Bitter noticed a small crowd of men near an alley. I wondah what dey are doin'…Bettah not go find out, it looks like da Delancy brothers, she thought to herself.
She started to turn and walk in the opposite direction when she noticed what, or who they were gathering around. Is dat? Oh my God it is! she realized. Bitter ran towards the group as fast as she could, hoping that the men hadn’t hurt them yet.
She pushed through the group towards the familiar faces. She had almost reached them when she was grabbed and pulled towards one of the men by her arms. "Hey get off me!" Bitter yelled in protest.
She elbowed her opposed in the stomach and whipped around to face him. She was met with the smirking face of Morris Delancy.
"Hey doll, you lookin’ fer a little fun, too? Did ya get jealous? Don’t worry der is plenty fer everyone," he said, moving closer.
Bitter, prepared to fight him and the four other men glared and rose her fists.
"She’s a feisty one, Morris. More fun den dose oddah goils who didn’t give up any fight. Teach her a lesson," commented a man Bitter didn’t recognize.
"Wait a minute," Oscar, Morris’ brother, interfered. "Ain’t dat Spot Conlan’s goil?"
"What’s yer point, Os?" Morris questioned impatiently.
"Well, I’se fer one don’t want all da Manhattan an’ Brooklyn newsies comin’ aftah me jest fer one lousy goil, at least not yet. She ain’t woith it," he stated.
"Fine be chicken. I’se still lookin’ fer a liddle fun an’ Spot Conlan don’t scare me," Morris decided turning back towards Bitter.
"Don’t be stupid. C’mon boys lets get ouddah heah. Ain’t no goil woith dis trouble," Oscar commanded. Then he turned around and walked off. The other men looked Bitter over spitefully and then followed Oscar.
"You’se lucky dis time. Ain’t gunna be so lucky next time dough," Morris threatened before following the rest.
Bitter sighed, relievedly. She turned around to see two girls with identical confused looks.
"Hey miss, we’se are glad ya did dat, but why did ya," one of the girls asked.
"Why doesn’t anyone evah remembah me?" Bitter wondered out loud. "Ya guys its me! Mel!…Melody Steffanson…"
"Oh my god! It is!" the girl shouted running over to Harmony and hugging her. The other shier girl looked her over doubtfully before smiling and hugging her.
"It really is you," the second girl realized.
"Yeah, it is," Bitter responded smiling. "Look you guys, I know we got a lotta catchin’ up ta do but do ya wanna tell me what was jest goin’ on?"
"I will," volunteered the more outgoing of the two.
"All right Wish, lets hear it," Bitter said.
"Well, we’se was walkin’ down da street an’ all da sudden dose boys came outta da alley. Dey looks like dey was havin’ a meetin’ ‘r sumthin’. Musta been secret ‘cause when dey noticed Martini an’ me dey were furious. Dey kept askin’ us how much we had heard. We told dem we hadn’t heard anythin’ but dey didn’t believe us. Dey was ‘bout ta soak us, I think, when ya ran up."
"So dey didn’t hurt ya," Bitter asked.
"Nope, not a scratch. But I’se was thinkin’ maybe standin’ by dis alley ain’t da smartest thin ta do…I ain’t one fer reapeatin’ mistakes," Wish commented.
Martini finally speaking, said, "Maybe we should go out ta da main road ta catch up."
Bitter and Wish heartily agreed and they all walked to the main street.
Bitter curiously asked, "Why are you guys here? Geez, last time I saw ya…well it was da night a da big fight." ."
"Oh yeah well we’se had ta leave suddenly aftah one a da goils took a dislikin’ ta me…can’t imagine why…" Wish trailed off.
"I can! Ya stole her guy den made fun a her, "Martini broke in. Then looking at Bitter she said, "Yeah, Wish had ta go pick on da leadah. She threw us out fastah den we’se could say unfaih. We’se kinda been wanderin’ ‘round evah since. We don’t really got no place ta go."
"But enough ‘bout us, how ‘bout you’se?" Wish cut in.
"Well, I’m a newsie now. It’s really nice. Der are lots a nice people der…kinda like a whole new family…an’…Hey wait a minute! Why don’t you guys come an’ see first hand how it is? It isn’t far…An’ if ya like it…maybe you guys will become newsies?" Bitter said.
"What? Der ain’t no goil newsies! ‘Sides don’t ya have ta get permission ‘r somethin’ ta ask people ta join?" Wish asked disbelievingly.
"Der are goil newsies! Well, at least der’s one. An’, yeah, I guess I’ll have ta ask Jack but I’m pretty shoah he will be okay wid it. ‘Sides you guys will at least get a bed fer da night! C’mon!" Bitter persuaded.
Wish quickly gave in at the thought of a bed for the night and Bitter led the twins to the Newsboys Lodging House. On the way Wish and Martini, well mostly Wish, told her about their adventures during their year on the street. Just before they entered the house Wish asked the dreaded question.
"Hey, how come ya jest disappeared all da sudden?"
Bitter smiled half-heartedly. "I knew ya were goin’ ta ask dat. Look, I promise I will tell ya but not right now, okay?" she told her.
"Shoah, whatevah ya say. Let’s go become newsies!" Wish joked.
