Jack: Ugh...why is she sitting by me?
Sarah: I think I want pink for my bridesmaid dresses for our wedding...
Spot:  If I sit here and look tough they will be intimidated...Hopefully...
Let me point some things out...1) Blink and Spot are holding hands...what the hel is up w/ that?  2) Jack said no pictures but then posed for one... 3) Davie is a freak.
"Ya do what wid yer mouth, Davie?  Oh...I get it walkin' mouth...So, jest outta curiousity how much would dat cost fer me?  I AM da leadah a Brooklyn aftah all...how 'bout a discount?
And, that's all for now folks.  I'm out...anwyway, hope you enjoyed them and weren't offended.  ; D

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