    The show opens with scenes of Soulreaver and Trifecta... Various scenes of thier fued.  Then War Gods music hits and they come out!

Destruction: "Trifecta!  You little wimps!  Come on out here... you think you can take our titles... bring your sorry asses out here, and be prepared to go on injured reserve!"

    Then, Trifecta come out (Dave Stone and Jake Steel), and immediately start to brawl!!

Tag Title Match
War Gods (c) vs. Trifecta
     Winners: Trifecta

>During the match Mike Stone came to ring side and when he had a chance nailed Devestation with a baseball bat!  Helping his fellow Trifecta members calim the tag titles!!

Light Heavy Weight Triple Threat Title Match
Sera (c) vs Alex Star vs. Rising Sun
     Winner: Sera

>After the match Sera grabs her title from the ref and shakes her head... (could she be tiring of going undefeated in the LHW division?

Continental Title Match
Mike Stone vs Anubis
     Winner: Anubis
>During the match, Destruction came down and nailed Stone with a chair!!

    Then Powertrip from Monster Magnet plays and Prez comes out.  He grabs a mic and stands in the center of the ring.

Prez: "OK... Tonight we introduce the brand new Hardcore Championship!  Two semifinals matches, and then the actual title match.  The next three matches will be those three matches."

Hardcore Title Semifinals Match
Demon vs Oni
     Winner: Demon

Hardcore Title Semifinals Match
Cannon vs Sandman
     Winner: Cannon

Hardcore Title Match
Demon vs Cannon
     Winner: Cannon

#1 Contender to the World Title Match
Brotherfury vs Xander Davis
     Winner: Brotherfury

CWF World Title Match-Hard Core Rules
Nightmare vs Soulreaver
     Winner: Nightmare

>After the match, the entire Shadow Alliance comes out and celebrate with Nightmare!  The crowd pops... Then Demon pulls a bag out from under the ring and all the Alliance members start throwing t-shirts to the crowd!  Many in the crowd are still shocked by this drastic "face" attitude by the (formerly) moster heel stable the Shsdow Alliance!