Oscar woke up early the next morning and slid out of bed. He looked at Martini and noticed her shirt was still unbuttoned and saw where the tears had run down her face. I wondah if dat goil really did leave da newsies an’ does feel bad. I jest don’t know what ta do wid her! I’se can’t jest turn her ovah ta Morris! God only knows what he’ll do ta her! An’ I’se cant jest start trustin’ her again, since she might jest be tryin’ ta find out what’s goin’ on fer her little newsie friends. I guess Ise’ll jest have ta see what she does. Jess seems ta trust her, an’ dat says somethin’. I’ll talk ta Jess tanight an’ see what she knows. With that he left the room. Martini woke up a couple hours later, to find herself in an empty room. It took her a couple moments to remember where she was. She then stood up, buttoned her shirt, fixed her hair, and walked out of the room. She found Snake in there. "Good yer okay! Thank god. Spot woulda killed me if ya got hurt," Snake said rushing over to her. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Martini asked befuddled. "Wasn’t it you’se dat screamed last night?" he asked. "Oh…yeah it was. No, I’se fine. He kinda attacked me but den I’se don’t know felt bad ‘bout it or somethin’ ‘cause he stopped…" Martini explained. "Dat’s good. I’se didn’t know if I’se should go in or not…’Cause if I’se had den I’se woulda blown me covah but I’se don’t want you’se ta get hurt so.." Snake told her. "No, you’se did da right thing. If I’se evah need yer help den Ise’ll yell ‘SNAKE HELP ME’. How’s dat fer a signal?" she asked laughing. "It’s nice an’ cleah. I think I’se kin remembah dat," he joked. "Good. So now what am I supposed ta do?" she asked. "Well, yer free ta do anythin’ ya want ‘til Jess gets heah," Snake told her. "You’se really got it bad. Ya even blush when you say her name!" she teased. "Hey no I’se don’t. ‘Sides ya shouldn’t joke ‘bout dat. See, Morris really likes her an’ everythin’ so der ain’t no chance a us getting’ tageddah. Plus, even if Morris didn’t like her der is still da fact dat I’se a Brooklyn newsie an’ a spy, dat I’se don’t think she could get ovah, since she is Tick’s sistah an’ hates Brooklyn and Manhattan newsies almost as much as he does." "Oh, I’se sorry I didn’t know or else I wouldn’t a joked. I know how hard it is ta like someone an’ it be impossible ta get wid dem," Martini said softly. "Ya really dat stuck on Oscar, huh?" came Jess’s voice from the door causing Martini and Snake to jump. "Hey…uhh…how long have ya been standin’ der?" Martini asked. "Jest long ‘nough ta know dat you’se in love wid Oscah," Jess told her walking in. "Hey Snake, how you doin’?" Jess asked. "I’se pretty good," he informed her trying to stop blushing furiously. "Dat’s good. So, Martini ya ready fer a fun day a cleanin’?" she asked cheerfully. "Do I get a choice?" Martini asked. "Nope!" "Dat’s what I thought. Den shoah I’se ready," Martini said. Martini and Jess started cleaning and cooking. They finished in only a couple hours and sat down to relax with glasses of lemonade. Only minutes after they had finished Morris came in. "Jess, Snake, why don’t you’se guys get outta heah? I’se gotta talk ta Martini fer a minute. Alone," he told them. "Okay, c’mon Jess," Snake agreed walking out. "I’se still got some cleanin’ ta do, doh…an’ I’se got bread in da oven…" Jess said, making up excuses. "Martini kin finish it," Morris told her. Snake almost had to drag Jess out the door to get her out of there. Once in the hall Snake asked her, "What was wid dat?" "I’se jest don’t trust Morris in der wid her. I dunno I’se jest got a bad feelin’ ‘bout it!" she tried to explain. "Well, der ain’t nothin’ we’se can do ‘bout it," Snake rationalized. "Shoah der is. Let’s go get Oscar," she suggested. "I’se don’t think dat I’se in a place ta do dat…" Snake thought. "Maybe not. But I am. Morris nevah said we’se had ta stay tagedda. I’m going to go get Oscar," Jess decided. "All right. I’se is goin’ fer a long walk…I’ll see ya when dis is all ovah!" he told her. Jess smiled and ran off to find Oscar. ---Meanwhile inside the apartment--- Martini looked at Morris oddly. "Was der somethin’ ya needed ta talk ta