.  Look Bittah I’se used ta be dat type a guy but now I’se isnt...see?" Spot explained.
"No I don’t see.  I also don’t think ya could be more vague even if ya tried."  Bitter asserted.  "I was jest wondering…well have ya evah had a real steady goil?"
"I’se ain’t really got time ta get inta dis wid you’se now an’ I really don’t never wanna get inta it.  Dose oddah girls is in da past.  Plus, I sweah I’se ain’t nevah had a goil as special as you’se dat I actually liked.  I’se really gotta go now, so how’s bout me goodnight kiss?"  Spot asked hopefully.
Bitter smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek.  "I’ll see you tomorrow I guess. Aldoh I really wish you weren’t leavin’ da foist night I am here.  I don’t even know anyone out der an’ dey shoah do stare a lot.  It’s intimidatin’ if not completely scary."
"I’se would get outta it if I’se could.  How’s ‘bout I take ya out tomorrow aftah we’se sell our papes ta celebrate you’se bein’ a real newsie?"
"All right…and I understand ya have ta leave I jest wish ya didn’t have ta."
"Well if you’se understands den what if you’se gave me a real kiss dis time?" Spot asked pulling her in for a ‘real kiss’.
They both exited the room.  "Listen up boys.  I’se gotta go out fer awhile an’ I’se expects you’se ta be on yer best behavior.  I’ll know if you’se ain’t good!" Spot announced.  He then picked up his hat and secured his slingshot and cane into his belt loops.  He looked around once more then walked straight out of the room.
Bitter stood right where she was for a couple moments before feeling completely self-conscious.  She walked over to her bed and pretended to be busy packing and repacking her things into her bag.  What am I gunna do now?  I wasn’t even supposed ta stick ‘round wid da newsies aftah I got bettah an’ now I’m goin’ out wid da leader?  Nice job Bittah.  God, I’m even calling myself Bittah now?! I’m Melody! I have ta remembah dat!  I can’t jest stick ‘round an’ I really can’t get emotionally attached.  Okay, I cant get MORE attached den…Only bad things come from it Melody!
Her silent reproving of herself was interrupted by Cards saying, "Ya knows you’se are gunna wear yer clothes out even moah if ya keep foldin’ dem ovah an’ ovah like that."
Bitter laughed sheepishly.  "Yeah, I guess yer right.  I jest kinda got caught up in thinkin’ an’ didn’t realize what I was doin’."
Cards laughed.  "You’se looks all bored an’ lonely ovah heah in da cornah all alone.  How’s ‘bout you’se comes an’ plays some cards with us?  Wese’ll go easy on ya since yer Spot’s goil an’ all."  He joked.
"Well…I kinda sorta…don’t know how ta play cards…" Bitter mumbled, not proud of her ignorance of such a popular pastime.
Cards held his chest pretending to be wounded.  "You’se what?! Not any?  Guys dis goil is killin’ me!"  He fell to the ground to emphasize his words.
Bitter laughed despite her embarrassment.  "Cut it out! Get up!" she commanded.
"I’se is only getting’ up if you’se promises ta let me teach ya how ta play cards." Cards bargained. 
"All right, all right! I give up! I’ll learn how ta play!" Bitter surrendered.
"Good!" said Cards jumping up.  He dragged Bitter over to the game that was already in progress and proceeded to explain the rules in poker, the object of the game and easy ways to cheat without people ever knowing (he did have the name "Cards" for a reason after all!).  After a couple of grueling hours Bitter had even managed to win a few hands. 
"See yer a natural, Bitter!" Cards exclaimed.  "Stick wid me kid it only gets bettah from heah.  You’se keeps practicin’ and Ise’ll take ya to the infamous Newsies Poker Championship as my secret weapon."
"If I’m yer secret weapon ya bettah be prepared ta lose horribly," Bitter said smiling wryly.
The night went on in the same fashion.  Bitter began to warm up to a couple of the other newsies and became pretty good friends with Cards.  Although she was having fun she was very relieved when Kloppy came in to make everyone go to bed. 
After Kloppy left the room all the boys headed for their bunks, pulling off various items of clothing as they went.  Even though it shouldn’t have shocked Bitter, since she had been living with all boys for awhile now, it did.  Some of the boys seemed a little uncomfortable at stripping down in front of her too.  Other boys waited and watched Bitter with anticipation as she headed for her bunk..   Bitter looked at them all oddly and sat on her bed to brush out her short blonde hair.  What are dey all lookin’ at me for? Bitter wondered.  She brushed her hair slowly hoping they would all just get in their beds and leave her alone.  Unfortunately they all just sat there watching her more.  Are dey goin’ ta watch me while I sleep to?  Do dey do dis ta all da new newsies ta scare dem?
Finally Cards came out of the washroom and looked around.  He rolled his eyes and yelled, "All right boys get in yer bed.  Dere’s nothin’ ta see ovah dere.  You’se boys are in serious need of lives a yer own.  Da only time you’se all can see a goil is when Spot brings one in?  Dat’s pretty sad boys, now get away from her or Ise’ll be more dan happy ta make ya."
The boys all moseyed towards their beds grumbling about ‘Spots lackey’.  It finally had dawned on Bitter  exactly what the boys were trying to see and she wasn’t very happy.  She jumped into bed fully-clothed and pulled the covers up close around her neck. 
Cards came over shortly.  "Yeah shoah Cards! We’se all has ta get away from her but when da lights go out you’se sneaks ovah ta her.  What’s you’se tryin’ ta see?" came a shout from somewhere in the room. 
Bitter sighed and realized she would have to get used to a lot of things.  Cards laughed and said "Jest ignore dem Bittah deys don’t gets ta see goils a lot.  Infact, I’se gots suspicions dat some a da boys ain't been in da same room as a goil since deys was born.  I’se  jest wanted ta ask you’se if ya needed anythin’ befoah I’se went ta sleep and ta say ‘night ta ya."
"Thanks Cards.  No, I don’t need anythin’ but thanks fer askin’."
"Okay then Ise’ll be goin’ ta bed.  Ise’ll see you’se bright n’ early tomorrow.  Oh an Bittah I’se really glad you’se came heah.  It’s been really nice meetin’ you’se an’ its also good ta know dat Spot ain’t always got bad taste."
"Really, thanks Cards.  I’m really glad yer here. I don’t know what I would do if ya weren’t,"  Bitter told Cards.
"Ya’d prolly still be foldin’ yer clothes!" Cards teased.
Bitter burst out laughing and Cards began soon after. 
"Would you’se two shut up?!"
"Hey some of us is tryin’ ta sleep ovah heah!"
Bitter and Cards hushed their laughing and muttered goodnights to each other before Cards went back to his own bunk.  Bitter fell asleep thinking that maybe it wasn’t so bad that she had stayed with the newsies.
The next morning Bitter woke when the sun first showed in the window.  She rolled over in her bed to find Spot asleep next to her.  She smiled at his innocent face and the little bit of drool coming out of his mouth.  It’s so nice wakin’ up next ta him.  He is so adorable when he sleeps.  Why haven’t I seen him like dis before?  Wait a minute… "AAAAAAAH" she screamed kicking Spot out of her bed. 
Spot fell to the floor with a thud and woke up immediately.  All the newsies that hadn’t been up before, sure were now.  They were also gathering to see what the commotion was.  Spot picked himself off the floor looking completely bewildered. 
"What da hell was dat for?!" he asked, looking angry.
"What do ya think it was for?!  Why da hell are you in my bed?!" Bitter asked mortified.  I didn’t do anythin’ wid him last night…did I?  Nah, I would remembah somethin’ like dat…wouldn’t I?
"What are you’se talkin’ ‘bout dis is my bed! Yers is da top bunk!" Spot informed her.  His anger was starting to give way to amusement, and the mischievous look began to sparkle in his crystal blue eyes again.
"Oh…" Bitter said blushing a little. "Yeah, but ya musa known I was in here when ya got in bed and ya should’ve, I don’t know, woke me up ta tell me or somethin’!"
"Hey I’se was a little surprised ta see ya in me bed, but I’se thought dat maybe you’se missed me or somethin’.  It ain’t dat unusual fer a guy’s goil to sleep in his bed," Spot commented.
"Yeah well I just…I…" Bitter started to say then looked around.  There were a bunch of newsies, only clothed in their underwear, in a circle around her bed and it made her feel a little uncomfortable. 
Spot looked around too and rolled his eyes. "Don’t you’se all gots ta be somewheah right now?" he asked.  All the newsies sprang into action, getting dressed and washed up and everything. 
