Cards and Wish walked into the bunkroom and sat with Blink, Mush and Racetrack, talking and playing cards. Wish, sadly, got made fun of for her card playing. She hadn’t had much practice in it and wasn’t as good as the other boys. "God, Cards yer goil has got a pokah face as bad as Mush’s, an dat’s sayin’ somethin’! Why didn’t ya teach her how ta play cards at Brooklyn or were you uhh…occupied wid oddah activities?" he asked winking. Cards laughed at his comment and Wish just rolled her eyes. "Nah, unfortunately not too busy wid oddah err…fun things but I think she’s jest hopeless at cards. Sad, I know. But I’se willin’ ta ovah look it, in her. She’s got oddah qualities," Cards joked. "Yeah, like her legs an’ her hair an’ her…" Blink joked "I think I’ll stop ya right der befoah ya say somethin’ dat yer not supposed to," Wish interrupted. "’Sides, I can play pokah, if I want ta. Ya ain’t see nothin’ yet. Jest remembah ya asked fer it! I’ll be right back," she said walking off. "How are ya goin’ ta play bettah if ya ain’t evah heah ta play?" Cards called after her. "Jest a minute, I’ll be right back," Wish assured him before disappearing out the door. Moments later she came back in with Bitter, laughing and whispering. The girls had unbuttoned their shirts farther down, showing a little cleavage. They smiled at the boys, flirtaciously. Wish sat down, making sure to bend over a little in the process. "Let’s play some cards, boys," she said, winking. They boys, worried about what they were getting themselves into, figured that at least this would be entertaining. Bitter sat down in-between Mush and Blink while Wish sat in between Cards and Racetrack. The rest of the game was a free-for-all for Wish and Bitter. Wish was kept busy playing with Card’s feet under the table and laughing hysterically at Racetrack jokes. Bitter flattered Blink and Mush. Both girls flirted as they never had before, and had the time of their lives doing it. The boy’s attentions, needless to say, weren’t directed at the poker game any more. All four were soaking up the attention from the girls and loving it. "Oh Race you’re soo…" Wish started while giggling, until she saw Jack walk into the room. "Umm…hey Jack," she said, forgetting what she had been saying before. He didn’t look very happy to see her at all. Infact, he looked down-right mad. "Uhh…don’t take dis da wrong way or nothin’, Wish, but what da hell are ya doin’ heah?" Wish’s good mood immediatley disapeared. She took her hands away from Racetrack’s arm and said, "Well, I was heah ta talk ta Martini an’ I figured dat I might as well talk ta you, too," she told him. "Yeah, it seems ta me dat da last time we talked things didn’t go so well. So, yeah, der’s plenty a time fer ya ta get back ta Brooklyn befoah dark. Have a fun trip," he told her starting to walk towards his bunk. Wish looked shocked that he had been so outright mean to her. All right, I guess dat I desoived dat. Aftah all I did scratch him so hard dat I drew blood. I’ll jest try again. Wish followed him to his bunk. He didn’t seem to notice that she was there so she touched his arm and said, "Jack, look…" Before she could finish, he jerked away his arm, as if she was fire. "What do ya want from me?" he asked angrily. "It was da smartest thing I did throwin’ ya out a heah. Things have been much more peaceful." "What I want is fer ya ta listen ta me Fr..Jack! I jest wanted ta apologize. I know dat I shouldn’t a done dat…any of it. I know da whole thing was stupid, all right? I admit it." "Do ya expect a medal or somethin’? Do ya think I care if ya admit da truth? All I care is dat yer outta me life now," Jack said jerking off his vest and bandanna. "Now, if ya don’t mind, I’se gunna have ta ask ya ta leave. I’se late fer a date an’ really I jest don’t like talkin’ ta ya." He turned around and started searching through his clothes for a clean shirt. Wish started to walk away but decided to give it one more try. She touched his arm again and said, "Look, Jack, I know dat I desoived dat. ‘Specially ‘cause a what I put ya through…but can’t ya jest fergive me? I ain’t even wantin’ ta stay dat long. I jest need ta stay heah tanight, ‘cause I promised Martini an’ Jess dat I would visit dem tomarrah." Jack stood up and searched her face. Finding that her apology was real he softened, but only slightly. "Fine," he said, taking his arm out of her reach again. "Der ain’t no beds, but da bed in da sick room. Ya can stay der wid Cards if ya want. But only fer tanight. I mean it. Den yer back