TOW Rachel Smokes
Monica: I bet it's gonna be weird seeing some actor pretending to be Ben's dad.
Ross: Yeah.
Chandler: Weirder than seeing his two moms make out?

Ross: Seriously, that's a lot of cups.
Phoebe: Yeah well, that's 'cause I was in charge of cups and ice and Monica is gonna rue the day that she ever put me in charge of cups and ice.
Chandler: You know, I rued the day once....didn't get a whole lot else done.

"Check it out! Cup hat; cup banner; cup chandelier; and the thing that started it all: the cup!"-Phoebe

"Hi, Ben! So, you wanna be an actor, huh? I gotta tell ya, it's no picnic. There's ton of rejection. No stability. I mean, one day you're Dr.Drake Ramoray, the next day you're eating ketchup right out of the bottle"-Joey

Monica: I think it's a great idea. Yeah, we could have a dinner party and just invite her close friends.
Joey: Ross! We're having a surprise party for Rachel!
Ross: [from the bathroom] Okay!
Joey: Done.
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