Bitter and Spot walked into the Manhattan Lodging House to see the saddest sight they ever had seen before. All the newsies were laying around looking half dead. Bitter was shocked to find them acting like this because in all the time she had lived there the House had been full of yelling and life. "C’mon boys. Yer lookin’ a bit pathetic," Spot said, disgusted with their behavior. "Yeah, you try sittin’ ‘round fer a couple a days wid out leavin’ an’ see how you like it!" Mush whined. "I shoah wouldn’t sit ‘round feelin’ sorry fer meself," Spot assured him. "What are we supposed ta do? We ain’t allowed ta leave ‘til dis is all ovah but da Delancy’s ain’t been doin’ nothin’ so Jack’s even moah worried," Blink told him. Bitter knew how bad things were when she noticed Blink wasn’t smiling. She went over and hugged him. "How are ya holdin’ up, Blink?" He smiled slightly. "I’ve been bettah. Look, we’re newsies. We needs our freedom. If we wanted ta be locked up an’ safe den we would be in an orphanage. Give us freedom or give us death!" he exclaimed with a sudden burst of energy. Spot rolled his eyes. "You’se boys mean dat ya have jest been sittin’ round heah fer days? Yeah, dat’s jest sad. Ya were supposed ta figure somethin’ out or fight dem or somethin’. Hasn’t Martini been able ta tell ya anythin’?" "Actually, we havn’t been able ta tlak to Martini yet. At foist she was locked up in da Delancy’s apartment an’ now she’s livin’ wid Oscah alone. Snake told us ‘bout all dis," Jack informed him from his bunk. "Well, dat plan ain’t doin’ so good. Do ya think dat we should take her outta der?" Spot asked looking worried. "Nah, Snake’s advcie was ta leave her. Evidenly she’s in ‘love’ wid him or somethin’ like dat," Jack said slightly sarcastic. "You boys are jest gunna leave her wid da Delancys?!" Bitter asked shocked. "Hey, calm down Bittah. Havin’ dem tageddah might be da best thing. If he really is in love wid her den maybe she can stop him from his little revenge plan," Spot reasoned. "So, Spot, ‘til den what am I supposed ta do wid me boys? As ya can tell dey ain’t gunna last long, locked up in heah," Jack pointed out. "Well, since dey ain’t done anythin’ yet, I’se thinks it’s safe fer dem ta go out. Jest send dem out in groups, all right? How about, three or four ta a group?" Spot decided. The boys started groaning. "It’s three ta a group or ya stay in heah ‘til I’se shoah dat dis is ovah. Also I want da bigger boys ta take care of da smaller boys. An’ undah no circumstances do ya get in a fight unless you were attacked foist," Spot commanded. The boys stopped groaning but didn’t look very happy. "Ya all heard him, boys. Now pick groups so ya can go out fer da evening edition. I wanna see who yer wid before ya leave," Jack told them. While the boys were picking groups, Bitter pulled Jack aside. "Look, Jack, I know dat I was kinda hasty leavin’ so fast aftah ya threw Wish out an’ everything…an’ it was kinda stupid of me an’…so I was sorta hopin’…well what I’se tryin’ ta say is dat…" she said searching for words to minimize her discomfort. "Bittah yer always welcome heah. Ya don’t even have ta ask," Jack told her grinning. Bitter threw her arms around Jack. "Thank ya! I can’t take Brooklyn no moah!" she exclaimed. Jack laughed and hugged her back. "Dis don’t mean dat I’se takin’ Wish back, doh. Dese past days have been da most peaceful I’se had in a long time." "Dat’s fine. I don’t even want her heah. Aldoh I dunno if I trust her in Brooklyn wid Spot alone, though," Bitter told him. "What do ya mean?" Jack asked confused. Bitter explained the entire situation to Jack not leaving out any details. Jack tried to stilfle his laughter but failed miserably. He burst out laughing and had to hold onto Bitter for support. "I don’t see what is so funny about all of this," Bitter said a little hurt, forgetting that she, too, had laughed. "I’se sorry but I jest find it hysterical dat you two can’t be tageddah fer moah den a few days befoah getting’ all jealous a each oddah. It’s jest, I ain’t nevah seen two people moah in love yet so horribly wrong fer each oddah," Jack pointed out. Then his face suddenly lit up. "Hey are ya really worried ‘bout Spot and Wish tageddah?" he asked mischeiviously. "Yeah, but der ain’t nothin’ I can do ‘bout it. I’ll jest trust Spot, not dat, dat is da smartest thing ta do but it’s my only choice," Bitter said still looking anxious about it. "Well, I’se got an’ idea. What if we gave Spot a dose of his own medicine. I could send one a me boys ta Brooklyn wid him ta watch him," Jack suggested. Bitter looked shocked for a moment and then smiled evilly. "Tha’ts perfect Jack!" she exclaimed flinging herself into his arms. "Yer da best!" "Whats da point a havin’ a little power if ya can’t use it ta