When the newsies woke up they were surprised to see the sun already climbing high into the sky. "We’se late boys! C’mon! GET UP YOU’SE GUYS!" Mush yelled, yanking on his clothes. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout? Jest go back ta bed!" Race mumbled before collapsing back into his bed. "I fer one agrees wid Race!" Blink complied and also crashed into his bed. "Come on ya lazy bums! We’se got woik ta do," Mush whined. "No, you’se don’t," Spot’s voice came from the doorway, hardly what the newsies wanted to hear first thing in the morning, but it was sufficient to get them out of bed. Every newsie who was still under his covers, tumbled out, regardless of if he were on the top or bottom bunk. "Da you’se have an obscession or somethin’ wid standin’ in doorways when nobody knows yer der? Could ya be more weird?" Race asked, sarcastically. "If ya didn’ look so bad, I’d soak ya…" Spot drifted off. "Yeah, you’se would, which is why’se I’se doin’ it now," Race agreed, smirking. "…as things are," Spot continued, "I’ll jest wait so’se I can do it propah like." Race flinched and his smirk disappeared and he began to ramble, "You’se did know dat I prolly has some sort a mental disorder. Dey told ya dat, didn’t dey?" Spot turned to Jack, "Jack, I’se surprised at ya. Widholdin’ important information. I guess you’ll be da one ta get da soakin’." Race was surprised when Spot spoke, but even more surprised when Jack didn’t. He just hung his head as if he were guilty. Race decided he had to speak up, "Spot, ya knows I’m jest jokin’. I’m okay up heah," he said tapping the side of his head," ‘Sides, if der was somethin’ wrong, wouldn’t it dull my excellent sense a style an’ me witty remarks?" Jack, Spot, and Cards exchanged a bemused look before Spot said, "Shoah, Race. But you’se got ta remembah, it can’t take away what ain’t der." Spot left as Race tried to figure out what he had meant. Race had been having trouble keeping his thoughts in order ever since his run-in with he Delancys. Then, exhausted by his intellectual labors, he fell into bed calling to the room, "Da poison dat wakes me up is gonna get soaked." "So, if nobody wakes ya up, an’ you wake yerself up…den you’se gonna soak yerself?" Blink asked. "I ain’t gonna even try ta figuah out yer brain teasers," Race sighed in frustration. "Now give a sick man his peace." "Race is sick?" Blink asked, to which he received a swift knock on the head from a nearby newsie. "Ya know, dats prolly da reason he’s da way he is! Too many knocks on da head," someone called out. "No," Jack said from the doorway, "It seems everyone’s senses are a little dull taday, maybe its da heat or somethin’ but you’se guys ain’t exactly brilliant taday neither, which is why none of ya are leavin’ dis lodgin’ house." "Jack, dis is da last straw, now you’se doin’ da freaky doorway thing too. We’se gotta save ya from…" Mush never got to finish. The hilt of a cane had been whipped a centimeter from his chest. "Save from what?" Spot asked, eyes glittering with malice. "All da ladies, a course. Deys been throwin’ demselves at him, specially one in particular," Mush said winking. Jack was about to reply when Wish came storming in, her face redder than a tomato. She slapped Jack, making his face as red as hers. "Francis Sullivan, you’se is da dirtiest, most repulsive, pig-headed - joik in da woild an’ I hates ya an’ everyone," Wish glanced at Cards," dat calls ya der friend," Wish sputtered, then ran from the room. Bitter, who had been with Wish, looked bewildered at the boys in the room, focusing on Jack, than ran after the now sobbing girl. "What da hell was dat about?! Dis jest can’t get any woise," Jack mumbled. Spot began, "Jack, you’se shouldn’t say stuff like dat, it -" A Brooklyn newsie ran in followed by a cloud of smoke. "Spot - Jack - trouble," was all he could get out before collapsing into a coughing fit. Spot glared at Jack, "See! You’se should listen ta me!" Mush agreed, "Yeah Jack, why didn’t ya listen ta Spot!" Jack stared at Mush, "Did ya jest tell me dat I shoulda listened ta Spot?" "Yeah," Mush said, like it was so obvious. "Oh, okay," Jack asked bewildered. "Well I’ll figuah dis out latah. Smokes, is der anythin’ else you can tell us, a little less vague den ‘trouble’?" Smokes tried to reply but was stopped by a need to cough up a black, sticky puddle on the floor. "Jack, questions ain’t no way ta get information," Spot said, then took a step forward. Jack stammered, "Spot, you know -" Spot slammed his cane into Smokes ribs. "- dat he’s one a yer own guys," Jack finished lamely. Surprisingly enough, Smokes fit seemed to have ended and he stood up and composed himself. "Spot, ders somethin’ goin’ on wid da Delancys. Snake tried ta contact ya, but when he found ya were out, he wouldn’t talk ta no one. He seemed all official, like he didn’t know us or nothin’." Spot looked at the floor, "Must be a message from da Delancys through Snake. Oddawise he would nevah make so obvious of an attempt ta talk ta