Bitter smiled and brought Martini and Wish inside. Kloppmann was sitting behind the desk playing solitaire. He looked up and asked, "Hey Harmony, who are these girls?"
Bitter introduced them saying, "Dis is Martini an’ dis is Wish. Dey’re both friends a mine from a while ago an’ I was hopin’ dey could stay here fer awhile."
Kloppmann looked both girls over attempting to size them up. "All right Harmony. Any friend a yers is welcome heah. If it’s okay with Jack an’ the rest a the boys then its okay with me."
Bitter smiled. "Thanks. Is Jack here?"
"Yep, he just went upstairs and yer lucky. He looked ta be in a fairly good mood."
Bitter walked upstairs with Wish and Martini in search of Jack. Finally spotting him in the wash room combing his hair she took a deep breath.
"Hey Jack, can I talk to ya fer a minute?" Bitter asked entering the washroom. Wish and Martini were following her closely since they were slightly intimidated by the room full of guys that were staring at them.
"Shoah, Mel. Whadya need?" Jack asked. Then after he noticed the two girls behind Bitter he asked, "What’s goin’ on heah?"
"Look Jack, I don’t ask fer much do I?" Not getting a response she hurried on, "Well, I ran inta some old friends an’ dey were bein’ hassled by da Delancys, so I was thinkin’ dat maybe, if ya say its okay, dat dey could stay here fer awhile an’ be newsies?"
Jack appeared to be thinking about it so Biter continued on. "Come on Jack! It’s hard bein’ da only goil here an’ Kloppmann said it was okay wid him an---"
"All right, enough. If dey wants to woik an’ Kloppmann said okay den dats good ‘nough fer me," Jack decided.
He walked over to the towns and stuck out his spit-on hand. "Welcome ta da newsies," he greeted.
Martini shook his hand with a shy smile. Jack then offered his hand to Wish but to his surprise she was glaring at him.
"You?! I can’t believe its you!" she exclaimed sounding shocked and disgusted.
"What?" Jack asked looking utterly confused.
"Francis, right? Francis Sullivan?" Wish asked sounding completely disgusted now.
"Yeah. How’d ya know me real name?" Jack asked.
"Well, I should! Ya broke me heart!"
"I’se think I’se would remembah dat," Jack said sounding indignant. He looked at Bitter hoping she could explain some of this to her.
"Jacks memory ain’t so good, Wish. Don’t be hurt he didn’t remember me either," Bitter put in.
"Wish? Hey, you ain’t dat little, skinny goil from da Shadows are ya?" Jack asked. "Ya shoah grew up," he informed her giving her an appreciative look over.
"Ugh, yer still the same Francis!" Wish told him.
"Da name is Jack, Jack Kelly. Ain’t Francis no moah an’ if yer stayin’ den ya hafta remembah dat," Jack stated.
Then after glancing at the clock he said, "Look, I’se gotta go, I’m late. Look, Harmony, jest have dem take da bunk neah da cornah wheah ya sleep. Mosta da boys’ll be moah den happy ta move bunks if ya ask dem, since dey’s all convinced dat if ya ain’t happy constantly den Spot will come ‘n beat dem all up. Aftah you’se got dem settled in I’se expectin’ ya ta take responsibility fer dem. Give dem da tour. Introduce dem an’ ‘splain ta dem ‘bout sellin’. I’ll see ya latah." He then walked out of the room.
After Jack realized all the boys in the bunk were still gawking at Martini and Wish he yelled, "Listen up! I’se late so I’se gunna make dis short. Mess wid dose goils an’ Ise’ll soak ya. Understand? Good! See ya latah boys." Jack then turned and walked down the stairs whistling.
Bitter took on her roll as the conscientious hostess whole-heartedly. She got Skittery and Specs to give up their bunk since it was near the bunk she slept in. Then she persuaded Blink and Mush to push the two bunks together to form a "girls corner". Bitter introduced the girls to most of the newsies then gathered in the "girl’s corner" for girl talk.
Bitter skillfully maneuvered all conversation topics away from her past but was more than happy to talk about being a newsie. She explained selling strategies, and where they could sell. She told them secrets about most of the boys in the lodging house, too.
"So have ya met any special boys," Martini asked grinning.
Bitter, feigned ignorance, saying, "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout? I’ve met dozens a special boys. Dere’s Blink, an’ Race, an’ Mush an’ Cards and…"
"Oh, you know what she means. Do ya got a guy?" Wish asked, exasperated.
"Ohh…is dat what ya meant…" Bitter joked. "Well, now dat ya mention it I did meet dis one really nice boy an’.."
"NICE?!" came a shout from a nearby bunk where Race, Mush, and Blink had been listening in on the girl’s conversation.
Bitter laughed. "Okay, I met this boys, then," she corrected.
Bitter went on to describe Spot and all their good memories they had made together.
"Uh, Harmony you’se leavin’ quite a bit out," Blink pointed out. Race, Blink, and Mush then infiltrated the girl corner and took it upon themselves to tell Wish and Martini about ‘Harmony an’ Spot’s infamous fights’.
When they had finished everyone was laughing hysterically and Bitter was blushing furiously.
