"Heah we are," Oscar said, opening the door for her. He placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her in but she stepped forward quickly so he couldn’t touch her.
"Jest ‘cuase I’se heah doesn’t mean dat I’se gotta be happy ‘bout it," she told him.
"Ya bettah start actin’ like it," he told her, a little threatening. "C’mon yer sistah is in heah."
She walked in the door he was indicating to find Wish and Snake sitting on Wish’s bed, talking.
"Martini, hey," Wish said. "What are ya doin’ heah?"
"She came wid me," Oscar said, coming in behind Martini and putting his arm around her shoulder.
Martini tensed right away but didn’t pull away since she wanted to make sure that Wish would be released.
"What are ya doin’ wid him?" Wish asked, confused. "I thought ya got smartah."
"Careful der Wish, it ain’t like I wont soak ya again," Oscar threatened.
"Oscar don’t. Ya said ya’d let her go if I came wid ya an’ heah I am," Martini intervened.
"Fine, yer right. Wish get outta heah," Oscar commanded.
"Oh c’mon Oscah! How da hell is she gunna get all da way ta Manhattan alone?" Martini asked.
"Not my problem," Oscar decided.
"Actually it IS yer problem," Martini said, stepping away from him and glaring.
"What da hell do ya expect me ta do ‘bout it? Carry her da whole way der?" he asked.
"Yer not touchin’ me," Wish stated.
"Why don’t ya jest have Snake walk her der? At least I know he wont do anythin’ ta her," Martini suggested.
"Fine, fine. Will dat make ya happy?" he asked.
"No, it would make me happy if ya were actually nice an’ weren’t planning ta hurt all me friends. Dis would jest appease me."
"Snake jest take her back ta da Mahattan Lodgin’ House, all right? Make shoah ya get her der an’ in one piece. I don’t care what happens oddah den dat," Oscar told him.
"Wait, don’t I get ta say goodbye?" Martini objected.
Oscar rolled his eyes. "Jest hurry it up I want ta get home sometime taday," he told her.
"Oh I jest can’t wait fer dat," Martini said, sarcastically. "Can we get some privacy?"
"Gawd damnit are ya troublesome. Snake c’mon, close da door," Oscar said, leaving the room.
"Martini what is goin’ on?" Wish asked.
"Look we don’t got a lot a time so listen. I don’t think dat Jess bein’ on our side is gunna help us dat much. An’ Oscah ain’t gunna listen ta me ‘bout not soakin’ da newsies so I ain’t even bothahin’ stayin’ wid him anymoah. So, Snake is gunna take ya home ‘cause I promised Oscah dat I would stay wid him. I want you’se guys ta get outta heah an’ go down fouh blocks an’ take a right inta da alley. Der’s some boxes an’ stuff der, I want ya ta hide til I’m der. If I ain’t der wid in ten minutes jest leave. Den, we’se gunna get back ta da Lodgin’ House as fast as we can."
"So, yer not gunna stay wid him?" Wish whispered.
"I’se not so shoah I’se even safe bein’ round him no moah," Martini told her. "I was listenin’ ta Jess an’ Tick talk. He told her dat da attack was gunna be eiddah tomorrah or da next day, so if I don’t get back ta da Lodgin House I want ya ta tell Jack fer me, all right? Good, now we bettah go," Martini said. She helped Wish up from where she was sitting and supported her as they walked across the room.
"All right den, I’ll see ya around, Wish," Martini said, opening the door.
"Okay, den. Bye Martini, take care a yerself," Wish responded, shifting her weight from Martini’s shoulder to Snake’s.
"Okay, bye," Martini said watching them walk off.
Martini stayed silent, wanting to draw out this conversation so she could give them some time to make it to the alley.
Finally, after a long pause of silence Oscar said, "So, ready ta get home?"
"Actually, no I’m not," Martini told him.
Oscar’s eyes narrowed. "What are ya talkin’ bout?" he asked.
"I’se jest sayin’ dat I ain’t ready ta get home. I want ta talk ta ya foist an heah is as gooda place as any," she told him. "Can we step back inta dat room an’ talk?"
"I guess," Oscar said, allowing her to enter the room first.
"I want ta get a few things straight befoah we get back home. Foist a all, I want ya ta know dat I know dis prolly wont bothah ya but der ain’t no chance of us havin’ a real relationship aftah ya actually hurt da newsies."
Oscar smirked. "Martini I know dat ya say dat now but once yer home an’ everythins back ta normal you’ll loosen up a little an’ everythin’ will be great."
"No, I mean it. Der ain’t no way I would let someone touch me aftah dey killed me friends," she told him. "I wont even be able ta look at ya let alone want ya ta touch me."
"Is dat what ya think? Dat we’se gunna kill dem? Well, if dats yer only worry den we don’t got a problem," he told her, running a hand down her arm.
Martini pulled her arm away quickly. "What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?"
"I’se sayin’ dat we ain’t gunna kill yer precious little newsies. Der’s oddah ways a gettin’ rid a people," he told her.
"Like what?" she asked.
"Oh no, don’t think dat I’se dat stupid. I tell you an’ ya run off ta tell dem," he told her going to stand behind her. He ran a finger down her neck to her shoulders. "We can’t have dat, can we?"
"Stop it," she said pulling his hand away. "Anuddah thing is, jest cause ya made me come wid ya doesn’t mean dat ya can always be touchin’ me. I ain’t yer whore."
"I don’t want ya as me whore. I want ya as me goil an’ as me goil I think dat I should be able ta touch ya," he told her.
"I ain’t yer goil. Ta be someone’s goil" she told him. "ya gotta at least be able ta tolerate dem. Right now all I feel fer ya is hate."
Oscar, getting tired of this, turned her around to face him and grabbed both of her arms, shaking her a little. "Jest stop it. I’se sick a yer games an’ lies. I ain’t gunna take it anymoah. Do ya heah me? I ain’t gunna take it anymoah!" he told her. "Yer gunna do what I say when I say it or ya’ll end up like yer sistah."
Martini glared and tried to pull away. "Jest…Jesus Christ Oscah how can ya even pretend dat ya love me when ya treat me dis way?"she asked him.
"Not back ta dat again. I do love ya an’ when we get home I’ll prove it ta ya," he told her. He moved one hand up to her face and gently brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "Aftah tomorrah we’se gunna put dis all behind us," he told her, moving in to kiss her.
Martini allowed a small kiss before breaking it and asking, "What happens tomorrow?"
"What do ya think happens tomorrah? I ain’t gunna have ta worry ‘bout dose newsies evah again," he told her.
"What are ya gunna do wid me when dis happens?" she asked him.
"Maybe I’ll bring ya along ta watch. Ya can see what happens ta people dat don’t do what I tell dem," he told her.
"Yer a sadistic bastard," she stated.
"I ain’t really, Martini. Only when people push me too far. An’ yer gettin’ der," he warned her.
"Den why do ya even bothah wid me? Half da time ya want ta kill me so why don’t ya jest leave me alone?"
"I told ya. I love ya an’ I cant help it," he told her, placing one hang on her cheek and the other on her side. "I jest need ta be neah ya," he told her leaning in again.
Martini pushed him away as hard as she could and then punched him across the face. Before he could respond she sent him a hard kick to his crotch. "Ya ain’t nevah gunna get neah me," she yelled at him, running out of the room as fast as she could.
Oscar sunk to the floor in pain, yelling for someone to catch her. He struggled to his feet and started following her.
By the time he had made it out of the house she had already disappeared from his sight/ Dat bitch is gunna pay, he thought. But what can I do. I cant bring meself ta hurt her no mattah how much she desoives it. All I want is fer us ta be happy tageddah an’ she jest wont let us. I’ll get her back doh. At least I’ll get Wish back, doh…he thought starting off in the direction of the Manhattan Lodging House.
"SHH someone’s coming," came Wish’s voice, followed by some banging and the sounds of boxes falling.
"Damnit Wish," Snake’s hushed voice came.
Martini smirked and continued into the alley, just in time to see Snake pull Wish behind the boxes.
"It’s a good thing it’s me," Martini said, laughing at them.
Snake looked a little sheepish. "Yeah, whatevah. Let’s get back ta da Lodgin’ House, fast. I’m thinkin’ dat Oscah prolly aint happy right now," he said.
"Good idea,"Martini said. Ya wanna jest carry Wish?"
"Yeah, I can handle dat," Snake said, sweeiping Wish up in his arms.
The three made their way to the Manhattan Lodging House as fast as they could.
Quite a ways before they reached the Manhattan Lodging House Snake suddenly put Wish down, quickly.
Wish winced at the sudden movement she was forced to preform to keep herself up. "What the hell are ya doin’?" she asked.
Snake nodded to where Oscar was weaving in and out of the crown. "Damn it! Look, I gotta keep me spy covah ‘til Spot tells me ta stop. What the hell are we gunna do?" he asked.
"Fight wid me," Martini commanded, taking a pathetic swing at him.
"I can’t jest…" Snake started.
"Shut da hell up! I’m leavin’ an ‘ ya can’t stop me!" she shouted.
Snake turned her around, forcefully and put her in a headlock. "I can’t let ya go. Oscah wants ya ta stay so yer stayin’. Don’t make dis hard on yerself!" he yelled, hoping that Oscar would hear him.
Oscar approached them only seconds later, to find the group as he would expect it. Wish had collapsed on to the ground, unable to support herself. Martini was still struggling against Snake’s grip.
"Well, well, well, look what we got heah," Oscar said.
