The site must be freely viewable: Commerical Sites are not encouraged to join unless considerable mythological resource content is available. The Ring Mistress has final determination of eligibility.
Joining the Ancient Myths Ring
Steps to submit a site to the Ancient Myths Ring:
Step One: Submit Your Site by clicking on the image either at the top of this page or the one located below these directions.
Once the addform is submitted, your site will be added immediately to
the ring's Queue and you will receive an e-mail notification of your ID# and password {Keep this very important information--You will need the Site
ID# to customize your Ring's HTML Code}. Please allow at least 1-2 days for the process of site review by the RingMistress.
Step Two: Placement of the HTML Fragment on your site. Place the Ancient Myth's Ring HTML code on your site immediately upon receipt of it (after submitting your site for review by the RingMistress). It must be in place when the RingMistress checks the site. Please notify the RingMistress when the code has been placed on your page. Thank you.
Several styles of images are available for you to choose from. The only requirements are that you not alter the graphics in any way and that you copy the image below to your own server ~ do not link to this page, please. When I visit your site, the Ring code should be easy to find.
If the Ring Code is not easily seen on the page listed on the submit form, then the owner will be notified of the problem and it must be fixed
before the site can be admitted to the ring. If the site is already a member,
that site will be moved to the Queue and you will have 7 days to fix the problem. After 7 days, the site will be automatically deleted from the Queue and the owner would have to re-submit the form above to re-enter the ring.
Here are examples of the images you may use for the Ring code for your site. Please make sure that you download the graphic file (For example: the image used at the top of this page and in my own Ring code is ancient.jpg) and then upload the image to your own server in the same directory as your page containing the code. In addition to the image I use on this page, there are four other choices you have:
Below is my actual working Ring Code for this site: