"Damnit! Now what?" Martini asked Jess, who had also been captured.
"Now…we stay here fer a yeah I guess," Jess said, looking completely depressed at the idea. "Ugh this is so not the way I saw today turnin’ out."
"Yeah, no kiddin’," Bitter added.
All three girls had ended up in the same room because there weren’t that many girls at the fight and the girls had separate rooms from the boys at the Refuge to make sure there wasn’t any sort of "funny business".
"We can’t jest stay heah fer a fuckin’ yeah!" Martini protested.
"What do ya think we’re gunna do? Ya know anythin’ ‘bout jail breakin’? Jess asked. "Ya don’t even know how ta pick locks!"
"But…but it’ll be borin’ an’ Wish is back at da Lodgin’ House all alone!" Martini pointed out.
"I really don’t think anyone’s gunna care ‘bout dat," Bitter told her.
"Gawd damnit fuck Oscah an’ his damn plan!" Martini exclaimed.
"Shoah, why not, ya already did once," came a voice from outside the door. ‘Fuck me, I mean."
Martini looked through the bars in the door and sure enough there was Oscar standing out in the hall way.
"What da hell are ya doin’ heah, Oscah?" she asked.
"We’se checkin’ all da cells fer our boys," he told her. The door was suddenly unlocked and Martini noticed three policemen that accompanied him.
"How excitin’," Martini said, sarcastically.
Oscar pointed to a couple of the girls in the room, indicating they were with Queens.
"I don’t get it," Jess said. "What’s goin’ on?"
"Well…we made a deal wid Warden. We’d get him all da boys dat been causin’ him trouble an’ he’d help us wid our revenge. Da newsies ain’t gettin’ out fer a very long time," Oscar said, grinning at the thought.
"If ya didn’t have three policemen wid ya right now I would beat da shit outta ya," Bitter told him, stepping forward threatingly.
Oscar laughed at her. "Well, dat doesn’t sound like good behavior ta me," Oscar said. "Be careful or ya’ll get moah time in heah."
Bitter glared at him coldly. "Soakin’ ya up would be worth it," she told him.
"Ya really should look inta controllin’ yer violent urges," he told her, enjoying himself thoroughly.
"Oscar ya got what ya came fer…why don’t ya jest leave," Jess said. "Don’t we got a right ta be in jail in peace?"
"Yer comin’ too," he told her. "Tick told me ta get ya."
"Too fuckin’ bad fer him. I’d rathah be in heah den out der wid you guys," Jess said, taking a stand with her new friends. "I hope dat his conscience eats him up. I ain’t leavin’ me friends in heah."
"Yer gunna stay in jail jest ta prove a point?" Oscar asked.
"Yeah, pretty much," Jess told him. "Maybe he’ll realize da consequences his actions have. Der’s people a lot more innocent den me in heah."
"I don’t get it. Why did ya guys even come down? Why couldn’t ya jest do what ya were supposed ta an’ stay back in da apartment?" he asked.
"Because I fight fer what I care about," Martini told him. "An’ I wasn’t jest gunna stand by an’ let ya hurt dem."
"But…we were gettin’ along an’ everythin’," Oscar siad, looking confused. "Why did ya have ta do dis?"
Martini laughed meanly. "Do ya really think dat we were gettin’ along? Don’t you get it? It was all jest one big act. From da moment I stepped back in dat alley everythin’ was a lie," she told him, glaring.
"Dat ain’t true…" Oscar said, looking ready to throw up.
"Isn’t it? Oscah yer smartah den dat. Da whole thign was ta get ya ta trust me so dat ya’d tell me infermation or stop fer me. Sadly, ya didn’t stop it but I got enough infermation," she told him.
Oscar rose an eyebrow. "If ya got enough infermation den what da hell are ya doin’ still in heah?"
"I ain’t gunna be heah long," she told him. "So…yeah how ‘bout goin’ away now? I would say it’s been a pleashoah but it ain’t. It’s been pretty revoltin’ actually," she told him. "Ugh, I actually had to pretend dat I liked ya."
"Dat’s it. All ya had ta do is say one ncie thing an’ I woulda let all three a ya out but now…well don’t hold yer breath," he said, turning around and slamming the door behind him.
Martini stood there for a couple minutes before Bitter and Jess realized she was shaking. They both walked up to her and found that tears were streaming down her face and she was trying to hold back sobs. Both Jess and Bitter hugged her tightly, trying to give her some comfort.
"Well…dat was interestin’," Jack said, after Tick had came to retrieve all of his boys.
"Yeah…tons a fun. I find it amusin’ as hell dat dey still think dat Snake is on der side," Spot said, laughing.
"Uhh…I don’t think dat now is da time ta laugh," Blink said, sitting on a bunk looking miserable.
"Ah, cheer up Cyclops," Spot said. "Things’ll get bettah."