help yer friends?" he asked playfully. "Hey, what’s goin’ on in heah?" Spot asked entering the room. "Nothin’" Bitter said putting on an innocent face for him. "Shoah, Bittah. Ya ain’t dat great a liar. Now tell da truth an’ let go a Jack," he demanded. She had forgotten she was still hanging onto Jack’s neck and let go grinning. "Sorry, Jack," she told him. "Dat is more dan okay. I promise," Jack joked. "I’se still waitin’ fer da truth, heah," Spot insisted impatiently. "Oh, well Jack said dat I could come back ta Manhattan," Bitter told him. Spot had a distinct look of disapointment and hurt before covering it up with his normal blank appearance. "Fine, if dat is what ya want. I can always get Wish ta keep me company," he said joking, but his joking had a sharp edge to it. Bitter felt the edge full force, not quite over what had happened. She glared at him and sarcastically said, "Yeah, I’ll miss ya, too, honey. Bye." She then turned around and walked off seething. Spot rubbed his hands over his eyes and then through his hair. "I jest don’t know what ta do no moah Jack. I love her an’ couldn’t live wid out her or nothin’ but I jest can’t stand her half da time. Usually I can’t decide if I should hit her or kiss her. She’s da most infuriating goil I’se evah met." "Well, it looks like yer da poifect match fer her den, Spot, since yer da most infuriating boy I’se evah met. Yer jest mad cause der ain’t no person out der dat treats ya like a normal person, ‘cept her. Yer used ta people listenin’ and obeyin’ ya, an’ Harmony don’t do dat. Dat’s why ya like her in da foist place an’ don’t pretend it ain’t da reaon," Jack said in a sudden burst of wisdom. Spot looked at him questioningly. "Since when did you get so smart, Jacky-boy?" he asked. "I dunno, it jest comes ta me. I’se a natural genius," Jack quipped. "Shoah ya are Jacky-boy, shoah ya are. So, I guess I’se gunna go. I’ll be back in a couple days ta check up on everythin’, all right?" he told Jack. "All right wid me. Hey would ya mind takin’ Boots wid ya? He don’t know dat I’se sendin’ him away, but I’se worried dat da Delancy’s migth go aftah him next since he’s always had a big mouth." "Dat’s fine wid me. Ya bettah go tell him dat he is leavin’ in five minutes. I’m gunna go talk ta Bittah an’ say goodbye." Jack walked off to find Boots and Spot followed the path that Bitter had taken away from them. Jack found Boots in the bunk room. "Hey, Boots. I know dat ya don’t like Brooklyn dat much but I’se sendin’ ya der fer a couple days. All right?" he said abruptly. "Uh…is der a reason I’se bein’ sent ta Brooklyn?" Boots asked, confused. "Yeah. I need a boy I can trust ta watch Spot fer me. Harmony is a little worried ‘bout what he does when she’s not ‘round. I figrued dat if I can prove dat he’s miserable wid out her I can stop some fightin’ before it starts. I told Spot dat I was worried about da Delancy’s comin’ aftah ya an’ ya have ta stay wid dat story, all right? Just watch him closely an’ when he visits heah in a couple days den ya can tell us what he does, okay?" Jack said quietly. "Fine. If dat is what ya want den I’ll do it," Boots resigned, knowing better than fighting with Jack when he had his mind set on something. "Good yer leavin’ in a couple minutes so get yer stuff tageddah," Jack said getting up and walking off. Boots sighed and gathered his meager possessions quickly. "I thought ya would be heah," Spot said approaching Bittah on the fire escape. "Should I praise yer brilliance?" she asked sarcastically. "C’mon Bittah don’t be mad. Ya know dat I was jest upset dat ya asked Jack if ya could stay wid out talkin’ ta me foist. I was really happy ta have ya in Brooklyn an’ it makes me angry dat ya don’t love it der as much as I do," he explained roughly. "Well, ya need ta get ovah it an’ stop bein’ so mean every time ya get yer feelins hurt. Yer a big boy an’ cant throw tempah tantrums every time ya don’t get yer own way," Bitter said still upset. "Like you can talk? I have one a me boys follow ya fer yer own protection an’ ya go an’ make out wid me best friends. Talk about throwin’ tantrums, Bittah," Spot pointed out getting angrier by the second. "Yer da one dat beat up yer best friend fer huggin’ me! Spot you are da most spoiled person I’se evah met in me life," Bitter accused him. "If I’se so spoiled den how come yer e goil?" he asked. "Sometimes I don’t know why I put up wid you," she told him. "Den, don’t! Don’t do me no favors Bittah it ain’t like I don’t have lines a goils aftah me, Wish bein’ foist in line," he told spitefully. Bitter slapped him as hard as she could. "Why did ya even come out heah? Ta see how mad ya could make me?" she asked holding back tears. "Actually," Spot said sharply," I came out ta apologize. But, I can see how pointless dat was when ya wouldn’t even listen ta me!" He started to stalk off angrily but Bitter grabbed his arm. She pulled him back and he allowed himself to be pulled. "Look, I’se sorry Spot. I shouldn’t have been so mean an’ I know dat ya get angry dat I can’t stay in Brooklyn. Please, don’t be mad. I don’t want you ta leave angry wid me," she said with a pleading note in her voice. Tears had started to run down her face. Spot immediatley felt bad for what he had done. He wiped the tears off of her face gently. "Don’t apologize. Dis is my fault. I know dat I’se sometimes can be a little persistant, and maybe spoiled even, but I jest want ya near me. I ain’t mad. I couldn’t nevah stay mad at ya, Bittah." He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. They stayed like that for a few mintues before Spot pulled away. "I’se sorry, I got ta go. I’ll be back in a couple days so ya bettah behave. An’ stay clear a Jacky-boy’s bed. You know me, I’ll know if ya go anywheah near it. I got spies everywheah," he teased, smirking. Bitter sniffled and grinned. "All right, if it mattahs ta ya dat much den I promise not ta go anywheah neah his bed," she told him. He smiled until she finished with, "But I can’t promise dat he won’t come neah mine…" "Oh, ya think yer clevah, don’t ya?" he asked playfully. She nodded through her laughing at his shocked face. "I’ll show you clevah," he threatened before beginning to tickle her mercilessly. She screamed gleefully. "Stop, Spot. SPOT STOP!!!" she yelled. "Promise me dat Jack ain’t gunna come neah yer bed eiddah," he demanded. "Promise me!" "I promise," Bitter gasped. Spot released her and straightened up. "Good. See ya latah, Bittah," he said walking off. Bitter glared at him. "Aren’t ya forgettin’ somethin’?" she asked. "Nope, don’t think so," he said. "What could you be talkin’ bout?" he asked. She got up still glaring at him and walked over to him. She got close to his face and said, "Think hard, Spot." Spot pretended to be pondering her question. "Nah, I’se pretty shoah I ain’t forgettin’ nothin’." Bitter rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Do I gotta do everythin’?" before wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips against his. She felt him smile before returning the kiss and wrapping his arms around her waist. When she felt him returning the kiss she quickly pulled away and walked off, laughing at his perturbed expression. "Don’t ya wish ya would have remembered? Den maybe ya woulda gotten a real kiss…" she told him laughing. "You really are da most infuriating goil in da woild!" Spot exclaimed. "You know ya love it," Bitter countered. "I woulnd’t have it any oddah way," Spot agreed smirking. Oscar walked in the door to his small apartment to find Martini in the kitchenette, cooking dinner. He stopped at the door way to watch her for a few moments and looked her over from head to toe. She was wearing a pair of his black pants, held up by brown suspenders, and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled. Her long blonde hair was pulled up and held in place with a roughly cut ribbon and she was swearting from being over the stove. Content with what he saw he closed the door loudly and walked into the room. Suprisinly, Martini didn’t jump at all when the door closed. He walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist and started kissing her neck. She giggled and said, "It’s about time. I heard ya when ya foist came in. Nice view?" "Da best," he assured her before turning her around. He kissed her on the mouth. When she responded by putting her arms around his neck and pulling him closer, he deepened the kiss and rubbed her back with one of his hands. After a few moments Martini pulled away pretending she had to catch her breath. She still felt a little uncomfortable around Oscar and knew she had a job to do. She set about doing it right away. "Go on and sit down. Dinner is almost done,": she commanded. He grinned and sat down. "Aren’t you jest da cutest homemaker? What’s fer dinner?" She blushed slightly and giggled. "Nothin’ great, jest soup. Hey, Oscah can I talk ta ya ‘bout somethin’?" "I dunno if I like da sound a dat…last time ya had ta talk I didn’t really like what ya had ta say. I dunno if I can take anuddah talk like dat," he said only half-joking. "It’s nothin’ dat bad. I was jest wonderin’ wheah do ya go all day? I’ve been heah a couple days now an’ ya jest disapeah all day," Martini said cautiously, hoping not to upset him. "Martini, I know dat things are hard for ya but please jest don’t ask questions. I can’t tell you," Oscar told her warningly. "No, don’t give me dat. I am sick of sittin’ ‘round heah all day alone not knowin’ what yer doin’ all day! Der is someone else ain’t der!" she accused, knowing fully that there wasn’t anyone else but she couldn’t think of any other way to attack him without sounding suspicious. "Someone else? God no, is dat what ya think?" Oscar said laughing suprisedly. "Well den why can’t ya tell me where yer goin?" she insisted. "’Cause ya don’t need ta know. Why can’t ya jest be happy how things are?" he said getting a little upset. "I can’t be happy ‘cause I’se tired a all da secret keepin’. Secrets is what got us in trouble in da foist place. I told you stuff even doh it was hard an’ everythin’! Why can’t ya jest tell me what you’ve been doin’?!" she asked equalling Oscar’s anger. "Fine, if ya really wanna know I’se out wid da boys puttin’ da finishin’ touches on our plan fer revenge! Are ya happy now?" he yelled. "Yeah, shoah I’m happy. Yer out plannin’ how yer gunna hurt my friends! Why wouldn’t I be happy?" she yelled back sarcastically. "Well, yer da one dat wanted ta know. And it isn’t like ya didn’t know befoah fer Chris’s sake I even asked ya ta help me. What, did ya think dat now dat yer livin’ wid me I’se jest gunna give it up?" he said still yelling. "No, I jest…I jest don’t like in no moah. In fact, I’se through wid dis. I’m sick a all a it! I’m leavin’. When you can act like an’ adult an’ stop yer little games den maybe der is a chance fer us, but ‘til den I refuse ta stay heah," she declared walking out of the room to get her stuff. "Martini, Martini stop. Ya know dat I can’t jest let ya leave. Stop doin’ things da hard way! Stop packin’ yer stuff, c’mon Martini," Oscar said with a pleading tone in his voice. "No, like I said, I’m sick a dis!" she said grabbing her clothes back from Oscar to put in her bag. "I’ll send yer clothes back, all right?" Oscar grabbed her bag and threw it across the room. "Damnit Martini I said yer not leavin’!" "Get away from me Oscah. Ya don’t scare me, no moah. I’m leavin’ an’ ya can’t stop me!" she said going across the room to pick up her bag. Oscar laughed. "Ya must be kiddin’ me! Ya think dat I can’t stop ya?" he asked. He turned on his heals and walked out the door, locking it behind him. "Damnit, Oscah let me out! LET ME OUT!" she screamed running to the door and banging on it. "Now, Martini don’t get all upset. Ya made me do it an’ ya know it. I ain’t gunna have ta keep ya heah, long. It will only be a couple days until our plan is complete an’ den ya can do whatevah da hell ya want," Oscar infromed her leaving the house. When Martini heard the front door close she searched frantically around her room for an escape route. She soon found that there wasn’t any way for her to get out and sat down hopelessly. Well, dis ain’t da way I planned fer things ta turn out. Well, I’ll jest have ta think up a new plan. So, she began devising a new plan to escape from Oscar and warn the newsies about the up and coming attack. She had been sitting there almost an’ hour when she heard the door open. I’ll jest pretend I’m asleep. No mattah what I don’t wanna talk ta Oscah right now. We’ll jest get in anuddah fight. "Oscar, Martini are you here? I brought the groceries and more clothes for Martini!" Jess’s voice called in. "Jess? Is dat you?" Martini called from the bedroom. "I’m in heah!!" "Martini? Why are ya locked in the bedroom?" she asked completely confused. "Would ya believe I locked myself in?" Martini said. "Uh…no. Try again," Jess said laughing. "Well, Oscah got a little upset, ‘cause I tried ta leave an’ so he locked me in heah," Martini told her. "Why were ya tryin’ ta leave?" Jess asked, still confused. "I was tryin’ ta leave ‘cause I’se angry dat he’s tryin’ ta hoit all da newsies an’ I don’t want dat ta happen," Martini said, deciding she might as well tell Jess the truth since things couldn’t get any worse. "Wait, I don’t understand. Why don’t ya want dem ta get revenge on da newsies?" Jess said trying to figure thigns out. "Look, dis is gunna be hard ta tell ya through a door. How ‘bout ya open da door an’ let me talk ta ya face ta face?" she asked. "I don’t think I should do dat. Oscah probably has a reason fer havin’ ya in der," Jess said cautiously. "Fine, den. I’ll tell ya da whole story from in heah," Martini resigned. "But I warn ya, ya bettah sit down. See, I used ta be a newsie. An’ I still was when I met Oscah, but didn’t tell him. Den, da newsies beat him up thinkin’ dey were protectin’ me when we was kissin’ in an alley. Aftah dat da newsies sent me back ta him as a spy fer dem." She paused when she heard Jess breath in deeply. "Look, Jess, it ain’t like dat, anymore. I quit I sweah." "Is dis why Oscah locked ya up? ‘Cause I don’t blame him," Jess commented. "No. No I already told Oscah all dis at yer house. He didn’t care ‘bout it since I nevah really was spyin’ I jest told da newsies dat so I could go help