"Well, I think he sounds---" Wish began.
"Charmin," Spot interrupted from the door.
"How ‘bout conceited?" Cards suggested from behind Spot, getting a laugh out of everyone.
Spot pushed him, playfully, into Jack who had returned with them. Bitter had stood up from her bunk and was watching Spot expectantly.
"Hey der beautiful, did ya miss me?" he asked walking over to her and kissing her on the cheek.
"Not really…Jack was more den happy ta keep me company while ya were gone. Yeah, seein’ as I still don’t have a bunk of me own an’ since its so cold at night Jack was more den happy ta share his bed wid me an’ he's been quite a…comfort," Bitter joked, winking at Jack.
"Ya still ain’t gotten her, her own bunk? If I’se didn’t know ya bettah I’se would think ya were movin’ in on my goil," Spot commented, raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah, well I’se tried ta get her, her own bunk but she jest keeps comin’ back ta mine. It must be my animal magnetism…" Jack joked.
"Shoah, Jacky-boy. Whatevah you’se say" Spot replied. It seemed that he just then noticed Wish and Martini. "Hey, who are dese two? Hopefully one a you’se is Jacky’s goil so he’ll stop botherin’ mine…"
Wish guffawed. "Not in dis life time…"
"What is dis? Jacky-boy not havin’ so much luck wid da ladies?" Spot asked amusedly.
"Shut it Spot. I’se thinks dat I’se already had luck wid her…well dats what she said…" Jack said defensively.
"You did not ‘have luck wid me’ Franci—"
"Da name is JACK KELLY! Look, everyone, we’se all got things ta do raddah dan sit heah and fight ‘bout dis! Okay, so Spot dis is Martini an’ Wish old acquaintances a Harmony an’ me an’ dey is stayin’ heah fer awhile. Wish is tryin’ ta look past her seethin’ hatred fer me even doh I ain’t nevah done nothin’ ta her. An’ dats pretty much all dat has been happenin’. " He took a deep breath. Then looked at Wish. "Yeah, I’se got a date, so Ise’ll see ya all latah." He then walked out of the room and left the Lodging House.
There was an uncomfortable silence in the group after Jack left. Everyone just looked at the floor. Cards took it upon himself to break the awkwardness. He walked over to Wish and Martini and said, "Hey, I’se don’t think we’se been uhh properly introduced. I’se Cards. I’se a Brooklyn newsie. An’ dat ovah der is Spot Conlan, da leadah a Brooklyn".
Wish smiled and shook his hand enthusiastically. "It’s real nice ta meet ya Cards. An’ you too, Spot."
Martini followed her lead in shaking Cards hand and smiling, but didn’t say anything. Cards noticed this.
"You’se don’t say much does ya, Martini? Are ya shy or is it jest dat everyone ‘round heah talks too much fer ya ta get a word in?" Cards asked.
Martini blushed a little. "Nah, I’se jest kinda quiet ‘roun people I don’t know too well."
Cards smiled. "Well, how ‘bout we’se all sit down an’ get ta know each oddah bettah so dat yer moah at ease ‘roun us."
"I think dats a wondahful idea, Cards. We can sit ovah on our bunks. Do ya visit heah often Cards," Wish asked taking his arm. She wasn’t used to men noticing Martini was there, while she was around and was a little jealous.
"I’se comes wid Spot every time he comes ta visit Bittah an’ yeah dats fairly often," Cards answered, turning his full attention to Wish and following her to the bunks. "Spot an’ Bittah don’t like ta be separate fer long but den if dey stays tageddah to long dey starts ta fight like cats n’ dogs," Cards explained.
"Yeah I’ve heard a liddle ‘bout it. Harmony was tellin’ us ‘bout everythin’ befoah you boys came in, right Harmony?" Wish commented.
When no response came from Bitter, Wish turned around to look for her. She laughed when she noticed Bitter and Spot on their way out to the fire escape, talking quietly. Wish pointed this out to Cards, and he smirked, "Yeah figures."
Wish, Martini, and Cards then sat in the girl’s corner. Wish and Cards chatted back and forth. Wish told Cards about her pre-newsies life. Cards related his entire newsie life, and told the girls about Brooklyn newsies and Spot. Cards and Wish got along very well, since both were naturally loud and flirtatious. Martini, who hadn’t spoke since they had sat down, sat quietly watching them. I wonder if they notice how much they are flirtin’? Ise’ll give dem two weeks befoah dey hook up if not befoah den…she thought to herself.
Spot and Harmony came back from the fire escape to find Wish half-asleep on Cards shoulder on one bed and Martini reading on the other. Cards noticed Spot’s entrance and started to gently move Wish off him. Spot motioned for him to leave her, and walked towards them. "Hey Cards I’se thinks its too late fer us ta head back ta Brooklyn. Let’s jest stay heah an’ wese’ll leave early tommarah," Spot informed him.
Cards nodded. "So, uhh what is I supposed ta do?"
Bitter laughed at him. "Can ya get comfortable in dat bed? I’m pretty shoah Wish wont mind an’ we don’t have any extra beds unless ya wanna share wid a boy? Maybe Spot would have some extra room in his bed…"
"Uhh..I’se fine heah. Sleepin’ wid Wish is jest fine," Cards said hurriedly.