"Yeah, in a yeah," Blink said.
"Or in a couple hours," Spot revealed.
"Why? What happens in a couple hours? Are we gunna squish Davie through the bars?" he asked, indicating Davie who was in the corner sobbing about his parents and Les, with disgust.
"Nah…but dat ain’t a bad idea," Spot joked. "Don’t ya think dat Jack an’ I saw dis happenin’?"
"Umm…no…" Blink said, truthfully.
"Have a little faith in yer feahless leadahs," Spot scolded. "So, Jacky boy, when do ya think dey’ll get heah?"
"I dunno…yer prolly right ‘bout a couple hours. Dey’ll want ta make shoah dat da trial an’ everythin’ is ovah," Jack reasoned.
"All right, did ya make shoah dat at least on person in each room knows what’s goin’ on?" Spot asked.
"Yeah, I think so," Jack said, pulling out a file. "So who gets ta be da lucky person in heah?" Jack asked.
"I dunno…I say it’s Cyclops fer not havin’ faith in us," Spot suggested.’
"Sounds good ta me. Blink get ta work," Jack commaded, throwing the file at him.
"What? What’s goin’ on?’ Blink asked.
"We’se gunna have da biggest jail break in New Yawk history," Jack informed him. He gathered all the boys together and explained everything to them.
Martini laid on the bunk, still crying. Bitter and Jess were both trying to console her, but not doing the best job at it.
"I jest…Every time he comes ‘round he’s so mean an’ den I have ta be mean back," Martini said through sniffles.
Jess smiled at her. "Oscah is a hard one ta like all da time," she agreed.
"But…den…once he leaves I always feel bad an’ wish dat he would come back…an’ den when he does come back it all jest starts ovah again," Martini cried. "It jest nevah ends!"
Bitter started laughing to both girls surprise. "I’m sorry," she gasped, trying to stop lauging. "It’s jest…I’m glad ta finally meet someone dat’s got a moah hopeless relationship den Spot an’ I."
"What?" Martini asked.
"Spot an’ I went through all dis. Well, I don’t know what Spot was thinkin’ but I know dat I felt exactly da same way. Maybe JB was right an’ none a us can get tageddah wid out a lot a drama," Bitter told her.
"Nu uh, things couldn’t a been dis bad," Martini protested.
"Well, I guess dat things got a little moah serious wid you an’ Oscah…I nevah spied on Spot…an’ den he’s nevah beat up me sistah…not dat I got one. An’ he also nevah tried ta imprison all me friends…but othah den dat…its extremely similah," Bitter told her. "Jest da basic way ya guys interact…"
"Really? Maybe dat means dat Oscah an’ I got a chance wid each oddah," Martini said, looking hopeful.
"Dat is aftah a yeah an’ if he evah gets ovah what ya jest said," Bitter told her.
Martini looked disapointed again. "Thanks fer ruinin’ dat fer me, Bittah."
"I’m sorry but I’m jest bein’ realistic not ta mention Spot an’ I had a lot moah in common den you an’ Oscah. Spot nevah hated all me friends," she pointed out.
"Yeah, I guess yer right," Martini said. "Still…we could get past dat. Now dat he’s got his little revenge…I guess I’ll have ta see aftah a yeah."
"Oh that’s right!" Tunes said, jumping up from the floor she had been sitting on. Tunes was a Brooklyn newsie that had been included on the earlier fight and had been captured along with the other girls. "I knew dat I was fergettin’ somethin’!"
"What?" Bitter asked her.
"I bettah get busy," Tunes said, hurrying to the bars and starting to file them away with the file that Jack had given her earlier.
"Hey, wheah did ya get dat?" Bitter asked, walking up to her. "Are ya plannin’ on jumpin’? We’se pretty far up…"
"Nah, Jack told me all ‘bout da plan," Tunes said, working furiously on the bars.
"What plan?" Bitter asked, confused.
"Da escape plan, fer when we got captured," Tunes said, as if obvious.
"I don’t get it," Bitter said, confused. "Jack knew dat we were gunna get arrested?"
"I guess so. Spot an’ Jack have known ‘bout dis fer a while ‘cause dey left some a da boys out so dat dey could come rescue us all."
"Dey shoah is gunna pay fer not tellin’ me," Bitter said, angrily. "So, do ya know how we’se gunna do it?"
"Uhh..from what I gathahed…dey’re gunna bring us up ta da roof on ropes an’ den we’se all jest walkin’ outta heah. Der will be way too many a us fer dem ta stop," Tunes said, never pausing in her task.
"Dat’s der genius plan?" Bitter asked, increduously.
"It don’t gotta be genious…it’ll work," Tunes told her confidently.
"I don’t think dat I give Spot an’ Jack da credit dey desoive," Martini said, overhearing their discussion.
"Yeah, me neithah," Jess agreed.
