Mahon Family
Transcribed By Karen Martin
These papers I have are written by Robert Perry Mahon, discribing the Mahon family. Robert Perry Mahon transcribed these papers in The Spring of 1950.
The Mahon Family is Irish and comes from Norther Ireland, Belfast. They have always been Protestants.
Our grandfather Mahon came to this county in the early part of the last century(1800's) and settled in North Carolina. There he married Nancy Epperson, and a few years later they moved to what was then known as the "Western District of Tennessee", to the portion which is now Crockett county. In those days it was a sparsley settled county and only pioneers dared to face the work and dangers of the new land. Our grandfather MAHON was John Henry.
To our grandparents were born eightchildren that I know of. The oldest, a daughter Betsy, married a man by the name of BRIM, a widower. They moved to Missouri where BRIM passed away. Betsy came back to Tennessee and passed away in Alamo in the home of her brother, Howell. Our father, Franklin EPPERSON MAHON,was the next child and oldest son. Then there was Jackson, Bently, then a daughter whom I never knew and whose name I do not know. She married a MAYFIELD in the early days and moved to Bastrop, Texas. Then there was Jane, Clemenda and the baby Howell H.
Grandfather died in the late twenties of the last century(1800's) and as the oldest son, my father became the head of the family. My grandfather was a Baptist but grandmother was a Methodist. As far as I know my father and his youngest sister, Clemenda, were the only ones to become Baptist; all the others were Methodists.
Father was married three times; the first two wifes were DEANs and from a prominent family from the lower part of Crockett county. By the first wife there were three sons- John Henry who died leaving no family; Fountain EPPERSON MAHON who married in Tennessee and later moved to Arkansas. He died leaving children but I do not know their whereabouts to this date. William H. never married. Then there was a daughter Lucy who ran away amd married and after that never came around our home very much. She has descendants in Crockett county somewhere around Maury City.
By his second wife, also a DEAN, there was two sons and a daughter. James Carter, who died in Memphis in 1947 at the age of 93 years; a daughter Emma; and another son Francis Sylvester. James C. married Jerusahe WORRELL near Johnson Grove. By this wife were a number of children who are married and live in and near Memphis, near Dyersburg and Helena, Arkansas. They are a fine lot of people.
Emma married Abner EARLY after they moved to Honey Grove, Texas where he was killed in a railroad accident. By him she had one daughter, Mrs. J.T. JENNINGS of Alamo, Tennessee. After some years she married a second time to John H. ADAMS of Johnson Grove. By him she had two sons, Henry, who lives in St. Louis, and Barney, who lives in Memphis. They had one daughter, Olivia, who lives near Johnson Grove.
Francis Sylvester, when quite a young man, went to Arkansas, marrried and moved to Texas. I know he had a family but I know nothing about them.
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2000-2001-2002 Karen Martin