ta Brooklyn an’ outta me life again." Wish, happy that Jack had relented, almost threw her arms around him to give him a hug. She stopped mid-action, seeing the glare on his face. "Okay, well, thanks Jack. Really, thanks," she said smiling at him. Jack rolled his eyes. "Whatevah. An’ button up yer shoit, ya look like a whore. Don’t think dat I’se lettin’ ya stay heah jest ‘cause ya flirted wid me. I may think yer pretty but dat ain’t da reason I’se letting ya stay heah. ‘Cause no mattah how pretty a goil is if shes a bitch den der ain’t no use even botherin’ wid her," he told her, walking off to the washroom to get changed and cleaned up for his date. Wish stood there shocked, watching him leave. Did he jest say dat he thought I was pretty an’…he musta jest meant ta insult me…not ta imply dat he likes me. Dat couldn’t be. Aftah all he must know dat I’se wid Cards…well I guess he couldn’t know dat…but…. Cards walked up to her, interupting her pondering. "What was dat all about?" he asked her. Wish furrowed her eyebrows. "Don’t I wish I knew. Oh well…he said dat I could stay heah but only tanight. He’s still livid at me. Said dat jest cause he thinks I’se pretty don’t me dat he likes me…" Cards looked at her oddly. "He actually said dat?" "Yeah…somethin’s goin’ on weid wid him. Could ya maybe go talk ta him or somethin’?" she asked giving him a winning smile. "Shoah, ya know I can’t say no ta you," he told her heading off in the direction of the washroom. "Oh, maybe mention da fact da we’re tageddah now…" Wish said. "It might be useful infermation fer hi ta know." Cards laughed. "You jest want ta brag dat ya got such a handsome guy ta be yer guy," he accused playfully. "Somethin’ like dat," Wish said, rolling her eyes. "Hey, Jack," Cards said entering the washroom, to find Jack shaving. "How’s it goin’, Cards?" Jack mummbled, paying careful attention to the task at hand. (hehe…the task is "at hand" being present and it uses his hands…gawd I should stick to the story writing shouldn’t I?) "Uhh…it’s been goin’ pretty good actually," Cards told him, unsure what to say. "So…" Jack said wondering if there was a point to Cards comign to talk to him. "Yeah…soo…" Cards said searching frantically for something to say. "Is der a point ta ya comin’ in ta talk ta me?" Jack asked, getting straight to the point. (HAHA point…razor…yeah yeah back to the story) "Uh…well I saw dat ya were kinda upset ‘bout Wish bein’ heah an’ all…but now dat I’se heah no I can’t think a any reason fer me comin’ in heah," Cards said with a nervous laugh. "Look, Cards, I know dat ya got a crush on her an’ all but it ain’t me faul dat we cant stand each other," Jack said still focusing on shaving. "Actually, Jack…it ain’t jest dat I got a crush on her. We’se sorta an’ item now…ya know…she’s me goil," Cards told him. Jack, shocked at the news he was hearing, accidentally knicked his cheek with his razor. When he saw the blood in the mirror he swore loudly. "Jest happy dat ya don’t have ta heah me whinin’ anymoah?" Cards joked, knowing that wasn’t the reason Jack had hurt himself. "Yeah, somethin’ like dat. Look, Cards, I’se real happe fer ya but I’se late. Do ya mind lettin’ me finish up heah an’ I’ll talk ta ya latah, all right?" he said trying to hurry Cards out of the room. "Yeah," Cards said, a little confused. "Dat’s fine. Look, thanks fer lettin’ us stay heah, an’ everythin’, all right?" "Yeah, not a problem lettin’ ya stay heah. Now in Wish’s case…well anyways yer welcome. See ya latah," Jack told him. "Yup," Cards said walking out the door. Jack looked at himself in the mirror and thought, Well, I guess dat answers yer question ovah if she still likes ya or nor. Not dat you like her, right Jack? Nah she’s annoyin’ an’ whiney an’ bitchy an’ has da most beautiful eyes. Wait! Stop not da thought yer goin’ fer. She doesn’t match up ta any of da oddah goils ya go out wid, shes high maitenence, she’s….impossible ta stop thinkin’ bout. What have ya gotten yerself inta Jacky-boy? Cards walked out of the washroom looking troubled. Bitter and Wish looked up to see him approaching where they had been talking and saw his look. "What’s wrong wid ya?" Bitter asked him. "Yeah…uhh ya know how Jack’s all mad at ya Wish?" he told them both. They nodded, since it was quite obvious. "Well, I think it might be ‘cause he’s got a small crush on ya," he told them, looking worried. "Nu uh!" Bitter protested, shocked. "Well, he didn’t tell me or nothin’. But…I told him dat Wish an’ I was tageddah an’ he cut himself wid his