---A Few Hours Later---
Blink finally finished with the bars, with very sore, blistered hands. "I hope ya all know what I saraficed fer ya," he told everyone sitting down, looking a little irritated that no one had helped him.
"Hey, yer not da one hangin’ outside by a rope," a voice came from outside.
"Nice timin’, Snake," Jack commended.
"Thanks," Snake said. "You boys ready?" he asked.
"Yeah, I think so," Jack told him.
"Any a da littler boys dat can’t get up by demselves?" he asked.
"Does Davie count?" Spot asked, indicating Davie was still whimpering in the corner.
"Uhh…are ya serious? Does he really need me ta hold him ta get up der?" Snake asked.’
"Well…I dunno if he could get up alone…" Jack said.
---A Few Hours Later---
Blink finally finished with the bars, with very sore, blistered hands. "I hope ya all know what I saraficed fer ya," he told everyone sitting down, looking a little irritated that no one had helped him.
"Hey, yer not da one hangin’ outside by a rope," a voice came from outside.
"Nice timin’, Snake," Jack commended.
"Thanks," Snake said. "You boys ready?" he asked.
"Yeah, I think so," Jack told him.
"Any a da littler boys dat can’t get up by demselves?" he asked.
"Does Davie count?" Spot asked, indicating Davie was still whimpering in the corner.
"Uhh…are ya serious? Does he really need me ta hold him ta get up der?" Snake asked.’
"Well…I dunno if he could get up alone…" Jack said.
"I guess I could manage," Snake said, looking revolted at the thought.
"I think dat’s pretty much it…we left most a da littler boys out a da fight," Jack told him.
"Wait," Racetrack interrupted. "Wouldn’t dey noticed if Davie’s constant whinin’ had stopped? He ain’t stopped since we got heah!"
"Nice point," Spot conceded. "We bettah have him go last. ‘Sides his whinin’ can covah up any noise dat we make."
Everyone laughed and started climbing up the ropes that Snake and the other boys had attacked to the roof.
------On the Roof-----
"Is dis all a us?" Jack asked Spot.
"I think dat we got all da rooms," Spot said, looking around.
"So, now we jest march outta heah?" Jack asked.
"I guess…we ain’t really got dis far in da plan…I think dat we could jest go. Dey don’t got dat many police heah, not expectin’ dis or anythin’. Let’s jest put me boys on da outside a da group an’ yer boys in da middle. Dat way if der is a fight we got a chance," Spot decided.
"Sadly, I think dat dat’s a good idea. C’mon lets get goin’. Maybe we’ll get outta heah before dey even realize dat we gone," Jack decided.
"All right," Spot said.
The two then ran around organizing all of the boys and started down the fire escape, with Spot in the front and Jack in the back.
----The Girls----
"Tunes are ya shoah dat Jack said we would be escapin’ taday?" Bitter asked, looking out the window anxiously.
"Yeah, he said it would only be a couple hours," Tunes said. "I shoah hope nothin’ happened."
"Yeah, me too. I ain’t lookin’ forward ta bein’ in heah fer a yeah jest ‘cause dey mess up," Bitter decided.
Cards walked up to Spot. "Hey…Spot don’t ya feel like we’se missin’ some people?" he asked.
"No…why can ya think a anyone dat is missin’?" Spot asked.
"Nah I jest got dis naggin’ feelin’ dat I’m fergettin’ somethin’," Cards persisted. "Wait…what ‘bout.." he started.
"BITTAH!" they both realized at the same time.
"She ain’t nevah gunna let me live dis down," Spot said angrily. "I gotta go get her!"
"I’m comin’ wid ya," Cards told him.
"Nah…someone has gotta lead da boys," Spot said. "Stay heah."
"Someones gunna have ta pull Bittah off ya when she tries ta kill ya. Have Snake stay heah," Cards suggested.
"Ya got a good point der. Snake," he said, turning around to find the boy walking just behind him. "You take charge. I gotta go get da goils," Spot told him.
"Are ya shoah I shouldn’t go wid ya?" Snake asked, wanting to be the one that rescued Jess.
"What is it wid you boys? Are ya crazy or somethin’? Don’t ya want ta get outta heah?" Spot asked.
"Shoah, but I’d jest rathah go help Jess moah," Snake said.
"Fine, fine, whatevah. JB you stay heah," Spot told him.
"Fine wid me," JB said, walking to the front. "I ain’t crazy ‘nough ta want ta stay heah an’ get caught."
"Wuss," Cards taunted.
"Dumb ass," JB responded.
"Stop it. We ain’t got time fer dis," Spot said, pushing his way up the stairs.
Snake and Cards followed him closely.
"Maybe dey got caught," Bitter reasoned.
"Stop bein’ negative. Da oddah boys are prolly jest late gettin’ heah or somethin’," Martini reproved.
