Welcome to Moose and Holly's Guestbook

Woof, Woof! Look what people are saying!


Leanne Day - 12/19/00 23:14:43
My Email:Leanne.Day@qld.slq.gov.au

You have inspired me to do one for Chip (my horse)! Well done.

Lorenza and Levante - 12/13/00 00:00:23
My URL:http://members.xoom.it/levante_page/
My Email:levantepage@altavista.it

Hello! We're writing from Italy... very nice site, we really enjoyed it. Bye bye, L&L

Jode - 10/09/00 09:07:46
My Email:jldry@one.net.au

your babies are beautiful. i have two girls of my own; Bella (2yrs) and Lily (1yr). They look similar to your two because Bella is very golden and Lily is quite pale. i think they are the most wonderful breed. my mother has two girls; Chloe and Ruby. i really enjoyed seeing the webpage. thanks for sharing the piccies-they're gorgeous. Jode

riley - 10/04/00 08:56:31


Fabienne - 10/02/00 13:25:32
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/bk230906
My Email:bk230906@skynet.be

What a great web site! I really enjoyed my visit! Maybe I'll add some pics to my web site as well, so you can see our Golden Boy 'Thor'.Fabienne from Belgium

Gunde - 10/01/00 18:33:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/3174/golden.htm
My Email:mamaritz2@yahoo.com

Hi Moose and Holly, we had a "doggone" great time visiting your Website today and looking at your photos. You are both beautiful dogs, and my owner and I wanted to thank you for stopping my to visit my site as well!

Samshack - 09/30/00 23:56:09
My URL:http://samshack.cjb.net
My Email:danielswett@hotmail.com

Beautiful Goldens! Congratulations on the job "down under" at the Olympics! Zya later, and don't forget to visit my site!

Riley - 09/29/00 01:00:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/rileysite
My Email:antonm@ix.netcom.com

Fun site. I'm sure your lives are so full of excitement with 2 goldens around. We've been toying with the idea of getting Riley a brother. Keep up the great site!

Bonnie Frost - 09/25/00 17:32:11
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BFrost98
My Email:BFrost98@aol.com

Hello Moose and Holly. I see you are very light like Tara. She too likes to pig out on Grass, sticks and anything else laying on the ground. Come visit her at her page

Brynne, Jem, Oscar and Linda Clarke - 09/21/00 07:15:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/Waterwisp/Dogshow.html
My Email:waterwisp@microtech.com.au

Thank you for visiting our pages, we are just returning the visit to yours. We enjoyed our visit very much and it is so nice to see Goldens doing what they like best! Good wishes from Tasmania Brynne, Jem, Oscar and Linda Clarke Waterwisp Golden Retrievers Tasmania

Lisa Kerlin - 08/12/00 12:42:33
My Email:lisa.kerlin@ssmb.com

Need more family photos please

Erin - 06/03/00 01:16:15
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/erinsgoldenretrieversite
My Email:hockeychic_2002@yahoo.com

Great Site! It was really cute with the Golden Pictures. I really love goldens and i just recently got a Golden Retriever puppy of my own and they are so much fun!

Katy,sandy & Tess - 05/13/00 07:55:34
My URL:http://www.goldiehouse.com
My Email:thepack@goldiehouse.com

Grreat site,nice dogs .. not many people only have one Goldie these days ! The more you have the better it gets !

Becky - 04/20/00 03:52:47
My Email:rlee@alaska.net

Hi Moose and Holly-- So nice to see fellow Goldens down under. Here in Alaska we need all that thick golden fur! My Mom puts me to work skijoring in the winter and I love it, especially when there is a moose on the trail! Regards, Bess (alias Bess the Mess!)

kay lewanick - 02/19/00 03:01:26
My Email:lewanick@aol.com

Wonderful site,Beautiful dogs, I have a love of Goldens my favorite breed, I have a Golden/yellow lab mix, named Jordan, he is 8 yrs old now,and I adore him,

Julie - 02/16/00 16:02:17
My Email:globe387

I really liked this website as a matter of fact i have a glolden retriver puppy at home whoi is two months old she looks like maggy i have to go now please email me back

Charles & Dale - 02/15/00 04:08:14
My URL:http://thesapps.com

Greetings from St. Louis, MO.

JESSIE MOOSE - 01/16/00 14:42:34


Nomad - 01/02/00 00:20:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Studios/1600

Hi, surfed on in from another page. Enjoyed your "Golden" web site with pics/stories of Moose and Holly. My site centers around our Cairn Terrier, Cara, who tells her own stories in the first person, eg what's important to her. Surf by and let me know wha you think. Nomad

Cathy Leitheiser - 12/03/99 22:21:32

I really liked your web site. My husband and I have two Goldens also. The pictures of Moose in the mud reminded me of our two dogs. They both love to play in the mud. The oldest one likes to help garden also. Only he likes to take my gardening tools nd play chase with Bear and myself. He has lots of fun trying to keep the tools from us.