him," Martini responded. "Well, den why are ya locked up in yer room?" Jess asked sounding confused. "I was askin’ Oscah questions ‘bout wheah he goes an’ I got upset when he said he was beatin’ dose boys up," Martini told her. "I don’t even understand why someone as nice as you is hangin’ ‘round da Manhattan newsies. Dey’s bad news along wid the Brooklyn newsies," Jess said. "Have ya even met a Manhattan or Brooklyn newsie oddah den me?" Martini questioned. "Well, no…but I’se heard stories!" Jess claimed. "Well, why don’t ya meet dem befoah judgin’ dem? Dey really is nice," Martini informed her. "Yeah, right. Me meet da Manhattan newsies," Jess commented sarcastically. "Jess, I promise ya if ya met dem den you’d like dem. I sweah. We’re friends an’ I wouldn’t lie to ya ‘bout dis," Martini swore. "Are ya serious?" Jess asked, a little intrigued. "Dead seroius. Why? Would ya actually go?" Martini said hopefully. "Well, ta tell ya da truth, I’se always been a little curious ‘bout dem…" Jess admitted. "Well, I can’t take ya ta meet dem from inside heah…" Martini reminded her. "Yer right, hang on." There was a little scratching and wiggling of the handle and it soon whipped open, sending Martini (who had been leaning on the door) onto the floor. Jess laughed and helped her up. "Thanks, Jess. Ya won’t regret dis. Heah, give me dat bobby pin an’ I’ll stick it in da door. Dat way Oscah will think I left on me own if he comes back befoah I can get back," Martini said placing the pin on her side of the door. "C’mon lets go!" "All right," Jess said following her uncertainly. What have I gotten meself inta? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martini and Jess were soon climbing the stairs in the Lodging House. "Most a dem won't be home right now since dey has ta sell papes, but der might be a couple," Martini told her. A couple meaning Race and whoevah is watchin’ him. Dat’s who I want her ta meet anyways. If she meets Race, an’ sees how nice he is an’ how bad dey hurt him maybe she’ll help me! They walked in and were met by Racetrack, Blink and Mush. "Hey, boys," Martini greeted, bringing Jess into the room. "Hey der strager. Long time no see," Blink said coming over to hug her. "An who is dis?" Mush asked walking up behind Blink. "Hello, I’se Mush" he said taking Jess’s hand and kissing it. Jess giggled and said, "I’m Jess. It’s nice ta meet ya Mush." "Hey! Don’t ferget me! I wanna see! I wanna see!" Race insisted, impatiently, from his bed. Martini laughed and brought Jess over to Racetracks bed. "Dis is Racetrack. Racetrack dis is Jess, a friend a mine." Racetrack looked her over and commented, "It’s very nice ta meet ya." Jess smiled. "Likewise. Don’t take dis da wrong way or anythin’, but what happened ta ya?" Race pretended to be offended. "What do ya mean? I’m always like dis! Do ya have somethin’ ‘gainst guys in beds dat wear bandages?" Jess laughed. "Oh, of course yer always like dat…" she said rolling her eyes. "I’m so very sorry fer offendin’ ya," "Sarcasm, huh? I like dis goil, Martini. Anyways, I got beat up pretty bad by ‘bout five boys. Ain’t no big deal, I’ll heal," Race explained putting on a brave face. "Yeah, but will da rest a us, wid yer constant whinin’?" Blink joked. Racetrack glared. "If I wasn’t hurt I would give you somethin’ ta whine ‘bout!" he threatened. Blink laughed outright. "Shoah ya would, Race. Shoah, ya would." "But, I don’t understand…Five boys jest randomly decided ta beat ya up?" Jess asked, confused. "No, see der’s dese boys dat really don’t like da newsies. I dunno maybe ya know dem. Da Delancy’s, da leadah a da Crips, an’ da leadah a Queens. So, I was jest at da wrong place at da wrong time an’ got beet up," Racetrack explained. Jess looked like she was going to be sick. Racetrack, taking it as concern for him, assured her, "Hey, it ain’t dat bad. I’se had worse, it always heals." Jess gave him a weak smile and nodded. Martini, trying to supress a grin at how well her plan was working, spoke up. "Hey, I jest stopped by ta see if anyone wanted ta play a little pokah…but if not Jess an’ I could always go find some boys dat wanted to…" "Pokah? Why didn’t ya say so! Mush, Blink go be gentlemen an’ bring da table an’ chairs ovah heah," Race commanded, his eyes lighting up at the mention of poker. Both boys jumped up to get the things, not realize that Race had just proved his earlier point about sending people to do things. Martini did and started laughing when she caught Racetracks eye. She suppressed her laughter when Blink and Mush looked at her oddly, but was still highly amused. The five played poker for about an hour, with Racetrack winning most of the games, before Martini realized what time it was. "Hey, I’se sorry everyone, but I gotta get back. Jess are