razor, den made me leave." Wish sighed and laid back in the bed. "Now what do I do?" she asked. "Nothin’" Bitter insisted. "I don’t know what’s goin’ on but I don’t think dat Jack has a crush on ya. Der must be somethin’ else goin’ on!" She still couldn’t believe that Jack was capable of hiding his emotions so cleverly. "What? Ya don’t think dat I’se crush worthy?" Wish accused. Bitter rolled her eyes. "Ya gotta stop ovahreactin’ ta stuff dat people say. I jest don’t think dat Jack would be so mean if he liked ya." she explained. "Oh…well I think dat yer right ‘bout not doin’ anythin’. It would be way to weird…I mean I cant jest go up ta him an be like ‘Jack stop lovin’ me’…dat might be jest a little random," Wish pointed out. Cards laughed. "’Sides yer goin’ back ta Brooklyn tomarrah, aftah seein’ Martini an’ Jess." "Yeah, oh by da way, Bittah, ya wanna come wid me ta see Martini an’ Jess. I figuah dat we should try ta make Jess feel all accepted an’ everythin’. Maybe she can convince her bruddah ta back off or whatevah." "Shoah, I’se up fer dat. Jest as long as Tick ain’t der I don’t care. We’se had some…uhh bad expiences if ya don’t remembah me tellin’ ya ‘bout dem." "I remembah," Wish told her. "So, we’se gunna get der ‘bout three an’ jest stay till whenevah she tells us ta leave. It’s gunna be a total catch up session an’ open gossip on da guys." Cards perked up at hearing this. "I think dat I should go ta make shoah you goils get back safe an’ everythin’." Bitter smirked. "Cards, what would da point in dat be? I’se prolly a bettah fightah den you are!" she pointed out, laughing. "Well, maybe if guys saw ya wid a big, tought guy den dey wouldn’t mess wid ya," Cards explained, still wanting to be involved. "Well, if ya tell me wheah ta find one den I’ll considah lettin’ him come," Bitter teased. "Dat hoits Bittah. Dat really hoits…" Cards said pretending to pout. "Don’t lie," Bitter commanded. He smiled, and held his hand up to his chest in fake shock. "Me lie? Wheah would ya evah get an idea like dat?" Wish and Bitter both burst out laughing when he said that. The trio sat on Bitter’s bed for a while, joking around and catching up on everything. Wish related the entire story of Cards and her hooking up to Bitter. Althought Bitter didn’t go in for the mushy, romantic talk she had to admit (as much as it pained her) that it was a cute story. Blink and Mush walked over eventually. They eyed Bitter and Wish’s shirts, which had remained unbuttoned accidentally, and not even bothering to look up at their faces said, "Hey goils, wanna play some pokah?" and grinned insinuatingly. Wish, becoming aware of her shirt, quickly buttoned a couple buttons before responding, "I think dat I already proved dat I could kick yer asses in pokah." "Dat wasn’t fair, doh," Blink whined. "Ya were distractin’ us!" "I didn’t heah any complaints from you," Bitter pointed out. "Yeah…well a course not. What guy is gunna complain when a goil has her hand on his leg?" he asked. "Den, be happy an’ admit dat ya got yer ass kicked," Bitter demanded. "If we admit it den will you goils play again?" Mush asked, looking hopeful. Bitter leaned close to him before whispering, "Not a chance," into his ear and giggeling. Mush looked disapointed. "Fine I was gunna go ta sleep anyways," he informed her and stomped off. "I guess I am too," Blink said, also looked disapointed. "Don’t worry goils, you’ll be in me dreams." "Dat’s what I live fer," Wish stated sarcastically. "I know," Blink said smuggly walking away. Cards watched this all looking amused. "Ya know, if I didn’t know dat ya were completley stuck on me I might get jealous," he observed, still looking slightly jealous. "But ya do know dat so der ain’t any reason ta get jealous," Wish reminded him kissing him on the cheek and standing up. "It is getting’ pretty late. We should get ta bed." Cards stood up and nodded, before realizing what she had said. "We? As in you an’ me goin’ ta bed tageddah. Thank you God!" he said grinning widely. Wish smiled suggestively. "Well, yeah pretty much." Card’s jaw dropped. He had figured that she meant they should go to their separate beds. "Pretty much in dat way dat Jack said dat der was only da sick room ta sleep in," Wish told him. "A room ta ourselves, hmm…dis should be interestn’." Card’s jaw dropped even further, if it was possible. "Did I say thank you, God? I meant thank you Jack!" Wish, unable to contain her laughter any longer said, "Soo pretty much it will be you on one side on top a da covahs an me on da uddah