Experience Ireland yourself through Ireland tours hosted by a group that is native to the region, Ireland tours planned by folks raised in Ireland themselves.

Click Here For clothing and gifts that reflect the New England lifestyle! Click Here For Gorgeous Irish and Celtic clothing and gifts! Click Here For Gorgeous Medieval, Renaissance and Romantic clothing and gifts! Click Here For magnificent folk art representing the world’s cultures on clothing and gifts!

"A Continuity of existence
Still remained in me,
which I do not deny."
- Fintan, the Great Rememberer

Céad Mile Fáilte to Ancient Ireland ~ Welcome! I am deeply grateful for my Irish emigrant ancestors who struggled to survive in dignity. Were it not for their perseverence, stamina and pure will to live, I wouldn't be here today. There isn't one day that goes by that I don't think about what they endured so that their descendants could enjoy a better life. All of my websites are created in their honor.

Also, as an Irish-American author and educator, I'm interested in keeping our rich Celtic heritage alive in our society. I have tried to create a site that will facilitate research into our fascinating Celtic culture and history.

This page is under permanent re-construction since I'm always searching for the *best* resources the Net has to offer on Ancient Ireland. I have a great interest in Ancient Éire and invite you to enjoy all that is presented here....Lots more will follow.

"The great old Irish houses, the proud old Irish names,
Like stars upon the midnight, today their lustre gleams,
Gone are the great old houses - the proud old names are low
That shed a glory o'er the land a thousand years ago.
..... wheresoe'er a scion of those great old houses be,
In the country of his fathers or the land across the sea,
In city or in hamlet, by the valley, on the hill,
The spirit of his brave old sires is watching o'er him still."

Passages To Ancient Ireland

Famous Irish Women in History
Earthlore’s Ancient Ireland
History of Ireland
Irish Mythology
History of Ireland
The Goddess Fires
at Candlemas
Celtic Pagan Links
Clothing of the Ancient Celts
Tome of Celtic Mythology
The Descent of Irish Celtic Kings
Celtic Corner
Gaelic and Celtic Culture
Pettigo, Donegal Online
Druidic Clothing and Dress
Ancient Ireland.com
Megalithic Monuments of Ireland
Táin Bó Cúalnge
Stones of Ireland
Ancient Irish Maps
Monastic Ireland
Gods of Ancient Ireland
Heroes of Ancient Ireland
A Social History of Ancient Ireland
Geography of Ancient Ireland
The Irish Tribes
The Divine Races of Ancient Ireland
The Lament of Macha
Irish Castles
The Archaeology of Ancient Ireland
The Royal History of Ireland
Historic Irish Castles
Megalithic Passage Tombs
The National Archives of Ireland

Irish Resources

Irish Country Gifts Irish Country Graphics Famous Irish Women
The Monaghan Clan Ancient Ireland's Webrings Anam Ceilteach ~ An Gorta Mór
The Monaghans of Donegal Irish Resources Celtic Fiction
Nancy's Celtic Award Winners 2003 Awards I've Won Irish Networking Links
Irish Property Search Irish Townland Database

Online Communities

Irish Women's Online Community Celtic Women's Online Community The Irish-American Community
Pettigo, Donegal Community The Monaghan Clan Community Adoptees Online Community

For clothing, mousepads, mugs, clothing and lots more with Irish, Celtic, Clan Coat of Arms, Irish surname and Irish Republican designs, please go to Irish Country Gifts ~ Very reasonably priced products ~ Come on over and take a look!