Martini walked down the street yelling headlines that were so exaggerated they might as well be called made up. She was determined to sell her papers before Oscar saw her. She had got rid of all her papers before 11 and was very proud of herself. She walked down the street towards "Joe’s Restaurant". It was a nice place Oscar had pointed out to her. She knew she would have little chance of seeing any newsies there and she wasn’t feeling like talking to them. When she entered she saw Oscar at the counter with his brother Morris. Uh oh. I’se bettah not go see him when hes wid his friend, dere. He isn’t especially nice ‘round him an’ I’se dont want anythin’ ta happen ta ruin things. It’s too fun now, she thought turning around to leave before he saw her. Just before the door closed she heard, "Martini, is dat you?" Swearing under her breath she turned around slowly to find both Oscar and Morris staring at her. "Oh…hey der Oscar. I’se didn’t see ya der," she lied. She walked over to where the boys were sitting. "If ya has time ya should sit down an’ have lunch wid us. Dis is me broddah, Morris. Morris, dis is Martini, dat goil I was tellin’ ya ‘bout," Oscar introduced. Martini smiled and shook Morris’s outstretched hand. "Its nice ta meet ya Morris." "Like wise I’se shoah. So, yer da goil dat me broddah ain’t shut up ‘bout. Well, seein’ ya I’se can understand why. Ain’t I met ya sometime befoah?" he asked. "Uhh..I dunno…we’se mighta seen each oddah befoah. Manhattan ain’t dat big.." she said looking at Oscar for help. "Heah, you’se can sit by me. I’se ain’t trustin’ ya ta sit neah Morris. I’se wants ya all ta meself," Oscar put in quickly. "I’se didn’t know when ya said dat ya would find me dat ya actually meant ya would go out lookin’ fer me" Martini laughed. "Well when I’se wants somethin’ I’se aint afraid of a little work ta get it…" she informed him. "Well den I’se glad dat I’m sumthin’ dat ya want." Morris rolled his eyes. "I’se had jest about ‘nough a dis fer da day, so I’se gunna leave befoah I’se gets sick. Martini nice ta meet ya an’ when ya get sick a Oscar heah come find me. I’se promise I’se is a lot more fun dan him." Martini laughed. "I’ll keep dat in mind," she assured him. "Good, good. Oscar dont ferget ‘bout dat..err uhh…thing…we’se gotta do, all right?" Morris questioned. "I’ll be der. Bye Morris." Morris left the restaurant and Oscar turned to face Martini. "So now dat he’s gone how’s ‘bout a real greetin’?" Martini smiled and kissed him. They ate their meal, flirting and laughing. After they were finished Oscar asked, "Hey how bout we go somewheah more private?" "Alright, jest wheah did ya have in mind?" she asked. "C’mon, I’ll show ya," he said pulling her by the hand out the door. He took her to Central Park and over to a small grouping of trees. Once in the middle of it he pulled her close and started kissing her. Martini was slightly nervous, being in a slightly secluded spot with Oscar. She pulled away after a few minutes, pretending she just wanted to talk. "So dis is a nice place…" she commented looking around. "It’s very useful…specially since most people dont know ‘bout it. It’s nice an’ quiet…cant get interrupted…" he said, hinting that hadn’t taken her there to talk. Martini, pretending not to catch the hint, continued talking. "Yeah, it’s nice ta jest come heah an’ talk…ya know…quiet place ta think." "Shoah, think an’ oddah things," Oscar agreed pulling her into another kiss. Martini struggled against the kiss at first then thought, Why am I fightin’ dis? Dis is what I’se was workin’ fer. He’s only givin’ me what I’se been askin’ fer since I met him. She discontinued her struggling and gave into his kissing. They had only been at the park for what seemed like ten minutes when Oscar stopped kissing her and checked his watch. "Damnit I’se late. Look I’se really sorry but I’se gotta go…now," he told Martini, standing up. He helped Martini up and picked up his jacket that they had been sitting on. "Wait, why? We’se only been heah fer ten minutes or somethin’!" Martini complained. Oscar burst out laughing. "Ten minutes? We’se been heah fer an hour! Ise’ll see ya latah," he said kissing her on the cheek and running off. Martini walked back to the Lodging House and couldn’t help but smiling the entire way. When she got inside she walked to her bed and laid down to think about her day. She sat there for a couple minutes before she heard laughing from one side of the room. She jumped, startled. The laughing became louder. Looking around she finally noticed Spot and Cards. "Hey der, Martini, right?" Cards said still laughing. "Yeah. Sorry you guys I’se jest was thinkin’ an’ didn’t