Bitter got out of Spot’s bed and smiled sheepishly at him.  "I’m sorry about all dat I was jest surprised…very surprised."
"Yeah I figured dat.  I think dat yer scream gave it away…" Spot commented smirking.
"Yeah well you try goin’ ta sleep an’ den wakin’ up wid a guy in yer bed!" Bitter challenged. "You’d be scared, too!"
"Yeah," Spot agreed.  "But I’se would be scared fer completely different reasons," he pointed out.
Bitter laughed. "Ya know what I mean!"
"Shoah I’se gets ya.  So you’se expects me ta throw a beautiful goil outta bed on da off chance dat she might be surprised in da mornin’?"
"Well, I dunno I could kinda get used ta sleepin’ wid ya nowit now," Bitter admitted.  Then looking at Spot’s shocked face she finished, "I said sleepin’ wid ya…not ya know…’sleepin’ wid ya!"
Spot laughed.  "I’se knew it was too good ta be true!  Oh boy we’s bettah get ready or dere wont be papes left!  Der’s da washroom ovah der if you’se needs it fer anythin’," Spot informed her while slipping his pants and shirt on. 
"Thanks.  Let me just go throw some watah on me face and I’ll be ready ta go," Bitter told Spot.
"All right, Ise’ll be waitin’ out heah fer you’se," Spot said.
Bitter then walked into the now-empty washroom.  She quickly rinsed her hands and face.  She went out of the room to find Spot had left.  She found herself worried almost immediately.  Now what am I supposed ta do?  Does he expect me ta go downstairs an’ meet him, or stay here an’ wait fer him?  She thought not knowing what to do.  She finally decided to go downstairs to see if Spot was there.
When she didn’t find Spot downstairs she really was worried.  Since she didn’t know where anything was in Brooklyn she couldn’t go see if he was at the distribution office.  She sat on the bench near the Lodging House door, resolved to wait for Spot there.
She had waited for about ten minutes when Cards came walking in through the door.  "Hey der Bittah.   I’se was jest gunna go an’ look fer you’se upstairs.  Thanks fer savin’ me da time!  I’se is supposed ta take you’se along an’ teach ya all I’se knows ‘bout sellin’ papes.  Since dat won’t take long, I’se is also supposed ta also show you’se ‘roun Brooklyn ‘til lunch. You’se ready ta go?"
"Oh, shoah I am," Bitter said somewhat surprised.  "Not dat I ain’t happy ‘bout spending time wid ya or anythin’, but where is Spot?  He promised he was goin’ ta show me ‘round and everythin’."
"Yeah, well I’se don’t knows da particulars, but he was pulled inta Queens.  It looked pretty important an’ so he made me promise ta take good care a you’se," Cards answered her.  "Come on let’s make like a tree an’ leave.  Even doh you’se don’t gotta sell papes ta day I shoah do since I ain’t to keen on sleepin’ on da streets."  Cards then took Bitter’s hand and pulled her out of the Lodging House.
Cards and Bitter spent a very enjoyable day together.  Cards showed her how to exaggerate headlines, play on customer’s sympathy, avoid the police, and the basic streets that she needed to know in Brooklyn.  Bitter proved herself to be an excellent student and before long was exaggerating with the best of them.  She also filled Cards in on how she and Spot had met, finding that she could talk about almost anything with him.  While they were having hot-dogs by the river, Cards finally noticed the time.  They were three hours late for meeting Spot.  Cards took off at a sprint for the Lodging House more or less dragging Bitter behind him.
"Geez, pull my arm off, why don’t ya?" Bitter asked angrily, when they had reached the Lodging House.  "What does it mattah if we are a little late? Its not like—"
"It mattahs ‘cause I’se been waitin’ heah fer three an a half hours an’ I’se don’t likes ta be kept waitin’," came Spots voice from inside the Lodging House.  "Get in heah you’se two.  You’se got some explainin’ ta do an’ it bettah be good."
They walked in with their heads hanging.  They both knew they were in for it.
"Look Spot, its me fault.  I’se was showing her da town an’  was too stupid ta watch da time," Cards rushed to tell him.
"Dat’s not true.  We were jest havin’ a good time and I didn’t think it would mattah if I showed up at noon or not, figurin’ ya would jest find some business more important den me.  Maybe I didn’t want ta rush home jest ta find out ya had ta run off ta God knows where on ‘business’," Bitter told Spot.
"Cards you’se get upstahs.  We’se can talk latah.  You," he said pointing at Bitter. "Follow me.  Ise’ll deal wid you now." 
Spot walked out of the Lodging House and took off for the docks.  Bitter followed him without talking.  She soon began worrying about where he was taking her.  What’s he doin’?  Maybe I pushed him too far dis time and he’s takin’ me off ta a secluded place so he can kill me an’ dispose of me body easily.  Nah, Spot wouldn’t do dat…he likes me too much…he’d nevah hurt me…would he? 
She was suddenly jerked out of her thoughts when Spot whipped around and said, "Cards, I’se pretty shoah I’se told ya ta go upstahs.  An’ I’se almost positive I’se didn’t ask ya ta follow us."
"Sorry Spot," Cards apologized sheepishly.  "I’se was jest a little worried about you’se tempah an’ what affects it might have on Bittah der."
"You’se thinks I’se gunna beat up me own goil?  What kinda person do you’se take me fer?  I’se jest wanted ta get away from all da boys so we’se could talk ‘n private.  Aldoh you’se ain’t makin’ it so easy fer me."
"Oh, I knew you’se weren’t gunna hurt her…really…I uhh jest didn’t want you’se ta uh…say somethin’ dat you’se would regret," Cards said a little shooken.
"Shoah Cards.  Now beat it befoah I’se changes me mind an’ give you’se da soakin’ you’se desoives," Spot threatened.
Cards had disappeared before Spot had even finished, leaving Bitter all alone with Spot.  Once alone, Spot and Bitter just sat there for a couple minutes in an awkward silence.
"Spot, ya brought me out here ta talk didn’t ya?"
"Yeah, I’se did."
"Well, den, why aren’t ya talkin’?"
"I’se was jest thinkin’ ‘bout what you’se said befoah.  Look, you’se knows dat yer really important ta me, don’t ya?  I mean I’se wouldn’t keep you’se aroun’ if ya weren’t."
"I know," Bitter said, not really believing what she was saying.
"No, really, you’se is.  But it’s jest I’se gots responsibilities ta me boys an’ all da newsies in New York.  I’se caint jest turn me back on dem ta do what I’se wants ta do all da time."
"I know…really.  It’s jest I thought if I came ta Brooklyn dat we would get ta spend time together.  I could have jest stayed in Manhattan where I have friends if I knew da only time dat I would see ya is when I was throwin’ ya out a bed!"
"Is dat what you want?  Ta go back ta Manhattan?  You’se don’ like it heah?" Spot asked sounding hurt.
Bitter sighed.  "I didn’t mean dat.  I’m jest kinda exasperated."
"I’se glad you’se didn’t mean it ‘cause I’se wants ya ta stay heah.  Look hows ‘bout we’se goes back ta da House an’ clean up, an’ Ise’ll take ya ta a nice restaurant soes we’se can spend some time togeddah? 
Bitter smiled.  "Dat sounds great Spot.  I’d really like that."
With that their first ‘lovers quarrel’ ended, little did they know that there were many to come. 

Part Four

Ever since the argument a few days before, Spot had gone out of his way to spend time with Bitter.  He walked with her in the evenings, ate with her, and sat around talking for hours.  At night, they would quietly whisper together in Spot’s bed where Bitter had taken up residence.   Although, they didn’t do anything except cuddle Bitter felt safer and happier with him.
Through all the conversations they had, Spot noticed a pattern in the subject.  It was always cleverly steered from the topic of the past.  Bitter would distract him with statements like, ‘What’s done is done’ and ‘Let’s not dwell in the past’.  While they were good points, he wanted to know more about her, and why she didn’t want to tell people about it.
Finally, he decided.  "Bitter, kin you’se cum here fer a sec?  I’se needs ta talk ta ya," he said, leading her into the ‘conference room’.
"Shoah, Spot, what do ya need?"  Bitter asked.
Spot sat her down in a chair and said, "Well, I’se knows you’se ain’t too keen on talkin’ ‘bout it, but I’se wants ta know ‘bout yer past."
Bitter jumped up, but was pushed back down by Spot.  "Don’t you’se remembah what happened da last time you’se did dat?  Jest sit down an’ tell me ‘bout it."