"All right so dats settled now wheah do I sleep?" Spot asked. "Wheah’s our bed Bittah," he asked grinning mischievously.
Bitter, not likeing the look in Spot’s eyes, gave him a confused look "Well, I don’t think dat der’s ‘nough room in Jack’s bed fer da both a us so ya can jest find a nice spot on da floor."
"Bittah is dat any way ta talk ta me? I’se wounded!" Spot exclaimed. "So wheah is me bed?"
Bitter rolled her eyes and said, "You can take da bottom bed of my bunk."
Spot smiled and began getting ready for bed. Everyone climbed into bed and said their goodnights. The entire group fell asleep easily, since most of them had, had hard, long days. It seemed only minutes before they were woken with a scream.
"AAH WHAT DA HELL DA YA THINK YER DOIN"" Wish’s voice interrupted everyone’s dreams. She pushed Cards off the bed before screaming again.
Spot groggily looked over to see Cards on the floor. "Bittah what is it wid you an’ yer friends?" he asked.
Bitter looked down to see a bewildered Cards, rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up. By this time Jack had gotten out of his bed to see what was going on.
"What’s goin’ on heah guys? Dis bettah be good ‘cause I had a late night ‘n I’se ain’t happy ‘bout bein’ woken up early," he told the group.
"Not dat I’se expect ya ta care, but dat horrible boy was in me bed when I woke up!" Wish complained.
Jack looked furious when he heard this. "Cards jest cause you’se are from Brooklyn don’t mean ya can do anythin’ ya want wid Manhattan newsies. You’se bettah explain…fast!"
While Cards tried to stutter an incoherent response, Wish began yelling at Jack for pretending he was nice when he really didn’t care and thought what Cards did was okay. Their noise was joined by the whining of the newsies from being woken up half an hour earlier than they had to. Spot, who was rapidly gaining consciousness, was looking angrier by the second.
"SHUT UP ALL OF YA!" Bitter finally yelled. "Look, Wish, ya fell asleep on Cards last night an’ since he didn’t have a bed he jest slept der. It wasn’t no big deal since we all knew he wouldn’t try anythin’. Jack, it wasn’t his fault an’ he wouldn’t have tried anythin’. An’ all da rest a ya, yer jest bein’ annoyin’, go back ta sleep if yer tired!"
Everyone look at Bitter a little shocked since she didn’t usually have outbursts like this. Wish, finally understanding, smiled sheepishly at Cards and stuck out a hand to help him off the floor. He took it a little hesitantly. "Sorry Cards. I’se was jest surprised an’ I shoulda known ya wouldn’t a done anythin’ like dat."
"Hey dats okay. I’se migtha been offended if ya had jest assumed I wasn’t capable a somethin’ like dat, too. It ain’t good fer me rep. Don’t want anyone thinkin’ I'se goin’ soft now, do I?"
Spot smirked. "Goin’ soft? You’se don’t need ta go anywheah, ya already is soft."
Cards tried to glare at him then smiled. "Yeah, I guess yer right."
"Well, might as well get up now," Spot commented. He swung his legs out of the bed, and sat up. "C’mon Cards, we’se had ta get goin’ early anyways. I’se wants ta sell in Brooklyn ta day. "
"Allright," Cards agreed getting off of Wish’s bed. "Let’s go."
"Jest a minute, what’s yer hurry?" Spot asked.
"Ya jest said ya wanted ta go!" Cards protested.
"Yeah, well I’se gotta do somethin’ foist," Spot informed him. He then pulled Bitter off her top bunk by her waist. He set her down and kissed her softly. "Ise’ll be back in a few days ta make shoah dat ya is stayin’ clear a Jacky-boy’s bed. Don’t want ya ta be lonely…" Bitter smiled through her blushing.
"Bye Spot," she said.
"Shoah don’t say bye ta me," Cards sarcastically commented, trying to appear hurt.
"Okay, I wont," Bitter decided.
"Fine, den. I’se don’t even care!"
"Good, me neither."
Cards waited a few minutes then pulled Bitter into a big hug. She squealed but hugged him back. After a few minutes, when Cards didn’t let go, she said, "Cards? Hey Cards? You can let go…anytime…"
Cards continued hugging her, trying to hide a smile. Finally, Spot pried Cards off of her. "Hey dat’s ‘nough! Get yer own goil!"
Cards laughed, along with the rest. Wish then emerged from the group and stuck her hand out, saying, "It was nice ta meet ya, Cards."
Cards looked at the hand for a moment then pulled Wish into a hug too, releasing her after an appropriate time. After looking up from the hug to see everyones amused smiles he said, "Hey we’se had gone through too much tageddah ta jest shake hands. I mean I’se already been thrown oudda bed by da goil. Usually dats like a second date activity ‘r somethin’," defending himself.
Everyone laughed. The rest of the group said more uneventful good-byes before Cards and Spot headed off to Brooklyn.
On the way to Brooklyn, Cards pestered Spot wit stories about Wish and asked about every other sentence, "Do ya think she really liked me Spot?"