notice ya…" Martini explained. "We’se noticed. Ya really do need ta be more aware a yer surrondin’s doh…we’se coulda been killers or somethin’" Spot scolded. "Ya would have ta be awfully stupid moiderers ta come up ta a bunk room wheah anyone could see ya, when ya could jest jump me on da street…" Martini rationalized. "I’se guess ya got a point der," Spot admitted smiling. "So what are ya doin’ back so eoily?" "I’se finished sellin’ ‘round 11 an’ den went an’ ate. So, havin’ nothin’ bettah ta do I’se came heah ta get some rest or somethin’," Martini explained leaving out her encounter with Oscar purposely. "Done by 11? How many papes is ya sellin’ cause ya should sell moah…" Cards asked. "I’se sold forty I think…" Martini answered. "Besides, you guys musta got done sellin’ eoily ta be heah by one in da aftahnoon…Why are ya heah anyways?" "I’se got sick a Cards talkin’ bout yer sistah so I took pity on him an’ brought him heah," Spot explained. Cards turned bright red. "Dat aint da reason. Spot wanted ta see Bittah an’ we’se got business. Ain’t got nothin’ ta do wid Wish." Martini began laughing hysterically, unable to hold it back any longer. Cards attempted to glare at her, but couldn't and began laughing at himself. Soon all three were laughing at Cards. Martini finally asked, "So ya like Wish a little do ya?" Cards nonchalantly answered, "Yeah a little maybe." Spot, who had been annoyed all day said, "A little? Give me a break! Cards ain’t stopped talkin’ ‘bout dat goil since we left heah! Ya might as well ask Martini yer question Cards, she knows bettah dan JB an’ I’se knows." Martini, confused, asked, "Yer question?" Cards smiled a little embarrassed. "Yeah, I’se was wonderin’ does she like me do ya think?" Martini laughed. "Dat’s so cute! Well ta tell ya da truth I’se got no idea. She and I didn’t really get a chance to talk an’ I would ask her fer ya but we’se sorta in a fight. Bittah might know doh…" Martini explained. "You’se guys is in a fight? Why’s dat?" Cards asked. "Well, we’se said some mean stuff to each oddah…an’ I’se havn’t talked ta her since we did…I’se jest sick a her an’ her lousy attitude," Martini explained. Cards looked like he was going to ask more questions when Bitter and Wish entered, laughing about something. "Speak a da devil," Martini muttered. "I’se is gunna go fer a walk or somethin’. I’ll be back in an hour or so…" she told everyone starting out the door. "Hey Martini. Careful out der…make sure yer back before dark…" Bitter told her nicely. "I’se pretty shoah I’se can take care a meself… but thanks," Martini assured her shortly. "If I’se were you I would listen ta Bittah. It ain’t safe fer a goil ta wander ‘round da streets a Manhattan…" Cards told her. "All right, all right I promise I’ll be back befoah dark. Stop worryin’," she said and walked out the door. Everyone was quiet for a few moments. Finally Spot said, "Hey if I ain’t gunna get da greetin’ I came heah fer I might as well jest go back ta Brooklyn wheah people like me…" Bitter smiled. "Just what kinda greetin’ do dey give ya in Brooklyn? I’se always wondered ‘bout ya boys when der are no goils ‘round…." "Hey shuddup. Ya know what I mean," Spot said. "Shoah Spot…" Bitter said. Eventually Bitter did "greet" Spot in a way he found more appealing. Then Wish, Spot, Cards and Bitter lounged in a couple of bunks and joked back and forth for an hour or two. Spot, getting bored, decided to liven things up. "I’se knows a secret ‘bout Cards," he declared. Bitter and Wish’s ears perked up at the word "secret". "What is it? Tell us!" Wish exclaimed. Cards laughed. "I can tell ya da secret…I was tellin’ Spot on da way ovah heah how much I’m in love wid Bittah an’ how we was gunna run away wid each oddah. But a course dat’s old news…" Bitter and Wish giggled. Bitter, played along saying, "Cards we weren’t gunna tell Spot remembah? He was just gunna wake up one mornin’ an’ realize dat both a us had disappeared." Cards feigning stupidity, "Oh, I’se musta fergot. Ah well get yer stuff, we’se should be on our way.." Bitter and Cards burst into laughter, not able to contain it anymore. Spot, glaring, said "I’se dont find anythin’ funny ‘bout dis. In fact, I’se find it sad dat every newsie in New Yawk has ta flirt wid me goil. Go get yer own ya bum! Well…I’se could always tell Wish what I told Martini…now dat would be funny…" "What did ya tell Martini?" Wish and Bitter asked at the same time. Cards quickly stopped laughing. "I’se uh cant remembah…" Spot lied. Cards sighed relievedly. "I’ll bet I can make ya remembah," Bitter stated sitting up on the bunk and scooting closer to Spot. "Oh yeah? I’se dont think so…not aftah what