Cards and Wish’s day did feel extremely wrong. They barely said a word to each other the entire time. Cards tried to joke around and pretend nothing was wrong but Wish was uncooperative and so he finally gave up. After a while he couldn’t take it anymore. Cards grabbed Wish’s arm and turned her around to face him. "Dat’s it. What is wrong wid ya taday? I want ta know right now. Is it somethin’ Jack said ta ya?" Wish, stunned that he was being so blunt, shook her head first. Then said, "Cards, it’s nothin’. I jest ain’t in a talkative mood taday. I’se tired." "Don’t give me dat tired crap. Ya weren’t tried dis mornin’ why would ya suddenly become tired aftah we left da lodgin’ house?" he accused. "I said it was nothin’. Why can’t ya jest drop it?" "’Cause I don’t wanna drop it. Was it somethin’ I did? Ya know if ya tell me den I can fix it or explain or…I dunno somethin’! I don’t like seein’ ya dis way!" he said, getting frusturated. "Look, I dunno what yer talkin’ ‘bout. I’m fine. Da only reason I’d be actin’ different is ‘cause I’se tired a ya naggin’ me," she threw at him. Cards looked like he had been slapped in the face. "Naggin’? Ya think a guy tryin’ ta cheer up his goil is naggin’? I’se sorry if I actually care enough about ya ta ask ‘bout yer feelin’s. I won’t make da mistake again," he said, looking hurt. Then he walked off muttering something about meeting her at the Lodging House later. Damnit! Now I’ve really screwed things up! Why da hell did I do dat anyways? It ain’t his fault dat Jack was mean. She kicked at the ground. I’ll make it up ta him when I get back ta da Lodgin’ House, aftah visitin’ Martini. Everythin’ will be fine. She then went about making plans on how she was going to make it up to him. She thought of various techniques, all grounded in sex in some shape or form. She smirked to herself. Maybe Jack wasn’t lyin’. Maybe I am a slut…nah…I jest know how da way ta a man’s heart…Wait..Isn’t dat supposed ta be cookin’? I dunno… She was debating this question until she bumped into someone and fell down. Jumping up and brushing herself off she quickly said, "I’m sorry. I wasn’t lookin’ wheah I was goin’ an’". She was cut short by a man’s inquisitive voice. "Martini? What are you doin’ out heah?" Wish looked up to find one of the men that had attacked her before she had come to the Lodging House. Hmm…dis can’t be good…she thought. Bettah keep it natural an’ pretend I don’t know dem. Prolly ain’t best ta be like "Hey, I know you. Yer da ones dat da Newsies are always talkin’ ‘bout wantin’ ta kill back at da Lodgin’ House!". "What?" she asked outloud. "Oh, sorry. I thought ya were someone else. Ya look an’ awful lot like dis…Haven’t we met befoah?" he asked, sure that they had. Wish forced a giggle. "Boy, if I had a dime fer every time I hoid dat one…" she joked. "No, really. I’se shoah dat we met. Wait…you are!" he exclaimed, looking pleased with himself. "Yer Martini’s sistah. It all makes sense…ya look familah an’ yer a newsie!" Wish raised an eyebrow. "An’ you would be…" Oscar, bowed mockingly and kissed her hand. "Oscah Delancy at yer servoice, Miss." Wish pulled her hand away, somewhat repulsed. "Well, nice ta meet ya Oscah. Look, I bettah be goin’. I’ll see ya ‘round sometime." She started to move away as quickly as she could without it being noticeable. Oscar lunged forward and grabbed her arm. "Don’t run off, doll. We’se jest meetin’." Wish gave him the coldest glare she could muster through her fear. "Please don’t touch me," she requested, removing her arm from his grasp. Oscar gave a mean laugh. "Well ya ain’t nothin’ like yer sistah. She was ready ta jump me aftah da foist time we met," he informed her. "I’m sorry, did I give da impression dat I wanted ta be talkin’ ta you?" she asked. "Because, I’m really sorry if I did. Now, like I said, I really gotta be goin’," she said, feighing courage. She began to walk away before she was stopped, again. Oscar had wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her backwards. "Get OFF OF ME" she yelled at