me." Jack looked a little unbelieving, "Spot, are ya shoah?" Spot glared and poked his cane into Jack’s stomach, "What are ya tryin’ ta say, Jacky-boy?" "Nothin’ like dat. All I mean is dat he could jest be a little slow in da head…" Jack reasoned. "I’m shoah. Der’s reasons dat guys like dis," Spot said indicating Smokes with a inclination of his head, "are messenger boys an’ not sent on important missions. Don’t get me wrong, deys can all fight, but some of dem can’t think der way outta a see-through bag, if you’se knows what I means." "Yeah, I gets it," Jack said. "So der is no problem den?" "No, not until I talk to Snake," Spot assured. "Until den, I’se would suggest dat ya go figuah out what was wid dat goil an’ fix it." "’Course Spot. I’ll see ya latah," Jack said retreating from the room. "If dat goil don’t claw yer eyes out foist," Spot yelled after Jack. "Funny!" came the distant reply of Jack from the hall. "Now, boys. As I’se was sayin’, don’t try ta sell papes taday, don’t leave da lodgin’ house, an’ don’ make a mess a da place, oh, an’ don’t boddah Race," Spot commanded. "Shoah, yer High-n’-Mighty puppy dog," came a meek voice. Spot swiveled around looking for a culprit, "Alright, who’se said it dis time. I ain’t lettin’ anybody get away wid dat no moah." Bitter stepped into view. "Even me?" she asked innocently, but with a touch of deviant energy. Spot looked confused, "Didn’t ya go wid Wish?" "Yeah, but when Jack came back I left her to him," Bitter said. "Now like I was sayin’, nobody gets way wid callin’ me dat, not even you," Spot said approaching Bitter. "What are ya gunna do ‘bout it?" Bitter said, smirking. "Ill tell you what I’m gonna do - " Spot was cut off by Jack running into the room. Spot stared at Jack. "Jacky-boy, why’se does ya have all da scratches." Jack, feeling for the scratches that Spot had spoken of, flinched when his hand smoothed over them, "Wish has got some tempah. She’s said dat I’se should jest know what I did wrong, an’ if I didn’t den she don’t mean anythin’ ta me." Bitter giggled, "Dat’s jest how goils are, didn’t ya know? When ya’ve done somethin’ ta hoit dem, dey wants ya ta figuah it out. If ya don't…usually dey nevah talk ta ya again. It’s dat impoitant ta us." Spot turned to Bitter, "Us? Ya ain’t gonna nevah do dat, are ya?" "Of course not," Bitter assured him. Spot exhaled deeply. "Unless ya do somethin’, which a course will nevah happen, right?" "A course, a course," Spot said sounding sincere but looking a little worried. Bitter laughed at the look on his face. "I promise I’ll give ya some clues ta help ya out," Bitter said then turned to Jack. "Ya should be listenin’ fer clues from Wish. She’s prolly droppin’ dem all ovah da place." Jack said, "Nah I would notice dat, I’m shoah." Bitter held in her laughter behind a smile, "Shoah ya would. Jest don’t say I didn’t try ta help. Now I’m is goin’ out fer a liddle bit. I’ll be seein’ ya." Spot said, "Okay, see ya latah, honey." The last word he coated in false sentiment. Bitter replied, "Yeah shoah, sweetie." Then she left. Five minutes later, Blink came up to Spot, "Hey, some a da boys want ta know why Bitter got ta leave an we can’t." Spot replied, "Bittah ain’t - well - a boy." Mush jumped into the conversation, "But dat ain’t nevah stopped da Delancy’s befoah, an’ at least we can defend ourselves." "Bittah, she does alright fer herself. Hey has anybody seen Cards?" Spot asked looking around. "Oh, him. He’s still upset ‘bout what Wish said, ‘bout Jack’s friends. I’m pretty shoah dat he whimpered all da way back ta his bed," Blink joked. "I hoid dat, I ain’t deaf ya know," Cards yelled from his hiding place. "I know. I wouldn’t say stuff like dat if I knew ya weren’t der ta heah it," Blink replied. In the other room, thirty minutes before, Bitter and Wish had been discussing what Jack had done. "He is such a joik!" Wish repeated over and over again, along with, "I trusted him!!" Bitter sat there trying to figure out what had been said to make Wish so upset. "Wish, jest what did he do?" "Ya hoid him!" Wish cried. "Hoid who say what, doh?" Bitter questioned. "Mush, said, well dat, an’ I knew dat he’d been spreadin’ rumors ‘bout me!!" Wish wailed. "Mush would nevah spread rumors ‘bout you, an’ if he did, no one in der right mind would believe him," Bitter assured. "It ain’t Mush," Wish sniffled. "You’se lost me ‘gain," Bitter sighed. Wish looked up at her with tears brimming, "Jack, he had ta tell somethin’ ta dem ta make dem think dat, an’ I’se trusted him. Worse, I liked Jack. An’ den, well, I’se kinda felt a liddle stongah feelings," Wish paused to take a few breaths and she didn’t notice Cards backing away from the door, "fer one a his friends. But I’se knows dat he must not be what I’se thought he was, cause friends make friends wid da like." "Okay, I’se thinks I’se undastood most a dat. Let’s see, Jack’s friends said somethin’ so you’se naturally assumed dat Jack had said somethin’ ta them, aftah you’se had trusted him. You’se also really likes