me ‘bout?" she asked. "Yeah, I’se wants ta know what’s goin’ on wid you’se an’ Oscah. I’se heard ya scream last night an’ dat ain’t da way dat normal couples are when dey are alone," Morris stated. "Well, we’se uhh havin’ some hard times or somethin’. I’se don’t know. Why don’t ya ask Oscah? He is yer broddah." "He ain’t as beautiful an’ fun ta talk too as you’se are. ‘Sides I’se don’t really care I’se jest wanted ta make shoah he wouldn’t care," Morris told her. "Care ‘bout what?" Martini asked suspiciously. "Care if us two had some fun. Ya didn’t think dat you’se were gunna get ta stay heah wid out workin’ a little, did ya?" he taunted. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout? I’se been cleanin’ an’ cookin’ jest like you’se guys told me ta," Martini informed him. "Dat ain’t da type a workin’ dat I’se was talkin’ bout," he told her. He looked at her suggestively and commented, "Dis work is a whole lot moah fun. At least fer me it is." "Wait…" Martini said standing up and taking a few steps away from him. "Are you sayin’…wait…please no." "C’mon ya don’t have ta pull dis innocent act wid me. From what Oscah has told me, ya do dis all da time!" Morris told her. "Wait, what does Oscah say ‘bout me?" Martini said, sidetracked momentarily. "Well, come ovah heah an’ Ise’ll tell ya!" Morris said. "Look, Morris don’t do dis. Please. I sweah Ise’ll do anythin’ but dis. Please," she begged while inching towards the door. Morris noticed and laughed. "Ya don’t really think dat I’se is gunna let ya leave do ya? Now, we’se gunna do dis, da only question is if we do it da nice way or da mean way. It’s yer choice." "But…but what about Oscah? He prolly won’t like it if ya do dis…" she told him, stalling for time. She looked around wildly for some way to escape. "Oscah don’t nevah need ta know ‘bout it. He’s gone fer a couple hours at least an’ you’se ain’t nevah gunna tell him if ya know what’s good fer ya," Morris threatened walking towards her. Martini kept backing up until she felt the table behind her. She felt behind her until she found a dish. She grabbed the bowl and threw it at Morris as hard as she could and ran for the door. The bowl, unfortunately, only grazed his shoulder before smashing on the floor. He quickly ran over to the door and intercepted Martini. He grabbed her from behind and pulled her against his body. Martini kicked and flailed her arms, attempting to free herself from his vice-like grip. He dragged her backwards and threw her on the couch before climbing on top of her. She scratched him across the face, and wriggled around, screaming for someone to help. Morris grabbed both of her arms in one hand, and hit her face. "Ya bettah shut up, goil. Der ain’t no one ta heah ya anyways…" Martini continued screaming and wiggling around, regardless how pointless it was. Morris hit her face again, causing her lip to bleed. Tasting the blood, Martni stopped screaming and wriggling. She immediatley began thinking how she could make this ordeal less painful and how she could draw it out incase someone came home, unexpectedly. "Good, dat’s bettah," Morris praised. Martini didn’t respond, but just laid there. Morris, taking that as subbmission, leaned in to kiss her. Martini didn’t do anything until she felt his tongue force it’s way into her mouth. Immediatley repulsed, she abandoned her old plan and bit his tongue as hard as she could. He pulled away abruptly and put both hands to his mouth. Martini took this moment to push him off of her and run for the door. He realized this and ran after her. He grabbed her just before she could reach the door and threw her on the floor. Morris hit Martini across the face with all his might, leaving her in a daze. He began ripping off her shirt and at her skirt with both hands. She tried with all her power to push him off her or at least hurt him in someway but nothing worked. He hit her once more and she lost consciousness. "Hey slow down Bittah!" Spot called out, running after her. Bitter looked back, and reluctantly stopped running. "Why are ya followin’ me?" she asked Spot. "Well, I’se thought dis is what boy friends do…der goil runs off an dey follows ta make