Spot returned to Brooklyn after spending a few hours with Bitter, arguing and making up as usual. He walked striaght into the bunkroom and over to Wish, who was giggling with Cards and JB over something. "Wish, yer goin’ ta Manhattan tomorrow," he said abruptly. He had kept a cool attitude and safe distance from her since the kissing fiasco. "What? NO! I DON’T WANT TA GO BACK" she yelled, slightly dramtically. Spot raised his eyebrow. "Well, ya are. Yer gunna go visit Martini, wid Bittah." "Oh, so I don’t have ta go back fer good?" Wish checked. "No, not if ya don’t wanna. I figure dat its easier ta keep ya heah so dat I don’t have ta heah Card’s whinin’ all da time," Spot told her. "I heah dat," JB affirmed. "Let me thank you Spot fer savin’ me ears an’ me sanity." "Yeah, yeah…Any good leadah would do it," Spot said. "I’se gunna go out fer awhile. Cards yer comin’ wid us tomarrow, so you be ready, too." Then, Spot turned around and left the Lodging House. Cards and Wish smiled at each other happily. They had been getting along better and better. While they had sold papers together a few days ago, they had both apologized to each other for over reacting and claimed that they were both happy being friends. Ever since then they had almost been inseperable, running around Brooklyn together, selling papes together, swimming together. It had been great for them. Both still wanted more from the relationship, but were scared to be the first to say it, so pretended to be content with how their relationship was, and so it remained. "So, are ya excited ta see Martini?" Cards asked laying down on his back in his bunk. Wish laid beside him, on her stomache, and nodded. "I feel so bad ‘bout da last time I saw her. Maybe, I’ll finally get ta talk ta her ‘bout it an’ get all da guilt off me back." "Why? What happened da last time ya saw her?" Cards asked, still curious to know what they had been fighting over. "Well…promise ya won’t judge all right?" Wish asked him. "A course I won’t judge!" Cards said, but Wish saw the mischeivious glint in his eye. She decided to continue, anyways, needing to talk to someone. "Well, see…one dat I had ta go out an’ sell wid Jack ‘cause he was mad at me, as always…An’ anyways we got back ta Tibby’s an’ Bittah an’ Martini were laughin’ ‘bout us likin’ each oddah. I didn’t like it so I snapped at Martini ‘bout how she doesn’t date. I know it was mean but I was in a bad mood alread. An’ so she stomped off an’ we didn’t talk aftah dat. So, den I felt bad ‘cause da last time I saw her she was all upset ‘bout da Oscah thing an’ cryin’ an’ I didn’t do nothin’! I’se her sistah, she was cryin’ an’ I did nothin’ but go lay in me bed. I’se a horrible sistah," she finished with a quiver in her voice. Cards heard the quiver and his heart almost snapped. He wanted so much to take her in his arms and hold her, to comfort her. But, he knew that he couldn’t, so he smiled encouragingly and rubbed her arm. "Hey c’mon, ya ain’t dat horrible of a sistah! If ya were den why did Martini fergive ya befoah she left?" Cards asked her. "’Cause she’s a bettah sistah den I am. Da whole Oscah thing is me fault too. If I hadn’t been mean ta her den she wouldn’t a run out der, an’ she wouldn’t be in so much trouble now! Da whole thing is my fault," she admitted, letting tears fall down her face. Cards sat up and put his arm around her, and soothingly said, "Wish, dat ain’t yer fault eithah. She made her own choices an’ did what she felt she had ta. It ain’t nobodys fault when someone likes anuddah person." Wish moved closer to Cards, attempting to gain his contentment with life. Cards immediatley responded by moving his arm closer, so she was leaning against him. He rubbed her back trying to help her in any way he could. "It ain’t jest dat. Cards, I mean look at me, I go ‘round makin’ out wid me best friends boy friend jest ‘cause she’s happy an’ has da guy she wants an’ I don’t. I coulda ruined der relationship jest cause I’se mean an’ hurtful an’ an’ jest horrible," she managed to get out through sobs. This comment stuck a chord with Cards but he ignored it. He gently rocked her and told her, "Wish we all make mistakes it don’t mattah. Everythins gunna turn out all right, I promise. An’ trust me, der ain’t no way ta ruin Spot an’ Bittah’s relationship. Aftah how much effort it took fer us all ta get dem