undah dem." Card’s face fell immediatley. "Dammit I knew dat it was too good ta be true. Why do ya gotta play wid me like dat?" Wish smirked, "Jest one a da perks a bein’ a woman, I guess." "Damn right, goil," Bitter said. "Now get away from me bed, I’se tired. Cards and Wish laughed and headed to the sick room. It turned out that it was only a small room with a larger bed than the bunks. Cards looked at the bed and then at Wish hopefully. Wish, having gone around with…let’s just say many boys knew exactly what he was thinking. (Not that it would be hard for a prude person to figure it out either…I’m just saying that she was experienced in situations like this…stop judging me!) "Cards, I know what yer thinkin’ an’ no. It ain’t gunna happen," she stated straight out. "I wasn’t thinkin’ ‘bout anythin’ but sleep," Cards claimed. "Maybe yer da one thinkin’ bout things dat ya shouldn’t,"he said pulling off his shirt to get ready for bed. "Oh yeah like ya didn’t immediatley think ‘bout sex when we walked in heah," Wish accused him. "Actually, I didn’t. I’se beat…’sides we ain’t been goin’ out fer dat long. I don’t think dat I’se ready fer a commitment like dat," he decided pulling off his shoes and socks. Wish, not really wanting to sleep with him, was nonetheless upset by his indifferent if not negative feelings on the subject. What? Does he not think I’m attractive or somethin’? It ain’t like I was plannin’ on jumpin’ in bed wid him on da second day a us goin’ out but STILL he should at least want ta! I’ll show HIM! (hehe Wish is easily manipulated…) "Ya ain’t thinkin’ ‘bout it, at all?" Wish questioned. "Not ‘till you brought it up. An’ a course now ya keep bringin’ it up. Ya shoah does have a doity mind, Wish," he told her, stifling his laughter when he saw her put on a determined face. "So, ya wouldn’t considah it if I did, oh say, dis?" she asked before running her arms up his chest and snaking them around his neck. "Not really," Cards claimed, finding it harder to speak in a normal voice. "So, if I did dis ya still woudlnt think ‘bout it?" Wish asked before starting to nibble on his neck. "Well, I’se startin’ ta th…th…think ‘bout it," he said, finding that his throat had involunarily gone tight. (Oookay…sorry but not in the mood for this…sooo you can just use your imaginations for what comes next…I’m not much of a porn writer…hint hint porn…I wonder what they did…) After finishing they fell asleep in each other’s arms, completely content and definatley not on opposite sides of the bed. **Meanwhile on Jack’s Date** "Hey, sorry I’se late," Jack said walking up to his date and kissing her on the cheek. "I had some trouble at da Lodgin’ House." "Dat’s fine," she responded. "Is everythin’ okay now?" she asked, showing concern. "Oh, yeah…except fer da fact dat dis goil who was a complete bitch ta me shows up an’ expects me ta fergive her an’ a couse I don’t want ta ferg…" he paused and looked sheepish. "Sorry, Whispah." She smiled at him. "Dat’s okay, Jack. Do ya need ta talk ‘bout it?" she asked, always ready to listen. Especially willing to listen to Jack since she was head over heals for him. "Dat’s real nice a ya ta offah. Dat’s okay, doh. I get enough a dis goil at da House I don’t need ta think ‘bout her on a date wid a beautiful goil," he decided. "Let’s go sit down," he decided pointing to a seat at the bar. (yes…they went to a date at a bar…eh sue me it’s not like Jack is a classy feller) Whisper nodded in agreement and allowed him to pull her to the bar. He, suprisingly, pulled out the chair for her. "Thanks," she told him smiling. "Yer very welcome. See if ya had been Wish ya woulda jest blamed me fer tryin’ ta be nice when I ain’t really," he pointed out. "Oh, is Wish da goil dat ya didn’t want ta talk ‘bout?" Whisper asked, smiling. Jack looked sheepish once again. "Sorry, I’se jest in a sorta bad mood ‘bout her." "Like I said, dat’s fine. Why don’t ya jest talk ‘bout it. It’ll ya feel bettah I’ll bet," she told him, willing to do anything for Jack, even if it was listening about another girl. "Nah. I ain’t dat stupid. I don’t talk ‘bout oddah goils infronta me dates. It nevah turns out good," he said. "So, how was yer day?" "Well, business at da bar was pretty slow. It was pretty much da usual…got molested by drunks, got cursed at when I wouldn’t do nothin’ wid dem…or fer dem I should really say, den got yelled at da boss fer makin’ da customahs unhappy. Average day," she told him sarcastically. "See, dat’s what I like ‘bout ya. If ya had been Wish ya woudla