dem feel bettah…" Spot said like it was common knowledge. "I’se guess dat’s true…so how are ya gunna make me feel bettah?" Bitter asked. "Well…I’se ain’t got dat far in da "Guide Ta Bein’ A Good Boyfriend", so why don’t ya tell me?" he joked. "I dunno maybe ya could try not kissin’ anoddah goil right in fronta me. Dat would be a nice change…" Bitter commented sarcastically. "C’mon Bittah. Ya know da only reason dat I’se kiss oddah goils is ‘cause I’se think yer kissin’ oddah boys, which as it turns out was true…" Spot pointed out. "Yeah, all right yer right. ‘Sides it ain’t you I’m really angry at. It’s Wish. Where does she get off telling me I’m a slut?" "I dunno. I think she’s just angry at ya fer hookin’ up wid Cards. She don’t show it but I’se thinks she’s head ovah heals fer him," Spot informed her. "Ya think? If she likes him den why does she go ‘round kissin’ oddah peoples boy friends?" Bitter asked doubtfully. "How do ya think I’se know? I ain’t got no idea how goils think, I’se was jest takin’ a guess so dat I’se sounded smart…" Spot teased. "Shoah, Spot. Ya wanna be a goil an’ ya know it," Bitter teased back. "Nah, ‘cause if I was a goil den I’se couldn’t do dis, at least wid out a fight…" he said walking over to her and kissing her. Bitter smiled, once they had pulled away from each other. "Thanks Spot. Ya can be a real great guy sometimes." "Only sometimes? Thanks…Thanks a lot." "Well I don’t particularly like it when you are attached at the mouth with some other girl. But other times, you’re pretty great. I think I’ll have to break you of that habit." "Yeah, den I’ll be poifect right?" he joked. "I’se don’t know if I’d go dat far…" "Well, I’se would," Spot insisted "C’mon lets get back ta da Lodgin’ House. I’ll beat ya in a game a pokah," Bitter challenged. "Keep on dreamin’ goil" Spot said, following her towards the Lodging House. Martini woke up over a day later in a strange bed. She looked down and saw she had wripped clothes on and she ached all over. "Oh god," she moaned verging on tears. When she looked around she realized that she wasn’t even in the same apartment. Where am I? Did he take me someplace else, to hide me? Maybe he wants to make sure I never tell anyone. Oh my god I have to get out of here! Martini pulled off the think blanket that covered her and swung her legs out of bed, wincing from her sore muscles. She started to stand, slowly, when the door swung open. Martini laid back in the bed quickly and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. The person walked around the room for awhile and then leaned over to cover Martini with the blanket better. That’s not Morris is it? Why would he want to take care of me? He’s the one that did this to me! Martini opened her eyes slightly and discovered the mystery person was Jess. Martini sighed in relief and gratitude. "Jess! I’m so glad ta see ya!" she exclaimed. "Ya have no idea what I’se been through…" Jess jumped in surprise when Martini talked. "Jesus Christ Martini! Don’t do dat ta me! Wait, yer awake!! I’se so relieved! I didn’t know if ya were ever gunna wake up. Ya took some hard hits ta da head." "Wait, where am I? How did I get heah? What happened? How long have I been sleeping?" Martini asked in quick succession. "Wait a minute. Take a breath. I’ll explain everythin’ ta ya. Aftah Morris made Snake an’ I leave I’se got a bad feelin’ ‘bout da whole thing so I ran off ta get Oscah. I didn’t know why Morris wanted ta be wid ya alone but it couldn’t be anythin’ good. Oscah agreed an’ came back ta da apartment wid me. When we’se got back, you were on da floor an’ looked horrible. Sorry but ya did, ya were all bleedin an’ had red marks from wheah Morris had hit ya. Oscah was furious, even doh I’se pretty shoah dat Morris didn’t really do nothin’ ‘cept beat ya up pretty bad, which is reason enough ta be furious I’se guess. Anyways Oscah jumped on Morris an’ started hittin’ him an’ he jest kept goin’. It was horrible. Finally, Morris wasn’t movin’ no moah an’ so Oscah got off him ta figuah out what was wrong wid ya. We’se decided ta bring ya heah, dis is my apartment, ‘cause we didn’t want ya neah Morris, in case he wanted ta try