"I wondah if we could escape ourselves…If Snydah comes out heah an’ sees da bars filed we’se gunna be stuck in heah ‘til we’se 21!" Tunes said, looking down to see just how far it was to the ground. "We could…I dunno tie sheets tageddah or somethin’," she suggested.
"No need fer dat," came Cards’s voice from the window. "Anyone in heah dat want ta escape?" he asked.
"It’s about fuckin’ time," Bitter said. "Ya had us all worried!"
"Well, so very sorry ta worry ya. Do you goils think dat ya can climb up alone or do ya need some help?" he asked.
Although some of the girls doubted that they would be able to climb to the top they were too proud to admit it to Cards and figured they would at least try it. Cards was pulled back up to the top by Snake and Spot and then they lowered a few ropes for the girls. As it turned out most of the girls couldn’t climb up by themselves and Spot, Cards and Snake ended up having to pull them up.
Bitter looked around the roof and noticed it was empty. "Hey, wheah is everyone else?" she asked.
Spot, Snake and Cards all conviently were busied with wrapping up with ropes and acted as if it took too much attention to talk at the same time.
"Uhh…I jest asked a question," Bitter said.
"Well…uhh…dey’re already gone," Cards told her.
"How are dey gone already?" Bitter asked. "We didn’t take dat long gettin’ up heah."
"Umm…well we didn’t want ta go in a big group so dat we wouldn’t get caught," he lied.
"Wait," Tunes interjected. "Jack said dat part a da plan was goin’ in a big group!"
"Hey, don’t we got bettah things ta do den sit heah an’ talk ‘bout dis?" Spot asked. "C’mon let’s get outta heah."
The group of about a dozen girls, Spot, Cards and Snake all started down the fire escape hurriedly.
"Dis is too easy," Jack said, reaching the gate.
"Yeah, ya kinda wondah why moah people don’t break out," JB said. They were all rushing out the main gate into the street. They remained quiet out of respect for the group that was still inside.
"I wondah how Spot an’ dem are doin’," Jack said.
"I hope dey’re gettin’ out as easy as us."
(Ah…but what would be the fun in that? None…)
When the group reached the bottom on the fire escape they were suddenly surrounded by police men. "Shit," Spot swore, looking around, frightened.
"Jest wheah did ya think dat ya were goin’?" a policement asked, brandishing his weapon.
"What does it fuckin’ look like? We’se takin’ a moonlight stroll ‘round da Refuge," Bitter said, sarcastically.
Everyone glared at her quickly. "What? It was a stupid question!" Bitter claimed, but shut up after that.
"C’mon kids, jest come back in nice an’ easy an’ you’ll get less time added," another, nicer looking policeman said.
"Or what? Yer gunna attack kids?" Cards asked.
"Nah, but we’d attack criminals," the first policeman said.
"Let’s get dis ovah wid," Spot said, pulling out his cane, not willing to go back.
"Look, kids yer bein’ stupid," the second policeman told them.
"Ya ain’t even begun ta see stupid…wait…dat didn’t come out as threatenin’ as it was supposed ta," Cards said.
All the newsies rolled their eyes and laughed at Cards.
"Ya kids aren’t takin’ dis nearly as serious as ya should. Breakin’ outta jail is a serious offense. We might notta gotten yer friends but we shoah as hell ain’t lettin’ you get away," said a police man.
"We ain’t goin’ back," Spot said, determined.
"Have it yer way," the policeman conceded and the policemen rushed forward to stop the offending newsies.
The small group was prepared to fight their hardest to stay out of the refuge. The boys, instictively protective, stood in front of the girls to soften the attack for them. Martini and Jess, who weren’t accustomed to fights, were glad about this.
The policemen had gotten to them and started trying to drag them off, when they noticed that instead of the group of children lessening, it seemed to grow. "What da hell?" the policemen said, in some way, when they noticed there were almost twice as many as the original group and it was growing.
"Shit, der comin’ in da gate!" a policeman called, pointing at the steady flow of Manhattan and Brooklyn newsies rushing in to aid their friends.
"We can’t hold dem all back!" another yelled.
"We gotta get outta heah!" bellowed another.
The twenty or so policemen that had gathered were no match for the large group of newsies. They retreated back into the Refuge, closing and locking the door behind them. (Stupid policemen…like the newsies WANT to go back there **rolls eyes** LOL yes I know I’m writing the story…but the policemen woulda done that!!)
The victorious group didn’t bother being quiet anymore. There was a loud cry heard all around New York, curtesy of the estatic newsies. They all ran back to the Manhattan Lodging House, in high spirits. Knowing that the trouble was finally over and happy that they had come out on top once again.
(Now, I could stop the story here…but I think there are too many loose ends and people might hurt me…or threaten me w/ Crutchy **shudders** scary voice…Soo…that was technically the end but I’ll just put in an epilogue of sorts since people are probably wondering what happened w/ Snake and Jess; Wish, Cards and Jack; Martini and Oscar…etc etc.)
