Chapter Activities In MOMS Club, we strive to offer enriching activities for you and your children during the day when you need the support most. Remember, you can participate AND bring your children along. We believe that having children around is a natural part of being a mother. Having children and choosing to raise them should not isolate at-home mothers! We cater to mothers' interests while still providing a balance of child-based activities.... > Monthly business meetings > Playgroups > Park days (weather permitting) > Tours of local businesses > Outings to childrens' museums, county fairs, water parks, baseball games, and more! > Annual service project > Monthly MOMS Night Out > Special interest groups: Book group, Movie group, Recipe Exchange, Scrapbooking, and New Member Playgroup. |
For more information email us or contact International MOMS Club. |
Neither the MOMS Club of Cedar Lake/Lowell, IN nor the International MOMS Club endorses any advertisements that may appear as the result of using a free web server. |