one a his friends, Cards, but you’se thinks dat he must be a scum-bag cause hes friends wid Jack, who’se you’se thinks ta be a real joik - doh I’se can’t argue der," Bitter said. "But Jack don’t know any different an’ he is a nice guy most a da time. You’se really should tell him what he did wrong, I’se don’t think he has a hope a figuring it out." Wish said stubbornly, "Ise’ll drop him a hint heah an’ der but no moah. If he cares, he’ll figuah it out." After sitting a moment in silence, they both jumped when there was a knock on the door. Jack. Bitter opened the door and looked from Jack to Wish, "I’ll leave you alone awhile, so dat you’se can talk ‘bout dis." When Bitter left, Jack sat down across from Wish on the floor. "Look, I have no idea what’s goin’ on inside dat head a yers, but whatevah I did, I can tell ya I didn’t mean it," Jack said, doing his best to appease her anger. "From what I’se jest hoid, ya needs ta do bettah den dat, I want an explanation," Wish said. "Well, what did I do? When did I do it?" Jack asked. An’ he da leadah a da newsies? Hey can’t even take a hint. Wish thought. She just stared at him coldly. "Look Wish, I gives up! Yer too complicated ta figuah out, an’I has no minde ta do it. I tired a yer crap. Get ovah it or get out," Jack said. Wish took a second to realie what he had said, but when she had, it took her no time to react. She slapped him as hard as she could and dug her nails into his skin. Then she drug them down his face, tearing the skin. "Dat hoit, Wish," Jack whined. "Good! What you’se said hoit me, so it’s only fair. Now go away!" Wish screamed. "Yer a real drama queen, ya know dat?" Jack yelled. "Get out!" Wish screamed. "Look, I’se could take a whole lot, but ya pushed me too far! One moah word an’ yer out, forevah! Got dat" Jack bore down on her. "Yeah right, ya wouldn’t dare," Wish said. "Dat’s it. Get out. You’se can stay ‘til tanight, an’ ‘til den, don’t talk ta me," Jack warned and returned to the other room leaving a near-sobbing Wish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martini had run back into the other room, slamming the door. Snake stood up from where he had been laying on the couch, abruptly. "What’s goin’ on?" he asked Martini. "He jest won’t fergive me," Martini said helplessly. "Snake, get in heah!" Oscar yelled from his bed. Snake shrugged and hurried into Oscar’s room, shutting the door behind him. Martini tried to listen to their conversation but they were speaking too quietly so she sat down on the couch to wait for someong to tell her what to do. The front door suddenly swung open and in walked a girl who looked to be about sixteen or seventeen. Martini looked at the girls slightly shocked. The girl saw Martini and smiled. "Hi! I’m Jess. You must be Martini. Andrew told me you would be here," she said. "Hey. It’s nice ta meet ya. I’se didn’t know dat a goil lived heah," Martini responded. "I don’t really live here. I’m Andrew’s sistah an’ I clean an’ cook fer da boys." "Uhh…sorry but who is Andrew?" Martini asked. "Oh, dat’s right the boys call him Tick. He’s da leadah a Queens," Jess answered. "I don’t think I’se met him yet but da name seems familiar from somewheah," Martini commented. "You’ll meet him soon. He’ll be here in a couple of hours I think." Snake came out of Oscar’s room scowling. "Martini yer…Oh, hey Jess," he said blushing slightly. Jess grinned shyly. "Hey Snake. How are ya?" "I’m alright," he answered giving a small smile. They started at each other for a few moments until Martini cleared her throat. "What were ya goin’ ta tell me?" she asked. "Oh, yeah! Oscah said dat ya is goin’ ta stay heah fer awhile an’ ya gotta help Jess clean an’ stuff ta pay fer yerself or he ain’t gunna be so nice," Snake relayed. "Fine den. I’ll do whatevah," Martii declared. "Wait, I don’t understand. Why is she here in the first place? And why would she clean? I thought she was Oscar’s goil," Jess said confused. "Let’s get started an’ I’ll fill ya in while we woik," Martini promised. Hours later Martini had told Jess everything about herself except for being a spy, of course. The house was also completely clean, dinner started, and a new friendship between Martini and Jess was blossoming. Wish walked into the bunkroom. Her eyes were still read and swollen but she wasn’t crying anymore. She shot a glare at Jack before going to her bunk and packing her belongings. Racetrack asked from his bed," Hey what are ya doin’?" "I’m packin’. What does it look like I’m doin’? Wish answered. "Look, don’t leave ‘cause ya don’t like Jack. None a us like him. We all jest put up wid him," Racetrack reasoned trying to cheer her up. "Dat ain’t da reason I’se leavin’ alright? Jest leave me alone," Wish said attempting to hold back tears. Cards approached just as Racetrac gave up. "If ya ain’t leavin’ ‘cause a Jack den why is ya leavin’?" he questioned. "Why can’t you just leave me alone?! Everyone just stay away from me!" she exclaimed, shoving the last of her items in her bag and