After a half hour of this Spot said, "Look Cards I’se been tryin’ ta be patient wid ya but I’se cant take it anymoah! How’s bout you’se run ahead an’ tell da boys I’se gunna be der shortly?"
"Shoah Spot, I’se on me way. I’se sorry…but I dunno der’s sumthin’ special bout dat goil an’ I’se thought dat maybe we had somethin’ but I dunno…What do you think? Does she like me?" Cards answered.
"DATS IT!" Spot yelled walking towards Cards threateningly. "Dis is gunna be fer yer own good!"
Cards gave a sheepish grin and ran towards the Brooklyn Lodging House as fast as he could. Spot watched him leave and laughed to himself. Dat boy is shoah head ovah heals fer dat goil…Hey maybe if dey hooks up den dey can talk Bittah inta comin’ ta Brooklyn. Maybe I’ll hafta start visitin’ Manhattan moah often, he thought to himself while making his way towards his lodging house.
A boy suddenly jumped from behind a crate of boxes. Spot, unfazed, glanced at him cooly. "Hey dere Snake. Ya shouldn’t be jumpin’ out at people, ain’t good fer yer health," Spot commented.
"Shoah, Spot. I’se sorry. Ise’ve been waintin’ fer ya ta come so I’se can give ya da news ‘bout you know what. Can ya talk fer a minute?"
Spot glanced around to make sure no one was watching then followed Snake into a near by alley way. They sat there for fifteen minutes conversing in hushed tones before heading back to the Lodging House. Neither looked happy after emerging from the alley.
When they reached the Lodging House, Spot went upstairs immediately. He noted that most of the guys were gone. He noticed Cards was in the corner talking to his friend, JB. JB was looking thoroughly annoyed. Suddenly "I DON’T CARE CARDS" exploded from JB’s mouth. Spot couldn’t contain a laugh.
"He tellin’ you’se bout da goil he met back in Manhattan?" Spot asked still laughing.
"Yes! Cards if I’se evah meet dis goil I’se gunna repeat everythin’ ya jest told me jest so ya wont tell me ‘bout her anymoah," JB declared.
"Hey I’se ain’t dat bad! It’s jest she…"
"SPECIAL! WE KNOW!" Spot and JB yelled in unison. Usually Spot and JB didn’t get along very well, but every once in awhile they joined together to make fun of Cards, their mutual best friend.
"Look I’se sorry, I’se jest though I could depend on me best pals ta tell me whether…"
"SHE LIKES YOU!" Spot and JB yelled again. They then started laughing hard. Cards didn’t find this amusing at all though.
"Fine you guys. I’se sorry dat I’se evah talked ta ya in da foist place," Cards stated, walking out the door.
JB followed him still laughing. "Wait up Cards we’se still gotta sell tageddah!" he yelled.
Spot changed his shirt and then he also went out to sell newspapers. He made a mental note to visit Jack after he was done to discuss what Snake had told him.
While Cards and Spot were walking to Brooklyn, the grouchy Manhattan newsies were slowly getting up and ready for their day at work. None of them really paid attention to the girl newsies in the morning, since they were half asleep and a little angry that Wish had woken them up early.
Once everyone was ready and heading out the door Blink asked, "Hey who’s gunna show da new goils ‘round? I can take dem an’ show ‘em ‘round…I know it’s a sacrifice but I’m ready ta make dat sacrifice…"
Racetrack slapped him in the face, playfully. "Shoah Blink. You’se is jest hopin’ dey are more friendly dan da mayor’s daughtah…"
Everyone laughed at this. They knew that Blink had been ordered to stay away from the mayors daughter or he would be arrested.
"Shut up! Is it me fault she took me hours of followin’ her ‘round as stalkin’? Who knew dat she would take it da wrong way an’ tell her dad ta arrest me?" Blink said.
Everyone laughed harder, except for two very confused girls. Bitter told them, "Blink has liked da mayors daughter fer a while an’ evidently she didn’t like him so much. She complained ta her faddah an’ he told Blink dat if he came wid in 100 feet a his daughter again he would throw him in da Refuge."
Wish and Martini tried to hold back their laughter, since Blink seemed very sensitive on the subject, but couldn’t and began laughing hysterically.
"Look, Martini an’ Wish you’se guys go wid Mel. She’s as good as any newsie heah an’ she can show ya da ropes. Wese’ll all see ya latah at Tibbys," Jack decided when the laughter had died down.
"Of course Great and Might Leader. We heah ya an’ will obey…" Wish commented sarcastically.
"All right dats it change a plans. Wish yer comin’ wid me, we’se gotta talk….alone," Jack decided.
"I’m not going wid you anywheah! I’d rather go wid dose boys…who were dey…oh yeah…I’d rather go wid da Delancys dan you!" Wish argued.
"Well you’se don’t get a choice. ‘Cause as ya so perfectly pointed out I’se is da great an’ mighty leadah and you’se will listen an’ obey or ya are outta heah before ya can say annoying bitch," Jack told her. "Now follow me or don’t go back ta da Lodging House."
Bitter started to stick up for Wish saying, "Look, Jack…" But Jack stopped her by telling her, "Look Mel I love ya an’ all but stay outta dis. I’se havin’ a hard week an’ I’se aint gunna deal wid her no moah."
