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Little guardian angel
looking down on me
Guard my pages down below
when others come to see!!
With your angelic voice
whisper in each ear:
"All are blessed who enter in,
please leave what you see here!!"
This poem written by Lynne
-This is an original creation by Copyright
©1997-All rights reserved
Our Cozy
Oh Hi there!! Didn't see you standing there!! Just open the screen door and come on in. I hope you find my home warm and cozy!!
My name is Cyndi Lynne and I am married to Mark, a very wonderful, loving husband!! He drives a truck full-time and runs his own accounting business from home!! It keeps him pretty busy but never too busy for his family *S*
My Family
Here I am with our boys: Shane, Brandon and lil' Mark!! All I ever hear is how girls out number the boys *LOL* I think I gave birth to the world's population of boys!! We hope to have at least one more child, *crossing my fingers and toes* and I am hoping for a little girl!!
OK most of you know we had another little boy, we named Sutton!! What hardly any of you knew is that early 2000, the rabbit died again!! The doctor told us after the first ultra sound we were finally gonna have a little girl!! WAIT!! WAIT!! It gets better!! I ran out and bought everything pink I could find!! Next ultra sound our little girl is now another little boy *BS* So now I am the very proud mother of FIVE...count them...(1)Shane, (2)Brandon, (3)Lil Mark, (4)Sutton...and (5)Lil Al...beautiful, healthy sons!! Also in June of 2000 I lost my daddy to lung cancer.
2000 was both sad and happy!! So far 2001 is about the same!! My son, Brandon graduated from high school and joined the Army as part of the 82nd Airborne!! I sat in the VIP section and watched proudly as my son not only graduated from basic at Fort Jackson, S.C. but received a special award as an expert marksman!! Now all that is over shadowed by the terrorist action in our country!!
We live in North Carolina. Mark was born here but I was born and raised in South Carolina. I moved here in 1991!! Best move I ever made!! I spend a lot of time on my "puter working on my page *snicker* or book as my friends and family refer to it!! If you would like to learn more about me read on!! Take a tour of our house and meet the whole family...our friends on the net and our pets!! "NEWS FLASH" I can make my own graphics!! Check out my graphics page!! Oh and by the way...don't forget to sign the guestbook!!
The Dove of Peace flies from site to site, through as many countries as possible. It does not belong to ANY belief system. Please help it make a line around the globe by taking it with you to your site, by giving it to someone for their site, by passing it on to another continent, or to the conflict areas of the world. Peace
My wonderful friend Stacy honored me by requesting this award for me!!
Before you begin to wander through my home let me share a few things with you *S*
With each passing day as I grow and become who I was mean't to be I have learned:
"Life is a journey...not a destination.."
When I feel sad and a lone I stop and remember:
"Those whom we love..... are always in our heart."
And finally, after learning my way around the net I found:
".....in my own little corner,
in my own little chair
I can be whatever
I want to be............."
Our Cozy
Won't you please help!!
Adopt An MIA!!
Please visit our MIA page and learn how you can help bring our boys home!!
The Truck
A page dedicated to my L. O. T. H. sisters.
visits so far!!
~Some of the graphics are originals on this page and are not for download!!~
Some of the graphics on this page came from This set created and Copyright © 2001 - Cinnamon Stick Graphics!
Some of the graphics on this page came from Some graphics created and Copyright © 2000-2001 Patty's Pixels all rights reserved!
Some of the graphics on this page came from Some graphics created and Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Original Country Clipart by Lisa all rights reserved!
Some of the graphics on this page came from Some graphics created and Copyright © 1998-2001 Mels Country Graphics all rights reserved!
Some of the graphics on this page came from Some graphics created and Copyright © 1998-2001 Becki's Garden of Graphics all rights reserved!
Some of the graphics on this page came from Some graphics created and Copyright © 1998-2001 The Coop all rights reserved!
This web site was created by CL&M Tuck © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 & 2001.
This site was last updated Wednesday, September 19, 2001.
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