Chessie - 11/16/99 00:29:27
My URL:getting new addy
My Email:cujeepin@innernet.net

Hello Moose and Holly,We wanted to thank you for signing our guestbook and are sorry it took so long to come and see your pages.They are very nice and you 2 are both very beautiful Goldens.Seeing the atlers just reminded us how close Christmas is.We will ome back soon with our new web addy.

Sylvia Sponholz - 11/14/99 18:59:58
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/Sylvia.Sponholz/
My Email:Sylvia.Sponholz@t-online.de

many greetings from the Redpine-Family

Rick Chisholm - 11/13/99 11:39:38
My URL:http://www3.nf.sympatico.ca/glassburn
My Email:glassburn@nf.sympatico.ca

Thanks for visiting my site and good luck with your dogs. They look wonderful. Our Rissa is also a bit of a piggy!

Shadow - 11/12/99 14:55:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Plains/4168/
My Email:mjmahoney@fuse.net

Hi girls! Love your page!! I am a Golden too and was just surfing looking for some buddies. Come check out my picture on my humans page. Boy! do we have a crazy house! You two are sooo cute! ((((special hugs))))) Love, Shadow

cerena Meers - 10/27/99 01:51:37
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/celebs/locababy.com
My Email:locababy@gurlpages.com

i really liked your page! it was really cool and exciting. i really like dogs so this page was really interesting!

Riley - 10/25/99 15:52:18

Woof! My name is Riley & I'm a golden retriever. I'm entered in this months Hi-5 Biscuits doggy photo contest. http://www.hi5biscuits.com/pages/contest.html (I submitted one of my favorite pupster pictures of me playing in my water bowl) If you have an extra minute to sniff around the contest page & you think I'm cute? I would appreciate your vote. thanks :) Woofs & Wags, Riley

Jeremy Hanhiniemi - 10/15/99 06:26:48


Stefan - 10/14/99 06:08:04
My Email:Pvdlinde@netspace.net.au

Hi I am one of Tim Refalo's friends nice website.

Sofie - 10/04/99 16:14:21
My Email:soffipropp_54@hotmail.com

Hi I think that your dog was very beautiful. You can mail to me if you want I live in Sweden

TIM REFALO! - 10/01/99 01:51:49
My URL:http://?


Lillian Murray - 09/16/99 02:21:21
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/7923
My Email:mrmurray@auracom.com

Moose and Holly look like great dogs. Of course they couldn't be anything but great because they are goldens. I enjoyed meeting them and visiting your page.

Chris - 09/02/99 14:50:49
My Email:leec@inac.gc.ca

Wooof, wooof, grrrrr, gggrrrrrrr. Alex, good to see you are keeping the faith. Nice site. Things have come along way since "TIA" Chris

Molly's Family - 08/20/99 12:44:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Park/7915/
My Email:pulo@videosoft.it

Wonderful site and Wonderful dogs!! May i put in my Web friends section a link to yours? Bye Ciao(i'm from Florence Italy) Federico

Denver,Chloe,Spencer - 08/15/99 19:35:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/goldens
My Email:barbmarine@att.net

We think Moose and Holly are really cute! We enjoyed our visit to your page. We will visit again soon.

Barbara - 08/15/99 19:31:39


Ause R,Sweden - 08/12/99 08:34:40
My URL:http://www.welcome.to/rowanblossom
My Email:rowanblossom@hotmail.com

Hi down under! What a lovely homepage, full of the most wonderful thing in the world=Goldens! At the moment I don't have one, sad but true, but I hope to get one soon... Love to you all from Sweden!

JimmyjarvisSadieTylerBuddyCheyannePam - 08/12/99 04:48:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/Farm/1361
My Email:ddurr@innw.net

Hello Moose and Holly Here is a special gift to you from all of us at the Golden Oldies house

Random Act of Kindness

Karin Vogt - 08/11/99 21:54:50
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~daimler
My Email:daimler@xs4all.nl

Hi to you all, what a nice Goldens you have, Moose may not have a pedigree but what a lovely face she has. Holly also is georgeous, have lots of fun together, regards, Karin and the fourlegged ones.

Petra - 08/04/99 21:50:06
My URL:http://user.online.be/pcs_veerle
My Email:pcs_veerle@unicall.be

This is a wonderful site! Gorgeous pictures, brought a smile on my face over and over again. :) The puppy pictures are adorable. I see you also have the mud-pictures. :) You have 2 very beautiful Goldens! Give them a good tummy rub from Belgium... Kind re ards, Petra

Tonny Hoevers - 08/04/99 20:51:57
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~color/golden
My Email:color@xs4all.nl

Hi, What a cute Goldens you both are and what a beautiful homepage. Thanks for visiting my homepage. Love doggietalk!!