"It isn’t dat easy, Spot.  It’s not like I don’t trust ya, I jest don’t think der’s anythin’ ta tell, an’ I wish ya would stop badgerin’ me ‘bout it," Bitter said.
"Like I’se said befoah, I’se ain’t stupid.  I’se knows yer hidin’ somethin’ an’ I’se wish ya would tell me ‘bout it.  You’se don’t have nothin’ ta fear," Spot coaxed.
"Look, der’s nothin’ ta tell, but if ya keep pushin’ dis, I don’t know how we’re goin’ ta come out in da end," Bitter threatened, causing Spot to flinch inside.
What’s she hidin’?  She doesn’t know how wese’ll cum out ‘n da end?  I’se can’t believe her, she’d leave me jest ‘cause I’se was tryin’ ta help.  Well, if dats what she's got ta do, den dats what shes got ta do.  Dis is what I’se has ta do.  Spot realized.
"If dats hows you’se feels ‘bout it, ders nothin’ I kin do.  Now, tell me ‘bout you from befoah you fell into our lives."  Spot commanded.
After glaring for solid minutes, Bitter began, "Fine, whatevah.  I don’t know what ya want me ta say.  I was left on a church door step as a child, took in by a great old couple den I went too far from home one day when I was ‘bout seven an’ couldn’t find my way home so I lived on da streets.  It wasn’t a big deal  I got tageddah wid da Shadows, yeah da gang, an’ learned ta pickpocket.  Me best friend was killed when I was ‘bout twelve so I quit an’ had ta run away, since gangs don’t look too favorably on quitters.  Aftah dat I wandered ‘round Manhattan fer ‘bout five years befoah Blink found me.  "
Bitter got up to leave, but Spot pulled her back down.  He asked, "Why was dat so hard ta tell me?"
"Why da hell are ya so interested.  I wasn’t plannin’ on stayin’ wid da newsies an’ so I figured it wasn’t too smart ta get attatched ta people.  An’ even so, bein’ in a gang ain’t somethin’ ya really want ta bring up, specially when people knew ya from it," Bitter told him, still glaring.
"What do ya mean people knew ya from it?" Spot questioned.
"Jack.  Jack knew me when I was little.  When he was still Francis Sullivan and I was still Melody Steffanson.  He hung ‘round da church a little an’ we became friends.   When I joined da gang he was pretty upset at me an’ den we got in a fight ‘bout it an’ I ain’t nevah seen him since.  I don’t know how he feels ‘bout me, nor do I care to.  Look, Spot don’t tell anyone dis all right? Swear?"
Spot nodded.  "A course I wont tell no one.  Look, ya shoulda told me before, doh.  Ya can trust me.  We all got thinks in our past dat we ain’t proud of  but dat don’t me ya got ta ferget dem completley, specially when yer still hurtin’ ovah dem."
"Spot I don’t need a lecture.  Now, if ya don’t mind, I’se gunna go pack up me things and get an early start fer Manhattan," Bitter said coldly, standing up.
She could see a flash of pain go through Spot’s face before it was covered.  He said, "It’s only a few days ‘til da council.  You’se could wait ‘round here ‘til den.  It’d be safah if you’se came back wid us."
Bitter said, averting her gaze from his eyes, "But I really want ta go now."
"Well, I’se can’ let ya.  None of me boys kin take ya back right now, and yer my responsibility.  Jacky-boy would kill me if I’se let ya go widout a escort," Spot said.
Bitter grumbled, "It’s nice to know someone cares about me."
"Bittah, stop dat.  Dat ain’t fair.  I’se didn’t do anythin’.  If you’se gonna act like dis, maybe it’s bettah if we don’t talk fer awhile," Spot said.
"Fine wid me, I nevah enjoyed it before," Bitter retorted, but inside she was crumbling.  She hated herself, she hated him, and she hated Brooklyn.  It was time to leave.
After a few hours, when she was sure everyone in the room, especially Spot, was asleep, Bitter got down from her bed carefully.  A day longer, was a day too long.  She grabbed her stuff, which she had gathered earlier and crept out of the Lodging House. 
Caps, one of the newsies that had met Harmony in Manhattan, had been ordered to secretly escort Bitter back.  Spot knew that she was going to leave whether he let her or not, and he thought it best to just let her.  So Caps was to be her shadow on her way back to Manhattan and then stay there for a day.  None of this was told to Jack, so he would probably be surprised to find Harmony in the morning. 

And he was. 
When Jack was woken by Kloppmann the next morning, he looked over to see Harmony, in his bed.  That was enough to make him fall out of bed.
Race, who woke up after Jack fell out of bed, said, "Looks like Jacky-boy is makin’ a move on Conlon’s goil. Didn’t know you’se had it in ya."
"Race…"  Jack said, a little threateningly.
"Geez, chill out.  I’se jest jokin’.  We’se all know yer safe.  If I’se had a goil, Ise’d know I could leave her wid you in bed an’ not worry."
Jack replied, "Thanks, Race, I think."
"Harmony!" Blink yelled from his bed.  "Yer back!!" He wasted no time in running over to her, hugging her, and twirling her around.
"At least someone’s happy ta see me," Harmony said.  After a couple more moments she said, "Okay Blink ya can put me down now…"
Blink complied immediately, with a sheepish smile, and stepped back a couple of steps with his head hanging.
"We’s are all happy ta see you’se an’ not dat yer unwelcome but why are you’se heah?" Jack asked trying to figure things out.
"I missed you guys!" Harmony explained.
"As sweet as dat is don’t try an’ pull dat wid me.  Why are ya really heah?"  Jack questioned unconvinced.
"I jest told ya! I missed ya all too much so I came back a couple days early.  Why is it so hard ta believe dat I didn’t like Brooklyn?"
"Well no one likes Brooklyn, dat ain’t da point though.  Da point is dat you’se left wid Spot an’ I doubt he’d want you comin’ back early," Jack explained.  He then looked closer at Harmony and asked, "Does he even know yer heah?"
Harmony looked up at the ceiling.  "Well, he might.  I mean…I don’t know…he’s probably figured it out by now…"
"Did dat joik do somethin’ ta ya Bitter?!  Ise’ll soak him! Dat bum is dead!"  Blink exclaimed making violent motions towards his pillow.
"Oh you’se will, will ya?" came the familiar voice.  Everyone whipped around to see Spot leaning against the door post with Caps standing behind him.
"Someone needs ta put a bell on dat boy!" Racetrack exclaimed.
Nervous laughter was heard around the room.  Everyone looked back and forth from Blink and Spot not wanting to miss any of the action.
Blink trying to appear confident said, "Yeah I’se will if you’se did anythin’ ta dat goil."
"Let’s see you’se try," Spot invited.
"All right I’se will!" Blink accepted walking towards Spot having no idea what he was going to do when he reached him.
He didn’t have much time to figure it out before Jack intervened saying, "You’se two knows ya can’t fight in heah!  Wese’ll all get kicked out if you’se keep actin’ stupid!  Take it outseide if you’se wants ta fight!"
"Dats fine wid me," Blink said roughly.
"Dis ain’t gunna be a fight its gunna be a beatin’," Spot commented.
"I’se wont hurt ya too bad Spottie," Blink promised patronizingly.
"Yeah you’se keep bein’ cute ‘til I’se get you outside," Spot smirked.
"Well den lets go!"
Harmony, getting tired of their talk, got up from her place on Jack’s bed, and said, "Look boys, both of you jest stop!  Yer both bein’ complete immature joiks."   Everyone froze when she said this, after all Blink was trying to defend her and Spot, well no one tells Spot what to do and gets away with it.
Spot started to protest but Harmony cut him off.  "No, jest listen ta me.  All of you listen!  Blink, Spot didn’t do anythin’ ta me I jest didn’t want ta stay in Brooklyn anymore.  So, ya might as well jest stop dis bull shit now ‘cause we both know dat when ya get outside Spot will kill ya.  An’ Spot, why da hell are ya here anyways?  I thought we weren’t talkin’ anymore!  Jest go away and stop pickin’ on people!"
Everyone stood in shock.  You could have easily heard a pin drop in the room.  Blink looked about ready to cry, and was most definitely not smiling.  Spot recovered from his shock much easier than the rest and said, "Look, no one talks ta me like dat, even you’se.  I’se is jest as sick of yer attitude as you’se is of mine.  I’se sick a ya bein so damn moody all da time an’ not talkin’ ta anyone ‘bout important things.  An’ I’se sick of you’se pushin’ everyone away jest cause you’se had a hard childhood.  Look ‘round!  Everyone one heah had bad childhoods but no one goes ‘round bein’ bittah all da time!"