tageddah, we ain’t lettin’ dem break up fer a LONG time!" Wish smiled a little and tried to stifle her crying. Cards and Wish sat there for a few minutes, forgetting that they were supposed to be ‘just friends’ and were completely happy with each other. Cards was glad to find the softer, true side to Wish and Wish was so thankful to have someone like Cards to comfort her. "I gotta thank ya fer somethin’, Cards. Well, oddah den what yer doin’ right now…I heard ya talkin’ ta Martini, dat night when she was cryin’ so hard. I jest…I jest want ta thank ya fer bein’ der fer her when I wasn’t. It was one a da sweetest things dat I’se evah seen," Wish admitted. "What? I didn’t know ya were up," Cards said, surprised. "Yeah, well, I was in me bed pretendin’ ta be asleep. I jest couldn’t face her. I didn’t know what ta say or do. I’se not used ta her bein’ da one needin’ da comfort. Usually, its me overreactin’ ‘bout somethin’ an’ she’s da one comfortin’ me. Den, she has a real problem an’ I run!" Wish said starting to cry again. "Shh…shh…It’s okay Wish. She understood. She’s yer sistah. An’ I don’t think she would want ya ta be dis upset. Everythin’s okay," he said slowly rocking her again. Wish looked up from his shoulder, looking surprised. "I jest want ta know how ya got ta be so perfect, Cards," she stated abruptly, and seriously. Cards paused for a moment before giving her an awkward smile. "Well, I musta been born wid it," he joked. "No, I’se serious. Yer funny, sweet, nice ta everyone, patient, an’ damn are ya cute. An’ how do ya not have a goil friend?" she asked, deciding she might as well go all the way with the ‘honesty thing’. Cards blushed and shrugged. "I dunno…" "Jest haven’t met da right goil?" Wish prompted. "No, dat ain’t it…"Cards answered, still very awkward. "Oh, okay," Wish said looking very disapointed. Cards saw her disapointment and a small glimmer of hope. He decided to go for it. "Look, da reason I ain’t got a goil is ‘cause da one dat I like doesn’t really seem ta like me like dat, even doh we’se really good friends an’ all." Wish looked surprised. "What? Do I know her?"she asked. Cards rolled his eyes. "Yeah, ya know her. I’se talkin’ ‘bout you!" Wish was so stunned, not expecting that answer, that she jerked away from him to see his face. Unfortunatley, she jerked away too fast and hard, and fell right off the bed. Cards burst out laughing. "Well ya shoah now how ta break da awkwardness wid humor," he commented helping her back onto the bed. Wish was bright red. After a few seconds she got over her embrassment enough to look at him in the eyes. "Did ya really mean what ya jest said?" she questioned. "A course I meant it! God, I’se been stuck on ya since I foist met ya! I thought ya knew," Cards assured her. "I didn’t know! I’se liked ya fer, ferevah but I thought ya jest saw me as a friend…" Wish informed him. "Well, dat ain’t how I see ya at all," Cards said. "How do ya see me?" she asked, looking down a little shyly. Cards smiled and lifted her chin so he could see her eyes. "I see ya as one a da most poifect goils in da whole entire world. Yer fun, nice, friendly, exciting, an’ prolly da most beautiful goil I’se evah met in me entire life," he told her, truthfully. Wish blushed and sat quietly, not knowing what to say. The silence soon became deafening, but neither really knew what to say. Finally, it became too much for Wish and she joked, "Only one a da most poifect goils?" Cards laughed heartily. "Nah, I take dat back, DA most poifect goil. An’ da only one fer me," he told her. Wish smiled, and thought I don’t think dat I could be any happier den at dis moment! Cards waited a few more moments and then hesitantly asked, "Look, Wish, I know dis is sudden an’ all but since you like me an’ I like you an’ we like each oddah, an’ so…I mean…Well what I’se wants ta say is…" Wish laughed and asked, "Cards would ya mind if I asked ta be yer goil?" Cards laughed along with her, relieved. "Not at all," he said smiling brightly. "Since yer me goil an’ all, der’s been somethin’ I’se wanted ta do since da foist time I set eyes on ya…" "What’s dat?" she asked curiously. "Dis," he said before leaning forward and kissing her softly on the lips. Wish closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss. Okay, I lied! I’se much happier now! Gawd I want ta run ‘round, or scream, or