attempting to push past cards. "No. I’se won’t leave ya alone ‘til ya tell me what’s goin’ on!" he stated firmly. Then grabbed Wish’s arm. She looked up suprised and began crying. "Ya wanna know why I gotta leave den ask Jack. He’s da one dat threw me out!" she cried. "What? Nu uh! Jack wouldn’t do dat, ‘specially wid everythin’ dat’s been goin’ on. Tell her Jack," he said turning to look at Jack. Jack, looking slightly unconfortable, said, "Actually, I did jest throw her out. Look I know dat you….an da oddah boys…are fond a her but I’ jest can’t take her liddle games anymoah. If ya wants her den you take her! I’m through wid her." Cards looked back and forth from Wish and Jack, unbelieving. Wish started crying harder. "Look, I gotta get outta heah," she said trying to yank her arm out of Cards reach. "We ain’t jest gunna send ya out on da streets. Ya gotta come ta Brooklyn wid me, alright?" Wish looked hopeful. "Really? Ya mean it?" Cards smiled. "Shoah I do." Spot said, "Wait a minute! Wait jest a minute der Cards. I’m confused, now! Jest who is da leadah a Brooklyn dat says if people can stay or not? See, I thought it was me…maybe I was mistaken." Cards grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Spot. Can I keep her? Please?" Spot raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jack. "Shoah, take her Spot. Yer only askin’ fer trouble wid dat one but take yer chences if ya want," Jack consented. Spot then looked Wish up and down. Finally he said, "All right, ya can come an’ stay in Brooklyn. Cards an’ Bittah would nevah let me heah da end a it if I didn’t invite ya. But if ya eveah pull da crap wid me dat ya do wid Jack den I won't be half as nice," Spot warned. Cards smiled and looked back to Wish. His smile grew durastically when Wish threw her arms around his neck and gave him a huge hug. Bitter walked into the room just then. "I forgot me…Way ta go Cards!" she exclaimed causing both Cards and Wish to blush and pull away from each other. "Hey Mel. I’m goin ta Brooklyn ‘cause someone threw me out. Ya were right, Spot is real nice," Wish told Bitter. "Heh. I likes dis goil, Bittah. I approve a yer friendship. Now, when were ya sayin’ nice things ‘bout me?" Spot put in. Bitter ignored him. "Jack, ya threw her out jest ‘cause she wasn’t nice ta ya? Whats wrong with you? If I’m mean ta ya will ya throw me out too?" "Look I’m sorry but a guy can only take so much! She’s lucky dat’s all shes gettin’!" he exclaimed. "Francis yer such a baby!" Wish told him. Jack threw his arms in the air. "Ya bettah leave now Spot or she’ll get what she desoives," he warned. "Uh…Cards why don’t you’se an’ Wish go stand outside an’ wait fer me?" Spot suggested. "Yeah, dat might be a good idea," Cards agreed and dragged Wish out of the room. "Well, I guess I’m leavin’ too, now," Spot said. "See ya fellas. Bye Bittah. Jack I’ll be back in a couple days ta make shoah everythin’ is goin’ right. Careful wid yer boys an’ send someone if ya heah anythin’ from er…anyone. All right?" "Shoah, Spot. I’ll see ya soon," Jack answered. "Good. C’mon Bittah! Don’t I’se get a kiss G’bye? I’se did jest take in yer friend aftah all. It’s da least ya could do," Spot reasoned. "No ya don’t get a kiss goodbye," Bitter told him, "because we ain’t sayin’ goodbye. I’m comin’ wid ya." "What?" Spot and Jack both asked. "I’m not goin’ ta leave Wish in Brooklyn all alone! Besides, der is moah in Brooklyn den heah," she explained. "I’ll miss ya all, even you Jack, even doh I’m furious wid ya. ‘Sides it ain’t like I’ll nevah visit." "All right, get yer stuff den," Spot told her. He waited a few minutes, while Bitter packed and said her goodbyes. When she was ready he took her bag in one hand and put the other arm around Bitter. He nodded at Jack and left to meet Wish and Cards downstairs. Wish and Cards looked suprised to see Bitter. "What? Couldn’t let me leave wid out sayin’ goodbye?" Cards teased. "Not exactly. I’m comin’ wid ya," Bitter told him. "Really?" Wish squealed. "Dis will be so much fun! Is Martini going to meet us dere?" she asked. "Uhh…I need ta explain some stuff ta you’se guys," Cards began and then revealed the entire story. "Ya let her go by herself?!" Wsh asked, astonished. "Well, I couldn’t exactly hold her hand while she’s der," Spot pointed out to her. "But, it could be dangerous!" Wish exclaimed. "Look she’s da best shot dat we’se got an’ we didn’t force her ta do it," Spot told her. "I didn’t even get ta say goodbye ta her! An’ I’m her sistah! We haven’t been away from each oddah der moah den a day!" "Well, if it helps she told me ta tell ya dat you’se guys are gunna hafta talk since she got a guy ta talk ta her fer moah den five minutes an’ she apologized. She said ya would know what she meant," Cards said. "Yeah, I know. Thanks Cards. Jest, thanks fer everything.Yer a real great guy," she told Cards truthfully. Bitter and Spot exchanged looks and laughed. It wouldn't be long now. Martini and Jess were sitting on the couch when Morris, Tick and Sam