WOOOOOOOSSHHHHHH WOOOOOOOSSHHHHHHH WWOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHHH If ya haven't noticed you're in a port hole...notice the wind wooshing by? Yeah... Anyway you have stumbled into Itey's porthole. He has it cause he gets bored when I am busy with other stuff and obviously can't hang out with Davie or TARK soo he goes and visits other people like Swifty (his pant stealing helper)...Anyway if you would like to continue and see Tunes' Room KEEP GOING Stress' Room KEEP GOING Prankster's Room KEEP GOING Aki & Spin's Room KEEP GOING or if you want to return to my room then you can! Either way...Have fun! Enjoy! TOODLES!! TT4N! Adios! Hasta Luego! Ciao...etc etc etc... WWOOOSSSSHHHHH WWWWWWOOOOOOSSHHH WWWOOOOOOOOOOOSH |