ya jest pulled…" Spot countered scooting away. "Yeah but I can make up fer dat…" She got closer. "How’s you plannin’ on doin’ dat?" he asked moving back. "Like dis," she said pushing him against the bedpost and kissing him.. She kissed him a little more forcefully than she usually did, surprising Spot. "Now don’t make me do dat again," Bitter threatened. "Just be a good boy an’ tell me what ya told Martini." "So if I’se dont tell ya den ya will do dat again? Okay by me…" Spot said. Bitter giggled. "Nice point. I will never do that again if you don’t tell me." Spot shrugged at Cards, "Sorry but you hoid da lady…I’se gotta tell…" Cards started turning red again. "All dat I’se told Martini was dat I’se thinks she’s er…a very good newsie. Yep dat’s it," Spot said. Cards released the breath he was holding. "Spot ya ain’t a good liar now dont try…Its obviously somethin’ dat Cards did or said ‘cause oddah wise he wouldn’t look like a tomatoe right now," Wish observed. Spot, looking disapointed that they hadn’t bought his lie, opened his mouth to tell the truth but was interrupted by a group of newsies entering the door noisily. "Quick Mush go get Kloppman!" "Put some pressure on dat wound!" "Careful wid him!" "Hey what’s goin’ on heah?" Spot asked befuddled. "Its Race, Spot. Someone soaked him pretty bad…" Jack told him walking past him with Race in his arms. There was so much blood on Jack’s clothes that it looked like he was the one that was hurt. "But I don’t understand…what did Race do to the.." Wish started before passing out. Cards and Spot both grabbed her just before she hit the floor, then Cards carried her to her bed. "Allright, so who did it?" Spot asked. "We’se dont know. Skittery an’ Snitch found him like dis in da alley ovah by Central Park. He’s been out fer a while now I think…" Jack told him. Bitter ran and got a bucket of water and washcloth to clean Racetrack up with. She had just began when Kloppman ran into the room, out of breath. "I woulda come sooner but I was at the store. What’s going on?" he asked kneeling down by Racetrack. "I’se thinks a couple a guys jumped him. Wont know if he don’t wake up doh…" Jack answered. Bitter looked up sharply from her work. "Don’t evah say dat again Jack Kelly! He’s gunna wake up and when he does ya bettah believe I’m gunna tell him dat ya said dat," she scolded angrily. Jack could see tears welling in her eyes. "I meant we wont know until he does wake up," Jack corrected. "Dat’s bettah. Now all of ya standin’ ‘round go find somethin’ else ta do. He isn’t gunna get bettah any fastah if yer starin’ at him." Kloppman prodded and examined Racetrack to the best of his abilities, trying to determine if he had any broken bones or extremely deep cuts. "He’s lucky," Kloppman determined. He looked at everyone’s incredulous faces and chuckled. "I know he looks bad and he’s going to be in a lot of pain but its mostly bad bruises and shallow cuts. Nothing that a couple days in bed wont fix." Bitter smiled weakly. "Are ya shoah?" "Yep. Will you finish cleanin’ him up?" he asked Bitter. "Shoah, no problem," she answered starting to wash Racetrack up again. A few minutes later, while Bitter was still at work, Racetrack came to. "Hey wheah am I? What’s goin’ on…Oh my god what happened?" Bitter threw her arms around Race, causing him to yell out in pain. The boys came rushing over from all corners of the Lodging House to see what was going on. "Hey, Bittah I’se though ya were supposed ta be helpin’ him…not torturin’ him…" Cards pointed out gently pulling her off of Race. Bitter smiled embarassedly, "Sorry, I was jest glad he woke up I guess…" "Hey Race can you’se tell us what happened ta ya?" Spot asked remaining level headed through the entire ordeal. "I’se dont know who did it…I didn’t recognize da voices an’ it was dark. Dere were ‘bout four or five a dem an’ dey jumped me from behind. Dey gave me a message fer you an’ Jack. Dey said dat you’se two ain’t gunna be able ta stop dem an’ dis was jest a warnin’ dey was goin’ easy on me. Dey also said dat dere is no way ta prevent what is gunna happen ‘cause dey has had it wid us newsies," Racetrack informed them. Jack, Cards and Spot looked at each other worriedly. "Damnit! Look ‘round everyone! Is everyone heah?" Jack asked. It turned out that all the boys were in. "Wait, what ‘bout dat goil, Martini?" Spot asked. "Wheah is she?" Jack asked. "She went out fer a walk an’ nevah came back!" Spot told him. "Damnit. Allright you, Cards, and I will go out and look. Da rest of ya stay heah an’ dont leave fer any reason. I’se means it!" Jack decided. Spot, Cards and Jack hurried out of the room looking very scared. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martini walked around Manhattan aimlessly. I don’t really want to be walking around New York…but I also dont want to go back to the bunk room and have to watch Cards and Wish flirt and have Wish thinkin’ she’s bettah den me…Why the hell am I lettin’ dis get ta me now? Well, I’ll jest walk ‘round a little more…she thought. Eventually she ended up in Central Park. Why am I even heah? It’s not like hes gunna be sittin’ heah waitin’ fer me or somethin’. She walked towards the trees that Oscar had brought her to earlier. Almost reaching them she noticed a crowd of men in the distance. She ducked into the shadows and hid. I dont know what dey is doin’ but I’ll bet dey dont want witnesses. I’ll jest stay heah ‘till dey leaves den make fer da Lodgin’ House. A few minutes later the men walked away, leaving one on the ground. Oh my god, that person isn’t moving. Is it dead? Oh my god the others are coming this way. She curled into a small ball and held her breath. Once they had passed she jumped up and ran towards the Lodging House as fast as she could. She was only a couple blocks from the House when she was grabbed from behind and pulled into a dark alley letting out a piercing scream. Her attacker tried to put its hand over her mouth but she bit it as hard as she could. The attacker pushed her into a wall, swearing. Martini turned around to face her attacker and found herself face to face with Oscar. When Oscar saw her he exclaimed, "Jesus Christ Martini what da hell are ya doin’?!" "Yer one ta talk! Ya jest grabbed some random goils outta da street an’ throw dem at walls?" Martini countered, confused. "I didn’t jest pull any goil into da alley, I’se been followin’ ya since Central Park. What da hell was ya doin’ at Central Park dis time a night?" he asked. "Well I’se was goin’ fer a walk an’ jest ended up dere. Den I’se saw a buncha men dere an’ hid cause, well it ain’t nevah a good idea ta see late night meetins. An’ when I’se thought everyone was gone I ran away as fast as I could…" "Ya aren’t lyin’ ta me are ya? Ya didn’t see nothin’ right?" he questioned. "No, no I sweah I ain’t seen nothin’! Wait does dat mean day you’se was one of dohs boys?" Martini asked bewildered. "You’se already know too much, as it is. Don’t ask any questions, all right? Boy is I glad dat I’se is da one dat followed ya…" he commented. Then looking at her scared, bewildered face he asked, "Look, Ise didn’t hoit ya did I? I’se didn't mean ta but ya caught me off guard wid bitin’ me an’ all…" "No, ya didn’t hoit me at all," Martini said smiling. "Well, now dat I’se has ya in da alley all alone I’se should use my time da best way I know how," he commented pulling her closer to kiss her. Martini smiled leaning into the kiss. They had been kissing for a couple minutes when they were interrupted. Oscar was pulled away from her by Cards and Spot and punched across the face by Spot. Both Cards and Spot were laying into him, punching and kicking him, before Martini understood what was going on. Jack put his arms around her, trying to assure her everything was okay. Martini screamed when she finally realized how bad they were beating Oscar up. "STOP! DON’T LET DEM" she shouted trying to get to Oscar. Jack, thinking she was just in shock and hysterical, held tight to her. "Look Martini. You’se safe now. C’mon lets get outta heah." "NO NO I CANT!" she screamed struggling in Jacks grip. "Please, please you have to stop dem! Please Jack," she pleaded. "Martini, you’se don’t know what yer sayin…" Jack reasoned. Martini finally taking things into her own hands stomped on Jacks foot and pushed him away. She pushed Spot and Cards out of the way and kneeled down by Oscar. Oscar, barely conscience, could only look at her, disbelievingly. Sobbing, she ripped off peices of her skirt trying to bandage his cuts. She repeated "I’m so sorry…I’se jest so sorry". Jack, Spot and Cards didn’t know exactly what to do. Spot the ever tactful said, "What da hell is ya doin’ goil? Dat der is Oscar Delancy. Do ya know who he is?" Martini gave him the coldest glare she could manage through tears. "Don’t you dare ask me if I’se knows who he is. I’se know him a hell of a lot bettah dan you’se do. What da hell is wrong wid you jest runnin’ ‘round beatin’ people up?" "Ya must be kiddin’ me? Yer standin’ up fer dat joik? Don’t ya know what he’s done? Oddah dan attackin’ ya befoah he jest helped beat Racetrack senseless. An’ he and his broddah are plannin’ wid some oddah bums a huge attack on newsies. We’se ain’t jest ‘runnin’ ‘round beatin’ people up’ we’se is gettin’ even. Now, what da hell was you doin’ in an alley wid him, if