anythin’ again." Martini was completely astounded. "So, wait, Oscah beat up Morris?" she asked. "Yeah," Jess answered. "Ya must mean a whole lot ta him. I’se ain’t even seen dem argue infronta oddah people dat much. Dey’s as close as broddah could be. Didn’t think no goil could come between dem." "Wheah is Oscah? Have dey talked yet?" "I’se pretty shoah dey ain’t talked. You’se been out fer a good twenty four hours or somethin’. Oscah was sittin’ heah in dis room mosta da time. He didn’t do nothin’, jest sat heah. He jest went out a couple minutes ago an’ didn’t say why. He’ll be back, doh," Jess informed her. "Thanks, Jess. Fer everythin’. I’se real glad we met, even undah all dese bad circumstances," Martini told her gratefully. "It’s no problem. Aftah all we’se friends. An’ friends help each oddah." "Well, if ya really wanna be a good friend an’ help me right now I’se would do jest ‘bout anything fer a glass a watah," Martini joked. Jess laughed. "But of course. Is der anythin’ else your majesty would like?" she joked back. "Now dat ya mention it, I’se could use somethin’ ta eat, too. I’se starved," Martni admitted. "All right. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Jest don’t expect dis kinda treatment all da time," Jess said leaving the room, and closing the door behind her. The next morning came around at the Brooklyn Lodging House and all the newsies scattered to sell their newspapers, except for four angry newsies in a very awkward position. Cards, Bitter, Wish and JB all stood in a circle, looking at each other, and wondering what they should do. "Look, how ‘bout we’se jest separate how we did yesterday? Bittah, you can come wid me an’ you can go wid Wish, JB," Cards suggested. "Yeah, you guys would like that so ya could have moah make out sessions," Wish muttered. Out loud she said, "Shoah dat would be great. JB an’ I’se have good times tageddah, right JB?" "Actually, wrong. I’se goin’ wid Bittah. I ain’t gunna take anoddah day a only hearin’ ‘bout Cards, I’se can’t take it. You’se two jest stop bein’ so stupid an’ finally get togeddah! Everyone else is sick a hearin’ ‘bout it. It’s obvious dat ya both like each oddah an’ yer actin’ like eight year olds dat have nevah dated befoah. C’mon Bittah," he informed everyone before dragging Bitter off by the hand. "Nice woik, JB," Bitter complimented. "Thanks. I’se jest couldn’t take it anymoah. Dey’s as hopeless as Spot an’ you. Can’t nobody get tageddah no moah, wid out havin’ all dis drama?" "Now what would be the fun in that?" Bitter joked before going about selling her papers. "Besides, I’se don’t see you hookin’ up wid anybody," she said looking around. "You’se also don’t see me makin’ goo-goo eyes at anybody an’ actin’ like it don’t mean nothin’," JB pointed out. "I’se was nevah dat lovesick," Bitter protested. "’Sides, I’se ain’t nevah gonna make dem eyes at Spot, evah." JB rolled his eyes, "Yeah, shoah, whatevah you’se says Bittah. Ohh look ders Spot!" JB pointed behind Bitter. Now it was Bitter’s turn to roll her eyes, "JB, I’se ain’t dat stupid." "Hey," came a familiar voice from the direction JB was pointing. Bitter jumped and turned around to see Spot standing there coolly. She tried to sound nonchalant, "Oh hey. What are you’se doin’ in dis part a town?" Spot was about to reply when he saw JB staring into Bitter’s eyes. This wasn’t exactly what he liked to see so he put on a fake smile and said, "Looks like you’se captured da attention of anuddah of me Brooklyn newsies. Goil, if you’se don’t stop doin’ dat I’se gonna send you’se back ta Jacky-boy." "Relax, Spot," Bitter said. Spot grumbled, "I’se been hearin’ dat an awful lot lately." Bitter continued, "JB thinks dat my eyes change when you’se is ‘round an’ I’se is tryin’ ta prove dat he is wrong." Spot’s mood lightened considerably, "Hmm an’ you’se thinks dat I’se has no effect on yer eyes?" "Dat’s right," Bitter said cautiously. "Even if I’se does dis?" Spot asked grabbing her and giving her a very passionate kiss. It took her a second to respond and when Spot felt her he pulled away smirking. "Ha!! I’se told you yer as bad as everyone else!" JB said triumphantly. "Dat wasn’t fair!" Bitter