Name: Heero Yuy, (An alias) Aldin Odin Lowe Jr.(another alias) Duo Maxwell (Mus I say it?) Real name: unknown (even to himself)
Show: Gundam Wing
Nicknames: The perfect soldier,
Age: 15 (16 in Endless Waltz)
Gender: Male
Eyes: Prussian Blue
Hair: Brown
Best Friend: Duo
Most Often Paired With: Duo, Relena
Place of Origin: L1
Ethnicity: Japanese
Gundams: Wing Gundam, Gundam Epyon, Wing Zero,
Voice Actor: Mark Hildreth, (English) Hikaru Midorikawa, (Japanese)
This mysterious youth was sent from the L1 space colony cluster to fight against Oz. He goes by the alias Heero Yuy, after the martyred leader of the space colonies; his real name, like almost everything else about him, is unknown. Heero has been trained since childhood for his role as pilot of the Wing Gundam, an upbringing that has made him cold and ruthless. But thanks to his years of training, Heero has become a perfect soldier equally skilled in personal combat, explosives, and computer hacking.
Heero was orphaned as an infant, taken in first by an assasin named Odin Lowe, then by Dr. J, engeneer of hte Wing Gundam.
"Mission accepted."
"It's as simple as silencing the two of us."
"I will kill you."
"Zecks, not one of us is strong, all of humanity is weak, and that includes us as well."
"Zero, please guide me through this."
"I have killed Mariemaia. I will... never kill again. I don't have to anymore."