him. "Hey, calm down der. I jest wanted ta talk," Oscar said, not releasing his grip. "No, talking is opptional…dis is whats commonly reffered ta as attackin’," she said struggling to get free. "Jest stop fightin’. It will make it a lot easier fer ya," Oscar encouraged. Wish, not one to take attacker’s suggestions, struggled all the harder. She stomped on his foot with all her strength and ground her heal into his toes. "Damnit! Yer gunna pay fer dat," he threatened, throwing her into a brick wall. She covered her head with her arms, and got scratches up and down them. She turned around to face Oscar, having absolutley no idea what to do. Oscar walked forward saying, "Now, we coulda done dis da nice way or da not so nice way. But, pretty much, I’se sick a yer entire family so I’se jest gunna skip ta da not so nice way." He punched her across the face, sending her head crashing into the wall, unprotected this way. Feeling the stinging of fresh scratches on her face, and intense head pain, she fell to the ground. "C’mon! Ain’t ya gunna put up any fight?" he challenged. Wish, almost frozen with fear, looked around frantically for something to attack him with. Finally, seeing a board only a few feet away, she dove for it. Oscar stopped her and stomped on her hand. "Ya don’t think I’se dat stupid do ya?" She grimaced in pain and brought her hand in quickly, fully knowledgeable of at least two fingers that had snapped under the pressure. She glared up at Oscar and asked, "What da hell do ya want from me anyways?" Oscar smirked. "Ready ta concede now are ya? Well I ain’t had nearly ‘nough fun," he informed her, kicking her in the stomach, forcefully. She gasped at the harshness of the blow and fell over to her side, holding her stomach. Wish automatically curled up into a ball, waiting for the blows that she knew were to come. Gawd, now what. I can’t do anythin’. I jest…gawd it hurts so much. She thought crying. Oscar kicked her a couple of times taking out all his frustration with Martini on her. Wish, seeing the board again, decided It’s not or nevah. Might as well give some sorta fight. I don’t think he’s gunna stop… When Oscar had paused in his assault to catch his breath Wish threw herself at the board and felt complete relief when she grasped it in her good hand. Oscar noticed what she was doing, but figuring she was too injured to do anything with it, he leaned forward to take it away from her. Wish summoned all her strength and swung the board as hard as she could at him. He stumbled backwards, dodging the blow. His face contorted in anger and darted forward to rip the board out of her hand. "Yer gunna pay fer dat, ya bitch," Oscar threatened. He threw the board down right beside her, causing her to flinch. Then he grabbed her arms and hauled her up, leaning her against the wall. "Don’t give up dat easy, doll," he requested, before punching her in the stomach. Wish double over in pain and fell back to the ground, winded. He once again pulled her up against the wall, disdainfully. "Stay da hell up!" he commanded, hitting her across the face. Her head collided with the wall, leaving her mercifully unconscious. "I dunno what happened," Martini said. "Wish ain’t da type a person ta not show up when she says she will. She’s probably only runnin’ late. I’se jest hopin’ der ain’t nothin’ wrong." "It’s all right, Martini. Don’t worry about it. Spot probably told dem some moah a his, what did he call it truth? An’ she believed him. She is a Brooklyn newsie aftah all." "Ya don’t know her like I do. She ain’t like dat. We’se sistahs an’ I know she ain’t nothin’ like dat," Martini explained. "It’s fine really," Jess assure her. "I don’t care." "But it ain’" Martini started, then stopped when she heard a knock on the door. "See, told ya. I’ll bet dat’s her now." Jess smiled at her, but some how doubted it. When she opened the door she wasn’t surprised to find that it wasn’t Wish. "Hey der. Bittah, right?" Bitter smiled. "Yup. Hey, I know dis might seem odd but is Wish heah?" Jess shook her