squeal or do SOMETHING! "Wow, dat was even bettah den I dreamed it would be," Cards joked cheasily. "Oh so ya dream ‘bout me?" Wish asked. "But a course. You’se been da star in me dreams since dat foist day we met. Aftah dat, no oddah dream would do," he told her. Wish, stifiling her squeal, smiled so large she thought her lips would crack. Somethin’ tells me dat Brooklyn is gunna be a lot more fun, now. Cards, Spot and Wish walked into the Manhattan Lodging House. It was about noon, so almost all the newsies were out and about doing their selling. They ventured up to the Lodging House to find Racetrack, Blink, Mush, Bitter and suprisingly enough Martini and Jess. Wish squealed and ran over to Martini giving her a huge hug. Martini, looking just as happy to see Wish, hugged her back. "Oh my gosh! I’m SO happy to see you! I have so much to tell you!" Wish gushed. "Yer in fer quite a story, yerself," Martini warned her. Bitter, feeling left out, cleared her throat. "Aren’t ya happy ta see me?" she demanded to know, laughing. Wish pretended to think about it and then said, "Nope not really." After a few seconds she cracked a smile and cried, "Of course I’m happy ta see ya!!" hugging Bitter too. The rest of the newsies all greeted each other, uneventfully. Spot said hi to Bitter and kissed her. Cards talked to all the Manhattan newsies, and hugged Bitter and Martini. Finally, Wish noticed that she didn’t know Jess. "Who’s dis?" she asked. "Oh, sorry," Martini said. "Lapse in manners! Dis is me friend…" "Jess" Spot stated, coldly. "I was wonderin’ if ya would remembah me, Spot," Jess said, obvioulsy pleased that he did. "Shoah, I remembah ya. Ya made me life hell fer two months," he told her. "What?!" Martini, Race, Mush, Blink and Bitter all asked together. Jess looked uncomfortable. "Dat’s right. Jess decided dat she had a crush on me ‘bout a year ago or somethin’. I didn’t like her too much but was polite ta her outta respect fer her broddah, who’s da leadah a Queens," Spot informed everyone. He paused for a minutes until Blink, Mush, and Racetrack’s exclamations of "WHAT DA HELL" and "QUEENS?! HER?! WHAT?!" and "SHE WAS TOO PRETTY TA BE TRUE" died down. (I’ll let you figure out who said what…WAHAHA) "Yeah, Queens. So, we dated a little bit or whatevah, but you know me I got bored aftah awhile. But, dis goil heah," he said idicating Jess, "wouldn’t take dat as an answer. She went an’ told her bruddah ‘bout how I took advantage a her an’ broke her heart. She’s da reason dat Queens an’ Brooklyn are fightin’," he finished. Everyone looked completley shocked. None more than Bitter and Jess. Jess burst out crying. "I HATE YA" she yelled before running out of the room. Martini ran after her yelling, "JESS! COME BACK", and pushing Spot while she passed. Spot watched them leave then turned back to the group. "So, what was she doin’ heah, anyways," he asked Bitter. Bitter gave him the coldest glare she could manage through tears. "Don’t you evah talk ta me again, Spot Conlan!" she yelled before running out of the room. Wish, shrugged and started to follow. "Wait, wheah are ya goin’?" Cards asked her, confused. "Well…da rest a da goils left. I figured dat Spot did somethin’ really bad an’ even doh I didn’t catch it, once I do figrue out what it was den I wont want ta be ‘round him," she stated, as if completely logical. Cards bursted out laughing. "All right, den. Aldoh, I’ll be lonely wid out ya," he told her. The rest of the guys in the room rolled their eyes. "Anuddah one bites da dust," Racetrack muttered loud enough for everyone to hear him. Cards and Spot glared at him immediatley. Wish laughed walking out of the room. Just when Wish left, Jack entered. "Is it safe in heah yet?" he asked walking in. "Ya wimp. Are ya hidin’ from Wish?" Spot asked. "Nah, I jest didn’t want ta get in da fight ya were startin’. I’se finds it hilarious dat Bittah jest got competely angry at ya an’ ya don’t even know what ya did," Jack told him. "I seems ta remembah some oddah guy dat was in da same situation," Spot pointed out. "Yeah, well dat guy didn’t have da situation happen wid his goil friend," Jack countered. "Dat’s true…Do ya know what I said, anyways?" Spot asked. "Not a clue. If I knew ‘bout goils would I have had ta send Wish off ta Brooklyn?" Jack asked pointedly. "Guess not…damnit I jest wish I knew what