TOW Ross's Step Forward
Monica: Do you remember how he behaved at our wedding?
Chandler: No.
Monica: That's because he wasn't invited, because of the way he behaved at our engagement party.
Chandler: Oh, yeah. Boy, urine cuts right through an ice sculpture, doesn't it?

Rachel: You gave her a key to your apartment?
Ross: Not just a key. I gave her the only key. I am now a homeless person in a very serious relationship.

Phoebe: Okay, remember that little problem I was having during my fourth month of pregnancy?
Monica: Oh yeah, the Evander Holyfield phase. Oh many you were so hard up you practically came on to me.
Phoebe: You wish.
Monica: Hey, I could've had you if I wanted you.
Phoebe: Oh yeah? Come and get it.
Rachel: Okay, even this is turning me on!

"Oh, what is wrong with me lately? I mean it's like every guy I see-I mean look here. [points behind them] Look at that guy for example, I mean normally that's not someone I would-would be attracted to, but right now, with the way I'm feeling, all  I want to do is rip off his sweatpants and fanny pack"-Rachel

Mona: Our card could say 'Love, Mona and Ross'
Ross: We haven't said that to each other....but I think it's okay to tell other people.

Rachel: So how was your day today?
Joey: Um....good. I saw a pretty big pigeon a little while ago...

Joey: Do you wanna do it?
Rachel: No!
Joey: All right, me neither! I was just testing you!
Rachel: That's the end of this conversation!
Joey: This conversation never happened!
Rachel: Never happened! Good night!
Joey: Good night! [they both go into their rooms and Rachel pokes her head back into the living room]
Joey: Get back in there! [Rachel goes into her room and closes the door]

Mona: You want to send this out?
Ross: You mean, like, to people?

Chandler: Hi Honey. I'm home.
Monica: From the tequila factory?
Chandler: It was awful. To get out of going to dinner with Doug, I told him that you and I split up. He took me to all these strip clubs and slezy bars. And then, when I wouldn't give him my wedding ring, he threw a soda can at a bird!
Monica: Come here. I can breathe through my nose. [they hug]
Chandler: You know what the worst part was? I got to see what my life would be like without you. Y'know, it was like, uh, It's A Wonderful Life with lap dances. Please promise me that you will never leave me, that we will grow old and be with each other for the rest of our lives.
Monica: I promise.
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