"Oscar, I’se glad ta see ya. I didn’t know what ta do but I didn’t think dat ya wanted Martini wanderin’ ‘round da streets," he said.
"Nice job, Snake. I’se proud a ya," he said, nodding in approval. "Now…Martini…dis whole unpleasant situation presents us wid a little problem."
"Da only problem I see is figurin’ out a bettah escape plan," she told him.
"Tsk, tsk. Ya shouldn’t say things like dat," he warned her. "’Specially since puttin’ me in a bad mood ain’t da smartest idea when I’se tryin’ ta figuah out what I’se gunna do wid yer sistah," he told her.
"What do ya mean?" she asked, stopping her strugging against Snake.
"What I mean is dat she was only safe when ya were followin’ through wid yer promise. Unfortunatley ya jest made things more dangerous fer her."
Martini glanced from Oscar to Wish, frightened. "Look, Oscah…don’t…" she started, not knowing what to say.
"Martini, I don’t think dat yer in da place ta be tellin’ me what ta do," he said. He walked up to Wish and pulled her to her feet. She had a look of distinct fear when approched her.
Oscar looked her over. "What ta do…what ta do…" he thought outloud. "Well, I could always send ya back ta Queens. Dose boys are always lookin’ fer easy goils," he said, running his hand down her side.
Wish stiffened and tried to remove herself from his touch.
Martini fought even harder against Snake. "Don’t touch her, Oscah," she told him.
Oscar rose his eyebrow. "Once again, see how yer not in da place ta tell me what ta do bein’ dat ya have no way ta stop me."
"What…if…I offered ya a deal?" she asked, trying to think what she would say.
"An’ what would dat be?" he asked, intrigued.
"Well…what if I promise dat I’ll go back wid ya an’ be good an’ everythin’. I’ll even play da part a da good little goil friend," she told him. "If ya let me sistah go an’ promise nevah ta bothah her again."
Oscar smirked. "What makes ya think dat I would believe you? Last ‘deal’ ya made ya ran out on…literally. An’ yer comin’ back wid me no mattah what."
"But, ya know dat if ya hurt me sistah or anythin’ den I’ll jest leave. I’ll stay..an’ be good…an’ I sweah I wont mention da newsies once," she told him.
"Hmm…dis could be interestin’. Fine, it’s a deal," he decided, after thinking it over for only a few seconds. "But I sweah da foist time ya break da deal yer sistah is as good as dead," he told her, severely. Then he released Wish, who collapsed back onto the ground, in relief.
"Snake, let her go. She ain’t goin’ anywheah," Oscar commanded.
Snake complied immediatley and set Martini free.
"So, Snake is still gunna take Wish back ta da Lodgin’ House right?" Martini asked.
"Yeah, but foist I want ta make shoah dat yer gunna follow through wid yer deal," Oscar said.
"An;’ how are ya gunna do dat?" Martini asked.
"Like dis," he said, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her close for a kiss.
Martini, althought slightly repulsed, permitted the kiss and fought the urge to pull away.
After a few minutes Oscar pulled away completely satisfied. "Dat is much bettah," he said, grinning happily. He turned to Snake, without releasing his hold on Martini and said, "All right take her ta da Lodgin’ House. An’ let me ashoah ya dat da boys will heah how well ya handled yaself taday. Ya really proved dat yer a help," he told him.
Snake nodded and picked Wish up from the ground, carrying her towards the Manhattan Lodging House.
"Dat boy shoah is eccentric," Oscar commented to Martini. "But, I think he’s all right. I’m glad he caught ya."
"Oh yes, me too," she said, fighting to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.
If Oscar heard any of the sarcasm in the comment he chose to ignore it. He kept one arm around Martini’s waist and led her back to his house. "Let’s go home," he told her.
"Lets," Martini agreed. Okay…needin’ a plan now…sooo I got ta act like a good goilfriend so I might as well be da best dat I can. Maybe I can still convince Oscah not ta do whatevah he has in mind. I might have a chance…I mean he didn’t soak me when I ran away so he must care ‘bout me a little in his own fucked up way…We’ll see. I’m jest worried what he’s plannin’ on doin’ ta dem if it ain’t fightin’. Well, at least I told Snake an’ he’ll tell da oddah boys, she thougth on the way back.
Snake made his way upstairs, still holding Wish in his arms. He kicked the door to the bunkroom open and walked inside.
"Wish!" Cards said running from the other side of the room. "Wish are ya okay?"
Wish nodded weakly. She didn’t have much strength left in her after her exausting day.
"Hey Snake, follow me. Ya can put her in da sick room, I gues," Cards said, walking over to the sock room and openign the door for him.
Snake set her down and both Cards and Snake tucked her in and attempted to make her as comfortable as possible before leaving the room to discuss everything.
Spot, Snake, Cards and Jack were soon gathered in the washroom.