Bitter nodded and remained silent. She then took Martini’s arm and led her away from Jack and Wish.
"Wait! Ya can’t be serious Mel! Yer jest gunna leave me heah wid him?" asked a bewildered Wish.
Bittter shrugged her shoulders and walked off.
Once Bitter had walked away, Jack turned to a shocked Wish. "Alright lets heah what I’se did ta ya. It bettah be good ‘cause I’se has had ta heah ya complain ‘bout it fer twenty foah hours strait now."
Wish glared at him. "Ya don’t even remember when yer mean ta people? Don’t ya have a conscience?!"
Jack shook his head. "Ise don’t remembah. Now tell me what I’se did or I’se is turnin’ round and leavin’ ya heah an’ ya can find yer own job…"
Wish glared at him even harder now, if possible. "Fine, Ise’ll tell ya if ya promise dat I’se can go back afta I does."
"You’se ain’t in da position ta ask fer things. We’se is gunna talk den I’se is gunna teach ya how ta sell papes.," Jack informed her.
"Fine. Whatevah. When I’se was twelve all da goils were all in love wid you an’ everythin’. Get dat goofy grin off yer face, you knew it den too. Well, I’se probably had da biggest crush on ya, an’ decided dat I’se was gunna go on a date wid ya. Well, I’se flirted an’ left hints left an’ right but ya nevah paid any attention ta me! Den one da I’se was walkin down da street an’ I’se saw ya talkin wid dat one kid…Conlon someone. An’ you’se was talkin’ bout how annoyin’ I’se was an’ how you’se would nevah go fer a skinny, ugly kid like me! You made me cry for days."
Jack looked completely bewildered. "Look, I’se nevah knew ya heard dat an’ I’se wouldn’t a said it if I knew ya were listenin’. I’se was jest gettin’ frustrated at da guys teasin’ me an’ come on it was four years ago! Can’t ya fergive me? I’se was jest bein’ a stupid kid…’Sides if it helps any I’se dont think yer so ugly now…" Jack gave her one of his winning smiles.
"So you did think I’se was ugly befoah!! I can’t believe ya! I HATE YOU!!" Wish screamed and ran down the street.
Jack gave an exasperated sigh before running after her. "Hey wait up Wish! Dat ain’t what I meant…I swear! Just hold on a minute…" he yelled after her.
"Don’t you ever talk to me again!" she cried looking back at him to see he was catching up to her. Finally he did catch her and tackled her to the ground.
Jack held her to the ground and said, "Now dont try dat again, I’se aint lookin forward ta runnin’ all ovah New York for ya. Seriously, I didn’t mean it and I’se really, really sorry an’ if I could I’se would go back an’ fix it. I’se promises dat I’se will make it up to ya somehow."
"Get off me already! Fine, whatevah. Yer forgiven alright? Jest dont expect us ta be best friends er nothin’…" Wish told him forcing Jack off of her.
"Alright, so if we’se is okay den I’m gunna teach ya ‘bout sellin’ papes," Jack decided.
"Shoah, we’se fine. Teach o wise one," Wish permitted sarcastically.
Jack smiled and the rest of the day went relatively smoothly. They remained civil the rest of the day and at some parts they even joked around.
When they had sold their last paper, Wish was far from mastering being a newsie but she was good enough. She had sold twenty papers with only a little help from Jack, and was very proud of herself.
Jack and Wish headed to Tibby’s. "Ise’ll buy ya lunch ta celebrate yer foist day bein’ a newsie, alright?"
"Shoah Kelley dat’ll be nice," Wish agreed. Jack held the door open for her and then walked in after, to see stunned looks on Marini and Bitter’s faces. Martini and Bitter immediately seized Wish’s hand and dragged her off to the corner to find out what had happened. They all talked and giggled over their days. Jack shook his head and sat down by Race and Blink.
"Hey boys. How was yer day?" Jack asked.
"It was okay. Much easier dan yers Ise’ll bet…but not nearly as fun…" Blink commented.
"What are ya talkin’ bout?" Jack asked.
Race laughed. "We’se saw ya runnin’ down da street aftah dat goil and den tackling her. Interestin’ way ta teach people how ta sell papes. I’se shoah glad I’se didnt have ta learn dat way…"
Blink and Racetrack laughed. "Hey I’se couldn’t teach her if she was runnin’ away from me…we’se had ta resolve some stuff foist," Jack defended himself.
"I’se fer one is glad dey fixed deir problems. I’se dont wanna be woken up eoily every day wid dere fightin’. I’se gets grumpy when I’se dont get all me sleep," Skittery put in from another table.
"You’se is always grumpy, dont blame it on dem," Racetrack told him.
Skittery glared at him, and turned around.
In the corner of the restaurant Bitter, Martini and Wish were all talking about what had happened. "So, we’se heard rumors dat Jack had ya on da ground with in fifteen minutes," Bitter joked.
"It wasn’t like dat! He called me ugly so I ran away but he caught me…" Wish informed them.
"He called you ugly??" Bitter asked confused.
"Well, he said I’se was ugly when I’se was twelve…" she corrected.
"Oh…but you’se two was actin’ very friendly when we’se say ya come in heah jest a few minutes ago…" Martini commented.