head. "Nope. Sorry. Why don’t ya come in. Martini’s jest in der." "Thanks," Bitter said entering the apartment. "Hey Martini. Do you know wheah Wish is?" "No…I thought dat she was comin’ heah," she said, skipping greetings. "She was. I’se worried now. She said dat she would meet me back at da Lodgin’ House an’ dat we would come tageddah. But den I was late an’ only Cards was der so I thougth maybe she gave up on me an’ came alone. I wondah wheah she went,"Bitter said, looking anxious. "Hey, don’t worry. I’m shoah she’s fine," Jess said, comfortinly. "Somethin’ prolly jest came up." "Nah…dat ain’t like Wish. She ain’t one ta jest not show up," Bitter said, uncomforted. "Well, we could go look fer her I suppose," Martini said, thinking out loud. "Ya don’t suppose…" Bitter started but stopped short glancing at Jess. "Oh, I don’t think dat Andrew an’ da boys woulda gone aftah her. Shoah, she’s a newsie but she’s still a goil," Jess quickly said, answering the unasked accusation. "Well, I hate ta say it Jess but me bein’ a goil didn’t seem ta stop dem," Martini reminded her. Jess’s eyes got big. "Ya don’t really think dey woulda gone aftah, Wish, do ya?" "I dunno. We’se jumpin’ ta conclusions now," Bitter said, struggling to remain calm. "I think I would feel bettah if we went an’ found her, doh. I ain’t usually dis easy ta worry but wid things da way dey are, ya can’t nevah be too careful." "I think yer right," Martini agreed quickly. "I’ll come, if ya don’t mind," Jess offered. "Mind? We woulda been furious if ya didn’t come," Bitter said, smiling at her, trying to lighten the mood. Jess returned the smile, grateful to be accepted by her. "Let me jest write a lettah ta da boys ‘bout us…uhh goin’ ta market befoah we go. I don’t want dem comin’ back an’ thinkin’ any bad thoughts." "Good idea," Martini commended. Soon they were on their way out to the streets. They searched every open building, and every alley. They called out Wish’s name, getting no response. Their anxiety eventually evolving to fear. Wish awoke to violent shakin’. "Go away Cards. I don’t feel good taday. I don’t wanna sell," she moaned attempting to turn over. Shooting pain all over her body resulted from her movement. "I ain’t Cards. Now get da hell up befoah I add ta yer not feelin’ well," came a harsh voice through the fog of confusion. "What? Wheah am I? Why can’t I move?" she asked quickly. "Don’t ask questions. Take this," the voice said and she felt a glass of water being shoved at her. "I can’t move my hand!" she said, panicking. "Damnit ya ain’t gunna be able ta move yer mouth if ya keep talkin’." Wish quickly shut her mouth and brought the water to her lips. She was only able to take a few sips before she threw herself to the side and vomitted on the floor, violently. "Damnit, jest what I fuckin’ need!" Wish struggled her way up to a sitting position again, wiping her mouth. Involuntary tears started to roll down her eyes. "Don’t start cryin’ now. It ain’t gunna help ya any. It ain’t like I can do nothin’ anyways. I’se jest supposed ta watch ya ‘til Oscah gets back an’ make shoah yer still alive when he does," he informed her. She squinted through her tears, finding a tall, unkept boy sitting in a chair a few feet away from her bed. "Who are you?" she asked, confused. "Ya don’t need ta know dat," he responded. "Ya don’t need ta know nothin’. Go back ta sleep or somethin’. Dis is bad ‘nough wid out ya talkin’." Wish was shocked at his behavior. Never in her entire life had anyone been so rude to her, especially not a member of the opposite sex. She fell back onto the pillow and gave into the peacefullness of unconciousness. After a few hours the girls still hadn’t found Wish. "Dis is stupid!" Bitter decided. "She’s probably back at da Lodgin’ House by now. We’se jest makin’ a big deal ‘bout nothin’." Martini and Jess nodded but were doubtful of that. "Look, dis ain’t helpin’ anyways. Let’s get back ta da Lodgin’ House an’ wese’ll see if anyone’s seen her der. If not den at least we can get everyones help." "Yer right. C’mon