PUSH News HOME Highlights July 13, 2005 JUST HEALTH CARE is now our official name, with PUR/HC as the education arm and PUSH as the lobbying campaign. -- Just Health Care now has the federal non-profit 501-C-3 [PUR/HC] and lobbying C-4 status [PUSH]; and PA. non-profit status; your gift to PUR/HC is tax deductible. ---Help pass 2005 Balanced Health Care Reform bill to provide full coverage for all Pennsylvanians this year! A statewide coalition is being formed. We need endorsers from across PA. --PUSH supports Rep. Don Walko's resolution to allow drug imports to PA. -- OUTREACH: "Just Health Care" PUSH quarterly newsletter with news, updates on the issues, answers to the myths, action calendar and more. To make sure you're on the mailing list just Send us your address Also available: --Fascinating report of the Listening Project, interviews with a wide variety of local people on health care issues and experiences. Contact 412-371-3607 Scilla Wahrhaftig --4-page newsprint piece, includes information on the legislation, is available in large quantities. You can help distribute copies. Contact the office, 412-431-2075 or sandyatpush@yahoo.com Committees Meetings are held on the 4th floor, 33 Terminal Way, Southside {see directions below] EDUCATION [PUR/HC] Tony Mastroianni: We have trained speakers available for your congregation or organization PUSH 14 minute slideshow also in DVD, VHS, power point and mac form; letter seeking support, endorsement of PUSH. To make sure you're on the mailing list just Send us your address POLITICAL ACTION Dr. Scott Tyson has been meeting with potential supporters statewide. You can help by recommending contacts and helping with lobbying. Briefings on the bill are being held with religious, small business, labor and other constituencies. Response from participants has been very positive Endorsements both individual and organizational are critical to passage of the bill. FUND-RAISING John Stephen, staff In addition to seeking foundation grants and private donations, plans are underway for two or three exciting fundraisers. GENERAL MEETINGS are held on the Fourth Saturday, 11 a.m., 33 Terminal Way, Southside, off S. Carson, between 3d and 4th Streets. All are welcome PUSH IS OUR ORGANIZATION AND THAT MEANS YOU! IT'S UP TO YOU TO DEMAND SIGNIFICANT AND COMPREHENSIVE REFORM OF OUR AILING HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT! |