"So…let me get dis striaght. Dey ain’t plannin’ on killin’ us? Only gettin’ rid a us? An’ it’s supposed ta happen sometime eithah taday or tamarrah?"
"Dat’s pretty much it," Snake told him. "Look, I got ta get back. I don’t want dem ta get suspicious when deys finally putin’ a little trust in me," he told them.
"All right, Snake. Let us know if ya find anythin’ else out," Spot said.
Snake nodded and left the room.
"Well, der ain’t really anythin’ else dat we can do right now. I mean…well…jest think ‘bout what dey migth be doin’ if dey ain’t plannin’ on killin’ us," Spot thought.
"Hey…uhh…is it okay if I think from da sick room. I really want ta get back ta Wish," Cards interrupted.
"Yeah, shoah," Spot said. "Go aheah an’ take care a yer goil," he dismissed.
"I will," Cards said, smirking.
Cards exited to go talk to Wish.
"So, Jacky-boy what do ya think is goin’ on?" Spot asked.
"Dey’s sleepin’ tagethah," Jack said. "Dat’s what’s goin’ on."
"As interestin’ as dat is, I’se talkin’ ‘bout what ya think da Delancys an’ co are doin’. Unless dat is who yer talkin’ ‘bout an’ dat is jest disturbin’," Spot said.
"What? Delancys? Oh…yeah…dat’s what we’se talkin’ ‘bout," Jack said, blushing slightly.
"Oh god, not you too. Ain’t der no one dat can resist dat goil?" Spot asked.
Jack blushed even harder. "Look…it ain’t nothin’ dat big…anyways…I dunno maybe dey’s plannin’ on sendin’ us…on a trip?"
"Oh yeah right Jack…wait…a trip…hmm…" Spot said. "I think I might got an; idea. We got plans ta make. Dis is a long shot but I dunno…it might work," Spot decided.
Jack nodded and listened closely to Spot’s plans.
"So, heah we are," Oscar said, opening the door for Martini.
"Yeah…" Martini said, wondering what came next.
"So…are ya hungry or thirsty or somethin’?" he asked.
"Umm…not really. I’m fine," she told him.
"All right, well ya know wheah it is if ya get hungry," Oscar told her. He wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do now, either. He had figured everything would go back to normal once they got home, but things were still awkward.
"Did ya want me ta fix ya somethin’ ta eat or somethin’?" Martini asked.
"Nah, ya don’t have ta do dat," he told her. "Let’s uhh…sit down," he said, indicating the couch and chairs in the room they were standing in.
"All right," Martini said, sitting down on the courch.
Oscar sat down by her immediatley and put his arm around her shoulder, leting his hands run through her hair and his fingers run down her neck sending shivers down her spine.
Martini decided she might as well get to the point. "Oscar, I don’t really know what ya expect from me heah."
"What do ya mean?" he asked.
"Well…I don’t know what ya want me ta do…Ya said I had ta be good or else ya would go aftah Wish but I don’t know what dat means…"
"It ain’t dat hard. Let’s jest go back ta how we were befoah all dis happened. We were happy den. Remembah dat time we were in da trees in Central Park? Dat’swhat I want," he told her.
"So yer askin’ me ta ferget everythin’ since dat an’ jest have a physical relationship?" she asked.
"When ya put it like dat it don’t sound as good. Weren’t ya happy too back den?" he asked.
"Shoah I was…but I can’t jest ferget everythin’ dat happened. It’s impossible an’ even doh we had fun befoah an’ all it ain’t like our relationship was gunna last dat long," she told him.
"What do ya mean?" he asked, looking a little hurt.
"Well…I’m sorry but kissing is pretty much all we did. We didn’t evah talk or nothin’," she told him. "All we had was physical attraction ta hold us tagethah."
"Dat ain’t true," Oscar protested.
"Yeah? C’mon ya don’t even know anythin’ ‘bout me! Ya nevah even asked me ‘bout me family or job," she pointed out.
"I jest figuahed dat ya would tell me if ya wanted me ta know. Everyone on da streets have secrets dey want ta keep…a course I nevah figuahed dat yer secret would be as horrible as it was…but still.." Oscar told her.
"Oscah ya can’t even go two minutes widout touchin’ me," Martini pointed out, indicating his hand that wa s now massaging her shoulder.
"Dat’s jest ‘cause I like bein’ neah ya an’ dats da only way I know how ta do it," he told her. "Does it really bothah ya dat much?"
Martini wanted to say yes and push him away but knew she couldn’t. The hand only reminded her how much she used to care about him and how she wished nothing would happen. It was hard to stay strong and unemotional when he was trying so hard to make things better between them. "Nah…it don’t bothah me it’s jest…dat ain’t da way ta solve problems," she told him.
"Well, what do you want ta do ta solve dem?" he asked her.
Who says dat I want ta solve dem? she thought to herself. "I dunno…" she said outloud.
