**Note** - The inclusion of this banner is prevent a second window from popping up when you enter my site and to provide advertising for Geocities so they can continue their free home page program. Mollykat's home page does not necessarily indorse any banner which appears since we have never visited a large majority of the sites advertised. So please, Surf with caution.

Mollykat's Banner

Resources for Survivors

Please be safe while accessing these links

This site is moving

Welcome to my site. I hope you find it helpful. If you choose, you can click here to skip all the text and go straight to the index of the pages at my site.

Max and Oscar are missing. =( - See thier missing posters by clicking on their names.

**NOTE** It's been a while since I have worked on my site - I am sorry about that. I am planning on removing broken links and working on things over the next month so hopefully things here will be brighter by the end of the summer.

I have taken a chance and have created a page here all about me. Well, who _I_ perceive to be me. This is very scary for me and a big big step but if telling my life story helps someone else, in some way, it will be worth it. I haven't worked on or added to this page in a bit but will get back to it. It is a tough thing to write emotionally.

This site came in to creation in several ways. I am a survivor of child abuse, both physical and sexual abuse as well as the emotional abuse that came hand in hand with what they did to me. I also am healing and surviving from a sexual assault. After the assault, I spent many hours searching the web for information on how to survive this horrible thing that had happened. I found lots of information on prevention and lots of technical things but not a whole lot on surviving. This was back in late 1995. So, when I found geocities and saw that they offered a free web page service, I was excited. It gave me the possiblity to create the type of site that I had been searching for. So, Mollykat's Resources for Survivors was created.

I have been "diagnosed" with several "things." I really tend to hate labels but I have to be honest in saying that having them has helped me seek out information that has given me better understanding of myself and of ways to help myself. With each diagnosis, I once again went to the web to seek information. I was able to find information on depression (which is a chronic and constant battle for me), PTSD, and Dissociative Identity Disorder (which has also been mentioned).

Anxiety is something I struggle with daily. I have panic attacks and periods of such intense anxiety I can't function. I get so anxious that it affects my physical health. So, of course I have researched anxiety, seeking information, better coping skills and better medications.

I also have a page of links about Borderline Personality Disorder, something I was diagnosed with while I was in the hospital. I don't necessarily agree with this diagnosis but fighting it just makes it seem more valid to them. *sigh* If giving me this label, helps them to help me get better, then I guess I can tolerate it.

I also searched for information on 2 major, life threatening issues that effect me; suicide and self injury. If you are suicidal, please seek help immediately from a local therapist, mental health agency or hospital. Many people feel like they can not go on living from time to time but if this is a recurrent thought and you have a plan - PLEASE seek immediate help! Call 911 or go to the emergency room!

I realize that survivors as well as victims of domestic violence may find my page. Please seek help, it is not up to you to change, that decision can only be your partners. Taking the first step to get away can be very frightening but it could be saving your own life.

I have a collection of survivor's voices started and I would love for you to leave your voice too. It can be in any form as long as it is your own original work. You can stop the silence by leaving something through the submission form on the survivor's voices page.

I want to say thank you for visiting my page. I would love to know that you have been here and what you think. Any and all suggestions on links to add, changes you feel I should make in format or anything are welcome. Please leave all suggestions at this time in my guestbook or in my email at mollykat@piglet.asarian.org Thanks and . . . Please return again!

You can click on the subject area of your choice to access links

Borderline Personality Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Domestic Violence
Emotional Abuse
My friends
Fun Things
Health - Mental
Health - Physical
It happened to me
For Inner Children
Miscellaneous links for Survivors
Movie List of Triggery Movies
Pets - no links yet
Rape/Sexual Assault
Ritual Abuse
Sanctuary MUD
Self Awareness Worksheet
Self Esteem
Self Injury
Sexual Abuse
Survivor's Voices
Who is Mollykat?
Submit a URL to be added to my site here!

Please read why this page was black for Mother's Day.

Mollykat's Guestbook

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Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

**Note** - The inclusion of this banner is primarily to gain more advertisement for my site. For every 2 visits to this site, our banner earns a spot on someone else's site. Mollykat's home page does not necessarily indorse any banner which appears since we have never visited a large majority of the sites advertised. So please, Surf with caution.

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