I said," Spot said, frusturated. "Why do goils got ta ovah react all da time, anyways?" "Unsolved mystery," Jack said. "It ain’t dat hard!" Mush exclaimed, causing everyone to lo ok at him. "It ain’t dat hard ta figure it out. God, are ya all idiots?! Jess is obviously pissed ‘cause ya made her out ta seem like some psycho stalkah. Martini is angry ‘cause ya hurt her friends feelin’s. An’ obviously Bittah is angry one, because ya were talkin’ ‘bout one a yer goils infronta her, yer nevah supposed ta do dat! An’ second cause ya told everyone dat ya get bored easily!" "So what if I get bored easily? Is dat a reason ta yell at someone? It’s a character flaw!" Spot said, not understanding. Mush rolled his eyes. "Uhh…let me walk ya through dis one Spot. Bittah is yer goil right now. Ya jest told everyone dat ya get bored a yer goils really easily. Put two an’ two tageddah an’ ya pretty much said dat yer gunna get bored a her soon," he explained as if talking to a young child. Spot finally got it. "Ohh! Geez I shoulda known dat! I feel like Davie now…Well, I’ll jest go talk ta her. I didn’t mean her…I meant dose goils dat didn’t mean nothin’ ta me but were jest fun fer awhile. Bittah, isn’t like dat at all. Plus, who could get bored wid her? Half da time we’se fightin’ an’ dat always keeps things inerestin’," Spot decided. **Meanwhile with Martni and Jess** "Hey! Jess! Wait up!" Martini yelled running to catch up with her. Jess relented and paused until Martini could catch up to her. "What do ya want?" she asked, wiping tears off of her face. "I want ta know what dat was all about," Martini stated as if it was obvious. "Ya heard Spot. He told ya what happened," Jess said, sniffeling. "No one listens ta Spot ‘round heah!" Martini said trying to cheer her up. After Jess rolled her eyes she quickly finished, "Well, okay so most people know him. But dat don’t mean dat I do…infact I generally don’t…Anyways da point is dat I don’t believe dat is da way things really are." "Why not? Everyone else does…" Jess said tearing up more. "Oh c’mon. Do ya really think dat I would take Spot’s story ovah yers? A course I woudn’t! ‘Sides you stayed by me even doh Oscah told ya stories an’ I ain’t gunna let ya feel bad ‘bout dis. So, c’mon tell me what really happened alright?" Jess gave a small smile. "Thanks Martini," she said giving her a hug. "I needed dat." "So…are ya gunna tell me?" Martini prodded. "All right. Well, mosta what he said was true jest he made it sound a lot worse. I did have a hopeless crush on him an’ so he asked me ta go out wid him an’ I was ecstatic. Den, bein’ a little less experienced den him…okay a lot less experienced den him…we did some stuff dat I wasn’t ready fer. But, I was stupid an’ everythin’ an’ thought her really liked me so I did dem. Well, aftah a week a…doin’ dose things…he jest ignored me completely. He wouldn’t even talk ta me or acknowledge me or nothin’. I was heart broken an’ so I was really sad one day an’ Andrew asked me ‘bout it. I told him all about it, him bein’ me bruddah an’ all. Well, he took it as a insult ta him or some crap like dat an’ decided dat he was goin’ ta get back at Spot somehow…an’ well dey’s been fightin’ evah since," Jess explained between sniffles. Martini gave her another hug. "It’s okay. Spot’s a joik…we all knew day," she told her, soothingly. "No, its not okay! I was jest meetin’ everyone an’ likin’ dem an’ now dey’s all gunna hate me! He ruins everythin’!" she said starting her crying all over. "No, come on. Everyone’s gunna understand once ya tell dem what happened. An’ maybe even Spot doesn’t undahstand what happened. Everything’s going to be all right," Martini explained. **Meanwhile with Bitter and Wish** "Hey Bittah, are ya okay?" Wish asked walking up tentavily. She knew she probably wasn’t the ideal person to have this conversation with Bitter but decided she had to try. She wasn’t going to look back at this, in shame, like the whole Martini situation. "Shoah, I’ll be fine," Bitter said, trying not to cry. "Look, I’m shoah Spot didn’t mean it," Wish said, not really knowing what she was talking about. "Yeah he did. Why else would he say it? I mean gawd who knows if he isn’t already bored wid me an’ jest stayin’ wid me ‘cause he’s tryin’ ta be nice?" Bitter asked. "Ohh…" Wish said. Then, getting a strange look from Bitter, she said "Ohh