jest unbuttoned yer shoit an’ given dose guys anythin’ ya wanted," he said taking a long gulp of the beer that was put in front of him. "Dat’s it Jack Kelly. Yer gunna tell me ‘bout dis goil or I’se gunna walk ta da Lodgin’ House an’ find out ‘bout her meself." Jack felt compeltly stupid. "Look, I’se really sorry. Dis is not how I pictured our date happenin’ when ya finally said yes ta me." Whisper rubbed his arm consolingly. "I shoah hope ya didn’t ask me out jest ta talk ‘bout yer crush." Jack looked up shocked. "Me crush? I do not have a crush on Wish. Hell, I can’t even stand her!" "Shoah, Jack. Dat’s why ya sit an’ talk ‘bout her wid me on da date you’se been askin’ me on fer da past month. A course ya don’t have a crush on her. What would evah give me dat idea?" she asked in fake disbeleif her hazel eyes shining saucily. (hehe try saying that word…saucily…its fun…STOP JUDGING!!) Jack sighed, exasperated, and ran his hand through her hair. "Wow, I guess yer right. I mean, I guess I knew befoah but I jest…well it’s complicated…" "Well, I got time hun. See, dis guy asked me out on a date but he was late an’ den he couldn’t stop talkin’ bout dis oddah goil so I dumped him. I might as well use dat time on you. Ya look like ya need it," she teased. "Thanks fer bein’ so undahstandin’, Whispah," he said smiling at her before jumping into the entire story about Wish. Starting from the very beginning when he first made fun of her all those years ago, to what Cards had told him in the bathroom. Well, I guess der are oddah boys den Jack Kelly in New Yawk. I’m thinkin’ I’ll have ta find one a dose boys cause he is so far gone he wouldn’t pay attention ta me if I locked him in me bedroom an’ danced around naked infronta him. Well, unless it was ta say how Wish would dance different. Whisper thought to herself before turning her full attention to Jack. They sat at the bar, drinking and talking about Jack’s problem for a couple hours. Finally, it was getting late and they were both sufficiently drunk. "Well, I gotta go, Jack. Look, come by work an’ tell me how everythin’ goes. An’ jest think, if it don’t work out maybe I’ll go out wid ya aftah anuddah month a ya beggin’. Ya definatley gave me an’ interestin’ time," Whisper said, arising from her seat. "Look, Whispah, I’se really sorry how dis nigth turned out. But thanks fer all yer advice an’ everythin’. I guess ya were right dat I was bein’ stupid by bein’ mean ta her. Jest, thanks a lot," he told her before leaning down and kissing her sweetly on the cheek. "Only fer you, would I do dat, Jack Kelly. Only fer you. I’ll see ya latah," she told him and walked out of the bar. After Jack paid he headed off towards the Lodging House, intent on telling Wish his true feelings and winning her back. Once Jack reached the Lodging House he bounded up the stairs to the bunkroom to look for Wish. Almost everyone was already in their bunk asleep, so he figured she would be too. He looked in every bunk for her, but couldn’t understand where she had gone. Maybe I hoit her feelin’s befoah. Sayin’ she looked like a whore WAS a little mean I guess. I don’t undahstand why she would leave, doh. Dat don’t sound like Wish ta me. Wait! Now I remembah! He ran to the sick room and opened the door slowly. He was so shocked at what he saw he amost fell over. Wish and Cards were tangled in each other and fast asleep, and although there was a cover over them Jack knew they didn’t have clothes on, since they were strewn across the floor. He closed the door, and walked away from it, feeling sick to him stomache and competely depressed. Tick entered the room with Snake and Oscar close on his tale. Closely behind them were Morris and Sam. Jess and Martini looked up startled. "Oh, shoah, boys. Come right in. Dat’s okay don’t bothah knockin’ or nothin’. I don’t mind," Jess said sarcastically. Tick sighed and walked back to the door and knocked on it a couple times and said, "Hey, Jess, do ya mind if we come in," in a faux pleasant voice. Jess rolled her eyes. "It’s a little late now, ain’t it? So what do you boys want? It bettah be important, stormin’ in heah an scarin’ Martini an’ I half ta death." "We gotta talk ta ya, Jess," Tick told her. "Err…well…can we talk ta ya alone?" he asked, his eyes flicking to where Martini was sitting. Martini, getting the hint, stood up. "I have uhh…stuff…yeah stuff ta do in me room. I’ll be in der if anyone needs me," she said hurrying to her room and closing the door behind her. She attempted to listen into what was happening