"Well if ya think dat I’m doin’ so horrible den tell me what ta do," he said getting a little angry. He pulled his hand away from her. "At least I’se tryin’ an’ not runnin’ away from me feelins."
Martini noticed his growing anger. All right, it’s not or nevah. Do I want ta give him what he wants or possibly get da shit beat outta me? Ugh…neither…oh well I guess I’m about ta make Oschah’s day…
"Oh c’mon, Oscar…don’t get angry," she said, moving closer to him. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.," she told him, running her hand down his arm.
Oscar looked at her oddly, curious about her sudden mood swing. Then he mentally shrugged, just happy that she was coming around.
"I jest don’t know what ya expect me ta do. I’m tryin’ da only way I know how," he told her.
"I know," she said, leaning forward and nibbling on his neck a little. "It’s jest hard for me, ‘cause I’se got contradictin’ feelins," she told him.
Oscar was happily surprised at this action. Now dis is da Martini dat I fell in love wid, befoah all da trouble an’ everythin’. Oscar turned his head and brought her lips up to meet hers.
Wow…dis is a lot easier dan fightin’, Martini thought. I jest got ta remembah dat I’se only doin’ dis so dat he might listen ta me ‘bout da newsies.
Oscar was surprised when Martini didn’t pull away from him, but continued the kiss. Might as well go as far as she’ll let me.
He slipped his hand up her shirt and leaned forward, laying her down on the couch.
Well…here goes nothin’, Martini thought before directing her full attention to Oscar.
Cards walked into Wish’s room and sat down next to her. "Hey, der," he said smiling at her.
Wish returned his smile, weakly. "Hey."
"How you doin’?" he asked her.
"I’ve had bettah days," she told him, truthfully.
"I’ll bet. But yer gunna be okay, right?" he questioned, concerned.
"Yeah, I’se also had worse days."
"Dat’s good…well…uhh good dat yer gunna be all right not good dat ya’ve had worse days…yeah…" Cards explained quickly.
"I knew what ya meant. It’s okay," Wish told him. "I’m glad dat yer heah, I didn’t know if ya would be talkin’ ta me," she told him.
"Why wouldn’t I be talkin’ ta ya?" he asked, surprised.
"I dunno…last time we talked I was a pretty big bitch to ya," she told him. "Look, I jest want ya ta know dat none a dat was yer fault or anythin’. I was mad ‘bout somethin’ else an’ I know I shouldn’t a taken it out on ya an’ I’se sorry," she told him.
Cards smiled at her and took her hand. "It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I’m jest glad dat it wasn’t me. I don’t nevah want ta get in da trouble dat Jack an’ Spot get in," he told her.
"Well, don’t do stupid things like dem an’ ya wont," she told him.
"I’ve been wonderin’ ‘bout dis fer awhile now. What if I don’t know when I do somethin’ stupid?" he asked. "Could we maybe work out a signal or somethin’?"
"Well…if ya did somethin’ like Jack den I would prolly run off pissed or cryin’. How’s dat?"
"I was thinkin’ a little less dramatic…like…ya could kiss me ta shut me up?" he suggested.
"I’ll think ‘bout it," Wish said, smiling.
"Hey, are ya evah gunna tell me what Jack did ta make ya so mad at da DO?" he asked her.
"I guess it’s kinda stupid ‘cause it ain’t nothin’ he’s nevah said befoah. He jest told me…randomly might I add…dat he could nevah like me ‘cause I’se a bitch an’ a slut. I guess it jest kinda hurt moah ‘cause I had jest jumped inta bed wid ya aftah only two days," she told him.
"Look, I didn’t mean ta make ya uncomfertable wid dat," he told her. "I mean if ya want we can jest back off or somethin…" he suggested, looking like he would rather do anything but back off.
Wish smiled at him and shook her head. "Dat ain’t what I want. It’s jest…well you don’t think dat I’m a slut do ya?"
"What? No a course not! Sides it ain’t like I’se jest some guy dat ya met in a bar. We’se known each oddah fer awhile an’ ‘sides he’s da one dat put ya in a room wid me. He shoulda known not ta place ya in me evil, seductive powahs."
Wish giggled. "Thanks Cards, yer real good at cheerin’ me up."
"I’m glad I could be a service," he said.
"Hey…umm…has anyone heard anythin’ ‘bout Martini or anythin’?" she asked.
"Nope. I wouldn’t worry ‘bout her. It seems she can take care a herself all right. Bittah said she really laid inta Tick," he told her.
"What? Martini did dat? But she can’t fight…" she said.
"Yeah, well she can kick all right. Oscah showed up an’ stopped him from beatin’ da shit outta her," Cards explained.
"Oh…Cards do ya think dat Oscah really does love Martini?" she asked.
"I really couldn’t tell ya. I don’t know dat much ‘bout him, but I ain’t nevah heard a him bein’ so persistent ovah a goil," he told her. "I guess anythin’ is possible."
