Newsies That Live in My Room!
    Howdy, howdy, howdy!  Okay, well, you know those things that start as like one small comment and then evolve into like long running jokes and you are like "Wow, why am I still talking about this?" WELL...I have many of those...and soemtimes I mention them to people and people get offended...or think I'm on crack...and so I thought I would put some of those jokes on here....and  soo...with no do ya spell that? I have no fucking clue...okay soooo with no more talk I give you...The Newsies that live in my room....
LOOK...a dresser....which has a sock drawer...and I think we ALL know who is in the sockdrawer....hes waaaaiting **spooky music plays** **cackles are heard from inside the drawer and then it starts moving around as if whatever is in there is trying to get out**
What's this? A closet door you say?  I wonder who could be in there....**grins** on it and find out!
What do I keep in here, you may be wondering...well try clicking on it...but be VERY VERY CAREFUL!!!
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Okay, I know what you're thinking! You're thinking "Aren't those the famous Baptistry doors?  How are they in your room?  WELL...they aren't...the Baptistry door's I mean...I had Ghibirti make me some should see where they'll be the link...ya know ya wanna...DO IT!!