in the main room, but the voices were too quiet. She sighed and sat on her bed, waiting for them to allow her to come out. Only a few minutes later was there a knock on the door. "C’mon in" she yelled to the visitor. The door opened, revealing Snake. "I was wonderin’ how long it would take fer dem ta send ya outta der," she said laughing. "So, what were dey talkin’ bout?" "Jest askin’ her what she had been doin’ wid ya. Oscah is still mad at her ‘bout da oddah day fer takin’ ya heah." "Oh…nothin’ dat interestin’ den?" she asked. "Not really," he said sitting by her on her bed. "Soo…" Martini said. "I don’t supposed yer up fer anuddah pillow fight?" she joked. "Don’t even mention it! Da oddah guys still make fun a me fer it!" he told her. "Jest a suggestion. Hey, Snake, did you know dat Spot went out wid Jess fer a while?" Martini asked randomly. "What? I didn’t know dat. A course I ain’t one fer keepin’ tabs on oddah peples goils…:" Snake told her. "Oh…damnit. I was jest wonderin’ if ya could give me any infermation, but I guess not," she said, a little disapointed. "Sorry. What made ya bring it up?" he asked. "Oh, Jess an’ I were at da Lodgin’ House taday an’ Spot was der. Dey got in a fight an’ everythin’," she said offhandedly. "Oh…WHAT? Ya took her ta da Lodgin’ House? Are ya crazy?" he asked. "Huh? no. Jess an’ I have become real good friends an’ she helped me escape from Oscah an’ I took her ta da Lodgin’ House. She already knew dat I was a spy so it didn’t really mattah dat much. Den, we visited again taday an’ things got pretty ugly…but den Wish an’ Bittah were der an’ dey were decent ta her," Martini explained. "So, she’s fine wid ya bein’ a Manhattan newsie?" he asked. "I think so," she said nodding. "I really don’t think she would care if ya were a Brooklyn newsie eithah, ‘cept fer da lyin’ ta her part. She only hated Brooklyn and Manhattan newsies befoah ‘cause she thought dey were all like Spot." "Dat explains a lot," he said joking. "But, really I think dat once all dis is ovah ya should tell her da truth an’ everythin’. You guys would be so cute wid each oddah," Martini told him. Snake pretended to be angry and glared at her. " I ain’t now or evah gunna be cute. Got dat?" "Oh, of course, big-tough-Brooklyn newsie. I cowah an’ obey," she mocked. "Brooklyn newsies?" came a female voice from the door. Snake and Martini’s heads shot up to see Jess just inside the door, looking shocked. "BROOKLYN NEWSIE?!" she repeated, louder. Martini jumped up and closed the door, quickly. Snake looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Wait, Jess…it ain’t like dat…I je…" he tried to get out. Martini and Snake could see a battle going on inside her as she tried to sort out what she had just heard. "Jess, it don’t make him a different person. Does it really mattah what he does or wheah he lives?" she asked softy. Jess looked completely confused. "But…but I trusted you guys. Especially you Martini! Ya coulda told me ‘bout dis!" she said looking more hurt than angry. Martini immediatley looked ashamed. "I’se sorry, Jess. I jest wasn’t shoah dat ya wouldn’t tell yer bruddah or somethin’. I knew dat ya wouldn’t turn me in, since we’se friends an’ all. But, I jest wasn’t shoah ‘bout Snake. Den, aftah we left taday I’d decided ta tell ya but we didn’t get a chance befoah da boys came stormin’ in heah. An’ Snake couldn’t tell ya since he had his ordahs an’ all." Jess looked at Snake. "So…a Brooklyn newsie, huh?" she asked. Snake nodded in affirmation. "Ya ain’t nothin’ like Spot are ya?" she asked, warily. Snake smiled and shook his head. "Good, den. Actually, I always thought der was somethin’ different ‘bout ya. Ya don’t have da same…I dunno need ta hurt people I guess…as da rest a dem do. I’se actually a little relieved dat ya ain’t one a dem, ta tell ya da truth. Yer much moah likeable now," she said. Both Martini and Snake were shocked. "Are…are ya serious?" Snake asked, thinking it was too good to be true. "A course I’se seroius. I’se actually liked ya fer awhile now ta tell ya da truth,:" Jess admitted, deciding that now as good as time as any to be completely truthful. Martini sat down on her bed and watched them, being forgotten by both. "Really? Well..I sorta liked you, too" Snake said, struggling with the words. He wasn’t very good with the whole "mushy love stuff" as he called it. "I nevah knew dat!" Jess exclaimed. Then hearing footsteps in the hall she said, "Shh…da boys are comin’ back heah. Prolly ta get us. Can ya believe dat dey asked me ta leave