<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/mom_hubbard/fun_fun_fun.wav">
Family Pages Index
Jaime has always done very well in
school.  In the first grade she re-
cieved the Optimist's Club Super
Citizen award.  Last year she
recieved the President's Excellence
in Education Award for keeping
her grades above a B from 4th to
6th grade. 

Jaime continued her successful Aca-
demic Career in Jr. High this year by
making the honor roll all four quarters. 
She recieved Honor Mention on one of her art
projects and played volleyball (her favorite),
basketball, soccer and was on the track team.

She was recently asked to serve on a committee that included  the superintendent of schools, school board members, architects and a handful of other students in the district to help plan the new high school.

Latest News: 

She just tried out for and made the 8th grade Volleyball team at school!  The Volley Ball team had a GREAT season with only ONE loss and Jaime scored the winning point in the last game of the season!  

Just the past week Jaime and 2 of her friends performed in the School Lip Sync Assembly to "Walk Like an Egyptian," it was very cute.  She is looking forward to presenting her oration in the oration contest very soon.  This year she was nominated for the National Junior Honor Society this year.   What a girl, a parent couldn't ask for more!  I'm very proud of her!
13 years
this page updated 10/19/2002
Spring Dance Pics