"No one except you dat is!" Harmony countered. "And if you are so sick of me den why do ya keep followin’ me?"
"You’se thinks I’se followin’ you?  Spot Conlon’s don’t need ta follow no one!  I’se heah ta get Jack," Spot informed her.
"Oh, so dat’s yer preference these days?  Now I know why it didn’t work out between us…"  Harmony commented.
At this Blink’s smile returned.  There was titterings of laughter heard from the group but a glare from Spot silenced them all.
"I’se has had it wid you’se goil.  I’se is glad yer gone, I’se don’t hafta worry ‘bout yer moodiness and annoying whinin’ anymoah," Spot insulted her.
"That’s just fine!" Harmony yelled running out of the door, crying.
Blink bolted after her.  He was sure that he could cheer her up if he found her.
Spot almost looked like he was sorry as he watched Harmony leave then turned to Jack.  "Come on Jacky-boy, we’se gotta head fer da meetin’.  They’s moved it up a little and we’se is gunna be late if we don’t hurry."
Jack grabbed his hat and followed Spot out the door.  He reappeared a few seconds later saying, "Hey you bummahs get ta woik you’se is already late!"  He then left again.
Racetrack ran to the window to make sure Jack really left that time, then yelled, "Free day!  Who’se fer a game a pokah?"
Everyone laughed.  Some of the boys sat down to play with Race, while most of them crawled back into bed.  There fun was ruined however when two minutes later Jack came back up saying, "Anyone in bed right now wont have a bed tommorah! You’se all get yer lazy asses outta bed and sell yer papes.  An’ you’se guys playin pokah better hurry too befoah I’se has ta go get Spot an’ ask him ta help me keep me boys in line.  An’ Ise’ll know if you’se all don’t go ta woik…Spot ain’t da only one wid boidees."
Everyone got up grumbling.  They all headed to the washroom.  Mush asked, "Da ya think dat Jack was jest jokin’ ‘bout his ‘boidees’?"  Caps entered the room saying, "Jack told me ta tell you’se dat he wasn’t jokin’, whatevah dat means."
Everyone looked frightened.  "Jack’s beginnin’ ta scare me.  We’se shouldn’t let him hang ‘round Spot so much," Racetrack commented.
Blink had finally caught up with Harmony in Central Park.  She had tripped, giving Blink just the time he needed to catch up with her.  Blink helped her to her feet asking, "Harmony why didn’t ya wait fer me?  What’s wrong?"
"Oh nothin’s wrong.  I jest kinda want ta be alone now…" Harmony assured him. 
Blink looking slightly taken aback said, "All right I’se guess I can understand dat. Ise’ll see ya back at da Lodgin’ House, okay?"  Then he added, "Oh, an’ Harmony I’se really did miss ya while you’se were gone.  I’se dunno why ya came back but I’se is really glad dat you’se did," meaning every word he said.
Harmony nodded, but didn’t say anything.  Blink just looked at her and noticed that she was shaking a little.  "All right I’se knows ya wants me ta go away, an’ I’se will but foist you’se gotta tell me whats wrong!  Maybe I’se can help.  Come on Harmony I’se is yer friend and friends help each other!"
He was about to go one in his speech but Harmony threw herself into his arms sobbing hysterically.  She realized she just couldn’t keep it all inside any longer and Blink was as good of person as any.  Probably the best person since she knew he really cared about her.  Her entire story came out about her week in Brooklyn, the small part of the past she had related to Spot, her fight with him, and finally how horrible she felt about what had happened in the Lodging House.
Blink sat there with his arm around her shoulders, just listening.  Every once in a while he would take her hand and give it a friendly squeeze, trying to give her all the comfort he could but not really knowing how.
Finally, Harmony was drained of all her feelings she had been repressing for so long.  They just sat together in silence. 
Blink suddenly looked at Harmony and said, "Look, I’se gotta tell ya somethin’.  I’se been wantin’ ta tell you’se fer awhile but every time I’se brought it up you would change da subject so I’se nevah got ta tell ya.  I’se know ya knows but I’se jest gotta say it.  I’se really likes ya and has evah since I’se saw ya dat foist time in da alley.  An’ I’se always kinda though dat we’se had a chance but I’se knows we’se don’t now.  You’se really does love Spot.  I’se has no idea why you’se love him, but ya do.  An’ so lets face it we’se don’t an’ nevah will have a chance togeddah.  No don’t look at me like dat, I’se is fine wid it ‘cause I’se is yer friend an’ wants ya ta be happy.  So, come on we’se can spend da day jest relaxin’ an’ tonight you’se can find Spot an’ talk wid him.  Afta all you’se too are poifect fer each oddah.  I’se don’t know a no oddah person dat can call Spot names an’ not be soaked immediately."
"Blink your so great!  Do you really mean all of that?"  Harmony asked.
"Shoah I’se do!  Is dis da face a someone dat would lie?"  Blink responded joking.
"I guess not.  And I’m really sorry I hurt you.  I wish I could like you…like that  but I cant…"
"Hey don’t worry ‘bout it.  But since ya did "break me heart" I’se thinks dat you’se should pay fer lunch!" Blink stated trying to look pathetic.
"Okay, that’s the least I can do.  You really are the sweetest person I have ever met."
During this time Spot and Jack were walking towards Central Park for the Newsie Meeting.  All the parties had agreed to Central Park because it was more neutral territory with pretty scenery.  Only the leaders of Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan would be present.  Spot was attempting to cover up his feelings by joking around with Jack on the way there.
"So, Jacky-boy, I’se hoid from some boidees dat you’se slept wid me goil last night?  Dat true?" Spot asked glaring at Jack.
"Yeah its true but it ain’t da way it sounds!  I’se jest woke up an’ she was der!" Jack defended himself.
"Shoah Jacky-boy." Spot said, grinning.  His grin gave away the fact that he knew Jack hadn’t done anything.  "I’se also hoid she kicked you’se outta bed, too," Spot informed.
Jack laughed.  "I’se wasn’t kicked, I’se jest sorta fell.  Wait, does dat mean dat Harmony kicked da infamous Spot Conlon outta her bed?" Jack asked faking astonishment.
"No she didn’t kick me outta her bed…she kicked me outta me own bed!" Spot exclaimed.  Jack began laughing harder.
"Dat goil is unbelievable.  So what did you’se do ta her to make her so mad?" Jack asked becoming serious all the sudden.
Spot ran his hand through his hair. "I’se asked her about her past.  An’ she didn’t want ta tell me but I’se made her.  I’se found out some interestin’ stuff…"  Spot said.
"Well, are ya gunna tell me dis interestin’ stuff?" Jack asked. 
"I’m not supposed ta, but I think ya desoive ta know. I’se know fer a fact now dat you’se probably knows her better dan I’se evah will," Spot told him.
Jack looked very confused.  "What are you talkin’ ‘bout?  I’se barely evah talks ta her unless its about what kinda day shes had or somethin’ like dat."
"Yeah well, Francis Sullivan, it turns out dat you’se knew her back a few years ago.  Does the name Melody Steffanson ring a bell fer ya?"
"Melody Steffanson?  Christ, I’se haven’t hoid dat name in forevah!  Wait, are you sayin’ dats Harmony  is Melody Steffanson?  You’se must be jokin’ me!" Jack reminisced.  "Maybe dats  why she looked so familiar befoah…"Jack concluded.
"No kiddin’ Galileo.  Yer intelligence is always so astoundin’," Spot sarcastically commented. 
"You’se is jest angry ‘cause I’se knows yer goil bettah den you’se," Jack joked.
Suddenly Spot looked very angry.  "What da hell!?  Somethin’ tells me dat neiddah a us knows her very well," Spot said angrily pointing at a couple under a tree in Central Park. 
Jack turned around just in time to see Harmony fling herself into Blink’s waiting arms.  Jack was a little confused, to say the least.  The confusion grew when they stayed like that for a couple minutes.  Spot couldn’t do anything but stand there with his mouth open.  Red creeped up his face from his neck and he was soon on his way over to "talk to" Blink.
Jack held him back.  "Look Spot we’se ain’t got time fer dis now.  We’se cant be late fer meetin’ Queens.  Come on it aint like we’se wont see dem tonight."
Spot complied and followed Jack to the designated meeting place.  He had wiped all expression from his face but Jack knew he was thinking about Harmony.   Maybe it would be better if we didn’t see ‘em tonight…I’se think dat Blink’s luck jest ran out…Jack thought to himself.