he didn’t force ya?" Spot asked. "What I’se is doin’ is none of yer business. Why don’t ya all jest go away?" Martini asserted. "Is dis goil serious, Jack?" Cards asked disbelievingly. "I’se dont know but we ain’t leavin’ her out heah wid him. C’mon Martini. We’ll get da story back in da Lodgin’ House." Jack decided. "I ain’t goin’ anywheah wid ya. An’ unless yer plannin’ on tyin’ me up and dragging me back to da Lodgin’ House I ain’t goin’ back," Martini informed them. "We’se don’t need ta tie ya, goil," Spot told her, picking her up and throwing her over her shoulder, despite her protests, leaving Oscar in the alley fighting to maintain consciousnes. Spot carried her up the stairs and into the bunk room. She was now sobbing hysterically out of frustration and worry. He pushed her on her bunk. "Stay," Spot commanded. "You," he said pointing at Blink. "If she moves from dat bed I’se wants ya ta punch her as hard as ya can. Maybe it will bring her back ta her senses." Bitter and Wish immediately headed over to Martini but Spot stopped them. "I dont want neither of ya ta go ovah dere ‘til we’se have figured out what’s goin’ on." Bitter, of course, began to argue but Spot gave her such a harsh look that she immediatley stopped and walked off without saying anything. Wish followed her utterly confused. "No one left, right?" Jack asked the room. Everyone shook their heads. "Good. I’se wants ya all ta go ta sleep, ‘cept Blink an’ Martini. Spot, Cards, an’ I will be in da oddah room talkin’. I knows yer all probably very confused an’ I sweah da I’ll explain jest not yet…" Spot, Cards and Jack left the room to talk. The rest of the newsies got into bed, though none of them actually slept. Martini stayed in her bed, coughing she was crying so hard. Blink sat, bewildered, watching her every move. He had never seen Spot that angry and wasn’t going to chance making him angrier. He silently prayed that Martini didn’t get off the bed. Fifteen minutes later, Cards walked in. "Hey Martini…can ya come out an’ talk ta us? Maybe?" he asked nicely. Martini shook her head and kept crying. "C’mon Mar. We’se jest tryin’ ta figure some stuff out an’ you might have da answer…" "I cant! I’se jest cant…" she sobbed. Cards walked over and kneeled down so he was face to face with Martini. He looked her strait in the eyes. "Nobody’s angry wid ya or anythin’…well cept Spot but I’se thinks hes jest angry cause ya could push him ovah so easily befoah. Dere I saw dat bit a smile! Now, really, Martini. Did ya see how bad off Race was? Yeah? Well Oscar helped do dat to him an’ he’s plannin’ ta do it ta all da rest of us. Now, I’se dont know what you know or if ya know anythin’ but I’se needs ya ta be really great an’ come out and talk ta us okay?" he told her, as if talking to a young child. Martini looked doubtfully at Cards. Then glanced at Racetrack. "All right…I’ll come talk to ya but I’se probably don’t know nothin’ helpful…" she conceeded taking Cards hand and following him out into the hall. Little did Martini and Cards know they had an audience. Wish had been sitting on her bunk just above Martini’s and listening. He is da poifect guy! He can be so funny den so sweet an’ nice…I wondah what happened ta Martini dat is makin’ dem all so upset. Oh well it’s not like even if I was allowed ta talk ta Martini she would talk ta me anyways…she thought. Cards led Martini into a room across the hall from the bunk room, where Spot and Jack were waiting. He led her to a chair and motioned for her to sit down. "All right Martini now remembah we’se jest want ta know da truth an’ we ain’t gunna be angry if ya tell us da real truth," Jack informed her. "Now, can ya tell us how ya got ta be in da alley wid Oscar if he didn’t attack ya?" "Well, I’se guess he did sorta attack me. He saw me in Central Park an’ followed me to dat alley we was in…He didn’t know it was me doh…" she told the boys. "Wait…so he pulled ya inta da alley an’ jest started kissin’ ya? Dat don’t sound like Oscar ta me…he don’t normally kiss people dat were neah his crime scene…I don’t get it…" Jack said. "Well…dere might me a couple things ya dont know ‘bout da whole thing…Look do ya remembah dat day I’se ran outta Tibby’s? Okay well I’se ran, literally, inta Oscar an’ we’se sorta been seein’ each oddah fer a couple days. An’ dats why we’se was kissin’…" Martini admitted guiltily. "Jesus Christ! Ya’ve been datin’ Oscar Delancy? What da hell is wrong wid ya goil?" Cards exclaimed. "I don’t know! I’m jest sick an’ tired a everyone thinkin’ I’m jest a nice, quiet goil an’ den Wish brought it up dat day I stormed out. An’ I was thinkin’ dat if I hung ‘round wid him fer awhile