ya comin’ wid me?" Jess nodded and stood up. "It was really nice ta meet you boys," she said. "Da pleasure was all ours," Racetrack informed her. "Make shoah dat ya visit now dat ya know us," Blink said. "An’ often," Mush put in. Jess grinned. "I promise. I’ll see ya all later." Martini then said her goodbyes and they both left. Once out of the Lodging House they headed back towards Oscar’s apartment. "So, did Andrew an’ da oddahs really do dat ta Race?" Jess asked. "Yep, I saw it wid me own eyes. An’ you saw him! Does he look like a threat ta dem?" Martini told her. "Not at all…An’ da oddahs eiddah. I see now what ya mean ‘bout der bein’ some nice Manhattan newsies. Thanks fer not tellin’ dem dat I’se Andrew’s sistan an’ everythin’," Jess admitted. "Not a problem. I know what it’s like ta try an’ hide yer connections. But, really, I don’t think dey woulda cared. All dey cared ‘bout was dat yer pretty, funny an’ willin’ ta play pokah," Martini informed her jokingly. "Maybe…so we really are gunna visit dem again aren’t we?" Jess asked. "Of course. Dey are me friends," Martini confirmed. The two girls talked the entire way back to Oscar’s house, happily, about what they had done at the Lodging House. When they got within five blocks Martini said, "Hey Jess ya bettah beat it. I don’t want Oscah ta see ya wid me if he’s home." "Oh, yer right! All right, I’ll come by tomorrow ‘bout noon or somethin’ ta check on ya. Take care a yerself," Jess said, hugging her. "All right, bye" Martini said smiling. She then turned and continued her journey alone. Spot walked into the Lodging House only minutes after Jess and Martini had left. They walked in on Blink, Mush and Racetrack talking about the girls. When Blink heard a noise in the doorway he said, "Hey did ya ferget somethin’?" thinking that Jess and Martini were back. "Uhh…no?" Spot said, confused. Blink jumped at hearing a male voice. "Oh, hey Spot. I thought ya were Jess an’ Martini." "Martini was heah?" Spot asked, interested. "Yeah, ya jest missed her. She brought her friend Jess wid her, too. Boy was she pretty," Blink informed him. "Jess? Who’s Jess? Wait…nah she wouldn’t a…" Spot said thinking out loud. "She wouldn’t a what?" Mush asked, interested. Spot ignored his comment and said, "Blink, dis Jess goil, she didn’t have yellow green eyes, an’ curly brown hair did she? An’ ‘bout dis tall?" he asked indicating a height of about five feet and seven inches off the ground. Blink looked at him suspiciously. "Yeah, actually she did. How did ya know?" "Jesus, dat goil is nuts! What da hell is she pullin’?" Spot asked himself. "She’s not da only one goin’ nuts…" Racetrack commented. "Yer da one talkin’ ta yerself." Spot glared at him momentarily before turning back to Blink. "Hey, do ya know where Jack is?" "Off sellin’ his papes wid Davie an’ Les I guess. Why? What’s goin’ on?" Blink asked with a befuddled look on his face. "Nothin’. I’ll see you boys latah.," he said walking out the door. Spot found Jack after a few minutes of searching. Unfortunatley, Davie and Les were with him. He approached, glaring at Davie. "Walkin’ Mouth, leave. I gotta talk ta Jack," he commanded when they saw him. "I don’t have to leave just because you say so, Spot. My daddy told me that I don’t have to do what anyone says but him," Davie asserted. Spot gave him a steely glare. Davie, getting worried whined, "Jaaaack, tell him I don’t have to leave!" Jack looked at him, disbelievingly. "Uhh…you do know dat I only use ya fer yer little bruddah right? Well, dat an’ I figured Sarah would give out fastah if I was friends wid her bruddah…" Davie looked around about ready to cry. "But…but we’re friends! We’re selling partners!!" "Yeah…I’ve been meanin’ ta talk ta ya ‘bout dat…See, Les is gettin’ older now an’ so he ain’t much ta me. An’ you were nevah good…so…" "Oh my gawd, your breaking up with me, aren’t you!?" Davie cried. "Uh…what? Shoah, whatevah Davie. I’se jest sayin’ yer fired…an’ dat you an’ yer mimicking little broddah should stop followin’ me ‘round," Jack said, looking confused. "But…but…FINE! I don’t have ta take dis. I’m gunna go find Denton!" he girlishly screamed before stomping off and dragging a crying Les behind him. Jack, slightly embarassed, turned to Spot. "Sorry ya had ta see dat. Dey’se had it comin’ fer a long time…" "Whatevah. We’se got problems, Jacky-boy. Look, Martini brought Jess ta da Manhattan Lodgin’ House. Da same Jess dat is Tick’s sistah," Spot told him. "What? But why would she do dat?" Jack asked. "I dunno. I was thinkin’…we don’t really know dat much ‘bout dis goil. An’ she was goin’ out wid Oscah Delancy behind out backs…" "What? Are ya sayin’ dat ya think she’s a traitor?" Jack asked. "Well, it’s jest one possibility…All I’m sayin’ is dat we gotta find