Part Five

The meeting went along pretty well until Queens related all of it’s demands for peace.  The Queens leader, Tick, accepted Jack’s apology since they had been friends for a long time and he didn’t need a fight with Manhattan.
There were, however, problems when Tick said, "Da only thing we’se wants from you’se is dat goil dat started all da problems."
Jack immediately responded with, "You’se cant ask dat.  I’se aint gunna turn an innocent goil ovah to you’se and yer boys.  Look what happened last time she went near you’se!"
Tick persisted with, "Dat goil beat up ‘bout half of me boys an’ she gunna hafta pay fer it.  I’se cant jest let her run around wid out bein’ punished."
Jack angrily said, "I’se think dat you’se and yer boys beatin’ her up da foist time was punishment ‘nough fer anyone.  I’se surprised dat goil can walk anymore afta da soakin’ she got!"
Tick, just as angrily, threatened, "Da beatin’ she got from me last time ain’t nothin’ compared ta what's comin’."
Jack lunged at him, hearing that he was the person that beat Harmony up.  "What’s wrong wid ya, beatin’ up innocent goils on da street!?  I’se gunna soak ya!"
Tick began to fight back, giving Jack threats of his own.  Spot finally stood up and said, "Shut up, both of you’se!"  Both instantly became silent.
"Jack you’se aint carryin’ dis meetin’ out very professionally.  I’se ashamed of ya.  An’ you’se, Tick.  You’se is lucky I’se don’t soak ya right now fer beatin’ up me goil and den threatenin’ her."
Tick’s face went completely white. "What da ya mean, ‘your goil’?" he asked.
"I’se meant jest what I’se said.  Now, I’se think dis meetin’ is ovah.  You’se got yer apology an’ Jack has promised ta be good, so lets go befoah we’se all does somethin’ we’se gunna regret."  With that Spot picked up his cane and walked off.
"Bein’ his goil is enough punishment to satisfy me," Tick muttered walking off in the opposite direction.  Jack stood glaring at Ticks back for awhile then turned and caught up with Spot.
"Ya know you’se had me worried fer awhile, Spot.  I’se thought dat you’se might be so mad at Harmony dat you’se were gunna let Tick have her or somethin’," Jack confessed.
"I’se wouldn’t give me worst enemy ta Tick, let alone a goil I’se care ‘bout," Spot informed him.
"Dat’s good ta hear.  Listen do ya wanna go get some lunch or somethin’?  It’s kinda pointless ta go sell papes now an’ I’se thinks we could both use some time ta relax…don’t you’se?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, shoah.  Tibby’s?" Spot said.
"Wheah else?" Jack agreed.
Just as they were going to walk in, Jack saw Harmony and Blink in a booth in the back.  He turned around quicky, running into Spot. 
"Hey, watch it Cowboy!  Wheah are you’se goin’?" Spot asked angrily.
"I’se was uhh…thinkin’ an I’se aint so hungry anymoah…howbout we’se go ta da Lodgin’ House an’ make shoah all me boys went out an’ sold today?" Jack stuttered.
"You’se knows dat all yer boys probably ran outta da Lodging House afta Caps went up der.  Deys prolly all think dat I’se a bad influence on ya…" Spot joked.
"Yeah so…uhh…lets go visit Medda.  You’se ain’t seen her in ferevah…"  Jack said trying to edge away from Tibbys.
"What is wrong wid ya?  I’se is starvin’ an gunna go eat!"  Spot then walked straight into Tibbys and went to sit down.  He stopped short when he saw Blink and Harmony in the back, eating and laughing together.  Giving her the coldest glare he could manage he turned on his heals and left. 
"You’se was right Jacky-boy I ain’t so hungry no more.  Ise’ll see you’se latah tonight, alright.  I’se jest gotta go blow some steam or somethin’."  Spot walked down the street not waiting for an answer from Jack.
Jack shrugged and walked to the Lodging House to get some extra rest.  He hoped Spot wasn’t going to go do something stupid but figured he would.
"See, I told ya!  Spot hates me now!  He’s nevah goin’ ta give me another chance an’ I am not  beggin’ him fer one!  I jest have ta move on….maybe we jest weren’t meant ta be,"  Harmony told Blink.
"Look you’se don’t know what he’s thinkin’!  You’se jest gotta have a civil conversation wid him befoah things get outta control.  Da last thing dat da boys an’ I want is fer you’se an Spot ta be fightin’ again.  You’se almost drove me crazy!" Blink exclaimed.
"Yeah ya shoulda seen him!  He stopped smilin’ fer an entire 5 seconds!" came Racetracks voice from behind Blink.
Harmony giggled.  "It must have been torture for him!"
"So, you’se seems bettah now, Harmony," Racetrack noticed.
"What you don’t like it when I act psychotic and whiney?" Harmony asked with a shocked face.
"Nah, we’se got Davey’s sistah ta act like dat," Racetrack joked.
"Why havn’t I ever met Davey’s sister?  I’ve heard about her but never actually seen her."
"Hey, don’t ask why jest be happy ‘bout it.  She don’t come ‘round much aftah Jack dumped her.   Thank God!  I’se was contemplating buyin’ Jack two tickets ta Santa Fe jest ta get rid a her,"  Racetrack said seriously.  Everyone laughed.  Racetrack joined Harmony and Blink for the rest of the day and they had a great time.  He even convinced Blink and Harmony to come to the races with him.  Harmony found herself having lots of fun.  She even relaxed, eventually, and forgot about the Spot situation for a couple hours.
When the trio returned to the Lodging House they were met with hushed whispers and stares.  Racetrack, Harmony and Blink found this very odd but tried to ignore it.  They walked up to the bunkroom asking people along the way if they wanted to play poker.  Harmony had become somewhat skilled at this game and with Racetrack tutelage was becoming even better. 
Jack stopped her just before she walked up the stairs and asked, "Hey Harmony, can I’se talk ta ya fer a second?  Its kinda important…"
"Can it wait? I’m jest ‘bout ta go win in poker," Harmony answered him.
"No, I’se really needs ta talk ta ya right now.  Howabout we’se go an’ take a walk fer a while?" Jack persisted.
"All right, let me go grab a sweater an’ tell Blink and Racetrack." Without waiting for an answer she ran up the stairs to find them.
Harmony flung open the door to the bunkroom and headed for her bed.  She stopped suddenly when saw something she didn’t expect at all.  In the corner of the room Spot was sitting and kissing a girl she had never seen before.  Spot noticed her, and nodded to show it, but then continued what he was doing. 
Although Harmony felt like her insides were being torn out, she just raised her eyebrow.  Harmony grabbed her sweater and walked over to Spot.  Both Spot and the girl looked up, questioningly. 
"Tryin’ ta get a bettah view?" Spot asked cruelly.
Harmony, ignoring his comment, held out her hand to the new girl.  "Hello, my name is Melody, I don’t think we’ve met."
"Hey! My name is Ashely, but everyone jest calls me Feisty," she said shaking Harmony’s hand.  "Wow, its so nice ta find someone who is halfway decent ta me here.  Everyone else has been incredibly rude ta me and dey keep tellin’ me I’m not as good as Harmony.  It’s getting fairly tiresome."
Harmony looked over at some of the newsies who had started laughing.  "Ignore dem, ya seem like a very nice girl.  So, how did ya get mixed up wid dis jerk?" she asked, indicating Spot. 
Spot just rolled his eyes as Harmony and Feisty continued their talk.  "Um…thanks I think.  Well, actually I have liked him for a while but he only recently returned the feelings."
"Oh, dat’s very interestin’.  An’…why do ya like him?  I mean obviously yer not wid him fer his looks, personality or kissin’ skills…or lack there of…" Harmony commented.
Spot glared at Harmony and put his arm around Feisty.  Feisty giggled.  "Oh, your so funny!  Spot is so perfect…and he definitely has kissing skills!"
Harmony scoffed and asked, "Outta innocent curiosity have ya evah kissed anyone else?"
Feisty looked at her oddly, "I don’t jest go ‘round kissin’ everyone…an’ how would you know if Spot has kissin’ skills or not?"
"Oh, ‘cause I do go ‘round ‘jest kissin’ everyone’.  Don’t worry ‘bout any hard feelins from me doh, hes nothin’ special," Harmony commented looking Spot up and down pointedly.  Spot looked back unimpressed.