"Yeah…maybe…" Wish said. "I’m still anxious ‘bout her bein’ der. I bet she’s sittin’ on da opposite side a da room, scared ta death."
Martini woke up the next morning wrapped in Oscar’s arms. She tried to detangle herself from him carefully, to not wake him up. Unfortunatley there was a knock on the door just as she began, waking Oscar up immediatley.
He smiled when he saw Martini and pulled her in for a kiss, ignoring the knocking on the door. "Wheah did ya think ya were goin’?" he teased.
"Well, I was gunna surprise ya wid breakfast but whoevah is at da door ruined dat," she told him. "Don’t ya think ya bettah get dat?"
"Nah…" Oscar decided. "I think I like it bettah heah wid ya."
"All right, den," Martini said, pulling the blanket over them again and giggling before kissing him.
Both were surprised and disappointed when the door swung open. Morris, Snake, Tick and Sam entered the room.
"What da hell?" Oscar asked, sitting up quickly.
"Wow…didn’t mean ta interrupt," Morris said, looking very amused.
"Get da hell out," Oscar commanded.
"Well…we would but it’s time…if ya know what I mean," he said, quickly glancing at Martini.
Martini was barely listening to them talk since she was completely embarassed. She had quickly pulled the blanket up to her neck and wrapped it around her.
"Fine, jest go wait in da hall fer a few minutes an’ I’ll get ready," Oscar said.
"Aww…is Oscah gettin’ shy all da sudden?" Morris taunted.
"Jest get out," Oscar said.
The four boys complied, walking out of the room and closing the door behind them.
Oscar started gathering his clothes, immediatley. "Well, breakfast woulda been fun but I gotta go," he told her, pulling on his pants.
Martini wrapped her arms around his chest and pulled him back on the couch. "Ya can’t stay even fer a few minutes?" she asked, kneeling to reach his neck and gently nibbling on his neck and ear.
Oscar seemed to waver for a few minutes but then got up to look for his shirt. "Look, ya know dat I wouldn’t like anythin’ bettah but I really got ta go," he told her.
"Ya’ve been plannin’ dat stupid revenge plan fer weeks now! Does it really mattah if ya miss five minutes of it…or ten….or maybe half an hour?" she asked.
"Yes it does," he said. "Damnit have ya seen me shirt?" he asked.
"Would dis be what yer lookin’ fer?" she asked, pulling the blanket down to show the shirt that she was currently wearing.
Oscar laughed. "Yeah, jest maybe. C’mon give it up," he said, walking towards her.
"Nah…I’ll be cold wid out it!" she protested.
"Martini, c’mon I got ta get goin’," he told her.
"Well, I don’t want ya ta go," she decided. "It’s me first day back an’ I think dat ya should stay heah."
"I can’t miss taday," he told her. "I really got ta go. But…I need me shirt ta go…"
"What is so important ‘bout taday dat ya aren’t willin’ ta stay an’ play wid me?" she asked, crossing her arms.
"’Cause I got stuff ta do. Shirt…not…don’t make me come an’ get it,": he said, putting out his hand.
"No, I think dat is exactly what yer gunna have ta do," she told him.
Oscar smirked. "All right den," he said. He walked over to her and jumped on top of her and began tickling her.
"AAAAH Oscah STOP!" she yelled, laughing hysterically.
"Do I get me shirt?" he asked, not stopping.
"NO…wait wait…stop you can have it!" she relented.
"Hurry up den," he said, still tickling her.
Just then the door swung open again. "Hey, is everythin’ okay in heah?" Morris asked, entering.
Martini screamed since she had half of the shirt off by now, and pulled the cover up to her neck again.
"Oscah what da hell are ya doin’? Are…yer tickling her? I sweah dat goil makes people go crazy…pillow fights an’ ticklin…" Morris said, leaving the room again.
Oscar and Martini looked at each other and burst out laughed.
"Well, dat was interestin’" Oscar said. "Now, I do believe ya were jest ‘bout ta give me my shirt," he said.
"I don’t remembah dat…" Martini joked.
"Don’t make me start again," he threatened, raising his hands.
"All right, all right," Martini said, giving him his shirt. "Fine, jest leave me here den…I won’t be bored outta me mind."
"Well, I would invite ya ta come but ya might call me a sadistic bastard again…" he told her putting on his shirt.
"What? Ya mean dat…oh.." she said, unsure what she could say that wouldn’t make him angry.
"Yeah, dat’s exactly what I mean. Look, befoah we get in a fight, let me promise dat none a dem will get hurt dat bad, dey’s jest gunna go away fer a long time," he told her.
"Dat makes me feel so much bettah…" Martini said.
"C’mon, don’t get angry," he said. "Ya knew dis was gunna happen."