a way ta talk ta her or somethin’." "Yeah, but what can we do. She’s livin’ wid Oscah. Are we jest supposed ta go an’ knock on da door an’ ask ta talk ta our spy? I’se shoah dat will work…" Jack commented sarcastically. "I dunno. We’ll jest have ta keep our eyes open an’ try ta find a chance. What if we sent her sistah ta talk ta her?" Spot suggested. "Knowin’ Wish she would join wid dem in spite a me!" Jack exclaimed. "Stop whinin’. I think dat we should give it a shot. Oscah would be more likely ta let her sistah in den any a us," Spot decided. ie now aftah all." "I’ll talk ta her when I get home," Spot decided. "So, uhh did ya bring Boots back wid ya?" Jack asked looking very interested. Spot looked at him oddly. "I thought ya said dat ya wanted me ta keep him outta Manhattan fer awhile," he said. "Oh, yeah, dat’s right," Jack agreed looking slightly nervous. "Ya wouldn’t believe how much he fought ta return ta Manhattan…I had ta have me boys err occupy him," Spot informed Jack. "How much did dey occupy him?" Jack asked, concerned. "Nothin’ too bad, Jacky boy. Stop lookin’ so worried. Ya think I’se gunna soak a guest?" Spot asked pretending to be offended. "I know ya’d soak a guest, ‘specially if dey didn’t like Brooklyn," Jack told him. "Yer prolly right, Jacky," Spot agreed, knowing he was too attached to Brooklyn. "Look, Jacky I’se gotta go back ta da Lodgin’ House an’ see Bittah befoah I get back ta Brooklyn." "All right," Jack said starting to walk towards the Newsboy’s Lodging House. "Hey, wait! Why don’t we use Bittah! Why don’t we have her go ta see Martini? She’s a lot more trustworthy den Wish is." "I dunno if dat would work, Cowboy. I mean’ aftah all dey know her as me goil…Oscah might not want ta let her inta his house," Spot pointed out. "But he would be more scared a her, since she IS yer goil. Plus, she can stick up fer herself a lot bettah den Wish can," Jack countered. "Here’s an idea. Why don’t ya send both a us?" Bitter asked emerging from behind a stack of boxes. Both boys, yes even Spot, looked shocked to see her. "What…but how…wait a minute," Jack stuttered confused. "You boys should be more careful ‘bout who can hear yer conversations. I’se a little disapointed dat ya didn’t find me," Bitter scolded. "I knew ya were der da whole time," Spot boasted. Neither Bitter not Jack could decipher if he was being truthful or not so they decided to let him feel good about himself. "Good, ‘cause it’d be sad if ya jest let anyone sit ‘round listenin’ ta yer conversations," Bitter said. "So, are ya gunna send both a us? Dat would be da smart thing ta do…" Bitter told them. "Do I look like I need me goil ta help me make me plans?" Spot asked a little perturbed. "Uhh…actually, yes," Bitter said smiling. Spot raised his eyebrows and smirked, "I’ll let dat pass since ya were right, I should send both a ya," Spot decide. Bitter’s mouth dropped. "Did da great Spot Conlon, Mr. Puppy Dog himself, actually admit dat I’se right? I want dis in writin’," she demanded playfully. "Don’t push yer luck," Spot warned. "Me? Now when have I evah pushed me luck?" Bitter asked smiling innocently. " ‘Bout every minute yer ‘round me," Spot informed her. "Well, I’se ‘bout ta do it, ‘gain," Bitter cautioned before going up and kissing him. Jack groaned from where he was still standing. "Go get a room," he muttered walking towards the Lodging House. Bitter and Spot both smirked before following him. Martini took a deep breath before opening the door to Oscar’s apartment. Here goes nothin’, she thought to herself opening the door. She exhaled, relieved, when she look around the front room and discovered no one was there. Good, I’ll jest sneak back inta da bedroom an’ he’ll nevah know I was gone, Martini planned making her way towards the bedroom. "Wheah da ya think yer goin’?" an angry voice came from the door way. (Quipsters note:LOL it’s not Spot…I had ya fooled didn’t I? Well in my newsie world I guess everyone stands in doorways and scares the shit out of people! Anyways on with the story) Martini jumped and turned around quickly to see Oscar glaring at her, as he entered the room. "Uh…hey Oscah…I was jest lookin’ fer ya," Martini said nervously. "Funny…I was lookin’ fer ya ‘bout twenty mintues ago. I figured I’d come home an’ apologize an’ try ta explain things ta ya. But, funnily enough ya weren’t where I left ya…Wanna explain ta me how dat happened?" Oscar asked trying to supress his anger. "Well, obviously I didn’t want ta stay locked in a room all day. I jest picked da lock. It ain’t dat difficult!" Martini lied. "Really, now dat’s interestin’, you knowin’ how ta pick locks an’ all. How ‘bout ya show me?" Oscar asked, knowing full-well that she was lying. "What? Why would I do dat?" Martini asked desperatley searching her mind for some sort of plan to get herself out of this lie. "Oh, I dunno…I’d find it amusin’ an’ I could use a little humor aftah da day I’se had," Oscar told her. "Why would it be amusin’? Martini asked confused. "You not knowin’ how ta pick locks or anythin’ I would find it amusin’ ta see ya try," Oscar explained. "What? I know how…" Martini claimed, weakly, knowing that she was caught. "So, who helped ya escape? Did da little newsies come ta save der beloved spy?" Oscar questioned. "I already told ya I got out wid out help," Martini reminded him. "Oh shut up, Martini. I know dat ya couldn’t a gotten out alone. Now jest tell da truth," Oscar demanded. Martini, refusing to tell on Jess when things were going so well, stared at him blankly and refused to talk. "Look, Martini, I don’t want ta have ta get mean. Jest tell me who came an’ got ya an’ I’ll drop it," Oscar tried to reason. Martini just raised one eyebrow and stood there, not knowing what else to do. It’s useless ta deny it anyways. I can’t prove dat I got outta heah by meself an’ I can’t give up Jess. Things are goin’ so good now. I know dat if I can convince Jess all da way dat da newsies are nice den she’ll help me! What am I gunna do now doh? It don’t look like Oscah is gunna drop dis… Oscar walked over to her and grabbed her by the arms. "Damnit Martini why da hell do ya gotta make things so hard!?" he asked shaking her a couple of times. Martini glared at him. "I’se not da one makin’ things hard. Yer da one dat says ya love me an’ den do everythin’ ya can ta hurt me!" she accused him. "Love ya? Right now I don’t even know if I like ya ‘r not!" he said with a cruel laugh. "Dis is yer last chance ta tell me who helped ya escape," he warned her. Martini looked him straight in the eye. "Or what? You’ll turn me ovah ta Morris? Right now that seems like a favah rather den a punishment," she informed him coldly. Oscar looked hurt for a split second before the anger returned to his eyes. "What do I need Morris fer? I can make ya talk, meself," Oscar told her before hitting her across the face. "Sorry, Martini, but I gave ya a chance." Martini stumbled back, feeling the full force of the blow. Involuntary tears began welling in her eyes immediately as her nose started to drip blood. She put her hand to her nose, stunned, before glaring coldly at Oscar. "Still not gunna tell me, huh?" Oscar asked. He walked up to her and raised his hand again before they both heard, "OSCAH DELANCY YOU HIT DAT GOIL ONE MORE TIME AN’ YOU’LL HAVEME TA DEAL WID!" Oscar whipped around to face the intruder and when he did Martini stumbled towards the person as fast as she could. Martini and Oscar were both surprised to find a red-faced Jess in the middle of the room. "What da hell do ya think yer doin’ Oscah?" she asked angrily. She pulled Martini into a hug, before turning back to him and waiting for an answer. "What da hell do you think yer doin’ breakin’ inta me house?" he asked angered by her tresspassing. "It ain’t breakin’ inta a house when ya walk in through an open door. Besides, it looks ta me like I came jest in time," Jess told him, putting her hands on her hips. "I don’t need ta give you no explanations," Oscar told her. "Jest get out." "Oh, you do need ta give me an explanation, den I’ll be more den happy to get out. I had ta listen to ya whine and complain ‘bout how ya didn’t think dat Martini would like ya an’ den she finally does an’ ya BEAT HER UP? What sort of sicko are ya?" she asked angrily. "Jess, I’m tellin’ ya nicely, GO AWAY. Ya don’t know anythin’ ‘bout dis." "Oh, yeah, Oscah? I know a lot more den ya think. And one thing I know fer shoah is dat I ain’t leavin’ Martini heah wid you. She’s comin’ back wid me. Once ya become human enough ta have normal interactions wid people den I’ll considah lettin’ ya talk ta her, oddah wise I would stay away from her completely or I promise I will take care a ya meself," Jess warned him glaring coldly. "Oh, I’se real scared a dat, Jess. Ya couldn’t hurt a fly," Oscar taunted. "Ya wanna find out den keep goin’. Even if I can’t hurt ya I think dat we both know dat I’se got some pretty, damn strong friends who would be happy ta do me a favah if someone hurt me feelin’s," Jess threatened. Oscar glared at her. "Dis don’t concern ya." "It does concern me an’ Martini an’ I are leavin’, now." With that Jess turned on her heals and left, dragging Martini behind her. Martini was too shocked to speak. I can’t believe he hit me. I thawought we was supposed ta be in love! I guess dat der’s jest some stuff dat people can’t get past, an’ da whole bein’ from two different sides of a fight is one a dem. Dat’s jest fine, I don’t need him anyhow. He was jest trouble fer me. I’ll get Jess ta help me wid stoppin’ da fightin’. |