Cards raced into the sick room as soon as he was home. "Wish! We did it!" he yelled running over to her, looking like a ten year old boy.
Wish smiled at him. "I’m glad. I woulda been lonely wid ya all gone," she told him.
"It all worked out…well we fergot some a da goils at da jail but den we remembahed dem an’ we went back ta get dem," he said, shrugging as if it wasn’t a big deal.
"Ya fergot da goils?"Wish asked, shocked.
"Ya fergot us?!" Bitter asked from the door. Martini, Jess and Bitter had been going in to check on Wish. They all were looking slightly perturbed, now.
"Well…uhh…I wouldn’t say fergot…jest uhh…" Cards said, trying to cover.
"Jest ya didn’t remembah us fer a while?" Martini suggested.
"Yeah dat’s it…wait…no hey dat ain’t what I meant!" Cards protested.
"I’ll bet if I was der ya wouldn’t a fergot dem," Wish said smiling.
"Nah, I definatley woulda remembahed dem if ya had been der," he told her.
"So, ya do admit dat ya fergot dem," Wish pointed out, smirking.
"No..but…yer evil," he told her.
"Ah, but dat’s why ya love me!" Wish told him
Cards bent down to give her a kiss. "Dat an’ oddah things…"
"Uck…could ya be moah mushy?" Bitter asked, looking disgusted.
Cards laugehd at her. "It ain’t like ya don’t get da same way when Spot is around!"
"Well, if I did befoah I ain’t now. Especially not aftah he fergot me…speakin’ a which, I’se gunna go have a talk wid our deah little puppy dog," she said, wandering off.
Martini and Jess burst out laughing and followed her to see the excitement that was sure to come.
Bitter walked over to Spot who was busy talking to Snake and a couple other Brooklyn boys.
"You," Bitter said, pointing at Spot. "I need ta talk ta you."
Spot looked surprised but excused himself from his group, to walk over to the side of the room and talk to her.
Jess and Martini edged their way over, trying not to be obvious.
"I was talkin’ ta Cards…well listenin’ ta him talk ta Wish…an’ found out some interestin’ infermation," Bitter told him, glaring.
"What would dat be?" Spot asked her.
"Somethin’ along da lines a YA FERGETTIN’ DA GOILS!" she said. "What da hell is wrong wid ya!"
"Hey, it ain’t me fault. I’se responsible fer all a Brooklyn, it’s natural dat I’d ferget one or two," he said.
"It’s nice ta know dat ya can ferget ‘bout me so easily," Bitter said, glaring at him. "Ya can also ferget ‘bout doin’…well…anythin’ dat ya like ta do wid me."
"Bittah, come on! Don’t get so bent outta shape. It ain’t like we left ya der or nothin’," Spot told her.
"Oh, dat’s jest great. An’ while were on da subject a ya fergettin’ stuff, how come ya didn’t tell me ‘bout yer little breakin’ outta jail plan?" she asked.
"I dunno…othah things on me mind…" he told her.
"What kinda answah is dat?" she asked.
"Da vague kind. I don’t have ta tell ya everythin’," he told her.
"Dat’s jest fine. If you don’t have ta tell me everythin’ den I won’t tell you nothin’," she said, walking off towards the door.
"Bittah…BITTAH! Wheah are ya goin’?" he yelled after her.
"Somewheah…how’s dat fer vague?" she asked, leaving.
(LOL sorry figured that I could stick one more fight in…)
"Dat was interestin’," Snake said, when Spot had returned.
"Goils, I sweah der nothin’ but trouble," Spot muttered, looking extremely angry.
"Ya can say dat again," Snake said, agreeing out of habit.
"Hey, dat’s kinda harsh!" Jess said. Then, realizing what she had said and who she was talking to (Spot), she braced herself for a verbal battle.
Spot glared at her. "Yer da most troublesome a dem all," he told her.
"Spot jest ‘cause things aren’t goin’ good wid Bittah don’t mean dat ya can snap at othah people," Martini said, sticking up for her friend.
"Yeah an’ who’s gunna stop me?" he asked. "Ya gunna go get yer little boyfriend ta come up wid anothah plan ta get rid a us? Or maybe Jess can jest go whine ta her brother."
"You are seriously da biggest joik in da world," Martini said. She had evolved a lot in her time with the newsies. Not only had she become more unspoken but she had become a lot more confrontational and now found that she was never willing to back out of a fight. "An’ ya wondah why Bittah is always runnin’ away from ya."
Spot glared icily at her. "Yer treadin’ on thin ice, Martini," he told her.
"’Cause it would make Bittah fergive ya so much fastah if ya beat up her friends? I sweah you an’ Oscah could be best friends," she said, rolling her eyes.