Just then Blink came in saying, "Harmony what are you’se doin’?  Our pokah game is ready an’ Jack is lookin’ for  ya…"  He then looked at Spot and saw the new girl sitting on his lap.  "I’se think I’se jest gunna go downstairs now an’ wait somemoah befoah I’se do somethin’ ta get me killed…" he said and walked out of the room.
"Harmony?    Yer Harmony? The Harmony that everyone has been talkin’ ‘bout?" Feisty asked incredulously.
"Yeah, I do have quite a reputation…"
"Yeah fer bein’ a slut," Spot said finally finding his toungue.
"If I am such a slut how come you nevah got anywhere wid me?" Harmony asked smuggly.
"If I’se wanted ta, I’se woulda," Spot retorted smirking. "Now if you’se don’t mind I’se am sorta in da middle a somethin’ an’ would like ta finish.  Why don’t you hurry off ta yer many adorin’ fans?"
"Gladly.  It was nice meetin’ ya Feisty, and Spot its been a pleasure as always." Harmony said smiling.
"Oh no, princess, da pleasure is all mine," Spot said smirking.
"Yeah, yer right, it is." With that Bitter walked out of the room.
Right after she left the room, Jack approached her.  "Hey are you’se okay?  I’se sorry ‘bout dat…Spot aint known fer havin’ good taste…" Jack comforted.
"As comforting as that is Jack….I’m fine.  Look, can we talk later?  I kind of just want to go play cards, forget about everything.  You know what I mean?" Harmony told Jack.
"Sure, I jest wanted ta tell you’se I’se remembah you’se, Melody Steffanson.  Why didn’t you’se tell me who you’se were?" Jack asked looking a little hurt.
"So, Spot told yam huh?  Not dat I was surprised but I figured it would take more den a day. Look, I wasn’t going to stick around very long so I didn’t want ya ta remember who I was an’ as I remembah it we didn’t exactly part on da best terms," Harmony informed him.
"All right, so what happens now?" Jack asked.
"Nothin’ happens.  I’m gunna go downstairs and win a couple hands of poker an’ den I’m gunn go to sleep."
"How can nothin’ change?  Ain’t ya even gunna tell me what happened?  I’se thinks dat I’se desoives ta know…"
"Ya do desoive ta know, but I’m not ready ta talk ta ya ‘bout it." Harmony said sharply and then walked downstairs.  Jack just watched her walk downstairs.  Then he left the Lodging House and went for a walk to figure things out.
Harmony continued to do just what she had told Jack.  She went downstairs and played poker for a while, winning two hands.  Although Blink had asked, she refused to tell them what had gone on upstairs or to talk about Spot at all.  After the game ended she walked upstairs and jumped in her bed ignoring Spot and Feisty who were still kissing.  That is so disgusting!  How can dey jest kiss like dat infronta everyone?  Why is Spot doin’ dat anyways?  Was he always dis mean or is der somethin’ wrong wid him?  Well, I don’t care what Blink says I am not goin’ ta have a conversation wid dat boy, civil or otherwise.
Harmony didn’t have to worry about talking to Spot because he had gone back to Brooklyn before she woke up.  She was somewhat sad to see him go, but was too angry and hurt to admit it. 
The week continued uneventfully with Harmony in denial of anything that was wrong.  As far as she was concerned, her life was perfect.  She was thinking about this as she was walking through the streets one day, carefully avoiding the police.  Suddenly, she was pulled into an alley.  Thinking it might have been Blink, she turned slowly to be met with a hard blow to the face from her mysterious attacker.  As soon as she had composed herself, she turned to look at her attacker.  Tick.
"I thought that this had been resolved," Harmony said holding her nose which she realized was broken.
"It was ‘resolved’, but only while you’se was Conlon’s goil.  An’ from what I’se hoid, you’se ain’t anymoah,"  Ticks explained menacingly.  "Now you’se gonna pay fer what you’se did ta me and me boys," Ticks said as he raised his arm to strike again, but his arm was intercepted by another figure who turned out to be Cards.
"She’s still undah da protection a Manhattan an’ Brooklyn, so don’ try nothin’, evah.  You’se got dat?"  Cards said.
"Who are you’se ta tell me what ta do?"  Ticks said.
"I’se a membah a da Brooklyn newsies an’ da guy who’se gonna soak ya fer beatin’ her one too many times," Cards said as he landed a series of punches on Tick.  When Tick had finally gotten enough, he turned and ran.
"Cards, I have nevah been happier to see you," Harmony said as she threw herself into his arms for a hug, just as Spot walked by.  He stared, raised his eyebrows, and walked off before they saw him.
"Bittah, how come you’se hasn’t been by ta visit?  We’se, well, I’se missed ya," Cards said.  "An’ what was wid da sneakin’ out bit?  I’se woulda brought you’se back ta Manhattan had ya asked, no mattah what Conlon said."
"I just had ta leave.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell ya good-bye, an’ I’m more sorry I haven’t seen ya  since den.  I missed ys, too," Harmony said.
"Now, what did ya do ta me fearless leadah?  Mistah High-n-Mighty Puppy Dog, yeah I hoid da name, is actin’ pretty lousy ta da boys an’ is bein’ even more isolated than usual.  I’se cant take it no moah.  So, I’se was hopin’ you’se could tell me whats wrong wid it so maybe I’se can try ta fix it."
"I  didn’t do anythin’ ta him!  If anyone did anythin’ wrong it was him.  We got in a fight when he first showed back up in Manhattan an’ den when I was goin’ ta apologize dat night I went inta da bunkroom an’ found him wid some girl I’d nevah seen.  I said some sorta mean things den but I don’t think he even noticed."
"Are you’se shoah dat’s what happened?  Dat don’t sound like da Spot dat I’se knows.  He was completely stuck on you’se when he came to Manhattan and when he returned he was one sad puppy."
Harmony smiled and said, "Sorry I can’t help ya but I don’t know whats wrong wid him.  Maybe Feisty could help ya out der, that’s his new girl."
"Dat ain’t his goil she wad jest a one night thing.  I’se pretty shoah since he didn’t even bring her ta Brooklyn."
"Well, at least theres some good news.  Hey, do ya want ta go back to the Lodging House wid me?  I don’t really want ta walk ‘round alone but I also don’t like standin’ in dis alley…"
"I’se would be glad ta escort ya.  I’se thinks Ise’ll stick ‘round fer a couple hours and den head home," Cards told her.
"Why don’t ys jest stay here fer da night and head back ta Brooklyn tomorrow?" Harmony asked.
"Well, I’se didn’t exactly tell Spot wheah I’se was goin’ or fer dat mattah, dat I’se was goin’ at all.  He might get angry if I’se don’t show up at all tonight."
"All right.  Come on we can find Racetrack an’ I’ll show ya my new skills in da game a poker.  Ya will be proud!"
Cards laughed.  "All right, I’se cant say no ta dat."
Cards and Harmony walked to the Lodging House joking and catching up.  They were so caught up in their conversation that they didn’t even notice passing Spot in the street.  Spot was beyond furious.  Who does dat goil think she is?  She thinks dat she can jest go ‘round playin’ wid me boys feelin’s, not ta mention me own.  I’se has had it wid her.  Damn her, I’se wish I’d nevah met her!  Maybe I’se shoulda jest givin’ her to Tick and got rid of her while I’se had da chance.  Who are you kiddin’ Spot Conlon?  Yer still head ovah heals fer dat goil and dat ain’t gunna change no mattah how many guys she is sluttin’ ‘roun wid.
At the Lodging House, Racetrack, Cards and Harmony were playing poker with a couple of the boys.  Race and Cards were easily the best players in the game but Harmony had a couple of lucky hands.  Well, she thought they were lucky hands.  She wasn’t aware that both Cards and Race let her win every once and awhile to make sure she wouldn’t give up playing cards.  They also couldn’t resist because she seemed so happy when she won.
After a couple hours of the game Spot suddenly showed up.  He walked in scowling.  Cards looked up hesitantly to see Spot staring right at him.  "Heya Spot.  I’se uhh was jest about ta head back ta Brooklyn but dey uh…" Cards tried to explain.
"Save it Cards.  We’se is leavin’ now an’ Ise’ll deal wid you’se latah," Spot commanded.  He looked at Harmony for a few seconds then turned and left.  Cards followed him slowly, not really looking forward to reaching Brooklyn.

The walk to Brooklyn was a very uncomfortable one.  Cards would every once in a while attempt to talk to Spot but would be silenced with a steely glare from him.  Finally, putting his life on the line, he did speak up.