protested. "Let it go Bittah," Spot said patting her shoulder. "Fine, whatevah. Why are ya heah anyways? I’se assumes ya ain’t heah jest ta boddah me…" Bitter said sarcastically. "Don’ flattah yerself. I’se is gunna go visit Jacky-boy an’ da oddah boys an’ I’se was checkin’ if you’se wanted ta go wid me," Spot said. "Definitely!" Bitter shouted excitedly. "Now, I’se knows its hard ta leave Brooklyn, an’ dat it’s a horrible ordeal fer ya ta go back der, but you’se gotta at least act excited," Spot said sarcastically. "When do we leave? When do we leave?" Bitter cried clinging onto Spot. "Goil, what is wrong wid ya? You’se only been gone a couple a days," Spot asked. "Really? Gosh its seemed like…" Bitter saw Spot’s expectant look, "…only a couple a hours its been dat great!" Spot rolled his eyes at her attempt to cover, "Shoah. What is it dat you’se don’ like ‘bout Brooklyn?" "You," Bitter said matter of factly. "Is dat supposed ta hoit?" Spot asked mockiungly. "Figuah it out yerself," Bitter replied curtly. Spot clutched his chest, "Ow! You’se got me." Spot smiled then straightened up and said seriuosly, "Bittah, now seriously. Is it da guys? Did dey do somethin’ ‘gain?" "No its nothin’ like dat. I’se is jest homesick," Bitter explained. Spot smiled mischeiviously, "Well, you’se could make heah yer home an’ den you’d nevah be missin’ it." "But den I’d be sick a home ‘stead a homesick," Bitter teased. Spot pretended to be shocked, "Bittah, I’se can’ believe you’se would say somethin’ like dat!!" She lightly slapped his face, "Get dat look of yer face, it don’ suit ya. Yer nevah surprised at nothin’." "You’se would be surprised," Spot replied. The virtually invisible JB cleared his throat to get the couple’s attention, "As amusin’ as dis is, I’se believes you’se was supposed ta tell her when you’se was leavin’." "Oh, yeah, we’se is leavin’ taday, as soon as possible," Spot told Bitter. "Annnnd…." Bitter led him on. "And what?" Spot asked innocently. "You know what!" Bitter cried. "Hmm… I’se have no idea what you’se is talkin’ ‘bout," Spot replied with a look of false obliviousness. "Errr…" JB grumbled. "She wants ta know how long youse’ll be stayin’!! Why does everythin’ have ta take hours wid you two?!?" Bitter and Spot turned to stare at JB. After a few moments of silence, Spot ubruptly broke it sayin, "I’se don’t know exactly. We’ll decide dat latah. It’ll be majorly dependin’ on how well Brooklyn can get ‘long, how long Jacky-boy an’ you an’ me can get ‘long, an’ all dose oddah things dat pop up durin’ visits." "Is Wish comin’?" Bitter asked suspiciously. Spot looked at her, "Why do you’se care?" "Well, I’se jest askin’!" Bitter said in a huff. "Bittah, you’se knows dat she don’t mean nothin’ ta me, so why are we still talkin’ ‘bout her?" Spot asked exasperated. "I’se knows I’se don’t have ta worry ‘bout you," Bitter looked at him and continued, "for right now, but I’se don’ like her no moah. She ain’t someone I’se would like ta hang ‘round wid." Bitter paused and finished trying to place the words that would explain everything. "She ain’t da same goil I knew an’ loved." Spot informed Bitter, "I’se don’ think it’d be a good idea ta take her wid us. After all she was thrown outta der only a little bit ago, an’ I’se don’t know if Jacky-boy has da patience ta deal wid her yet." "Good," Bitter commented. JB stared at her, "I’se thought youse’d be ovah dis by now. She’s yer friend fer gosh sake! Do you’se ‘bandon all yer friends dis easy?" "No, it ain’t like dat. It’s jest, well, da way she treat everybody. Her sister – " Bitter stopped short and turned to Spot. "Where is Martini by da way?" Spot shrugged innocently. Bitter glared in return, "If you’se has done somethin’ ta dat goil," Bitter threatened him with her fists, "youse’ll regret it." Spot held his hands in front of him to ward her off, "It ain’t like dat. I’se don’t know wheah she is. Honest." JB snorted. Spot glared at him. Bitter looked suspiciously at both of them, then shrugged and shook her head. Spot said, "Wese’ll head out now. JB, take care a things an’ watch dose two. ‘Specially da goil." JB nodded and said, "Enjoy yer trip. Things’ll be fine