~About me~
Ah where do i begin? well a good start would be to tell you all my name eh! *lol* Ok my name be Jonathan but you can call me Jon for short, I’m 26 and live in the lands of “Robin Hood” in England, its a nice place but if you ask me it gets far too much rain for my liking! ...I guess I'm quite giggly for a male, well most of the time anyways as i have my down time too, but its not a bad thing as life is all about seeking and accepting balance is it not! But i shall admit that lesson took me a long time to learn. I guess though to understand that side of things you have to be me, but I will tell you this I'm a full on Cancerian, meaning when I'm down I’m really down and when I’m up I’m really up but Shhhh don’t tell anyone I like the down time a little more than the up, I learn more about me that way, kind of kicks my @ss so I cant help but listen. Ha Ha Ha.. I’ve been through a lot of crap in my time, just like a lot of you have, and somehow my hearts always remained safe i never knew why or what for until i started writing, although i have written poems in 1995-96-97 my writing did not begin then it began in the end of 1999, much of what i wrote then sadly got burned and I'm sad about that sometimes, but I be still here unlike the Dark saga poems, i turned away from DEATH but not by my own choosing ALL I shall say of that is well that day something came to see me, something that changed everything and gave me HOPE!
Im not saying i understood  what happened or what i saw that day and im not sure today too, but im doing the best i can