The Brooklyners that had been talking to Spot had subconsciously been backing away, not wanting to get in the middle of this. Spot had already been in a bad mood from Bitter and calling him names wasn’t really helping.
Spot clenched his hands into fists. He took a deep breath, trying to contain his temper. "Martini…I suggest dat ya leave…now."
"I don’t th…" she started but Snake had hurried over and put his hand over her mouth. "Umm…how ‘bout da three a us go visit Wish," he said, inviting Jess to join them.
"Fine wid me. It ain’t like I espeically like bein’ around certain, egotistical, joiky Brooklyn leadahs," Jess said, wanting to get at least one insult in.
Snake’s eyes got bigger and he tried to hide a smile. "Umm…lets hurry," he said, almost dragging Martini away before she could antagonize Spot any further.
Martini pried Snake’s hand away from her mouth when they were across the room. "It’s fine, I ain’t gunna do nothin’."
Jess smiled. "It ain’t like she could do anythin’ even if she wanted. We’ve both seen her fight."
"Good point," Snake said, smirking.
"Thanks you guys...really. Wanna rub a little moah salt in dat wound?" Martini asked, sarcastically.
"Sorry Martini. Jest jokin’," Jess told her.
"It’s fine. I’m jest kinda frusturated wid everythin’ dat’s been goin’ on. Hey, Snake, whatevah happened aftah you’se guys left, anyways?" Martini asked him.
"I assume what ya really mean is what happened wid Oscah. An’ I dunno. He wasn’t up fer celebratin’ wid da rest a us so he took off ta go home,"Snake told her.
"Wondah why he didn’t want ta celebrate..." Jess said, staring obviously at Martini.
Martini rolled her eyes. "Stop it, it wasn’t ‘cause a me. Look, I’m goin’ ta bed, now. Jess yer jest gunna stay heah tanight, right?"
"I dunno...I don’t think dat I should ‘cause a...well everythin’. I’ll jest go home," Jess said. "I’ll come ovah heah tomorrah an’ find ya, all right?"
"Yeah, dat sounds all right ta me," Martini agreed. "See ya." Then she walked over to her bunk and climbed in.
"So...I’ll walk ya back ta yer place if ya like," Snake offered.
"Dat would be okay wid me," Jess said, smiling.
"All right, den. Let’s go," Snake said, starting towards the door. Jess followed closely tentively slipping her hand into his.
Snake looked surprised but squeezed her hand gently and gave her a shy smile.
Ten minutes after Bitter had left she walked back in looking bewildered. She saw Spot, who had returned to talking with his friends and marched over to him. Pointing at him she said, "You. I need ta talk ta ya."
Spot gave her a questioning look but followed her over away from the group. "Uhh...did ya want somethin’?"
"Yeah...umm...I dunno if ya noticed but I jest ran away angry," Bitter told him.
"I noticed...remembah I even asked ya wheah ya were goin’," he reminded her.
"Den what da hell are ya stilll doin’ heah? I thought dat we had dis down! I run outta heah angry an’ you run aftah me ta make me feel bettah."
"Oh...I musta fergot," Spot claimed, not willing to admit he hadn’t learned his lesson.
"Well...jest make shoah it doesn’t happen again," Bitter said, kissing him on the cheek.
"A course not," Spot said, kissing her on the lips.
"Hey umm...Martini?" Jack asked, walking up to her bed.
"What?" she mummbled into her pillow.
"Can I talk ta ya?" he asked her.
"Can it wait until tomorrah?" she asked, trying to lift herself up from the bed she had previously been sleeping in.
"I guess it could I jest...I dunno...I kinda wanted ta talk ‘bout somethin’ dats kinda important," Jack said.
"Yer not gunna go away until I talk ta ya, are ya?" Martini asked, rolling over and opening her eyes.
"Prolly not," Jack said, smiling.
"All right, all right," she said, sitting up and yawning. "What was so important dat it couldn’t wait until tomorrah?" she asked.
"Well...I guess it ain’t dat important or anythin’ but...I mean well ya would know bettah den anyone an’ I jest don’t really...umm...an’..."
"Jack...yer babblin’. I shoah hope ya didn’t wake me up ta babble. Jest get ta da point," Martini told him.
"All right," he said, taking a deep breath. "I like Wish an’ don’t know what ta do ‘bout it an’ I know der ain’t any chance fer us since she’s wid Cards but I feel bad ‘cause I said some really mean stuff ta her an’ I don’t know what ta do ‘bout it an’ I was hopin’ dat ya could tell me," he told her, then caught his breath after his one-breath explanation.
Martini rose an eyebrow. "Ya like Wish? Wow...ya should tell her...she’d be flattahed aftah all dese yeahs. Yer right ‘bout not havin’ a chance wid her now dat she’s wid Cards."
"Really, doh what should I do ‘bout it?" he asked her.