dat people would stop thinkin’ dat…an’ I dunno I didn't think nothin’ would go dis far…" Martini said, her lip starting to tremble. "Don’t ya know what kinda guy he is doh? Ya shoah gotta work on yer taste in men, Martini…" Cards told her. Spot appearing to be in deep thought, asked, "Hey, did ya see anythin’ at Central Park when ya was der?" "Well, I’se saw ‘bout five men circlin’ ‘round anoddah smallah guy an’ dey left dat guy der. He wasn’t movin’ dough…Den dey walked past me an’ I’se got a pretty good look at most a dem. Dey was da same men dat was messin’ wid Wish an’ I eoilier, ‘cept one moah. He was kinda big, dark features an’ had an’ intrestin’ necklace on I’se think. Dat’s all I’se know I sweah…" Martini told everyone. "Did da necklace have a snake on it? Do ya remembah?" Spot asked. "Actually, yes. How did ya know?" Martini asked. "Jest a hunch. Did Oscar know dat you’se was a newsie when ya were off kissin’ in alleys?" Spot continued to question. "No…I’se figured he would be sorta unhappy if he figured it out…" Martini admitted. "Damnit…den he might be pretty mad at ya right bout now? Huh?" Spot inquired. "Yeah probably…it don’t mattah. I’se sweah dat if ya guys dont want me ta see him I’se wont. I’ll jest not talk ta him. I’se promise an’ I’se sorry dat I’se put ya through all dis." "Dont be too hasty ‘bout dat, Martini. Ya might be jest what we need…" Spot said. "What are ya talkin’ bout Spot?" Jack asked. "Well, dey ain’t been tellin’ Snake nothin’. Maybe Oscar would tell his goil stuff if she told him dat she wasn’t wid da newsies no moah…Its worth a try. We cant keep da boys locked in da Lodgin’ House fer da rest of deir lives an’ I don’t want none of dem goin’ out der until I’se know what’s goin’ on," Spot explained. "Wait. I’se don’t understand! What’s goin’ on?" Martini asked. "Well, yer boyfriend an’ a few oddah guys dat ain’t ‘specially fond a da Brooklyn an’ Manhattan newsies, got tageddah an’ is tryin’ ta get rid a us, one way or annoddah. We’se known ‘bout it fer awhile jest we can’t do nothin’ bout it cause dey has too many guys workin’ fer dem dat we don’t know ‘bout. I’se sent one of me boys, Snake, ta spy on dem but dey don’t tell him nothin’ cause I’se dont think dey trust him. Look, if ya can I’se thinks ya should go an’ apologize ta Oscar an’ everythin’ an’ tell him dat ya is leavin’ da newsies. You’se could be a moah useful spy den Snake…Den every once in awhile Cards, Jack or me will find ya an’ ya can tell us what’s goin on. Alright?" Spot told her. Martini gave a helpless look around the room, unsure what to say. "Spot we’se cant tell her ta do dat. ‘Sides what makes ya think dat dey will tell her anythin’ or dat Oscar will even fergive her…It could be really dangerous fer her…" Jack reasoned. "Has ya got a beddah idea Jacky-boy? Cause I’se dont know if you’se noticed Racetrack but I’se did an’ I ain’t lettin’ any moah a me boys end up dat way…An’ she can always say no if she don’t think she can do it," Spot said. "So what da ya say, Martini?" "I…I…I don’t know. I’se guess I could give it a shot. What if he don’t listen ta me?" Martini asked. "If he don’t listen ta ya den ya can jest come back heah," Spot answered. "All right. Den I’se bettah get down dere to da alley befoah someone else finds him…at least den it will look like I’se saved him or somethin’," Martini decided looking determined. All three smiled. "You’se is a brave goil. Now when, or if, ya evah get in a room alone wid Snake tell him dat Spot sent ya an’ give him dis," Spot said taking off his key necklace. "All right. Wish me luck. Can ya jest do one thing fer me? Can ya tell Wish dat when I’se get back we’se gotta talk ‘cause I’se got a guy ta talk ta me fer longah den five minutes. She’ll know what I’se talkin’ bout," Martini requested. "I’ll do it poisonally," Cards promised. "By da way, Cards, she does like ya. She nevah told me but it’s sorta obvious…" Martini informed him with a weak smile. Cards laughed. "Thanks Martini. I’ll see ya soon," he said giving her a small hug. "All right. Yeah, soon…" she said walking out the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martini left the Lodging House and ran to the alley that she had been dragged out of only half an hour before. She discovered Oscar there, unconscious. Good he’s heah. Let him be alive, please let him be alive… She knelt down and slapped his face a little. "OSCAR" she yelled in his ear. Not getting a response she ran over to a puddle and scooped up the muddy water in her cupped hands. She threw it on his face, hoping to wake him up. His eyelids snapped open. "What da…what’s goin’. Oh its you…figure ya would come back an’ finish