heah. Take yer time." Spot turned to see JB smiling deviously and said, "Remembah, none a dem goil nights or pokah get tageddahs. I’se means it!!" JB looked downtrodden for a second but then recovered, "You’se know’se me, would I evah do somethin’ like dat?" Now it was Spot’s turn to snort. Then he put his arm around Bitter’s waist and they started walking towards Manhattan selling what remained of Bitter’s papers as they went. Oscar opened the door slowly to Jess’s apartment and stuck his head in. Jess noticed and laughed. "Hey there. I was wonderin’ when ya were gunna show yer ugly mug in heah again. Ya can come on in if ya want." "Thanks. How are things goin’? I didn’t want to knock unless ya weren’t home or somethin’." Oscar told her. "Things are much bettah. She woke up a couple hours ago and is eatin’ an’ everythin’. She still looks pretty bad, though. So, do you come ta think of it. Have ya slept at all?" Jess asked, her voice filled with concern. "Jess, are ya out heah?" Martini’s voice came from the door. "I’se figured I couldn’t sit in there for hours waitin’ fer you ta come in so I could ask you ta get me a drink of water, so I…" she stopped short when she saw Oscar. "Um…hey Martini…" Oscar said to fill the silence. "Hey. How are ya doin’?" she asked, not sure what to say. "I’se doin’ allright. How ‘bout you?" Oscar asked, truly concerened. "I’m doin’ bettah. I feel like someone threw me outta a five story buildin’ and I landed on me head…but its an improvement," she answered with a nervous laugh. Jess rolled her eyes. "You’se two are hopeless! Jesus could ya both be a little more awkward?" They both turned to glare at her. "Sorry, but it’s true! Ya all should be completely comfortable with each other, bein’ in love an’ all, but no! Yer both wrapped up in da past. What’s done is done, get ovah it! Move the hell on!" she excalimed completely exasperated. She had listened to Oscar complain and worry about Martini for the past couple of days and she saw the look on Martini’s face and couln’t believe that two people could be so blind. They both stared at her in disbelief. Neither of them could think of something to say after her outburst so they stood silently making things more awkward. Martini was dying to ask Oscar and Jess what had happened after she was knocked out, but didn’t want to make Oscar uncomfortable and figured that he would tell her if he wanted her to know. She finally resorted to retreating to her room. "I’se jest was comin’ out ta see if ya were heah, Jess. I’m gunna go take another nap, I think," she said hurrying into her room and shutting the door before anyone could say anything. Jess held her laugh in until Martini had shut the door then burst out giggling. "Nice job, Romeo." "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Oscar asked, absent mindely, since he was still thinking about Martini. "Ya know exactly what I’se talkin’ ‘bout. Ya have been worried sick ovah her and sayin’ how ya wish ya had done everythin’ different an’ ya finally have a chance ta change things an’ ya barely say two words ta her." "What makes ya think she would want ta heah two words from me? You saw da way she jest ran outta the room ta escape bein’ ‘round me. Things ain’t nevah gunna be changed. She hates me!" Oscar exclaimed miserably. "Are we talkin’ ‘bout da same goil heah? I’se was talkin’ ‘bout dat goil that walked inta da room lookin’ terrible and started ta glow when she saw ya. I’se was talkin’ ‘bout da goil dat looks at ya like ya hung da moon an’ stars. I’se talkin’ ‘bout dat goil dat is crazy ‘nough ta be in love with ya. Da one dat you loved enough ta beat up yer broddah ovah. I’se pretty shoah she would listen ta anythin’ ya had ta say," Jess pointed out. "Even if she would listen I dunno what I would say anyways. How can I apologize fer bein’ such a joik ta her?" Oscar said looking slightly hopeful. "Well, I would start wid an apology. Den, maybe explain, not make excuses, but explain ta her why ya were such a jerk. An’ den ya should probably tell her about what happened wid da whole Oscar thing. I only told her a little since I figured you would want ta tell her," Jess advised. "Yer