lets go," Martini agreed. "Uhh…do you guys think dat I should come. I mean last time…I could go back ta my apartment and check if she showed up der," Jess said, not wanting to wear out her welcome. "Don’t be silly! C’mon. ‘Sides if yer worried ‘bout Spot he ain’t der. Not dat he would do anythin’. He got a good talkin’ to ‘bout dat," Bitter informed her, siezing her hand and dragging her toward the Lodging House. Jess hesitated only for a second before walking willingly. "What do ya mean ya can’t find her?" Cards asked in disbelief. "Well, she didn’t show up an’ now we have no idea wheah she is. Do ya know wheah she might be?" Martini asked. "No. I thought dat she would jest go straight ta see you guys. Aftah our fight she looked pretty angry but not ‘nough…ya don’t think she’s dat mad do ya?" Cards thought outloud. "Cards, yer not makin’ any sense. What happened?" Bitter asked. "Well, aftah Jack talked ta her she was pretty upset. Den we had a small argument but I don’t think it’d be ‘nough ta jest leave wid out tellin’ anyone, do ya?" Cards said. Martini smiled at him. "Don’t look so glum, Cards. Do ya really think dat Wish would jest disapeah, oor do ya think dat she would set out ta find some kinda revenge if she was really angry wid ya?" The sides of Card’s mouth twitched. "Good point, Martini. Thanks. So, what are we gunna do now? It’s gettin' ta be dark, now." "Maybe we should all start lookin’ fer her. She could be hurt ‘r somethin’," Bitter suggested, looking very worried. "Yeah, yer right. C’mon lets go get da rest a da boys," Cards decided, hurrying into the other room. After explaining it to the rest of the newsies they all rushed out onto the streets of Manhattan to search everywhere for Wish. Wish woke to the knocking of the door. She looked to see her guard had fallen asleep. Damnit! Why did I have ta fall asleep? Now I can’t get away! she thought. After a few more seconds of knocking the visitor opened the door. Wish saw a man’s face that seemed vaguely familiar but she couldn’t remember where from. (eww wouldn’t it be gross if Morris showed up and tried to all rape her? ..wait…I don't have to be worried about that since im writing the story…**hits herself on the head**) "Are you Wish?" he asked quietly. Wish nodded, looking at the boy oddly. The man gave her a small smile and then walked over to her sleeping guard. "HEY!" he said pushing him off the chair. "What da hell do ya think yer doin’?!" The boy jumped off the floor, startled. "Sorry, I jest dozed off fer a minute." "What is wrong wid you?! What if she’d escaped?! Get da hell outta heah before I give ya da beatin’ ya desoive," he commanded. "I’se definatley gunna tell Tick ‘bout dis." "Fine, it ain’t my problem. I’se signed up ta be a newsie not do yer guy’s doity work. None a us newsies is happy ‘bout dis, infact. ‘Sides it ain’t like she could go anywheah, unless she’s plannin’ on crawlin’." "I said GET OUT," he responded. The guard glared before leaving and slamming the door behind him. The man waited a few moments before breaking out into a grin. "Well, dat was fun…" he commented. "What?" Wish asked, completely confused. "Oh…yeah..I fergot ya don’t know me. I’se Snake. I’se one a Spot’s boys," he told her. "Oh…wait if yer a Brooklyn newsie den why is dat guys listenin’ ta ya?" she asked, suspicious. "I’se a spy, an’ so he thinks dat I’se one a Oscah an’ Tick’s friends. Dat kid don’t really know nothin’. He’s jest a Queens newsie," Snake explained. "Oh…how do I know yer tellin’ da truth?" she asked. "I don’t really got any proof. I know yer sistah pretty well…an’ Jess. Wait, I still got dis," he said pulling out Spot’s key. "An’ dat is?" Wish asked, never seeing that on Spot. "Damnit yer new aren’t ya. Yer jest gunna have ta believe me. It’s not like ya got any oddah choice," he pointed out. Wish shrugged. "Yeah, yer right. So how ‘bout answerin’ some questions fer me…Like wheah da hell am I?" "Yer at da Queens Lodgin’ House. Oscah brought ya heah aftah attackin’ ya on da street so he wouldn’t have ta