I don’t think dat Spot would do dat. I mean, come on, since when does he do somethin’ jest so anuddah person’s feelings don’t get hurt?" she asked, trying to cover for her slowness on understanding Bitter’s feelings. Bitter smiled a little. "Yeah, I guess yer right…Actually, that’s really right. Spot wouldn’t do it jest ta be nice," she agreed smiling bigger. Then her face suddenly fell again. "But what if he’s only doin’ it ‘cause he knows dat Jack would beat him up if he broke me heart?" "’Cause Jack couldn’t kick me ass even if I bent ovah ta help him," Spot said walking into the room. "Go away," Bitter commanded. Spot rolled his eyes. "Why would I go away if da reason I came heah was ta talk ta ya, an’ we haven’t talked yet?" "I don’t want ta talk ta ya so ya might as well jest go away," Bitter told him. "Listen, Bittah, yer bein’ stupid ‘bout dis. I didn’t mean…" Spot started to explain but Bitter cut him off. "Now, not only are ya bored a me but yer insultin’ me? I ain’t stupid Spot Conlan. I know exactly what’s goin’ on ‘round heah an’ none a it is good!" she said, close to letting the tears fall. "Well…I think it’s about time fer me ta go…" Wish said starting across the room. "No, you stay Wish. Spot can go," Bitter told her. "Umm…I don…" Wish started. "Why are ya bein’ so sensative ‘bout dis. I wasn’t sayin’ anythin’ ‘bout us!" Spot said frusturated. "Because yer a joik! Even if ya weren’t sayin’ dat ya were bored wid me I would still be extremely angry at ya!" Bitter informed him. "Yup…okay…you all have fun…" Wish said running out of the room before anyone could stop her. Bitter and Spot barely noticed her exit, wrapped up in their argument. "Why da hell would ya be mad at me oddah den dat?" Spot asked, confused and angry. "Ya jest were completely mean ta dat goil, jest ‘cause she liked ya! What kinda person are ya?" she accused. "I can’t believe yer takin’ her side! She’s da one dat’s helpin’ ta destroy da newsies!" Spot yelled, furious now. "She’s still human! Jest cause she’s from Queens doesn’t meen ya can walk all ovah her!" Bitter informed him, just as furious. "God I don’t know what ya expect from me! Did ya want me ta hug her an’ say ‘Hey, thanks fer helpin’ ta ruin me life’. Cause it ain’t happenin’!" Spot commented, the sarcasm almost tangible in his voice. "I’se jest expectin’ a little decency. I guess dat’s too hard fer da Mighty Spot Conlan!" Bitter said walking towards the door. **Meanwhile in bunkroom** All the boys groaned together when they heard Spot and Bitter start to fight. "Nooot again," Blink whined. "If we has ta lock dem in da bathroom ‘gain I ain’t doin’ it. Getting’ hit starts ta hurt aftah a while!" "Don’t look at me, me nose still ain’t workin’ right," Cards quipped. (hehe quipped…quipster…okay sorry back to the story…) "Why can’t dey jest get along?!" Mush asked, frusturated. "’Cause da only thing keepin’ dem tageddah is dat Bittah ain’t willin’ ta take none a his crap. An’ Spot ain’t used ta it," Cards said. "Well, I fer one is sick a it," Racetrack decided. "So are da rest a us, but dey jest have ta work it out dis time, I guess. We can’t jest keep buttin’ inta der poisonal lives," Blink said. "I know from experience dat it brings nothin’ but BAD things." Wish walked in, then, laughing. They all looked at her, quizically. "What’s so funny?" Cards asked, putting an arm around her waist. "Dey jest is so amusin’. Bittah is all scared ‘bout losin’ him…so she fights wid him. Spot wants ta show dat he still likes her…so he fights wid her. It’s all so weird, but it actually worked fer dem!" she explained. "Yeah, so did ya talk ta Martini an’ Jess?" Mush asked. "Oh, no…I went straight fer Bittah. I don’t really know dat Jess goil so I figured I’d leave it ta Martini." "Good. Den ya got ta come back fastah," Cards said, kissing her on the cheek. "Look at Cards pullin’ out da smooth moves! Are ya two tageddah, now?" Racetrack observed. Cards and Wish blushed a little, and nodded. "Well, all I can say is dat it’s ‘bout time! I was thinkin’ we’d have ta lock you two in da bathroom," Blink joked. Blink then hugged Wish in congratulations. Before pulling away he told her, "If ya fight as much as Bittah an’ Spot den I’ll have ta do somethin’ really durastic." Wish giggled and assured him, " I think yer safe. Now dat Cards an’ I are tageddah, nothin’ will break us up…unless he decides ta start actin’ like Jack or somethin’ stupid like that." Everyone looked relieved, except Cards who was looking a little nervous. He had never seen anything wrong with the way Jack acted, and even thought of him as a friend, so he had no idea when he did and didn’t act like him. **Back to Martini and Jess!