"I dunno...I mean if ya really hurt her feelins den you should tell her da entire truth ‘cause it ain’t faih ta her fer her ta feel bad ‘cause ya don’t wanna seem stupid or whatevah yer reasons are. But, really, ya should jest get ovah her ‘cause even if she wasn’t wid Cards den you two could nevah get tagethah. Ya’d be worse den...Bittah an’ Spot or me an Oscah," she told him.
"I dunno if da Manhattan Lodgin’ House could take anothah bad relatioinship like dat," Jack said, smiling. Then, seriously, he added, "Hey thanks fer yer advice..an’ fer wakin’ up ta give it ta me."
"Anytime...well...not literally anytime ‘cause if ya do dis again den I’d have ta soak ya...or attempt ta soak ya at leat," Martini told him. "Now go ta bed. Ya can talk ta Wish tomorrah an’ if ya need ta talk aftah dat I’m heah...anytime befoah 10 PM doh..."
Jack leaned forward and gave Martini a hug. "Yer a great goil. How’s everythin’ goin’ wid you?"
"I dunno...been bettah an’ been worse," she told him. "Can we save dis talk fer latah? If we get inta my problems we’ll be heah all night."
"All right. G’night Martini," Jack said getting up and walking back to his bunk to go to sleep.
"So, heah we are," Jess said, when they reached her apartment door.
"Yeah," Snake said, feeling a little uncomfortable.
"Umm...yeah...so thank ya. It was really nice a ya ta walk me all da way heah," she said, smiling. "Yer really sweet."
"It wasn’t any trouble. I promise ya," he told her.
"I’m glad," Jess said, smiling. "So..."
"Yeah...so I guess I’ll see ya tomorrah?" he said, looking hopeful.
"Yeah. I guess so..." Jess said.
"All right den...goodnight," Snake said, giving her a quick smile and then turning around.
"Hey...umm..Snake?" Jess asked.
"Yeah?" Snake asked, turning around.
"I...well umm...I..." she started. Then, realizing she didn’t have any words for what she was feeling she walked over and kissed him.
When she pulled away Snake was smiling. Neither of them said anything.
"Please tell me what yer thinkin’," Jess said, looking a little embarassed.
Snake gave a half smile. "I was jest thinkin’ ‘bout how nothin’ turned out da way I thought it would. I always figuahed dat when ya figuahed out I was a spy dat ya would nevah talk ta me again, but heah we are in a hall..."
Jess smiled at him. "I had a crush on ya since I met ya but figuahed dat ya were jest like da othah boys an’ refused ta get involved wid anyone like dat. I mean jest look how hard it is fer Martini."
"Yeah. I wish it didn’t have to be so hard fer her..." Snake said.
Jess looked up at him surprised and giggled. "Yer jest a softy at heart aren’t ya?"
"What? No!" Snake protested. "I’m a big, tough Brooklynah!"
"Shoah...big, tough Brooklynah dat has pillow fights an’ is shy..." Jess said smirking. "Jest admit it."
"I won’t admit anythin’," Snake said.
"Fine...don’t admit it. I know it’s true, doh," Jess said.
"Good den. I wont admit it. Look, I gotta get goin’. I want a little sleep tanight," he said.
"Oh...well ya could...umm...never mind," Jess said.
"What?" Snake asked.
"I was jest gunna say dat if ya wanted ya could stay heah...I mean it’s awfully crowded at da Lodgin’ House."
"Are ya shoah? I could sleep on da couch or somethin’?" Snake asked.
"Dat’s fine wid me...well ya don’t gotta stay on da couch doh..." Jess said blushing.
"Ya shoah bout dis?" Snake asked.
"Yeah...I mean...if ya want ta..." Jess told him.
Snake smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her. They made their way into the apartment.
----The Next Morning----
Snake and Jess walked in the next morning yawning and grinning like fools.
"Hey you guys," Martini greeted. "Where were ya last night, Snake?"
"Well it was crowded heah so Jess said I could stay at her place," Snake told her.
Martini rose an eyebrow at Jess. "Oh really?"
Jess blushed and nodded.
Martini squealed. "Dis is so cute! Oh my gosh you guys!! I knew dat ya would get tagethah!"
"Uhh...I think I’m gunna let you goils talk," Snake said, looking embarassed.
Jess smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "What’s wrong, don’t ya like gossip?"
"Not when it’s about me. I’ll see ya both latah," he said, walking over to talk to Spot and Cards.
"Soooo..." Martini said, when they were sitting on her bunk.
"So what?" Jess asked.
"Sooo what happened?" Martini said.
"What do ya think happened?"
"I think dat you two...oh my gosh you did!" Martini said and squealed again. "You guys are so perfect fer each othah!!"
"Yeah," Jess agreed.
"Well ya have ta tell me everythin’!" Martini said.