watch ya," he informed her. "Why did he attack me, anyways? Jest ‘cause I’se a newsie?" she asked. "I dunno what he’s doin’. I think der’s somethin’ else to it or else he woulndn’t boddah keepin’ ya heah," Snake told her. "Well, I ain’t plannin’ on stickin’ round long ‘nough ta figuah out what’s goin’ on. C’mon lets get outta heah," Wish said, fighting to get to her feet. She fell back breathing hard in pain. Snake walkde over to resituate her in her bed. "Ya ain’t goin’ anywheah. Didn’t ya jest heah me say dat I’se a spy? Don’t ya think dey might catch on if I set der prisoner free?" "I can’t jest stay heah! Oscah might come back an’ finish me off! An’ no one knows wheah I am! Dey’ll be worried…an’…an’ I jest fought wid Cards an’…I gotta get outta heah…" she said, astounded that he would just leave her there. "Listen, it’s okay. I’ll get word ta Spot an’ Jack dat yer heah, an’ dey can decide what ta do ‘bout ya," Snake said trying to calm her down. "What? Spot an’ Jack?! Dey’ll jest leave me in heah!!" she said, near panicking. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?" Snake asked, doubtful that Spot would abandon any of his newsies. "Long story…but if yer gettin’ word ta people can ya tell Cards dat I’se sorry? Please?" she requested. "I could prolly do dat. Now let me look at ya. What hoits?" he said looking her over. "I think dat me hand is broken, an’ possibly a couple a me ribs. Oddah den dat its jest scratches an’ bruises," she told him. Snake took her hand gently and looked at it. "Yer right, one a yer wrists and two a yer fingas are broken. I’m gunna have ta set dese da best dat I can," he told her. "Can ya take a little moah pain?" he asked. Wish, although doubtful that she could, nodded. Snake wripped off pieces of the sheet that was on the bed with his knife. He laid them out. Then, after forcing Wish’s bones together, he wrapped her wrist and fingers with it. "All right, now lift up yer shoit," he commanded. "Uhh..I don’t think so," she said, turning red. "Look, I got ta look at yer ribs. I ain’t a doctah but somethin’ is prolly bettah den nothin’. Now c’mon," he said. He didn’t want to lift her shirt, himself, because he didn’t want her to struggle in anyway. "All right.." Wish said and she lifted her shirt. Snake, being a gentleman, went straight to work. He prodded her gently, trying to discover which were broken. Luckily there was only one that was slightly fractured, to his knowledge. "All right, ya bettah grab on ta somethin’. Dis is gunna hoit a lot," he warned. She clutched the sides of the bed and nodded for him to go ahead. He foced the bones together and then wrapped her chest with strips of the bed sheet. She was nearly in tears by the time he was done. "All right. Dat’s all I can do really. None a yer cuts look too bad," he appraised. "Thanks," she gasped through the remaining pain. "Not a problem. Look, you bettah lay down an’ sleep dat off. If I’se not heah when ya wake up don’t worry. We’ll find someway ta help ya," he assured her. "Yeah, I’se jest hopin’ dat its befoah Oscah kills me," Wish muttered. "I wouldn’t worry ‘bout dat. Oscah ain’t stupid ‘nough ta kill ya when he’s still in love wid Martini," he informed her. "Dat’s always nice ta know. He’ll beat his goil’s sistah up but won’t kill her. I feel bettah already," she said sarcastically, and wiggled her way down to a laying position. Just after closing her eyes she fell into unconsciousness. ~~~~~~~~~~~**************~~~~~~~~~~~ Spot arrived at the Manhattan Lodging House looking upset. He walked straight into the bunkroom without acknowledging anyone. Finding who he was looking for he said, "Cards, we gotta talk. Wheah’s Jack?" "I’se right heah. What’s goin’ on?" Jack said, arriving only moments after Spot. "Let’s go inta da washroom. Der ain’t no one in der," Spot said. They walked in there and Cards said, "Spot I gotta tell ya somethin’. We can’t find…" "Wish. I know. I talked ta Snake. Oscah beat her up pretty bad an’ she’s ovah in Queens Lodgin’ House," Spot informed him. "Dat’s