** "So, ya feelin’ a little bettah now?" Martini asked after a couple more minutes of trying to comfort Jess. "Yeah…I think. I jest don’t think dat I can go back in der an’ face dem now dat dey know I was lyin’ ta dem!" "Well, I promise dey wont be mean. An’ dey wont be nothin’ like Oscah an’ beat ya up. Dey’re nice guys…dey’ll undahstand. An’ if dey don’t den I’ll…well I’ll…I’ll I dunno do somethin’ really mean ta dem. If dey’s mean ta ya den maybe dey deserve whatevah Oscah and Co. have in store fer dem," she tried to assure her. "All right," Jess said, putting on a brave face and wiping all the tears off her face. "I’ll go talk ta dem. I feel like such a baby lettin’ Spot make me cry aftah all dis time!" Martini laughed. "We got way too much in common, Jess. C’mon" she said taking Jess’s hand and leading her back to the bunk room. **Let us now travel to Spot and Bitter** (LOL Are you getting sick of this yet? TOO BAD) After about ten minutes of fighting Bitter and Spot were still going strong. "You is so infuriatin’! I only came in heah ta tell ya dat I’se loved ya an’ would nevah get bored a ya!" Spot yelled. Bitter yelled, "Well I don’t care," then suddenly paused and softly inquired, "Ya love me?" "A course I do!" Spot yelled. Then calmed down and said quieter, "A course I do. Why else do ya think I would hang ‘round wid ya so long when ya make me life so hard?" Bitter had to laugh. "Well, yer life’s too easy anyways…" Spot had to laugh at this. "Not wid you around…" "So, ya ain’t gunna jest get bored one day an’ get rid a me?" she asked, looking at the floor, as if she was deciding if she really wanted to hear his answer or not. "Not a chance. ‘Sides, somethin’ tells me dat you an’ da boys wouldn’t let me do dat if I tried," he said smirking. "Damn straight we wouldn’t," she said looking up happily. "Good, I wouldn’t want ya ta," he said. "So, we’re all right now, right?" Spot asked, hopefully. "Yeah, we’se all right," Bitter said smiling. "Good, c’mere den," Spot said, his eyes sparkeling with mischeiousness. "What if I don’t wanna? What if I want you ta come ovah heah?" she challenged him. Spot thought for a second, then walked over to her. "Den, I would have ta say yer wish is my command," he told her. "Good. I like dis new relationship we got goin’ on," she teased. "Well, aren’t ya gunna make any wishes?" he asked impatiently. "Hundreds a goils would die ta be in yer shoes an’ have Spot Conlan as der slave!" "I gotta wish, all right. I think dat ya should have ta got back in der an’ make up wid Jess," Bitter told him. This caught him off guard a little. He soon got himself back on guard and smirked. "Is dat all? I thought ya were gunna tell me ta do somethin’ hard like kiss ya or somethin’," he joked. Bitter laughed and hit him on the arm playfully. "I’se serious Spot. Ya gotta go make up wid her. Ya said ya’d do whatevah I said," she reminded him. Realizing she was serious he lost his smirk. "Der ain’t now way I’se gunna make up wid her. Do ya have any idea how much trouble she caused?!" "Yeah, well start thinkin’ things through a little more, Conlan. Let’s think dis through. Jess is Tick’s sistah. Tick is helpin’ plan da attack on da newsies. Jess gets mad at Spot den Tick gets mad at Spot. Jess gets happy wid Spot an Tick…come on Spot what comes next," she patronized. "Get’s happy wid Spot. All right all right I get it. Fine, sadly enough, yer right again. I’ll go talk ta her, all right?" Spot gave in. "Good. It’s nice ta have powah," she told him. "Well, oh powahful one. I think dat if I do dis fer you, den you gotta do somethin’ fer me." "Oh, yeah an’ what’s dat?" she asked. "Dis," he said before reaching around her waist and pulling her closely. He smiled momentarily before covering her lips with his. Bitter put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Ya know, havin’ fights ain’t so bad. Since aftah dem we get ta make out…I mean make up…yeah dat’s exactly what I meant… Bitter, as much as she didn’t want to, pulled away from him and released herself