right. What do I got ta lose?" Oscar said getting up. "Nothin’ but ya got plenty ta gain. Go sweep dat goil off her feet!" Jess encouraged. Oscar smiled confidently and strutted to Martini’s door. He knocked on her door firmly and walked in when Martini gave her approval of the entrance. "Hey Jess. Did Oscar leave?" she asked when she heard the person enter. "Uhh…no. I’se pretty shoah he’s still heah," Oscar said with a slight smile. "Oh, hey. I’se sorry I thought ya were Jess," Martini said blushing. "I figured, you usin’ her name an’ all," Oscar said with his smile widening. "Is there…somethin’ ya want?" Martini asked unsure why he was in her room. "Yeah, I need ta tell ya some stuff. Jest let me get it all out, all right?" Martini nodded so he launched into the speech he had been thinking about since Martini had been beaten up. "Okay, then. Look, I’se knows I’se been a joik an’ dat ya don’t have any reason ta fergive me but let me explain. When I found out dat ya had lied ta me it really hoit. It jest drove me crazy ta know dat da newsies got ta spend more time wid ya den I did. An’ den when ya came back I’se was jest really confused. I’se had a buncha feelin’s dat I’se didn’t know what ta do wid so I’se pushed ya away. I know it was stupid but I didn’t know what else ta do. Den a couple a days a go when Jess ran in an’ told me dat Morris had wanted ta be alone wid ya in da aprtment I was so scared. I knew there was only one reason dat he would want ta be in der wid ya alone so I ran as fast as I could ta get ta ya. By da time I was der, ya were already knocked out but Morris hadn’t done nothin’ ta ya I sweah. He was standin’ ovah ya an’ I’se jest felt so angry. Ya looked so helpless on da floor wid him ovah ya. It was a nightmare. I don’t remembah everythin’ dat happened. I jest remembah jumpin’ on Morris wid all da strength I’se had an’ Jess dragged ya outta da apartment. A few minutes latah I realized dat Morris was knocked out an’ bleedin’ pretty bad. I ran outta der an’ haven’t talked ta him since. I’se been so worried ‘bout ya. Ya were so hurt and vunerable an’ I didn’ttahink ya were evah gunna get up. But, through dis all I’se jest realized how much I cared about ya. I knew dat ya were special an’ all but I’se know now dat it’s more den day. I love ya, moah den I’se evah loved anyone in me entire life." He took a deep breath and watched her for a reaction. She tried to digest all of his information but had the most trouble with the last part. "Ya love me?" she asked in disbelief. "Yeah, I do. Look, ya don’t have ta say it back or nothin’ but I’se jest thought dat ya desoived ta know," he said "Are ya kiddin’ me? A course I’ll say it back. I’se love ya, too! I’se always loved ya evah since da foist time I’se ran inta ya!" she exclaimed running to him and throwing her arms around him. She winced at the contact but still grinned at him. "You bettah get back inta bed and get yer rest," he said grinning back. "Okay," she complied. "Foist I’se really gotta talk ta ya." "All right what do you need ta talk about?" he asked. "Okay, let me get this out because ya might be angry," she said looking at him uncertainly. Oscar smiled at her and assured her, "I won’t be mad. There isn’t anythin’ ya could tell me dat would make me angry now!" "Wait, jest listen. See, I’se havn’t been completely honest with ya. Foist of all, da foist day I’se met ya I was mad because me sistah, Wish, was jest tellin’ me how I couldn’t get any guys interested in me. So, den I’se saw you, an’ knew dat ya were kinda da enemy of da newsies and thought dat I could use ya ta make a statement. No, wait jest listen! So, den I’se got ta know ya an’ I suddenly I didn’t care what Wish or da newsies thought ‘cause I’se had you. But, I couldn’t tell ya dat I’se was stayin’ wid da newsies since I knew ya hated dem. Den, da night dat da boys beat ya up I was really torn. Da newsies were me family, and Wish’ an’Bittah were both sisters ta me, well Bittah not literally but ya know what I mean. So, I’se jest sat cryin’ fer half an’ hour befoah Cards, Spot, and Jack pulled me inta da hall. Dey sent me back heah ta spy on you," she said. "WHAT?!" Oscar yelled