"Look Spot, I’se know yer mad at me fer leavin’ an’ everthin’ but I’se had ta talk ta Bittah," Cards started.
"Yeah an’ talkin’ ain’t all you’se was doin’ was it?" Spot asked spitefully.
"Well, I’se guess I did some oddah stuff, but nothin’ dat important…" Cards said sounding confused.
"Shaddup now ya joik or you’se is gunna get soaked," Spot warned.
"No I---," Cards started but paused when he was punched hard in the face.
"Damnit Spot I’se sick a dis!  What da hell is wrong wid ya?!  Ya aint got no reason ta be mad at me oddah den I’se left Brooklyn wid out yer permission an’ you’se decide ta break me nose?  So much fer friendship!  Da only reason I’se came ta  Manhattan was ta find out what was wrong wid you’se.  I’se sick a seein’ you so down all da time an’ I’se figured Bittah might know what was da maddah wid you’se!"  Cards explained angrily.
"Yeah shoah Cards an’ you didn’t make a move on me old goil eiddah…" Spot commented sarcastically.
Cards began laughing really hard.  Seeing Spots deadly glare he quickly explained. "You’se…you’se thinks dat I’se likes Bittah?! Well…I’se do like Bittah but moah like a sistah den as a goilfriend or somethin’ like dat.  ‘Sides I’se knows bettah den ta ‘play wid Spot Conlon’s toys’," Cards told him.  "Da ya really think dat I’se would do dat ta ya?  You’se are like me bruddah, an’ I’se aint da backstabbin’ type."
"Are you shoah?  I’se saw you an’ her earlier in da alley an’ you’se two looked a lot more friendly dan friends…" Spot persisted.
"I’se jest saved her from Tick, who was attacking her, an’ she was still kinda shooken up… What makes you think Bittah would want ta go fer me anyways?  Shes kinda stuck on you’se if ya didn’t notice…" Cards asked.
"Oh I dunno maybe because her an’ Blink did it earlier.  I’se might jest be a little paranoid now…I’se shouldn’t care anyways should I?  I’se means she don’t want me no moah an’ I’se don’t want her.  I’se could have any goil I’se wants, why have one dat jest causes trouble?" Spot rationalized.
"Spot was dis befoah or aftah you’se broke her heart wid dat Feisty goil?" Cards questioned.
"How did you’se know abou…It was befoah.  Feisty was jest ta get back at her.  I’se means I cant jest go beat her up like she was a boy…aldoh I’se thinkin’ dat ain’t such a bad idea now…"
"Yeah?  Well when I’se talked ta her she said she had no idea why you’se was kissin’ dat goil and was really hoit by it.  If she was ‘wid’ Blink den don’t ya think she woulda known why you’se was angry?  Did you’se evah even talk ta her ‘bout it or jest skip straight ta fightin’?" Cards asked.   Looking at Spots pensive face he said, "Maybe you should go talk ta her?  An’ don’t give me dat ‘I don’t care about her’ crap cause if it was true ya wouldn’t a hit me…"
Spot looked at him a little more.  "I’se don’t know.  I’se aint one ta ask fer apologies…"
Cards sighed exasperatedly.  "Look, jest go talk ta her!  Yer relationship can’t get any worse dan it is now!" 
"All right, I’se will.  But if somethin’ bad does happen, jest know, I’se is comin’ aftah you’se," Spot threatened.
"Ise’ll make it easy on ya.  I’se is walkin’ back dere wid ya and I’se aint leavin until you’se two are back togeddah!  I’se aint takin’ no fer an answer…" Cards commanded.
"You’se gotten awfully brave lately," Spot commented.  "Make shoah it don’t become a habit."
The two walked back to the Lodging House as friends should, talking and laughing.  When they got there Cards practically had to push Spot into the bunkroom.  Once in the bunkroom Spot walked nochalantly over to Harmony. 
"Heya Bittah, I’se uh… really need ta talk ta you’se ‘bout somethin’ important," he muttered but Harmony wasn’t looking at him, though.  She ran over to Cards, who was still bleeding. 
"Oh my God what happened ta ya?  But how…ya were wid…" Harmony said not understanding how he had gotten hurt while Spot was around.  Then it dawned on her.  "You did dis didn’t ya Spot?  Jest because he didn’t ask ya fer permission ta leave, ya broke his nose?!"
"Look it aint da way it looks," Cards began. 
"Don’t make excuses for him Cards.  I will nevah understand why yer friends wid someone who is so horrible ta ya!"  Harmony commented.
"Yeah yer one ta talk… at least I’se aint da one in love wid him," Cards pointed out.
"And I’se glad dat you’se aint," Spot commented quickly.
"I am not in love wid him, and dis is not da time ta joke ‘round.  I cant believe how disgustin’ ya are Spot or dat I evah liked ya.  I don’t even want ta see ya let alone talk ta ya.  Jest go away!" Harmony  yelled.
"I’se don’t got ta go away jest ‘cause you’se says so.  Da only reason I’se even came bach heah is ta apologize ta ya fer bein’ a joik befoah but ferget it.   Now I’se remembahs why I’se was relieved we’se was broken up," Spot retorted. 
"Yeah?  Well if yer so happy what are ya doin’ here an’ what did ya want ta talk ‘bout?" Harmony asked feeling clever.
"I’se jest told ya, I’se was gunna apologize.  How stupid are ya?" Spot asked amusedly.
"I meant why are ya still here?  Why don’t ya scampah off ta Brooklyn, puppy dog?"  Harmony questioned.
"I’se aint gunna let some goil chase me outta Manhattan.   All you’se have been is trouble since da very foist time I’se set eyes on you’se an’ I’se is sick a it!"  Spot told her.
There fighting continued on like this for awhile.  There was a collective sigh from all the Manhattan newsies who were accustomed to their fighting.  Cards finally got an idea and pulled Blink over to the side.  They talked for a couple of minutes and then smiled.   Blink walked up to Harmony and threw her over his shoulder.  He carried her into the washroom and set her down, leaving immediately.  Harmony looked at him oddly  went to follow him out.  A yelling and kicking Spot, who was being pushed in the room by Jack and Cards, blocked the door however.
"NOOO! Not again guys!  Let me out now!  Yer jest bein’ interferin’ jerks now!" Bitter  yelled trying to get out the door.
They all just gave her a half smile.  Cards said, "Sorry both of you’se, but its fer da good a everyone.  Now start talkin’ to each oddahs or you’se are gunna get mighty bored in dere…"  With that he left, shutting and locking the door, just before Spot could jump on him.
"God damnit Spot dis is yer fault.  If ya hadn’t come back here everythin’ would be fine!" Harmony said harshly.
Spot glared at her.  "Oh yeah once again yer helpin’ da situation so much.  I’se gotta do everythin’ ‘round heah.  Luckily I’se prepared incase deys got stupid an’ did dis again." Spot smirked as he pulled a pin out of his pocket and went to work on the door.
"Spot its useless.  I’se knew you’se could pick locks an’ we’se got a chair against da door so stop stallin’ an’ get ta talkin’," came Jack’s voice.
"I’se really is a bad influence on dat boy," Spot realized.
"Yeah, way to be prepared.  I jest hope I can be as smart as you some day," Harmony said sarcastically.
"You’se know you’se don’t have no one protectin’ you’se in heah.  If I’se were you’se I’se would be careful," Spot warned.
"Yeah, well I think that yer bark is worse den yer bite, puppy dog," Harmony stated.
"Oh shut up you slut, you’se is getting’ annoyin’ now.  You’se were fun fer a while but now…well…not so much," Spot told her.
"Why is it that whenever we fight ya call me a slut?  I know I’m not a slut, and you should know I’m not a slut, so its jest kinda a pointless insult."
"Shoah you ain’t a slut.  Dat’s why in da park dat day I’se saw you fling yerself on Blink…" Spot commented sarcastically.
"Fling myself at Blink?  What are you…ohh…da day we had our fight here in Manhattan?  Are you kiddin’ me?  That’s what you were so angry ‘bout?  Blink caught up wid me an’ I just burst out cryin’ and sorta…fell…inta his arms," Harmony explained.
A new though dawning on her she said, "You were jealous.  Oh my gosh you were!  Ya thought dat I had gone aftah Blink aftah we had our fight.  Dat’s why ya brought dat slut back here, ‘cause ya wanted ta make me jealous!  Spot dis is sad even fer you.  Yer ‘boidees’ aren’t so informed anymore are dey," she taunted.
"So, why didn’t you’se tell me any of dis befoah now?" Spot asked.
