Pennsylvania Conference on the
Health Care Crisis
Monday October 18, 2004, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Harrisburg Hilton & Towers, 1 North Second Street, Harrisburg, PA          HOME
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Luncheon Keynote Speaker : Dr. Quentin Young,
National Coordinator, Physicians for a National Health Plan
Conference registration $25 
Register early at
Seating limited; assigned on first come first serve basis
.......... Business .......... Communities
.......... Healthcare .......... Labor
.......... (Please specify Workshop) Indicate first, second and third choice.
9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Kick-off Panel
Featuring Panelists from Four Workshops and Legislative Panel
Business:    Kitty Gallagher, Pres., Lehigh Valley Business Conference on Health Care, Bethlehem, PA
Communities:    Dr. Walter Tsou, President., American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA
Healthcare:    Linda Rhodes, Ed.D., Sen. VP, Education - Health Care Policy Public Works, LLC, West Chester, PA
Labor:    Charles McCollester PhD, Professor of Labor Studies, IUP, Indiana, PA
Legislative:    Rep. Christopher O'Neil,     Dirigo Health Plan, Dayton, ME
10:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. General Session
Moderator: Charlie Crystle, CEO, Mission Research, Lancaster, PA
10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
4 Simultaneous Workshops:
HEALTHCARE: Physicians, Nurses, and Healthcare Workers
BUSINESS: The Crisis Effect on Small Business
COMMUNITIES: "This is Your Healthcare Crisis: Building Support to Solve It
LABOR: The Erosion of Benefits for the Workforce
LABOR: The Erosion of Benefits for the Workforce
Eileen Connelly, Executive Director,  SEIU PA State Council,
Bill George
, President, PA AFL-CIO, Harrisburg, PA
Joel Segal, Legislative Assistancet. to U.S. Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Washington, D.C.
Charles McCollester, PhD, Professor of Labor Studies, Indiana University of PA.
HEALTHCARE: Physicians, Nurses, and Healthcare Workers
Dr. Quentin Young ;   
Laurence Lavin
, Director, National Health Law Program, Los Angeles, CA
Ken Frisof, M.D., Nat. Dir., Universal Healthcare Action Network;    
Linda Rhodes, Ed.D., Sen. V.P., Education & Health Care Policy Public Works, Cleveland
Laurence Lavin, Director, National Health Law Program, Los Angeles, CA;   
Kenneth S. Thompson
, MD, Assoc. Professor of Psychiatry & Community Health Services, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Anne Torregrossa  PA. Office of Health Care Reform;  
Scott Tyson MD moderator:
BUSINESS: The Crisis Effect on Small Business
Kitty Gallagher 
LVBCHC, Bethlehem, PA
Rep. Chris O'Neil
Jim Panyard
President & CEO, PA. Manufacturreres' Association [invited]
Cliff Shannon
President, SMC Business Councils, Pittsburgh, PA
Mike Stout
Owner, Steel Valley Printers, Homestead, PA
Jim Welty  
Vice President, PA Chamber of Commerce, Harrisburg, PA
Bonnie DiCarlo
, Certified Financial Planner, Pittsburgh, PA,  Moderator
COMMUNITIES: "This is Your Healthcare Crisis: Building Support to Solve It
Marilyn Clement
, Coordinator, Campaign for a National Health Program Now!, New York, NY
Bob Mason, LCSW, Chair, Social Policy Committee, National Association of Social Workers - PA Chapter
Steven Thomas, Ph.D., Dir., Center for Minority Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Robert Torres, Dep. Secr. PA Dept. of Health, Harrisburg, PA (Invited)
Dr. Walter Tsou, President, American Public Health Association, moderator
1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Workshop Reports to General Session
2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Legislative Panel
Rep. Chris O'Neil, Dayton, ME
Joel Segal, aide to Rep. John Conyers, Washington, D.C.    
PA State Rep. Kathy Manderino, Philadelphia, PA (Invited)
Laurence Lavin, Director, National Health Law Program, Los Angeles, CA

3:30 - 4:00 p.m.   Closing with all panelists
Sign up now!   Go to       or

Send your Registration to Crystle Policy Center,  P.O. Box 8075, Lancaster, PA 17604-8075




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HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Harrisburg Hilton & Towers
LODGING: Rooms at the Hilton Harrisburg and Towers are available at the discounted rate of $104 single or double
occupancy; $114 for triple or quad occupancy. For details and to ensure reservations, please call 717-233-6000 by
October 13, 2004. Be sure to mention you are attending the PA Conference on the Healthcare Crisis.
PARKING: Day parking is available to conference guests for $4.00.
*Please make check payable to "Crystle Policy Center"
.......... Conference Sponsor @ $500.00 .......... Workshop Sponsor @ $250.00
.......... Table Sponsor @ $100.00