Behind a tragic story,
Often there is a beautiful story,
We just can't see it now,
If only we could see their true self now,
No longer an image of death,
If only we could see the brightness in their eyes,
And the comfort in their soul,
Through that, it would open up into a world,
And we would see everything they are viewing through their eyes.
Seeing everything more beautiful and vibrant than before,
Feeling the qualities in everything at a deeper level,
and feeling everything as a whole,
A union.

To travel is easy, to go anywhere desired,
Just at the sheer thought of it,
And so there is so much shown,
All the wonders of life are clear,
And the magic of all of the amazing beauty -
Is like a precious gift, that shows itself again and again,
It shows the wholeness of each thing,
From every angle and even the inside shines through,
Like a song,
And love,
Love with more feeling, more powerful, and pure,
It is understood deeper.

It is all so real.

Earth, like a duller image of heaven,
Like a photo's negative,
But beauty can be seen in it,
And everything that is deeply cared about in heaven,-
Is what we seem to be striving for here on earth,
It is what we are born with.

©2004 Molly Nicole