entered, talking and joking. Snake was sitting on a chair opposite of the couch watching them. "You an’ you, go ta da oddah room fer awhile," Morris said pointing at Snake and Martini. "Watch her Snake. We’ll come get ya when ya can come out." Snake looked ready to argue but only nodded and left Martini into another room. "Dis is wheah I sleep," Snake explained. "Dey don't let me listen ta der meetin’s cause dey don’t trust me yet." Martini laughed. "We got a lot in common den, ‘cause dey don’t trust me neiddah." Snake laughed and nodded. "So what are we supposed ta do while we’se in heah?" Martini asked him. "Jest sit an’ wait ‘til dey come an’ get us. I bet dey’s talkin’ ‘bout what ta do wid ya. Yer lucky dat Oscah still love ya an’ Jess took a likin’ ta ya. Dey won’t let da oddahs do nothin’ ta ya," Snake told her. "Hey, how do ya know dat Oscah love me?" Martini asked. "He told me not ta hoit ya. If he weren’t in love wid ya den he wouln’t a cared what I did ta ya," Snake explained. "Yeah, well speakin’ a love…what’s going on wid Jess an’ you?" Martini questioned. "I’se don't know what yer talkin’ ‘bout," Snake pretended, slightly blushing. "Shoah, dat’s why ya blush when eveah ya heah her name or see her an’ why ya didn’t stop starin’ at her," Martini pointed out sarcastically. "What? I jest pretendin’ so dat she’ll trust me an’ maybe tell me what I need ta know" he covered none to skillfully. "Yer a terrible liah. Did ya know dat? Maybe der’s a reason none a dem trust ya…" Martini teased. Snake threw a pillow at her. Martini retaliated by throwing it back at him.. They soon had a full out pillow fight on their hands, while attempting to remain quiet. Morris banged open the door in time to see Martini whack Snake over the head with a pillow and Snake try to tacke her. "What’s goin’ on in heah?" Morris yelled. Snake and Martini both looked up guiltily but said nothing. "Was she tryin’ ta escape?" he asked Snake looking confused. "Uh…not really. We jest sorta got bored," Snake admitted. "Okay den….I don’t want to get inta it right now. You’se two can come out now. We’se all gotta talk," Morris told them. "All right," they both said, following him out to the main room. "So, what was all da noise?" Tick asked. "Dey got bored an’ had a pillow fight," Morris sarcastically explained. All the guys looked at Snake and Martini like they were crazy. Martini rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "Geez ya all need ta lighten up!" she said under her breath. "Can we get ta da point? I got things ta do," Sam complained. "Shoah, all right den. Martini we’se wants ya ta know dat we’se been out heah discussin’ yer future," Morris started. "Ya presents us wid a small problem. We’se can’t let ya go since ya know too much about us but we’se don't want ta kill ya bein’ dat ya did save Oscah an’ Jess likes ya." "So what are ya goin’ ta do wid me?" Martini asked uncertainly. "We’se ain’t decided yet. Fer now, I’m makin’ ya Oscah’s reponsibility since it’s his fault yer heah in da foist place. Ya do what he says widout comment an’ our decisiion might be moah favorable if ya catch me drift…" Morris stated. "Fine den. I’ll be good. I promise." "All right, Oscah, make shoah she’s settled in fer da night, all right? I’ goin’ out but I’ll leave Snake heah if she toins out ta be lyin’. See ya tommorah," Morris said leaving with the rest of the boys and Jess. Jess flashed Martini an encouraging smile before disappearing out the door. "Follow me," Oscar commanded Martini, hobbling towards his room. Martini followed tentively. "Yer gunna be sleepin’ in heah," he told her. Martini started to protest but was silenced when Oscar said, "No problem I hope? Maybe ya’d raddah sleep wid one a da oddah boys?" She thought it over and responded, "Nah da chair in heah was comforatble to sleep in once." Oscar smirked. "Fine, den. Taday yer jest gunna have ta sleep in yer clothes. Jess’s gunna bring by a nightgown fer ya tomorrah an’ a exter set a clothes. Tomorrah yer gunna stay heah wid Snake an’ Jess an’ do whatevah dey tell ya. Don’t even think ‘bout leavin’ or tryin’ ta contact yer newsie friends. We’se will deal wid dem soon enough," Oscar said abrupty and business like. "Allright," Martini agreed. She continued to look at Oscar, hoping to see a glance of true feelings but he remained expressionless. He started to undress for bed and she turned away quickly, blushing. Oscar smirked at her. "I jest realized somethin’. Da whole time ya were wid me it was jest an act wasn’t it?" Martini’s eyes got big and she wouldn’t meet his. Seeing her reaction he continued, "Yep it was. Ya were jest pretendin’ ta be a whore, maybe lookin’ fer a little excitement in yer borin’, newsie life." Martini forced herself to look him straight in the eye and laughed defiantly. "An’ what makes ya think dat?" she asked. "’Cause it’s true. Foist of all, ya ain’t dat good a kissah. Second of all ya always pulled away befoah anythin’ really happened. An’ thoid ya jest blushed when I started ta