why I’m heah. What are we gunna do ‘bout it?" "I know exactly what I’m gunna do ‘bout it. I’m goin’ ovah der an’ gettin’ her outta der," Cards said, angrily. "Cards, stop bein’ stupid. Yer an idiot if ya think dat yer gunna go in der alone an’ get her back. ‘Sides, Snake doesn’t think she can even walk," Spot told her. "Oh yeah? Den what are you gunna do ‘bout it? Do you got a bettah idea?" Cards asked. "I know dat doin’ dat would prolly get you an’ her killed. I think dat we bettah go talk ta Martini an’ Jess. Dey’se prolly da only chance dat Wish’s got," Spot said. "We can’t jest march up ta der door," Jack pointed out. "Dey might have people ovah der." "All right. We’ll get Bittah ta go get dem, if she can," Spot decided. He walked out the door and said, "Hey Bittah, can ya come heah fer a minute?" Bitter ran over and hugged him. "Spot, I didn’t know ya were heah. Da most awful thing happened," she told him. "I know all ‘bout it. Cards, Jack an’ I are workin’ on it. C’mon inta da washroom," he said, leading her into the washroom. Cards and Spot explained everything to her. "A course I’ll go get dem. I’ll be back as soon as I can," Bitter said, walking away almost at a run. ~~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~~~ Oscar opened the door, causing Snake to jump. "How’s she doin’?" he asked Snake, not looking concerned at all. "She’ll be fine, I think. She’s got a few busted bones but she’s pretty strong," Snake told him. "Good, I can’t have her dyin’. At least not yet. I need her," Oscar said. He went over and examined Wish. "Did you do dis?" he asked, indicating the bandages. "Ya said ya didn’t want her dyin’," Snake reminded him. "I will nevah undahstand how ya evah got da guts ta go ‘gainst Conlan. Yer awfully soft. Ya can’t even stand seein’ someone in pain widout helpin’ dem," Oscar reasoned. Snake shrugged. "I do what I want when I want. Dat didn’t suit Conlan so I left. Ain’t a big deal," he said. He was a little nervous since this was the first time his betrayal of Spot had come up since he had joined them. "Well, dat’s fine wid me as long as ya do what we say when we tell ya ta," Oscar said. Snake nodded. "Shoah I will," he agreed. Oscar looked at Snake, as if trying to discover something. He shook his head after a few moments in resignation. "Jest keep an eye on her, fer me all right? I got things ta do," Oscar said, walking out the door. Snake nodded and closed the door behind him. ~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~ The door knocked and Tick went to open it. "Well, what do we have heah?" he asked, finding Bitter standing there. Bitter immediatley tensed. "What are you doin’ heah?" she asked. "Who da hell are ya ta ask me dat. You got five seconds ta explain what yer doin’ heah befoah I soak ya," he said flatly. "Andrew, who is dat?" Jess’s voice came. "No one I can’t take care a," he responded, still glaring at Bitter. Jess sighed and walked over, pushing Tick out fo the way. "Bittah, what a surprise! I didn’t expect ya," she said, looking a little worried. "Well, I didn’t expect ta come heah eiddah, but heah I am," she said, looking uncertainly at Tick. "Oh, don’t worry ‘bout him, c’mon in," Jess siad. "Dat’s jest Andrew, me bruddah." "Yeah, we’ve met," Bitter said wryly. "Oh really? How?" Jess asked, interested. "Not undah da best a circumstances. Look, I’m jest gunna come back latah or somethin’," she said walking back towards the door. "No yer not," Tick said. "I want ta know what da hell is goin’ on heah." "Oh, Bittah an’ I are old friends from a little ways back," Jess told him, giving Bitter a meaningful look and hoping she wouldn’t reveal how they met. Bitter caught it and nodded. "But, I really got ta go now," she said. Tick glared. "I said no. Someone bettah give me answers very fast," he stated. "What makes ya think dat ya could stop me if I wanted ta leave?" Bitter askedl, glaring at him. "Well, I’se done pretty well in da past, haven’t I?" he reminded her. Bitter’s glare became icier. "I said dat I’se leavin’ an’ I am. Bye