dem alone in me own apartment? I found it extremely rude. Dey were talkin’ ‘bout wheddah or not deys gunna ‘allow’ Martini ta stay heah." "What? Der’s a question ‘bout it? But..I don’t wanna go back. I wanna stay heah," she said quickly. "Don’t worry, Martini. I ain’t givin’ ya up. At least not wid out a damn good fight," Jess promised. The door swung open, and Oscar stood in the doorway. "You two," he said pointing at Jess and Snake. "Get out," he commanded. "Wait jest a minute. Dis is my house. Ya can’t jest…" Jess started. Snake touched her arm and said, "C’mon. He jest wants ta talk ta her." She started to protest again but shut her mouth and walked out without another word, pausing only to glare at Oscar on her way out. Snake followed closely and shut the door behind him. Martini, nervous with being alone, took a sharp breath when he moved closer. He noticed her tense visibly and kept his distance. "I need ta talk ta ya, Martini." "Den, talk. I’se listenin’" she said, none too graciously. "All right. I want ya ta come back, home," he stated succinctly. "Look, no mattah what, yer house was nevah home ta me. I don’t got a home," she told him. "An’ der ain’t no way I’se goin’ anywheah wid ya. Ya can’t make me eithah. I’d run away da foist chance I got." "I don’t want ta make ya. I jest…I know I shouldn’t a lost me tempah but yer always makin’ me angry. An’ I wouldn’t nevah hoit ya, Martini. I love ya," Oscar told her. Martini almost crumbled when he said this but remained strong. "Ya don’t even know what dat means, Oscah," she accused him. "Ya think I don’t? Every second yer not ‘round things jest feel wrong. An’ every time I think ‘bout ya bein’ mad at me I feel sick ta me stomache. Like, someone jest hit it real hard an’ I lost me breath fer a minute. Jest, could ya give me anuddah chance at least?" he asked. Oh my gosh! I think dat is da nicest thing anyones evah said ta me. Don’t fold Martini, ya can’t. Ya gotta keep strong fer da newsies…ya don’t want dem ta get hoit do ya? Think a Race an'’how bad he looked aftah his beatin’… "Oscah, jest stop. We can’t do dis anymoah. Der ain’t now way dat it will work out when yer still tryin’ ta hoit my friends. We jest don’t got anythin’ in common," she told him. His eyes immediatley glazed over when she mentioned the newseis. "Figuahs. Da newsies have ruined everythin’ else in me life, why not ruin my relationship wid me goil, too." Martini rolled her eyes, attempting to show indifference for him and his feelings. Trying to hurt him as much as she could. "Ya might say dat, me bein’ a newsie an’ me bein’ da one breakin’ off da relationship." Oscar looked her straight in the eye, glaring. "Yer still a newsies?" Martini sneered (not in the ugly icky way..but in the mean way…there’s a difference! I just needed a new word for smirked) "A course I am. Did ya think dat I was gunna quit jest cause we’se goin’ out? I even told ya dat I was still friends wid dem!" she told him. Oscar realized this was similar to the comment he had given her when she has asked him to quit planning his revenge and the words stung all the more. Oscar, knowing this wasn’t going to turn out the way he wanted, said, "Fine, whatevah Martini. I gave ya a chance." Then he stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard behind him that Martini thought it would fall over. Wish woke up the next morning to Kloppmann’s incesent yelling from the other room. She groaned and pulled a pillow over her head, trying to drown out the noise. "Oh, no ya don’t" Cards said grabbing the pillow and pulling it out of her reach. "We gotta sell taday, an’ get done early so ya can see yer sistah. ‘Sides someones gunna come in heah soon an’ dey’ll get ideas," he told her. "I don’t want to sell and I don’t care what kind of ideas they get. I want to sleep!" she whined before covering her head with the cover and snuggling back into the bed. Cards sighed and pulled the cover down, away from her head. "C’mon we gotta get goin’" he told her. "Be a good goil an’ get outta bed." Wish got an evil smile on her face. "What if I want ta be a bad goil and stay in bed?" she asked. "Ohh no you don’t. Don’t think ya can tempt me inta stayin’ in bed. I gotta go sell. I like havin’ a roof ovah me head," he told her scooching to the other side of the bed. Wish, having more important things on her mind then sleep now, moved closer to him. "Why not Cards? Don’t ya like it in heah? It nice an’ warm an’ has good company…" she said running her hand up his chest. "Wish, c’mon! Don’t do dis ta