undress. I thought da pullin’ away thing was ‘cause ya were tryin’t ta play hard ta get or somethin’ but really yer jest a sheltered, little goil," Oscar deducted. "If dat is what ya need ta think den go ahead," Martini consented. "I need ta think it ‘cause it’s da truth," Oscar insisted. Martini raised her eyebrows but said nothing. She climed into her chair and curled up. Oscar was not used to being ignored and was furious. "Don’t you pull dat wid me ya slut. Ya will get up and talk ‘till I say ya can go ta sleep!" he yelled. Martini looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Ya really should make up yer mind if I am a slut or not. I thinks ya jest want ta believe I’m prude ta make up fer da fact dat you’se ain’t gettin’ anywheah wid me," she stated. "Ya bettah watch what ya say, goil. Yer bitin’ off moah den ya can chew," he warned. "What are ya goin’ ta do? Take advantage a me? Ya can barely walk," she said. "Ya don’t think I can?" he asked coming closer. "I don’t think ya will," she corrected. "Ya don’t know me dat well, den" Oscar told her grabbing both her arms and pulling her off the chair. "Get off me!" she screamed. Oscar covered her mouth with one hand and held her hands with his other. He forced her towards his bed and pushed her on it. Keeping her on the bed with his body he held down her arms with his knees and used his free hand to start on her shirt. Then, looking at her face he saw her eyes filled with fear and tears. He relented, and released her. "Yer jest lucky dat I’se too sick a ya ta even want ta have sex wid ya," he told her. Then he pulled her off his bed by her arm and climbed into it. He turned his back to her and went to sleep. Martini collapsed on the chair, sobbing quietly to herself until she fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcomes were heard from all over the Brooklyn Lodging House to Spot, Bitter, and Cards. They were especially enthusiastic in greeting Bitter, thinking that Spot would be in a good mood with her around. Spot immediatley disappeared into his small conference room with a couple other newsies, leaving Cards to take care of Wish and Bitter. "Well, Bittah, you’se can jest stay wheah ya used ta, alright?" Bitter nodded and headed over to Spot and her’s bunk. Cards turned to Wish. "I assume dat you an’ Bittah wanna stay tageddah so ya can take da top bed a Spot’s bunk." A tall, dark haired boy approached Wish and Cards, smirking. "So, I’m gunna assume dat yer Wish. Well, I hope so at least ‘cause if yer not den yer gunna heah an awful lot ‘bout her," he joked. "By da way, I’m JB." "Well, JB, dat was a good guess," Wish admitted. "Thanks, but it wasn’t a guess. Ya have no idea how much Cards has talked ‘bout ya, since his last visit," he told her. Then he laughed as Cards turned bright red. "Ignore him, Wish. Everyone else does," Cards said leading Wish to their bunk. Wish smiled uncertainly and followed Cards. Cards and Bitter introduced Wish to all the Broooklyn newsies and got her setttled in. Spot reappeared later in the evening with his usual scowl. "What wrong wid you?" Bitter asked. "Nuthin’. Jest nevermind. So who’se sellin’ wid who tomorrah?" he asked Cards, JB, Wish and Bitter. "I though dat Wish an’ I would jest sell togethah," Bitter told Spot. "I don't think so. I don’t want you’se goils ta wandah ‘round alone. Eiddah ya all sell tageddah or break inta boy, goil couples." Seeing Bitter ready to argue he sighed. "Look, Bittah, any oddah time I would be glad ta get in a fight ovah dis but I’m havin’ a bad day an’ late fer an important meetin’." Bittah started to argue then smiled. "Yer right. I should at least wait one night before starting a fight." She gave him a peck on the lips. "Have fun at yer meetin’." Spot almost looked shocked before smirking. "Try not ta miss me too much," he told her. "Well, if I do get lonely den I’m shoah dat one a yer boys would be moah den happy ta keep me company. Right, Cards?" she asked winking. Cards chuckled. "Shh…we’se supposed ta keep it a secret!" he played along. "You’se guys really got ta get a new joke. It’s jest annoyin’ now," Spot informed them. He started to leave then, but pulled Caps over first and told him, "Watch dese two like a hawk. Tell me if dey do anythin’ I’se would be err…interested in." Caps nodded. Spot, first smiled at Bitter and Cards haughtily, then turned and left. As soon as Spot had left, Bitter and Cards burst out laughing, they had heard everything that Spot had said to Caps and they found his insecurity thoroughly amusing. After Bitter had finally wiped the tears from her eyes and composed herself enough to speak, she said, "Do you’se guys jest wanna sell tageddah fer taday?" "Shoah," Cards said. "I kin sacrafice me sanity fer one day. Really, how bad kin it be?" A few hours later, they had learned the answer to that question. "Okay, maybe dis wasn’t da best idea," Bitter mumbled. That afternoon they weren’t able to sell near as many papers as usual and they were beginning to get on each others