TOW Joey Dates Rachel
Joey: So, this roommate of yours, is he good looking?
Rachel: Mmm hmm.
Joey: Oh, yeah, it must be tough to keep your hands off him.
Rachel: Yeah, but I'm pretty sure he's gay.
Joey: No, no, no he's not. Why are you trying to ruin the game?

Rachel: Wow, so I get to see what Joey Tribianni is like on a date. So, do you have any moves?
Joey: No, no. I'm just myself. If they don't like me for....[cracks up] I'm sorry. I couldn't even get through that.

Monica: You think this is clever?
Chandler: Well, you know, they only give you three letters, so after A-S-S, it *is* a bit of a challenge.
Monica: Hey, wait a minute, this one's not dirty.
Chandler: Well, it is when you put it together with that one.
Monica: Ah. Well, if you don't clear this off, you don't be getting one of those from me.

Joey: Well, if I want the girl to kiss me, first thing I do is make my lips looks irresistible.
Rachel: How do you do that?
Joey: Well, you can't tell anyone, but, uh...I put on shiny lip balm.
Rachel: Oh, my god.
Joey: Yeah, like a moth to a flame, I'm tellin' you. Okay, all right, so now you go.
Rachel: No, I don't want to tell you.
Joey: Why not?
Rachel: Because it's embarassing.
Joey: More embarassing then shiny raspberry lip balm? I didn't say raspberry before, did I?

Monica: Are you kidding?! I practically spent my entire childhood at the arcade! This is like--Oh my, this is like my second favorite game!
Phoebe: Oh really? What was your first?
Monica: Well I-I really don't remember the name of it.
Chandler: Well what did it do?
Monica: Well, you just-you put a quarter in and y'know pull-pull some handles and win like a candy bar or something.
Chandler: A vending machine?
Monica: Don't feel bad for me! I won like every time!
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