"We’se wasn’t actin friendly…we’se was jest bein’ civil."
"Shoah. I’se thinks dat ya never got ovah him because hes da only boy dat you liked and he didn’t feel da same," Martini told her.
"Yeah I did, shut up Martini. Ya dont know what yer talkin’ bout. When you’se gets a guy ta talk ta ya fer more dan five minutes you can come talk ta me bout boys an’ crushes. Befoah den ya can jest ferget ‘bout it…" Wish said, starting to get angry.
"What are ya talkin’ bout? I’ve talked ta a guy fer more dan five minutes. Do you think yer da only one dat can get guys? Jest ‘cause I dont go ‘round flirtin wid anythin’ wearin’ pants doesnt mean I cant flirt!" Martini retorted. She then stood up and stomped out of the restaurant angrily.
All the newsies watched her but no one went to follow her. No one knew her well enough to attempt to cheer her up. She wanted to be left alone anyways. She ran away from the restaurant, crying in frustration. I’se is so sick a Wish thinkin’ shes so good all da time. What makes her think shes any bettah dan me? Jest cause I’se dont flaunt ‘round actin’ like a slut all da time and is kinda quiet doesn’t mean dat shes bettah dan me. Ise’ll show her…Martini thought as she ran.
She was somewhat preoccupied while she ran and didn’t notice the person standing in her way. She ran right into the person and sent both of them sprawling to the ground. Great even bettah! This is jest a great day. Wait, dont I know dat guy? Maybe dis is jest da chance I’se needs ta prove dat I’se ain’t always da quiet shy one… she thought.
The man stood up quickly, and stuck out his hand to help Martini up. "Hey der. Maybe you’se should be moah careful when yer runnin’ ‘round da streets like a madman."
Martini smiled at him. "I’m sorry, I guess I jest wasn’t lookin’ wheah I was goin…"
"Yer not hurt are ya? Cause I’se would hate fer someone as beautiful as you ta be hurt in any way…" he said.
"Nah I’se fine," she said brushing herself off. "Hey, I’se is Martini. I thought maybe I’se should introduce meself since I’se jest almost killed ya."
"Its nice ta meet ya Martini. Me name’s Oscar. So ya wanna tell me what you’se was runnin’ from like dat? Is someone aftah you’se? Cause I’se is pretty shoah dat I’se can make yer problem…err…disapeah," he offered.
"Wow, yer a lot nicer when yer not ‘round oddah people…" Martini realized.
"I’se sorry has we met? I’m almost shoah I would remembah someone like you…" he said confused.
"I’se guess ya could call it ‘meetin’. You an a couple oddah guys were messin’ roun’ wid me an’ me sistah befoah Bittah came up. Den you’se left us alone cause Bittah is Spot’s goil…ring a bell at all?"
"Oh…yeah I’se guess I remembah ya…" Oscar admitted looking a little embarrassed. "Look, I’se ain’t usually like dat. Only when I’se gets ‘round me boys I’se got a reputation ta keep an’ everythin’…"
"It’s fine…nothin’ actually happened or anythin’ so its fine…" Martini said quickly. I dont want him to think I’m mad and leave or anything…So how does this work? How do I get him to actually…do anythin’? Ise’ll figure it out an’ when he does I’se shoah will have some stories fer Wish. I’ll show her…
"So, are ya busy right now or something? Cause I’se was thinkin’ maybe we could uh..take a walk er something…" Martini asked.
"Uhh…shoah…I’se ain’t busy er nothin’…" Oscar stuttered. He wasn’t used to girls asking him on dates, especially not girls he had threatened only a day earlier.
Martini slipped her arm into Oscar’s and they walked around for about twenty minutes making small talk. Mostly, Oscar talked about his family and "his boys". He also talked about his great hatred for the newsies and everyone associated with them. I’se bettah not tell him I’se a newsie if I want him ta try anythin’…Martini decided.
Finally Martini turned to him and asked, "Aren’t ya gunna try nothin’ wid me? I mean we’se have been walkin’ ‘round fer almost a half an hour an’ ya haven’t so much as touched me, well anythin’ but me arm. Don’t ya like me or nothin’?"
Oscar was even more confused now. Dis goil shoah is different dan da rest…Usually goils get angry fer guys movin’ too fast and stuff but dis goil gets mad when ya dont go fast enough…this goil is very odd…but hey who cares if shes willin’ den I’se is more dan ready ta make her happy…he thought.
"Shoah I’se likes ya I’se jest didn’t want ya ta get angry or somethin’ fer me goin’ too fast…" Oscar assured her.
"Well I’se ain’t gunna be young ferevah an’ I’se was jest wonderin’ if ya were gunna make a move within da next year or so…" Martini told him.
Oscar smiled. "Ise was thinkin’ bout goin’ a little fastah dan dat." He pulled her towards him roughly and kissed her aggressively. He continued the kiss, figuring she would either pull away from him if she got uncomfortable or they could just kiss all day, it didn’t really matter much to him.
Martini did pull away after a couple minutes since she was unaccustomed to kissing for long periods of times. Both took a couple deep breaths before talking.