Jess complied and related what had happened the previous night, excluding some of the more...personal...details.
"Hey...Wish can I talk ta ya?" Jack asked.
"I guess..." Wish said, pulling herself into a sitting position.
"Okay...well I guess ya’ve noticed dat I’se been a little mean ta ya an’ everythin’," Jack started.
"No kiddin’," Wish said.
"Well, what ya might not know is dat da reason I’m bein’ a little harsh on ya is ‘cause I got a..."
"Crush on me. I know," Wish finished for him.
"What? How did you know dat?" Jack asked.
"Ya ain’t dat great a an actor..." Wish told him, laughing.
"Okay...well I jest wanted ta tell ya dat so dat ya don’t feel bad or take what I said seriously. I mean, ya ain’t really a slut...an’ I was only half seroius ‘bout ya bein’ an obnoxious bitch," he told her.
Wish rolled her eyes. "Thanks Jack...dat’s da sweetest thing anyones evah told me," she said, sarcastically.
"Anytime. I jest want ta make shoah dat ya know dat I know dat nothin’ can evah happen ‘cuase yer wid Cards an’ everythin’ but I jest figuahed I should tell ya da truth an’ all. Ya at least desoive dat," he told her.
"Okay, well thanks. I still hope dat we can be friends. I promise I wont freak out on ya...all da time at least," Wish said, smirking.
"Good ta know. Look, yer welcome ta stay heah any time ya want," Jack told her.
"Thanks," Wish said. "Yer an’ okay guy Fr...Jack." Wish pulled him into a hug.
"Yer not so bad yerself Wish."
"Well, I hate ta say dis, but I gotta go," Martini said, getting off the bed. "I still gotta go sell."
"All right. Dat’s okay. Snake said he was gunna take me out sellin’ taday," Jess said.
"Good fer you guys! It’s great. Everyone’s relationships are workin’ out...well...almost everyone’s," she correcter herself, looking a little sad.
"Don’t look so sad. If things can work out between Snake an’ I den things can work out between you an’ Oscah," Jess said, consolingly.
Martini gave a small smile. "Yer such an optamist," she told her.
"Damn straight. I’ll see ya latah, all right?" Jess asked.
"Yep, see ya," Martini said walking out of the Lodging House and heading towards the DO.
"Martini is dat you? How da hell..." came a voice behind her.
Martini sighed and turned around. "Hey, Oscah."
"How da hell are ya already outta da Refuge?" he asked her.
"Umm...maybe ya need ta read da papers once in awhile? Extra Extra, huge jail break, ovah a hundred escape," she told him, handing over a paper. "Seems like der was some good dat came outta me spyin’."
To Martini’s surprise Oscar just started laughing.
"What’s so funny?" Martini asked, shifting her papers from one arm to the other.
"Da funny thing is dat you guys went through all da trouble a breakin’ out an’ everythin’ when dey were only gunna keep ya in der fer two days," Oscar told her.
Martini looked confused and then started laughing too. "Guess da spyin’ thing didn’t work...ah well," she said.
Oscar looked surprised. "Don’t look now but it seems dat we’se both havin’ a civil conversation widout havin’ any ulterior motives," he said.
"Actually...I do have an ulterior motive," Martini said.
"An’ what is dat?" Oscar asked.
"Well...dese papes are awfully heavy..." she said, smiling at him.
"Oh no...der ain’t now way dat I’m helpin’ ya sell yer papes," Oscar refused.
"Ya don’t have ta sell dem...jest hold dem..." Martini said. "Pleeease?"
Oscar rolled his eyes and took the papers from her. "Only dis once," he told her.
"Dat’s what you think," Martini said laughing.
"Dat’s what I know," Oscar corrected.
"We’ll see," Martini said.
Oscar tried to glare at her, but couldn’t quite accomplish it and started laughing. Martini soon joined in.
After a little while of selling and small talk Martini suddenly stopped. "What does dis mean, Oscah?" she asked.
"What does what mean?" he asked her.
"Us spendin’ da day tagethah. You helpin’ me sell papes...does dis mean dat we’re tagethah again...or what?" she asked.
"I dunno...what do ya want it ta mean?" he asked her.
"I want it ta mean dat ya’ve finally accepted me bein’ a newsie an’ don’t care ‘bout it," she told him. "An’ I want it ta mean dat we can finally be happy tagethah ‘cause I jest can’t take us fightin’ all da time anymoah."
"Well, I think dat, dat is what dis could mean," Oscar told her.
"Ya mean it? Really?" Martini asked.
Oscar nodded. "I don’t think I’ll be becomin’ best friends wid any a yer friends any time soon...but I promise nevah ta try ta soak yer friends again," he told her. "Would dat make ya happy?"
"Yes, dat would make me very happy," Martini said, kissing him.
Now everyone’s relationships are workin’ out, she thought happily.
The End!
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