Jess it was nice ta see ya ‘gain," she said, walking towards the door. Tick grabbed her arm as she walked past and pulled her backwards. "You’ll go when I say ya can." Jess gasped. "Andrew! Stop it!" she said, not aware of Bitter and Tick’s history. "Jess, stay outta dis. Der’s a lot ya don’t undahstand," Tick told her. "Why da hell has everyone been sayin’ dat lately?!" she asked, frusturated. "No mattah what I don’t undahstand ya have NO right ta beat up my friends in my own house! NOW LET GO!" Bitter yanked her arm out of Tick’s grip. "Don’t evah touch me," she stated. She swung back her arm and punched him across the face. Tick took the hit without even flinching. "Yer gunna pay fer dat," he declared. He threw at punch at her, but she dodged it quickly. "NO FIGHTING!" Jess demanded. Bitter and Tick didn’t stop though. They started circling around in the confined space. Tick lunged at her, attempting to tackle her. Bitter sidestepped it and kicked the back of his knee. Tick fell backward, grabbing her arm and taking her with him. Tick managed to pin her on the ground and climbed on top of her. "Dis is what you’se had comin’ fer a long time now," he informed her, before hitting her across the face. Bitter squirmed, trying to get away, but she was stuck. She didn’t cry out when he hit her. The only indication that she was in pain was the hint of a wince. Jess didn’t know what to do until she saw this. She ran over and tried to pull Tick off of Bitter. "GET OFF ANDREW!" she screamed at him. Tick pushed her off, trying to be gentle but she fell backwards. Getting more upset she kicked him. "Damnit Jess. I’se damn serious. Get da hell away from me!" he yelled. Jess, not really wanting to hurt him, stopped for a moment trying to think. Martini, who had been in her room for Tick’s visit, emerged when she heard all the ruckus. Seeing Tick on top of Bitter she immediatley ran over and kicked him in the gut as hard as she could, trying to get him off her. Tick looked up, furious. "Ya fuckin’ whore. Why don’t ya slink back ta Oscah’s an’ leave me alone?" he threw at her, remaining on Bitter. Martini answered his question with another kick. Tick, slightly winded, hit Bitter once more across the face before getting off. He glared at Martini. "Dat was very stupid," he told her, grabbing her arm. Martini’s goal of getting Tick off of Bitter had been accomplished. She wished fervrently that she had come up with a plan for once he came after her. Jess ran over to Bitter, who had blood trickling from her nose and mouth. Bitter, still stunned, couldn’t help Martini. Martini braced herself for the inevitable pain that was about to come. Tick rose his hand back but never brought it down on her. He turned white when he noticed someone standing at the door. "What…do…you…think…you…are…doing?" Oscar asked, through clenched teeth. Tick, unable to think of an answer, remained silent and unmoving. "Let her go. NOW!" Oscar yelled. Tick released Martini without thinking about it. Oscar glared at him. "Get outta heah," he commanded. Tick started to protest. Oscar repeated, "GET OUTTA HEAH!" Tick glared but grabbed his hat and left the room without another word. Oscar glanced around the room, and his eyes settled on Bitter. "What da hell do ya think yer doin’ heah?" he asked her. Jess answered, "She’s my friend an’ da last time I checked dis was my apartment." Oscar rose his eyebrow. "Ya do realized dat, dat is Spot Conlan’s goil?" he asked. "I am perfectly aware a who she is. Now, what da hell are you doin’ heah? Not dat I’se complainin’," she said. "I was in da neighborhood an’ thought I’d stop by. Looks like it’s a good thing, too. What was goin’ on?" he asked. "I don’t know. One minute Andrew an’ I were jest talkin’ an’ den when Bittah came in he jest went crazy or somethin’. Den dey were fightin’ an’ Martini ran out an’ kicked him a couple times an’ he was goin’ ta hoit her ‘til you came in," she explained. Oscar looked over at Martini who was washing up Bitter’s face. He smirked, "Figuahs she would go attack