"Dat’s what I’se is talkin’ bout," Martini exclaimed smiling.
"Ise glad I’se could be a service," Oscar said smirking.
Oscar and Martini continued their walk around Manhattan. Oscar pointed out landmarks and buildings along the way. Every once in awhile they would kiss. Martini was usually the first to pull away from the kiss since she really didnt have any experience when it came to guys, but she was willing to get some.
After about an hour more Martini told Oscar she had to leave.
"I’se is gunna see ya again doh, right?" Martini asked uncertainly.
"Ya cant get rid a me dat easily…so how am I supposed ta find ya? Da ya got a place ta stay?" Oscar asked.
"Well, tell ya what. Ise’ll find you," Martini decided since she couldn’t tell him that she was staying with the newsies.
"All right den…well Ise’ll see ya ‘round I’se guess," Oscar said walking down the street.
Martini headed back to the Lodging House grinning to herself. A couple moah meetins like dat an’ Ise’ll be ready ta tell Wish. Den wese’ll see who da bettah one is.
When Martini reached the Lodging House everyone got quieter and watched her as she crossed the room. She walked strait to her bed and started reading her book. She noticed Wish in the corner with a couple of the guys playing cards but didnt have any inclination to go talk to her.
Martini soon became aware that Race, Blink and Mush were talking about her across the room. Well, she assumed they were talking about her because they kept shooting her looks and then talking in hushed voices. Then Blink and Racetrack pushed Mush towards her. Martini tried to hold back a smile and pretended she didnt know what was going on.
Mush walked up and cleared his throat. Martini looked at him and raised her eyebrows. "Can I help ya?" she asked pleasantly.
"Well not really…I’se was jest wonderin’ if yer okay? Ya seemed kinda angry at Tibby’s an’ I woulda gone aftah ya but I’se didn’t wanna intrude or nothin’…an’ plus I’se had no idea what ta say…which I still don’t…look I’m sorry maybe I shouldn’t a come ovah heah…"
Martini grinned at him. "No, its fine. I’se was a little upset but I got ovah it…uhh maybe we should jest invite Race an’ Blink ovah heah so dey dont strain der ears…"
Mush looked shocked then smiled sheepishly. "We’se thought ya might be a little ovahwhelmed if t’ree guys ya dont know came ovah an started askin’ poisonal questions…Hey uhh Blink, Race, I think she caught us…"
Blink and Race walked over looking as sheepish as Mush. "Heya Martini, how’s it goin’?" Race asked.
"Its goin’ good, thanks fer askin’," she answered. "So is dis how it always goes? Ya send Mush ta do things dat da rest a ya dont wanna do?"
"Not always…sometimes I send Blink…" Race told her.
"Hey you dont send me no wheah! I’se go wheah I want ta!" Blink stated.
"Shoah ya do. Hey can ya go give dis ta Harmony? I borrowed it a while ago an’ I dont want her ta make a scene or nothin’…" Race asked Blink giving him a comb.
"Alright Race be right….hey!" Blink said catching on.
The other three were laughing hysterically by the time Blink had realized what was happening. "So ya think dat was funny, huh?" Blink asked. "I’ll show ya funny." He picked up a pillow and hit Racetrack in the back of the head, sending him flying to the ground.
"So yer gunna be like dat. Fine have it yer way…" Race picked up a pillow and whacked Blink on the side. Mush and Martini scrambled for pillows and ran to attack the other two. They all ended up collapsed in a pile on the floor, gasping for breath.
"I give up! Truce!" Martini yelled from the bottom of the pile. They all laughed and got up. They went to sit on Martini’s bed and talked and joked around. Wish came over a while later and asked, "Can I talk ta ya Mar?"
"Uhh…nope I’se dont think so," Martini answered without even having to think about it.
"Look Martini stop being unreasonable. Look I’se sorry ‘bout befoah an’ I didn’t mean it. Will ya fergive me?" Wish asked sincerely.
"Nah…Hey you guys I’se feelin’ a little sleepy. Is it okay wid you if I’se turns in fer da night?" Martini asked Blink, Mush and Race.
"Shoah, a course" Race answered quickly, eager to escape from the awkward conversation.
"See ya tomorrow Martini!" Blink said getting up and going to his bunk.
"Yeah, night Martni…" Mush said also going to his bunk.
Martini, carefully not looking at Wish, turned over and closed her eyes. She didn't go to sleep though, but stayed up thinking. Maybe Wish really was sorry an’ I’se was jest bein’ mean…Nah she’s jest angry ‘cause I’se was gettin attention from da guys and she was jealous. Yeah, well too bad fer her. I’se is sick a people always thinkin’ I’se is da nice quiet goil…
The next day Martini set off on her own to sell her forty newspapers. She insisted on selling unaccompanied, mainly because she wanted to search out Oscar and didn't want anyone else finding out about him…yet.
The boys were all completely confused, watching her as she walked away. "Martini shoah has been actin’ different…anyone else notice dat?" Blink asked.
"Yeah. I dunno what happened ta da shy goil dat we’se used ta know but I’se glad it happened. She’s a lot moah fun now," Race answered.
They left the Distribution Office talking about her, then went their separate ways to sell their papers.
Wish and Martini