from his grip. "Spot, stop stallin’. Get dat cute butt a yers in der an’ apologize." Spot laughed and walked towards the bunk room. Bitter followed him closely to make sure that he followed her command. **During that time, in the bunk room** (I swear that is the last one! Well…at least in this little sequence) "Hey, guys" Jess said hesitantly, entering the bunk room. They all turned around and looked at her. None of them really knew what to say. None of the guys were really angry with her but they didn’t know how to tell her that. Jess took their silence for hatred and her knees became a little weaker. She didn’t know how to apologize or how to relate her side of the story. Wish, feeling sorry for Jess, asked, "Are ya umm…okay, Jess?" and smiled warmly at her. Jess, thankful for a sympathetic person in the group returned her smile with a weaker one and nodded. "I’m fine. I’m uhh…sorry I made such a big scene an’ everythin’. I jest wasn’t really prepared fer dat. I didn’t know dat, dat was how he felt all dis time." The other boys, still clueless what to say, just nodded and tried to give smiles. Wish, still trying to break the palpable awkwardness, nodded and said, "Well, ‘round heah it’s easy ta get misconceptions. It seems ta be a daily event wid dis group." Martini and the boys couldn’t supress their laughter, when Wish said this. Wish and Jess looked around bewildered at the sudden burst of laughter. "What’s so funny?" Jess asked. Wish shrugged. "Beats me. I sweah dese people are crazy!" Martini gasped for air before trying to explain it. "Sorry, we jest…" she stopped for a breath of air. "We jest think it’s funny dat Wish is da one ta say dat when she’s usually da one makin’ da misconceptions!" Wish blushed a little. "Well I guess I do jump ta conclusions a litte…" she admitted. "A little? Goil if der were a sport fer who could jump ta conclusions fastest ya would get foist place in it every time," Racetrack told her, still laughing. Wish rolled her eyes. "I’m not dat bad!" "Dat bad at what?" Bitter asked entering the room. "Nothin’. Dey’s jest bein’ mean," Wish told her. "So, are you guys all right now?" she asked Bitter and Spot when they had joined the group. "Yeah, we’se fine," Bitter assured her. "But Spot has somethin’ ta say." Spot glared at Bitter before turning his attention to Jess. "Look, Jess, I know dat was mean an’ I shouldn’t a done dat, ‘specially when yer everyone’s friend. An’ so I’se sorry ‘bout dat an’ hope you’ll fergive me," he muttered, almost inaudible, before looking to Bitter for her approval. Bitter nodded to show her approval. Jess, not expecting this, said, "Dat’s fine, Spot. Whatevah." "Good, den," he said abruptly, signaling that the subject was closed. "Look, Martini an’ I gotta go everyone. I think dat..err someone might stop by ta check on us latah on tanight an’ I don’t want ta have ta make up lies ‘bout wheah we were," Jess said getting to her feet. A chorus of "byes" came from the group as Jess and Martini made their way to the door and down the stairs. Just as they were about to exit the house, Wish came running up to them. "Hey, wait up you guys!" she yelled. They turned and looked at her. "Yeah?" Martini asked. "Hey, Mar, I jest wanted ta say dat I’se sorry fer everythin’. I know dat ya already fergave me an’ I jest wanted ta say sorry, doh. I’se felt real bad ‘bout it," Wish told her. "Aw..It’s okay. Look, we’re sistahs. It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t fight at least once ‘n a while. ‘Sides, now I get ta hold dis ovah ya fer da rest a yer life," she joked. Wish laughed and relaxed visibly. "Thanks, Mar. Thanks a lot. I mean dat. Hey, would it be okay if I came an’ visited ya guys tomarrah? I’se had ‘bout all I can take from boys!" she exclaimed. Wish looked at Jess, questionally. Jess thought about it for a second. "A course ya can visit. Dat would be great. I’se jest don’t know when…how ‘bout ‘round uhh…3 or so? I might not be home yet but Martini will prolly." "Dat would be great. An’ den when ya get home we can have da best gossip session evah!" Wish said, eager to include Jess into their small group of friends. Jess looked surprised that Wish wanted to assimilate her into their group, but was far from protesting it. "I’d really like dat," she said truthfully. "Hey, an’ thanks fer what ya did up der…it was really