Friendly Greetings from the Netherlands

Pam & The Golden Oldies & Lady Cheyanne - 07/31/99 18:46:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/Farm/1361
My Email:ddurr@innw.net

Hello from Walla Walla Wa from the Golden Oldies and Lady Cheyanne.. We loved your web pages..Moose and Holly are very lucky to have such a loving family..Hope you will visit our site.. We love making new friends.. Rooo Rooo to all of you We found you from a golden friend geust book.. Pam and the oldies

Barnum & Bailey - 07/31/99 14:09:53
My URL:http://www.netsrq.com/~digitaldesign
My Email:digitaldesign@netsrq.com

You think we have funny names what kind of name is moose and for a girl too!!! We like you though and we need new girlfriends so if you are ever in the USA come onover. Mum is from England and is alway being asked if she is from Aussie land.?? Go figure t at one out. See you girls

Ulla - 07/29/99 19:33:36
My URL:http://home.swipnet.se/Vassruggen
My Email:vassruggen@mbox301.swipnet.se

Thanks for Your visit on my site. Nice to here from australian dogs. One of my bitches has an australian mother, named Ramgold Roxette. Have a nice weekend! Ulla and all dogs

Leonie - 07/27/99 19:51:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/Farm/7604
My Email:lamers@zeelandnet.nl

Thanks for visiting my Golden site where you met Brando my Golden Retriever. It's nice to meet other Golden lovers from the other site of the world. We love your Golden site. There is soo much to see that we will be back soon. In the mean time. Good luck with your site.

Y.s.Nobleman - Chester - 07/24/99 23:36:30
My URL:http://start.at/Y.s.Nobleman
My Email:n_chester@hotmail.com

Thank you for signing Chester's homepage. Of course we did take a look at the homepage of your Holly and Moose. We enjoyed it, very funny pictures of your lovely golden girls! Hug from Chester.

Carmen Zita - 07/23/99 23:21:00
My URL:http://home.c2i.net/carmen/zita/zring.htm
My Email:zos@c2i.net

Hello Moose and Holly ! We enjoyed your pages a lot ! You have so many beautiful and funny pictures - Zita is wondering where she can get those antlers.... Carmen Zita + family You are welcome to come and join Zita's funny pictures !!

Karen Bebow - 07/23/99 11:30:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~midasgoldens
My Email:r-kbeb@usa.net

Hi! Your goldens are so cute! I love the picture of them with the antlers! How'd you get them to keep them on? Thanks for signing our guestbook. I love meeting fellow "Golden People!" Take care, Karen

Santana - 07/23/99 01:36:51
My URL:http://home.istar.ca/~santanna
My Email:santanna@istar.ca


Thank-you for your support for Santana's Millennium Dog 2000 Contest. I enjoyed visiting your site. Keep up the great work.

Juan - 07/22/99 08:01:07
My URL:http://www.multimania.com/juancalvo
My Email:juancalvo@evc.net

Great site you have...

Site bilingue de Juan Calvo

Jeanette Karlsson - 07/21/99 08:22:32
My URL:http://w1.155.telia.com/~u15507911
My Email:renee.jarl@telia.com

Thankīs for signing Mozartīs guestbook. You have very nice dogs. And Iīl come back See you! With Best GOlden Wishes from Sweden Jeanette and Mozart

Brad & Judy Millie & Family - 07/11/99 23:42:18
My Email:millie@powerup.com.au

Hi there Moose & Holly! Great to see you have your own web page. The Millie Corgis will have their's soon and will be able to talk to you. Luv & hugs & kisses Jessie, Lucy, Molly, Jemma, Ruby, Georgie, Dylan and Choe the Cat !!!

UMM!! - 06/19/99 13:15:49
My Email:hotmail.com

Gee the dogs are really cute but I don't know about that Im guy!! He's a bit of a goggie egg!!! SCARRYYYYY!!!!!!

Shadow & Scarlet - 06/03/99 00:40:08
My URL:http://home.surfree.com/huntington/kloving
My Email:kloving@surfree.com

you have a wonderful web site here! we throughly enjoyed our visit! especially Scarlet, she's a golden too! stop by and visit us when you get a chance!

Grandma Leonie - 06/02/99 02:14:13

It was lovely to see my granddogs!

Tiina Rajala - 05/26/99 12:32:39
My URL:http://www.kolumbus.fi/olavi.rajala/kasper
My Email:tinttu_@hotmail.com

Oh my God! Such a wonderful photo of your dogs with the red horns in their heads! Nice page!!

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