"I know…I know…Look, if ya can help it can ya at least not get rid a Bittah an’ Wish," she asked, looking hopeful.
"Would dat make ya happy?" he asked, buttoning up his shirt.
"It would make me happier," she told him.
"All right den I will make shoah dat dey stay," he told her. "I really got ta go now."
"Fine, bye," she told him, not looking that much happier.
Oscar looked completley befuddled. "How da hell da ya go through so many mood swings in such a short time?" he asked.
"It’s a skill dat I got," she told him.
"Well…I guess it makes things interestin’," he said.
"I’m glad dat I can spice up yer life," she told him.
"Soo…how ‘bout a kiss goodbye?" he asked.
"Didn’t ya get enough last night?" she asked, smirking.
"I can’t nevah get enough!" Oscar told her.
"Dat’s good ta know," she said giving him a small kiss on the lips. "Now hurry off ta go ruin people’s lives."
Oscar paused, as if thinking what to say, but then walked off and left the apartment without saying anything.
Martini jumped out of bed and started getting dressed. Shit…he’s prolly gunna come back since he didn’t lock me up. Even sleepin’ wid him wouldn’t make him trust me dat much, she thought.
She hurried to the kitchen and began pulling out pots and started cooking breakfast. Dis way he would nevah suspect dat I’se plannin’ on leavin’ ta go ta see if I can stop da fight.
Surely enough, only a few minutes later the door opened. "I uhh…fergot somethin’," Oscar said.
"Oh…what did ya ferget?" Martini asked, stirring a pot that was now filled with oatmeal.
"Well…yer gunna be mad…but I gotta lock ya up again," he told her.
"What? What did I do dis time?" she asked.
"Nothin’…it’s jest da boys think dat I should lock ya up jest in case ya try ta go warn da…well dose people dat we said we wouldn’t mention…an’ dey would think I was goin’ soft if I didn’t do it," he told her. "I sweah you’ll only be in der fer a few hours at da most."
"Dis is jest a great first day back," Martini said, glaring.
"I know dat yer mad an’ I feel horrible ‘bout dis. I sweah as soon as it’s ovah I’ll come back heah!"
"Could I maybe have someone ta keep me company heah?" she asked.
"Like who? I don’t got time ta run an’ get anyone," Oscar told her.
"What if Jess came ovah? I mean…if ya ran inta her or somethin’ she could come ovah heah," Martini said looking hopeful. "Pleeease Oscar? I’ll get so bored ALL ALONE. I’d be a lot less angry…"
Oscar looked uncertain for a moment. "All right, fine. If we see her den I’ll tell her ta come ovah heah," he told her.
Martini threw her arms around him. "Thanks Oscah. Dat’s really great a ya!" she said, walking into the bedroom so Oscar could lock the door.
"Thanks fer bein’ so good ‘bout dis, Martini. I think things are really gunna work out dis time," he said, closing the door and locking it.
Martini stifled a laugh until she heard the front door close. If only he knew da truth…actually…it’s good dat he don’t. I kinda feel bad dat things gotta end up dis way…aftah all Oscah an’ I actually do have fun tagethah…last night was amazin’…an’ dis mornin’ he was bein’ so cute…Oh well it ain’t like I’m da one doin’ dis…he’s da one dat is attackin’ my friends…I jest wish I knew what he was up ta…
"C’mon everyone," Jack said, taking charge. "Spot an’ his boys are gunna meet us der."
"What da hell do we need Brooklyn fer anyways? It ain’t like ya an’ Bittah couldn’t take Queens alone," Blink said.
"Don’t be so cocky," Jack reprimanded. "If dey’s been workin’ on dis plan fer so long den I really doubt dey’s jest gunna have Queens attackin’ us as der revenge."
"What else could dey be doin’?" Racetrack asked.
"I dunno…we’ll figuah dat out soon ‘nough," Jack said, leading the way to the area that had been designated by the Queens messenger for the location of their "big fight".
Spot was leading some of his boys to the fight at that exact moment. Some of his newsies had requested to be left out of the fight and Spot granted their wish, happily. Knowing that some boys just didn’t have the stomachs for fighting and others did. And the ones that didn’t could be useful for other things.
Jess walked into Oscar’s apartment almost half an hour after Oscar had left. "Martini? Martini? Wheah are ya?" she asked, coming in.
"Umm…I mighta locked meself in da bedroom again," Martini said.
Jess started laughing. "So dey don’t trust ya durin’ der big fight, huh?"
"Guess not…so ya gunna get me out?" she asked.
"Yeah, hang on jest a minute," she said. After a few minutes of working her magic with her hair pin the door opened.
"Thanks, yer a life savah. So, Oscah really went an’ got ya, huh?"
"Yeah…why am I heah anyways?" Jess asked.
"Well, I had ta get outta der some how. I’m goin’ ta dat fight. Do ya know wheah it is?" Martini asked.