weird…ta say da least." Wish smiled warmly at her. "Any friend a Martini’s is a friend a mine. ‘Sides I know how weird it is ta have ta be in a fight wid one a der friends an’ not know if dey’ll still be my friend," she said recalling her fighs with Jack. "Infact, remind me ta tell ya ‘bout me fight wid Jack. It’s stuningly similar ta yers I think." Jess grinned. "It’s nice ta know dat I ain’t da only one ta make da mistake…" Wishsmiled back at her. "Jess, I think dis is da beginnin’ of a beautiful friendship." Jess laughed. "I hope so. Look, we really gotta get goin’. I didn’t want ta say anythin’ up der wid everythin’ goin’ on but me bruddah’s gunna visit an’ check on us fer da rest a da boys an’ I don’t want him wonderin’ wheah we went." Wish nodded in understanding. "Okay, den. I’ll see ya tomorrah. Hey, could I maybe bring Bittah if she wants ta come?" "Yeah, shoah, dat would be great," Jess said, in shock that the girls were being so accepting of her, even though she was from Queens. Dat settles it. Der ain’t no way I’se lettin’ Andrew an’ da oddahs mess wid dese people. Most a dem really are nice! I’ll find some way ta stop dem. Wish walked up to the bunk room and was met immediatley by Cards and Spot leaving. "Wheah are you guys goin’?" she asked. "Back ta Brooklyn a course. Der’s still time tanight. We came ta talk ta Martini an’we did," Cards told her, putting an arm around her shoulder and bringing her closer before continuing walking. Wish shrugged off his arm. "I’m not leavin’. I jest told Martini an’ Jess dat I would come by tomarrah ta talk an’ all." "Fine, den stay," Spot said, starting to walk off again. "I can’t jest stay! Der ain’t no way dat Jack would let me. He’s probably still foamin’ at da mouth!" Wish protested. "Ain’t my problem. I’se gotta get back," Spot told her. He had been considerably colder to her after the huge fight between all of them. Wish glared at him before turning to Cards for support. "Cards, what am I supposed ta do?" she asked. "Well…I guess I could stay an’ talk ta Jack fer ya if ya want," Cards decided. "Would ya really, Cards? Dat would be so great!" she gushed before leaping onto him and giving him a hug. "Ain’t a problem at all," he said, looking very happy. "Is dat okay wid you, Spot?" "Boy, are you whipped," Spot observed. "I am not!" Cards protested. "It ain’t like ya wouldn’t do da same fer Bittah if she needed it!" Spot rose his eyebrows but decided against retorting to the statement. "Fine, stay, whatevah ya want." "Great," Cards said, enthusiastically. "Yeah, c’mon Cards lets go back in!" Wish said. "Bye Spot," she said a little coldly, still angry at him for being rude. "Yeah, whatevah," Spot said before walking off, towards Brooklyn. Wish pulled Cards back into the Lodging House saying, "Ya don’t know how much dis means ta me! I jest couldn’t not show up tomarrah an’ but I couldn’t face Jack alone. I promise I’ll be nice ta him an’ everything! I won’t do nothin’ but be nice an’ friendly…" "Wish, it’s okay I already said I’d help you," Cards pointed out laughing. "I know…it’s jest. It’s jest so…I dunno weird us bein’ tageddah an’ everythin’. I didn’t in a million years think dat I would end up wid someone as nice as ya aftah ALL dose joiks I dated!" she tried to explain. Cards, sidetracked, tried to appear casual when asking, "Jest how many joiks did you date?" Wish laughed at his cute, jealous face. "I can’t believe it, Cards. Yer jealous ovah me! I’se…aww its jest so cute!!" she told him before kissing him on the cheek. Cards was momentarily satisfied with the kiss but then realized that she had diverted him from his original question. "No really Wish. Jest ‘bout how many? Is it in da tens? Twentys? Hundreds?" he insisted. "Cards, it ain’t dat important. Da point is dat we’se tageddah now an’ we’se gunna stay like dis fer a long time," Wish decided. Bitter, who happened to be passing them in the hallway, laughed when she heard this. "No wondah you an’ Spot hooked up. Ya answer questions da same way, flatterin’ an’ vague." Cards laughed with her. "Ya know yer right. Well, Bittah when we run away tageddah at least dey can comfort each oddah," he pointed out. "Hey, good point. So tanight at 11, right?" she joked. "Shh…not while Wish is around!" he scolded playfully. Bitter laughed as she continued her way down the call and to the washroom. |