what yer friends didn’t?" he accused. Martini forced a couple tears out of her eyes. "What would make ya think dat? I’se jest had ta escape ta find out if ya were okay…which yer not…" "Shaoh. You’se is lucky I’se is hoit, goil. I’se cant believe ya tricked me like dat…ya lied ta me da entire time!" "I’se sorry, really. Can we fight ‘bout dis latah? Ya need ta get outta dis alley an’ let me look at some a dose cuts, dey looks pretty bad," Martini told him. Oscar laughed meanly. "Didn’t ya heah me? I would soak ya if I could an’ I don't wanna see ya evah again." "I’se hoid ya, I’se jest figured dat ya didn’t mean it…" Martini explained. "’Sides if I’se leave what are ya gunna do? Sit in dis alley befoah someone finds ya? Ya could bleed ta death by then. I sweah I will explain everythin’ ta ya, jest let me help ya befoah I do." "All right, say I do let ya help me…what are ya plannin’ on doin? Carryin’ me outta heah? Not likely…" "What if I ran an’ got yer broddah? He could help ya or at least get some oddah guys ta help," Martini suggested. "Yeah, I’m gunna tell ya wheah me broddah is so you’se can run off an’ tell yer liddle newsie friends. How stupid do ya think I am?" he asked. Martini burst out into slightly fake crying. "I don't know what ya want me ta do! Ya don’t really expect me ta jest leave ya heah ta die do ya? Well, I’m sorry but ya cant get rid a me dat easily. Jest let me help ya an’ den I sweah I’se will go away and not bothah ya anymoah if dat is what ya want…" "Okay...OKAY! Jest stop cryin’. Remembah dat restaurant we’se were at eoilier? I think dat Morris an’ a couple a da oddahs are ovah dere. Run an’ get dem, alright?" Oscar gave in, realizing that he had no alternative. "Shoah. I’ll be back as soon as I can…jest don't go anywheah," Martini said getting up. "Wheah is I gunna go?" Oscar asked wryly. Martini smiled and ran towards Joe’s. She ran in to the restaurant and looked around for Morris. She saw him in the back corner talking with then men she had seen before at Central Park. She raced over there. Morris saw her and laughed. "So ya got bored a Os already?" he joked. "Not quite…but its ‘bout Oscar. He’s hurt real bad an’ in an alley. He told me ta come heah an’ get ya…" Martini panted out of breath. Morris stopped laughing. "Take us to him," he commanded. Martini nodded and ran out the door towards the alley, followed by the Morris and his friends. No one spoke until they reached the alley. "Jesus Christ Os! Who did dis ta ya?" Morris asked examining some of Oscar’s cuts. "Jest some newsies. I’ll be okay but I don’t think I can walk outta heah. Can ya help me up?" Oscar asked. "Yeah, yeah a course…" Morris said, taking his arm. Another man took his other arm and they stood him up. They started to walk off and Martini just stood there. Morris looked at her and asked, "Hey, ya comin’?" "I dunno," Martini answered. "Am I comin’, Oscar?" "Whatevah, yeah. We’se gotta work some stuff out anyways," Oscar answered ignoring Morris’s confused look. Martini followed the boys to an old apartment. She was surprised to find the apartment cozily furnished. Morris and the other man laid Oscar on a bed. "Should we call da doctor," the man asked. "I’se don't know, Sam. Do ya need a doctah, Os?" Morris asked. "What? Dat’s crazy. I’se jest need ta sleep it off," he informed the group. "Some a dose cuts ain’t jest gunna be slept off. ‘Sides what’re we supposed ta do wid da goil, while yer sleepin’ yer beatin’ off?" Morris questioned. "Do whatevah ya want wid her. Jest watch yer back," Oscar warned. "Uhh…ya don’t have ta do nothin’ wid me. Ya ain’t babysittin’ me or nothin’!" Martini exclaimed indignantly. Morris laughed. "All right den. What do ya wanna do?" "What I’d like ta do is get a bowl of watah and a rag an’ clean Oscar up. Den I’m gunna need some clean bandages so his cuts don't get infected," Martini demanded. Morris looked surprised. "Hey Sam, go get her what she said. Ya know wheah it is. Martini are ya shoah ya know what yer doin’?" "I’ve been livin’ on da streets fer mosta me life an’ plenty a me friends have been soaked. I’ve had plenty a practice," she assured him. Martini set to work immediately. She patiently and thoroughly washed out all of Oscar’s cuts and bandaged them. By the time she was finished Oscar was sound asleep. Sleep ain’t such a bad idea, she thought to herself curling up in a chair by the bed. In minutes she was asleep. She jumped, startled, in the morning when she heard a door slam. Looking around, trying to orient herself with her surroundings, she realized she was still in Oscar’s bedroom. She looked to find Oscar still asleep. I’ll go fix him some breakfast. He