before Martini could finish her story. "I can’t believe ya! I’se trusted ya!" "No, wait listen! Ya promised!" Martini said panicked. "Why would I listen ta ya? Morris was right yer jest a whore dat I’se shouldn’t have wasted me time on!" Oscar said walking towards the door. "Please, Oscar let me finish! I only listened to them because I got to be near you!" Martini yelled to him. He turned around and glared at her. "What makes you think I would listen ta you?" he asked spitefully. "Ya said ya loved me. If dat was true den ya would believe me," she said, tears rolling down her eyes. "Well, I’se sorry but I don’t believe you," he said. He turned around and softly said, " I don’t love you." Martini ran over to him and turned him around putting both hands on his face. "I don’t believe you. Yer lyin’. Listen ta me Oscah I sweah dat I only went back ta you in da alley ‘cause I was worried ‘bout ya. Do ya really think I would spy on ya fer dem? Da way I did it dey thought dat dey had a good spy, so I could tell dem anythin’ dat I wanted an’ dey wouldn’t send anoddah spy. It was da only way, Oscah." Oscar looked her in the eyes and finally noticed the tears rolling down her face. He took his hand and wiped them off softly. "Don’t cry. I’se believes ya. If ya can honestly stand der an’ tell me dat ya ain’t really workin’ fer dem, den I won’t nevah bring it up, again," he said almost whispering. "I can honestly tell ya dat I’se ain’t really workin’ fer dem. I’se supposed ta be jest keepin’ me ears open an’ den dey is gunna find me every couple days so I can tell dem whats goin’ on wid da whole destroy da newsies plan dat you guys have goin’. But dey ain’t been able to since I ain’t been allowed ta leave da house," she told him. "Dis makes fer an’ interestin’ toin in da plan. Now dat I’se knows ‘bout dis we can use ya to our advantage," he thought out loud. Martini shook her head. "No," she stated firmly. Oscar looked at her in surprise. "What did ya say?" "I’se said no. I do love ya but I ain’t gunna help ya destroy dem. Dey are me friends, an’ dey have me sistah livin’ wid dem along wid Bittah. I’se couldn’t live wid meself if I helped ya," Martini explained. Oscar looked like he was about to argue with her but then he smiled. "Fine, we can do it wid out ya." "Dat makes me feel a lot bettah, really. Oscah, now dat we have things worked out an’ all, what are ya goin’ ta do wid me? I ain’t goin’ back ta dat apartment. I ain’t goin’ anywheah neah Morris, evah, unless I’se got a really heavy blunt object or a really sharp pointy one." Oscar smirked. "Ya don’t have ta. Jess said dat ya could stay wid her, now. I’se figured dat you bein’ such a nice goil an’ all ya wouldn’t stay in a small apartment alone wid me even if I paid ya. Dat would be funny, ta think of ya stayin’ da night alone wid any guy." He laughed at the thought and had a mischeivious look in his eyes. "I don’t see nothin’ funny ‘bout any of dis! I’ll have ya know dat I’se was fine ‘bout sleepin’ wid twenty guys an’ one wouldn’t be any change. Infact I’se would gladly go live wid ya!" she exclaimed, her pride somewhat damaged. Oscar laughed hard at his plan working so well. "Oh ya would, would ya? Well den pack yer stuff we can go right now." Martini looked a little confused but wasn’t willing to give in to him. "All right, den. Give me a couple a minutes alone an’ Ise’ll get ready." Oscar nodded and walked out of the room smirking to himself. What have I gotten myself into? Martini wondered, watching him leave. What would possess me ta agree ta live wid him. What if he…expects things…I dunno if I’se ready ta give him does things or not. Damn, me muddah would be turnin’ in her grave if she knew dis. Oh well, I’se gotta be neah him anyways if I’se supposed ta spy. I promise doh, I wont tell da newsies anythin’ unless da boys is plannin’ ta kill all of da newsies or somethin’. Maybe I can work on Oscar enough ta get him ta stop da fightin’. He loved me ‘nough ta beat his broddah up, maybe he will love me ‘nough ta stop his little feud wid da newsies. We will see. She walked out of the door. "I’m ready, lets go." She hugged Jess and left with Oscar for his apartment. |