someone when she can’t fight at all," he said more to himself than to Jess. Bitter and Martini were whispering about somethign and looking at Oscar. He felt a little self-conscious, so he continued talking with Jess. "Der is a reason dat her attacked dat goil. She’s da one dat devestated Queens wid Kelly," he told her. "Bittah did? I’se surprised…" she commented. "Yer jest surprised? Half dose boys are yer friends and she beat dem up an’ yer only surprised?" he asked. "Yeah, well I’se learned dat ya can’t always judge people on what happens in da past," she told him. Oscar was about to respond when Martini came over fuming. "You JOIK!" she yelled slapping him across the face. "Damnit! What da hell was dat fer?!" he asked. "Wheah da hell is Wish!?" she asked, giving him the coldest glare she had ever given in her life. "Oh…dat," he said. "Yes DAT! I can not believe how completley horrible an’ repulsive ya are! An’ dat ya would jest lie ta me face like dat!" she yelled. "What da hell did I lie ‘bout?" he asked. "Ya told me dat ya loved me! Dat can’t possibly be true if ya keep tryin’ ta hoit me," she told him. "I didn't lie," he told her. "I did it so ya’d have ta listen ta me. If ya come back home den I’ll return her safe an’ sound." "Ya can’t do dis!" Martini said. "Oscah ya can’t make me love ya. Jest leave me an’ me friends ALONE!" she yelled. Oscar pushed her against a wall and stepped close to her. Jess started forward but Bitter held her back. "Martini’s gotta do dis," she told her. Jess nodded but watched them very carefully, ready to jump in if Martini needed help. Oscar held Martini’s face in both of his hands. "I’m not jest gunna walk away from dis. You are da foist goil dat I’se evah cared ‘bout an’ I ain’t jest gunna give up." Martini struggled to get away from him. "Let go of me! Maybe things would be a little different if ya would stop tryin’ ta ruin me life!" she said trying to push him. "Don’t tell me ya don’t feel nothin’ fer me. I know dat ya do," he said. "I don’t. NOW GET OFF!" she said, fighting harder. "Don’t lie. It don’t make things safe fer yer sistah," Oscar threatened. "DAT is exactly what I’se talkin’ bout. Ya don’t even know what love is or else ya wouldn’t be doin’ dis!" she spat at him. "Yer da one dat doesn’t know what love is! Why can’t ya jest admit dat ya love me as much as I love you? It would make eveyrhtin’ easier fer me, you an’ Wish," he told her. Martini thought about this for a moment. "If I go wid you, you’ll let Wish go, right?" she checked. Oscar, seeing her weaken, leaned closer and kissed her neck. "A course I will," he told her. "What ‘bout da newsies? Will ya leave dem alone?" she asked. ` Oscar pulled away. "Damnit why can’t ya jest ferget ‘bout dem fer two fuckin’ seconds?! "Because my friends are important ta me," she insisted. "Shouldn’t yer sistah be more important?" he pointed out. Martini glared at him, then her expression softened to resignation. "Yer right. Look, I’ll go wid ya, all right? But ya gotta promise ta let Wish go." Oscar pulled her into a hug, not noticing that she wasn’t responding. "A course I will. I’se glad dat yer finally seein’ things my way." "Let’s jest go," Martini said. "Wait, Martini, ya don’t gotta do dis. We’ll get her back some oddah way, I promise. I'’ll help ya or somethin’," Jess intervened. "Nah, I gotta do dis," Martini told her, walking with Oscar to the door. "Look, can ya take care a Bittah she looks kinda banged up." "A course," Jess resigned, not pushing the subject. Martini nodded and followed Oscar out the door. Oscar talked all the way to the Queens Lodging House about how they were going to be happy and how they would be together forever and how they would get over this and she would eventually be happy with him and love him as much as he loved her. (hows that for a run on sentence?) Martini blocked his voice out and tried to think about what she was going to escape once Wish was safely away. /’ll figuah it out latah I guess…It wont be hard prolly wid how weird Oscah is actin’ an’ all. |