could use it, an’ maybe I’ll see dat Snake kid… She opened the door quietly and walked into the main room. She was in luck, Snake was alone in the room. Martini walked over to him and said, "Hey. Yer name is Snake right?" He looked up surprised. "Yeah, what about it?" "Wheah is everyone?" she asked, cautiously. "Dey all jest left. Dey left me cause dey didn’t want ta leave ya all alone when ya woke up. Ya know bein’ in a different place an’ everythin’. Plus, if ya need somethin’ ya won't be able ta find it…" "Oh…ya shoah deys all gone?" she asked. He looked at her oddly. "Uh...yeah…I jest saw dem. Ya shoah are actin’ weird.." "Okay look. Spot sent me heah. I’m supposed ta be spyin’ or somethin’ and he told me ta talk to ya," she whispered quietly. "Did da boys put ya up ta dis? What do I gotta do ta prove dat I’se loyal?" he asked loudly. "Look will ya be quiet? Nice actin’ an all but I’se serious! Look, heah, he told me ta give dis ta ya…" she said quietly giving him Spot’s key necklace. "Hey, yer serious! Sorry bout dat but ya nevah can be too careful an’ ya bein’ Oscar’s goil an’ all…" Snake explained. "No, dat’s okay. Ya would be kinda sad if ya jest believed me right off anyways. An’ bout bein’ Oscar’s goil…I dunno if dat is completely accurate. Last night we’se was kissin’ in an alley an’ Spot, Card’s and Jack did dat ta him, ‘cause dey saw him wid me. Well, he didn’t know I was a newsie befoah an’ he’s pretty mad at me. Spot told me dat I’se should try ta apologize an’ find out what’s goin’ on…" "All right, I’se understan’. I’se glad dey sent ya, since da boys don’t trust me at all…maybe dey will trust a goil easier or somethin’," Snake hoped. "Maybe. Can ya help me make breakfast? I thought I would make Oscar somethin’ ta eat, bein’ da good nurse dat I am an’ all. But, I don't know wheah anything is…" "Shoah, I’ll help ya," Snake said. Martini and Snake then made a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and toasted bread. "Wish me luck!" Martini said going back into Oscar’s room. She found him awake and sitting up. "Ya look bettah," Martini commented. "I’se made ya some breakfast so ya can build yer strength up," she said handing him the plate. "Ya shouldn’t have. Really. I know I didn’t tell da boys dat yer a newsie but dat don’t mean I ain’t gunna. An’ ya bettah believe dat dey isn’t gunna be as nice as I was. Hell, I wouldn’t a been dat nice except I was injured," Oscar told her. "Well, foist of all I ain’t afraid a dem an’ second I ain’t a newsie no moah." "You’se a fool if ya ain’t afraid a dem. I seen ya attempt ta defend yerself, yer horrible at it. An’ what do ya mean not a newsie anymoah? Did dey throw ya out? It would soive ya right…" "I quit…ran away. Dey was furious wid me an’ so I said I quit an’ ran outta der as fast as I could," Martini explained. "Look, Oscar, I’m really sorry all dis happened. If I’d known dey was gunna do dis, I woulda…I dunno…done somethin’. I meant what I said befoah. If ya don't wanna see me anymoah den I’ll jest leave an’ nevah boddah ya again." "Are ya serious? I can’t jest let ya leave now!" Oscar exclaimed. "What? What are ya talkin’ ‘bout? Ya can’t jest keep me heah…" Martini said incredulously. "Actually I can an’ I will. I ain’t about ta let ya go when ya know who was at Central Park an’ wheah we’se lives an’ can go run an’ tell yer good friends the newsies. I ain’t dat stupid." "I jest told ya I ain’t wid da newsies anymoah. An’ what would ya do, if I tried ta leave? Limp aftah me?" Martini asked. "Yer funny. If I ain’t mistaken dere is probably one a da boys out in dat room, in case ya try anythin’. I told Morris ta leave someone," he told her. "So what are ya plannin’ on doin’ wid me?" Martini asked. "I don't know yet…I could jest tell da boys an’ let dem deal wid ya…but fer some strange reason I actually believe dat yer sorry an’ all. So if you’se promises me dat ya ain’t gunna try nothin’ den I won't er…uhh…hafta deal wid ya…" "What do ya mean, by deal wid me?" "You’se a smart goil, ya can figure it out fer yerself…" Oscar said. "All right den…So yer plannin’ on me jest sittin’ ‘round heah ferevah?" "Yep pretty much…Da boys could probably use some cheerin’ up an’ a goil ‘round might jest livin’ things up." "I’se can’t believe you! Fine, whatevah. I’se might hafta stay in dis apartment but I don't hafta stay in dis room wid ya," Martini told him getting up and storming out of the room. Okay, I don't think dat he suspect anythin’. If I’d jest been nice he woulda known somethin’ was up an’ dat would be really bad…So what da hell is I supposed ta do now? He wouldn’t really let any of the guys try anythin’ wid me. Would he? I bet not… |