nerves. "How’s ‘bout we’se stop torturin’ ourselves an’ split up," JB suggested. "Dat is a brilliant idea, I have ta talk wid Cards, so dat will give you two a chance ta get ta know each oddah," Bitter said. "Oh, well, I was kinda hopin’ –" Cards began softly. "Sorry, but dat is da way its got ta be. JB an’ Wish, you’ll both get ‘long fine, I kin promise you dat much," Bitter assured. "I’m fine wid dat," Wish said smiling suggestively at JB. "I haven’t really gotten da chance ta talk ta JB an’ if I’m gonna be ‘round Brooklyn now, I bettah start meetin’ da boys." JB smiled and said, "Shoah, we’ll meet you’se back at da Lodgin’ House. Don’t get inta too much trouble." Cards, who had been grumbling ever since the buddy groups had been arranged, stopped sulking for a moment to say, "Yer a real jokah. We’ll see if I evah talks ta you ‘gain." "Is dat a promise?" JB shot off. Bitter broke in before Cards could reply, "Shouldn’t we’se all be doin’ somethin’, like, oh, I dunno, sellin’ papers?" "Yeah, JB, let’s go," Wish said, leading JB away by the hand. JB turned around to look at Bitter and Cards and winked. "Dat joik," Cards hissed. "Wow, take it easy der. Besides, I believes dat we got an audience of our own," Bitter said. "Huh? Bittah, what are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Cards asked. Bitter leaned over and whispered into his ear, "Ya know how Spot told Caps ta watch us dis mornin’? Well he’s doin’ a pretty good job… Should we give him somethin’…interestin’…ta tell Spot?" Cards gasped and looked at Bitter, "I dunno Bittah…Spot’s looked ovah some stuff, an’ its likely dat you’se wouldn’t be da one ta get da soakin’ if he didn’t dis time." "Oh, Cards, I thought dat you’se was one a da fun guys. It’s jest a harmless joke, how much trouble do you’se thinks we could get into? Really?" Bitter appealed. "Wid you, der is no limit," Cards responded. "Oh dat is jest da sweetest thing. But you know dat I don’t like Spot puttin’ guys on me, he desoives ta be freaked a liddle," Bitter responded. "Please!" "Biiitttttaaaaaaah don’t do dis ta me," Cards pleaded. "Ya knows I can’t resist dose charms a yers." "Caaarrrdddsss pleeeeeaaaaaseee!!" Bitter begged. "Alright, but we’se gotta explain ta Spot when he brings it up, deal?" Cards negotiated. "Fine," Bitter gave in. "Now woik wid me." After their queit conversation, Bitter glanced around as if she were checking to see if anyone were watching and then pulled Cards into an alleyway. Then she slammed him into a wall and kissed him. When they had separated, Cards whispered into her ear, "Don’t tell Spot dat I said dis, but damn goil you’se is a good kissah!" After making sure that they had made enough of a spectacle, they pretended to be fixing their clothes and walked back into the main street. "Spot is shoah ta have an interestin’ report ta come back to," Bitter said with a gleam in her eye. "Goil, ya live ta make trouble," Cards said chuckling. "But wasn’t der somethin’ ya wanted ta talk ta me ‘bout?" "Oh, well, dat was it. I knew Caps was followin’ us an’ I’m sick an’ tired a all a Spot’s lackeys. It was time ta teach Spot a lesson, an’ if he doesn’t learn it well I’m goin’ back ta Manhattan an’ I ain’t visitin’ fer a loooooong time," Bitter said, drawing out the word to emphasize her point. "I hopes he takes it well," Cards said. "But since der is nothin’ else, we’se bettah sell da rest of dese papes an’ den I’se wants ta talk ta you’se ‘bout somethin’." By the look in his eye, Bitter could tell that the something that he wanted to talk about had to do with Wish. And it seemed really important so Bitter sold her papers as fast as she could. After they had finished selling all the papers, Bitter sat Cards down and looked him in the eye, "So, Cards, what is it dat you’se wants ta talk ta me ‘bout?" "Well, see, I knows dat everyone kin see dat I like Wish a little," Bitter snorted and Cards continued, "Alright maybe a liddle moah den dat, but anyways, I don’t know what ta do…" "Are you’se shoah dat yer talkin’ ta da right poison? I dunno all dat much ‘bout what yer askin’, I mean, jest look at who I ended up wid!" Bitter said, causing both her and Cards to laugh. "Well, it ain’t dat. I already knows dat I like her a lot, its jest, I’m real jealous an’ I don’t think I could handle a relationship wid a goil, well, as much a flirt as I am," Cards said. "Der is yer problem. Nobody is in relationships because dey know dey kin handle it. Look at me an’ Spot. Spot an’ I is too stubborn ta be completely compatable but I still love him ta death – " "Nice choice a woids," Cards interrupted. Bitter laughed. "I thought you’d like dat. Now, seriously if ya really like Wish den ya gotta be willin’ ta take all a her an’ not try ta change her or norhin’. Jest let her be herself an’ you be yerself an’ everythin’ will turn out okay. Dat’s da best advice I can give ya." Cards smiled and said, "Dat’s real good. I’se don’t give ya half da credit ya desoive." "Thanks…I think…" Bitter said. "C’mon lets go home an’ see our dear little puppy dog." "Do we have to?" Cards whined. "I like livin’!!" "Stop being a baby! Let’s go!" Bitter responded dragging Cards in the dirrection of the Lodging House. JB was outside with a couple of his friends, talking. When he saw Cards and Bitter he looked nervous for some reason. He walked up to Cards and stood between him and the door to the Lodging House. "Hey how’d sellin’ go wid out me Cards?" Cards gave him a strange look. "It went okay…uh…how’d sellin’ go wid you’se?" "It was okay…I guess" JB said still looking worried. "Okay den…" Cards said walking towards the Lodging House again. "Wait, Cards, don’t go in der…it’s uhh…such a nice day! Hows ‘bout we go fer a walk ta da docks? Dat would be fun! We never get ta jest hang out anymoah…" JB tried to stall. "Jest takin’ a shot in da dark, here, but is der somethin’ in da Lodgin’ House dat ya don’t want Cards ta see?" Bitter asked. "Course not. What gave ya dat idea?" JB said. "Oh…nothin’. Jest da fact dat yer actually bein’ nice ta him an’ ya wont let him walk inta da Lodgin’ House. So, what’s in der?" "Uhh…nothin’…I jest wanna hang out wid you’se guys! I missed ya!" JB exclaimed. "So, now its both a us?" Bitter asked. "Er…no…well wait, yes! No! Der is nothin’ in der but I do want ta take a walk wid both a ya…" JB said confusing even himself. "Well..let me go get a…umm…coat," Bitter said running into the Lodging House. "Okay…Wait ya don’t even have a coat!" JB said running after her. Cards was fast on his heals. Bitter ran up to the bunk room to find what she wasn’t supposed to see. There she found Spot and Wish on his bed acting a little friendlier than friends should. Bitter gasped, causing Spot and Wish to break their lip lock. Cards entered soon after and it didn’t take him long to figure out what had been going on before he had entered. He stood in the doorway with his mouth open. "Sorry, ya guys. I’se tried ta stop ya…" JB said sounding sincere. Spot stood up smirking at Bitter meanly. "I’se was gunna have Caps tell ya, but I’se guess I don’t gotta go ta da trouble anymoah." To everyone’s surprise, Bitter just burst out laughing. "Dis is great…" she gasped through her laughing. Spot raised his eyebrows questionly. "What’s so great?" "We can’t even go two days tageddah befoah we’se starts havin’ fights. An’ worst of all we’se drags poor Wish an’ Cards inta it…" she explained. "Drags? Der wasn’t no draggin’ Wish inta it. She offered…" Spot told her. Bitter stopped laughing. "I’m sorry, what?" she asked. "I’se said dat Wish offered. Caps came back an’ I’se was..err…a little angry. So, I’se was sittin’ ovah on me bed thinkin’ ‘bout what I’se was goin’ ta do an’ Wish came ovah an’ asked what was goin’ on so I’se told her an’ she perposed dis plan. So a course I’se went along wid it…" Spot explained. Bitter was suddenly furious. She glared at Wish and yelled, "Dis was yer plan??! I’se expect dis from Spot but not from you! Yer such a whore!" Wish got up and looked just as furious as Bitter. "Who are you ta call me a whore? Yer da one dat runs 'round kissin' yer boyfriend’s best friend!" "Wish ya have no idea what yer talkin’ ‘bout. You don’t know nothin’ ‘bout me!" Bitter yelled. "Yeah, no kiddin’. I’se nevah knew dat such a nice goil would end up da whore a Brooklyn!" Wish yelled. "Shoah I’se was kissin’ Spot but at least I’se don’t have a boyfriend dat I’se was cheatin’ on." "Jest don’t talk ta me, Wish. I’se suddenly realize why Jack threw ya out." "Ya know Bitter she does have a point. Not ‘bout you’se bein’ da whore a Brooklyn but you’se did kiss yer boyfriend’s best friend," Spot pointed out. "An’ did ya even boddah askin’ me ‘bout it before ya started kissin’ my friend?" Bitter asked. "What was der ta ask ‘bout? Caps saw ya kissin’ der ain’t no way ta get ‘round dat," Spot told her. "Da only reason we’se was kissin’ is ‘cause we saw Caps followin’ us. You know dat I’se don’t like yer boys followin’ me…’specially when dey ain’t dat good at it," Bitter explained. "Seriously, Spot. Dat’s da only reason. We’se would nevah do nothin’ like dat oddahwise. Bittah’s moah like me sistah…except when I’se was kissin’ her, den she wasn’t. But den, right aftah she was me sistah again," Cards explained badly. "I’se sick a dis. I’ll be back latah. I’se gunna take a walk," Bitter said stomping out of the room. Spot only sat still for a few moments before he walked out of the room without saying anything. Wish looked at Cards and began to talk but he turned around and walked out of the room also. She climbed up on her bunk and sat thinking about everything. I’se thinks dat I’se really messed things up dis time. But, Bittah musta known dat I’se liked Cards an’ den she went an’ kissed him. What a whore! I’se cant stand dat goil, no moah. All she does is think she’s so great jest cause she has been livin’ heah longah. I think I’se musta really hurt her feelin’s by kissin Spot, doh. I dunno Ise’ll figuah out what ta do latah. With that she drifted off to sleep, dreaming about Cards. |