"I’m supposed ta assume dat ya stalked me ta Central Park an’ assumed I was a slut when I hugged Blink," she asked incredulously.  "I’m sorry but I have a little more faith in you den dat."
"Hey I did not stalk you’se!  I’se was walkin’ to da meetin’ an’ me an’ Jack saw you’se.  Den we’se saw you sittin’ togeddah at Tibbys and we’se both assumed dat you’se was togeddah an’ I’se was furious," Spot informed her.
"Well, actually Blinks da one dat made me realize dat I wanted ta go apologize ta you, but you unfortunately were already occupied."
Outside the door, all the newsies were happy not to hear loud thuds or breaking glass.  That was a good sign…usually.  They were still a little worried about their plan.
"Maybe dis wasn’t such a good idea.  Spot was really angry," Cards wondered.
"Hey, it woiked da foist time, it might woik da second time.  ‘Sides I’se didn’t heah no brilliant ideas from you’se guys, did I?"  Blink defended.
"Wese’ll let dem be fer a while longah, den we’ll bring dem out.  I’se pretty shoah he won’t do anythin’ ta her,"  Jack said uncertainly.
Cards muttered, "Let’s hope yer right."
Suddenly everyone realized, "Yer a Brooklyn Newsies," Race exclaimed.
"Wow…How’s did ya evah figah me out?" Cards mocked sarcastically.
"But, ain’t you’se supposed ta nevah go ‘gainst him.  Brooklyn newsies have different relationships wid der leadah den us.  I’se mean, well, we’se could like tie Jack up by da thumbs, not that we would,"  Race amended, swiftly glancing to Jack, "but it wouldn’t mattah much.  He’d get ovah it.  But Spot…I’se hoid da Brooklyn newsies nevah cross him."
"I’se ain’t no regular newsie.  I’se kin get away wid some stuff da oddahs couldn’t.  I’se grew up wid Spot, we’se like broddahs.  Now, dat don’t mean I’se can get away wid much, but he forgives me,"  Cards said.
"So yer not gonna git soaked fer dis, are ya?" Jack asked.
"I’se nevah said dat.  Ise’ll almost definitely get soaked, but not so bad dat I won’t be able ta walk no moah," Cards explained.  "It’s worth it.  Like dis broken nose?  I’se got it ‘cause Spot thought I’se was movin’ ‘n on his goil.  He saw her talkin’ ta me an’ assumed…well, more den der was.  Same wid Blink.  He thought dat you and Bittah was goin’ out, or somethin’."
"Dat explains a lot," Blink said.
"Yeah, it does.  I’se kinda thought dat you’se and Harmony was…well…goin’ togethah too," Jack admitted.
"Well, I’se wish we was, but I’se got news…ya know how I’se been…followin’ da Mayor’s daughter?  Well, she finally consented ta go out wid me, on da condition dat aftah dat I’se has ta let her find me from now on," Blink said.
"Dats great, Blink.  I’se happy you’se found a goil," Jack said.

Back in the washroom, Bitter and Spot had worked out their feelings on the issue of Feisty, Blink, and Cards, but there was still a lot of problems to deal with, for instance, the fight that had started the entire mess.  Bitter still wasn’t ready to talk about her past, and she needed Spot to accept that or they could never work.  Spot promised to try harder, but wanted her to come back to Brooklyn. 
"Spot,  don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t really like Brooklyn." Bitter finally admitted.
"YA WHAT?  How’s can you’se not like Brooklyn?!" Spot shouted astounded. 
"Oh boy deys gunna be in dere a while" "Gawd why did she gotta go an’ say dat?"  "Uh oh I’se don’t think Spots gunna get ovah dat one"  came from behind the door.
After glancing at the door briefly they continued their conversation.  "Spot don’t take it so personally!  I just prefer Manhattan to Brooklyn.  Plus, if I stay here then we probably will get along better when we see each other."
"So you’se don’t like Brooklyn ‘cause you’se don’t think we’se can get along?"  Spot asked.
"I didn’t say that!  I just don’t especially want to go back to Brooklyn," Bitter told him.
"Hey whats wrong wid Brooklyn?!?" came Cards voice from the other room.
"Yep hes a Brooklyn newsie alright!"  Racetrack proclaimed.  An "OW!" came  a few seconds later.  Spot and Bitter looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"I’se thinks yer right ‘bout stayin’ heah," Spot admitted.  "’Cause den when I’se comes ta visit ya, youse’ll be twice as happy ta see me!"
"Sure, well at least I’ll be able ta tolerate ya fer a couple days…" Bitter  joked.  "So, are we all bettah?"  she asked, unsure.
"Shoah we is. We’se is bettah den bettah, we’se is da best," Spot decided.
"You should sew that on a pillow, really," Bitter told him laughing.
"Yeah I’se can shoah see it.  Spot Conlon gives up bein’ a newsie ta sew pillows," came Racetracks voice followed shortly by another "Ow" and sounds of a scuffle.
"Maybe we should lock them all in this bathroom.  They need it more than we do…" Bitter commented. 
"So, Spot we are together again…right?" Bitter asked leadingly. 
"Yeah shoah we’se is…why?" Spot asked suspiciously.
"Because I don’t think I could get away with this if we weren’t," she said throwing a wet towel in Spot’s face. 
"Whats makes ya think you’se can get away wid it now?" Spot asked grabbing her and pulling her closer.
Bitter screamed a little before Spot silenced her with a kiss.
On the other side of the door people were starting to get worried. 
"Jack maybe we’se should let her oudda dere?  I’se didn’t like da sound a dat…" Cards commented.
"Yeah, I’se don’t heah no more talkin’ in dere…" Blink said worriedly.
"You’se is right," Jack confirmed going to the door and unlocking it.  He opened the door only to find Spot and Bitter in there old corner kissing.
"Dere is somethin’ almos’ scary ‘bout dis room," Racetrack commented from his position in the corner.  He was currently tied up to a chair by his thumbs curtsey of Jack.
"I’se wondah if dis woiks fer oddah goils," Blink pondered, thinking of the mayors daughter. 
"Don’t even think about it," Jack ordered looking severely at Blink.
Bitter began laughing and stood up.  Spot, looking somewhat disappointed, also stood up.  "Geeze guys, ya’s gotta woik on yer timin’," he complained.
Bitter walked into the bunkroom saying, "It’s nice ta be free…"
"I’se wouldn’t know…" Racetrack grumbled, looking awfully uncomfortable.
Bitter laughed at him.
Spot walked into the bunkroom and smirked at Racetrack.  Then said, "All right I’se guess I’se gotta deal wid da dumbasses dat put me in dere.  Blink, Cards, Jack front in centah, right now."
The three culprits sheepishly emerged from the crowd of newsies hanging there heads.  "Look…", "Now Spot we’se did it…", "I’se was jest…" they all began at once.
"Silence!  You’se is all gunna listen ta me now," Spot commanded.  "Now, you’se," he said directing his cold glare at Blink, "dis is dat second time you’se done dis ta me.  I’se was nice last time but…" He then punched him in the stomache, causing him to double over onto the floor.  "I’se didn’t want ta do dat but you’se forced me.  I’se really means it now.  DON’T DO ME NO MOAH FAVORS!"
Spot then turned to Cards.  "You’se also crossed da line dis time.  Yer lucky dat yer nose still looks horrible or I’se would break it again.  I’se hopes dat you’se is gunna go back ta normal aftah taday ‘cause I’se would hate ta have ta soak me best friend," he warned.
He glared, next, at Jack who was attempting to look innocent.  "Don’t even try it Jacky-boy.  You’se is luck dat we’se are in Manhattan an’ not Brooklyn.  But seein’ as I don’t wanna have ta beat up all a Manhattan today you’se can jest get off wid a warnin’."
"Yeah Spot because you’se so could beat up Manhattan…" Jack said rolling his eyes.
"Hey, don’t push it Jacky, I’se aint known fer bein’ nice ta guys dat push der luck.  Now hows ‘bout we’se all heads ovah ta Tibby’s.  All dat fightin’ made me kinda hungry…" Spot suggested, and then started to walk out the door.
"Fightin’ ain’t all you’se was doin’" someone said from the crowd.   Spot turned and glared at all the newsies, then walked out the door smirking to himself.
Everyone followed him out the door laughing and joking, except Racetrack.  Racetrack was still tied to the chair by his thumbs and whimpering in pain.  When he noticed everyone had left he started shouting, "HEY COME BACK!  I’SE HUNGRY TOO!  I’SE SORRY!!!"
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