me! Ya know I can’t resist ya!" he said, fighting to keep control of himself. "But Cards, I want ta have fun taday. Don’t you?" she asked bringing herself even closer to him. "Yeah..but..but…fuck sellin’," he said giving in. "Sellin’ ain’t da only thing yer gunna be fuckin’," Wish said laughing before Cards covered her mouth with his. Only a few minutes later Jack knocked on the door and opened it. His eyes bulged when he saw what was going on. "Oh, shit. Sorry, I didn’t know dat ya were…I mean…I jest wanted ta make shoah ya were up fer sellin’ an’ all. But, I guess ya are…So uhh…see ya at da DO," he said before closing the door quickly. Wish sighed and got up. She started gathering her clothes and putting them on. "What are ya doin’?" Cards asked confused. "Well, we can’t stay in heah now!" Wish said, as if he should have known. "Why not? He’s gone now!" Cards said, getting a little frusturated. "’Cause now he knows what we were doin’ an’ besides da whole mood is jest ruined now," she said buttoning her shirt. "Well, I’ll get ya back in da mood," Cards suggested. Wish rolled her eyes. "Hurry up an’ get yer clothes on. We’re gunna be late," she told him. Cards, grumbling, got out of bed and started getting dressed. "Foist ya don’t want ta get out a bed den ya can’t get away from it fast enough. I don’t get women…not at all," he muttered. Wish giggled and finished getting dressed. She walked out of the room with Cards following her closely. Catcalls were soon heard from every direction. "Bet dey didn’t get so much sleep last night" "Way ta go Cards!" "OW OW NICE GOIN’" Wish blushed furiously. She noticed Cards was eating up the attention and grinning widely. She glared before seizing his hand and dragging him out of the room as fast as she could. Jack made eye contact with Wish across the DO. Wow, she does look pretty ta day. God, I wish I hadn’t walked in on them…Look, Kelly, ya gotta decide if ya want ta go tell her da truth ‘bout likin’ her or let her keep on thinkin’ dat ya hate her. Oh, heah she comes… Wish walked up to Jack and greeted him. "Hey Jack," Wish said. "Look, I know dat things were…uhh…a little weird dis mornin’ but I jest wanted ta thank ya fer bein’ uhh..discreet ‘bout it." "Shoah, Wish. Not a problem," he said cooly. Okay, den, I guess I’ll jest pretend dat I still don’t like her…der’s no point in tellin’ her da truth since she obvoiusly likes Cards a lot… Wish smiled at him. "Yer da best. An’ look Jack…I know ya prolly don’t wanna heah dis" she said. Jack stopped listening at this point and started thinking Oh, gawd, she knows dat I like her an’ she’s gunna toin me down. I dunno if I can listen ta dis…I can’t. "Look, Wish, ya don’t have ta worry. I don’t like ya like dat or nothin’. I ain’t got a crush on ya or nothin’" Jack bursted out. Wish looked at him like he was crazy. "Uhh…what?" she asked. "Well, dat’s what ya were jest gunna say, isn’t it? Ya were gunna give me da ‘I don’t like ya like dat’ speech. I’se jest savin’ ya da trouble ‘cause I don’t really like ya dat way. No offense or nothin’ jest obnoxious and slutty don’t turn me on," Jack said. There, that should stop her from thinkin’ dat. Wish gave him the coldest glare possible. "Jack Kelly, you are da biggest joik in da entire World. Who da hell said dat I wanted ya ta like me dat way. An’ wheah do ya get off tryin’ ta tell me what I was goin’ ta say. All I was sayin’ is thanks fer lettin’ me stay if ya don’t like me! Why do ya have ta be so mean an’ hateful all da time?!" she asked before running off. Jack watched her go thinking, Damnit, Jack. Ya really blew it dis time. Now yer gunna have ta tell her da truth…or let her be hoit. I bettah jest tell her da truth…What’s da woist she can really do? …Make fun a ya, laugh, get sick ovah it…Okay not da thoughs I should be havin’ now. I’ll tell her latah. Wish ran over to Cards trying not to cry. They weren’t tears of hurt exactly…more of frustration. She had tried everything to get Jack to forgive her and he still refused. Every chance he got he made a snide comment. Dat’s jest fine, den. Wish thought. I ain’t gotta take it no moah. Aftah I go see Martini I ain’t gotta see him fer a long time. Cards, concerned by the tears, put his arm around her and asked, "What’s wrong, Wish?" Wish shrugged off his arm and went to buy her papers. Jack’s slut comment had touched a nerve with her and she wasn’t in the mood to have Card’s hands all over her. Cards, completely confused, followed her to get the papers thinking Dis shoah is gunna be a long day… |