"Martini, I dunno if dat’s such a good idea…Oscah’s gunna get fed up eventually…" Jess told her.
"Yeah, well we might be da only chance dose newsies got. An’ I ain’t gunna feel guilty fer da rest a me life knowin’ dat I didn’t even try ta help dem," Martini told her.
"We? I can’t go…Andrew would get mad…an’…I jest couldn’t," Jess told her.
"Fine, its yer choice. But, ya gotta at least tell me wheah da fight is," Martini told her.
"Yer not even gunna try ta get me ta go?" Jess asked.
"Well, ya jest said ya couldn’t," Martini reminded her.
"But yer supposed ta say ‘C’mon Jess’ an’ so den I can blame dis all on you when it fails horribly," Jess protested.
"Oh…sorry…C’mon Jess ya have ta come! I need yer help!" Martini said.
"Well…I guess…Okay but dis is all yer fault," Jess said, laughing. "C’mon we bettah go fast."
They ran through the streets of New York trying to get to the fight as fast as possible.
"So…I guess dis is it," Jack said.
"Yeah, guess so," Spot said.
"It fer you," Morris said.
"Oh…yeah we’se real scared a yer liddle Queens newsies," Jack said, rolling his eyes. "If its jest gunna be da Queens newsie an’ you four maybe I bettah send away me friends so dat it’s a fair fight."
"Dat’s it, enough talkin’," Tick said. "Get dem boys."
The Queens newsies immediatley launched themselves at the Manhattnians and Brooklyners. Not long after, Sam’s gang came from one of the alleys and started attacking. This not only surpised the Manhattan and Brooklyn newsies, but worried them a little. This gang wasn’t young boys anymore, they were full-grown, full-fledged criminals. Spot and Jack looked at each other, worried that they had been planning for the wrong circumstances.
Martini and Jess ran to the fight. "NO we’re too late!" Martini said.
"C’mon, maybe we can do somethin’ now," Jess said.
"It’s worth a shot," Martini agreed, picking up her pace again.
"Oh my god, Martini, look!" Jess said, pointing at the heard of policemen heading towards the fight.
"SHIT!" she ran all the faster. She saw Spot and started yelling. "SPOT! SPOT DA BULLS!!" she screamed. She felt an arm go around her waist and mouth. She tried to scream but couldn’t…being that there was a hand over her mouth.
She struggled against the grip as much as she could but wasn’t a match for her attacker’s strength.
Martini saw out of the corner of her eye that Jess was having similar trouble. Morris was holding her back from the fight and from warning the newsies that the police were coming.
She felt herself being dragged away from the fight. Martini fought all the harder to stay where she was, still not knowing who had her.
"Martini I don’t know why ya came down heah but yer leavin’ right now," said a voice from behind her.
Oscah? I think dat’s Oscah’s voice…she thought. She tried to bite his hand but he laughed and kept it away from her eager teeth. "I ain’t stupid enough ta do dat twice," he told her.
She tried to yell, "Let me go!" but it came out muffled because of the hand covering her mouth.
"Sweah ya wont yell ta da newsies an’ I’ll let ya go," he promised.
Martini nodded and he released her mouth.
"Now what da hell are ya doin’ heah?" he asked, maintaining his grip on her waist.
"Well…umm….would ya believe dat I’se sleep walkin’?" she asked.
Oscar rose his eyebrow. "Try again," he told her.
"What do ya think I’se doin’ heah. I came ta see fer meself what was goin’ on an’ see if I could help," she told him.
"Help who?" he asked.
"Da newsies," she said quietly, looking down.
"What did ya say?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.
"I said da newsies," she said, looking him straight in the eye. "I jest couldn’t sit back an’ let ya hurt dem."
"So, not only have ya been lyin’ ta me, ya druge Jess inta dis too?" he asked, releasing her and pushing her away from him.
"Um…yup pretty much," she said.
"I can’t fuckin’ believe dis. Now what da hell am I supposed ta do?" he asked, talking more to himself than to Martini.
"I don’t care," she said running away as fast as she could towards the newsies again. "SPOT BULLS! RUN!" she screamed, seeing that the police men were now only a few feet away.
Spot heard her this time and yelled at everyone to run. Some of the lucky boys that heard him ran as fast as they could away. Surprisingly none of the opposite side ran. Martini suddenly connected everything together. The entire plan made sense to her now.
Before she could think anymore about it, she was grabbed again. This time it was a police man. "Damnit," she swore as the policeman cuffed her. She didn’t fight at all, since she wouldn’t have any chance of getting away. She noticed that neither Jack or Spot had run. What da hell is goin’ on? she wondered, being led away.
As it turned out, the police had, had the entire fighting location surrounded. Only a few very lucky boys actually made it away that way. All the others were dragged into court, for their trial.
The entire group was sentenced to a year in the Refuge for a year.
Part 10